Yeah, I mean I get why he backed off to an extent, he thought the kid was dealing with some serious shit and while there were some read flags, just believed him. I mean, at the time could you really predict this?
I can't wait for Te'o to embarrass himself, more than he already has that is
I can see backing off talking to Te'o about it, but he still could have fact-checked his story. If I were a journalist I would always (as I think they're probably taught to) fact-check a story before I put it out there for millions of people. Especially if there had been some red flags.
As for T'e'o, I can't really tell how involved he is. I can't tell if he's completely behind it, or if he went along with it, or maybe got duped but since he lied about how involved he was with this "person" tried to cover it up. Since a lot of it stemmed from the South Bend Tribune, and that seems to be where the whole thing started, the conspiracy theorist in me was thinking this was some sort of elaborate Heisman strategy to help him win by tugging at voters heart strings. But I wouldn't think anybody actually associated with the university would back a plan that was destined to backfire. So I'm sure it's a little more homegrown than that.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
Yeah, I mean I get why he backed off to an extent, he thought the kid was dealing with some serious shit and while there were some read flags, just believed him. I mean, at the time could you really predict this?
I can't wait for Te'o to embarrass himself, more than he already has that is
I can see backing off talking to Te'o about it, but he still could have fact-checked his story. If I were a journalist I would always (as I think they're probably taught to) fact-check a story before I put it out there for millions of people. Especially if there had been some red flags.
As for T'e'o, I can't really tell how involved he is. I can't tell if he's completely behind it, or if he went along with it, or maybe got duped but since he lied about how involved he was with this "person" tried to cover it up. Since a lot of it stemmed from the South Bend Tribune, and that seems to be where the whole thing started, the conspiracy theorist in me was thinking this was some sort of elaborate Heisman strategy to help him win by tugging at voters heart strings. But I wouldn't think anybody actually associated with the university would back a plan that was destined to backfire. So I'm sure it's a little more homegrown than that.
I hear you. I agree.
Dude, there are so many possibilities. I am 90% leaning towards Te'o making it all up for publicity, there is just too much pointing to him and 10% of me says he was duped and he is just that pathetic that he talked about an online girlfriend ALL the time. Either way, it's incredible.
Dude, there are so many possibilities. I am 90% leaning towards Te'o making it all up for publicity, there is just too much pointing to him and 10% of me says he was duped and he is just that pathetic that he talked about an online girlfriend ALL the time. Either way, it's incredible.
And now with this Reagan Mauia thing it's even more confusing!!!
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
Dude, there are so many possibilities. I am 90% leaning towards Te'o making it all up for publicity, there is just too much pointing to him and 10% of me says he was duped and he is just that pathetic that he talked about an online girlfriend ALL the time. Either way, it's incredible.
And now with this Reagan Mauia thing it's even more confusing!!!
Yeah, like I said to Norm, I'm not even thinking about that. This chick did not exist, maybe someone by the same name or something.
The fact that she "died" like 3 weeks before his family was supposed to meet her, and he shut the reporters down....come on. This dude better have his shit in line, because the one thing reporters do not like is getting lied to
Dude, there are so many possibilities. I am 90% leaning towards Te'o making it all up for publicity, there is just too much pointing to him and 10% of me says he was duped and he is just that pathetic that he talked about an online girlfriend ALL the time. Either way, it's incredible.
And now with this Reagan Mauia thing it's even more confusing!!!
Yeah, like I said to Norm, I'm not even thinking about that. This chick did not exist, maybe someone by the same name or something.
Yes. Too many of the facts from the Deadspin story, as well a Te'o "admitting" he was duped and she didn't exist, make me wonder what the hell is up with Reagan Mauia. Are things so bad in Arizona you have to lie about knowing a dead chick that a Notre Dame player lied about knowing to get your name on ESPN? Given the name of the girl, Lennay Kekua (which I'm assuming isn't that common) I doubt it's a matter of him knowing a girl by the same name. How many Lennay Kekua's could have recently died?
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
IF (BIG IF) it is true that Manti was the victim of a hoax, and what the AD is saying is true, this was SERIOUSLY fucked up. He said that there was a woman in on the hoax who talked to Manti on the phone. After she had supposedly died he got a phone call from her phone number, and it was her voice and she told him that she wasn't dead. The AD said this "unnerved Manti". Ya think asshole? He probably shit his pants. If any of my dead friends were to call me up right now I'd have a heart attack. That's so messed up if that happened.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
Comments ... e-met-her/
Yeah, I am just ignoring this aspect. I can't wrap my head around this as it is. That guy has to be full of shit.
This may be my favorite sports related story EVER
pretty much everyone
i can't keep up
Yeah, dude. THIS.IS.AWESOME.
I can see backing off talking to Te'o about it, but he still could have fact-checked his story. If I were a journalist I would always (as I think they're probably taught to) fact-check a story before I put it out there for millions of people. Especially if there had been some red flags.
As for T'e'o, I can't really tell how involved he is. I can't tell if he's completely behind it, or if he went along with it, or maybe got duped but since he lied about how involved he was with this "person" tried to cover it up. Since a lot of it stemmed from the South Bend Tribune, and that seems to be where the whole thing started, the conspiracy theorist in me was thinking this was some sort of elaborate Heisman strategy to help him win by tugging at voters heart strings. But I wouldn't think anybody actually associated with the university would back a plan that was destined to backfire. So I'm sure it's a little more homegrown than that.
I hear you. I agree.
Dude, there are so many possibilities. I am 90% leaning towards Te'o making it all up for publicity, there is just too much pointing to him and 10% of me says he was duped and he is just that pathetic that he talked about an online girlfriend ALL the time. Either way, it's incredible.
And now with this Reagan Mauia thing it's even more confusing!!!
Yeah, like I said to Norm, I'm not even thinking about that. This chick did not exist, maybe someone by the same name or something.
A smoking baby will definitely catch on
Yes. Too many of the facts from the Deadspin story, as well a Te'o "admitting" he was duped and she didn't exist, make me wonder what the hell is up with Reagan Mauia. Are things so bad in Arizona you have to lie about knowing a dead chick that a Notre Dame player lied about knowing to get your name on ESPN? Given the name of the girl, Lennay Kekua (which I'm assuming isn't that common) I doubt it's a matter of him knowing a girl by the same name. How many Lennay Kekua's could have recently died?
Let's blame the media defense. Love it!!
Mormon football player at a Catholic university makes up a girlfriend...
Hard to not think that it is covering up his partner who isn't a girl but the "friend" that set up the account. The death part is just weird... ... 8485;d=all
agree, it's absurd, funny, pathetic and disgusting all rolled into one. unbelievable on all levels.
Gotta be fake right? Is that the original twitter account? That account just retweeted a couple from Te"o
i'm thinking it was just made up but with this story ya never know
it's possible manti really was duped...or not
this story gets weirder and weirder
Wouldnt that make him one of the dumbest fucks on planet Earth?
Yet, I may be wrong here, but isnt he an Academic All-American?
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
you can be book smart and still be conned...kinda sad really
I might have to actually watch ESPN. I'm so confused. I'm betting they're confused too. And that's probably worth watching.