Pearl Jam in Zagreb!



  • snihsnih Posts: 1,052
    Ja bih da počnemo s igricom pa sam odlučio napisati nešto konkretnije!
    Cilj: izabrati PJ CROsong 2007 - "najbolju PJ pjesmu" u ovom trenutku!
    Kako: nadmetanjem pjesama u borbi pjesma protiv pjesme - kup sistem
    Glasači: zasada se prijavlio 12 glasača, a može glasati ko god hoće. Glasači bi trebali od dvije pjesme koje su u utakmici glasati za onu koja je po njima "bolja"
    Pjesme: u konkurenciji su pjesme sa svih studijskih albuma, Lost Dogs i Rearviewmirror - ukupno 137 pjesama
    Kup sistem: provesti će se 8 krugova glasanja! Pretkolo i 7 kola!
    Budući da ima 137 pjesama, a u prvom kolu će se moći naći njih 128, postoji i pretkolo. U pretkolu se sastaju 9 parova (određeni su nasumce). Pobjednici tih 9 mečeva će se priključiti ostalim pjesmama - kojih je 119. Postoje i nositelji njih je 32 (određeni su iz pjesama za koje smo najviše glasali kad su se birale set liste) i prednosti su im da nisu mogle biti u pretkolu, a u prvom kolu se neće moći natjecati jedna protiv druge. Od drugog kola više ne postoje nositelji, već se svaka pjesma može suprotstaviti svakoj. Parovi su određeni random varijantom (da je ne objašnjavam):):D
    U slučaju neriješenog rezultata, pobjeđuje pjesma za koju su glasali glasači s više postova na forumu! Paji i Ivi se njihovi postovi dijele s 2!
    Trajanje: pretkolo i prvo kolo - dva dana, ostala kola - 1 dan. Ukoliko svi glasači koji su se prijavili glasaju ranije, onda će slijedeće kolo početi prije roka! Ukupno trajanje: 8-11 dana
    Kako se glasa: nakon ovog posta pustit ću parove Pretkola, a onda ću glasati da dam primjer! Glasa se javno, meeeee, muuuu, beeee isl. U postovima, na temelju šprance s parovima!
  • snihsnih Posts: 1,052
    PJ CRO song 2007 - Pretkolo

    Glasanje traje do četvrtka 05.07.2007. do 23h! Ili ranije, ako svi prijavljeni glasači glasaju!:)

    Parovi su:

    Oceans_Ten x Parachutes_Pearl Jam

    Red Mosquito_No Code x Sweet Lew_Lost Dogs

    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror x Breakerfall_Binnaural

    Bugs_Vitalogy x I'm Open_No Code

    Once_Ten x Brother_Lost Dogs

    Gremmie Out of Control_Lost Dogs x Can't Keep_Riot Act

    Wash_Lost Dogs x MFC_Yield

    Go_VS. x Parting Ways_Binnaural

    You Are_Riot Act x Thin Air_Binnaural
  • snihsnih Posts: 1,052
    Evo da otvorim seriju::D:D

    Oceans_Ten x Parachutes_Pearl Jam
    Red Mosquito_No Code x Sweet Lew_Lost Dogs
    Red Mosquito
    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror x Breakerfall_Binnaural
    I Got Id
    Bugs_Vitalogy x I'm Open_No Code
    I'm Open
    Once_Ten x Brother_Lost Dogs
    Gremmie Out of Control_Lost Dogs x Can't Keep_Riot Act
    Gremmie Out of Control
    Wash_Lost Dogs x MFC_Yield
    Go_VS. x Parting Ways_Binnaural
    Parting Ways
    You Are_Riot Act x Thin Air_Binnaural
    You Are

    Evo, to bi bilo to - nije teško! Pitanja slobodno postavljajte!:):D
    I glasajte! Izađite na izbore u što većem broju!:D
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    Tesko je ovo glasanje. mislim, tesko bi mi bilo odluciti, zato ostajem pri svome :D
    I ako me ne bude bilo (sto cemo saznat u utorak) onda nit ne mogu sudjelovat...

    nego da, Domagoj, hvala za SMS! :) bas sam se nasmijala kad sam procitala tvoju entuzijasticnu poruku. a nemam para za odgovorit... :o
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • siljosiljo Posts: 2,203
    pajo wrote:
    Eto stigli smo prvi doma s meet-upa i pao je dogovor za roštiljčić na Jarunu ovu nedjelju. Početak oko 16-17h pa nadalje...

