Yes, Kirkwood should understand that not all of us have found free seats in somebody else's car...I am absolutely sure that fans here will help him when they can...maybe you two should team up somehow I don't know... and the worst choice is still a possibility:
train from Katowice or Krakow (2 separate routes) for about 80 euros. C'mon it's even more than nothing;)
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
Sure!, but since I live in sweden and not gonna travel from budapest to katowice, I guess it´s gonna be hard for me to found one.
Do you live in hungary?, how much is a rental car?
Yes, Kirkwood should understand that not all of us have found free seats in somebody else's car...I am absolutely sure that fans here will help him when they can...maybe you two should team up somehow I don't know... and the worst choice is still a possibility:
train from Katowice or Krakow (2 separate routes) for about 80 euros. C'mon it's even more than nothing;)
=)Ye. The thing is I was thinking of going to Nova rock and I have a friend in budapest so i can crash there, and then take the train to nova.
But if I skip nova I just fly home to sweden.
But i gonna make myself heard hear once a week, just so everybody know=)
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
I am forever grateful to this band for giving us their ALL every single night and offering me such a wonderful gift - MUSIC, music that allows me to feel all that I want to feel, music that makes me strong in times of weakness, music that gives me joy in times of sorrow - SammieBlack
Must say that Budapest is a beutiful town, were there last summer and the big park with tha castle was so nice at night and I remeber being on the buda side(the mountain side) on night and watch the whole town light up or light down(don´t remeber=) but anyway it was so beutiful.
The only thing was that the store people was little bit neutral, they weren´t either happy or angry just pretty boring=).
thanx for the compliments...Budapest and the Danube by night is even much more spectacular, it's always a pleasure to see those attractive enlightened sights...:cool: ant to tell you the truth working in a store is not the happiest job I guess but absolutely underpaid here!!!:( I know what you're talking about...:(
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
I´m working in a store and I´m happy;). My friend told me "the store mentaly" was a part from the kommunism, because it was always the eldery people who were unfriendly. But anyway I have never felt so safe at nighttime as I did in Budapest, the town was empty and soooooo quiet, and the people I met were harmless. + you have the craziest party place, some outdoor place wich costs like 1 $ do get in to, and soo great rock music and cool people.
+ you have the craziest party place, some outdoor place wich costs like 1 $ do get in to, and soo great rock music and cool people.
Outdoor place playing great rock music??? Where is it??? Ive never heard about that though Ive lived here since I was born :D:D
I am forever grateful to this band for giving us their ALL every single night and offering me such a wonderful gift - MUSIC, music that allows me to feel all that I want to feel, music that makes me strong in times of weakness, music that gives me joy in times of sorrow - SammieBlack
Outdoor place playing great rock music??? Where is it??? Ive never heard about that though Ive lived here since I was born :D:D
Shit...i did...i mean i know what uRe talking about...near Danube called ZöldPardon (or ZP). Rite?
I am forever grateful to this band for giving us their ALL every single night and offering me such a wonderful gift - MUSIC, music that allows me to feel all that I want to feel, music that makes me strong in times of weakness, music that gives me joy in times of sorrow - SammieBlack
ZP has had better times before... now it's not that attractive at all anymore for me, some really disgusting things happened there in the last few years:(
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
:eek:Ezt el sem hiszem: MEGJÖTT A PEARL JAM KARÁCSONYI AJÁNDÉKA!!!!!!!!
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
I am forever grateful to this band for giving us their ALL every single night and offering me such a wonderful gift - MUSIC, music that allows me to feel all that I want to feel, music that makes me strong in times of weakness, music that gives me joy in times of sorrow - SammieBlack
vajon én mirt nem kaptam meg soha a magazint, viszont a lemezt igen.....?
A postás is PJ rajongó???
I am forever grateful to this band for giving us their ALL every single night and offering me such a wonderful gift - MUSIC, music that allows me to feel all that I want to feel, music that makes me strong in times of weakness, music that gives me joy in times of sorrow - SammieBlack
Pontosan! Meg feltűnne Neked is, ha SEMMIT nem kapná így legalább a lemez odaért!
I am forever grateful to this band for giving us their ALL every single night and offering me such a wonderful gift - MUSIC, music that allows me to feel all that I want to feel, music that makes me strong in times of weakness, music that gives me joy in times of sorrow - SammieBlack
Nem felejtettem el a pólótervet...érik a dolog, érik......
óóó, helyes-helyes!!!
Mikor kaphatunk belőle ízelítőt???;)
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
Az imént ment egy mindenki által ismert nóta, s felfigyeltem erre:
"Gyere, beülhetsz a mi autónkba,
Vigyázz, ne ülj rá a gitártokra!
Gyere, gyere, gyere, úgy várunk rád!
Gyere, gyere ki a hegyoldalba!
Neked játszik ott egy rock'n'roll banda.
Gyere, gyere, gyere, várok rád!"
...így nem tudott nem eszembe jutni, h már csak 2 hóóóóóónap és 1 héééééét! Ááááááááááááááááh!
KeHÜ-t mindenkinek!
I am forever grateful to this band for giving us their ALL every single night and offering me such a wonderful gift - MUSIC, music that allows me to feel all that I want to feel, music that makes me strong in times of weakness, music that gives me joy in times of sorrow - SammieBlack
En is kellemes husveti unnepeket kivanok mindnyajatoknak!!!
