
Imagine That -- I’m Still Anti-War



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    BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.
  • Options
    jumbojetjumbojet Posts: 1,484
    I am not an anti-Semite but I always have difficulty in understanding Israel foreign policy. The practical and intellectual people they are; is this really the best policy they can think of about the relations with their neighbors?

    I'm not saying that what Hamas is doing right. But by not giving the Palestenian people chance to educate, build, live and love; Israel is actually pushing them towards organizations like Hamas.

    I really hope that Israelis will see this vicious circle and understand that the change should come from them since their government gives no hope for peace.

    Again, I'm not anti-Semite and actually for a person coming from an Islamic country background, I must confess I have a secret admiration for Jewish community for their contribution to human wisdom.
    What's your part, who you are?

    2012: Arras, Berlin 1-2
    2013: Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires
    2014: Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2016: NY MSG 1
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    BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    JimmyV said:

    Pretty sure Bad Brains was referring to Israeli Hawks, not Jews worldwide. Pretty sure you knew that, too.

    Antisemitism is a real problem in this world. Hiding behind it to deflect criticism from a military operation that has killed hundreds of civilians in a matter of weeks is shameful. If the world sees that tactic being employed and shakes its head then maybe the Israelis do need to look to themselves.

    I'm pretty sure Bad Brains was referring to Israeli Hawks as well but can't say I am 100% sure. Like I said earlier it is incumbent for the peaceful palestinian supporters to look at the real jew haters in their midst i.e. Hamas and say "Enough...you are hurting our cause!". No one is hiding behind anti-semitism to deflect. This is a thread on peace and arriving to a place of peace will require those that truly want it to aggressively counter the extremists on their side.
    And then what happens when they do? They follow what u want to a T. Then what, you'll give them peace, land, a life? Who are they to tell them what they have to do to live? I'm the bully so whatever I say goes? Come on man, have a fucken heart already. The Palestinians have been suffering for over 60 years. Hey, go ask a Palestinian when the last time he left Palestine to go see pearl jam in Amsterdam or philly or New York? Ask him when the last time he was allowed to walk from one village to the other without any fear. Will you, of course not, because it's like that fucken Tool song Vicarious. Watch it on tv, only problem is what you're seeing here isn't reality. And now with all kinds of networks, people are seeing what's really happening, finally. You could see it in the eyes of all the leaders of Israel and the US, they know they fucked up on this and miscalculated. The response of the world is defining. The Palestinians are rising and this isn't gonna be good for Israel. I dnt care how strong your military is, you cannot kill what's dead already. And these Palestinians seem to think that they have nothing left to live for. Can u blame them?
    I don't disagree with any of this but I'm not really sure where you are heading with this? Are you encouraging a fight to the death? Israel isn't going away. A two-state solution is the only answer. Surely you understand this? So how do we get there? First we confront the extremists on our own sides...then we meet in the middle.
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    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.
    You can say whatever the fuck u want dude. U just ain't gonna shut me up, call me whatever the fuck u want, I can handle it. And if I'm wrong, I'd have ZERO problem with looking "myself" in the mirror and say, "bad brains, you do have some real bad brains." And just for your information, I actually posted the link to the haifi macabre soccer incident. Now why would an anti-Semite do that? Hmmm, idk?
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    eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.
    for the answers to that you nhave to go back, deep into different cultures. Jewish immigrants never really did themselves any favours in a lot of the countries they moved into, usually becoming money lenders backed up by muscle to get 'what was owed'. This even happened in my country(ireland) and they werent thought well of for doing it. thats a wole other story, unrelated to whats goung on here and now...
  • Options
    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.

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    Leezestarr313Leezestarr313 Temple of the cat Posts: 14,347
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    BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    jumbojet said:

    I am not an anti-Semite but I always have difficulty in understanding Israel foreign policy. The practical and intellectual people they are; is this really the best policy they can think of about the relations with their neighbors?

    I'm not saying that what Hamas is doing right. But by not giving the Palestenian people chance to educate, build, live and love; Israel is actually pushing them towards organizations like Hamas.

    I really hope that Israelis will see this vicious circle and understand that the change should come from them since their government gives no hope for peace.

    Again, I'm not anti-Semite and actually for a person coming from an Islamic country background, I must confess I have a secret admiration for Jewish community for their contribution to human wisdom.

    Your sentiments are not wrong. A ton of jews and Israelis agree with you.
    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.
    You can say whatever the fuck u want dude. U just ain't gonna shut me up, call me whatever the fuck u want, I can handle it. And if I'm wrong, I'd have ZERO problem with looking "myself" in the mirror and say, "bad brains, you do have some real bad brains." And just for your information, I actually posted the link to the haifi macabre soccer incident. Now why would an anti-Semite do that? Hmmm, idk?
    No one is trying to shut you up. I am trying to get you to confront the jew haters that are damaging your cause. Post whatever links you want but that is the only road to peace.
  • Options
    BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.

