PHILLY (Loosely Related to The Philadelphia Phillies)



  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    I think money is still a huge part of it. Flood the airwaves even more with just info on how to vote early/how to vote by mail, cut off dates etc etc etc. 

    With so few people deciding the election, it certainly can't hurt!
    Yeah you're right, I mean even boots on the ground costs money, too.

    The biggest thing now is - and this is incredibly specific - re: mail-in ballots in PA. Before you mail that shit in the ballot HAS to be placed in the secrecy envelope that is provided, and then placed in the envelope with the postage. Otherwise that ballot is no good. As soon as you get your mail-in ballot fill it out, seal it up, and immediately return it - or better yet personally take it to your county's election official's office or drop box.

    Oh, and yeah.... VOTESPA.COM
    I hope more people do that
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,323
    I think money is still a huge part of it. Flood the airwaves even more with just info on how to vote early/how to vote by mail, cut off dates etc etc etc. 

    With so few people deciding the election, it certainly can't hurt!
    Yeah you're right, I mean even boots on the ground costs money, too.

    The biggest thing now is - and this is incredibly specific - re: mail-in ballots in PA. Before you mail that shit in the ballot HAS to be placed in the secrecy envelope that is provided, and then placed in the envelope with the postage. Otherwise that ballot is no good. As soon as you get your mail-in ballot fill it out, seal it up, and immediately return it - or better yet personally take it to your county's election official's office or drop box.

    Oh, and yeah.... VOTESPA.COM
    I hope more people do that
    Annnd just like that...ugh...

  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,962
    He is going to steal it unless it is an absolute blowout for Biden on election night.  He is going to get his nominee jammed through and if/when he is up on election night, he is going to say he won. By the time it gets to the supreme court he'll have his in place and they'll uphold whatever it is he is saying.  I am hoping I am just going crazy and this is just a conspiracy theory, but thinking it's what is going to happen.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    He is going to steal it unless it is an absolute blowout for Biden on election night.  He is going to get his nominee jammed through and if/when he is up on election night, he is going to say he won. By the time it gets to the supreme court he'll have his in place and they'll uphold whatever it is he is saying.  I am hoping I am just going crazy and this is just a conspiracy theory, but thinking it's what is going to happen.
    That's the only way he can win. These are the darkest of times right now...
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,622
    He is going to remain President, I firmly believe that.  (Until he changes what we call him)

    Hope I'm wrong.
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,323
    edited September 2020
    He is going to steal it unless it is an absolute blowout for Biden on election night.  He is going to get his nominee jammed through and if/when he is up on election night, he is going to say he won. By the time it gets to the supreme court he'll have his in place and they'll uphold whatever it is he is saying.  I am hoping I am just going crazy and this is just a conspiracy theory, but thinking it's what is going to happen.
    To add onto this my only concern is a crisis of a changing of the guard, really. Because we won't know on election night who the winner is no matter what. My worst case scenario is, and I think it's fairly likely, is fuckface jumps out to a huge lead on Election night because of all the knuckledraggers voting in person. Then over the next couple weeks an avalanche of mail in ballots will come in giving Biden the lead. Dipshit will scream RIGGED, not leave office, and then ensues the civil war. Haha, I kid! No, but seriously, that's how it's gonna play out. Only chance of a smooth transition is an absolute blowout by Biden, which I really do not see happening.

    Additionally, regardless, I don't think D's take the Senate so the R's will jam through another SC pick anyway because they know Biden won't nominate any of their jesus freaks.

    The gloves came off when they didn't confirm Garland, whom himself was a compromise of a nomination and well overqualified for the position. So when the dust settles and they've confirmed another judge, three things need to happen going forward - 1) Write hard and fast legislation to make gerrymandering illegal 2) grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico 3) pack the Supreme Court from here on out.
    Post edited by Jearlpam0925 on
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,962
    When the hell do those last 3 things happen though? When do democrats get any power back if as you say, they don't take control of the senate and fuck face does what he's going to do.  This is very bad.
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,323
    When the hell do those last 3 things happen though? When do democrats get any power back if as you say, they don't take control of the senate and fuck face does what he's going to do.  This is very bad.
    Well the SC appointment is all but a certainty at this point. I think the gerrymander could be done soon, but the other two in due time. Dems can go back to being feckless and play nice and then (hopefully) step on their throats when you get the Senate again. There's no other choice.