    hej, evo mene na poslu... zato sam vas danas i morao propustiti...

    anyway, nedjelja, jarun, roštilj... buduci da cesto trckaram jarunom, znam da je vikendom tamo sve krcato... ekipa dolazi vec oko 10 ujutro, zauzimaju borbene polozaje i rostiljaju tako da mislim da ovaj popodnevni roštilj bas i nije najbolja ideja... bilo bi super kad bi mogli to odraditi ujutro...

    i tak...
    Standing on a hill, staring at a mountain...
  • pajopajo Posts: 3,292
    siljo wrote:
    hej, evo mene na poslu... zato sam vas danas i morao propustiti...

    anyway, nedjelja, jarun, roštilj... buduci da cesto trckaram jarunom, znam da je vikendom tamo sve krcato... ekipa dolazi vec oko 10 ujutro, zauzimaju borbene polozaje i rostiljaju tako da mislim da ovaj popodnevni roštilj bas i nije najbolja ideja... bilo bi super kad bi mogli to odraditi ujutro...

    i tak...

    kako si mogao pomislit da takvi profici u line-upanju nemaju rjesenje za taj problem. ima tko ce doci u 10 zauzet mjesta :)
  • pajopajo Posts: 3,292
    U pretkolu su nam isti glasovi pa racunaj ovo za ivu i mene:

    Oceans_Ten x Parachutes_Pearl Jam
    Red Mosquito_No Code x Sweet Lew_Lost Dogs
    Red Mosquito
    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror x Breakerfall_Binnaural
    I Got Id
    Bugs_Vitalogy x I'm Open_No Code
    I'm Open
    Once_Ten x Brother_Lost Dogs
    Gremmie Out of Control_Lost Dogs x Can't Keep_Riot Act
    Can't Keep
    Wash_Lost Dogs x MFC_Yield
    Go_VS. x Parting Ways_Binnaural
    Parting Ways
    You Are_Riot Act x Thin Air_Binnaural
    Thin Air
  • siljosiljo Posts: 2,203
    pajo wrote:
    kako si mogao pomislit da takvi profici u line-upanju nemaju rjesenje za taj problem. ima tko ce doci u 10 zauzet mjesta :)

    vecer prije opet glumim nocnog cuvara tak da: NISAM! :)
    Standing on a hill, staring at a mountain...
  • potato girlpotato girl Posts: 474
    Oceans_Ten x Parachutes_Pearl Jam
    Red Mosquito_No Code x Sweet Lew_Lost Dogs
    Red Mosquito
    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror x Breakerfall_Binaural
    I Got ID
    Bugs_Vitalogy x I'm Open_No Code
    I'm Open
    Once_Ten x Brother_Lost Dogs
    Gremmie Out of Control_Lost Dogs x Can't Keep_Riot Act
    Can't Keep
    Wash_Lost Dogs x MFC_Yield
    Go_VS. x Parting Ways_Binaural
    Parting Ways
    You Are_Riot Act x Thin Air_Binaural
    Thin Air
    Just put a bend in the road, I'm growing tired of straight lines...
  • RijekaRijeka Posts: 801
    Nažalost, neću moći ja u nedjelju, imam fiziku u ponedjeljak i već malo gori pod nogama s obzirom da je već 3. put polažem, a u svakom slučaju planiram izbjeć odlazak pred komisiju...Tako da vam želim dobru zabavu i dobar tek :)...Kad sam pročitao ovo, prvo mi je pala misao "odjavi ispit budalo dok možeš" :D...Ali neću se zaje**va* :D više...

    A vako to izgleda, imao sam jedan malo foto sešn popodne :D

    High five :D

    I televoting

    Sweet lew
    I got ID
    I'm open
    Can't keep

    and finally, twelve points goes to...
    Thin Air

    That's results from Ri televoters, thank you Zagreb and good night
    Death or glory!

  • pajopajo Posts: 3,292
    Rijeka wrote:
    Nažalost, neću moći ja u nedjelju, imam fiziku u ponedjeljak i već malo gori pod nogama s obzirom da je već 3. put polažem, a u svakom slučaju planiram izbjeć odlazak pred komisiju...Tako da vam želim dobru zabavu i dobar tek :)...Kad sam pročitao ovo, prvo mi je pala misao "odjavi ispit budalo dok možeš" :D...Ali neću se zaje**va* :D više...

