People that take conference calls at their desk. Go into a fucking conference room....the whole floor doesn't need to hear it.
one guy at an office I worked at would use speaker phone...ALL THE TIME, EVERY SINGLE CALL...and he had an office, and left the door open.
also cannot stand: *clipping nails at their desk and letting the nails fly everywhere *heating up lunch and letting it explode all over the microwave and not cleaning it up *making microwave popcorn-pushing the 'popcorn' button, and walking away. *when the reps would come in and it was my day off...they would leave me a little gift, and the other employees would open it, eat it, or whatever, and I would find the half eaten box of chocolate or opened gift on my desk. *people who go through my desk and steal shit, good pens, notepads (ones that I bought, not provided by the company), CDs, mugs, lotion, lip balm, etc. *eating my lunch for me-whether it be leftover teriyaki or brought from home, and leaving the empty container in the fridge so I thought I still had a lunch. *waiting until 10 minutes before I leave to tell me they need something (that takes 30+ minutes to do) done...*now* -everybody knows everybody else's schedule because it's posted on the fucking wall *when I would go somewhere for lunch and someone would always say, "oh, you should have told me you were going there, I would have asked you to pick something up for me"...'uh...*you* never tell me when you're going out to get lunch'
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
We had a guy that would steal lunches from the fridge (not mine, but we have shift workers that do pretty tough jobs). Someone hid their phone one day and hit record and they found out who was doing it. I heard he got a prison style beat-down.
We had a guy that would steal lunches from the fridge (not mine, but we have shift workers that do pretty tough jobs). Someone hid their phone one day and hit record and they found out who was doing it. I heard he got a prison style beat-down.
I was on the verge of making ex-lax brownies...
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
one guy I worked with for a while would just yell "HOMER!" or "BART!" in a really bad Marge Simpson voice. out of nowhere. all the time. completely random. it was W-E-I-R-D.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Although...years ago I was office manager for a real estate company. One day, found one of secretaries wasted and passed out - excuse me, "sleeping" under her boss' desk. And we had another chick there who would flash her southern business to our leasing reps. Pretty girl but skanky as hell.
We had a guy that would steal lunches from the fridge (not mine, but we have shift workers that do pretty tough jobs). Someone hid their phone one day and hit record and they found out who was doing it. I heard he got a prison style beat-down.
I was on the verge of making ex-lax brownies...
one girl I worked with in a warehouse once told me this (I assume it was a) tall tale about how someone would always steal her pepsi can from the fridge. one day, she injected it with a laxative. she found out who it was by who was running to the bathroom after lunch.
true or not, made me laugh.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
People that take conference calls at their desk. Go into a fucking conference room....the whole floor doesn't need to hear it.
one guy at an office I worked at would use speaker phone...ALL THE TIME, EVERY SINGLE CALL...and he had an office, and left the door open.
also cannot stand: *clipping nails at their desk and letting the nails fly everywhere *heating up lunch and letting it explode all over the microwave and not cleaning it up *making microwave popcorn-pushing the 'popcorn' button, and walking away. *when the reps would come in and it was my day off...they would leave me a little gift, and the other employees would open it, eat it, or whatever, and I would find the half eaten box of chocolate or opened gift on my desk. *people who go through my desk and steal shit, good pens, notepads (ones that I bought, not provided by the company), CDs, mugs, lotion, lip balm, etc. *eating my lunch for me-whether it be leftover teriyaki or brought from home, and leaving the empty container in the fridge so I thought I still had a lunch. *waiting until 10 minutes before I leave to tell me they need something (that takes 30+ minutes to do) done...*now* -everybody knows everybody else's schedule because it's posted on the fucking wall *when I would go somewhere for lunch and someone would always say, "oh, you should have told me you were going there, I would have asked you to pick something up for me"...'uh...*you* never tell me when you're going out to get lunch'
where in the fuck do you work? people steal shit? people open your food and eat it and leave evidence without giving a shit? jesus. that's harsh.
