ne znam podivljao je:)
grr...jel mogu ja sama brisat svoje postove ovdje uopće i ako da, kako?:)
I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.
- Marlene Dietrich
Parachutes (Pearl Jam)
WMA (Vs.)
Driftin (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Soon Forget (Binaural)
Deep (Ten)
Pilate (Yield)
Don't gimme no lip (Lost Dogs - Cd 2)
1/2 full (Riot act)
Habit ( No code)
Bugs (vitalogy)
10. mjesta
Oceans (ten)
Unemployable (Pearl Jam)
Around the bend (No code)
All those yesterdays (yield)
God's dice (Binaural)
Rats (Vs.)
Satan's Bed (Vitalogy)
Ghost (Riot act)
Hold on (Lost Dogs - cd1)
Other side (Lost dogs - cd2)
Oh when I was a kid oh how magic it seemed
Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
intevju s mattom, na zalost, prije koncerta... kad jos nije znao sto ga ceka
izvadak iz istog:
Koji bi nam bend rado preporučio?
Stvarno jako volim Elvisa Perkinsa, svirali smo s njim nekoliko puta, čudesan je. I, naravno, tu je Doveman. Da, to su ti momci.
Zna netko nesto o gore spomenutima?
Oh when I was a kid oh how magic it seemed
Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
intevju s mattom, na zalost, prije koncerta... kad jos nije znao sto ga ceka
izvadak iz istog:
Koji bi nam bend rado preporučio?
Stvarno jako volim Elvisa Perkinsa, svirali smo s njim nekoliko puta, čudesan je. I, naravno, tu je Doveman. Da, to su ti momci.
Zna netko nesto o gore spomenutima?
ja imam jednu pjesmu od ovog perkinsa i dečko je jako ovako tmuran i polagan i melankoličan....mislim da sam pročitala da mu je netko od roditelja umro 9/11 il tako nešto
I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.
- Marlene Dietrich
ej ekipica jel netko vidio do sada ove 3 snimke iz zgb-a...dosta su ok, a i ja vise ne znam jesam vidio, ali cine mi se dosta kvalitetnije od svih ostalih...
nekako mi je to iz visoka snimano..ili sa kontra tribine, ali onda sa dobrom kamerom ili sa mix pulta ili je netko nekog nosio
a bit ce da je ovo zadnje..
No Way (Yield)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Leash (Vs.)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Release (Ten)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Who You Are (No Code)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
8. mjesta
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Blood (Vs.)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Once (Ten)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Lukin (No Code)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Release (ten)
Let me sleep (lost dogs cd2)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Green disease (riot act)
Leash (vs)
Who you are (no code)
No way (yield)
Tremor christ (vitalogy)
Blac kred yellow (lost dogs cd1)
Breakerfall (binaural)
8. mjesta
Once (ten)
Cropduster (riot act)
Last kiss (lost dogs cd2)
Of the girl (binaural)
Spin the black circle (vitalogy)
Lukin (no code)
Undone (lost dogs cd1)
Brain of J (yield)
Blood (vs)
Army reserve (pearl jam)
Who You Are (No Code)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
No Way (Yield)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Leash (Vs.)
Release (Ten)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
8. mjesta
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Once (Ten)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Blood (Vs.)
Lukin (No Code)
... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...
Release (Ten)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
No Way (Yield)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Leash (Vs.)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Who You Are (No Code)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Blood (Vs.)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Lukin (No Code)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Release (Ten)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
No Way (Yield)
Who You Are (No Code)
Leash (Vs.)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Blood (Vs.)
Lukin (No Code)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Vidim glasačke liste od Dirty Frankk-a i Ive te se sjetim paje koji mi je jednom zgodom u ugodnom PJ razgovoru rekao: Vi, Ten-ovci! :)
Moram priznati da će i na mojim listama prva mjesta odnijeti iste pjesme!
