I know it appears bad but when Giuliani campaigned every 10th word was 9/11. And the republicans all do it. Use fear to do the work of their handlers, corporations. Osama and Jihad John are many republicans best campaign buddies. Dems do similar.
Isn't that what all politicians do? They use what they've done in the past to say what they will do in the future. It's campaigning.
True. So still don't think cartoon posted by Rod was in bad taste. Just true.
I know it appears bad but when Giuliani campaigned every 10th word was 9/11. And the republicans all do it. Use fear to do the work of their handlers, corporations. Osama and Jihad John are many republicans best campaign buddies. Dems do similar.
Isn't that what all politicians do? They use what they've done in the past to say what they will do in the future. It's campaigning. Gulliani did an excellent job leading New York during and after the worst attack on America ever.
Excellent job? What the fuck? Ask a firefighter in NYC how good of a job guillani did after 9-11. Ask him why they stopped looking for firefighters bodies after they recovered the gold under all the rubble.
Edit-don't be fooled
I don't know what you are talking about here BB. I have talked to about 30 FDNY fireman that were involved in 9-11 and the vast majority of those guys didn't have a bad word to say about how Gulliani handled his city after 9-11.
Scott, for every 30 firefighters happy with him, I'll bring you 30 who can't stand him.
I get calling him out on his comment, but c'mon. What are we, in high school with this shit?
Exactly. Republican politicians have publicly and repeatedly acted like children since the day Obama was elected.
The last part of my post you didn't quote speaks more to my state of mind.
The majority, regardless of party, are acting like immature and indignant little shits.
I was referring to the part I quoted, as I don't know what you're talking about with Michelle. But speaking of which, I'm no proud American for sure. This country has been a disgrace in the world's eye for years, starting with George W Bush. Politicians - all sides - are an embarrassment. They're bringing a country that was once great to the threshold of Hell with their refusal to get their heads out of their asses and out of lobbyists asses.
All that aside,I love how some of you on here just love to knock this country and focus on only the negative and never take the time to really think about some of the awesome and wonderful things we do for, and offer the world.It troubles me how anti American this board is.I get it,your right and freedom to feel that way,but remember A lot of blood has been spilled for our freedoms for generations and IMO it's a kick in the balls to all of them. Don't like everything those in power do but I never feel ashamed or un proud of being an American.
I'll tell you why I'm no proud American, it's not all about government you know. Look around you and you tell me how society has become in this once great nation. Tell me that the gun culture hasn't changed American culture for the worse. Tell me that police brutality isn't a national problem. Tell me that racists are fewer and fewer and more Americans are becoming open-minded and peaceful. Tell me that the poor aren't getting poorer and the 1% aren't gluttonously getting richer. Tell me the Middle Class isn't shrinking. Tell me that rich corporations aren't allowed to buy out politicians. Tell me that denial of a global science affecting our planet is warranted. Tell me that public education isn't crumbling and college is affordable. Tell me that the physical health of our people isn't crumbling with an obesity epidemic.
Because you can't.
On the flip side, we are a lucky 1st world country. We are privileged. We got to this point because of smart leaders. Now tell me where all the smart leaders are now. Tell me that wherever they are, they refuse to be bought. Where are they?
That is one very negative view.All doom and gloom.If you want to believe in all that bad shit then that's what you will see all around you.Shit man your glass isn't just 1/2 full it's broken,Discolored and a replacement is out of stock. I choose to see the good.Thats what's all around you,just take your blinders off and it's easy to see.I see acts of love and kindness and hard work everyday.Hell look at this community.Its benevolent and caring and engaging and we are all really strangers when you get down to it.But you would never know it because of the folks on here are part of what's right. We are a more exposed society.We are a more I want it now Society.All that is different then the past,but we are not bad.We are not worse off.We don't hate more.Ill give you the we are getting fatter.But as people strive for better hopefully that will change.I think there are plenty of people out there(way more good then bad) that want good.I still think there are honorable and trustful people everywhere and that will always rise above all that other shit.
That is one very negative view.All doom and gloom.If you want to believe in all that bad shit then that's what you will see all around you.Shit man your glass isn't just 1/2 full it's broken,Discolored and a replacement is out of stock. I choose to see the good.Thats what's all around you,just take your blinders off and it's easy to see.I see acts of love and kindness and hard work everyday.Hell look at this community.Its benevolent and caring and engaging and we are all really strangers when you get down to it.But you would never know it because of the folks on here are part of what's right. We are a more exposed society.We are a more I want it now Society.All that is different then the past,but we are not bad.We are not worse off.We don't hate more.Ill give you the we are getting fatter.But as people strive for better hopefully that will change.I think there are plenty of people out there(way more good then bad) that want good.I still think there are honorable and trustful people everywhere and that will always rise above all that other shit.
