some people just seem to laugh a little too easily when a joke is being made by an exec. I shit you not. I thought that stuff died with the 80's. But it seems to happen to people you wouldn't even expect it to.
That's why they're where they are.
Who? The laughers, or the execs? Cause the laughers aten't any higher up than I am.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
i am the only male in my office that is not a surgeon. i work in an area with a bunch of female medical assistants. the one that sits closest to me is always talking to herself and "thinking out loud." it was so distracting that i asked to move my desk because her blabbering was breaking my concentration and slowing me down. they moved me one cubicle down, no change in the babbling or distraction...facepalm....
Then I would drive you nuts, because I do this...not constantly, but I do think outloud and talk to
Sorry...when I'm entering orders, I mumble the the order numbers out loud to myself so I can make sure I'm entering it correctly.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
i am the only male in my office that is not a surgeon. i work in an area with a bunch of female medical assistants. the one that sits closest to me is always talking to herself and "thinking out loud." it was so distracting that i asked to move my desk because her blabbering was breaking my concentration and slowing me down. they moved me one cubicle down, no change in the babbling or distraction...facepalm....
Then I would drive you nuts, because I do this...not constantly, but I do think outloud and talk to
Sorry...when I'm entering orders, I mumble the the order numbers out loud to myself so I can make sure I'm entering it correctly.
my neighbour constantly talks to herself....loud enough that I often think she's trying to talk to me. I will just shout "you talking to someone other than yourself?", and she'll yell back "nope!". maybe it would bother me if I didn't like her. which I think a lot of this can boil down to.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I didn't read the whole article (ok I just scrolled through the pictures) but the headline reminded me of a few pages back when people were talking about the "young people" in their professional lives who don't know how to talk to people aka Millennials.
When someone in another cube pulls the blinds down/closes them in my area! If you don't want or can't handle a window seat, move to the middle please. I have a great view of the Rocky Mountains and downtown Denver that I like to use to get me through the day. Also, when another Supervisor runs to a Manager rather than discussing the issue beforehand. It can get so Ghetto here sometimes!
"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." Mark Twain
I didn't read the whole article (ok I just scrolled through the pictures) but the headline reminded me of a few pages back when people were talking about the "young people" in their professional lives who don't know how to talk to people aka Millennials.
thanks...need to show this to Mr. RK, he manages some millenials, likes them, but just has a hard time getting it through their brain that deadlines are important.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I didn't read the whole article (ok I just scrolled through the pictures) but the headline reminded me of a few pages back when people were talking about the "young people" in their professional lives who don't know how to talk to people aka Millennials.
What, you dont like getting emails with you spelled u? I went back to school in my early 30's and ended up in a top 10 business school. They required an extra English course on English for Business Students. The first thing the professor said was if you send me emails with u or r or other text abreviations I wont read it nor will I reply letting you know I didn't read it. I was shocked until I realized I was the oldest person in the room (beyond the professor of course).
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
I didn't read the whole article (ok I just scrolled through the pictures) but the headline reminded me of a few pages back when people were talking about the "young people" in their professional lives who don't know how to talk to people aka Millennials.
What, you dont like getting emails with you spelled u? I went back to school in my early 30's and ended up in a top 10 business school. They required an extra English course on English for Business Students. The first thing the professor said was if you send me emails with u or r or other text abreviations I wont read it nor will I reply letting you know I didn't read it. I was shocked until I realized I was the oldest person in the room (beyond the professor of course).
I hate being the oldest kid in the room. I quit a class two years ago cuz I realized I was older than the professor. I even let him keep my book cuz he couldn't manage to get his hands on it in time for the start of the class. It was $12 on Amazon. smh. I'm gonna end up pursuing an IT/Business degree soon.
^^^^^^^^^^^IT/Business is the way to go right now. I ended up at a top 5 software company doing operations and always helped do the final tests before releases on my offices software. I got so good at it after a few years they asked me to change to a Quality Engineer. I've been doing that for 3 years now and love it more than anything else I have done. I manage the quality on 3 different types of software run by a crap load of fortune 500 retailers like MIgros in Europe, Woolworths in Australia and many more. The main thing my area does is help them manage what items are put on promotions/discount to maximize overall profit. You put hot dogs on sale, buns sales will go up. Our software helps make relationships and forecasts when to promote when and at what price and how. I feel secure and safe from layoffs which is worth a lot right now as well.
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
I didn't read the whole article (ok I just scrolled through the pictures) but the headline reminded me of a few pages back when people were talking about the "young people" in their professional lives who don't know how to talk to people aka Millennials.
thanks...need to show this to Mr. RK, he manages some millenials, likes them, but just has a hard time getting it through their brain that deadlines are important.