@pajo: Radiohead - na žalost zasada ne možemo ništa potvrditi, iako smo svjesni grabaže oko karata! Istovremeno oslobađamo rezervaciju za mjesta u prijevoznom sredstvu! :(
Release (Ten)
Who You Are (No Code)
Leash (Vs.)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
No Way (Yield)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Blood (Vs.)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Lukin (No Code)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Oh when I was a kid oh how magic it seemed
Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
Release (Ten)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Who You Are (No Code)
Leash (Vs.)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
No Way (Yield)
8. mjesta
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Once (Ten)
Lukin (No Code)
Blood (Vs.)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
...the north is to south what the clock is to time...
419 352
Release (Ten)
Leash (Vs.)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Who You Are (No Code)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
No Way (Yield)
Black, red, yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Once (Ten)
Blood (Vs.)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Lukin (No Code)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Release (Ten)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Leash (Vs.)
Who You Are (No Code)
No Way (Yield)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Lukin (No Code)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Blood (Vs.)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
"Postoje samo dva pivača na svitu koji su prodali miljune albuma, imaju
neporecivu karizmu, publika ih obožava i još uz to svaki imaju po jedan
metak u sebi: to su Mišo i 50 Cent" i zato Kovač treba nastupati pored
50 Centa u Zagrebu u ponedjeljak, piše Robert Pauletić u Slobodnoj.
"[Kovač] je apsolutno karizmatičan, naš najveći pivač svih vremena.
Nosija je zlatne lančuge oko vrata desetljećima prije nego šta su se
toga sitili reperi. Kad je 50 Cent tek počeja dilat, Mišo je već proda
miljun ploča. I zato, kad malo promislin, ipak je bolje da na koncertu
piva Jasna Zlokić. Jer, Mišo ne bi triba pivat prije 50 Centa: ovi bi
triba pivat prije Miše".
1. In My Hood -- 1. U mom kraju
2. In da Club -- 2. Od kavane do kavane
3. High All the Time -- 3. Pijem i pit ću
4. Gotta Make it to Heaven -- 4. Nebu puštam bijelu pticu
5. Life's on the Line -- 5. Od života digao sam ruke
6. I'm a Hustler -- 6. Ja sam igrač na sreću
7. Touch the Sky -- 7. Samo nas nebo rastavit može
8. Green Lantern -- 8. Lanterna
9. A Baltimore Love Thing -- 9. Šibenska balada
10. I'm Supposed to Die Tonight -- 10. Ja nemam više razloga da živim
11. God Gave Me Style -- 11. Bože daj mi snage svete
12. Ghetto Qur'an -- 12. Dalmacijo sveto ime
13. Just a Li'l Bit -- 13. Samo jedan dan života
14. Fuck dat Bitch -- 14. Nevjernica
15. Going Home -- 15. Vraćam ti se Dalmacijo mati
Release (Ten)
Who You Are (No Code)
Leash (Vs.)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
No Way (Yield)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Lukin (No Code)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Blood (Vs.)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Release (Ten)
Leash (Vs.)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
No Way (Yield)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Who You Are (No Code)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
8. mjesta
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Once (Ten)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Blood (Vs.)
Lukin (No Code)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Vidim glasačke liste od Dirty Frankk-a i Ive te se sjetim paje koji mi je jednom zgodom u ugodnom PJ razgovoru rekao: Vi, Ten-ovci! :)
Moram priznati da će i na mojim listama prva mjesta odnijeti iste pjesme!
@pajo: Radiohead - na žalost zasada ne možemo ništa potvrditi, iako smo svjesni grabaže oko karata! Istovremeno oslobađamo rezervaciju za mjesta u prijevoznom sredstvu!
Strahovlada Ten-ovaca na djelu
E, a sto se tice Radioheada, ima jos karata i brijem da ce ih bit i dalje jer se ipak radi o stadionu tak da vidite jos...
Release (Ten)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Leash (Vs.)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Who You Are (No Code)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
No Way (Yield)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Blood (Vs.)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Lukin (No Code)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Just put a bend in the road, I'm growing tired of straight lines...
C'mon people, we're asking you nicely, get a life! We ignored you the last time when you were spamming out thread but enough is enough, wouldn't you say?
grr...jel mogu ja sama brisat svoje postove ovdje uopće i ako da, kako?:)
- Marlene Dietrich
Idem opet u horizontalu se lijecit :(
ajde da i to rjesimo
11. mjesta
Parachutes (Pearl Jam)
WMA (Vs.)