No kidding……reading that post was like watching that bit on SNL Debbie Downer.
I get calling him out on his comment, but c'mon. What are we, in high school with this shit?
Exactly. Republican politicians have publicly and repeatedly acted like children since the day Obama was elected.
The last part of my post you didn't quote speaks more to my state of mind.
The majority, regardless of party, are acting like immature and indignant little shits.
I was referring to the part I quoted, as I don't know what you're talking about with Michelle. But speaking of which, I'm no proud American for sure. This country has been a disgrace in the world's eye for years, starting with George W Bush. Politicians - all sides - are an embarrassment. They're bringing a country that was once great to the threshold of Hell with their refusal to get their heads out of their asses and out of lobbyists asses.
All that aside,I love how some of you on here just love to knock this country and focus on only the negative and never take the time to really think about some of the awesome and wonderful things we do for, and offer the world.It troubles me how anti American this board is.I get it,your right and freedom to feel that way,but remember A lot of blood has been spilled for our freedoms for generations and IMO it's a kick in the balls to all of them. Don't like everything those in power do but I never feel ashamed or un proud of being an American.
I'll tell you why I'm no proud American, it's not all about government you know. Look around you and you tell me how society has become in this once great nation. Tell me that the gun culture hasn't changed American culture for the worse. Tell me that police brutality isn't a national problem. Tell me that racists are fewer and fewer and more Americans are becoming open-minded and peaceful. Tell me that the poor aren't getting poorer and the 1% aren't gluttonously getting richer. Tell me the Middle Class isn't shrinking. Tell me that rich corporations aren't allowed to buy out politicians. Tell me that denial of a global science affecting our planet is warranted. Tell me that public education isn't crumbling and college is affordable. Tell me that the physical health of our people isn't crumbling with an obesity epidemic.
Because you can't.
On the flip side, we are a lucky 1st world country. We are privileged. We got to this point because of smart leaders. Now tell me where all the smart leaders are now. Tell me that wherever they are, they refuse to be bought. Where are they?
Smart leaders running Boeing, P&G, Smith and Wesson and Merck. They are succeeding.
and we have Supreme Court that gives them unlimited influence. Fuck Roberts and rest.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,711
I can understand why some of you would look at bsL's post and say, "Man, that's really negative!" But look at each point and tell us they are not true. I can't. I thinks it's healthy to have a positive outlook and I try to do that but, come on guys, don't you ever feel the same way? Do you never feel frustrated that in this country with all of its huge potential and vast (but quickly shrinking) resources, that we are squandering much of that potential and allowing a few really greedy people to make a mess of things? I'm surprised (and frankly, rather disappointed) that more people do get up in arms from time to time about how poorly and selfishly both the powers that be handle things and how so many in our country/culture acquiesce to that power and just assume that as long as we have our cheap McFranken food, cheap gas, and mindless entertainments everything is hunky dory.
It's good to be positively focused- I really believe that- but sometimes it's alright to change the lyric a little to "It's not OK, it's not OK, it's not OK".
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I can understand why some of you would look at bsL's post and say, "Man, that's really negative!" But look at each point and tell us they are not true. I can't. I thinks it's healthy to have a positive outlook and I try to do that but, come on guys, don't you ever feel the same way? Do you never feel frustrated that in this country with all of its huge potential and vast (but quickly shrinking) resources, that we are squandering much of that potential and allowing a few really greedy people to make a mess of things? I'm surprised (and frankly, rather disappointed) that more people do get up in arms from time to time about how poorly and selfishly both the powers that be handle things and how so many in our country/culture acquiesce to that power and just assume that as long as we have our cheap McFranken food, cheap gas, and mindless entertainments everything is hunky dory.
It's good to be positively focused- I really believe that- but sometimes it's alright to change the lyric a little to "It's not OK, it's not OK, it's not OK".
people do not like hearing the hard facts.
problem is, you can not fix any of these problems until you acknowledge that they exist. that is the problem with the people in this country. they can't admit that we have these problems.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
You can acknowledge the existence of all these issues.We must and it's healthy to do just that.But we don't need to embrace the overwhelming doom and gloom that some feel must accompany these issues.Where is the silver lining in that. And to Brian's point of course these points are frustrating and mind boggling.But you said it yourself."Getting up in Arms from time to time" is needed.But living under a black blanket with the weight of every issue before us does nothing but cast a darker light on our problems.And that is no way at all to move forward. Be angry with some of things that are wrong with our imperfect democracy.get mad,protest,educate others(like here
I give Obama a lot of credit. Despite being outright hated by the Republican party, he has still managed to do good things in office. And believe it or not, so did Guilini. He completely changed NYC for the better when he turned the crime rate around. (My god, did just credit not one, but two politicians? F- Me) But the public behavior an is embarrassing for this country.
