
Australia and NZ tour rumours going around Part 2 (No Bullshit)



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    illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    oh my god they played world wide suicide on the radio (shithouse station) i was like omg ran and turned it up ( i was at work) then got into trouble

    oh well

    LMAOOOO! :D i have stocktake at work next week, i might take some music in :o
    Oz Jammer wrote:
    I'm Ten Club #263xxx and I didn't even get on the floor for the 1st Sydney show in o3!!
    Got seats on the side (Stone's side)
    Those seats were still pretty cool though

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    Deep magazine rocks!! was very pleased with it..

    Why is it called deep magazine?? because of the song deep?

    I don't get it..
    ...The Moon is Rollin' Round....
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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    Murder wrote:
    Deep magazine rocks!! was very pleased with it..

    Why is it called deep magazine?? because of the song deep?

    I think so
    How's it going up there?
    Let me be the first to propose that Pearl Jam play a Cyclone Larry Relief Benefit Show in Townsville
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    No, townsville got nothing but a bit of rain.. Id still take that PJ benifeit though.. ;)

    Although there already is another cyclone coming on the exact same path.. looks about 2 days away..

    Already cat 3....
    ...The Moon is Rollin' Round....
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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    Murder wrote:
    No, townsville got nothing but a bit of rain.. Id still take that PJ benifeit though.. ;)

    Although there already is another cyclone coming on the exact same path.. looks about 2 days away..

    Already cat 3....

    That's pretty fucked up.
    Batton down the hatches and take care.
    Make sure you get your PJ collection together..............just in case
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    illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    Oz Jammer wrote:
    Make sure you get your PJ collection together..............just in case

    aw :( some frantic lady on the news tonight saying how she was trying to get all important stuff together safe... cant imagine getting to that point :(

    a little off topic, did any1 here buy the adelaide 03 tour poster on ebay recently? :)
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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    aw :( some frantic lady on the news tonight saying how she was trying to get all important stuff together safe... cant imagine getting to that point :(

    a little off topic, did any1 here buy the adelaide 03 tour poster on ebay recently? :)

    It wasn't me.
    Thanks to uni textbooks and fees I have no money whatsoever.
    Just managed to scrape the required funds together for the album pre-order
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    illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    uni :( i still have 1 textbook to buy :mad:

    time fo us to start saving for the tour :D
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    Im off to bed. But before i go. PJ events of the day

    3pm - Got the urge to listen to WWS and unemployable

    4pm - Listened to No code in the car on the way to work. No code is such a rainy album. (Same with benaroya hall, but it wasnt in the car.)
    ...The Moon is Rollin' Round....
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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    uni :( i still have 1 textbook to buy :mad:

    time fo us to start saving for the tour :D

    Sure is.
    Maybe I can just call in all my Birthday and Christmas presents for the year.
    That should get me a couple of tickets
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    illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    Murder wrote:
    3pm - Got the urge to listen to WWS and unemployable

    which did u play first? ;)

    good idea ozjammer :D i might use that too :eek:

    night guys :)
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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    Murder wrote:
    Im off to bed. But before i go. PJ events of the day

    3pm - Got the urge to listen to WWS and unemployable

    4pm - Listened to No code in the car on the way to work. No code is such a rainy album. (Same with benaroya hall, but it wasnt in the car.)

    Take care mate!!
    Have a good one!!

    PJ Tour 06!!
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    ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Oz Jammer wrote:
    I think so
    How's it going up there?
    Let me be the first to propose that Pearl Jam play a Cyclone Larry Relief Benefit Show in Townsville

    YEAH! I agree! :D If anywhere would get it, Cairns would because they are closer....

    Re gathering PJ albums before cyclone: Funnily enough, I did think of that but thought that's stupid and went around and found all my photo albums so I knew where they were, just in case the cyclone changed direction and I had to run around and grab stuff. No room for replaceable albums I'm afraid. My whole yard and under the house is still packed up and tied down....going to be a PAIN IN THE ARSE putting everything back to normal....but I'll leave it like that until I know what's happening with the new cyclone. Fuck packing everything up again.