    I mean it's not an absolute certainty they don't get the Senate, it's certainly within reach for sure. At least Dems control the purse strings for the time being, but having a senate where over 50% of the population of the country are only represented by less than 20% of the senate is a travesty.
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,698
    All this you guys are talking about is why I think Dems should not be encouraging mail-in voting. Get out and vote in person. wear a mask, social distance and make sure your vote is counted by doing it in person. Best and easiest way to ensure your vote counts.

    That being said I think Biden is gonna win big.  Trump's only path is winning pretty much every major state he won in 2016 and that is just not gonna happen.  If he loses Florida which is really close in polls he has almost no chance to get to 270.  Heck even Texas is tight at this point.  I just don't think there is anyway fucktard has gained any voters since 2016.  And he has lost a lot. I personally know of at least five people who voted for him 2016 who will not be voting for him this year.  I think he will get less votes than he did in 2016 and Biden is going to pull in more non-Hillary voters.  I'm pretty confident to be honest.  Worried a bit yes but I have more faith at this point.  If there is a God...
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    I don’t think the SC appointment is a done deal. Got two R’s saying they won’t vote to confirm before the election right now. If Kelly holds on in AZ, he gets sworn in in November because it’s a special election so then you’d just need ol’ Mitter to come through again this year...
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,438
    Collins has clarified that "not before the election" doesn't mean "not before the inauguration", she's on board with whoever Trump nominates, and will vote for them, just trying to play the other side publicly cause she's down in polls in Maine.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,323
    I don’t think the SC appointment is a done deal. Got two R’s saying they won’t vote to confirm before the election right now. If Kelly holds on in AZ, he gets sworn in in November because it’s a special election so then you’d just need ol’ Mitter to come through again this year...
    I think they're already including Mitt. I believe it's Collins, Murkowski, and possibly Kelly. They need another and I'm not sure who it is.

    As Ponc said, too, this isn't before inauguration, this is going to be one fucked up lame duck appointment by an impeached possibly outgoing president and possible outgoing senate. Think about that for a second.

    I think it's a stone cold lock. They're not going to pass up the opportunity to do this. That's why it's throat stepping the rest of the way any chance the Dems get both chambers again - like I said, all the rules and decorum went out the window when Garland wasn't appointed.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    They need four right now, but would need 3 if Kelly wins and he's sworn in by the time of the vote, which, apparently, is a decent possibility. 

    Regarding Collins, if Trump wins, it's a moo point. But I can see her not going along with it if he and/or she loses...
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,962
    pjhawks said:
    All this you guys are talking about is why I think Dems should not be encouraging mail-in voting. Get out and vote in person. wear a mask, social distance and make sure your vote is counted by doing it in person. Best and easiest way to ensure your vote counts.

    That being said I think Biden is gonna win big.  Trump's only path is winning pretty much every major state he won in 2016 and that is just not gonna happen.  If he loses Florida which is really close in polls he has almost no chance to get to 270.  Heck even Texas is tight at this point.  I just don't think there is anyway fucktard has gained any voters since 2016.  And he has lost a lot. I personally know of at least five people who voted for him 2016 who will not be voting for him this year.  I think he will get less votes than he did in 2016 and Biden is going to pull in more non-Hillary voters.  I'm pretty confident to be honest.  Worried a bit yes but I have more faith at this point.  If there is a God...
    I agree with the first part of this. I think mail in should be urged for older or vulnerable people who are not comfortable going out, but everyone else should be motivated to vote this motherfucker out in person. Show him what’s up on Election Day, or before if there’s early voting. 

    I don’t think he’s leaving office. I really don’t at this point and I think the right has the power to keep him there and those shameless scumbags are going to do it 
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,698
    I don’t think the SC appointment is a done deal. Got two R’s saying they won’t vote to confirm before the election right now. If Kelly holds on in AZ, he gets sworn in in November because it’s a special election so then you’d just need ol’ Mitter to come through again this year...
    I think they're already including Mitt. I believe it's Collins, Murkowski, and possibly Kelly. They need another and I'm not sure who it is.