    A vako to izgleda, imao sam jedan malo foto sešn popodne :D

    High five :D
    šteta što nećeš moći doći, ali ipak, treba se riješit ispita. mirno ljeto i tako to.. držimo fige!

    a za Gorge kometar: NIIIICEEEEE!!!
  • potato girlpotato girl Posts: 474
    E da, kad smo već kod toga, mislim da ni ja neću doći u nedjelju... Razlozi isti kao kod Viktora... :D
    Just put a bend in the road, I'm growing tired of straight lines...
  • asfoasfo Posts: 315
    konačno i ja pod svojim imenom... :D

    Parovi su:

    Oceans_Ten x Parachutes_Pearl Jam
    Red Mosquito_No Code x Sweet Lew_Lost Dogs
    Red Mosquito
    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror x Breakerfall_Binnaural
    I Got Id
    Bugs_Vitalogy x I'm Open_No Code
    Once_Ten x Brother_Lost Dogs
    Gremmie Out of Control_Lost Dogs x Can't Keep_Riot Act
    Can't Keep
    Wash_Lost Dogs x MFC_Yield
    Go_VS. x Parting Ways_Binnaural
    You Are_Riot Act x Thin Air_Binnaural
    Thin Air

    makar mi je go i parting ways da premlatim nekoga tko je slagao parove... !!!!!
  • lesteslestes Posts: 959
    teško mi je bilo odlučiti kod nekih parova, al evo:

    Oceans_Ten x Parachutes_Pearl Jam
    Red Mosquito_No Code x Sweet Lew_Lost Dogs
    Red Mosquito
    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror x Breakerfall_Binnaural
    I Got Id
    Bugs_Vitalogy x I'm Open_No Code
    I'm Open
    Once_Ten x Brother_Lost Dogs
    Gremmie Out of Control_Lost Dogs x Can't Keep_Riot Act
    Can't keep
    Wash_Lost Dogs x MFC_Yield
    Go_VS. x Parting Ways_Binnaural
    You Are_Riot Act x Thin Air_Binnaural
    Thin Air
  • potato girlpotato girl Posts: 474
    Još jednom zahvaljujem dobrotvorima na Kopenhagen bootu, upravo ga slušam i mogu samo reći da je odličan... :)

    Kak jadno, koristim svaku priliku da si nabijem postove, al evo prestat ću sad... :D
    Just put a bend in the road, I'm growing tired of straight lines...
  • lesteslestes Posts: 959
    E da, kad smo već kod toga, mislim da ni ja neću doći u nedjelju... Razlozi isti kao kod Viktora... :D

    a jeste .... imam i ja ispit u ponedjeljak. štoviše, 3... dobro, zapravo samo je
    upisivanje ocjena, al već se lagano spremam na pilanje oko toga zakaj sam
    nekaj stavila u portfolio, a nekaj ne... metodika... nema odgovarajućeg smajlića...
  • RijekaRijeka Posts: 801
    lestes wrote:
    a jeste .... imam i ja ispit u ponedjeljak. štoviše, 3... dobro, zapravo samo je
    upisivanje ocjena, al već se lagano spremam na pilanje oko toga zakaj sam
    nekaj stavila u portfolio, a nekaj ne... metodika... nema odgovarajućeg smajlića...

    A, znam to sve. Al jbg, cijeli dan ode. Martin u Zg, Martin iz Zg...I tako, da sam u metropoli ne bi uopće dvojio. Ovako, srce nije kameeen :D...
    Death or glory!

  • masnimasni Posts: 1,657
    Oceans_Ten x Parachutes_Pearl Jam
    Red Mosquito_No Code x Sweet Lew_Lost Dogs
    Red Mosquito
    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror x Breakerfall_Binnaural
    I Got Id
    Bugs_Vitalogy x I'm Open_No Code
    I'm Open
    Once_Ten x Brother_Lost Dogs
    Gremmie Out of Control_Lost Dogs x Can't Keep_Riot Act
    Can't keep
    Wash_Lost Dogs x MFC_Yield
    Go_VS. x Parting Ways_Binnaural
    Parting Ways
    You Are_Riot Act x Thin Air_Binnaural
    Thin Air

    zna se tko ce doc tamo u 9.. imat preset i soundchekove :D
    Oh when I was a kid oh how magic it seemed
    Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
  • spearheadspearhead Posts: 600
    Rock singer's fans flirt with Croatia's Nazi past
    Nicholas Wood
    The New York Times Media Group
    952 words
    3 July 2007
    International Herald Tribune
    © 2007 International Herald Tribune. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights reserved.