Mi epp Varsoban ill. Gdanskban probaljuk meg elutni az idot, es idaig egesz jol csinaljuk am:)
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
Kellemes ünnepeket mindenkinek:D
Ajándékként itt van egy link: Megpróbálkoztam a német wiki lefordításával, ha már úgyis nyelvvizsgára készülök:) Szóval, ha nem eléggé magyarul van, akkor át lehet fogalmazni:) Lassan jobban tudok németül, mint magyarul?:P:D:D
De ez milyen már, hogy eddig nem volt Pearl Jam szócikk a magyar wikiben? Ej-ej-ej...
Nagyon helyes, Orsi, igy kell ezt csinalni!!!
Kis lepesekben haladunk, mint valami remes szekta:)
Budapest.Budapest.Arnhem.Antwerpen.Vienna.Madrid.Katowice.Nova_rock.Nijmegen.Rotterdam.Berlin.Dublin.Belfast.London.Venice.Prague.Stockholm.Copenhagen.Vienna.Leeds.Milton_keynes.Padova.Prague.Seattle1.Seattle2.Chicago1.Budapest.Cracow.Vienna..>>>LONDON.BERLIN1.BERLIN2 Eddie: Dublin & London
if u find a car please let me know
Yes, Kirkwood should understand that not all of us have found free seats in somebody else's car...I am absolutely sure that fans here will help him when they can...maybe you two should team up somehow I don't know... and the worst choice is still a possibility:
train from Katowice or Krakow (2 separate routes) for about 80 euros. C'mon it's even more than nothing;)
Eddie: Dublin & London
Sure!, but since I live in sweden and not gonna travel from budapest to katowice, I guess it´s gonna be hard for me to found one.
Do you live in hungary?, how much is a rental car?
2007 Munich, Katowice, Kopenhaven, Nijmegen
=)Ye. The thing is I was thinking of going to Nova rock and I have a friend in budapest so i can crash there, and then take the train to nova.
But if I skip nova I just fly home to sweden.
But i gonna make myself heard hear once a week, just so everybody know=)
2007 Munich, Katowice, Kopenhaven, Nijmegen
Eddie: Dublin & London
Youre right!
Must say that Budapest is a beutiful town, were there last summer and the big park with tha castle was so nice at night and I remeber being on the buda side(the mountain side) on night and watch the whole town light up or light down(don´t remeber=) but anyway it was so beutiful.
The only thing was that the store people was little bit neutral, they weren´t either happy or angry just pretty boring=).
2007 Munich, Katowice, Kopenhaven, Nijmegen
Eddie: Dublin & London
2007 Munich, Katowice, Kopenhaven, Nijmegen
Outdoor place playing great rock music??? Where is it???
Shit...i did...i mean i know what uRe talking about...near Danube called ZöldPardon (or ZP). Rite?
Eddie: Dublin & London
What bad has happend there? My friend told me it was a great place
2007 Munich, Katowice, Kopenhaven, Nijmegen
Eddie: Dublin & London
hahaaaa the good old zöld pardon ...
(not so mighty anymore though...)
Eddie: Dublin & London
Ha-ha ... Tegnap én is megkaptam!!!! ...
2000: Katowice 2.; Saratoga Springs
2006: Prague; Vienna
2007: Katowice
2009: Berlin
A postás is PJ rajongó???
aki imád olvasni, lemezjátszója viszont nincs...?
Azt hiszem én is....:-))))
Nem felejtettem el a pólótervet...érik a dolog, érik......
2005: Gorge, Vancouver
2006: Arnhem, Prága, Bécs
2007: Madrid, Katowice, Nickelsdorf, Nijmegen
2009: Rotterdam, Berlin
2010: Dublin, Belfast, Berlin
Pontosan! Meg feltűnne Neked is, ha SEMMIT nem kapná így legalább a lemez odaért!
óóó, helyes-helyes!!!
Mikor kaphatunk belőle ízelítőt???;)
Eddie: Dublin & London
lehet hogy a hétvégén tudok úgy is foglalkozni vele, hogy Ti is lássatok valamit....:-)
elküldtem privátba az adatokat!!!!!!!!!!!
on the road again..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2005: Gorge, Vancouver
2006: Arnhem, Prága, Bécs
2007: Madrid, Katowice, Nickelsdorf, Nijmegen
2009: Rotterdam, Berlin
2010: Dublin, Belfast, Berlin
"Gyere, beülhetsz a mi autónkba,
Vigyázz, ne ülj rá a gitártokra!
Gyere, gyere, gyere, úgy várunk rád!
Gyere, gyere ki a hegyoldalba!
Neked játszik ott egy rock'n'roll banda.
Gyere, gyere, gyere, várok rád!"
...így nem tudott nem eszembe jutni, h már csak 2 hóóóóóónap és 1 héééééét! Ááááááááááááááááh!
KeHÜ-t mindenkinek!
Akkor hanyan is vagyunk hol?
Mizujs polo ugyben?
Update pls...
Astoria 20/04/06
Reading - 27/08/06
Vienna - 25/09/06 - the BEST day of my life
Mi epp Varsoban ill. Gdanskban probaljuk meg elutni az idot, es idaig egesz jol csinaljuk am:)
Eddie: Dublin & London
Ajándékként itt van egy link:
De ez milyen már, hogy eddig nem volt Pearl Jam szócikk a magyar wikiben? Ej-ej-ej...
Kis lepesekben haladunk, mint valami remes szekta:)
Eddie: Dublin & London