    I agree that empathizing with Gaza does not make you anti-semitic. Failing to confront Hamas unfortunately does.
  • Options
    BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.
    Jewish immigrants never really did themselves any favours in a lot of the countries they moved into, usually becoming money lenders backed up by muscle to get 'what was owed'.
    This is anti-semitism.
  • Options
    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.
    Jewish immigrants never really did themselves any favours in a lot of the countries they moved into, usually becoming money lenders backed up by muscle to get 'what was owed'.
    This is anti-semitism.
    I'm sorry but I dnt find that anti-Semitic. If you substituted Italian immigrants with Jewish immigrants, you'd have about 20+ Hollywood movies and a shitload of tv series. Loved the sopranos.
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Can I just take this moment to say something about Vedder's stance on this? I thought it was great that he spoke his mind in Milton Keynes, and expressed rage at the gross injustice befalling the Palestinians.
    I didn't think it was so great that he back-pedalled with his 'I'm still anti-War!' comment. It's not a war Ed, it's a fucking massacre.
    And singing John Lennon's 'Imagine' in concert achieves nothing. It's just sentimentality. A great song, yes, but we need action at a time like this, not passive naval gazing.
  • Options
    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    BS44325 said:

    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.

    Do you have any idea at all how ridiculous you sound?

  • Options
    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    Byrnzie said:

    BS44325 said:

    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.

    Do you have any idea at all how ridiculous you sound?

    I have a feeling that when this is all said and done, a lot of people are gonna look and sound ridiculous.
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    PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 49,749
    edited July 2014
    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.
    Jewish immigrants never really did themselves any favours in a lot of the countries they moved into, usually becoming money lenders backed up by muscle to get 'what was owed'.
    This is anti-semitism.
    No it's not. I haven't heard of the strong arming part, but it is absolute fact that in the past Jewish people tended towards money lending (because it was a smart and effective way to earn a good living) and tended to become wealthy and powerful in their local area because of it, and that this is one main reason behind why so many people have (very, very unfairly) had negative feeling towards Jews through history. So that is basically an explanation with historical context for the roots of anti-Semitism, not anti-Semitism itself.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
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    WhatYouTaughtMeWhatYouTaughtMe I have no idea what's going on right now! Posts: 4,957
    Byrnzie said:

    Can I just take this moment to say something about Vedder's stance on this? I thought it was great that he spoke his mind in Milton Keynes, and expressed rage at the gross injustice befalling the Palestinians.
    I didn't think it was so great that he back-pedalled with his 'I'm still anti-War!' comment. It's not a war Ed, it's a fucking massacre.
    And singing John Lennon's 'Imagine' in concert achieves nothing. It's just sentimentality. A great song, yes, but we need action at a time like this, not passive naval gazing.

    So what are you expecting Ed to do instead of singing a song? Create a ceasefire? Strap on a gun and join the fight? He's a rock singer who often makes commentary on different issues and has long been against all forms of war, no matter which side was the aggressor. I don't really feel like he owes anybody anything. Why should a high school dropout rock singer, be expected to do more than share his point of view and sing a rock song?
  • Options
    JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 18,995
    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    dignin said:

    Luckytwn1 said:

    A survey last month by the anti-defamation league found that 26% of those polled — representing approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide — harbor deeply anti-Semitic views. If you are searching for these people, you need look no further than the streets outside of Israeli embassies across the world, where anti-Semites disguised as humanitarians from Sydney to Boston demand an end to the imagined Gaza genocide.

    So if I protest against this "war" I'm an anti-Semite?
    Dignin, you and I and byrnzie and eldarion and Gimmie and drowned out and whoever else have chosen to speak up, are no anti-Semites.


    How so ? please explain
    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.
    If anti-semitism is on the rise like a cancer in the world, maybe those who feel that way should maybe look at themselves and find out why the worlds view is growing in anger against them? Mite not like what you see, but it's a start. Just my opinion.
    Ahhhh...yes...the jew must look at himself. Thank you badbrains for proving my point.
    And what the fuck is wrong with that? Really? What, are they above everybody else? Now all of a sudden you can't tell someone to look at themselves without being labeled anti-Semite? Please. Run along, leave your non sense on the Israel FB page. Fucken unreal
    I can handle criticism. Israel can handle criticism. We don't equate criticism with anti-semitism. However, when I mention palestinian protestors in France attacking jewish businesses and synagogues and your response is "maybe those who feel that way (that anti-semitism is on the rise) should maybe look at themselves" well I tend to look at that as a defence of violence and dare I say...anti-semitism.
    Jewish immigrants never really did themselves any favours in a lot of the countries they moved into, usually becoming money lenders backed up by muscle to get 'what was owed'.
    This is anti-semitism.
    It is harsh but I'm not sure it qualifies as antisemitism. It may not be entirely fair, but sometimes the historical record isn't fair. By that same token, it is easy to blame the public's view of Palestinian "resistance fighters" as being terrorists on the media. Certainly there is some truth to that. But there is also the memory of the 1972 Olympics and other incidents that have embedded that view into the public consciousness. These things are part of the historical record, too. It is not antipalestinian to remember them.