    So lucky it didn't hit Townsville....my business would have to be closed down probably -- there wouldn't be many people selling houses or businesses if a Cat 5 hit here! :eek: Fingers crossed the new cyclone fizzles out before it hits the coast.
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
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    PappasPappas Posts: 809
    list updated again, we're slowly gettin to 100 ppl

    too tired this morning

    Even Flow Psycho Member #039

    ******Message Pit Australian Tour Members********
    rumour starter President & Member #1

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    Lukin_ozLukin_oz Posts: 257
    17 Nov Wellington New Zealand Queens Wharf Events Centre
    18 Nov Auckland New Zealand North Shore Events Centre
    19 Nov Auckland New Zealand North Shore Events Centre
    23 Nov Perth Australia Members Equity Stadium
    26 Nov Adelaide Australia Memorial Drive Tennis Centre
    28 Nov Brisbane Australia Entertainment Centre
    1 Dec Newcastle Australia Entertainment Centre
    2 Dec Sydney Australia Entertainment Centre
    5 Dec Melbourne Australia Rod Laver Arena
    8 Dec Melbourne Australia Sydney Myer Music Bowl -stip

    what does stip mean?
    Those who dance are called insane by those who dont hear the music
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    Lukin_oz wrote:
    17 Nov Wellington New Zealand Queens Wharf Events Centre
    18 Nov Auckland New Zealand North Shore Events Centre
    19 Nov Auckland New Zealand North Shore Events Centre
    23 Nov Perth Australia Members Equity Stadium
    26 Nov Adelaide Australia Memorial Drive Tennis Centre
    28 Nov Brisbane Australia Entertainment Centre
    1 Dec Newcastle Australia Entertainment Centre
    2 Dec Sydney Australia Entertainment Centre
    5 Dec Melbourne Australia Rod Laver Arena
    8 Dec Melbourne Australia Sydney Myer Music Bowl -stip

    what does stip mean?

    common people do you really think they'll go from NZ to Perth makes no sense

    more likely they'll come from Europe to Perth then go round oz west to east and then do NZ
    Bitch Be Cool 8)
    BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
    Christchurch 2009
    Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands

    come say hi on facebook http://www.facebook.com/sean.montgomery
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    PappasPappas Posts: 809
    no idea what it means mate just copied from another thread
    the dates are prob close but the venues arent right for sure, they wouldnt play memorial drive again in adelaide, too small for now (they played it in 95)

    Even Flow Psycho Member #039

    ******Message Pit Australian Tour Members********
    rumour starter President & Member #1

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    pjr_porchpjr_porch Posts: 92
    WADE!!! SUSIE!!!! IM SO GLAD LARRY MISSED YOU!!!!!! ((larry... at least it wasn't called Dazza or summin...))

    man, i was sooo worried hey. i was like, oh man, wade & susie live up there... then i was like OH!! & my BOYS!!! hehehe my 2 buddies live up there. they're fine, but the loss of Jay's frizbee is hard 2 overcome. we'll miss it dearly.

    hopefully the other cyclone will miss. I think it sux. the whole cyclone-wiping-out-towns-&-destroying-lives blows... hehehe blows... cyclone... hehe.. ok, that's not funny...

    hey hey hey, yesterday i baked... the banana loaf in the Deep magazine!!! hehe it was soooooo yummy :D is it sposed 2 b really heavy?? cos mine was... yummy all the same!!

    D&D ball was shite. i jus got drunk. dont remember the end of the nite... the dj didn't play any PJ, which i wasn't happy bout. my "match-up" was sooooo not my type... he was older, a latin dance teacher or summin, he goes on 2 weeks holidays 2 canada 2 ski, somewhere starting with "A" 2 ski... hmmmm waste of money. did n't get in2 b4 party cos the Port Office was 2 full. didn't get 2 after party cos the girls wanted 2 go home. didn't go on any rides cos the girls didn't wanna mess their hair up. man, that money could've gone 2wards pj tix. spewin.

    I WANT 2 GO 2 BEN HARPER!!! The girls r goin cos he plays riverstage on Vic's 21st b'day but i can't afford it. poo.

    i havn't heard unemployable or crapshoot... only wws... i'll wait 4 the album methinx...

    TOUR NOVEMBER 2006!!!

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    Sloth2Sloth2 Posts: 277
    uni :( i still have 1 textbook to buy :mad:

    time fo us to start saving for the tour :D

    Side note

    Would any of you uni studetns be interested in downloading textbooks off the internet Chapter per chapter? Say $5 per week?
    "I hope they feed you in jail" - Ed V to a stage intruder 18/02/2003 Melbourne.

