Hitler did this during WWII to England and the reason he did it was to brake the will of the English people and drive them into submission, as aweful as this is it is war and unfortunatly this what happens during war espically when dealing with an underdeveloped country. everybody screams here at the train "they're killing inocent civilans and babies" and I agree/believe it's a sin they will pay for...but guess what ?...it's a war and the dirty business of war kills without seperation, it does not matter what one side or the other wants because to one side or the other the means to an end is only thru war and war's kill everybody not just the bad guy's ("war is hell - G.Patton)
It's not a war, it's a massacre.
war...massacre it's all the same for one side or the other, was hitlers extermination of the Jews a massacre ?,was the civil war a massacre ?...patata potato.
Get serious.
Hitler's extermination of the Jews is completely different than the Civil War. They're not even close: one was about independence and one was about ethnicity. Fighting for independence and freedom is completely different than trying to ethnically cleanse the landscape.
I know man but dead is dead and both were wars right ? the reason does not matter at the bottom line.
No. Hitler's systematic and attack on the Jews was organized mass murder. Casualties here died indignantly behind barbed wire wearing pajamas or nothing at all.
The Civil War featured two warring factions. Casualties here died with weapons in their hands.
I get what you are saying with regards to the bottom line... but let's not think of the Holocaust as 'war'. It wasn't. It was a sick sideshow to Germany's war.
We can agree to disagree if you wish... but we should probably leave this specific discussion for another point in time to maintain the integrity of this thread. Have a good day/night... and fix the damn spelling of 'since' in your stupid poll thread!
names of palestinian children killed in this offensive. it is just paint, but every one of them was a living, innocent, child who was butchered by the idf.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
A world of horrors. A world-wide web connects most of the planet and still it goes on. Fucking horrors.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
The IDF are fucking cowards. They're deliberately targeting civilians because they know they'll get arses whooped fighting the men of Hamas and the Al Qassam brigades, just like they got their asses handed to them on a plate by Hezbollah during their massacre of Lebanese civilians in 2006.
Fucken pig. What a piece of shit. Real man right there. All you Israeli citizens who support this massacre should be proud of this real man. Killing children intentionally? I thought they swear they aren't targeting them. And here's an asshole who admits it. What a fucken real man. Let's all sing cumbia.
Edit- this is one asshole id love to meet in person.
Fucken pig. What a piece of shit. Real man right there. All you Israeli citizens who support this massacre should be proud of this real man. Killing children intentionally? I thought they swear they aren't targeting them. And here's an asshole who admits it. What a fucken real man. Let's all sing cumbia.
Edit- this is one asshole id love to meet in person.
I would like to see the facts on this. But why are you do surprised? When Hamas terrorist are instructed to kill all Jews it is taken lightly. Barley mentioned even. Is it because the Jews deserve this? I hope not because if that's the rationale the next target will be the western world.
Is it because they are a terrorist organization so that's kinda what there all about, so obviously that's their agenda. Its even spelled out in their charter.
I read that gunshots were fired at soldiers from the school that was hit, and rockets have been fired from there as well.
Did anyone hear about the execution of 20 palastenians because they ran away from a building housing a rocket launcher after the IDF warned them about the ensuing attack. These people were considered traitors for not standing on the roof and becoming a human shield. No huge no jury no trial. Just execution.
Why not address the topic info leaked out that idf were instructed to kill civilians lets address this 1st ok ....
Exactly, let's forget those stories and let's deflect to another topic. Dude, whatever it is that Israel is doing isn't working anymore. The rage in the Palestinians now is greater then it's ever been.
Maybe rod is right, maybe they want to escalate this into everything. Syria is crippled and weak now, Iraq is gone, only ones left are Iran and Hezbollah. And I tell u what, dnt sleep on Hezbollah. They AINT Hamas. And Israel knows it.
Hezbollah getting involved,or a broader call to arms involving any Jihadi factions will not help the Palestinian cause. 1.It will bring the Western Governments into play(More then in a supply arms way).No way they sit back and let a ground swell of violent players grow in numbers. 2.When this happens the palestininian message will get drowned out and pushed aside.The world stage attention will switch to fighting Jihadists not helping Palestinians.Nothingbcould be more detrimental to the voice you suddenly have.
I would like to see the facts on this. But why are you do surprised? When Hamas terrorist are instructed to kill all Jews it is taken lightly. Barley mentioned even. Is it because the Jews deserve this? I hope not because if that's the rationale the next target will be the western world.
Is it because they are a terrorist organization so that's kinda what there all about, so obviously that's their agenda. Its even spelled out in their charter.
I read that gunshots were fired at soldiers from the school that was hit, and rockets have been fired from there as well.
