
Australia and NZ tour rumours going around Part 2 (No Bullshit)



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    haha awesome! was ur no. 1 little fan there? :D

    btw nick did u wear an alive top at the evenflow tribute show last year?

    am deleting stuff on the comp. putting the gig on backup... noticed some1 that loks kinda like you :D:D:D

    im pretty sure i did, if u pm me the address to the pic ill tell ya.
    +--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour: Member No.5-+--+

    YieldInHiding: "RED DOT is an intermission...not "filler." I hate that word. Filler is what's in a Twinkie."
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    PappasPappas Posts: 809
    weekend was good, busy but good. had a great gig on friday night, small place but we rocked em out! played betterman and corduroy (had to cut black due to time restrictions :()
    busy sunday with homework (still doin it now! Its due at 4.30!) and didnt get to bed till 2.30 last night!

    listened to lots of pj boots from pearljamlive.com including melbourne 98 and 05 borgata :D awesome shows!
    let me know via pm when your bands next gig is mate :)

    Even Flow Psycho Member #039

    ******Message Pit Australian Tour Members********
    rumour starter President & Member #1

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    illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    good to hear wade! :) hope the rest of nth qld. stays safe :o

    PM sent nick :)
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    Hope Sus and Wade are ok. Have you guys seen the news about the cyclone......pretty fucked up shit. Wade, just in case your watch has flown off your arm, you have 4 hours before work!! ;);) im so kiddin mate.
    Take care you two, please.

    SO if there is anyone our there who still hasnt received their xmas single but have received Deep, email the 10C and let them know.
    bought some bananas on saturday. gonna let em go crusty so i can make me some banana bread!
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
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    Murder wrote:
    Hey guys, everything went good, it sorta missed townsville, it was really lame. haha. we still have power. Anyone living in inisfail or ingham the main part of the cyclone is right on top of them about now.
    I always post messages after the most important post has been done :(

    Great to hear you're ok Wade. How far is Innisfail from you?
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
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    illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    YO PYRO !!! :D

    thanks muchly, i got your package today :o

    i promise whislt i watch episode 10 (nice name ;)) i will be grateful for the prison break i receive :D

    thanks andrew, made my day! :)

    2006 > :D
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    tutututut getting DL copies of stuff.....thats just wrong ;);) :p

    Hope Zig is all good in her end of town. mabye her beer flew out the window and she off after it !!
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
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    thats sorta what happened. We got nothing..

    I guess Zig will have the day off work, so she wont be on. Too bad I still have to work!!

    Gonna go check for DEEP magazine! The posties came late today and i forgot to check mail..
    ...The Moon is Rollin' Round....
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    Oh WOW its here!!!!!!!!, and a little wet though :eek:.. (i dont know how to do an angry smiley..:o
    ...The Moon is Rollin' Round....
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    illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    eeeek :eek: dont panic :eek:

    mad is :mad: :D

    i promise to buy the season dvd set of PB when its released :D
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    DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Hey Guys
    Im sure this was probably raised in the old thread but can anyone give me and idea of what your 10c seats were like in 03 and obviously your #?
    Ive only recently joined (360K's) so dont expect anything spectacular but just wanted some sort of indication. Half way back on the dancefloor at Syd Ent or is that just dreaming??
    Thanks in advance
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
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    E.KE.K New South Wales, Australia Posts: 7,703
    I mean our beautiful new magagzine "Deep" :D:D:D ya silly thing :p

    Oh that.. I still haven't looked at it properly. It's on my bedside table now though. :)
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    Just finished reading it then!! I love it!

    Is it much better than the newsletters you used to get??
    ...The Moon is Rollin' Round....
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    The newsletters were great but they were only one page, about A3 size, thick paper, full colour,crazy graphics etc. It was still a really cool newsletter. but i have to say that the magazine is wayyyyy better IMO :)

    Mad smiley is : mad : with it all together
    sad face is : (

    thats your lesson for today Wade :p
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
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    thats your lesson for today Wade :p
    You didn't teach me nuthin' :mad:

    :p Just testin'
    ...The Moon is Rollin' Round....
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    :rolleyes: LMFAO!! nice work Wade ;)
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
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    im off peeps.
    Have a great nite and take care wherever you are.

    Keep on Rockin' :)
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    Got my copy of Deep today!!!!
    But still no xmas single.
    Does anybody think that's a bit strange?
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    threefish10threefish10 Posts: 7,392
    DonJon wrote:
    Hey Guys
    Im sure this was probably raised in the old thread but can anyone give me and idea of what your 10c seats were like in 03 and obviously your #?
    Ive only recently joined (360K's) so dont expect anything spectacular but just wanted some sort of indication. Half way back on the dancefloor at Syd Ent or is that just dreaming??
    Thanks in advance

    Hey, I got first row in 2003 in brisbane with 10C #197XXX. and i know that in brissie only the first 2 rows were ten club. then i got 5th row the second night buying tix from ticketek. which i thought was damn good. i think with sydney having more members then brisbane you should at least be in the first 5 rows(at a guess).
    condescending and sarcastic since 1980
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    DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Wow thats heaps better than I would have expected. Here's hoping they are that good.
    Thanks for your feedback dude I really appreciate it.
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
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    Sloth2Sloth2 Posts: 277
    It's Official

    Deep has made it to Melbourne :D
    "I hope they feed you in jail" - Ed V to a stage intruder 18/02/2003 Melbourne.