My wife has a very difficult time understanding the mentality of some of her staff just proclaiming they aren't working tomorrow, rather than having to ask for the day off. It's bizarre.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I didn't read the whole article (ok I just scrolled through the pictures) but the headline reminded me of a few pages back when people were talking about the "young people" in their professional lives who don't know how to talk to people aka Millennials.
thanks...need to show this to Mr. RK, he manages some millenials, likes them, but just has a hard time getting it through their brain that deadlines are important.
My wife has a very difficult time understanding the mentality of some of her staff just proclaiming they aren't working tomorrow, rather than having to ask for the day off. It's bizarre.
Hugh I know it sounds stupid but I actually was given advice to do the same. It's part of the "assertiveness" or "lean in" crap they teach the kids these days. Don't ask if you can have the day off, inform your boss you are taking a vacation/sick day. The logic being you are demonstrating self assuredness, and jedi mind tricking your superiors into realizing you won't be taken advantage of easily. I'm not kidding.
^^^^^^^^^^^IT/Business is the way to go right now. I ended up at a top 5 software company doing operations and always helped do the final tests before releases on my offices software. I got so good at it after a few years they asked me to change to a Quality Engineer. I've been doing that for 3 years now and love it more than anything else I have done. I manage the quality on 3 different types of software run by a crap load of fortune 500 retailers like MIgros in Europe, Woolworths in Australia and many more. The main thing my area does is help them manage what items are put on promotions/discount to maximize overall profit. You put hot dogs on sale, buns sales will go up. Our software helps make relationships and forecasts when to promote when and at what price and how. I feel secure and safe from layoffs which is worth a lot right now as well.
That means a lot to me, probably more than you think. It's a difficult decision I been wrestling with cuz I spent a couple years going in a different direction which is no longer a realistic option. So I've been kind of grumbling over that lost time and the effort going to waste, and I struggle with not seeing it like a failure/retreat situation (my first degree is in business) even though it's not like that at all. IT kind of intimidates me but it's what I have been leaning towards.
I didn't read the whole article (ok I just scrolled through the pictures) but the headline reminded me of a few pages back when people were talking about the "young people" in their professional lives who don't know how to talk to people aka Millennials.
thanks...need to show this to Mr. RK, he manages some millenials, likes them, but just has a hard time getting it through their brain that deadlines are important.
My wife has a very difficult time understanding the mentality of some of her staff just proclaiming they aren't working tomorrow, rather than having to ask for the day off. It's bizarre.
Hugh I know it sounds stupid but I actually was given advice to do the same. It's part of the "assertiveness" or "lean in" crap they teach the kids these days. Don't ask if you can have the day off, inform your boss you are taking a vacation/sick day. The logic being you are demonstrating self assuredness, and jedi mind tricking your superiors into realizing you won't be taken advantage of easily. I'm not kidding.
^^^^^^^^^^^IT/Business is the way to go right now. I ended up at a top 5 software company doing operations and always helped do the final tests before releases on my offices software. I got so good at it after a few years they asked me to change to a Quality Engineer. I've been doing that for 3 years now and love it more than anything else I have done. I manage the quality on 3 different types of software run by a crap load of fortune 500 retailers like MIgros in Europe, Woolworths in Australia and many more. The main thing my area does is help them manage what items are put on promotions/discount to maximize overall profit. You put hot dogs on sale, buns sales will go up. Our software helps make relationships and forecasts when to promote when and at what price and how. I feel secure and safe from layoffs which is worth a lot right now as well.
That means a lot to me, probably more than you think. It's a difficult decision I been wrestling with cuz I spent a couple years going in a different direction which is no longer a realistic option. So I've been kind of grumbling over that lost time and the effort going to waste, and I struggle with not seeing it like a failure/retreat situation (my first degree is in business) even though it's not like that at all. IT kind of intimidates me but it's what I have been leaning towards.
But that simply isn't a realistic expectation in every job situation. My wife's work requires a certain amount of coverage, so if others are away, it simply cannot be accomodated. It is also not just the demand of taking time off, they don't have the courtesy to give any notice. Most appointments are scheduled weeks or months in advance, yet have the gall to inform her they have an appt "tomorrow". Too fucking bad.