the fat girl who works the front desk is always giving me shit when I come back to the office with a bag of food for not telling her where I was going so I could pick something up for her ("I would have gotten you to stop at such-and-such). you have legs. you have a lunch hour. fuck off. get your own shit. I'm not running errands for you. pig.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I'm dealing with a really fucked up temp right now. He's not stupid or anything. But he's got a completely defective personality. He is SUPER unfriendly, never talks to anyone even though he's sitting right in the middle of all of us in an open concept office, has no emotions besides arrogance and and I think smugness - he is completely stone-faced unless rolling his eyes or rudely smirking - and he clearly has a problem with authority. He seems to think he knows how to do his job better than the person training him to do it (that would be me). When you try and engage him in conversation he just gives one word answers and that's it... no reciprocal questions, NOTHING. So basically the worst conversationalist in the entire world. I'm really starting to hate this dude! I'm trying really hard to give him a fair shake and not be too judgmental of his shitty personality and overall bad attitude, but this is getting ridiculous. He's been here for almost a month now, so none of this can be chalked up to nerves or anything. And he's on a 3 month contract, so we can't get rid of him for a while. Sigh. Can't wait for him to go away. There are few people I have met that are more unlikeable and BORING.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
A guy in my office screams on the phone. It's impossible to talk to someone else when he is on the phone because he talks so loud. I have told him that they can hear him if he talks normally. He says he's hard of hearing and can't hear himself talk. But when he's not in the phone, he talks in a normal voice.
Our office is pretty chill for a high stress place,so I can't really call the girls out that are in the office. All clean and polite,With the exception of 2 of them love onions (I hate them) and one tends to lean in when discussing stuff she dosent want others to hear.And she's a talker so I have to deal with that straight up onion/coffee breath from her after lunch pretty much daily. That's pretty harsh.But she's a great person otherwise so I just kinda hold my breath when she talks.
where in the fuck do you work? people steal shit? people open your food and eat it and leave evidence without giving a shit? jesus. that's harsh.
the fat girl who works the front desk is always giving me shit when I come back to the office with a bag of food for not telling her where I was going so I could pick something up for her ("I would have gotten you to stop at such-and-such). you have legs. you have a lunch hour. fuck off. get your own shit. I'm not running errands for you. pig.
all of those things happened in a corporate office and a medical clinic. Corporate office was where we were paid fairly's not like people there *couldn't* buy lunch. Though, they had to put up a sign in the men's bathroom, "please do not wipe your boogers on the wall" Medical clinic we were paid shit wages, most of the staff were 20-somethings that still acted like they were in HS.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
oh, thank gawd I don't have to worry about any of that anymore.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
and then some guy wiped his boogers on the sign...somebody I worked with took a pic of it.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I am so glad everyone in my office is cool, of course I'm the only who works there so that may be why. Also that booger thing, WTF! Who, why.....I can't even....
Anything you lose from being honest You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
Yep...we have boogie people too. Sucks because I'm a gagger. Sitting on the can and seeing one or even on the urinal partition fucks my day up.
That's what she said (I can never resist )
We just hired someone to assist me and a few others. Nice enough but my god, her eyes go vacant when I'm explaining something - when any of us are. Sloppy work, no care toward accuracy or basic formatting of documents.
Is there really such a dearth of qualified people out there?
Yep...we have boogie people too. Sucks because I'm a gagger. Sitting on the can and seeing one or even on the urinal partition fucks my day up.
That's what she said (I can never resist )
We just hired someone to assist me and a few others. Nice enough but my god, her eyes go vacant when I'm explaining something - when any of us are. Sloppy work, no care toward accuracy or basic formatting of documents.
Is there really such a dearth of qualified people out there?
I blame young people and their ways.
I've met Rob
This place is dead
Yep...we have boogie people too. Sucks because I'm a gagger. Sitting on the can and seeing one or even on the urinal partition fucks my day up.
That's what she said (I can never resist )
We just hired someone to assist me and a few others. Nice enough but my god, her eyes go vacant when I'm explaining something - when any of us are. Sloppy work, no care toward accuracy or basic formatting of documents.
