Asking for professionalism, courtesy, accuracy and the like - my goodness, so much to ask! Damn straight I'm going to judge someone with a poor work ethic.
I'm not lowering my standards because someone else does. That applies not only to the work environment either.
Damn straight sister! Just because I'm generally a nice person does not mean that you can take advantage of me or treat me with disrespect. I'm sick of it and will call someone out for being a shithead. I have little tolerance for self-absorbed people.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I once witnessed someone scratch their nuts and then grab a handful of peanuts from the community peanut bag. I don't eat community peanuts anymore.
like, scratching INSIDE the pants??? or outside?
Inside ... granted this was in a construction jobsite trailer, but still ... Some gruff concrete superintendent who I actually don't think he was self-conscious about what he was doing as he was having a conversation with someone when he committed the crime.
Glad I never in my life had to work in an office. Just too fidgety.
fidgety is a good word.
I wouldn't last 10 minutes in an office environment.
I always said that. 18 years later.........
I just know I wouldn't. I choose to drive a 53 foot semi, loaded with hazmat, through the streets of Chicago. I would rather do what nobody in their right mind......would ever think of doing..
Than work in an office environment.
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
An office is typically as staid or laid-back (or somewhere in-between) as the people make it.
Where I am, most wear jeans or dress definitely not tied to my desk - fortunately for my back! - have a nice large window in my office, and overall work with some really good folks. And the owners of the company take great care of their employees - healthy bonuses, monthly birthday lunches, early closings, etc.
I actually love it here, not to mention the five-minute commute.
my dad was miserable in his job for 40 an I always told myself I wouldn't do that........but I just kinda fell into through having other types of jobs in the same company......I've been a desk jockey now since 2000. And yeah, I'd rather be doing something else. I don't know how many people actually ASPIRE to working in an office! LOL
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Glad I never in my life had to work in an office. Just too fidgety.
fidgety is a good word.
I wouldn't last 10 minutes in an office environment.
I always said that. 18 years later.........
I just know I wouldn't. I choose to drive a 53 foot semi, loaded with hazmat, through the streets of Chicago. I would rather do what nobody in their right mind......would ever think of doing..
Than work in an office environment.
Actually, I would rather be run over by a 53 ft semi.... Than work in an office environment.
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I guess it's not all bad. I just happened to mention in passing I felt like having a Crown (Royal) and which my boss replied...."well, if you have a bit of a cold with me".
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
A lot of you are pretty judgmental towards your co-workers.
I would LOVE to hear your co-workers opinions towards YOU.
Especially a few of you.. Who have all the answers, to all the questions, who are Gods gift to the World. That the rest of us, who crawled out from under our rocks, just yesterday, thank the dear Lord for putting you on this planet. Hell if it wasn't for some of you, and the fact that the rest of us here have you, to lead us through life....I don't now how I/we could possibly survive on this planet without YOU!
you piss on the seat in the stall because you refuse to stand at the urinal AND refuse to lift the seat....don't you?
I stand on my secretaries desk.... Call her a weaning old hound dog... Drop my pants, urinate on her desk... Then tell her to go get me some coffee......
Although not in an Office per say ,the Famous job site Port-o-let bathroom has some of the finest hand drawn art,pornagraphy and cultural learnings on its walls of any work place. I seriously thought of taking pictures of this beautiful art and making a coffee table book. You have never seen genitalia drawn so accurately.Always some good rascist quips written to make one laugh . Nothing is quite as special as a quick stop into one of them on a hot July day here in South Florida when the pump truck is a week over do and large crews are all sharing one box.Mmmmmmm.Unless it's an emergency you don't want to enter these boxes from hell.
Not really in an office setting, but the guys operating the bull dozers will key up their radio mic during a 30 second Jim hendrix solo and tie up the radio for at least 30 seconds. That drives me crazy because if someone actually needed help or was hurt during that time, we would have to wait for that douche bag let go of the mic. It's actually very dangerous to be doing shit like that. I sent a guy home for the day after he did it 3 times by lunch.
I dislike sales people for the most part. To the people here who are sales I am of course not talking about you. There are many very cool sales people, just not that I work with. The ones I work with I find extremely wasteful with money in particular (which effects my bonus) and condescending as well. Our sales department in this specific office scaled back after over hiring for a couple of years. My development team moved into an area they used to occupy as it was a better spot. While most of us were in a meeting one of the leftover sales managers was going through our desk drawers looking for something he said was left behind by one of the people who left. The office manager was in tow telling him he couldn't do that but of course it didnt stop him. He couldn't remember where the person sat and thought that gave him permission to invade our space.
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
What I hated the most was people who would leave food in the fridge.....for days, weeks or months even. That is just disgusting, at the end of every week you should be doing a check and clean of your own science experiments. That stuff was just nasty.
Anything you lose from being honest You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
What I hated the most was people who would leave food in the fridge.....for days, weeks or months even. That is just disgusting, at the end of every week you should be doing a check and clean of your own science experiments. That stuff was just nasty.
We have signs on our office refrigerators that warn people to take their shit home or it will be thrown out on Friday evening - containers and all. Bad thing is our cleaning lady retired at the end of 2014 and the new outsourced crew doesn't really give a fuck about the fridge. And I can probably count on one hand how many ppl in the office actually clean up after themselves. Fucking ridiculous.
We have the booger problem in the bathrooms, too. I will NEVER understand that. You're in the fucking bathroom. There is plenty of toilet paper and paper towels in there for you to blow your nose into (or pick, since that seems to be your leitmotif).
