Glad I don't live on the lake anymore then. I'll have to check the missing 411 books out sometime.
if i were you i'd first just simply pull up his interviews on youtube or wherever else. david paulides is the guy's name, he's a retired cop. what lake, where at?
about a hour northeast of the twin cities, rush lake. There is DNR land/swamp across the gravel road. There was only 4 houses on my road but then a resort opened up and brought in to much boat traffic ,noise, drunks etc.. But before that, it was quiet and peaceful. ., had black bear in my front yard tearing apart my birdfeeder once and also had a coyote walk across my driveway when I was standing about 30 ft. away with some of my family members. Really freaked them out and I was surprised it came that close in broad daylight , and wolves every so often.There's an native American burial mound near the northwest shore with lots of strange occurances that I think was connected to that, but that's another story. Before the resort, every once in a while, at night all of the critters would suddenly go very quiet and you could hear the screeching/screaming thing and the tree knocking. Felt/sensed like I was being watched in the woods/swamp across the street and it would freak me out so I would go back into the house.
great stuff. ever hear coyote chatter & then coyotes go quiet like & something is trying to mimic coyote chatter? & actually doing a great job at it. experts @ mimicry
what can tear a pack of coyotes to pieces? as in ripping their limbs apart as well as grabbing their back legs & smashing them up against tree limbs & tree trunks some 12+ feet up a tree, blood splatters high up there, hair up there, skulls broken open, heads removed, the whole bit
these dudes come down the mountain at night & lure coyotes, mimicing their sounds.... its a team effort driving them into their coral area.
a cop found this after a night of this screaming belligerence. in fact the man was so terrified after the find, he got down on his stomach & crawled out of there back to his car.
instead of posting a new line here i edited my post above & put in a interview from a u.s. forest service biologist studying big horn sheep & who had a pretty bizarre encounter one fine night while camping in a bacon grease soaked tent as he's trying to sleep
Call me crazy but I don't see a link. And is there any video footage of what you say here?
what has a giant stride maybe 5-6 feet & more & walks inline but resembling human type prints but w/ differences not just size difference but a midtarsal break... helps get the feet gripping like hands
they've found some strides 8, 12, 18 feet when the dude is gettin it. that is some run can go from running very fast on hands & legs to up & running on its legs w/out even slowing up & trying... amazing stuff
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
Some of these stories, most recently your, jmuscatello (and wow! what a story! glad you got through it ok!) reminds me of one I read in (I think it was) Musician Magazine years ago. The article was an interview conducted with Don Van Vliet AKA Captain Beefheart. In the middle of the interview Van Vliet put his hands in his head and said something to the effect of "Oh my God, something terrible has happened." The interviewer later discovered this was around the same time as that John Lennon was shot. I wish I had kept all those great magazines- I can't find the article. Anybody remember this?
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I never went into the woods across the road. There was a bear den that I could see on the hill and saw bears chasing down their deer dinner. Come to think about it, you could hear a coyote? that didn't sound quite right, every once in a while. Not very often though. When the resort moved in a lot of the wild life moved on, hopefully with that thing right behind them.
you do not see a video clip pictured below of a man sitting there? there's no "play" button to click directly over the guy's face?
there is endless video footage, reports, interviews, written scientific studies, countless piles of people every year around the world having encounters - some mild, some aggresive. every single thing i have stated on here or may state in the future on this subject is from info i have read & watched from reputable sources. if the info/stories are fantastic i will read & watch several more times
watch it & turn up the audio. this is a brilliant man & very capable & very honest & is buddies with dr. jeff meldrum who is a full professor of anatomy and anthropology and a professor of the department of anthropology at idaho state university.
the guy in this video above is a u.s. forest service biologist
Some of these stories, most recently your, jmuscatello (and wow! what a story! glad you got through it ok!) reminds me of one I read in (I think it was) Musician Magazine years ago. The article was an interview conducted with Don Van Vliet AKA Captain Beefheart. In the middle of the interview Van Vliet put his hands in his head and said something to the effect of "Oh my God, something terrible has happened." The interviewer later discovered this was around the same time as that John Lennon was shot. I wish I had kept all those great magazines- I can't find the article. Anybody remember this?