A woman I work with, who is in her 50's, has the same attitude as some of these brats. We have an online application for requesting time off. She often says to me "I won't be in tomorrow, whether its approved or not". Excuse me, but you work for the company, not the other way around. Everyone has their right to time off, but they don't have the right to be bratty children about it. Everyone is replaceable.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
girl in our office would always ask me and a fellow co-worker to translate things for her from Spanish to English through our company chat . it was cool at first but then it got to where she was asking us all the time daily etc. one day we found out she was doing a copy/paste of what we answered her. so we go tired of us doing her job and one day sent her wrong translation. in my case she asked something about an employee under her charge and I sent her text that pretty much said something along the lines that she was sexually harassing him and that is why his production was down and had quality issues....of course she did not bother reading and just copied/pasted text.....upper US management was asking about him and emailed her ,she got in a lot of trouble and she couldn't rat us out since then management would know her English sucked and she was having someone else answer for her..
girl in our office would always ask me and a fellow co-worker to translate things for her from Spanish to English through our company chat . it was cool at first but then it got to where she was asking us all the time daily etc. one day we found out she was doing a copy/paste of what we answered her. so we go tired of us doing her job and one day sent her wrong translation. in my case she asked something about an employee under her charge and I sent her text that pretty much said something along the lines that she was sexually harassing him and that is why his production was down and had quality issues....of course she did not bother reading and just copied/pasted text.....upper US management was asking about him and emailed her ,she got in a lot of trouble and she couldn't rat us out since then management would know her English sucked and she was having someone else answer for her..
girl in our office would always ask me and a fellow co-worker to translate things for her from Spanish to English through our company chat . it was cool at first but then it got to where she was asking us all the time daily etc. one day we found out she was doing a copy/paste of what we answered her. so we go tired of us doing her job and one day sent her wrong translation. in my case she asked something about an employee under her charge and I sent her text that pretty much said something along the lines that she was sexually harassing him and that is why his production was down and had quality issues....of course she did not bother reading and just copied/pasted text.....upper US management was asking about him and emailed her ,she got in a lot of trouble and she couldn't rat us out since then management would know her English sucked and she was having someone else answer for her..
does she not know about google translate?
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
people who send me paperwork with food stuck to it. gross.
OMG< I know that is so gross, at my old job I used to get medical files back from the doctors with coffee stains and other mystery food stains, it was so disgusting....
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
people who send me paperwork with food stuck to it. gross.
OMG< I know that is so gross, at my old job I used to get medical files back from the doctors with coffee stains and other mystery food stains, it was so disgusting....
I actually just paid my electric bill which I'd spilled coffee all over. The envelope and the stub were both stained with coffee. If it had been anyone else I wouldn't have sent it like that but screw those bastards. They shouldn't charge a fee to pay online if they don't want people to send coffee stained payments.
people who send me paperwork with food stuck to it. gross.
OMG< I know that is so gross, at my old job I used to get medical files back from the doctors with coffee stains and other mystery food stains, it was so disgusting....
I actually just paid my electric bill which I'd spilled coffee all over. The envelope and the stub were both stained with coffee. If it had been anyone else I wouldn't have sent it like that but screw those bastards. They shouldn't charge a fee to pay online if they don't want people to send coffee stained payments.
The hell? You have to pay for that?
I've never run into that, though we mostly pay bills through our online banking accounts.
You'd think they'd encourage folks to save paper and stamps and the like. Damned power companies - an ironic description for them, by the way.
Yea they're still stuck in 1992 mode. They want people to sign up for this 'direct payment plan' nonsense so they don't want to encourage regular online payments.
- and to keep to the topic of Hugh's thread - this newly-hired young woman I've been bitching about declared self-diagnosed sciatica to me this morning. I made sure to document our conversation since her employment is soon to be terminated and a silly lawsuit doesn't seem so far-fetched.
- and to keep to the topic of Hugh's thread - this newly-hired young woman I've been bitching about declared self-diagnosed sciatica to me this morning. I made sure to document our conversation since her employment is soon to be terminated and a silly lawsuit doesn't seem so far-fetched.
I actually have that. It is not fun. Then again, neither are frivolous lawsuits
People that "Can't work today, cause I'm in too much pain." I'm sorry... I have empathy for anyone in pain, especially chronic conditions like Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, and the likes. But, I live in constant, unending, never goes away, severe pain. Every day! I hurt from head to toe between the nueropathy and the metal in my body. It's just something I have to live with, and I do! So if my broken ass can get out of bed every day., and make it To work, so can you!!! ( oh and I should mention, I can't take any pain meds, because I run forklifts often at work, the OTC stuff doesn't TOUCH the pain, so I have to go in on NOTHING!) that bugs the SHIT outta me!
people who send me paperwork with food stuck to it. gross.
OMG< I know that is so gross, at my old job I used to get medical files back from the doctors with coffee stains and other mystery food stains, it was so disgusting....
I actually just paid my electric bill which I'd spilled coffee all over. The envelope and the stub were both stained with coffee. If it had been anyone else I wouldn't have sent it like that but screw those bastards. They shouldn't charge a fee to pay online if they don't want people to send coffee stained payments.
The hell? You have to pay for that?
I've never run into that, though we mostly pay bills through our online banking accounts.
You'd think they'd encourage folks to save paper and stamps and the like. Damned power companies - an ironic description for them, by the way.
