Dublin crew!!!



  • jrdjrd Posts: 3,060
    saw this and thought of Dunk...
    Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
  • jrdjrd Posts: 3,060
    so true *sigh*

    Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    jrd wrote:
    saw this and thought of Dunk...

    Ms Martens has set up an online petition at http://www.shutthefuckuprightnowyougingertit.com calling on Hucknall to bring forward the 2009 deadline for the abolition of Simply Red. As of last night it had 54,345,623 signatories, including the ginger tit’s girlfriend.

    This is me:

  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    absolute genius.

    53.8 million of this signatures are mine though... still count don't they? :twisted:
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    wow... i just went to the chemist earlier and there is a sign up saying that prescriptions in Scotland are now £3 and from April 2011 they will be free!!!!

    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    Wow... Dunk, how can you accept that free healthcare? Don't you know there's poor people dying/cats being skinned alive cos you're getting prescriptions for free?! :roll:
    This is me:

  • jrdjrd Posts: 3,060
    dunkman wrote:
    wow... i just went to the chemist earlier and there is a sign up saying that prescriptions in Scotland are now £3 and from April 2011 they will be free!!!!


    only a year to wait to get that septic pustule on your cock treated for free then!

    Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    jrd wrote:
    Ok, so it's tiny, but at least it works and i don't have to resort to measures like these. ;)

    now, to answer Al's question...?

    We have to verify... in June.
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    redrock wrote:
    jrd wrote:
    Ok, so it's tiny, but at least it works and i don't have to resort to measures like these. ;)

    now, to answer Al's question...?

    We have to verify... in June.

    Why wait?! *books flight for tomorrow*
    This is me:

  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Friday!!! Yay!

    Second driving lesson this afternoon :?
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    Ooo how are you finding it, Red? It can be quite stressful when you're starting out, and very tiring too!

    I <3 driving though! Very proud of myself for never needing to take lessons, my father had us driving around the fields as soon as we could reach the pedals!
    This is me:

  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    I used to drive in the US, Jenny. But an automatic - and on the other side of the road!!! Learning to shift gears and using the clutch is quite different!!!
  • Irish AlIrish Al Posts: 6,236
    Best of luck rita, hope it goes well.

    I hear ya Jen, I love drivin, so much so that I don't really like being a passanger anymore :S

    happy days it's Friday, I'm workin tomorrow but I don't care, Friday is my favourite day of the week!
    I need a coffee!
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    I don't mind being a passenger too much, but I CANNOT be a passenger in my own car! Someone took my car for a spin a few weeks ago while I was in the passenger seat and I freaked the fuck out :lol: Dunno why though - thinks its mostly cos of the driving position, I feel like I can't move about when I'm driving but in the passenger seat I feel like I'm gonna go headfirst through the roof... or something like that...

    Hurrah for Friday! Went for a drink or two last night, but I was in bed before half 1 cos I was in bad form. Much better today though, and I get a lie-in tomorrow :D
    This is me:

  • jrdjrd Posts: 3,060
    redrock wrote:
    Friday!!! Yay!

    Second driving lesson this afternoon :?

    i need driving lessons... passed my test (first time, of course :ugeek: ) back in 1984 and basically haven't driven since :shock: :oops: unless you count driving a tank and 4-wheel-drive go-kart things on a stag do 2 years ago as 'driving'...

    mind you, i enjoy my status as non-driver as it means we never have arguments about who's driving back from a party or night out! :lol: :roll:
    Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    jrd wrote:
    passed my test (first time, of course :ugeek: ) back in 1984...

    Jeez... I wasn't even born then... :lol:
    This is me:

  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    It's the Dublin Crew's 4th birthday tomorrow - what are we doing to celebrate?!
    This is me:

  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    ooOOoo celebrate! Saturday... drink by the river?

    Just realised how big my feet looked in these shoes :?
  • jrdjrd Posts: 3,060
    Jennytree wrote:
    jrd wrote:
    passed my test (first time, of course :ugeek: ) back in 1984...

    Jeez... I wasn't even born then... :lol:

    aye, 'appens there weren't much traffic back in them days... if you stalled the car when stuck behind a haywain you had to get out and use the hand crank to start t'motor again...

    but we were 'appy in those days, even though we were poor...
    Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    I was gonna do a compilation of the Dublin Crews best quotes, but jaysis there's a lot of posts here and I didn't get too far cos I can't stop laughing!

    Here's a few anyway from '06 and '07 (strange how most of them are of Dunk perving on someone...):
    whence comes these potatoes that sit betwixt the veg and meat?... beshrew me if they arent Scottish potatoes as the juxtaposition of Scottish potatoes next to English beef would be too much for me too bear ;)
    dunkman wrote:
    ahhh come on... you know how it will develop... normally it ends in boobies
    Jennytree wrote:
    *flashes Dunkys man-boobs at Al*
    i think people have been turned off by the smell of the piss
    Chime wrote:
    That picture must have done it for Dunk .... he's been gone for a while
    This is me:

  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Haha Jenny!!!! Keep them coming!
  • eMMIeMMI Posts: 6,262
    jrd wrote:
    Jennytree wrote:
    jrd wrote:
    passed my test (first time, of course :ugeek: ) back in 1984...

    Jeez... I wasn't even born then... :lol:

    aye, 'appens there weren't much traffic back in them days... if you stalled the car when stuck behind a haywain you had to get out and use the hand crank to start t'motor again...

    but we were 'appy in those days, even though we were poor...

    Because we were poor!

    Winter gave us one last "see yous later" today. :think: More or less snow fell all over the place. But it's mostly gone already. :D

    ALSO: Typing this with small letters cause I still can't believe it. Ma fella got a phD thingie in Helsinki and should be moving out there in some months.

    I've promised to go out tonight but not sure if I can be bothered. Ah well, I'll grab a bottle of wine and see how it goes. :lol:
    "Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    fuck me Jenny... I wrote that first one and i don't know what it means!! :D

    keep em coming Jenny... :thumbup:
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    dunkman wrote:
    Jennytree wrote:
    I failed my test AGAIN! Feckin useless! I drove too slow in the housing estates :(

    get me a pair of awesome rubber tits, 3 cans of hair dye and a nose ring and i'll pass the fucking thing for you :)

    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • jrdjrd Posts: 3,060
    eMMI wrote:
    ALSO: Typing this with small letters cause I still can't believe it. Ma fella got a phD thingie in Helsinki and should be moving out there in some months.

    sounds like it'll soon be time to start the whoopee machine on a regular basis...! 8-)
    Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    A bit more nookie for Emmi (potentially!) :mrgreen:;):mrgreen:

    Second driving lesson finishes. F******g clutch and gears. :x
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    God help the poor car :lol:
    This is me:

  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    The car is fine :roll: It's just having to remember everything. An automatic is sooooooooooooooooooooooo easy, you don't have to think. A manual, you do (until, I understand, it becomes automatic... you 'hear' it in the car, you 'feel' it in the car - yeah right!).
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Oh dear.... G just told me her mouse is not in the cage anymore. Wonder if it's one of the ones that I've been 'disposing of' these past couple of days :?
  • Irish AlIrish Al Posts: 6,236
    Morning sports fans!

    So how many sleeps??

    Was chattin with me mates in the pub on wednesday about the gig...they're all mad excited about it. They've been fans since the start but wouldn't be concert goers so they're all pj virgins...do you remember that first time? I can't wait to see their faces :)

    rita hope the mouse turns up...alive ;)

    oh and I second jens god love the car ;p
    I need a coffee!
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