    High Above
    i'll break the law
    if it's illegal to be in love
    leave the hatred on the cross
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    threefish10threefish10 Posts: 7,392
    Triple J music news this arvo had a little tour update of bands coming out this year and here is roughly what they said:

    "Bono counldn't confirm actual dates for the reschedule of U2's tour on Enough Rope, only saying that they will defiantly be returning this year. Pearl Jam have annouced a World Tour with Australian dates likely for November this year or Febuary of next year. And it's likely Tool will be in Australia sometime after their new ablum is released in April"

    So still nothing solid, It looks like most news sources are getting their info from the same place as us. Right here!!!

    Also this was in the Sunday Mail this weekend in Qld(which is also from a VERY OLD rumour, along with an old Photo):
    condescending and sarcastic since 1980
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    ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328

    That cyclone up north is fucking crazy! So many people have lost so much and the crops are all gone....all those towns are farming towns so there's not going to be anything left unless Australia helps out BIG TIME! It's the worst cyclone to EVER hit the Queensland coast.....very very sad.

    And Leigh and I are absolutely gutted at the moment. At Xmas we found the perfect place to get married later this year and we were going there to book at Easter with our mums and dad. AND GUESS WHERE IT IS??? You guessed it! Right near Innisfail where the cyclone was the worst. It is the most beautiful place with all these castles built into the rainforest. They all got damaged really badly in the last category 5 cyclone to hit INNISFAIL in 1931. Poor bastards got BOTH category 5 cyclones! And I am suspecting that the whole place will be absolutely ruined -- the castles were already crumbling just from rain etc. :( :( :( That is the only place we'd found and actually liked. Now we're thinking "fuck it, let's go the Magistrates Court or wherever and get it done".

    But that's nothing compared to what everyone is going through -- still sucks though. :( We're very sad.

    Visit what COULD have been the perfect place: http://www.paronellapark.com.au
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
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    Sloth2Sloth2 Posts: 277
    Massive shame about what happened today.

    Thankfully there were onyl a few injuries and 0 deaths. However the entire Bannana Crop for the year and 63% of Sugar Crops have been wiped out.

    Its spastic. I hope the farmers up there can tough it out as it is going to be a very lean year.

    Poor bastards.

    Maybe it smroe incentive for PJ to play Townsville ;)
    "I hope they feed you in jail" - Ed V to a stage intruder 18/02/2003 Melbourne.

    High Above
    i'll break the law
    if it's illegal to be in love
    leave the hatred on the cross
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    GotMyLeashGotMyLeash Posts: 129
    Sloth2 wrote:
    It's Official

    Deep has made it to Melbourne :D

    It sure has. Got mine today.
    Ben, the two of us need look no more

    Nothing changes...torture then reward
    torture then reward...torture then reward,
    follows torture...follows reward....

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    illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    been a long day for many aussies :(

    take care everyone, have a nice week :)
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    oh my god they played world wide suicide on the radio (shithouse station) i was like omg ran and turned it up ( i was at work) then got into trouble

    oh well
    10/11/06, 11/11/06, 13/11/06, 14/11/06, 16/11/06, 19/11/06, 21/11/06, 22/11/06.

    +--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour: Member No. 35-+--+
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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    DonJon wrote:
    Hey Guys
    Im sure this was probably raised in the old thread but can anyone give me and idea of what your 10c seats were like in 03 and obviously your #?
    Ive only recently joined (360K's) so dont expect anything spectacular but just wanted some sort of indication. Half way back on the dancefloor at Syd Ent or is that just dreaming??
    Thanks in advance

    I'm Ten Club #263xxx and I didn't even get on the floor for the 1st Sydney show in o3!!
    Got seats on the side (Stone's side)
    Those seats were still pretty cool though
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    heyjoseheyjose Melbourne, Australia Posts: 503
    i got front row middle for syd with 163xxx, but second row in front of mike for melb.

    don't hate me!
    1995: Melbourne 1
    1998: Melbourne 1, 2, 3
    2003: Sydney 1, 2, 3, Melbourne 1, 2, 3
    2006: Sydney 1, 2, Melbourne 1, 2, 3, Sydney 3, Newcastle, Adelaide 1, 2, Perth
    2009: LA 1, 2, Melbourne, Sydney
    2014: Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney

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    Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    heyjose wrote:
    i got front row middle for syd with 163xxx, but second row in front of mike for melb.

    don't hate me!

    I'll try not to.
    How good is Deep!!!
    Kicks the shit out of the old newsletters
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