Tell me. Someone tell me where any of those things I listed were not true. Gimme is right. But that refusal to admit that this country's society has gone to shit? Well, that's called living in DENIAL. Congrats. Living in a bubble, for sure.
And here, I usually can see the positive through all the bad stuff, like above, with what Guiliani did for NYC. But I don't dismiss the TRUTH about our country in order to live behind rose colored glasses. There are some serious issues with this country right now, and they will never get fixed without being acknowledged and then addressed.
To finish my last thought.If it's bad or broken,then fix it or change it with actions.Positive,move the line forward kinds of actions.Dont simmer in the bad and complain.When we as a society take the issues before us and try to make them better it shines a bright positive light on the problem and becomes part of the solution instead of adding to the problem.
You can acknowledge the existence of all these issues.We must and it's healthy to do just that.But we don't need to embrace the overwhelming doom and gloom that some feel must accompany these issues.Where is the silver lining in that. And to Brian's point of course these points are frustrating and mind boggling.But you said it yourself."Getting up in Arms from time to time" is needed.But living under a black blanket with the weight of every issue before us does nothing but cast a darker light on our problems.And that is no way at all to move forward. Be angry with some of things that are wrong with our imperfect democracy.get mad,protest,educate others(like here
Exactly. Volunteer. Help someone out who needs it. Take care of a pet. Talk to a neighbor.
Just because I brought up many problems does not mean I live cynically. I don't. Action and solutions take work. Not just seeing positively but acknowledging reality and actively working with the truth, not against it, to make a better world. It's not easy, but pretending it's a wonderful country with few problems is not the solution.
You can acknowledge the existence of all these issues.We must and it's healthy to do just that.But we don't need to embrace the overwhelming doom and gloom that some feel must accompany these issues.Where is the silver lining in that. And to Brian's point of course these points are frustrating and mind boggling.But you said it yourself."Getting up in Arms from time to time" is needed.But living under a black blanket with the weight of every issue before us does nothing but cast a darker light on our problems.And that is no way at all to move forward. Be angry with some of things that are wrong with our imperfect democracy.get mad,protest,educate others(like here
Exactly. Volunteer. Help someone out who needs it. Take care of a pet. Talk to a neighbor.
Just because I brought up many problems does not mean I live cynically. I don't. Action and solutions take work. Not just seeing positively but acknowledging reality and actively working with the truth, not against it, to make a better world. It's not easy, but pretending it's a wonderful country with few problems is not the solution.
Good to hear BSL.But it is /we are a very wonderful country and let that be the guiding force behind the changes and betterment you seek.
I can be happy and still be working to right the wrongs, yet I don't have to be proud of what U.S. society has become. Because it's nothing to be proud about. It's embarrassing how low standards have become.
I have to be afraid of the very people working to protect me because I can't trust that police officers are actually protecting and not abusing their power? Police officers are not fellow human beings, but super humans that do no wrong by societal code nor should they have the decency to treat the rest of us with respect? I have to own a gun… for protection? Protection from whom and what? R-E-S-P-E-C-T for each other as fellow humans have become embarrassingly low? I have to go into serious debt to get a college education (which allows me to get a low-paying job after school so I have to pay loans for decades)? Mid-life, I have to get paid lower than a living wage because that's what's become of U.S. jobs? I have to pay for healthcare a TON of money, when several other less-off countries offer their citizens universal healthcare? I have to eat constantly because portions are out of control and food is everywhere I look (and I have no need for self-control)? I watch one of many "news" stations because that's news, even though there is no factual info whatsoever (owned by a total of 6 corporations country-wide). I have to be wary of anyone who's not white because suddenly diversity is a bad thing? It's legal that companies get tax breaks for shipping their businesses overseas, but I should be proud that they're inadvertently killing the U.S. economy and directly affecting jobs here? I should be proud that our representatives that we vote into office choose to spar publicly like children rather than doing what's right for the country and the people? I should be proud that our leaders are choosing to dissipate the middle class because the very rich don't want to have to pay their share in taxes (thanks for that Reagan, and all the successors)? I should be proud that our leaders are seeking to cut social programs such as Social Security and Medicare? (Ugh, hello old white men, that's something you're going to be looking for, very soon). If I choose to bury my head in the sand and believe that climate change is a myth, no, a political tool… then it is? The coastlines in Bali, Indonesia aren't receding and the glaciers aren't melting? DO I NEED TO GO ON?