Is there really such a dearth of qualified people out there?
that was the first thought that came to my mind as well! ah, The Office has ruined me. LOL
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
A lot of you are pretty judgmental towards your co-workers.
I would LOVE to hear your co-workers opinions towards YOU.
Especially a few of you.. Who have all the answers, to all the questions, who are Gods gift to the World. That the rest of us, who crawled out from under our rocks, just yesterday, thank the dear Lord for putting you on this planet. Hell if it wasn't for some of you, and the fact that the rest of us here have you, to lead us through life....I don't now how I/we could possibly survive on this planet without YOU!
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
A lot of you are pretty judgmental towards your co-workers.
I would LOVE to hear your co-workers opinions towards YOU.
Especially a few of you.. Who have all the answers, to all the questions, who are Gods gift to the World. That the rest of us, who crawled out from under our rocks, just yesterday, thank the dear Lord for putting you on this planet. Hell if it wasn't for some of you, and the fact that the rest of us here have you, to lead us through life....I don't now how I/we could possibly survive on this planet without YOU!
you piss on the seat in the stall because you refuse to stand at the urinal AND refuse to lift the seat....don't you?
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
A lot of you are pretty judgmental towards your co-workers.
I would LOVE to hear your co-workers opinions towards YOU.
Especially a few of you.. Who have all the answers, to all the questions, who are Gods gift to the World. That the rest of us, who crawled out from under our rocks, just yesterday, thank the dear Lord for putting you on this planet. Hell if it wasn't for some of you, and the fact that the rest of us here have you, to lead us through life....I don't now how I/we could possibly survive on this planet without YOU!
you piss on the seat in the stall because you refuse to stand at the urinal AND refuse to lift the seat....don't you?
I stand on my secretaries desk.... Call her a weaning old hound dog... Drop my pants, urinate on her desk... Then tell her to go get me some coffee......
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
A lot of you are pretty judgmental towards your co-workers.
I would LOVE to hear your co-workers opinions towards YOU.
Especially a few of you.. Who have all the answers, to all the questions, who are Gods gift to the World. That the rest of us, who crawled out from under our rocks, just yesterday, thank the dear Lord for putting you on this planet. Hell if it wasn't for some of you, and the fact that the rest of us here have you, to lead us through life....I don't now how I/we could possibly survive on this planet without YOU!
you piss on the seat in the stall because you refuse to stand at the urinal AND refuse to lift the seat....don't you?
I stand on my secretaries desk.... Call her a weaning old hound dog... Drop my pants, urinate on her desk... Then tell her to go get me some coffee......
booger wiper.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
A lot of you are pretty judgmental towards your co-workers.
I would LOVE to hear your co-workers opinions towards YOU.
Especially a few of you.. Who have all the answers, to all the questions, who are Gods gift to the World. That the rest of us, who crawled out from under our rocks, just yesterday, thank the dear Lord for putting you on this planet. Hell if it wasn't for some of you, and the fact that the rest of us here have you, to lead us through life....I don't now how I/we could possibly survive on this planet without YOU!
Asking for professionalism, courtesy, accuracy and the like - my goodness, so much to ask! Damn straight I'm going to judge someone with a poor work ethic.
I'm not lowering my standards because someone else does. That applies not only to the work environment either.
A lot of you are pretty judgmental towards your co-workers.
I would LOVE to hear your co-workers opinions towards YOU.
Especially a few of you.. Who have all the answers, to all the questions, who are Gods gift to the World. That the rest of us, who crawled out from under our rocks, just yesterday, thank the dear Lord for putting you on this planet. Hell if it wasn't for some of you, and the fact that the rest of us here have you, to lead us through life....I don't now how I/we could possibly survive on this planet without YOU!
Asking for professionalism, courtesy, accuracy and the like - my goodness, so much to ask! Damn straight I'm going to judge someone with a poor work ethic.
I'm not lowering my standards because someone else does. That applies not only to the work environment either.
you are familiar with Speedy, aren't you? if not, Speedy...Hedonist....Hedonist....Speedy......
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
A lot of you are pretty judgmental towards your co-workers.
I would LOVE to hear your co-workers opinions towards YOU.