    High Above
    i'll break the law
    if it's illegal to be in love
    leave the hatred on the cross
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    illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    Sloth2 wrote:
    Side note

    Would any of you uni studetns be interested in downloading textbooks off the internet Chapter per chapter? Say $5 per week?

    is this some new thing borders has going? :D can i get discount on my pharmacology book :o

    im sorry bout ur mates' frisbee lulu :( and the D&D ball :( BUT YAY FOR BANANA BREAD.. 2006 :D
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    pjr_porchpjr_porch Posts: 92
    im sorry bout ur mates' frisbee lulu :( and the D&D ball :( BUT YAY FOR BANANA BREAD.. 2006 :D

    the banana bread was awesome!!! really small loaf tho... think i did summin wrong...

    i was jus chatting 2 a mate in UK & he wanted 2 know ((seriously)) if i had a pet Roo... he wanted 2 send his Footy team's shirt ova so i could dress a roo in it & take a foto... wen i sed there's no way i could dress a roo, he asked bout a koala... i sed i could do a sheep but he's now decided he'll dress up a heap of english farm animals...


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    Yeah, its great to hear you guys are ok. Hopefully the second one breaks up before it gets inland.

    I have some naannies in the fridge getting all old and crusty and im gonna make me some B Bread!! mmm
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
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    ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    I wonder if my Deep magazine is here yet.....couldn't be fucked driving to the post office though....I'm sooooooo tired from staying away ALL night on Sunday watching that stupid cyclone. But I suppose I must drive there to get the other mail as well. Why can't I have a personal maid?

    How good is Deep? Is it REALLY worth driving and getting it? Is it better than their newsletters? I hope so because some of those were a bit lame.

    OH GREAT! I've just been informed that the new cyclone is now heading in Townsville's direction!!! Anyone got room at their house for a few guests and 2 dogs and a bird??? If it's a category 5 there's NO FUCKING WAY I'm sitting under a table and waiting it out for a few hours!!!!
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
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    ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Yeah, its great to hear you guys are ok. Hopefully the second one breaks up before it gets inland.

    I have some naannies in the fridge getting all old and crusty and im gonna make me some B Bread!! mmm

    Enjoy those bananas because they're going to become much more expensive shortly....

    Send me some PJ banana bread... :)
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    Deep is excellent, but it's not worth risking your life over.
    Sit tight and pick it up when it's safe to do so.

    "Cyclone Larry Relief Show 06"
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    ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Oz Jammer wrote:
    Deep is excellent, but it's not worth risking your life over.
    Sit tight and pick it up when it's safe to do so.

    "Cyclone Larry Relief Show 06"

    Oh, it's safe here....we were 200 kms away so just got rain and wind....everything in Townsville is back to normal.

    I'm just tired and lazy and want to know if it's REALLLLY worth driving to get it.
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    ZiggyStar wrote:
    Oh, it's safe here....we were 200 kms away so just got rain and wind....everything in Townsville is back to normal.

    I'm just tired and lazy and want to know if it's REALLLLY worth driving to get it.

    In that case get off your butt and GET IT!!
    Well worth the drive.
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    PappasPappas Posts: 809
    pjr_porch wrote:

    hey hey hey, yesterday i baked... the banana loaf in the Deep magazine!!! hehe it was soooooo yummy :D is it sposed 2 b really heavy?? cos mine was... yummy all the same!!
    TOUR NOVEMBER 2006!!!
    did you put some weed in it?

    Even Flow Psycho Member #039

    ******Message Pit Australian Tour Members********
    rumour starter President & Member #1

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    ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Pappas wrote:
    did you put some weed in it?

    She should have! :D

    Okay okay, I'm going to the post office straight after lunch.

    I was sitting up about 5.20am on Monday morning and Sunrise started an hour early and I'd been up all night and I was really tired and Sunrise went to a break and I heard a part of a PEARL JAM song being played...and I cannot for the life of me remember which one it was. I was soooo exhausted when I heard it that all I could do was raise my head and smile before collapsing again on the couch and staring at the wall.

    And I haven't heard WWS on the radio yet.....been listening more than normal (which isn't THAT much) but still haven't heard it.
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
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    you poor thing Zig :( its scary from here, i cant even begin to imagine what its like where you are, or the poor folks in Cairns and Innisfail
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
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