Not good for Romney



  • Why is Gary, Indiana a dump after so many decades? Could it have anything to do with Democratic politicians they elect every year?

    Uh... honey?

    Indiana is a Red State. They voted for George W Bush. TWICE. And Romney is leading there now.

    They also voted for Bob Dole, George Bush the First (in both 1988 and 1992), Ronald Reagan both times, Nixon... fuck, they voted for Gerald FORD for crying out loud.

    So... well... actually... Gary Indiana is a dump because they voted for Republicans.

  • Oh... and the current governor of Indiana is Mitch Daniels.

    A Republican.

    Honestly... do you not have a Google Machine?
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    I guess that leaves 53% who aren't on government aid, being overly taxed to
    pay for others, with a 16 trillion dollar deficit to show. :wtf:

    I can't believe we have become a country of handouts. This is what failure looks like.

    53% - 47% ... hmmm ...
    will it even make a difference?
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    How many here have been telling us they have received a tax refund? Yep... those are included in the 47% (just to add to what POD posted about what this 47% really is).
  • riotgrlriotgrl LOUISVILLE Posts: 1,895
    youngster wrote:
    So every week when I get my check and I see money taken out for Medicare and Social Security, when I am older and use those programs I should consider it a handout from the government?
    But you should be pissed that you will only get out a fraction of what you put in.
    That is, if you get anything out at all.

    They are already sending out letters telling you that your payments will be reduced (i started getting these letters when i was 25) ... "don't worry, Social Security will still be around, but payments will probably be reduced..."

    great system.

    I'm pissed that I definitely won't be getting any of the money I put into social security for 15 years of my life because I became a teacher. Mitch McConnell has been called on that point several times in this state and wants to call it double dipping. Isn't that what he's doing? Amazing that any of us can vote for any of these morons!
    Are we getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?

    Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned...

  • PJ_Soul wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    PJFAN13 wrote:
    His own people have starting bailing...
    This should make the peoples decision very easy come November
    Funny/sad thing is, he still has a chance to win. Kind of a bummer how many people are willing to vote against their own best interests.

    before this gets too far down, did this video change anyone's mind about Mitt? My guess is this will do nothing to change anyone's mind. The people who find/post stuff on Obama were never going to vote for him, and the people who find/post stuff on Mitt were never going to vote for him.

    He clearly has some bad numbers, but what about this is surprising to people? The exact words maybe weren't used before, but the message has always been there.
    Not that I can vote, but it honestly made me think he's a much bigger asshole than j thought he was before seeing that. It really is a shitty, mean-spirited attitude, as well as scary. It literally tells me that he has no intention of even giving the needs and wants of a lot of people a second thought. And it tells me that his notion of those on welfare, those who are liberal, those who are poor, those who are sick and not well off, those who voted for Obama are 1) all the same, and 2) lazy leeches?? 47% of the country? Woooow. I have never had a good opinion of him, but I never thought he was maliciously disdainful of the poor until now, or so deluded to think that everyone who voted for Obama simply wants hand outs. :? That is fucked up shit.
    And what scares me even more are the people who boldly support his opinion.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • riotgrlriotgrl LOUISVILLE Posts: 1,895
    ComeToTX wrote:
    It is very ironic that the 99% feel so helpless yet they vote Democratic every year. Why is Gary, Indiana a dump after so many decades? COuld it have anything to do with Democratic politicians they elect every year? The Democrats don't care about people, they care about dependency on government and power.

    Republicans - you make your destiny
    Democrats - government makes your destiny

    This country was founded on people being able to control their own destiny. Romney is correct that there are a huge amount of voters who just want handouts from government, and there is nothing he can say to change that.

    It is very sad that there is so much dependency on goverment. We'll never get a leader elected who can fix problems because there are so many people who blindly vote based on handouts. Social security is going bankrupt. Medicare/Medicaid is going bankrupt. We need leaders who will make tough decisions to fix these programs, but we don't have the people that will vote for those leaders because they think they are entitled to everything for free.

    So how do you explain the 100's of cities, counties, towns, etc... That always vote republican and stay in the shitter?

    Thanks for the laugh.

    So do you think it is a good thing that more people are relying on the government? A government that is inept and bankrupt? The democrats are going to continue giving handouts and that helps in the short term but not in the long run. A bankrupt government will pretty much take down everyone in the end.

    So my point is that the democrats keep giving out handouts year after year and people keep voting for democrats but their situation is not improving. The Clinton administration forced the banks to make bad loans to poor people and we saw how that turned out. VP Biden says that republicans are holding people down but maybe the dems policies are holding people down. I would think if I voted democratic 8 elections in a row and my situation didn't get better that maybe these democrats I am voting in are the problem.