I had to pay a 'convenience fees to pay the gas company online. When I lived in the northend, I could pay in person at a 'payment center' for free, cool! Looked it up, payment center was in ducking K-ma-part (kmart). Fuck me! So I went in there every month in sunglasses and a beanie to pay. She'd make comments, "are you paying the entire balance?" "yes" "oh lucky you, that's great you can pay it all at once huh?" :eyeroll:
Now I stop at the 7-11 ATM to pay the billl, I only have to deal with a stupid keyboard. Probably should buy a squishy from the guy...never buy anything and he always says hello & bye to me.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
People that are too nice must have ulterior motives.
No one seems to be genuine anymore.
It's scary. However I get accused of this all the time, and I am The most honest, ( to the point it irritates people, and gets me yelled at a lot), genuine person you'll probably ever meet. So in defense of the truly and sincerely 'Nicies' not all of us want something from you. Some are just genuinely nice people. We get taken Advantage of, blamed for shit, and accused of ulterior motive, but I still believe I am to be kind and good to those around me. Which is not always easy.
people who send me paperwork with food stuck to it. gross.
OMG< I know that is so gross, at my old job I used to get medical files back from the doctors with coffee stains and other mystery food stains, it was so disgusting....
I actually just paid my electric bill which I'd spilled coffee all over. The envelope and the stub were both stained with coffee. If it had been anyone else I wouldn't have sent it like that but screw those bastards. They shouldn't charge a fee to pay online if they don't want people to send coffee stained payments.
I love your little star! Makes me want to play super fact I think I will.
To keep on topic I can't stand the people that stand half in half out of en elevator talking to someone while holding up everyone in he elevator.
people who send me paperwork with food stuck to it. gross.
OMG< I know that is so gross, at my old job I used to get medical files back from the doctors with coffee stains and other mystery food stains, it was so disgusting....
I actually just paid my electric bill which I'd spilled coffee all over. The envelope and the stub were both stained with coffee. If it had been anyone else I wouldn't have sent it like that but screw those bastards. They shouldn't charge a fee to pay online if they don't want people to send coffee stained payments.
I love your little star! Makes me want to play super fact I think I will.
To keep on topic I can't stand the people that stand half in half out of en elevator talking to someone while holding up everyone in he elevator.
that drives me nuts. they don't give a shit not only about the others standing right there, being held hostage by their all-important conversation, but those on other floors waiting for it.
also, people waiting to get on the elevator, and just barge in without letting the people in the elevator off first, or standing right in front of the door, so you have to squeeze by them. and then there are those that take it a step farther who act all annoyed that you are trying to get off. "yeah, so sorry this is my floor! not much I can do about that!"
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Office/business cliches irritate the piss out of me! Case of the Mondays, think outside the box, rob Peter to pay Paul, at the end of the day, put a face to the name, 80/20 rule (whatever the fuck that is), value-added benefit (redundant), etc.
Who? The laughers, or the execs? Cause the laughers aten't any higher up than I am.
-EV 8/14/93
- Christopher McCandless
-EV 8/14/93
- Christopher McCandless
Fuckus rules all
I'm gonna end up pursuing an IT/Business degree soon.
Fuckus rules all
-EV 8/14/93
A woman I work with, who is in her 50's, has the same attitude as some of these brats. We have an online application for requesting time off. She often says to me "I won't be in tomorrow, whether its approved or not". Excuse me, but you work for the company, not the other way around. Everyone has their right to time off, but they don't have the right to be bratty children about it. Everyone is replaceable.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
- Christopher McCandless
Tattooed Dissident!
I've never run into that, though we mostly pay bills through our online banking accounts.
You'd think they'd encourage folks to save paper and stamps and the like. Damned power companies - an ironic description for them, by the way.
At least 1992 was a good year for music
Then again, neither are frivolous lawsuits
Now I stop at the 7-11 ATM to pay the billl, I only have to deal with a stupid keyboard.
Probably should buy a squishy from the guy...never buy anything and he always says hello & bye to me.
- Christopher McCandless
No one seems to be genuine anymore.
The most honest, ( to the point it irritates people, and gets me yelled at a lot), genuine person you'll probably ever meet. So in defense of the truly and sincerely 'Nicies' not all of us want something from you. Some are just genuinely nice people. We get taken Advantage of, blamed for shit, and accused of ulterior motive, but I still believe I am to be kind and good to those around me. Which is not always easy.
To keep on topic I can't stand the people that stand half in half out of en elevator talking to someone while holding up everyone in he elevator.
also, people waiting to get on the elevator, and just barge in without letting the people in the elevator off first, or standing right in front of the door, so you have to squeeze by them. and then there are those that take it a step farther who act all annoyed that you are trying to get off. "yeah, so sorry this is my floor! not much I can do about that!"
-EV 8/14/93