It's not a disposition thing. It's a denial thing. Acknowledging the downfall of a great nation is difficult. What are we, nostalgic Baby Boomers? Snap out of the denial and you are closer to being free. You've yet to acknowledge anything I've brought up.
So, tell me, or rather list, facts that make this such a wonderful country. I may agree with a lot, but that doesn't negate the bad.
I can be happy and still be working to right the wrongs, yet I don't have to be proud of what U.S. society has become. Because it's nothing to be proud about. It's embarrassing how low standards have become.
I have to be afraid of the very people working to protect me? No, I have to blindly obey that they are above the law in all instances. Police officers are not fellow human beings, but super humans that do no wrong? I have to own a gun… for protection? Protection from whom and what? I have to go into serious debt to get a college education (which allows me to get a low-paying job after school so I have to pay loans for decades)? Mid-life, I have to get paid lower than a living wage because that's what's become of U.S. jobs? I have to pay for healthcare a TON of money, when several other less-off countries offer their citizens universal healthcare? I have to eat constantly because portions are out of control and food is everywhere I look (and I have no need for self-control)? I have to watch one of many "news" stations because that's news, even though there is no factual info whatsoever (owned by a total of 6 corporations country-wide). I have to be wary of anyone who's not white because suddenly diversity is a bad thing? It's legal that companies get tax breaks for shipping their businesses overseas, but I should be proud that they're inadvertently killing the U.S. economy and directly affecting jobs here? I should be proud that our representatives that we vote into office choose to spar publicly like children rather than doing what's right for the country and the people? I should be proud that our leaders are choosing to dissipate the middle class because the very rich don't want to have to pay their share in taxes (thanks for that Reagan, and all the successors)? I should be proud that our leaders are seeking to cut social programs such as Social Security and Medicare? (Ugh, hello old white men, that's something you're going to be looking for, very soon). If I choose to bury my head in the sand and believe that climate change is a myth… then it is? The coastlines in Bali, Indonesia aren't receding and the glaciers aren't melting? DO I NEED TO GO ON?
It's not a disposition thing. It's a denial thing. Acknowledging the downfall of a great nation is difficult. What are we, nostalgic Baby Boomers? Snap out of the denial and you are closer to being free. You've yet to acknowledge anything I've brought up.
So, tell me, or rather list, facts that make this such a wonderful country. I may agree with a lot, but that doesn't negate the bad.
Good God man…. I hope I am never at a party with you. For Fuck's sake lighten up man. Everyday you wake up is a very good day, or it should be.
I can be happy and still be working to right the wrongs, yet I don't have to be proud of what U.S. society has become. Because it's nothing to be proud about. It's embarrassing how low standards have become.
I have to be afraid of the very people working to protect me? No, I have to blindly obey that they are above the law in all instances. Police officers are not fellow human beings, but super humans that do no wrong? I have to own a gun… for protection? Protection from whom and what? I have to go into serious debt to get a college education (which allows me to get a low-paying job after school so I have to pay loans for decades)? Mid-life, I have to get paid lower than a living wage because that's what's become of U.S. jobs? I have to pay for healthcare a TON of money, when several other less-off countries offer their citizens universal healthcare? I have to eat constantly because portions are out of control and food is everywhere I look (and I have no need for self-control)? I have to watch one of many "news" stations because that's news, even though there is no factual info whatsoever (owned by a total of 6 corporations country-wide). I have to be wary of anyone who's not white because suddenly diversity is a bad thing? It's legal that companies get tax breaks for shipping their businesses overseas, but I should be proud that they're inadvertently killing the U.S. economy and directly affecting jobs here? I should be proud that our representatives that we vote into office choose to spar publicly like children rather than doing what's right for the country and the people? I should be proud that our leaders are choosing to dissipate the middle class because the very rich don't want to have to pay their share in taxes (thanks for that Reagan, and all the successors)? I should be proud that our leaders are seeking to cut social programs such as Social Security and Medicare? (Ugh, hello old white men, that's something you're going to be looking for, very soon). If I choose to bury my head in the sand and believe that climate change is a myth… then it is? The coastlines in Bali, Indonesia aren't receding and the glaciers aren't melting? DO I NEED TO GO ON?