Wow, I never heard that before now. I remember the night John Lennon died, remember it with great sadness and horror.
says my flash player needs updated. dam it. thing is i have been trying for several months to update my flash player & it just won't happen. i will probably be required to take my computer into see a tech somewhere
wood knocks, rock clacking... rock clacking is many things as are wood knocks. put nuts in the shells (nuts growing out in the wilderness not peanuts from walmart) & smack a rock down onto a rock on a tree stump or the ground. it breaks the shell open.
rock clacking would be an alarm as would the tree knocks. it is communication & whatnot
there is a video of a red hairy juvenile clacking rocks together. later next day the guy walks back in there directly to the rock clacking place,,,, great find, broken nut shells & apples ate on & maybe some prints in the dirt
he rides a trail bike into this forest, parks it & walks around w/ his camera. they enjoy playing jokes as they relocate his bike leaving gifts of sorts on the seat or wherever
don't you live very near the sierra mountain range?
Yes, Chawick, I live in the Sierra Foothills. One of may favorite weekend activities is to put on my big old Sasquatch suit and tromp around in the woods. LOL! Sorry, my friend, couldn't resist. :-)
But seriously, the boundaries of the El Dorado National forest are about a 20 minute drive from here. Nothing unusual is bound to turn up in those woods as they are pretty much over-run and trashed by loggers, people shooting, gathering firewood, camping, etc. Something like John Mionczynski's Bigfoot encounter would not likely happen today in most of the West's National Forests- maybe in less tromped in wilderness areas like the Mokelumni or Trintiy Alps. My own take is that Bigfoot makes for great folk-lore. I'm pretty familiar with and/or related to a number of people who work or have worked in the Forest Service and I don't know one who believe in the existence of Bigfoot. In fact, I would venture to guess most if not all of them would avoid engaging in conversation about the topic. Also, I've spent a lot of time in woods and a fair amount in wilderness and know many who have done so even more than I have and none have ever seen anything unusual such Bigfoot. To maintain a viable population, breeding population of such a species would have to be so large that many more sighting would occur than reportedly do. It's just not scientifically feasible that such a creature exists. But I can go along with what Jane Goodall said- "I'm fascinated and would actually love for them to exist." It would be most interesting!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
i can argue... debate w/ you on this matter until the cows come home but i will not. your mind's pretty much made up. you might wanna read those "missing 411" books or even listen to his interviews. then you may just drop your jaw a bit in shock. sierra mountains... many & probably countless encounters dating back a long time.
in a rescue report filed w/ a sheriff department, helicopter rescue, rescue hikers, rescue this & that... several departments. a hiker back whenever it was, took off hiking the sierra mountain trail leaving nevada into california. along the hike he slips & falls down a steep cliff & receives a compound fracture to one of his leg & was knocked unconscious. he comes to & crawls up the steep cliff or hill or whatever it is, then falls back into a unconscious state.
all of a sudden he comes to somewhat & is being carried by something hairy as he can feel the hair & he is being carried like being cradled or whatever, laying across stretched out open arm as he could feel the bobbing up & down. so he passes out again, wakes up still being carried along, passes out, wakes up. blah blah
finally (& actually in short order) is layed down on the ground at a door to a cabin. the door opens & a guy is standing there & radios for rescue. all these teams show up to help.
they ask the hiker, where did you fall & how did you get here? he reports falling some 7 miles or further back & gave a good estimate on time of the accident. how did you get here that quick? "i was carried"
physically impossible for the biggest strongest man alive to scale those mountain trails carrying a grown man in his open arms.
the rescue guys walked back & got his backpack.... quite the distance that injured hiker covered in such a short time. also he did not crawl those miles because he was farely spotless except for the fall & crawling back to the trail he fell off
it's a logged rescue like i said & stands as fact & is quite shocking
dial up some of the sierra sounds recorded in the 70's deer hunters have a camp up there in those mountains they get visitors & everytime they go deer hunting so they start recording the noise, chatter & whatnot a retired naval linguistics expert analyzes the recordings it is a language & probably several languages rolled into one
When i was 11 i was at my friend's house and he was talking to me and right behind him i saw a ghostly figure of a little girl that was in a white gown or something and she had her eyes closed and she was looking up. I didn't think of to say to my friend, look behind you a ghost because she was gone 2 seconds later. I never even told him ever because i pretty much just remembered it until now.
thank you. i have a question or two. "she had her eyes closed & she was looking up." can you try & explain this a bit? i think i understand how that would look but.... anyhow.... did you ever go over to your friend's again? i wonder if your friend & his family ever saw the little girl ghost or had any other types of activity they had heard or saw or whatever? maybe they had a dog or cat that acted out of order at times?