    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    I don't know why Ed back-pedalled into sentimentality and John Lennon's 'Imagine'. He was not alone in expressing his anger in Milton Keynes.


    Rock stars Peter Gabriel and Bobby Gillespie urge arms embargo on Israel

    The rock star Peter Gabriel and film-maker Ken Loach are among 21,000 people who have signed an open letter to David Cameron, the British prime minister, demanding an immediate halt to the arms trade between the UK and Israel.

    The letter was delivered today, directly to Cameron’s residence at 10 Downing Street in London by Loach and three members of parliament — Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and Jim Fitzpatrick.

    Other signatories included the Primal Scream singer Bobby Gillespie, the authors Will Self, Hanif Kureishi, Ahdaf Soueif and William Dalrymple, musicians Brian Eno and Robert de Naja (Massive Attack), the actors David Morrissey, Maxine Peake and Alexei Sayle and the journalist Jemima Khan.

    Academics Karma Nabulsi, Ghada Karmi and Steven Rose and human rights lawyer Geoffrey Bindman also signed the letter.

    The letter was posted on the Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s website earlier this week and gathered 21,000 signatures in just two days.

    Speaking outside Downing Street today, Hugh Lanning of the PSC said: “Our aim is to stop the Israeli government getting military aid and equipment from the British government. Our aid and arms help kill innocent Palestinian civilians. We need to isolate apartheid Israel now and impose sanctions now.”

    In two weeks, Israel’s air, land and sea assault has massacred close to 900 Palestinians in Gaza, nearly 200 of them children. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs stated today that at least 42 families in Gaza have had three or more members killed in the same incident since 7 July, resulting in 253 fatalities.

    Jeremy Corbyn told journalists today: “The UK has a very close relationship with Israel, including buying and selling arms, and it’s time that this relationship was brought to an end since Israel is now under investigation for war crimes over the bombing of Gaza.

    “I received an email from Dr. Mads Gilbert, working in Shifa hospital [in Gaza City], and it brought tears to my eyes when he was describing the pools of blood, the electricity cut off, the lack of clean water and the continuous surge of the dead and injured pouring into the hospital. It’s people like that who are saving lives, and Israel which is taking lives.”

    Ken Loach told reporters: “It’s disgraceful that our government is arming the State of Israel to continue its slaughter of civilians, of women and children. Everyone must be devastated by the sight of the maimed and the dead in Gaza, and everyone must direct their anger towards the Israeli war machine.”

    In an email message to the PSC, Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream, wrote: “Our hearts and love are with the Palestinian people. We support their continuing fight for human rights and dignity and righteous resistance to Israeli imperialism, occupation and war crimes.”

    Last Saturday, 100,000 people marched through the streets of London, from Whitehall to the Israeli embassy in Kensington, protesting the massacre in Gaza.

    The PSC and other organizations, including the Palestinian Forum in Britain and Friends of Al Aqsa, have called another march and rally in London tomorrow, which will demand an end to the arms trade with Israel.

    Protesters will gather at the Israeli embassy at midday and march to the Houses of Parliament. Children’s author and poet Michael Rosen, comedian Jeremy Hardy and guitarist and music producer Dave Randall will be among those addressing the closing rally at Parliament Square.

    And protests will be taking place around the UK and Ireland in support of Gaza on the same day, demanding not just an end to Israel’s current slaughter, but complete freedom and justice for Palestine.
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    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037

    So what are you expecting Ed to do instead of singing a song? Create a ceasefire? Strap on a gun and join the fight? He's a rock singer who often makes commentary on different issues and has long been against all forms of war, no matter which side was the aggressor. I don't really feel like he owes anybody anything. Why should a high school dropout rock singer, be expected to do more than share his point of view and sing a rock song?

    Just what he did in Milton Keynes - Speak out against the oppressor using U.S tax dollars to drop bombs on children.

  • Options
    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    BS44325 said:

    I agree that empathizing with Gaza does not make you anti-semitic. Failing to confront Hamas unfortunately does.