Driftin (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Soon Forget (Binaural)
Deep (Ten)
Pilate (Yield)
Don't gimme no lip (Lost Dogs - Cd 2)
1/2 full (Riot act)
Habit ( No code)
Bugs (vitalogy)
10. mjesta
Oceans (ten)
Unemployable (Pearl Jam)
Around the bend (No code)
All those yesterdays (yield)
God's dice (Binaural)
Rats (Vs.)
Satan's Bed (Vitalogy)
Ghost (Riot act)
Hold on (Lost Dogs - cd1)
Other side (Lost dogs - cd2)
Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
intevju s mattom, na zalost, prije koncerta... kad jos nije znao sto ga ceka
izvadak iz istog:
Koji bi nam bend rado preporučio?
Stvarno jako volim Elvisa Perkinsa, svirali smo s njim nekoliko puta, čudesan je. I, naravno, tu je Doveman. Da, to su ti momci.
Zna netko nesto o gore spomenutima?
Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
ja imam jednu pjesmu od ovog perkinsa i dečko je jako ovako tmuran i polagan i melankoličan....mislim da sam pročitala da mu je netko od roditelja umro 9/11 il tako nešto
- Marlene Dietrich
nekako mi je to iz visoka snimano..ili sa kontra tribine, ali onda sa dobrom kamerom ili sa mix pulta ili je netko nekog nosio
a bit ce da je ovo zadnje..
11. mjesta
1. Deep (Ten) - 89
2. W.M.A. (Vs.) - 81
3. Driftin' (Lost Dogs - CD 2) - 79
4. Soon Forget (Binaural) - 75
5. Parachutes (Pearl Jam) - 68
6. 1/2 Full (Riot Act) - 63
7. Habit (No Code) - 60
8. Don't Gimme No Lip (Lost Dogs - CD 1) - 60
9. Pilate (Yield) - 52
10. Bugs (Vitalogy) - 27
10. mjesta
1. Oceans (Ten) - 109
2. Rats (Vs.) - 80
3. Unemployable (Pearl Jam) - 75
4. All Those Yesterdays (Yield) - 72
5. Gods' Dice (Binaural) - 61
6. Satan's Bed (Vitalogy) - 58
7. Other Side (Lost Dogs - CD 2) - 57
8. Around The Bend (No Code) - 56
9. Hold On (Lost Dogs - CD 1) - 55
10. Ghost (Riot Act) - 37
Tijekom večeri ću dati 9. i 8. mjesta!
Nego, ja sam konacno pogledala Reign Over Me, film. tako je bas naziv.
Malo je dug, onako drama, al na kraju je zbilja lijepo cuti Edov glas
No Way (Yield)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Leash (Vs.)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Release (Ten)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Who You Are (No Code)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
8. mjesta
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Blood (Vs.)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Once (Ten)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Lukin (No Code)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Release (ten)
Let me sleep (lost dogs cd2)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Green disease (riot act)
Leash (vs)
Who you are (no code)
No way (yield)
Tremor christ (vitalogy)
Blac kred yellow (lost dogs cd1)
Breakerfall (binaural)
8. mjesta
Once (ten)
Cropduster (riot act)
Last kiss (lost dogs cd2)
Of the girl (binaural)
Spin the black circle (vitalogy)
Lukin (no code)
Undone (lost dogs cd1)
Brain of J (yield)
Blood (vs)
Army reserve (pearl jam)
Who You Are (No Code)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
No Way (Yield)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Leash (Vs.)
Release (Ten)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
8. mjesta
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Once (Ten)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Blood (Vs.)
Lukin (No Code)
Release (Ten)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
No Way (Yield)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Leash (Vs.)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Who You Are (No Code)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Blood (Vs.)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Lukin (No Code)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
9. mjesta
Release (Ten)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
No Way (Yield)
Who You Are (No Code)
Leash (Vs.)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Blood (Vs.)
Lukin (No Code)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Moram priznati da će i na mojim listama prva mjesta odnijeti iste pjesme!