Well, i don't know how else i can explain it, it was a long time ago. I basically forgot about it and i'm not friends with him anymore. I moved schools and after that i couldn't get much contact with him so yeah. I remember he had a dog, but i don't think it would ever bark at nothing.
I also remember an english class from a few years ago where my teacher told our class a story. When he was 18 and driving to a friends and he saw a woman standing in the middle of the road and he quickly moved out of the way and he crashed into a gate and he turned around and she was gone. Then all these cows started to come out of the gate.
I've often viewed these types of stories as someone trying to warn of something more catastrophic (like a more severe auto accident) further up the road. So the teacher swerved to avoid hitting the girl and winds up with a more minor incident of hitting a gate instead and cows getting out of their pen, most likely blocking his path even more. I guess that's the way I would have viewed that.
When i was 11 i was at my friend's house and he was talking to me and right behind him i saw a ghostly figure of a little girl that was in a white gown or something and she had her eyes closed and she was looking up. I didn't think of to say to my friend, look behind you a ghost because she was gone 2 seconds later. I never even told him ever because i pretty much just remembered it until now.
thank you. i have a question or two. "she had her eyes closed & she was looking up." can you try & explain this a bit? i think i understand how that would look but.... anyhow.... did you ever go over to your friend's again? i wonder if your friend & his family ever saw the little girl ghost or had any other types of activity they had heard or saw or whatever? maybe they had a dog or cat that acted out of order at times?
Well, i don't know how else i can explain it, it was a long time ago. I basically forgot about it and i'm not friends with him anymore. I moved schools and after that i couldn't get much contact with him so yeah. I remember he had a dog, but i don't think it would ever bark at nothing.
I also remember an english class from a few years ago where my teacher told our class a story. When he was 18 and driving to a friends and he saw a woman standing in the middle of the road and he quickly moved out of the way and he crashed into a gate and he turned around and she was gone. Then all these cows started to come out of the gate.
i would have to agree with you about all that & perhaps there are some other details but yes something like a guardian angel of sorts. these guardian angels are sure amazing. i know i have a few myself, we all do.
my dad was working the afternoon shift at the prison back in the late 70's & he'd be driving home maybe around 10pm or later. he's driving a green chevy nova traveling down a 55mph highway with a car coming from the other direction. he drove (in warm months) with his left arm resting on the door or even hanging down the side of the door.
a voice (as he explains it) directly behind him & loudly speaking in a deeper demanding serious like voice says to him in his ear as if they leaned forward as if a passenger, "pull your arm into the car, you're going to have an accident" he pulls his arm in, lets off the gas & is clobbered by that on-coming car that was driven by a drunk man who had a drunk buddy riding shotgun.
the drunk's vehicle creamed the driver's side of dad's nova knocked it over & blasting it down a ditch & rolling it up the ditch's far over side resting on it roof or one of the sides. dad says he would have lost that arm if he did not pull his arm into the car
guardian angels? yes but,I remember someone saying a few pages back on this thread something about totems. Now let me explain that I am not native American but have a few friends that are that are and through them is where I learned about totems. My experience with a totem was involving a accident where I was hit by a pickup truck as a pedestrian. My mom worked the evening shift at a nursing home near where she lived. I rode with my sister one night to pick mom up from work and bring her home. The stupid car wouldn't start all of a sudden after dropping her off and visiting with her for a little bit inside the house. So instead of taking this as warning number one, we took off on foot to walk to other sisters home about a half mile away to see if she could give us a lift back to the sister I was with apt. since I was going to spend the night over there. We start walking down the block and a kind of transparent rabbit ran right across my path. I asked my sister if she just saw this rabbit and she says no. So we keep walking, after getting to the main street I hear this voice real close in my ear yell run.It startled me but, staring running off to the side to the grass and turned my head just in time to see the pickups headlight about six inches from my left shoulder, I hadn't completely gotten out of the way and I got hit. The truck threw my body about fifty feet. I landed with my arms and legs all twisted behind me, but, I was looking at my body from about five or so feet away. This all happened right in front of a convenience store and the people come running out. The cops and ambulance come and can see the cop who had brown hair and a trimmed mustache on his knees leaning over my body. I could see a blonde girl asking the cop if I am dead. Mind you I was watching all this from five ft away.The ambulance loads me up and I came back in at the hospital. I know I was laying on the gurney when my eyes flew open and the ER Dr and nurses screamed in surprise. Since then I ran into a few of the witnesses of the accident and this one guy says to me all the time that I freak him out because he knows I died. I guess it was an out of body experience. I pay a lot closer attention now.
