Well, I'm almost off all my meds because of the having a baby thing I posted about before....so that's why I'm having the anxiety and it's not in check....I may try the cool water thing when my boss gets back from lunch and I can leave the office...
It's just that so much keeps happening and changing and we're butting heads with my mom, and she's now allowing my uncle and aunt to come here in a month and stay with her until they get on their feet....and my hubby wants to have a long conversation with my uncle, which I'm all for, I think it would be good for them to talk and get to know each other, except that my hubby wants to wag his finger and place blame(which I know it does lie on my uncle, but it's like does it really need to continue to be brought up?) And there is just so much uncertainty at the moment and I feel lost.
Sorry you are suffering anxiety but if your not on melds I know Saint johns wort is good for all that kind of stuff as well as mental instability but I'm not sure if you can take it pregnant so just check with the pharmicist at the moment I'm taking magnesium complete it suppose to be a good relaxer with stress but again check if you can but I know breathing is supposed to help and maybe some tai chi but when I have anxiety I have a jasmine tea and feel that it helps me most times Hope you feel better soon
No, St. John's wort should not be taken in pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
^^^yes magnesium is great, plus do you a herbal liquid called Rescue Remedy over there? I find that works sometimes. I'm thinking of you & your family & I hope things start to get better for you all soon.
^^^yes magnesium is great, plus do you a herbal liquid called Rescue Remedy over there? I find that works sometimes. I'm thinking of you & your family & I hope things start to get better for you all soon.
I've seen rescue remedy at the stores here, Fred Meyer, Safeway, the big store that pays their employees crap and treats them like shit.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
^^^yes magnesium is great, plus do you a herbal liquid called Rescue Remedy over there? I find that works sometimes. I'm thinking of you & your family & I hope things start to get better for you all soon.
I've seen rescue remedy at the stores here, Fred Meyer, Safeway, the big store that pays their employees crap and treats them like shit.
Good to know...I'll look into it....
We are getting Keyton permanently as of tonight. My grandma is coming to stay with us for 2 weeks to help him adjust.
And of all days, I've got a killer migraine....and feel like I could throw up.
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
Here's what to look for, bright yellow should be easy to find. It's in the vitamin aisle or in the herbal remedies section.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
This rescue remedy never worked for me when I tried it but we are all different so it's worth a try but magnesium is helping me.. Hope things are working out for you all pjsiren
Thank again so much everyone....Your support means so much to me.
We are working on getting everything we need so we can get him enrolled in school. My grandma is staying with us right now to help out during the day until we get him in school.
I woke up with a little anxiety this morning, but it passed. I think once we have a routine down, it will all be ok....
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
you are doing what you can, just keep telling yourself that you are making a huge positive difference in this boy's life...
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Great news that you're getting K permanently. I hope your head is feeling better!
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Thank so much everyone. Dropped off his paperwork to the school this morning. Someone will be contacting us with the next steps....
My uncle called this morning, that just stresses me out, he wanted to know if we will fight them for Keyton once they have their shit together....I said you have to prove your shit is together....
Told Jason about it, and he says it's going to take a long time for them to prove it...not just a few short months....
So I hope they're prepared for that. My aunt has a long way to go before she's healthy again, both mentally and physically...
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
Well said what you said to the uncle Glad everything is working out I admire people like you Stay strong and Try not flirting too much with The uncle over the phone too Much with the idea of him getting him Back be strong Hope your well..
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Hey Rob, thanks! Things are going...it's ups and downs, we had a bad morning today getting ready for school. Keyton doesn't think he should have to go to school every day, he apparently doesn't like it anymore because it's a different school and he hates daycare, which he's only at briefly, but he does not like it at all. He's just having a hard time adjusting, and how do you make a 5 year old understand what's happened? You know? He has no manners whatsoever though, no one has ever taught him please and thank you and just good manners so we're having trouble with that...and he was never disciplined or told no for doing things he shouldn't, they just let him do whatever he wanted. He was a major brat this morning. And kinda has been for about the past 3 days... My aunt and uncle, his grandparents, are on their way to Oregon, and aren't going to make anything easier. They want to see him this weekend so we have to plan around all that because visits must be supervised, they don't get to see him alone and they can't take him anywhere...so my hubby is trying to plan that.