Especially a few of you.. Who have all the answers, to all the questions, who are Gods gift to the World. That the rest of us, who crawled out from under our rocks, just yesterday, thank the dear Lord for putting you on this planet. Hell if it wasn't for some of you, and the fact that the rest of us here have you, to lead us through life....I don't now how I/we could possibly survive on this planet without YOU!
Asking for professionalism, courtesy, accuracy and the like - my goodness, so much to ask! Damn straight I'm going to judge someone with a poor work ethic.
I'm not lowering my standards because someone else does. That applies not only to the work environment either.
Praise the Lord! Halleluhaj!!!
You are not lowering your standards? Really?
How long have you/me been posting on this board? Hahahahahaha We have BOTH lowered our standards, the day we started posting here!
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
also cannot stand:
*clipping nails at their desk and letting the nails fly everywhere
*heating up lunch and letting it explode all over the microwave and not cleaning it up
*making microwave popcorn-pushing the 'popcorn' button, and walking away.
*when the reps would come in and it was my day off...they would leave me a little gift, and the other employees would open it, eat it, or whatever, and I would find the half eaten box of chocolate or opened gift on my desk.
*people who go through my desk and steal shit, good pens, notepads (ones that I bought, not provided by the company), CDs, mugs, lotion, lip balm, etc.
*eating my lunch for me-whether it be leftover teriyaki or brought from home, and leaving the empty container in the fridge so I thought I still had a lunch.
*waiting until 10 minutes before I leave to tell me they need something (that takes 30+ minutes to do) done...*now* -everybody knows everybody else's schedule because it's posted on the fucking wall
*when I would go somewhere for lunch and someone would always say, "oh, you should have told me you were going there, I would have asked you to pick something up for me"...'uh...*you* never tell me when you're going out to get lunch'
- Christopher McCandless
- Christopher McCandless
-EV 8/14/93
Although...years ago I was office manager for a real estate company. One day, found one of secretaries wasted and passed out - excuse me, "sleeping" under her boss' desk. And we had another chick there who would flash her southern business to our leasing reps. Pretty girl but skanky as hell.
true or not, made me laugh.
-EV 8/14/93
the fat girl who works the front desk is always giving me shit when I come back to the office with a bag of food for not telling her where I was going so I could pick something up for her ("I would have gotten you to stop at such-and-such). you have legs. you have a lunch hour. fuck off. get your own shit. I'm not running errands for you. pig.
-EV 8/14/93
That's pretty harsh.But she's a great person otherwise so I just kinda hold my breath when she talks.
Corporate office was where we were paid fairly's not like people there *couldn't* buy lunch. Though, they had to put up a sign in the men's bathroom, "please do not wipe your boogers on the wall"
Medical clinic we were paid shit wages, most of the staff were 20-somethings that still acted like they were in HS.
- Christopher McCandless
- Christopher McCandless
-EV 8/14/93
- Christopher McCandless
-EV 8/14/93
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
Also that booger thing, WTF! Who, why.....I can't even....
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
We just hired someone to assist me and a few others. Nice enough but my god, her eyes go vacant when I'm explaining something - when any of us are. Sloppy work, no care toward accuracy or basic formatting of documents.
Is there really such a dearth of qualified people out there?
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
-EV 8/14/93
I would LOVE to hear your co-workers opinions towards YOU.
Especially a few of you..
Who have all the answers, to all the questions, who are Gods gift to the World. That the rest of us, who crawled out from under our rocks, just yesterday, thank the dear Lord for putting you on this planet.
Hell if it wasn't for some of you, and the fact that the rest of us here have you, to lead us through life....I don't now how I/we could possibly survive on this planet without YOU!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
-EV 8/14/93
Call her a weaning old hound dog...
Drop my pants, urinate on her desk...
Then tell her to go get me some coffee......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
booger wiper.
-EV 8/14/93
I'm not lowering my standards because someone else does. That applies not only to the work environment either.
-EV 8/14/93
You are not lowering your standards?
How long have you/me been posting on this board? Hahahahahaha
We have BOTH lowered our standards, the day we started posting here!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....