i've read (years ago) about totems & how we each have maybe a few different totems. animal totem, spirit totem or whatever else, maybe eliment totems like fire, water, wind earth or whatever. can you explain a bit on totems?
i also meant to mention something about when you lived by the lake & the indian burial grounds. very cool stuff. when living in northeast iowa we lived near the effigy mounds of the upper mississippi valley indians who made animal shape mounds up on these cliffs & used many if not all for burial mounds... marching bears, birds, panther & turtle, maybe snakes not sure
yes there are elemental totems that are to teach you about your relation to the earth and such and various ones that are your animal spiritual guides meant to help direct you to your path and even insect totems. What that could be is dependent on what animal totem you have. I really don't know all the details about them all. My rabbit came as a warning but also to help me better connect with my surroundings and mother earth. The shaped mounds that you described are representive to each particular family's totem who's ancestors a most likely buried there. My friend brought me to meet their shaman who wanted to explain to me about grand medicine, and he felt that was something I should be looking into, even though I'm not native, which I thought was kind of strange. It was also a kinda strange meeting since he said that his totem the wolf told him to seek me out. What was even stranger was that I went into the city at a native American center I cold hear a wolf howling as if in the distance but we were right smack dab of the city where there are no wolves. It really rattled me and I left. I never learned their grand medicine.
Some of these stories, most recently your, jmuscatello (and wow! what a story! glad you got through it ok!) reminds me of one I read in (I think it was) Musician Magazine years ago. The article was an interview conducted with Don Van Vliet AKA Captain Beefheart. In the middle of the interview Van Vliet put his hands in his head and said something to the effect of "Oh my God, something terrible has happened." The interviewer later discovered this was around the same time as that John Lennon was shot. I wish I had kept all those great magazines- I can't find the article. Anybody remember this?
Hadn't heard of this either but now I want to search for that article!
And these warnings, clairvoyance, visions and totems... to me, it's like you get a random glimpse that things are happening at another level, maybe one you'll never really understand in our lifetime, but you just get enough of a look to know something else just might be out there. I know in my accident/sister phone call case I wasn't looking for it, and my mind immediately tried to figure out a rational explanation for how she could've known. And then finally you think that maybe this physical life we know might just be a tiny bit of what's out there. Like a random little hiccup in the order of things gives you the chance to see that there's more to it. I find it fascinating now.
with that, I see I have some catching up to do with the videos...
this frickin guy 'james randi' aka 'the amazing randi' just drives me batty. what a narrow-minded/close-minded cynical ass. his mind is made up that paranormal/supernatural happenings interacting with us on this plane or plateau or rock-dirt-water-air-gas & sky filled planet is not & never has ever been the goings on at any given moment, anywhere, near or far.
i have this morning been watching a few of his interviews & other videos on his research, theories & whatnot. wow, mr. amazing, just please stop.
i actually feel sorry for this man & people like him. he is supposed to be this gifted mind but is quite naive & simple.
goodnight, sir
Couldn't disagree with you more.