    As Ponc said, too, this isn't before inauguration, this is going to be one fucked up lame duck appointment by an impeached possibly outgoing president and possible outgoing senate. Think about that for a second.

    I think it's a stone cold lock. They're not going to pass up the opportunity to do this. That's why it's throat stepping the rest of the way any chance the Dems get both chambers again - like I said, all the rules and decorum went out the window when Garland wasn't appointed.
    Agree I think it's a stone cold lock they are appointing and getting a judge confirmed.  And if I read it correctly Collins didn't say she wouldn't vote for a nominee. She said they shouldn't put one up for nominee before the election.  But they are going to put one up and she is going to vote yes and use the logic that although she disagreed with the nomination once it was done it is her duty to vote.  
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    No she said she is fine with starting the vetting process of a nominee now but that the winner of the election should be able to pick who he wants---meaning if Trump wins, she's fine with continuing the process of that current nominee, but if Biden wins, she wouldn't support Trump's nominee.

    Of course she has flip flopped many times before but she is in the fight of her life, and currently losing. That has a lot to do with her going against her word on kavanaugh regarding roe v wade. Trump attacking her this morning, I think, actually helps her in her campaign.
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,962
    I have pretty much vowed to never step foot in Vegas again, but I’m also pretty sure there’s a better than 85% chance I’m there for the first giants or eagles game, hungover as fuck on like 15 minutes of sleep
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,323
    Haha, have said something very similar recently. I don't want to go to Vegas anymore, but that might get me back there.

    And none of you nitwits show up at a fucking polling booth if you can help it ya goddamn numbskulls. Its so easy just to apply online. Philly is allowing drop boxes. Just take that shit there. No need to be putting more people at risk than is needed. That said, haha, I'm probably going to be working the polls because I don't want the same goddamn octogenarians spending 13 hours working the line. ANYWAY, we're in a fucking pandemic. Apply for a ballot, it's fucking easy, and relieves the stress for anyone having to deal with the actual imbeciles in line on E Day.
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,698
    edited September 2020
    No she said she is fine with starting the vetting process of a nominee now but that the winner of the election should be able to pick who he wants---meaning if Trump wins, she's fine with continuing the process of that current nominee, but if Biden wins, she wouldn't support Trump's nominee.

    Of course she has flip flopped many times before but she is in the fight of her life, and currently losing. That has a lot to do with her going against her word on kavanaugh regarding roe v wade. Trump attacking her this morning, I think, actually helps her in her campaign. 
    Yes but she didn’t say she wouldn’t vote when Trump makes a pick and McConnell puts it up for vote. That was my point. She said who wins the election should make the pick but we already know that is not going to happen. I have not seen her say she wouldn’t vote yes when Fucktard and McConnell get a nominee up for vote.  Maybe she has said that since but her original statement never said she wouldn’t vote when a nominee is put up

    Post edited by pjhawks on
  • Currently in the 8th seed (there's words I'd never thought I'd say regarding baseball) with only a half-game lead on the Giants and Brewers. Three games left against the Nationals, and three against the Rays. Not looking good. 

    Brewers have two games against the Reds and four against the Cardinals.
    Giants have three against the Rockies (who are three games back of the Phillies) and three against the Padres. 
    2000: Camden 1, 2003: Philly, State College, Camden 1, MSG 2, Hershey, 2004: Reading, 2005: Philly, 2006: Camden 1, 2, East Rutherford 1, 2007: Lollapalooza, 2008: Camden 1, Washington D.C., MSG 1, 2, 2009: Philly 1, 2, 3, 4, 2010: Bristol, MSG 2, 2011: PJ20 1, 2, 2012: Made In America, 2013: Brooklyn 2, Philly 2, 2014: Denver, 2015: Global Citizen Festival, 2016: Philly 2, Fenway 1, 2018: Fenway 1, 2, 2021: Sea. Hear. Now. 2022: Camden, 2024Philly 2

    Pearl Jam bootlegs:
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    pjhawks said:
    No she said she is fine with starting the vetting process of a nominee now but that the winner of the election should be able to pick who he wants---meaning if Trump wins, she's fine with continuing the process of that current nominee, but if Biden wins, she wouldn't support Trump's nominee.