    For the Croatian rock star Marko Perkovic, it is a routine part of his performance: He shouts a well-known Croatian slogan from World War II and his fans respond with the Nazi salute. On a hot Sunday evening last month, thousands did just that in a packed soccer stadium here in the Croatian capital. Photographs from the concert showed youths wearing the black caps of the Nazi-backed Ustasha regime that ruled Croatia and that was responsible for sending tens of thousands of Serbs, Gypsies and Jews to their deaths in concentration camps.

    Perkovic's popularity is nothing new in Croatia. It dates to the Balkan wars in which he fought in the Croatian Army.

    His patriotic and sometimes violently nationalist songs have made him a hit. Most Croats know him better by his stage name, Thompson, which was given to him during the war, when he carried a vintage submachine gun of that name.

    But Thompson's growing success - among a new generation of Croats, many of them apparently oblivious to the history of the Holocaust - has prompted concern and condemnation from minority groups in Croatia and Jewish groups abroad. The concert last month was his biggest to date, with at least 40,000 people in attendance.

    What has shocked those groups more, though, is that in the debate over Perkovic's nationalist rants, many senior politicians and journalists have not seen a problem with the imagery or salutes.

    "They just don't seem to get it," said Efraim Zuroff, director of the Israeli office of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, who called on the president of Croatia, Stjepan Mesic, to ban future concerts and help outlaw the use of extremist symbols and slogans.

    Despite such objections, the concert was shown during prime time on state-owned television, prompting further protests from Jewish and Serbian groups in Croatia.

    "We don't want to pay for something that strikes fear into my children or distances them from their friends or neighbors," said Milorad Pupovac, leader of the largest Serbian political party in Croatia.

    Perkovic's antics are also at odds with the image that the Croatian government wants to send the world.

    In the last three years, the conservative prime minister, Ivo Sanader, has to some extent reduced the Croatian reputation as a nationalist state that harbored war criminals. The transition is widely viewed as a success and Croatia now has a very good chance of joining the European Union, possibly in 2009.

    So a country that for much of the 1990s was seen as a war-torn mess is now widely perceived as a prime destination for tourism, with more than 10 million foreigners visiting every year. A government-financed advertising campaign, for instance, urges people to experience "the Mediterranean as it once was."

    Many former critics of the nationalism of the 1990s acknowledge that the country has a come a long way. It once was possible to buy photographs and memorabilia from the Ustasha period openly in the center of Zagreb. Restaurants displayed pictures of Ustasha military units on their walls.

    While such overt cheerleading has nearly vanished, souvenir shops still sell key rings and baseball caps with the Ustasha U, as well as the slogan used in Perkovic's concerts, "Za Dom: Spremni!" which means "For the Homeland: Ready!"

    While the government issued a statement after the concert in June criticizing the open display of Ustasha memorabilia and slogans, much of the Croatian political establishment seems to agree with Ursic. They cannot see what all the fuss is about.

    "You can't see any anti-Semitism here," said Dragan Primorac, the Croatian education minister. He was planning to attend the Thompson concert, before it was postponed by rain. The celebrities who made it included a former Croatian foreign minister and two former NBA basketball stars.

    "At most you could blame four to five people," Primorac said, for wearing Ustasha regalia or giving the Nazi salute during the concert. He stressed, too, that Croatia was a good friend of Israel and pointed to his mantelpiece, where there was a photograph of him and Shimon Peres, Israel's president-elect.

    Perkovic has recently sought to tone down his nationalist image. In an interview, the soft-spoken singer said he had never raised his own arm to make a fascist salute. Nor, he said, did he encourage people to wear Ustasha uniforms. As for the slogan he uses, he said it was a traditional Croatian salute that predated World War II.

    But human rights groups here see a fundamental problem: While Croatia is seeking to move away from the nationalism of the 1990s, a whole generation of young people has grown up in the last 15 years with a vague education about the Holocaust. Many here say they believe that the deeds of its wartime leaders are on the same level as Communist leaders in Yugoslavia.