A video on youtube I saw a couple weeks ago that reminds me of this topic.
yes there are elemental totems that are to teach you about your relation to the earth and such and various ones that are your animal spiritual guides meant to help direct you to your path and even insect totems. What that could be is dependent on what animal totem you have. I really don't know all the details about them all. My rabbit came as a warning but also to help me better connect with my surroundings and mother earth. The shaped mounds that you described are representive to each particular family's totem who's ancestors a most likely buried there. My friend brought me to meet their shaman who wanted to explain to me about grand medicine, and he felt that was something I should be looking into, even though I'm not native, which I thought was kind of strange. It was also a kinda strange meeting since he said that his totem the wolf told him to seek me out. What was even stranger was that I went into the city at a native American center I cold hear a wolf howling as if in the distance but we were right smack dab of the city where there are no wolves. It really rattled me and I left. I never learned their grand medicine.
but you probably should look into it. that is how it works, what you're speaking of, hearing the howling wolf & whatnot & the shaman's animal totem the wolf
I never had an opinion of television pyschics one way or the other. All I know is that many different cultures have reported similar experiences regarding paranormal experiences as well as some twins seem to be connected telepathically etc...
many on here & elsewhere will put up their bullshit nonsense declaring sensitive folks are nutjobs craving attention. i've never really gave any tv psychics the time of day, hell i don't even own a tv & am far removed from all that a good 12-15 yrs or more
do i believe in psychic ability? sure do. have i myself experienced those happenings? a lot yes & not just simple bullshit like thinking of a friend really hard out of the blue & the phone rings w/ their call. that's mild & happens often.
i know what i have going on, what im about. haters can kiss my ass for all i care. one can't help what they're born with or into
what lake, where at?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
what can tear a pack of coyotes to pieces? as in ripping their limbs apart as well as grabbing their back legs & smashing them up against tree limbs & tree trunks some 12+ feet up a tree, blood splatters high up there, hair up there, skulls broken open, heads removed, the whole bit
these dudes come down the mountain at night & lure coyotes, mimicing their sounds.... its a team effort driving them into their coral area.
a cop found this after a night of this screaming belligerence. in fact the man was so terrified after the find, he got down on his stomach & crawled out of there back to his car.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
there's no "play" button to click directly over the guy's face?
there is endless video footage, reports, interviews, written scientific studies, countless piles of people every year around the world having encounters - some mild, some aggresive. every single thing i have stated on here or may state in the future on this subject is from info i have read & watched from reputable sources. if the info/stories are fantastic i will read & watch several more times
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
the guy in this video above is a u.s. forest service biologist
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
wood knocks, rock clacking... rock clacking is many things as are wood knocks. put nuts in the shells (nuts growing out in the wilderness not peanuts from walmart) & smack a rock down onto a rock on a tree stump or the ground. it breaks the shell open.
rock clacking would be an alarm as would the tree knocks. it is communication & whatnot
there is a video of a red hairy juvenile clacking rocks together. later next day the guy walks back in there directly to the rock clacking place,,,, great find, broken nut shells & apples ate on & maybe some prints in the dirt
he rides a trail bike into this forest, parks it & walks around w/ his camera. they enjoy playing jokes as they relocate his bike leaving gifts of sorts on the seat or wherever
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
don't you live very near the sierra mountain range?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
But seriously, the boundaries of the El Dorado National forest are about a 20 minute drive from here. Nothing unusual is bound to turn up in those woods as they are pretty much over-run and trashed by loggers, people shooting, gathering firewood, camping, etc. Something like John Mionczynski's Bigfoot encounter would not likely happen today in most of the West's National Forests- maybe in less tromped in wilderness areas like the Mokelumni or Trintiy Alps. My own take is that Bigfoot makes for great folk-lore. I'm pretty familiar with and/or related to a number of people who work or have worked in the Forest Service and I don't know one who believe in the existence of Bigfoot. In fact, I would venture to guess most if not all of them would avoid engaging in conversation about the topic. Also, I've spent a lot of time in woods and a fair amount in wilderness and know many who have done so even more than I have and none have ever seen anything unusual such Bigfoot. To maintain a viable population, breeding population of such a species would have to be so large that many more sighting would occur than reportedly do. It's just not scientifically feasible that such a creature exists. But I can go along with what Jane Goodall said- "I'm fascinated and would actually love for them to exist." It would be most interesting!
sierra mountains... many & probably countless encounters dating back a long time.
in a rescue report filed w/ a sheriff department, helicopter rescue, rescue hikers, rescue this & that... several departments.