And speaking of public bathrooms and things I will never, under any circumstance, understand... what's with people who take a shit and don't fucking flush the god damned toilet? HOW DO YOU FORGET TO FUCKING DO THAT?!?!! No one in the history of the universe wants to see someone else's turds stewing in the bowl when they go to take a leak.
What I hated the most was people who would leave food in the fridge.....for days, weeks or months even. That is just disgusting, at the end of every week you should be doing a check and clean of your own science experiments. That stuff was just nasty.
Since everyone is too sloppy and lazy to ever clean up after themselves in the office kitchen, i ended up cleaning it on Thursday before someone died of food poisoning after preparing their lunch there (i don't even use the kitchen, yet was the only one who bothers to clean it. Grrrrrrrrrrr.). I found a Tupperware just completely full of fucking mold on the counter, tucked behind some other Tupperware people were too lazy to put away. It was labeled "Beef mix". Whatever the fuck that is. So gross!!!
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
One place I worked at, we had a huge problem with the fridge and science experiments-they seriously expected 250 people to share 1 fridge.
The new rule was ''EVERYTHING will be tossed every Friday'. The sign was posted on the fridge in fluorescent paper, said it included Tupperware, creamer, and condiments. Of course a month later, someone posted a 2 page note on the fridge going on and on about " how could anyone throw away my favorite winnie-the-pooh Tupperware, that I've had forever".
PJ_Soul, you think your kitchen is gross? I don't even want to talk about the fridge at the clinic...OSHA would have a heart attack if they knew what happened there.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
you folks have the people who just dump their lunch in the sink and leave their dirty dishes soaking all afternoon?
We had someone like that at my current job. My favorite was when she dumped a bunch of ramen noodles in the sink and left them there. I found it at the end of the day and cleaned it up.
I was complaining about it to one of my co-workers the next morning. Later on, at lunch time, I found more noodles in the sink. Just gross. There are 8 of us sharing a large area so this time I just made an announcement to everybody, even though I knew perfectly well who had done it: "Whoever dumped noodles in the sink, would you please clean up after yourself!" The offender got up and said, "Oh, that was me, so sorry, that's the first time I've ever done that." I looked over at my co-worker that I'd complained to earlier and we both busted out laughing.
The person who'd made the mess had many such habits. She no longer works here. I felt sorry for the person who inherited her cubicle. Lots of stuff to clean out.
like, scratching INSIDE the pants??? or outside?
-EV 8/14/93
Just because I'm generally a nice person does not mean that you can take advantage of me or treat me with disrespect. I'm sick of it and will call someone out for being a shithead.
I have little tolerance for self-absorbed people.
- Christopher McCandless
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
I wouldn't last 10 minutes in an office environment.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
-EV 8/14/93
I choose to drive a 53 foot semi, loaded with hazmat, through the streets of Chicago. I would rather do what nobody in their right mind......would ever think of doing..
Than work in an office environment.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Where I am, most wear jeans or dress definitely not tied to my desk - fortunately for my back! - have a nice large window in my office, and overall work with some really good folks. And the owners of the company take great care of their employees - healthy bonuses, monthly birthday lunches, early closings, etc.
I actually love it here, not to mention the five-minute commute.
-EV 8/14/93
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
Than work in an office environment.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
I seriously thought of taking pictures of this beautiful art and making a coffee table book.
You have never seen genitalia drawn so accurately.Always some good rascist quips written to make one laugh . Nothing is quite as special as a quick stop into one of them on a hot July day here in South Florida when the pump truck is a week over do and large crews are all sharing one box.Mmmmmmm.Unless it's an emergency you don't want to enter these boxes from hell.
Fuckus rules all
Do you fine people still stab your co-workers in the back, and talk shit about them on the internet?
Or do you angels cut your co-workers a break on Friday?
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
-EV 8/14/93
That's a shame.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
-EV 8/14/93
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
We have the booger problem in the bathrooms, too. I will NEVER understand that. You're in the fucking bathroom. There is plenty of toilet paper and paper towels in there for you to blow your nose into (or pick, since that seems to be your leitmotif).
And speaking of public bathrooms and things I will never, under any circumstance, understand... what's with people who take a shit and don't fucking flush the god damned toilet? HOW DO YOU FORGET TO FUCKING DO THAT?!?!! No one in the history of the universe wants to see someone else's turds stewing in the bowl when they go to take a leak.
People are fucking gross.
The new rule was ''EVERYTHING will be tossed every Friday'. The sign was posted on the fridge in fluorescent paper, said it included Tupperware, creamer, and condiments. Of course a month later, someone posted a 2 page note on the fridge going on and on about " how could anyone throw away my favorite winnie-the-pooh Tupperware, that I've had forever".
PJ_Soul, you think your kitchen is gross? I don't even want to talk about the fridge at the clinic...OSHA would have a heart attack if they knew what happened there.
- Christopher McCandless
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
I was complaining about it to one of my co-workers the next morning. Later on, at lunch time, I found more noodles in the sink. Just gross. There are 8 of us sharing a large area so this time I just made an announcement to everybody, even though I knew perfectly well who had done it: "Whoever dumped noodles in the sink, would you please clean up after yourself!" The offender got up and said, "Oh, that was me, so sorry, that's the first time I've ever done that." I looked over at my co-worker that I'd complained to earlier and we both busted out laughing.
The person who'd made the mess had many such habits. She no longer works here. I felt sorry for the person who inherited her cubicle. Lots of stuff to clean out.