    I am not saying that republicans are great. they aren't either. But more government reliance is not going to help empower people. It is obvious that Obama doesn't have ideas to fix problems, and maybe Romney doesn't either, but romney's point is that even if he had ideas that could fix problems there would still be a large percentage of people who wouldn't vote for him because Obama would continue giving them money for nothing.

    Didn't Clinton actually reduce the welfare rolls? He had a great program that got people off welfare and helped them get job skills and/or education so they could work. If I remember correctly, GWB dumped that pretty quick. Why didn't he continue that program if the conservatives are really interested in getting people off government assistance?
    Are we getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?

    Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned...

  • ZosoZoso Posts: 6,425
    I don't think romney understands that there are a lot of people out working 2 or 3 low paying jobs and still not getting anywhere.. no matter how hard they work. People vote democrat because they see that a lot of people are suffering and are told to pick themselves up and do something about it lol.. with what? They have no way of getting out of their poverty or reliance on handouts.

    no one wants to be reliant on handouts but it's just the nature of it if there is such a widening of the gap between the top 1 percent and bottom 10 percent.
    I'm just flying around the other side of the world to say I love you

    Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl

    I love you forever and forever :)

    Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
  • I wish I was a Latino
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    I heard that whole video clip this morning and I didn't see anything wrong with it.

    He was asked what it would take to win and he's saying that it will be difficult because he believes there are 47% of people who will vote Obama/Democrat and nothing will change their minds.

    He then went on to list the reasons he thinks that nothing will change their minds.

    If someone isn't paying income tax - and I do believe the 47% number if we're only talking about INCOME tax - then it seems to me that they'd want to try and ensure that their status remains the same. The Democrats plans typically are aligned to ensure that it will.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • Honestly I don't get the big deal, it seems like he is talking about campaign strategy and that he knows he has no shot at 47% of the people. I would think Obama would have a fairly similar conversation.

    Then again, I'm not out there always looking for the next soundbite. Because if you vote based on soundbites you get a soundbite president.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    Honestly I don't get the big deal, it seems like he is talking about campaign strategy and that he knows he has no shot at 47% of the people. I would think Obama would have a fairly similar conversation.

    Then again, I'm not out there always looking for the next soundbite. Because if you vote based on soundbites you get a soundbite president.
    I was thinking the same thing. This is Obama's campaign strategy except he's trying to convince 99% of us that we are in the 47%.

    Next story.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • Whats the big deal.

    He said it because its true.

    And its no worse than Obama saying people "cling to their religion and guns."

    Keep up the good work Mitt. 8-)
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,954
    Honestly I don't get the big deal, it seems like he is talking about campaign strategy and that he knows he has no shot at 47% of the people. I would think Obama would have a fairly similar conversation.

    Then again, I'm not out there always looking for the next soundbite. Because if you vote based on soundbites you get a soundbite president.

    I agree to an extent, he is certainly talking about campaign strategy, but to me, in doing so, he shows a huge amount of contempt for almost half the country. Basically calls them moochers, regardless of their situation. The elderly, the sick, the students, etc. Regardless of their situation, he thinks all people who take governement assistance are not taking responsibility for themselves, and that is absurd. I came across this reader email on the dish and thought it was pretty on point...

    That Romney quote about people in the 47 percent not taking responsibility for their lives made me so angry I almost cried. I'm in that 47 percent. My household hasn't paid income taxes in ten years - not since my husband became seriously disabled and could no longer work. How dare Romney tell me I'm not taking responsibility. I've been nothing but responsible - responsible for raising three children and caring for my husband for five years until he died, through some very tough times. I worked part-time through much of this, but SSDI and private disability insurance made it possible for my family to survive financially. My two sons received federal loans for college. One is now a public school teacher, and a darn good one - a worthwhile investment, I'd say. The other is still in college. My third child is disabled and continues to receive SSDI, and I'm still responsible for her. I work full-time, pay payroll taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes. But I work for a not-for-profit and don't receive the kind of salary people of my abilities earn in investment banking.

    The stuff that happened to me - a spouse who died prematurely, a child with a genetically-based disability - these things can happen to anyone. Anyone.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741 it...dismiss and move on...

    I'd be willing to bet Rmoney is part of the 47%....


    There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.

    Romney went on: "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

    those f-n old people who are sucking the teat of society....get off your lazy ass grandma....get back in the workforce, so what if you're 86 years old...
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,954
    Whats the big deal.

