Enhanced Interrogation Techniques and Torturing Some Folks Memos
The US Senate’s intelligence committee should release as planned its report summary on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)’s detention and interrogation program, Human Rights Watch said today. The White House’s expressed support for the release has been undermined by statements from the State Department raising concerns over the timing of the release and possible foreign policy implications.
Here is a nice interactive guide from the ACLU illustrating all those involved in the enhanced interrogation techniques
Here is a nice interactive guide from the ACLU illustrating all those involved in the enhanced interrogation techniques
U.S. government documents released through years of litigation and advocacy by the ACLU show that after 9/11, many hundreds of people were abused or tortured by the CIA and Department of Defense, primarily in Afghanistan, Guantánamo, and Iraq, but also in other countries after unlawful rendition. Approximately 200 people died in U.S. custody, including at least a dozen during or shortly after interrogations. The records show that these illegal policies and actions were devised and approved at the highest levels of the Bush administration – but our nation has done little to make amends for the crimes committed, or to hold to account those who orchestrated the torture program.
“One, do you think waterboarding is torture? And two, do you think the president can order something like waterboarding even though it’s against U.S. and international law?’’
Mr. Giuliani responded: “O.K. First of all, I don’t believe the attorney general designate in any way was unclear on torture. I think Democrats said that; I don’t think he was.’’
Ms. Gustitus said: “He said he didn’t know if waterboarding is torture.”
Mr. Giuliani said: “Well, I’m not sure it is either. I’m not sure it is either. It depends on how it’s done. It depends on the circumstances. It depends on who does it. I think the way it’s been defined in the media, it shouldn’t be done. The way in which they have described it, particularly in the liberal media. So I would say, if that’s the description of it, then I can agree, that it shouldn’t be done. But I have to see what the real description of it is. Because I’ve learned something being in public life as long as I have. And I hate to shock anybody with this, but the newspapers don’t always describe it accurately.”
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
These subcommittees got detailed information on how the intelligence was gathered. That's why I do not think there will be anything new that comes from this report. And that it was a huge waste of taxpayer dollars.
Given that the "architects of torture" are already offering rebuttals and excuses before the report has been released, I'm thinking we will read more than loud music, sleep deprivation barking dogs and waterboarding.
These fuckers lop off heads and blow up children and we are worried about pouring water on some scum bag.We are too nice.What the hell are we releasing this for anyway,just stupid.
BTW...We are pretty good a killing children. I can post some examples some even show pictures if you like.
Not saying the US is Nazi-bad, but how can you hold the moral superiority it takes to police the world when you are performing renditions and torture. On top of that, as JC pointed out, these evil people will need a few more years of mayhem under their belt before they have blown up as many children as we have. If you are going to hinge the argument for torture on our subjective moral superiority, you have no leg to stand on.
Torture doesn’t work. Waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11, did not in fact “produce the intelligence that allowed us to get Osama bin Laden," as former Vice President Dick Cheney asserted in 2011. Those are among the central findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA interrogation and detention after 9/11.
The report’s executive summary is expected to be released Tuesday. After reviewing thousands of the CIA’s own documents, the committee has concluded that torture was ineffective as an intelligence-gathering technique. Torture produced little information of value, and what little it did produce could’ve been gained through humane, legal methods that uphold American ideals.
To see how little accountability there still is for national security state officials, recall that the CIA got caught spying on the Senate Committee and then lying about it, yet John Brennan kept his job as CIA Director (just as James Clapper is still Director of National Intelligence despite getting caught lying about NSA domestic spying). Any decent person, by definition, would react with revulsion to today’s report, but nobody should react with confidence that its release will help prevent future occurrences by a national security state that resides far beyond democratic accountability, let alone the law.
Those that commit war crimes are awarded medals and promotions, those that report war crimes are prisoned for life.
CIA officers "are patriots, and whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contributions to our country, it is way off base," George W. Bush said Sunday in an interview on CNN.
ABDUL: Ahmed, why won’t you come with me to attack the infidels? You are not outraged that the United States has invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and caused so much suffering in two Muslim countries?
AHMED: It’s not enough for me to take up arms.
ABDUL: You are not outraged that in the past three years the great Zionist oppressor has waged air campaigns against two Arab countries — Syria and Libya — and accomplished little but to extend the suffering of our Muslim brothers and sisters?
AHMED: It’s not enough for me to take up arms.
ABDUL: You are not outraged that the great Western imperialist power has launched drone strikes with impunity in two other countries — Yemen and Pakistan — killing scores of innocent Muslim families in the process?
AHMED: It’s not enough for me to take up arms.
ABDUL: You are not outraged that the infidel superpower has defended Israel as that Zionist pig-state has done nothing but displace, bomb and humiliate our Palestinian brothers and sisters?
AHMED: It’s not enough for me to take up arms.
ABDUL: You are not outraged that two successive U.S. presidents, in two flowery speeches, have claimed that the United States wants to bring human rights and democracy to the Middle East, only to tolerate authoritarian crackdowns in Egypt and the Gulf states?
AHMED: It’s not enough for me to take up arms.
ABDUL: You are not outraged about all the stories of infidels torturing our Muslim brothers in Abu Ghraib, in Bagram, in Guantanamo Bay? The stories about infidel soldiers desecrating the Koran?
AHMED: It’s not enough for me to take up arms.
ABDUL: You are not outraged by the just-released Senate report about CIA torture?
AHMED: Wait, did you say ‘Senate report’? Okay, I will take up arms now.
Proctoclysis – rectal rehydration
Rectal infusion (proctoclysis) was effectively employed as an emergency treatment during the First World War for combat casualties and routinely used for infusion in clinical settings before the development of IV techniques and equipment rendered the technique redundant.(1) In 2005 a now often cited article described an occasion where improvised proctoclysis in a remote setting was effectively used to treat and initially stabilise a casualty in a remote setting, re-igniting discussion on this technique as an emergency treatment in a remote environment. (2)
Rectal Rehydration can provide a simple, safe and effective means to rehydrate a casualty who is unconscious or nauseous and with less risk of adversely affecting their haemodynamic balance. The technique requires neither sterile fluids, special equipment or specific training (3, 4)
Proctclysis may be of benefit for those who work in developing countries or rural areas, where there can be little access to hospital care or where sterile cannula, fluids and giving sets are expensive. It could also be useful in mass casualty situations where clinical teams must administer fluid resuscitation despite having insufficient intravenous equipment or nursing staff. (5) The primary aim of proctoclysis in such emergency situations is to provide initial fluid resuscitation in advance of rapid evacuation for further care in a dedicated medical facility. (2)
Rectal Hydration (proctoclysis) Rectal hydration is an alternative only when other resources are not available. A 22 French nasogastric catheter can be inserted approximately 40 cm into the rectum. The patient can be positioned as for any rectal procedure. Tap water can be used, and the rectal infusion increased from 100 ml to a maximum of 400 ml per hour, unless fluid leakage occurs before the maximum volume is achieved. The majority of patients can successfully tolerate this approach at a volume of 100 to 200 ml per hour.
"No records to indicate CIA held personnel accountable for detention of individuals CIA itself determined were wrongfully detained"