    Of course she has flip flopped many times before but she is in the fight of her life, and currently losing. That has a lot to do with her going against her word on kavanaugh regarding roe v wade. Trump attacking her this morning, I think, actually helps her in her campaign. 
    Yes but she didn’t say she wouldn’t vote when Trump makes a pick and McConnell puts it up for vote. That was my point. She said who wins the election should make the pick but we already know that is not going to happen. I have not seen her say she wouldn’t vote yes when Fucktard and McConnell get a nominee up for vote.  Maybe she has said that since but her original statement never said she wouldn’t vote when a nominee is put up

    Well it’s a moo point now anyway. 

  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    Currently in the 8th seed (there's words I'd never thought I'd say regarding baseball) with only a half-game lead on the Giants and Brewers. Three games left against the Nationals, and three against the Rays. Not looking good. 

    Brewers have two games against the Reds and four against the Cardinals.
    Giants have three against the Rockies (who are three games back of the Phillies) and three against the Padres. 
    8th seed *
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    I have pretty much vowed to never step foot in Vegas again, but I’m also pretty sure there’s a better than 85% chance I’m there for the first giants or eagles game, hungover as fuck on like 15 minutes of sleep
    Eagles/Raiders in Vegas is the guys trip of a lifetime. 50% chance I make it home alive. 

    Also, I generally do not like any of these new stadiums, but the Raiders one looks cool as hell to me.
  • Currently in the 8th seed (there's words I'd never thought I'd say regarding baseball) with only a half-game lead on the Giants and Brewers. Three games left against the Nationals, and three against the Rays. Not looking good. 

    Brewers have two games against the Reds and four against the Cardinals.
    Giants have three against the Rockies (who are three games back of the Phillies) and three against the Padres. 
    8th seed *
    Hey I have money on the Phils to make the playoffs, so asterisk or not, I'll take it. Plus it'd be nice for these guys to get some postseason experience, even if it's in a wonky best-of-three series with no fans that they'll likely lose. 
    2000: Camden 1, 2003: Philly, State College, Camden 1, MSG 2, Hershey, 2004: Reading, 2005: Philly, 2006: Camden 1, 2, East Rutherford 1, 2007: Lollapalooza, 2008: Camden 1, Washington D.C., MSG 1, 2, 2009: Philly 1, 2, 3, 4, 2010: Bristol, MSG 2, 2011: PJ20 1, 2, 2012: Made In America, 2013: Brooklyn 2, Philly 2, 2014: Denver, 2015: Global Citizen Festival, 2016: Philly 2, Fenway 1, 2018: Fenway 1, 2, 2021: Sea. Hear. Now. 2022: Camden, 2024Philly 2

    Pearl Jam bootlegs:
  • igotid88igotid88 Posts: 28,190
    Currently in the 8th seed (there's words I'd never thought I'd say regarding baseball) with only a half-game lead on the Giants and Brewers. Three games left against the Nationals, and three against the Rays. Not looking good. 

    Brewers have two games against the Reds and four against the Cardinals.
    Giants have three against the Rockies (who are three games back of the Phillies) and three against the Padres. 
    You guys will take 2nd place. The Marlins have the Braves who they have a hard time with and the Yankees 
    I miss igotid88
  • igotid88 said:
    Currently in the 8th seed (there's words I'd never thought I'd say regarding baseball) with only a half-game lead on the Giants and Brewers. Three games left against the Nationals, and three against the Rays. Not looking good. 

    Brewers have two games against the Reds and four against the Cardinals.
    Giants have three against the Rockies (who are three games back of the Phillies) and three against the Padres. 
    You guys will take 2nd place. The Marlins have the Braves who they have a hard time with and the Yankees 
    Maybe. Miami's only one game ahead. But lord knows what the Phils might do in their games. 
    2000: Camden 1, 2003: Philly, State College, Camden 1, MSG 2, Hershey, 2004: Reading, 2005: Philly, 2006: Camden 1, 2, East Rutherford 1, 2007: Lollapalooza, 2008: Camden 1, Washington D.C., MSG 1, 2, 2009: Philly 1, 2, 3, 4, 2010: Bristol, MSG 2, 2011: PJ20 1, 2, 2012: Made In America, 2013: Brooklyn 2, Philly 2, 2014: Denver, 2015: Global Citizen Festival, 2016: Philly 2, Fenway 1, 2018: Fenway 1, 2, 2021: Sea. Hear. Now. 2022: Camden, 2024Philly 2

    Pearl Jam bootlegs:
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    Currently in the 8th seed (there's words I'd never thought I'd say regarding baseball) with only a half-game lead on the Giants and Brewers. Three games left against the Nationals, and three against the Rays. Not looking good. 