    He said it because its true.

    And its no worse than Obama saying people "cling to their religion and guns."

    Keep up the good work Mitt. 8-)

    Except it's not true that 47% of the country do not take personal responsbility. Minor detail.

    Agreed, it's not too much different but I'd say claiming that 47% of the country are moochers is worse than saying a portion of the population vote based on very conservative social issues.
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,954
    It's also amusing that as the AEI points out, spending on government benefits have increased the most under Republican presidents.
  • Why is Gary, Indiana a dump after so many decades? Could it have anything to do with Democratic politicians they elect every year?

    Uh... honey?

    Indiana is a Red State. They voted for George W Bush. TWICE. And Romney is leading there now.

    They also voted for Bob Dole, George Bush the First (in both 1988 and 1992), Ronald Reagan both times, Nixon... fuck, they voted for Gerald FORD for crying out loud.

    So... well... actually... Gary Indiana is a dump because they voted for Republicans.


    Do you not understand that there are local governments, state governments, and federal government? Northwest Indiana is a democratic section of Indiana. Votes democrat every year. They have had the same democratic congressman for at least 20 years. Nw Indiana has the Chicago style corruption in its politics. There have been so many corrupt politicians (just about all dems) over the years that the area does not improve.You have to remember that local governments like mayors, town boards, and school boards are responsible for a lot of money and where it goes.
  • Cliffy6745 wrote:
    It's also amusing that as the AEI points out, spending on government benefits have increased the most under Republican presidents.

    The republicans have sucked at governing the country too. But in order to win elections you have to keep handing out cash. That is what Romney so poorly stated. He wants to change the direction of the country and the dependency on government (which clearly can't last forever), but he knows that a large amount of voters won't like that. Not 47% but a large amount.
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,954
    Cliffy6745 wrote:
    It's also amusing that as the AEI points out, spending on government benefits have increased the most under Republican presidents.

    The republicans have sucked at governing the country too. But in order to win elections you have to keep handing out cash. That is what Romney so poorly stated. He wants to change the direction of the country and the dependency on government (which clearly can't last forever), but he knows that a large amount of voters won't like that. Not 47% but a large amount.

    And I understand that argument to an extent. I certainly think there are efficiencies that need to made to unemployment and welfare, but to classify 47% of the country as not being self responsible is pretty sickening..
  • Oh... and the current governor of Indiana is Mitch Daniels.

    A Republican.

    Honestly... do you not have a Google Machine?

    Maybe you should use the google machine to find out about local governments.
  • Cliffy6745 wrote:
    Cliffy6745 wrote:
    It's also amusing that as the AEI points out, spending on government benefits have increased the most under Republican presidents.

    The republicans have sucked at governing the country too. But in order to win elections you have to keep handing out cash. That is what Romney so poorly stated. He wants to change the direction of the country and the dependency on government (which clearly can't last forever), but he knows that a large amount of voters won't like that. Not 47% but a large amount.

    And I understand that argument to an extent. I certainly think there are efficiencies that need to made to unemployment and welfare, but to classify 47% of the country as not being self responsible is pretty sickening..

    I agree that his comments significantly overstated the %.
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    Why is Gary, Indiana a dump after so many decades? Could it have anything to do with Democratic politicians they elect every year?

    Uh... honey?

    Indiana is a Red State. They voted for George W Bush. TWICE. And Romney is leading there now.

    They also voted for Bob Dole, George Bush the First (in both 1988 and 1992), Ronald Reagan both times, Nixon... fuck, they voted for Gerald FORD for crying out loud.

    So... well... actually... Gary Indiana is a dump because they voted for Republicans.

    The last time Gary, Indiana voted for a Republican was in 1939. :ugeek:,_Indiana

    Gary's demise was it's reliance on one industry, the steel industry to support the growth. The steel industry went kaput in the 60's, the affluent citizens moved out, and crime skyrocketed. It has remained a shit hole, beyond repair ever since.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    i will reiterate:

    1. romney encompasses the worst attributes of a politician: liar, ignorant, stupid, greedy and above all no integrity ... the fact people would still vote for this guy shows just how deeply partisan the country is

    2. republicans and people in general should be embarrassed that he is the supposed best the party could come up with as a candidate - it really shows how much influence the 1% have over everything

    3. this latest thing is further proof that romney is a throw away candidate and that the establishment are happy with obama ... they will continue to let him hang himself and i suspect that if the polls show any growth for romney - we will get the latest thing to sink him ... and that ultimately, right before november - they will have something that should put the final nail in his coffin ...
  • Not sure if someone else said this already b/c I only skimmed, but this is another example (as I have seen others say) that folks that have their mind made up, have it made up. Which is exactly what he was saying.