Then on top of all this, my best friend has had a horrible thing happen, she invited a friend into her home who needed a place to stay, and this friend repaid her by stealing her husband, and now they are splitting up and my bestie needs somewhere to go, because he's kicking her out of their home...so she is coming here to stay with us for a while...and she's having to leave her son behind, she's signed over temporary custody of him to his grandparents, until she can get settled and get him back. So if you guys would all pray for her too.
My opinion of her hubby was never very high, but now I really think he's just a big bag of d*cks.
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
You guys are incredibly strong....I know you can get through this. You're in my thoughts!
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Hey Rob, thanks! Things are going...it's ups and downs, we had a bad morning today getting ready for school. Keyton doesn't think he should have to go to school every day, he apparently doesn't like it anymore because it's a different school and he hates daycare, which he's only at briefly, but he does not like it at all. He's just having a hard time adjusting, and how do you make a 5 year old understand what's happened? You know? He has no manners whatsoever though, no one has ever taught him please and thank you and just good manners so we're having trouble with that...and he was never disciplined or told no for doing things he shouldn't, they just let him do whatever he wanted. He was a major brat this morning. And kinda has been for about the past 3 days... My aunt and uncle, his grandparents, are on their way to Oregon, and aren't going to make anything easier. They want to see him this weekend so we have to plan around all that because visits must be supervised, they don't get to see him alone and they can't take him anywhere...so my hubby is trying to plan that.
Then on top of all this, my best friend has had a horrible thing happen, she invited a friend into her home who needed a place to stay, and this friend repaid her by stealing her husband, and now they are splitting up and my bestie needs somewhere to go, because he's kicking her out of their home...so she is coming here to stay with us for a while...and she's having to leave her son behind, she's signed over temporary custody of him to his grandparents, until she can get settled and get him back. So if you guys would all pray for her too.
My opinion of her hubby was never very high, but now I really think he's just a big bag of d*cks.
I'll start from the bottom-- the Capt'n would be proud of your use of statement.
I'm so very sorry. It is a super hard adjustment for Keyton anyhow. More layers to his onion, a friend would say. Keep in mind that seasonal change/time change can also absolutely wreak havoc in kiddos. That may explain the wreck he has been for the last three days.
Take it easy and take care of you. My heart goes out to your friend. I cannot imagine. PM me her first name. I'll put it on my list.
PJSiren, such a lot for you to deal with. I hope you're still finding some time to take care of you, too.
Keyton's is probably testing things out, finding out just where your boundaries are, and whether you'll still love him and care for him if he acts out. Sound like things were pretty uncertain in his old home(s) so he isn't used to any consistency. Just keep doing what you're doing as much as you can, and take a breather when you can. I know you guys will get through it and with any luck things will be much calmer in a few months.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Hey Rob, thanks! Things are going...it's ups and downs, we had a bad morning today getting ready for school. Keyton doesn't think he should have to go to school every day, he apparently doesn't like it anymore because it's a different school and he hates daycare, which he's only at briefly, but he does not like it at all. He's just having a hard time adjusting, and how do you make a 5 year old understand what's happened? You know? He has no manners whatsoever though, no one has ever taught him please and thank you and just good manners so we're having trouble with that...and he was never disciplined or told no for doing things he shouldn't, they just let him do whatever he wanted. He was a major brat this morning. And kinda has been for about the past 3 days... My aunt and uncle, his grandparents, are on their way to Oregon, and aren't going to make anything easier. They want to see him this weekend so we have to plan around all that because visits must be supervised, they don't get to see him alone and they can't take him anywhere...so my hubby is trying to plan that.
