Regal and other theatres pull "The Interview"
Charleston, SC Posts: 8,661
Regal theatres and many others are refusing to play Sony's movie The Interview due to threats from hackers. I'm not sure this is a good idea. So now all someone has to do is threaten us with a 9/11 type attack if they release a movie that makes fun of a ruthless dictator? Unbelievable.
Post edited by Last-12-Exit on
It's not like this is the first movie to make fun of a foreign leader. I think this is absurd.
Didn't Naked Gun do this a while back? I don't recall any backlash from it.
People do realize that Sandra Bullock didn't actually save the kid from Blind Side, right?
Tom Hanks wasn't personally involved in the Private Ryan fiasco.
And on.
These are ACTORS.
our cia doesn't ACTUALLY arrange to have foreign leaders taken out, does not prop up the ones we like, and never wages any coups, now does it??
oh yeah....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
...or not?
This isn't about kidding around, stupid movie antics. Sony movies are messing with a real life dictator and you'd think they'd know that before filming. We don't live in a safe world anymore, we all know that. This just makes America look even more stupid than we already are. They could have been careful… But then, the scene they chose to use for publicity purposes? It was the scene with the woman suggesting to Seth Rogan and the other guy that they "take the leader of N. Korea out". And they respond? "What, we take him out… to dinner?" And so on. Just so stupid on their part.
We live a bubble here in this 1st world country. When we mess with other countries' leaders, even though it's supposed to be in jest, doesn't mean that they take it in jest.
Sure I get decorum and tact, but generally I don't hold back if someone's soft feelings may get unnecessarily hurt.
And being more careful - does that apply to the PR side of things, or making the film itself?
I'm actually not a fan of either actor and doubt I'll ever see the film. But their right to make it - fuckin a, totally behind it.
I wonder if this is indicative of how much power people place on and in this fucking industry, the people who run it, and those who pretend for a living (and are idolized for it).
I completely disagree with your opinion. We don't live in a bubble. It's a movie. If north Korea is going to threaten the United states with an 9/11 like attack over a movie, it may very well be time to turn fiction into reality.
Tell me. How many and which countries have you been to?
Perhaps they should stick with sports stories, SEQUELS (they're excellent at that), romantic comedies, and weed-induced dumb comedies.
I put the burden of stupidity on the reaction of NK.
(for the record, I've been to many countries though like Last-12, I'm not sure how that ties into thoughts and opinions on this).
It is silly to think that the US can't make movies or tv shows based on terrorists without having to fear retaliation. I doubt north Korea does a damn thing when this movie is eventually released. It would be a bad move for them.
I would if I had a good idea, and might not give more than a shit about that bad boy's feelings
I still can't believe that a movie (yes, a fucking movie) has led to all of this. Whether you agree with the subject of the movie is irrelevant. They are being censored based on the reactions of an insane dictator.
Key word being INSANE. What were they thinking?