Još samo nešto... jučer sam prvi puta vidjela spot za Life Wasted i moram reći da je BRUTALAN.
drugačije gledam na spot otkad mi je C2V3N rekao da je posvećen redateljevoj majci koja je preminula nekoliko tjedana prije snimanja.
djevojka u crnom koja se nakratko pojavljuje pred kraj je upravo ona kad je bila mlada.
Evo jos malo clipova iz Beca. Sad kad gledam, Bec je stvarno bio odlican, strasan setlist.
Znaci gore su jos:
Black - kraj (jel zna netko koji je to tag ili Ed improvizira)
Last Kiss - Ed na kraju dvorane
Off He Goes
State Of Love and Trust
Little Wing - tag na YL
Kraj koncerta - obratite pozornost na ZG majice i na Jeffa koji nam baca pickse
evo da se i ja malo javim.. eh da josh sam i bolestan.. neka viroza..
nacuo ja nesto da australci šuškaju o videu za "Gone" , jel netko cuo nesto više o tome?
Je ima neki thread na Porchu o tome. Skinuh onaj unofficial boot kaj si postao na hr forumu, bas je cool, tko je to snimio? Kad te prodje viroza lovim te za flac iz Zagreba
a i moram reci - ne volim cekati... a svi znamo kako pjesma pocinje
i'll take the varmint's path...oh, and i must refuse your test
a-push me and i will resist...this behavior's not unique
i don't want to hear from those who know...
they can buy, but can't put on my clothes...
...They said... timing was everything, made him
Want to be everywhere, there's a
Lot to be said for nowhere...
Aaaaaa! Ja sam PRESENT TENSE!
Rjesavala sam ja ovo i prije, i doslo mi je Given To Fly nekoliko puta, sto isto nije lose, al sam ugodno iznenadjena da sam postala Present Tense
*the bottom message of this baritone and truly overwhelming song is that there's no point on being ruled by your own failures that have already taken place...bacause "it makes much more sense, to the present tense"*
To pise, i tocno je, naravno
Evo i rijeci ove predivne pjesme sa No Code albuma, jedna od mojih najdrazih sa najdrazeg mi albuma (cula ju u Berlinu btw )
do you see the way that tree bends?
does it inspire?
leaning out to catch the sun's rays
a lesson to be applied
are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?
you can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets, oh
or you can come to terms and realize
you're the only one who can't forgive yourself, oh
makes much more sense to live in the present tense
have you ideas on how this life ends?
checked your hands and studied the lines
have you the belief that the road ahead ascends off into the light?
seems that needlessly it's getting harder
to find an approach and a way to live
are we getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?
you can spend your time alone redigesting past regrets, oh
or you can come to terms and realize
you're the only one who cannot forgive yourself, oh
makes much more sense to live in the present tense
Just dropped in to say HELLO. Zagreb - the boot - fuck, amazing... charged, electric, ed firing out the words, my favourite. full stop!
Haha, hey Rob, always glad to see you on here. Yes, I agree, it was the best one...
Well, I got lots of boots from this tour, but Zagreb is the one I listen to CONSTANTLY! Oh wow, I still cant believe I was there...and it was the best show and in MY country! YAY for Betterman and all the songs we screamed our lungs out!
I just realized what he said before Education: this one you may not know...its a Lost Dog.
Prošli put sam bila Immortality, danas sam Given To Fly... And I like it.
"given to fly is an intriguing, introspective, highly emotional and epic song about someone who was able to conquer whatever that was holding him down"
"but first he was stripped, and then he was stabbed
by faceless men, well fuckers...he still stands
and he still gives his love, he just gives it away;
the love he recieves is the love that is saved"
Ma zapravo, mogla bih prepisati cijeli tekst jer je jedan stih bolji od drugog. I tak...
Just put a bend in the road, I'm growing tired of straight lines...
E, a zašto on nosi ruže? Možda je on dobio cvijeće
Još samo nešto... jučer sam prvi puta vidjela spot za Life Wasted i moram reći da je BRUTALAN.
Šit, postala sam baba koja više nema želudac za te stvari.... :(
drugačije gledam na spot otkad mi je C2V3N rekao da je posvećen redateljevoj majci koja je preminula nekoliko tjedana prije snimanja.
djevojka u crnom koja se nakratko pojavljuje pred kraj je upravo ona kad je bila mlada.