    No it doesn't. Not 'confronting Hamas' does not constitute racism.

  • Options
    JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 18,995

    Byrnzie said:

    Can I just take this moment to say something about Vedder's stance on this? I thought it was great that he spoke his mind in Milton Keynes, and expressed rage at the gross injustice befalling the Palestinians.
    I didn't think it was so great that he back-pedalled with his 'I'm still anti-War!' comment. It's not a war Ed, it's a fucking massacre.
    And singing John Lennon's 'Imagine' in concert achieves nothing. It's just sentimentality. A great song, yes, but we need action at a time like this, not passive naval gazing.

    So what are you expecting Ed to do instead of singing a song? Create a ceasefire? Strap on a gun and join the fight? He's a rock singer who often makes commentary on different issues and has long been against all forms of war, no matter which side was the aggressor. I don't really feel like he owes anybody anything. Why should a high school dropout rock singer, be expected to do more than share his point of view and sing a rock song?
    Yeah, Ed was frustrated by what was happening and used the forum in front of him to express that. I don't believe his point was ever anti-Israeli in particular, simply antiwar in general. Israel certainly was part of the inspiration but not the only inspiration. If he wanted to condemn Israel's actions specifically, he would have.


    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
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    BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    Byrnzie said:

    I thought it was great that he spoke his mind in Milton Keynes, and expressed rage at the gross injustice befalling the Palestinians.

    He didn't express rage at the gross injustice befalling the Palestinians. He expressed rage at the victims of war world wide (including Israel and Palestine). What you are doing is called projection.
  • Options
    BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    Byrnzie said:

    BS44325 said:

    Hamas hates jews, Much of the PLO hates jews, Hezbollah hates Jews, Iranian leadership hates Jews, ISIS hates jews, the Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in France that attacked synagogues and Jewish businesses clearly hate jews. I could go on. In fact everyone just listed not only want the destruction of Israel but they generally want the death of all jews.

    Now I am not suggesting that Dignin, BadBrains, Byrnzie, Eldarion, Gimme and Drowned Out want the death of all jews but when it comes to supporting the palestinian resistance movement they tend to play on the same team with those that do. And there's the rub...until the peaceful palestinian supporters (which I assume they all are) counter the Jew haters in their movement there shall be no peace. Anti-semitism is unfortunately a slow growing cancer and those that truly want peace must either counter it or be consumed by it.

    Do you have any idea at all how ridiculous you sound?

    I do not believe it is ridiculous to ask for those that want peace to confront the jew haters that have co-opted their movement.
  • Options
    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    JimmyV said:

    I don't believe his point was ever anti-Israeli in particular, simply antiwar in general.

    So when he spoke of using U.S tax dollars to drop bombs on children, and told 'them' to get the fuck out of land that doesn't belong to 'them', who do you suppose he was referring to?

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    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    Here's how I look at it. I believe ed meant Israel all along. And when all the hoopla came out, he made this statement. Now here's how you can look at it. Either A-he could've came out and said my statement WASNT directed at Israel. B-come out and say it was Israel directly or C-sort of back track but not, which is what i believe he did. Sucks he couldn't be more firm and straightforward like he did at Milton keys but to each is his own.
  • Options
    BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    Byrnzie said:

    BS44325 said:

    I agree that empathizing with Gaza does not make you anti-semitic. Failing to confront Hamas unfortunately does.

    No it doesn't. Not 'confronting Hamas' does not constitute racism.

    Then a partner for peace you are not.
  • Options
    ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    BS44325 said:

    I do not believe it is ridiculous to ask for those that want peace to confront the jew haters that have co-opted their movement.

    Except that's not what you said. You said Failing to confront Hamas makes someone a racist.

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    WhatYouTaughtMeWhatYouTaughtMe I have no idea what's going on right now! Posts: 4,957
    edited July 2014
    Byrnzie said:

    So what are you expecting Ed to do instead of singing a song? Create a ceasefire? Strap on a gun and join the fight? He's a rock singer who often makes commentary on different issues and has long been against all forms of war, no matter which side was the aggressor. I don't really feel like he owes anybody anything. Why should a high school dropout rock singer, be expected to do more than share his point of view and sing a rock song?

    Just what he did in Milton Keynes - Speak out against the oppressor using U.S tax dollars to drop bombs on children.

    Edit- I read it again and that is what he said without being specific. Regardless, I was just wondering why Ed owes you or me any kind of explanation or clarification. He's a rock singer with an opinion. If you're looking for him to lead the cause for one side or the other, I wouldn't hold my breath. Just look how much hate and divisiveness there is on this thread that started as a blanket statement for peace. I can't imagine why he would jump in the middle of this mess.
    Post edited by WhatYouTaughtMe on
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