a hiker back whenever it was, took off hiking the sierra mountain trail leaving nevada into california. along the hike he slips & falls down a steep cliff & receives a compound fracture to one of his leg & was knocked unconscious. he comes to & crawls up the steep cliff or hill or whatever it is, then falls back into a unconscious state.
all of a sudden he comes to somewhat & is being carried by something hairy as he can feel the hair & he is being carried like being cradled or whatever, laying across stretched out open arm as he could feel the bobbing up & down. so he passes out again, wakes up still being carried along, passes out, wakes up. blah blah
finally (& actually in short order) is layed down on the ground at a door to a cabin. the door opens & a guy is standing there & radios for rescue. all these teams show up to help.
they ask the hiker, where did you fall & how did you get here? he reports falling some 7 miles or further back & gave a good estimate on time of the accident. how did you get here that quick? "i was carried"
physically impossible for the biggest strongest man alive to scale those mountain trails carrying a grown man in his open arms.
the rescue guys walked back & got his backpack.... quite the distance that injured hiker covered in such a short time. also he did not crawl those miles because he was farely spotless except for the fall & crawling back to the trail he fell off
it's a logged rescue like i said & stands as fact & is quite shocking
dial up some of the sierra sounds recorded in the 70's
deer hunters have a camp up there in those mountains
they get visitors & everytime they go deer hunting
so they start recording the noise, chatter & whatnot
a retired naval linguistics expert analyzes the recordings
it is a language & probably several languages rolled into one
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I also remember an english class from a few years ago where my teacher told our class a story. When he was 18 and driving to a friends and he saw a woman standing in the middle of the road and he quickly moved out of the way and he crashed into a gate and he turned around and she was gone. Then all these cows started to come out of the gate.
I've often viewed these types of stories as someone trying to warn of something more catastrophic (like a more severe auto accident) further up the road. So the teacher swerved to avoid hitting the girl and winds up with a more minor incident of hitting a gate instead and cows getting out of their pen, most likely blocking his path even more. I guess that's the way I would have viewed that.
i would have to agree with you about all that & perhaps there are some other details but yes something like a guardian angel of sorts. these guardian angels are sure amazing. i know i have a few myself, we all do.
my dad was working the afternoon shift at the prison back in the late 70's & he'd be driving home maybe around 10pm or later. he's driving a green chevy nova traveling down a 55mph highway with a car coming from the other direction. he drove (in warm months) with his left arm resting on the door or even hanging down the side of the door.
a voice (as he explains it) directly behind him & loudly speaking in a deeper demanding serious like voice says to him in his ear as if they leaned forward as if a passenger, "pull your arm into the car, you're going to have an accident" he pulls his arm in, lets off the gas & is clobbered by that on-coming car that was driven by a drunk man who had a drunk buddy riding shotgun.
the drunk's vehicle creamed the driver's side of dad's nova knocked it over & blasting it down a ditch & rolling it up the ditch's far over side resting on it roof or one of the sides. dad says he would have lost that arm if he did not pull his arm into the car
guarding angels anyone?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
i also meant to mention something about when you lived by the lake & the indian burial grounds. very cool stuff. when living in northeast iowa we lived near the effigy mounds of the upper mississippi valley indians who made animal shape mounds up on these cliffs & used many if not all for burial mounds... marching bears, birds, panther & turtle, maybe snakes not sure
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
And these warnings, clairvoyance, visions and totems... to me, it's like you get a random glimpse that things are happening at another level, maybe one you'll never really understand in our lifetime, but you just get enough of a look to know something else just might be out there. I know in my accident/sister phone call case I wasn't looking for it, and my mind immediately tried to figure out a rational explanation for how she could've known. And then finally you think that maybe this physical life we know might just be a tiny bit of what's out there. Like a random little hiccup in the order of things gives you the chance to see that there's more to it. I find it fascinating now.
with that, I see I have some catching up to do with the videos...
Couldn't disagree with you more.
A video on youtube I saw a couple weeks ago that reminds me of this topic.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Penn and Teller talk about James Randi.
do i believe in psychic ability? sure do. have i myself experienced those happenings? a lot yes & not just simple bullshit like thinking of a friend really hard out of the blue & the phone rings w/ their call. that's mild & happens often.
i know what i have going on, what im about. haters can kiss my ass for all i care. one can't help what they're born with or into
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce