Family Pit Bulls Kill Child

Thirty Bills UnpaidThirty Bills Unpaid Posts: 16,881
edited April 2013 in A Moving Train
A toddler was mauled to death after her family didn't notice she had gotten out of the house, and seven of their nine dogs attacked her in the backyard, Georgia authorities said.

Monica Renee Laminack, just 21 months old, crawled through the doggie door of her family's Ellabell, Ga., home on Wednesday evening and managed to slip out into the backyard, Debra Odom, Bryan County sheriff's office administrative secretary, said.

That's when the family's pet dogs — all pit bulls or pit bull mixes, according to Odom — seized on her.

"They started attacking the child, mauled her, drug her all over the yard, took her clothes off, scattered her clothes," Bryan County Sheriff Clyde Smith said in a news conference Thursday.

Emergency personnel arrived on the scene to find the girl covered in bite marks and were unable to revive her, reported in Georgia.

“When we got here and spoke to EMS, they told us that when they got here, she was already cold. There was nothing they could do,” Bryan County Deputy Sheriff James Beatty told The Savannah Morning News.

Five people were home at around 6 p.m. when the mauling happened, according to, including Monica's 12-year-old brother, who was assigned to watch her, and their grandmother.

The grandmother, who was not identified, reportedly woke up to hear the dogs barking; she looked out her window and yelled "They are killing Monica!", reported

Bryan County Animal Control euthanized all seven of the dogs involved. An Irish settler and beagle that the family owned were spared, Odum said, adding authorities had never been responded to calls at the home before this.

An autopsy was being conducted on Thursday. No charges have been filed yet.

"It's still under investigation right now," Odum said.

It's unclear why the dogs became aggressive with the toddler, who would have turned 2 years old in June.

“She habitually played with dogs, all of them. But they drug her all over the yard. Something turned them on her. We don’t know what,” Smith said, reported The Savannah Morning News.

Link: ... dogs?lite=

My son was attacked by a neighbour's German Shephard dog. I think owners of dogs that attack people should face consequences as if they perpetrated the attack themselves- in this case... murder.

"My brain's a good brain!"
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • STAYSEASTAYSEA Posts: 3,814
    edited March 2013
    Dude don't go down this path. Your going to start a lot of useless drama.

    (you did, I have never had a dog, but wait till they come :shock: )
    Post edited by STAYSEA on
  • Thoughts_ArriveThoughts_Arrive Melbourne, Australia Posts: 15,165
    Same thing happened here recently.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • STAYSEA wrote:
    Dude don't go down this path. Your going to start a lot of useless drama.

    If you don't wish to discuss responsible dog ownership then don't. I don't see it as useless drama. I see this as something very relevant.

    I feel people should be responsible for the beasts they raise. If your dog goes and injures someone... you shouldn't be allowed to kind of shrug your shoulders, raise your arms in the classic 'go figure' pose, and claim the dog has never hurt anyone before as an excuse.

    If you choose a breed with a deep history of aggression... then train the damn thing. If you can't and don't... then pay the price for the damages it might inflict.

    Stupid fuking people that we have to share the earth with. We speak and fight for freedoms and individual rights... and then look what some people do with them.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • This was a horrible accident. The dogs should not be blamed. It is unbelievably sad and tragic that that child died, but putting down the dogs( and accusing the owners of "murder"). I can't agree with that. A dog is a wild animal , no matter the breed, you can't expect them to know a toddler is something they can't be rough with. Maybe they were aggressive but that doesn't mean they ment to kill. Maybe I am wrong , I don't know. Just doesn't seem to me like the dogs were at fault here. Not sure anyone was . I just feel so bad for those involved.
    John Roach
  • Dogs are not humans.

    They are very in tune with human emotions and are very emotional beings. But they also don't think like humans and aren't "nice and gentle" at all times.

    Anyone with 9 Pitt Bulls should know that they are the caretakers of a pack of dogs that are able to kill a full grown man in seconds. The dogs may have thought that the baby was another animal and without adults around to protect it... thought she was going for their food. Or it started out as rough play and Pitt Bulls are known to do.

    And as the drama and screaming escalated... so did the energy in the pack of dogs.

    I should also point out that one should NEVER leave a toddler in the care of a child... a young boy is not able to watch over and care for a baby. The grandmother was useless, too. She's old and fell asleep. Caring for a baby isn't like caring for a ficus tree. You can't just look at it every so often and say "yeah... it's fine."

    I have three dogs. And for that and many reasons... there are no children allowed in my house. Because a child can't handle three dogs jumping all over them. And I have small dogs that really just want to play... but they don't understand that a child isn't just another small animal like they are. They think it's just like them and wants to play with them.

    Dogs... aren't human. Even if they seem to have some human traits.

    they don't. They're just domesticated carnivorous animals.
  • I ment to say the dogs were NOT at fault . Sorry , need to start re reading before I submit
    John Roach
  • foodboyfoodboy Posts: 988
    sad story . unnecessary tragedy. there is no way in hell i am going to have children and own a pit bull. there are too many stories like this. for all those that think it is lack of training maybe it is just the type of dog. use some common sense. dog never showed tendencies then rips childs ear off,or mauls face. i won't let my dog near one or my child EVER. and i love dogs,but not those.the potential for something unforseen and horrible lurks in the background. that's my opinion and i want nothing to do with pit bulls or any other type of dog like it.
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    Like many people, I'm pit bull wary most of the time but mainly because I know some of them are either untrained by irresponsible owners or purposefully trained to be harmful. But my vet had a pit bull in his office for a few years and I liked that dog quite a bit- everybody did once they got to know him. My understanding is that if properly trained they are good dogs. People who are not responsible pet owners should not own dogs.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • john roach wrote:
    This was a horrible accident. The dogs should not be blamed. It is unbelievably sad and tragic that that child died, but putting down the dogs( and accusing the owners of "murder"). I can't agree with that. A dog is a wild animal , no matter the breed, you can't expect them to know a toddler is something they can't be rough with. Maybe they were aggressive but that doesn't mean they ment to kill. Maybe I am wrong , I don't know. Just doesn't seem to me like the dogs were at fault here. Not sure anyone was . I just feel so bad for those involved.

    Just chalk it up as 'another unfortunate incident' then? And the next one as well?

    I know of several dogs that are actually protective and parental for the young ones in the family that provides for them- let alone know what a toddler is.

    Your comment has absolved all from this goofy incident. At what point then are people responsible for the actions of the wild animals they keep as pets? And to what extent?

    Sorry man. This story reeks of negligence in so many ways: lack of supervision for the dogs as well as the child being two major areas of negligence. The owner is responsible for what has happened. Further, if the dogs are that dangerous... they need to go.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • I fully agree that people need to be responsible for their animals, did not mean to suggest otherwise. when i said i wasnt sure if it was anyones fault, all i meant was that there are a lot of variables that the article does not cover. putting it on a 12 yr old does not seem fair and i have no idea what was going on in the home at the time.
    I never would use the word GOOFY to describe anything about this tragic event, so i will let YOU own that.
    i have also known some great dogs that were very pertective of the young kids in their family. But that doesnt mean you should expect them to.
    if anyone thoght I in some way didnt think this was fucking aweful, I DID! i just wanted to voice my concern that a breed of dog be lumped together, as beast that shouldnt be. i realize now that that was not clear from my first post and am sorry if i offended.
    John Roach
  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    This is a horrible tragedy that COULD have been avoided!
    First of all in most states, don't know about GA, but most it
    is illegal to leave a child in the care of another child under the
    age of 14. Mistake one. Two.. There were SIX people home at the
    time?!?!? And yet a small child " managed to slip out the doggie
    Door unnoticed"?!!!? WTF?!?! Totally bad attention skills there!

    Having said that... They say the child played with the dogs habitually,
    My guess is that yes she did, probably under supervision most of the time.
    Dogs are dogs, first and foremost, before they are their breed, they are
    mutated wolves!!! We have bred them into all shapes and sizes, with acutely
    Different personality traits, but below it all, lies the instinct to kill. Here's the
    thing with that, the little girl may have played with those dogs; all of them
    before, but in general, kids usually make dogs nervous. I can
    only guess that in the past there had been a responsible person to
    intervene when the child was knocked over, or otherwise startled by
    That pack of dogs.. With no human to intervene, natural instinct
    Took over. Knowing what I know about pack mentality in any
    breed if dog, I can say honestly that that child died a very gruesome
    And painful death! That fact that the Grandmother awoke to
    "All the dogs barking" and not the child screaming tells me the dogs
    MEANT to eliminate.. This leads me to believe it more than likely
    Was a fear trigger. Meaning the little one probably toddled out got
    Toppled by what started as playful dogs, and in her startled reaction,
    This triggered an elimination response in at least one if those dogs.
    That's all it takes.. The other scenario I can see having happened, is the
    child, crawled out, probably cooing and mewling to her pets.
    This to a dog triggers hunt mode.. One dog focused in, the pack
    followed suit.. This is instinct.. You may make dormant instinct In
    Training, but it never goes away... It's like putting make-up over a scar,
    You can't see it, but it's still there.. There is no changing a dog's instincts,
    However you CAN. Modify his reaction.

    ALLLLLLLLL. Of the responsibility of this accident ,lies on the shoulders
    of the PEOPLE who allowed that child to wander away
    Unattended.. No questions, no doubts.. People can think
    rationally, putting into play logically based decisions.. Dogs
    are not capable of this thought pattern. People at fault, dogs
    Died, over dumb people thinking dogs think like we do, and it was
    ok for said child to wander freely amongst them unsupervised.
    Sad story... Same ending every time.. The dogs die because of
    human mistakes.. And Children die because people think their
    Dogs will never do wrong.. Wise up!! They're DOGS!!!
  • Ok... I've been dying to say this and I just wrapped a very grueling shoot today and downed three martinis at the wrap party.


    "And they say that gay parents would be shitty? Cuz I don't know a single gay who can't handle a dog and those lesbians RULE the dog park. You want a well-behaved dog? Let the gays take him/her for a week."
  • And now that I've said that.

    Let's execute the parents who let their baby die by keeping 9 fucking pitt bulls and a 19-month old baby in the same dwelling and then letting a child an a sleeping grandmother care for her.

    The dogs acted like what they are... domesticated carnivores. That's what they are. They are animals. I love my dogs... I have three. And four if you count Tulip who belongs to the neighbor but spends a lot of time at my house because she loves my boys and they love their cousin Tulip.

    But Tulip is a Pitt Bull and while she's very gentile with my... um... dog/fox hybrid thing that looks like Bambi.. she's too rough with a child who can't take the hard playing that big dogs do.

    I now they'll execute the dogs. But it's the parents who clearly can't care for kids. Too bad they didn't just let a lesbian couple raise her. She'd be alive.
  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    I must add.. Having worked with this particular breed
    For several years, that I have found some that take a paternal
    Lead over said child.. However, this is a rarity and is not
    commonly based. A lot of you have heard me tell tales of my
    Two wolf-dogs, yet, of the two, Ace was the most tolerant of
    Children under five.. However, as a responsible animal owner,
    I NEVER let either of them play with children without MY
    supervision. Dogs bond an "unknown" factor, and as a licensed
    Trainer, I know this.. I'm sorry if people take my response the
    Wrong way, but I have a degree in this shit!!! And it kills my soul
    Every time I hear of incidences like this.. People need to realize..
    A child comes first, their dogs second... Until then, things like this
    Are going to continue to happen!
  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    Ok... I've been dying to say this and I just wrapped a very grueling shoot today and downed three martinis at the wrap party.