It's not a disposition thing. It's a denial thing. Acknowledging the downfall of a great nation is difficult. What are we, nostalgic Baby Boomers? Snap out of the denial and you are closer to being free. You've yet to acknowledge anything I've brought up.
So, tell me, or rather list, facts that make this such a wonderful country. I may agree with a lot, but that doesn't negate the bad.
Good God man…. I hope I am never at a party with you. For Fuck's sake lighten up man. Everyday you wake up is a very good day, or it should be.
I can be happy and still be working to right the wrongs, yet I don't have to be proud of what U.S. society has become. Because it's nothing to be proud about. It's embarrassing how low standards have become.
I have to be afraid of the very people working to protect me? No, I have to blindly obey that they are above the law in all instances. Police officers are not fellow human beings, but super humans that do no wrong? I have to own a gun… for protection? Protection from whom and what? I have to go into serious debt to get a college education (which allows me to get a low-paying job after school so I have to pay loans for decades)? Mid-life, I have to get paid lower than a living wage because that's what's become of U.S. jobs? I have to pay for healthcare a TON of money, when several other less-off countries offer their citizens universal healthcare? I have to eat constantly because portions are out of control and food is everywhere I look (and I have no need for self-control)? I have to watch one of many "news" stations because that's news, even though there is no factual info whatsoever (owned by a total of 6 corporations country-wide). I have to be wary of anyone who's not white because suddenly diversity is a bad thing? It's legal that companies get tax breaks for shipping their businesses overseas, but I should be proud that they're inadvertently killing the U.S. economy and directly affecting jobs here? I should be proud that our representatives that we vote into office choose to spar publicly like children rather than doing what's right for the country and the people? I should be proud that our leaders are choosing to dissipate the middle class because the very rich don't want to have to pay their share in taxes (thanks for that Reagan, and all the successors)? I should be proud that our leaders are seeking to cut social programs such as Social Security and Medicare? (Ugh, hello old white men, that's something you're going to be looking for, very soon). If I choose to bury my head in the sand and believe that climate change is a myth… then it is? The coastlines in Bali, Indonesia aren't receding and the glaciers aren't melting? DO I NEED TO GO ON?
It's not a disposition thing. It's a denial thing. Acknowledging the downfall of a great nation is difficult. What are we, nostalgic Baby Boomers? Snap out of the denial and you are closer to being free. You've yet to acknowledge anything I've brought up.
So, tell me, or rather list, facts that make this such a wonderful country. I may agree with a lot, but that doesn't negate the bad.
Good God man…. I hope I am never at a party with you. For Fuck's sake lighten up man. Everyday you wake up is a very good day, or it should be.
I'm sure the feelings mutual pal.
Tru dat Kid, but I sure hope to tip a few with your pleasant self at Alive one.
I can be happy and still be working to right the wrongs, yet I don't have to be proud of what U.S. society has become. Because it's nothing to be proud about. It's embarrassing how low standards have become.
I have to be afraid of the very people working to protect me? No, I have to blindly obey that they are above the law in all instances. Police officers are not fellow human beings, but super humans that do no wrong? I have to own a gun… for protection? Protection from whom and what? I have to go into serious debt to get a college education (which allows me to get a low-paying job after school so I have to pay loans for decades)? Mid-life, I have to get paid lower than a living wage because that's what's become of U.S. jobs? I have to pay for healthcare a TON of money, when several other less-off countries offer their citizens universal healthcare? I have to eat constantly because portions are out of control and food is everywhere I look (and I have no need for self-control)? I have to watch one of many "news" stations because that's news, even though there is no factual info whatsoever (owned by a total of 6 corporations country-wide). I have to be wary of anyone who's not white because suddenly diversity is a bad thing? It's legal that companies get tax breaks for shipping their businesses overseas, but I should be proud that they're inadvertently killing the U.S. economy and directly affecting jobs here? I should be proud that our representatives that we vote into office choose to spar publicly like children rather than doing what's right for the country and the people? I should be proud that our leaders are choosing to dissipate the middle class because the very rich don't want to have to pay their share in taxes (thanks for that Reagan, and all the successors)? I should be proud that our leaders are seeking to cut social programs such as Social Security and Medicare? (Ugh, hello old white men, that's something you're going to be looking for, very soon). If I choose to bury my head in the sand and believe that climate change is a myth… then it is? The coastlines in Bali, Indonesia aren't receding and the glaciers aren't melting? DO I NEED TO GO ON?
It's not a disposition thing. It's a denial thing. Acknowledging the downfall of a great nation is difficult. What are we, nostalgic Baby Boomers? Snap out of the denial and you are closer to being free. You've yet to acknowledge anything I've brought up.
So, tell me, or rather list, facts that make this such a wonderful country. I may agree with a lot, but that doesn't negate the bad.
Good God man…. I hope I am never at a party with you. For Fuck's sake lighten up man. Everyday you wake up is a very good day, or it should be.
I'm sure the feelings mutual pal.
Tru dat Kid, but I sure hope to tip a few with your pleasant self at Alive one.
You should be so honored.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,711
I can be happy and still be working to right the wrongs, yet I don't have to be proud of what U.S. society has become. Because it's nothing to be proud about. It's embarrassing how low standards have become.
I have to be afraid of the very people working to protect me? No, I have to blindly obey that they are above the law in all instances. Police officers are not fellow human beings, but super humans that do no wrong? I have to own a gun… for protection? Protection from whom and what? I have to go into serious debt to get a college education (which allows me to get a low-paying job after school so I have to pay loans for decades)? Mid-life, I have to get paid lower than a living wage because that's what's become of U.S. jobs? I have to pay for healthcare a TON of money, when several other less-off countries offer their citizens universal healthcare? I have to eat constantly because portions are out of control and food is everywhere I look (and I have no need for self-control)? I have to watch one of many "news" stations because that's news, even though there is no factual info whatsoever (owned by a total of 6 corporations country-wide). I have to be wary of anyone who's not white because suddenly diversity is a bad thing? It's legal that companies get tax breaks for shipping their businesses overseas, but I should be proud that they're inadvertently killing the U.S. economy and directly affecting jobs here? I should be proud that our representatives that we vote into office choose to spar publicly like children rather than doing what's right for the country and the people? I should be proud that our leaders are choosing to dissipate the middle class because the very rich don't want to have to pay their share in taxes (thanks for that Reagan, and all the successors)? I should be proud that our leaders are seeking to cut social programs such as Social Security and Medicare? (Ugh, hello old white men, that's something you're going to be looking for, very soon). If I choose to bury my head in the sand and believe that climate change is a myth… then it is? The coastlines in Bali, Indonesia aren't receding and the glaciers aren't melting? DO I NEED TO GO ON?
It's not a disposition thing. It's a denial thing. Acknowledging the downfall of a great nation is difficult. What are we, nostalgic Baby Boomers? Snap out of the denial and you are closer to being free. You've yet to acknowledge anything I've brought up.
So, tell me, or rather list, facts that make this such a wonderful country. I may agree with a lot, but that doesn't negate the bad.
Good God man…. I hope I am never at a party with you. For Fuck's sake lighten up man. Everyday you wake up is a very good day, or it should be.
Too bad man, I would love to party with bsl12. And I'll tell you this (and I know it to be true) this person has a heart made of gold that's as big as the moon. Don't be too quick to judge.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I couldn't disagree more with BSLs bleak take on life in America. Where apparently there is no path to success by working hard and all cops are non human Nazi thugs.The only path to higher learning is with crippling debt,And there are no jobs that pay a living wage.You say the Rich don't want to pay their fare share of taxes while pining for Deeper entitlements.Arent you complaining you have to pay aTON for healthcare while simultaneously wanting others to cover the bill? BSL,You say you are forced to eat constantly with huge portions because food is everywhere you look , you have to be wary of non whites.Arent these internal personal choices?Where does ones self responsibility come into play. I can tell you this,You can still do anything you want in this country.Anything. If you want it bad enough a person can rise above all that crap and find a good life.For those that want it and are willing to work hard can find good jobs and seek creative ways to further their learning and education.Land of oppurtunity.Sorry you can't see it. The big problem really is that not enough people want to put in the sweat equity to better themselves on their own.Too many expect a hand out,And rely on it instead of blazing their own trail.Always blaming others,religion,government,the rich,etc for what's wrong with their view of the world.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,711
I couldn't disagree more with BSLs bleak take on life in America. Where apparently there is no path to success by working hard and all cops are non human Nazi thugs.The only path to higher learning is with crippling debt,And there are no jobs that pay a living wage.You say the Rich don't want to pay their fare share of taxes while pining for Deeper entitlements.Arent you complaining you have to pay aTON for healthcare while simultaneously wanting others to cover the bill? BSL,You say you are forced to eat constantly with huge portions because food is everywhere you look , you have to be wary of non whites.Arent these internal personal choices?Where does ones self responsibility come into play. I can tell you this,You can still do anything you want in this country.Anything. If you want it bad enough a person can rise above all that crap and find a good life.For those that want it and are willing to work hard can find good jobs and seek creative ways to further their learning and education.Land of oppurtunity.Sorry you can't see it. The big problem really is that not enough people want to put in the sweat equity to better themselves on their own.Too many expect a hand out,And rely on it instead of blazing their own trail.Always blaming others,religion,government,the rich,etc for what's wrong with their view of the world.
Re the bolded above, rr, I so wish that were true. It's like the old Horacio Alger stories. Yeah, sometimes, with a lot of hard work, and some good breaks, these stories come true. Of course it's so much easier if you are white and male. The truth is (and I think you know this is true) for a LOT of people in this country, the odds are stacked against them hugely. I'd bet anything those stories were made up to make us white guys feel OK about our good fortune.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I couldn't disagree more with BSLs bleak take on life in America. Where apparently there is no path to success by working hard and all cops are non human Nazi thugs.The only path to higher learning is with crippling debt,And there are no jobs that pay a living wage.You say the Rich don't want to pay their fare share of taxes while pining for Deeper entitlements.Arent you complaining you have to pay aTON for healthcare while simultaneously wanting others to cover the bill? BSL,You say you are forced to eat constantly with huge portions because food is everywhere you look , you have to be wary of non whites.Arent these internal personal choices?Where does ones self responsibility come into play. I can tell you this,You can still do anything you want in this country.Anything. If you want it bad enough a person can rise above all that crap and find a good life.For those that want it and are willing to work hard can find good jobs and seek creative ways to further their learning and education.Land of oppurtunity.Sorry you can't see it. The big problem really is that not enough people want to put in the sweat equity to better themselves on their own.Too many expect a hand out,And rely on it instead of blazing their own trail.Always blaming others,religion,government,the rich,etc for what's wrong with their view of the world.
Re the bolded above, rr, I so wish that were true. It's like the old Horacio Alger stories. Yeah, sometimes, with a lot of hard work, and some good breaks, these stories come true. Of course it's so much easier if you are white and male. The truth is (and I think you know this is true) for a LOT of people in this country, the odds are stacked against them hugely. I'd bet anything those stories were made up to make us white guys feel OK about our good fortune.
So it's ok not to try? Use Except failure based on the cards you were dealt? Use it as an excuse? No Brian.I won't buy that.I refuse to believe in this day in age that anyone would think they can't succeed in life. Sure some have a tougher road then others,but crushing the dreams of bettering ones situation should never be a thought. I get the perspective thing and agree with the thought that it can be an easier path some and not others.but still not an excuse to not try to improve ones situation. I believe the modern day poet Edward Vedder said" He won the lottery by being born".
So it's ok not to try? Use Except failure based on the cards you were dealt? Use it as an excuse? No Brian.I won't buy that.I refuse to believe in this day in age that anyone would think they can't succeed in life. Sure some have a tougher road then others,but crushing the dreams of bettering ones situation should never be a thought. I get the perspective thing and agree with the thought that it can be an easier path some and not others.but still not an excuse to not try to improve ones situation. I believe the modern day poet Edward Vedder said" He won the lottery by being born".
Because you can't.
On the flip side, we are a lucky 1st world country. We are privileged. We got to this point because of smart leaders. Now tell me where all the smart leaders are now. Tell me that wherever they are, they refuse to be bought. Where are they?
I choose to see the good.Thats what's all around you,just take your blinders off and it's easy to see.I see acts of love and kindness and hard work everyday.Hell look at this community.Its benevolent and caring and engaging and we are all really strangers when you get down to it.But you would never know it because of the folks on here are part of what's right.
We are a more exposed society.We are a more I want it now Society.All that is different then the past,but we are not bad.We are not worse off.We don't hate more.Ill give you the we are getting fatter.But as people strive for better hopefully that will change.I think there are plenty of people out there(way more good then bad) that want good.I still think there are honorable and trustful people everywhere and that will always rise above all that other shit.
and we have Supreme Court that gives them unlimited influence. Fuck Roberts and rest.
It's good to be positively focused- I really believe that- but sometimes it's alright to change the lyric a little to "It's not OK, it's not OK, it's not OK".
problem is, you can not fix any of these problems until you acknowledge that they exist. that is the problem with the people in this country. they can't admit that we have these problems.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
And to Brian's point of course these points are frustrating and mind boggling.But you said it yourself."Getting up in Arms from time to time" is needed.But living under a black blanket with the weight of every issue before us does nothing but cast a darker light on our problems.And that is no way at all to move forward.