@pajo: Radiohead - na žalost zasada ne možemo ništa potvrditi, iako smo svjesni grabaže oko karata! Istovremeno oslobađamo rezervaciju za mjesta u prijevoznom sredstvu! :(
Release (Ten)
Who You Are (No Code)
Leash (Vs.)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
No Way (Yield)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Blood (Vs.)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Lukin (No Code)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
Release (Ten)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Who You Are (No Code)
Leash (Vs.)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
No Way (Yield)
8. mjesta
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Once (Ten)
Lukin (No Code)
Blood (Vs.)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
419 352
Leash (Vs.)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Who You Are (No Code)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
No Way (Yield)
Black, red, yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Once (Ten)
Blood (Vs.)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Lukin (No Code)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Release (Ten)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Leash (Vs.)
Who You Are (No Code)
No Way (Yield)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Lukin (No Code)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Blood (Vs.)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
još jedan ten-ovac
u isto vrijeme... hehe
"Postoje samo dva pivača na svitu koji su prodali miljune albuma, imaju
neporecivu karizmu, publika ih obožava i još uz to svaki imaju po jedan
metak u sebi: to su Mišo i 50 Cent" i zato Kovač treba nastupati pored
50 Centa u Zagrebu u ponedjeljak, piše Robert Pauletić u Slobodnoj.
"[Kovač] je apsolutno karizmatičan, naš najveći pivač svih vremena.
Nosija je zlatne lančuge oko vrata desetljećima prije nego šta su se
toga sitili reperi. Kad je 50 Cent tek počeja dilat, Mišo je već proda
miljun ploča. I zato, kad malo promislin, ipak je bolje da na koncertu
piva Jasna Zlokić. Jer, Mišo ne bi triba pivat prije 50 Centa: ovi bi
triba pivat prije Miše".
1. In My Hood -- 1. U mom kraju
2. In da Club -- 2. Od kavane do kavane
3. High All the Time -- 3. Pijem i pit ću
4. Gotta Make it to Heaven -- 4. Nebu puštam bijelu pticu
5. Life's on the Line -- 5. Od života digao sam ruke
6. I'm a Hustler -- 6. Ja sam igrač na sreću
7. Touch the Sky -- 7. Samo nas nebo rastavit može
8. Green Lantern -- 8. Lanterna
9. A Baltimore Love Thing -- 9. Šibenska balada
10. I'm Supposed to Die Tonight -- 10. Ja nemam više razloga da živim
11. God Gave Me Style -- 11. Bože daj mi snage svete
12. Ghetto Qur'an -- 12. Dalmacijo sveto ime
13. Just a Li'l Bit -- 13. Samo jedan dan života
14. Fuck dat Bitch -- 14. Nevjernica
15. Going Home -- 15. Vraćam ti se Dalmacijo mati
Release (Ten)
Who You Are (No Code)
Leash (Vs.)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
No Way (Yield)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Lukin (No Code)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Blood (Vs.)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
9. mjesta
Release (Ten)
Leash (Vs.)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
No Way (Yield)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Who You Are (No Code)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
8. mjesta
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Once (Ten)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Blood (Vs.)
Lukin (No Code)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
E, a sto se tice Radioheada, ima jos karata i brijem da ce ih bit i dalje jer se ipak radi o stadionu tak da vidite jos...
Release (Ten)
Comatose (Pearl Jam)
Leash (Vs.)
Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Black Red Yellow (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
Breakerfall (Binaural)
Who You Are (No Code)
Green Disease (Riot Act)
Tremor Christ (Vitalogy)
No Way (Yield)
8. mjesta
Once (Ten)
Brain Of J. (Yield)
Blood (Vs.)
Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy)
Lukin (No Code)
Of The Girl (Binaural)
Last Kiss (Lost Dogs - CD 2)
Army Reserve (Pearl Jam)
Cropduster (Riot Act)
Undone (Lost Dogs - CD 1)
I'd hatar posjetiti tvoj lijep odbrojavanje opet
slažem se gospodin orobiti , ali zašto pakao je te spomenuti bi lo?
we're goin' to hell :eek:
što rekao je :eek:
is that the Education reference? :eek:
pants is retreating :eek:
no pretzels rob....