    "And they say that gay parents would be shitty? Cuz I don't know a single gay who can't handle a dog and those lesbians RULE the dog park. You want a well-behaved dog? Let the gays take him/her for a week."
    Lmao !! Sorry, but you're spot on!!
  • riotgrlriotgrl LOUISVILLE Posts: 1,895
    This is such a tragedy :( As others have said dogs are animals. I totally blame the humans involved. My husband and I had two dogs, both mixes but the Doberman is most likely purebred. Because we had these two largish dogs before we had kids, we were very wary about how the dogs would take to the kids. The German Shepherd was pretty good with them but the Dobie not so much. I've never trusted her around the kids without supervision. She's 15 now and she tolerates them and even goes to hide in my daughter's room when there is a thunderstorm because she's such a big baby but I will never trust her alone with my kids. It is MY responsibility to protect my kids and to understand that my dogs are ANIMALS that can turn on anyone at anytime. That is what we have taught our kids.
    Are we getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?

    Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned...

  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    My son was attacked by a neighbour's German Shephard dog. I think owners of dogs that attack people should face consequences as if they perpetrated the attack themselves- in this case... murder.


    I don't disagree. I've been around a couple of pit bulls that were just the nicest, calmest, gentlest dogs you'd ever want to meet. It's the people who make them bad.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    I've been hearing this a lot lately, unfortunately. The thing is, all dogs have an instinct we don't understand and it's something they always have, no matter how tame they are or how good they are with children. They bite. It's what dogs do. If we respect that dogs have an instinct to bite, then we would be wary of them around small kids and small dogs and everything in between.

    My dad's golden retriever absolutely loves people especially kids. But one kid came to the door a couple years ago, rubbed the dog the wrong way and he got bit. Sometimes people aggravate them, sometimes they don't, but we should always be wary that they just might bite when something rubs them the wrong way.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    I've heard this story more than my stomach can take.
    Dogs work in packs with hierarchy. Probably something happened to trigger more active
    aggressive play. It was play to them. Sometimes in a pack they will actually attack each other
    in cases like this. I heard on our news it was 7 dogs which I believe
    is the most one household can own. Matters not. All the dogs were put down.

    Ignorance is a human problem.
    These people should be punished for the loss of this child and these dogs.
    This is neglect of human and animal. When they are I hope I hear of the punishment as much as
    the tragedy because that will help the ignorant learn.

    Personally I think owning 7 aggressive breed dogs is too much. Using good common sense
    making laws governing dog ownership is needed.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    wait, so a kid gets killed for a pitbull and now everyone wants to regulate dog ownership, while another 10 people got murdered by a gun last night and nobody wants to do anything about that...

    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 19,344
    I didn't click on this right away because I knew it would upset me...

    ...and then I did and it did...

    ...but then I read that they had nine fucking pitbulls in the backyard?!?! NINE? Sweet Jesus. Maybe they were all rescues and dogs like that need homes too but you cannot have nine of them and a toddler in the house.

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    edited March 2013
    wait, so a kid gets killed for a pitbull and now everyone wants to regulate dog ownership, while another 10 people got murdered by a gun last night and nobody wants to do anything about that...

    Actually I was suggesting common sense people laws pertaining to dogs.
    Just as guns dogs are not the problem.

    Want to add ...funny that is how it has gone ... trying to ban pit bulls :fp:
    Post edited by pandora on
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    pandora wrote:
    wait, so a kid gets killed for a pitbull and now everyone wants to regulate dog ownership, while another 10 people got murdered by a gun last night and nobody wants to do anything about that...

    Actually I was suggesting common sense people laws pertaining to dogs.
    Just as guns dogs are not the problem.
    but we can't implement "common sense" gun laws now can we?

    90% of GUN OWNERS favor background checks, yet we can't even get that passed...

    but dogs? legislate away...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • IrishGuyIrishGuy Posts: 258
    john roach wrote:
    A dog is a wild animal , no matter the breed,

    A dog is not a wild animal. Its a domesticated animal.
  • JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 19,344

    My son was attacked by a neighbour's German Shephard dog. I think owners of dogs that attack people should face consequences as if they perpetrated the attack themselves- in this case... murder.


    Take out the "period" part and I agree but it is not so cut and dry.

    I do hope your son is OK today -- let me stress that.

    I think owners of violent dogs who do not control them and allow situations to arise where they can harm people should face consequences. But, parents also need to control their children and teach them not to approach dogs that they do not know. Children need to learn not to play rough with any animal. A dog that defends itself without any witnesses around would quickly be labeled a violent dog regardless of what was done to provoke it.

    I had a strange encounter a few years ago where a middle-aged woman (who I believe may have been mentally unbalanced in some way) approached me and my dog Ben on the sidewalk. He was sniffing around and did not even notice her at first, but she veered closer and closer to him as she approached. When she was along side him she immediately began to act as if she was under duress. I was quite confused by what was happening and as I asked "Are you OK?" she bumped him with her hip. He turned around, noticed her for the first time, and leaned in to give her a good hello sniff. At this point she screamed "Control your dog! Control your dog!" And when she screamed, he became startled.

    Now, my dog is my child. I am protective of him and probably overly defensive when someone offers criticism or advice about him. But in this instance he did absolutely nothing wrong. I pulled on his leash, held him back, shouted "YOU DID THIS!" at the nutjob and we moved on. I don't know what her problem was or what she was trying to do, but I do know that she was trying to create some sort of situation with my dog. That is why I say that these tragedies are not always black and white, and that the animals are not always at fault.

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    pandora wrote:
    wait, so a kid gets killed for a pitbull and now everyone wants to regulate dog ownership, while another 10 people got murdered by a gun last night and nobody wants to do anything about that...

    Actually I was suggesting common sense people laws pertaining to dogs.
    Just as guns dogs are not the problem.
    but we can't implement "common sense" gun laws now can we?

    90% of GUN OWNERS favor background checks, yet we can't even get that passed...

    but dogs? legislate away...
    As I added and I won't help turn this subject to a gun debate in honor of a child and 7 dogs lost.
    The banning of pit bulls is the first response of the ignorant. Education in both dog
    and gun ownership is the way to go. For the health and welfare of the dog a limit as to how many
    owned in the same space.
    Criminals, those who do not follow the laws we have, is where our energy belongs.
    Harsher penalties for both gun and dog owners who break the law.
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Ok... I've been dying to say this and I just wrapped a very grueling shoot today and downed three martinis at the wrap party.


    "And they say that gay parents would be shitty? Cuz I don't know a single gay who can't handle a dog and those lesbians RULE the dog park. You want a well-behaved dog? Let the gays take him/her for a week."
    Given the quotation marks, I'm not sure if those are the words of others or yours. But still...sheesh, man. I get that you were martini'd, but how does that even figure in this? How does being gay or not affect being a responsible dog owner?

    As to the story itself, people need to use COMMON SENSE. Coulda been a Pit, coulda been a Shepherd, coulda been a Chow. Even our cats, whom we trust, love and treat ridiculously well, still pounce on our ankles out of the blue.

    They're animals and as such, can be unpredictable.

    (much like us)
  • JimmyV wrote:

    My son was attacked by a neighbour's German Shephard dog. I think owners of dogs that attack people should face consequences as if they perpetrated the attack themselves- in this case... murder.


    Take out the "period" part and I agree but it is not so cut and dry.

    I do hope your son is OK today -- let me stress that.

    I think owners of violent dogs who do not control them and allow situations to arise where they can harm people should face consequences. But, parents also need to control their children and teach them not to approach dogs that they do not know. Children need to learn not to play rough with any animal. A dog that defends itself without any witnesses around would quickly be labeled a violent dog regardless of what was done to provoke it.

    Right off the top... I'd grant you 'exceptions'. Of course.

    The dog that attacked my child broke free from his leash, ran across two yards and mauled my kid. This happened a few years ago. He's fine, but trust for dogs is hard to come by. The dog had a history that we didn't know about- a few weeks earlier it had ran out of his yard and attacked a pregnanat woman going for a walk. It should have been death right there. We insisted the dog be put down or we were pressing charges- it was put down.

    We have an epidemic of bad dog owners owning pets they should not have. We need laws that insist on responsible ownership... not weak excuse after weak excuse with little or no consequences for negligent ownership. This isn't the first case such as this and it won't be the last.