Be angry with some of things that are wrong with our imperfect democracy.get mad,protest,educate others(like here
Tell me. Someone tell me where any of those things I listed were not true. Gimme is right. But that refusal to admit that this country's society has gone to shit? Well, that's called living in DENIAL. Congrats. Living in a bubble, for sure.
And here, I usually can see the positive through all the bad stuff, like above, with what Guiliani did for NYC. But I don't dismiss the TRUTH about our country in order to live behind rose colored glasses. There are some serious issues with this country right now, and they will never get fixed without being acknowledged and then addressed.
Starting with the LOVE FOR GUNS.
Just because I brought up many problems does not mean I live cynically. I don't. Action and solutions take work. Not just seeing positively but acknowledging reality and actively working with the truth, not against it, to make a better world. It's not easy, but pretending it's a wonderful country with few problems is not the solution.
I have to be afraid of the very people working to protect me because I can't trust that police officers are actually protecting and not abusing their power? Police officers are not fellow human beings, but super humans that do no wrong by societal code nor should they have the decency to treat the rest of us with respect? I have to own a gun… for protection? Protection from whom and what? R-E-S-P-E-C-T for each other as fellow humans have become embarrassingly low? I have to go into serious debt to get a college education (which allows me to get a low-paying job after school so I have to pay loans for decades)? Mid-life, I have to get paid lower than a living wage because that's what's become of U.S. jobs? I have to pay for healthcare a TON of money, when several other less-off countries offer their citizens universal healthcare? I have to eat constantly because portions are out of control and food is everywhere I look (and I have no need for self-control)? I watch one of many "news" stations because that's news, even though there is no factual info whatsoever (owned by a total of 6 corporations country-wide). I have to be wary of anyone who's not white because suddenly diversity is a bad thing? It's legal that companies get tax breaks for shipping their businesses overseas, but I should be proud that they're inadvertently killing the U.S. economy and directly affecting jobs here? I should be proud that our representatives that we vote into office choose to spar publicly like children rather than doing what's right for the country and the people? I should be proud that our leaders are choosing to dissipate the middle class because the very rich don't want to have to pay their share in taxes (thanks for that Reagan, and all the successors)? I should be proud that our leaders are seeking to cut social programs such as Social Security and Medicare? (Ugh, hello old white men, that's something you're going to be looking for, very soon). If I choose to bury my head in the sand and believe that climate change is a myth, no, a political tool… then it is? The coastlines in Bali, Indonesia aren't receding and the glaciers aren't melting? DO I NEED TO GO ON?
It's not a disposition thing. It's a denial thing. Acknowledging the downfall of a great nation is difficult. What are we, nostalgic Baby Boomers? Snap out of the denial and you are closer to being free. You've yet to acknowledge anything I've brought up.
So, tell me, or rather list, facts that make this such a wonderful country. I may agree with a lot, but that doesn't negate the bad.
I couldn't disagree more with BSLs bleak take on life in America.
Where apparently there is no path to success by working hard and all cops are non human Nazi thugs.The only path to higher learning is with crippling debt,And there are no jobs that pay a living wage.You say the Rich don't want to pay their fare share of taxes while pining for Deeper entitlements.Arent you complaining you have to pay aTON for healthcare while simultaneously wanting others to cover the bill?
BSL,You say you are forced to eat constantly with huge portions because food is everywhere you look , you have to be wary of non whites.Arent these internal personal choices?Where does ones self responsibility come into play.
I can tell you this,You can still do anything you want in this country.Anything.
If you want it bad enough a person can rise above all that crap and find a good life.For those that want it and are willing to work hard can find good jobs and seek creative ways to further their learning and education.Land of oppurtunity.Sorry you can't see it.
The big problem really is that not enough people want to put in the sweat equity to better themselves on their own.Too many expect a hand out,And rely on it instead of blazing their own trail.Always blaming others,religion,government,the rich,etc for what's wrong with their view of the world.
Except failure based on the cards you were dealt? Use it as an excuse? No Brian.I won't buy that.I refuse to believe in this day in age that anyone would think they can't succeed in life.
Sure some have a tougher road then others,but crushing the dreams of bettering ones situation should never be a thought.
I get the perspective thing and agree with the thought that it can be an easier path some and not others.but still not an excuse to not try to improve ones situation.
I believe the modern day poet Edward Vedder said" He won the lottery by being born".