Did anyone hear about the execution of 20 palastenians because they ran away from a building housing a rocket launcher after the IDF warned them about the ensuing attack. These people were considered traitors for not standing on the roof and becoming a human shield. No huge no jury no trial. Just execution.
Why not address the topic info leaked out that idf were instructed to kill civilians lets address this 1st ok ....
Exactly, let's forget those stories and let's deflect to another topic. Dude, whatever it is that Israel is doing isn't working anymore. The rage in the Palestinians now is greater then it's ever been.
Maybe rod is right, maybe they want to escalate this into everything. Syria is crippled and weak now, Iraq is gone, only ones left are Iran and Hezbollah. And I tell u what, dnt sleep on Hezbollah. They AINT Hamas. And Israel knows it.
Hezbollah getting involved,or a broader call to arms involving any Jihadi factions will not help the Palestinian cause. 1.It will bring the Western Governments into play(More then in a supply arms way).No way they sit back and let a ground swell of violent players grow in numbers. 2.When this happens the palestininian message will get drowned out and pushed aside.The world stage attention will switch to fighting Jihadists not helping Palestinians.Nothingbcould be more detrimental to the voice you suddenly have.
Maybe that's what they want RR. Maybe that's the goal of "this" invasion. Again, don't sleep on Hezbollah. You don't have to go back that far in time to see what they did to Israel. And I can bet you ANYTHING, the Israeli soldiers DONT want Hezbollah involved. Hezbollah ISNT Hamas. But, could this be the ultimate goal? Is this the plan? Start this and keep slaughtering Palestinians until Hezbollah gets involved and then the US will come to save the day for Israel? Is this the end game? This their way of going into Iran? Like a proxy war?
Hezbollah getting involved,or a broader call to arms involving any Jihadi factions will not help the Palestinian cause. 1.It will bring the Western Governments into play(More then in a supply arms way).No way they sit back and let a ground swell of violent players grow in numbers. 2.When this happens the palestininian message will get drowned out and pushed aside.The world stage attention will switch to fighting Jihadists not helping Palestinians.Nothingbcould be more detrimental to the voice you suddenly have.
Possibly, yes. The U.S would love an excuse to crush Hezbollah. It's also possible that the U.S and Israel are hoping to draw Iran into it, as their lame efforts at igniting a conflict with Iran on the pretext of an Iranian nuclear weapons program failed spectacularly.
Then again, if a small-scale conflict did ignite between Hezbollah, and also involved another full-scale uprising/Intifada from the Palestinians, then the IDF would get a whooping. They're fucking cowards who are only good at killing civilians.
“I was told that the unofficial reason was to enable the soldiers to take out their frustrations and pain at losing their fellow soldiers (something that for years the IDF has not faced during its operations in Gaza and the West Bank), out on the Palestinian refugees in the neighborhood. Under the pretext of the so-called “security threat” soldiers were directed to carry out a pre-planned attack of revenge on Palestinian civilians.”
I would like to see the facts on this. But why are you do surprised? When Hamas terrorist are instructed to kill all Jews it is taken lightly. Barley mentioned even. Is it because the Jews deserve this? I hope not because if that's the rationale the next target will be the western world.
Is it because they are a terrorist organization so that's kinda what there all about, so obviously that's their agenda. Its even spelled out in their charter.
I read that gunshots were fired at soldiers from the school that was hit, and rockets have been fired from there as well.
Did anyone hear about the execution of 20 palastenians because they ran away from a building housing a rocket launcher after the IDF warned them about the ensuing attack. These people were considered traitors for not standing on the roof and becoming a human shield. No huge no jury no trial. Just execution.
Why not address the topic info leaked out that idf were instructed to kill civilians lets address this 1st ok ....
Exactly, let's forget those stories and let's deflect to another topic. Dude, whatever it is that Israel is doing isn't working anymore. The rage in the Palestinians now is greater then it's ever been.
Maybe rod is right, maybe they want to escalate this into everything. Syria is crippled and weak now, Iraq is gone, only ones left are Iran and Hezbollah. And I tell u what, dnt sleep on Hezbollah. They AINT Hamas. And Israel knows it.
Hezbollah getting involved,or a broader call to arms involving any Jihadi factions will not help the Palestinian cause. 1.It will bring the Western Governments into play(More then in a supply arms way).No way they sit back and let a ground swell of violent players grow in numbers. 2.When this happens the palestininian message will get drowned out and pushed aside.The world stage attention will switch to fighting Jihadists not helping Palestinians.Nothingbcould be more detrimental to the voice you suddenly have.