    We have provinces with pitbull bans. I support them. I have known a few good pitbulls, but there are way too many bad ones. Further... every pitbull is potentially a bad pitbull waiting to happen. "Oh my goodness... he's never done anything like this before!" doesn't cut it. The breed has done much before. I'm also for a ban on other breeds as well.

    I mean for gawds sakes... if a person can have a pitbull... then they cannot argue against exotic pets such as lions, chimpanzees, and cougars. Imagine living next door to a cougar? Imagine living next door to an idiot with 9 pitbulls braying away? When does common sense come into play? Some people are incapable of exercising their freedoms without infringing on other people's freedoms. Because of these people... we need laws that restrict the abuse of the 'normal people's' rights.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 19,344
    JimmyV wrote:

    My son was attacked by a neighbour's German Shephard dog. I think owners of dogs that attack people should face consequences as if they perpetrated the attack themselves- in this case... murder.


    Take out the "period" part and I agree but it is not so cut and dry.

    I do hope your son is OK today -- let me stress that.

    I think owners of violent dogs who do not control them and allow situations to arise where they can harm people should face consequences. But, parents also need to control their children and teach them not to approach dogs that they do not know. Children need to learn not to play rough with any animal. A dog that defends itself without any witnesses around would quickly be labeled a violent dog regardless of what was done to provoke it.

    Right off the top... I'd grant you 'exceptions'. Of course.

    The dog that attacked my child broke free from his leash, ran across two yards and mauled my kid. This happened a few years ago. He's fine, but trust for dogs is hard to come by. The dog had a history that we didn't know about- a few weeks earlier it had ran out of his yard and attacked a pregnanat woman going for a walk. It should have been death right there. We insisted the dog be put down or we were pressing charges- it was put down.

    We have an epidemic of bad dog owners owning pets they should not have. We need laws that insist on responsible ownership... not weak excuse after weak excuse with little or no consequences for negligent ownership. This isn't the first case such as this and it won't be the last.

    We have provinces with pitbull bans. I support them. I have known a few good pitbulls, but there are way too many bad ones. Further... every pitbull is potentially a bad pitbull waiting to happen. "Oh my goodness... he's never done anything like this before!" doesn't cut it. The breed has done much before. I'm also for a ban on other breeds as well.

    I mean for gawds sakes... if a person can have a pitbull... then they cannot argue against exotic pets such as lions, chimpanzees, and cougars. Imagine living next door to a cougar? Imagine living next door to an idiot with 9 pitbulls braying away? When does common sense come into play? Some people are incapable of exercising their freedoms without infringing on other people's freedoms. Because of these people... we need laws that restrict the abuse of the 'normal people's' rights.

    Agreed, there should be regulations.

    With pitbulls is nature and not nurture? Is it the breed that is aggressive or a result of the things that have been done to many of them? I have never been sure and hear conflicting things. But anyone who has a pitbull needs to be aware of the potential danger.

    That is awful about your son. He should have the right to be and feel safe playing in your yard. A friend of a friend rescues rottweilers. I give him all the credit in the world but many of these dogs have been trained to be aggressive. Some are alphas and just incredibly violent. One got loose and killed a neighbors cat, another is a ticking time bomb. He has a hard time admitting that there are some dogs that just cannot be saved. But his neighbors should be able to let their children play in the neighborhood without the worry that a supposedly domestic dog is going to break through a fence and attack.

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • pandora wrote:
    As I added and I won't help turn this subject to a gun debate in honor of a child and 7 dogs lost.
    The banning of pit bulls is the first response of the ignorant. Education in both dog
    and gun ownership is the way to go. For the health and welfare of the dog a limit as to how many
    owned in the same space.
    Criminals, those who do not follow the laws we have, is where our energy belongs.
    Harsher penalties for both gun and dog owners who break the law.

    Oh. Well, slap me silly. I'm ignorant.

    Dang. Well... guess I'll go get myself a rusty pick up, throw a dog in the back, grab my AR15, and head on out to the forest where I can shoot the empty beer cans once I'm done drinking them. This should make me much smarter in your eyes!
    "My brain's a good brain!"
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