    "The education about the recent history of Croatia is not adequate," said Danijel Ivin, president of the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.

    Primorac, the education minister, said that was slowly beginning to change.

    Since 2004, a day has been dedicated each year to studying the Holocaust. Still, others say they believe the Croatian ability to face its past will remain a problem for some time.

    "It is an issue," said Tomislav Jakic, an adviser to the president. "It is far from the Ustasha nostalgia that it was 15 years ago, when the ghost was first let out of the bottle. But the ghost is still here, and it will be for years to come."
    I was alone and far away when I heard the band start playing!

    ...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    spearhead wrote:
    Rock singer's fans flirt with Croatia's Nazi past
    Nicholas Wood
    The New York Times Media Group
    952 words
    3 July 2007
    International Herald Tribune
    © 2007 International Herald Tribune. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights reserved.

    For the Croatian rock star Marko Perkovic, it is a routine part of his performance: He shouts a well-known Croatian slogan from World War II and his fans respond with the Nazi salute. On a hot Sunday evening last month, thousands did just that in a packed soccer stadium here in the Croatian capital. Photographs from the concert showed youths wearing the black caps of the Nazi-backed Ustasha regime that ruled Croatia and that was responsible for sending tens of thousands of Serbs, Gypsies and Jews to their deaths in concentration camps.

    Perkovic's popularity is nothing new in Croatia. It dates to the Balkan wars in which he fought in the Croatian Army.

    His patriotic and sometimes violently nationalist songs have made him a hit. Most Croats know him better by his stage name, Thompson, which was given to him during the war, when he carried a vintage submachine gun of that name.

    But Thompson's growing success - among a new generation of Croats, many of them apparently oblivious to the history of the Holocaust - has prompted concern and condemnation from minority groups in Croatia and Jewish groups abroad. The concert last month was his biggest to date, with at least 40,000 people in attendance.

    What has shocked those groups more, though, is that in the debate over Perkovic's nationalist rants, many senior politicians and journalists have not seen a problem with the imagery or salutes.

    "They just don't seem to get it," said Efraim Zuroff, director of the Israeli office of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, who called on the president of Croatia, Stjepan Mesic, to ban future concerts and help outlaw the use of extremist symbols and slogans.

    Despite such objections, the concert was shown during prime time on state-owned television, prompting further protests from Jewish and Serbian groups in Croatia.

    "We don't want to pay for something that strikes fear into my children or distances them from their friends or neighbors," said Milorad Pupovac, leader of the largest Serbian political party in Croatia.

    Perkovic's antics are also at odds with the image that the Croatian government wants to send the world.

    In the last three years, the conservative prime minister, Ivo Sanader, has to some extent reduced the Croatian reputation as a nationalist state that harbored war criminals. The transition is widely viewed as a success and Croatia now has a very good chance of joining the European Union, possibly in 2009.

    So a country that for much of the 1990s was seen as a war-torn mess is now widely perceived as a prime destination for tourism, with more than 10 million foreigners visiting every year. A government-financed advertising campaign, for instance, urges people to experience "the Mediterranean as it once was."

    Many former critics of the nationalism of the 1990s acknowledge that the country has a come a long way. It once was possible to buy photographs and memorabilia from the Ustasha period openly in the center of Zagreb. Restaurants displayed pictures of Ustasha military units on their walls.

    While such overt cheerleading has nearly vanished, souvenir shops still sell key rings and baseball caps with the Ustasha U, as well as the slogan used in Perkovic's concerts, "Za Dom: Spremni!" which means "For the Homeland: Ready!"

    While the government issued a statement after the concert in June criticizing the open display of Ustasha memorabilia and slogans, much of the Croatian political establishment seems to agree with Ursic. They cannot see what all the fuss is about.

    "You can't see any anti-Semitism here," said Dragan Primorac, the Croatian education minister. He was planning to attend the Thompson concert, before it was postponed by rain. The celebrities who made it included a former Croatian foreign minister and two former NBA basketball stars.

    "At most you could blame four to five people," Primorac said, for wearing Ustasha regalia or giving the Nazi salute during the concert. He stressed, too, that Croatia was a good friend of Israel and pointed to his mantelpiece, where there was a photograph of him and Shimon Peres, Israel's president-elect.