Then on top of all this, my best friend has had a horrible thing happen, she invited a friend into her home who needed a place to stay, and this friend repaid her by stealing her husband, and now they are splitting up and my bestie needs somewhere to go, because he's kicking her out of their home...so she is coming here to stay with us for a while...and she's having to leave her son behind, she's signed over temporary custody of him to his grandparents, until she can get settled and get him back. So if you guys would all pray for her too.
My opinion of her hubby was never very high, but now I really think he's just a big bag of d*cks.
I'll start from the bottom-- the Capt'n would be proud of your use of statement.
I'm so very sorry. It is a super hard adjustment for Keyton anyhow. More layers to his onion, a friend would say. Keep in mind that seasonal change/time change can also absolutely wreak havoc in kiddos. That may explain the wreck he has been for the last three days.
Take it easy and take care of you. My heart goes out to your friend. I cannot imagine. PM me her first name. I'll put it on my list.
HAHA, yes I told her earlier that same thing, and she actually laughed...I'm really looking forward to her coming, we haven't seen each other in over 6 years...I hate that it's under these circumstances though.
And thank you, and yes, I am trying to find ways to take care of myself as well...I got melatonin to help me sleep...it did the trick last night, so I finally got rest, but I need to catch up on weeks of it...
Often, you are correct I think, that he is testing limits. It is hard because of everything going on and trying to help a 5 year old understand why he has to live with you, and can't live in Kentucky anymore or with the family he's always been with....
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
OMG my aunt and uncle are being ridiculous today...they started at 9am this morning by calling ME while I was walking the dogs, and my aunt left a message to text her, so I did, and told her that if they want to see Keyton they go through Jason, not me...and it took umpteen messages but I finally got that through to them and gave them his number so she calls Jason and doesn't like what he has to say, thinks he's being unreasonable, and so after that texts me again even though I told them I was going to work and couldn't talk anymore, and tells me they called CPS and CPS said my grandma could supervise the visits, um, no they didn't, we spoke to our CPS contact who agrees that Jason and I supervise, AND said if they keep up the harassment and threats that we should call the police and have them put in a mental health facility. But they blew up my phone for like 4 hours, and they think that because I said I agree with my husband and am backing him up on this, that he controls everything I say and do and is mentally abusing me. It's laughable, if I don't laugh, I will have a melt down. We don't trust them, if given the chance they would take him and go on the run kidnapping him. And my grandma couldn't stop them, that's why we need to supervise and have security measures in place. And they are all kinds of butthurt over this.
They have it in their heads that we're all conspiring against them, that my grandma and I have been conspiring for a year to take Keyton away from them even before his mother went to jail. My aunt posted this all to facebook for the world to see and called my grandma a pill popper, and all this other nonsense about how everyone is out to get them and they are so wonderful and never did anything wrong with Keyton. But CPS and the state of KY found them guilty of neglect, that ship has sailed. They think that letting him do everything he wants and not having any rules and having it be the party zone was caring for him not neglecting him.
And my aunt seems to think that we need to keep my uncle and Jason as far away from each other as possible, like my uncle who isn't much taller than me(I'm 5'6), and weighs less than me is going to kick my husband's ass...Jason is 6'5 and 300lbs, he would beat my uncle senseless if he attacked him. I don't think they realize how big Jason is...
My mom went into mama bear mode when they started threatening me and harassing me and told them to stop or she was calling the police on them.
And Jason and I have a theory that they believe because they're coming to a new state that KY can't say or do anything to keep them from getting him back and that they are just going to take him back and be on their merry way. But unfortunately for them, KY is transferring the case to OR...and they will not be getting him back any time soon.
Post edited by PJSiren on
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
I find that works sometimes. I'm thinking of you & your family & I hope things start to get better for you all soon.
- Christopher McCandless
We are getting Keyton permanently as of tonight. My grandma is coming to stay with us for 2 weeks to help him adjust.
And of all days, I've got a killer migraine....and feel like I could throw up.
Tattooed Dissident!
- Christopher McCandless
Hope things are working out for you all pjsiren
We are working on getting everything we need so we can get him enrolled in school. My grandma is staying with us right now to help out during the day until we get him in school.
I woke up with a little anxiety this morning, but it passed. I think once we have a routine down, it will all be ok....
Tattooed Dissident!
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
- Christopher McCandless
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
My uncle called this morning, that just stresses me out, he wanted to know if we will fight them for Keyton once they have their shit together....I said you have to prove your shit is together....
Told Jason about it, and he says it's going to take a long time for them to prove it...not just a few short months....
So I hope they're prepared for that. My aunt has a long way to go before she's healthy again, both mentally and physically...
Tattooed Dissident!
Glad everything is working out
I admire people like you
Stay strong and
Try not flirting too much with
The uncle over the phone too
Much with the idea of him getting him
Back be strong
Hope your well..
Tattooed Dissident!
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
My aunt and uncle, his grandparents, are on their way to Oregon, and aren't going to make anything easier. They want to see him this weekend so we have to plan around all that because visits must be supervised, they don't get to see him alone and they can't take him anywhere...so my hubby is trying to plan that.
Then on top of all this, my best friend has had a horrible thing happen, she invited a friend into her home who needed a place to stay, and this friend repaid her by stealing her husband, and now they are splitting up and my bestie needs somewhere to go, because he's kicking her out of their home...so she is coming here to stay with us for a while...and she's having to leave her son behind, she's signed over temporary custody of him to his grandparents, until she can get settled and get him back. So if you guys would all pray for her too.
My opinion of her hubby was never very high, but now I really think he's just a big bag of d*cks.
Tattooed Dissident!
Good thoughts to your friend, and of course to you and your family.
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
I'm so very sorry. It is a super hard adjustment for Keyton anyhow. More layers to his onion, a friend would say. Keep in mind that seasonal change/time change can also absolutely wreak havoc in kiddos. That may explain the wreck he has been for the last three days.
Take it easy and take care of you. My heart goes out to your friend. I cannot imagine.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Keyton's is probably testing things out, finding out just where your boundaries are, and whether you'll still love him and care for him if he acts out. Sound like things were pretty uncertain in his old home(s) so he isn't used to any consistency. Just keep doing what you're doing as much as you can, and take a breather when you can. I know you guys will get through it and with any luck things will be much calmer in a few months.
And thank you, and yes, I am trying to find ways to take care of myself as well...I got melatonin to help me sleep...it did the trick last night, so I finally got rest, but I need to catch up on weeks of it...
Often, you are correct I think, that he is testing limits. It is hard because of everything going on and trying to help a 5 year old understand why he has to live with you, and can't live in Kentucky anymore or with the family he's always been with....
Tattooed Dissident!
They have it in their heads that we're all conspiring against them, that my grandma and I have been conspiring for a year to take Keyton away from them even before his mother went to jail. My aunt posted this all to facebook for the world to see and called my grandma a pill popper, and all this other nonsense about how everyone is out to get them and they are so wonderful and never did anything wrong with Keyton. But CPS and the state of KY found them guilty of neglect, that ship has sailed. They think that letting him do everything he wants and not having any rules and having it be the party zone was caring for him not neglecting him.
And my aunt seems to think that we need to keep my uncle and Jason as far away from each other as possible, like my uncle who isn't much taller than me(I'm 5'6), and weighs less than me is going to kick my husband's ass...Jason is 6'5 and 300lbs, he would beat my uncle senseless if he attacked him. I don't think they realize how big Jason is...
My mom went into mama bear mode when they started threatening me and harassing me and told them to stop or she was calling the police on them.
And Jason and I have a theory that they believe because they're coming to a new state that KY can't say or do anything to keep them from getting him back and that they are just going to take him back and be on their merry way. But unfortunately for them, KY is transferring the case to OR...and they will not be getting him back any time soon.
Tattooed Dissident!