Znaci gore su jos:
Black - kraj (jel zna netko koji je to tag ili Ed improvizira)
Last Kiss - Ed na kraju dvorane
Off He Goes
State Of Love and Trust
Little Wing - tag na YL
Kraj koncerta - obratite pozornost na ZG majice i na Jeffa koji nam baca pickse
nacuo ja nesto da australci šuškaju o videu za "Gone" , jel netko cuo nesto više o tome?
five, five, against one
Je ima neki thread na Porchu o tome. Skinuh onaj unofficial boot kaj si postao na hr forumu, bas je cool, tko je to snimio? Kad te prodje viroza lovim te za flac iz Zagreba
Malena mu je preslatka..
bas su kjut
hail hail the lucky ones...
ide netko u zapresic ovih dana? radim za sankom na festi u satoru ova 3 dana, pa mu uvaljam pivu ako dodje
Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
Kakva fešta? Kakav šator? Kakva piva?:):):)
Kaj si ti iz Zaprešića!
Baš slušam Babu O Rajlija i mislim si da PJ fakat odabiru dobre stvari za "kaverisanje"!
bit ce severina sutra, preksutra prljavci, pa ko voli sam nek se javi masnom
Want to be everywhere, there's a
Lot to be said for nowhere...
Which PJ song are you?
Ako ste se igrali javite koja ste pesma, a ak niste možda će Vam se dat potrošit koju minutu! Fora mi bilo!:)
Ja sam Better Man!
I drago mi je zbog toga!:D
Iva: jeej! i meni jako lijepa pjesma!
Znaš, kaj... baš sam imao neki "špurijus" da će netko od vas dvoje biti Betterman samo nisam baš znao tko... čak mislio Pajusina:)
Dakle podvojena licnost: SMILE/ALIVE!
Iva: a kad ono mala od pajusine!
Aj nam posalji adresu na pm pa ti posaljemo devedeje.
a i moram reci - ne volim cekati... a svi znamo kako pjesma pocinje
i'll take the varmint's path...oh, and i must refuse your test
a-push me and i will resist...this behavior's not unique
i don't want to hear from those who know...
they can buy, but can't put on my clothes...
Want to be everywhere, there's a
Lot to be said for nowhere...
Rjesavala sam ja ovo i prije, i doslo mi je Given To Fly nekoliko puta, sto isto nije lose, al sam ugodno iznenadjena da sam postala Present Tense
*the bottom message of this baritone and truly overwhelming song is that there's no point on being ruled by your own failures that have already taken place...bacause "it makes much more sense, to the present tense"*
To pise, i tocno je, naravno
Evo i rijeci ove predivne pjesme sa No Code albuma, jedna od mojih najdrazih sa najdrazeg mi albuma
do you see the way that tree bends?
does it inspire?
leaning out to catch the sun's rays
a lesson to be applied
are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?
you can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets, oh
or you can come to terms and realize
you're the only one who can't forgive yourself, oh
makes much more sense to live in the present tense
have you ideas on how this life ends?
checked your hands and studied the lines
have you the belief that the road ahead ascends off into the light?
seems that needlessly it's getting harder
to find an approach and a way to live
are we getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?
you can spend your time alone redigesting past regrets, oh
or you can come to terms and realize
you're the only one who cannot forgive yourself, oh
makes much more sense to live in the present tense
Just dropped in to say HELLO. Zagreb - the boot - fuck, amazing... charged, electric, ed firing out the words, my favourite. full stop!
Well, I got lots of boots from this tour, but Zagreb is the one I listen to CONSTANTLY! Oh wow, I still cant believe I was there...and it was the best show and in MY country!
I just realized what he said before Education: this one you may not know...its a Lost Dog.
Yeah,..we knew it
We're glad you came to visit!
Meni jos doslo Wishlist par puta, onda sam mozda i ja podvojena haha
Prošli put sam bila Immortality, danas sam Given To Fly... And I like it.
"given to fly is an intriguing, introspective, highly emotional and epic song about someone who was able to conquer whatever that was holding him down"
"but first he was stripped, and then he was stabbed
by faceless men, well fuckers...he still stands
and he still gives his love, he just gives it away;
the love he recieves is the love that is saved"
Ma zapravo, mogla bih prepisati cijeli tekst jer je jedan stih bolji od drugog. I tak...
Ja sam Given to fly!
Ja sam isto imala dvojbe o filmu, ali kada sam promijenila odgovor, opet je bilo "you are given to fly! "
Bio sam Do the Evolution, sad sam Given to Fly. Zaključujem da sam zapravo album Yield.
Masni je sigurno Smile.