    Perkovic has recently sought to tone down his nationalist image. In an interview, the soft-spoken singer said he had never raised his own arm to make a fascist salute. Nor, he said, did he encourage people to wear Ustasha uniforms. As for the slogan he uses, he said it was a traditional Croatian salute that predated World War II.

    But human rights groups here see a fundamental problem: While Croatia is seeking to move away from the nationalism of the 1990s, a whole generation of young people has grown up in the last 15 years with a vague education about the Holocaust. Many here say they believe that the deeds of its wartime leaders are on the same level as Communist leaders in Yugoslavia.

    "The education about the recent history of Croatia is not adequate," said Danijel Ivin, president of the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.

    Primorac, the education minister, said that was slowly beginning to change.

    Since 2004, a day has been dedicated each year to studying the Holocaust. Still, others say they believe the Croatian ability to face its past will remain a problem for some time.

    "It is an issue," said Tomislav Jakic, an adviser to the president. "It is far from the Ustasha nostalgia that it was 15 years ago, when the ghost was first let out of the bottle. But the ghost is still here, and it will be for years to come."

    Ok, I havent read this, but when I saw his name, Thompson, and I HATEthe guy, I just stopped ...:mad:
    I dont know what to say about this disgrace. Hes a shame for our country, imo, and I wish we had a better music scene. we do, actually, but this...omg :(
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • spearheadspearhead Posts: 600
    I certainly did NOT mean that as a slam toward the country in ANY way at all, but I did find this guy's act to be a bit disturbing...well, at least they like Pearl Jam too...
    I was alone and far away when I heard the band start playing!

    ...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    spearhead wrote:
    I certainly did NOT mean that as a slam toward the country in ANY way at all, but I did find this guy's act to be a bit disturbing...well, at least they like Pearl Jam too...
    Haha, I know you didnt mean anything wrong.
    I just hate this guy so much, and I had to comment on that.
    And if he likes PJ...i dont care. haha. :D
    He is disturbing, thats true, but thats an understatement... :o
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • siljosiljo Posts: 2,203
    Rijeka wrote:
    A vako to izgleda, imao sam jedan malo foto sešn popodne :D

    High five :D

    hahaha, prvo sam primjetio 3 daljinska... ok, nisam, ali skoro :D
    Standing on a hill, staring at a mountain...
  • RijekaRijeka Posts: 801
    The saddest part is that this will certainly be called "The concert of year 2007 in Croatia" ...

    And I hate that guy too, and surely don't want to call him a "rock star". If he plays rock music, I will be the next pope :)

    Pure folk...
    Death or glory!

  • RijekaRijeka Posts: 801
    siljo wrote:
    hahaha, prvo sam primjetio 3 daljinska... ok, nisam, ali skoro :D

    LOL...tek sad sam malo promotrio čega sve ima na ovoj slici :D
    Death or glory!

  • siljosiljo Posts: 2,203
    Rijeka wrote:
    LOL...tek sad sam malo promotrio čega sve ima na ovoj slici :D

    hm, da... cini mi se da vidim i salicu od Armade ;)
    Standing on a hill, staring at a mountain...
  • killroykillroy Posts: 739
    spearhead wrote:
    I certainly did NOT mean that as a slam toward the country in ANY way at all, but I did find this guy's act to be a bit disturbing...well, at least they like Pearl Jam too...

    I hope they don't like pj. They certainly don't understand what pj is about, playing what they play at the same time. I was watching certain parts of the show and it was the worst trash musically and visually. I don't even want to begin with the hidden political symbolism. And the worst...majority of people on that concert were youngsters, 15 - 20 years old. Aren't they supposed to listen to some punk instead?
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    siljo wrote:
    hm, da... cini mi se da vidim i salicu od Armade ;)
    Haha, bas sam to htjela sad komentirat :D

    Ale ale aleee a Fiume!!! :p:D
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • RijekaRijeka Posts: 801
    Rijeka wrote:
    LOL...tek sad sam malo promotrio čega sve ima na ovoj slici :D

    ah, da, doma govore da ponekad žale što su me ko klinca vodili na Kantridu, sad ga tamo dođem ko inventar stadiona :D...

    Samo da se ne vidi Thompsonov cd na slici :o:D
    Death or glory!

  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    Rijeka wrote:
    Samo da se ne vidi Thompsonov cd na slici :o:D
    :eek: :eek: Nadam se da se salis!
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
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