    Brewers have two games against the Reds and four against the Cardinals.
    Giants have three against the Rockies (who are three games back of the Phillies) and three against the Padres. 
    8th seed *
    Hey I have money on the Phils to make the playoffs, so asterisk or not, I'll take it. Plus it'd be nice for these guys to get some postseason experience, even if it's in a wonky best-of-three series with no fans that they'll likely lose. 
    I've got over 30.5 for the win total. Don't really see that happening at this point.

    The whole season is a big o'l asterisk to me, regardless, though.
  • Currently in the 8th seed (there's words I'd never thought I'd say regarding baseball) with only a half-game lead on the Giants and Brewers. Three games left against the Nationals, and three against the Rays. Not looking good. 

    Brewers have two games against the Reds and four against the Cardinals.
    Giants have three against the Rockies (who are three games back of the Phillies) and three against the Padres. 
    8th seed *
    Hey I have money on the Phils to make the playoffs, so asterisk or not, I'll take it. Plus it'd be nice for these guys to get some postseason experience, even if it's in a wonky best-of-three series with no fans that they'll likely lose. 
    I've got over 30.5 for the win total. Don't really see that happening at this point.

    The whole season is a big o'l asterisk to me, regardless, though. 
    Oh well sure it is. In some ways, even the ‘94 season is more legit. Nevertheless, they are playing so I’d like to see the Phils go as far as they can. 
    2000: Camden 1, 2003: Philly, State College, Camden 1, MSG 2, Hershey, 2004: Reading, 2005: Philly, 2006: Camden 1, 2, East Rutherford 1, 2007: Lollapalooza, 2008: Camden 1, Washington D.C., MSG 1, 2, 2009: Philly 1, 2, 3, 4, 2010: Bristol, MSG 2, 2011: PJ20 1, 2, 2012: Made In America, 2013: Brooklyn 2, Philly 2, 2014: Denver, 2015: Global Citizen Festival, 2016: Philly 2, Fenway 1, 2018: Fenway 1, 2, 2021: Sea. Hear. Now. 2022: Camden, 2024Philly 2

    Pearl Jam bootlegs:
  • eeriepadaveeeriepadave West Chester, PA Posts: 42,509
    Frustrating team. I laughed in the second game when Kruk was bitching/complaining about the stolen base that was called back cause when Bohm hit the catcher on the helmet with his bat. Stupid rule. Hopefully Phills win second game of double header
    8/28/98- Camden, NJ
    10/31/09- Philly
    5/21/10- NYC
    9/2/12- Philly, PA
    7/19/13- Wrigley
    10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
    10/21/13- Philly, PA
    10/22/13- Philly, PA
    10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
    4/28/16- Philly, PA
    4/29/16- Philly, PA
    5/1/16- NYC
    5/2/16- NYC
    9/2/18- Boston, MA
    9/4/18- Boston, MA
    9/14/22- Camden, NJ
    9/7/24- Philly, PA
    9/9/24- Philly, PA
    Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
    Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
    RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
  • eeriepadaveeeriepadave West Chester, PA Posts: 42,509
    Frustrating team. I laughed in the second game when Kruk was bitching/complaining about the stolen base that was called back cause when Bohm hit the catcher on the helmet with his bat. Stupid rule. Hopefully Phills win second game of double header
    FUCKING BULLPEN! :anguished:

    8/28/98- Camden, NJ
    10/31/09- Philly
    5/21/10- NYC
    9/2/12- Philly, PA
    7/19/13- Wrigley
    10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
    10/21/13- Philly, PA
    10/22/13- Philly, PA
    10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
    4/28/16- Philly, PA
    4/29/16- Philly, PA
    5/1/16- NYC
    5/2/16- NYC
    9/2/18- Boston, MA
    9/4/18- Boston, MA
    9/14/22- Camden, NJ
    9/7/24- Philly, PA
    9/9/24- Philly, PA
    Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
    Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
    RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
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