Maybe that's what they want RR. Maybe that's the goal of "this" invasion. Again, don't sleep on Hezbollah. You don't have to go back that far in time to see what they did to Israel. And I can bet you ANYTHING, the Israeli soldiers DONT want Hezbollah involved. Hezbollah ISNT Hamas. But, could this be the ultimate goal? Is this the plan? Start this and keep slaughtering Palestinians until Hezbollah gets involved and then the US will come to save the day for Israel? Is this the end game? This their way of going into Iran? Like a proxy war?
i think you might be on to something here badbrains. i can totally see this scenario playing out.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I we sure all of the leaks and Twitter posters are real? I am not saying they aren't but it just seems like it would be easy to setup a fake Twitter or FAcebook account and make horrible statements.
I we sure all of the leaks and Twitter posters are real? I am not saying they aren't but it just seems like it would be easy to setup a fake Twitter or FAcebook account and make horrible statements.
We aren't sure, and this is why I've said this before and I'll say it again - to resort to unverifiable sources for information degrades any argument, especially when there is a litany of verifiable material which places incontrovertible blame. That being said, this thread is entitled "Idf soldiers told to kill civilians", which quite literally entitles everyone here to discuss it.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I we sure all of the leaks and Twitter posters are real? I am not saying they aren't but it just seems like it would be easy to setup a fake Twitter or FAcebook account and make horrible statements.
The Israeli military is one of the strictest and most tightly run organizations in the world. You think they'd let one of their own soldiers post something like the Twitter screenshot above?
Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
I question some of the social media stuff we are seeing. I would be quite surprised to learn that none of it had been fabricated, that it was all real.
Doesn't matter though. What I don't question is the death total and the number of children who have been killed. Whether or not the IDF is being told in so many words to kill children, its tactics ARE killing children. In some way, shape or form, through the orders these troops are receiving, they are being told to kill children.
The Israeli military is one of the strictest and most tightly run organizations in the world. You think they'd let one of their own soldiers post something like the Twitter screenshot above?
So how do you explain breakingthesilence.com then?
I question some of the social media stuff we are seeing. I would be quite surprised to learn that none of it had been fabricated, that it was all real.
Doesn't matter though. What I don't question is the death total and the number of children who have been killed. Whether or not the IDF is being told in so many words to kill children, its tactics ARE killing children. In some way, shape or form, through the orders these troops are receiving, they are being told to kill children.
I've already provided evidence of the IDF following direct orders to target civilians right here in this thread.
The Civil War featured two warring factions. Casualties here died with weapons in their hands.
I get what you are saying with regards to the bottom line... but let's not think of the Holocaust as 'war'. It wasn't. It was a sick sideshow to Germany's war.
We can agree to disagree if you wish... but we should probably leave this specific discussion for another point in time to maintain the integrity of this thread. Have a good day/night... and fix the damn spelling of 'since' in your stupid poll thread!
this is a witness to the carnage. he has been reporting on this for a long time. what he has seen must be awful.
Mr Gunness condemned the attack, ending: "The rights of Palestinians - even their children - are wholesale denied. And it's appalling."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
names of palestinian children killed in this offensive. it is just paint, but every one of them was a living, innocent, child who was butchered by the idf.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Edit- this is one asshole id love to meet in person.
1.It will bring the Western Governments into play(More then in a supply arms way).No way they sit back and let a ground swell of violent players grow in numbers.
2.When this happens the palestininian message will get drowned out and pushed aside.The world stage attention will switch to fighting Jihadists not helping Palestinians.Nothingbcould be more detrimental to the voice you suddenly have.
It's also possible that the U.S and Israel are hoping to draw Iran into it, as their lame efforts at igniting a conflict with Iran on the pretext of an Iranian nuclear weapons program failed spectacularly.
Then again, if a small-scale conflict did ignite between Hezbollah, and also involved another full-scale uprising/Intifada from the Palestinians, then the IDF would get a whooping. They're fucking cowards who are only good at killing civilians.
“I was told that the unofficial reason was to enable the soldiers to take out their frustrations and pain at losing their fellow soldiers (something that for years the IDF has not faced during its operations in Gaza and the West Bank), out on the Palestinian refugees in the neighborhood. Under the pretext of the so-called “security threat” soldiers were directed to carry out a pre-planned attack of revenge on Palestinian civilians.”
very bad. :(
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
i usually change the channel when geraldo pops on there. maybe he should be posting more naked selfies or looking in al capone's vaults.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Doesn't matter though. What I don't question is the death total and the number of children who have been killed. Whether or not the IDF is being told in so many words to kill children, its tactics ARE killing children. In some way, shape or form, through the orders these troops are receiving, they are being told to kill children.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."