    You're either being obtuse or stupid if you don't think what he meant was - when campaigning, I can't worry about the 47% that already have their mind made up against me. It doesn't refer to folks that don't pay taxes or whatever. That's the common % (or thereabouts) on BOTHS sides that have their minds made up. So, I guess he could have said, I don't have to worry about 94% of the electorate (which is basically true). Except he does have to motivate HIS 47% to get out and vote (and the tiny minority that are TRULY undecided and not the majority of us who like to pretend). Because, that's where this election will most likely lie. Whose voters are most motivated and how the TRUE independents vote. If you don't like honesty, well, not sure what to tell you.

    But, if you're trying to interpret this as whatever his plans are he doesn't CARE about 47% of the population, you're either being willfully ignorant or are stupid.

    Yes, he could have said it better. But, have a conversation with your friend and parse every syllabel you say, and I bet by the end, I could make you out as a racist, homo/hetero-phobic, child hating, old person hating, middle aged hating, misogynist you are(n't).
    Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305

    You're either being obtuse or stupid if you don't think what he meant was

    But, if you're trying to interpret this as whatever his plans are he doesn't CARE about 47% of the population, you're either being willfully ignorant or are stupid.

    I guess a lot of us are too stupid, my lord. Please accept our apologies.
    But, have a conversation with your friend and parse every syllabel you say, and I bet by the end, I could make you out as a racist, homo/hetero-phobic, child hating, old person hating, middle aged hating, misogynist you are(n't).

    Doubt it. This was a rather obtuse and stupid attempt at an analogy.
  • whygohome wrote:

    You're either being obtuse or stupid if you don't think what he meant was

    But, if you're trying to interpret this as whatever his plans are he doesn't CARE about 47% of the population, you're either being willfully ignorant or are stupid.

    I guess a lot of us are too stupid, my lord. Please accept our apologies.
    But, have a conversation with your friend and parse every syllabel you say, and I bet by the end, I could make you out as a racist, homo/hetero-phobic, child hating, old person hating, middle aged hating, misogynist you are(n't).

    Doubt it. This was a rather obtuse and stupid attempt at an analogy.

    Apology accepted. Though I tend to believe, it's being obtuse to fit reality to your beliefs.

    On the latter part, I challenge you. Catch yourself next time you make a joke, say anything about ANYBODY, etc.

    And, I could have worded that better. I should have added OR to that last part. Sorry about that. It would be pretty hard to fit ALL that into one conversation.
    Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Not sure if someone else said this already b/c I only skimmed, but this is another example (as I have seen others say) that folks that have their mind made up, have it made up. Which is exactly what he was saying.

    You're either being obtuse or stupid if you don't think what he meant was - when campaigning, I can't worry about the 47% that already have their mind made up against me. It doesn't refer to folks that don't pay taxes or whatever. That's the common % (or thereabouts) on BOTHS sides that have their minds made up. So, I guess he could have said, I don't have to worry about 94% of the electorate (which is basically true). Except he does have to motivate HIS 47% to get out and vote (and the tiny minority that are TRULY undecided and not the majority of us who like to pretend). Because, that's where this election will most likely lie. Whose voters are most motivated and how the TRUE independents vote. If you don't like honesty, well, not sure what to tell you.

    But, if you're trying to interpret this as whatever his plans are he doesn't CARE about 47% of the population, you're either being willfully ignorant or are stupid.

    Yes, he could have said it better. But, have a conversation with your friend and parse every syllabel you say, and I bet by the end, I could make you out as a racist, homo/hetero-phobic, child hating, old person hating, middle aged hating, misogynist you are(n't).

    you're talking in a bubble when talking on this forum...yes, many here have made up their minds...however, and I hope you know this, not everyone who votes is privy to this forum...

    there are some folks in this country who are actually undecided....I don't think he's helping himself with you...?
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    whygohome wrote:

    You're either being obtuse or stupid if you don't think what he meant was

    But, if you're trying to interpret this as whatever his plans are he doesn't CARE about 47% of the population, you're either being willfully ignorant or are stupid.

    I guess a lot of us are too stupid, my lord. Please accept our apologies.
    But, have a conversation with your friend and parse every syllabel you say, and I bet by the end, I could make you out as a racist, homo/hetero-phobic, child hating, old person hating, middle aged hating, misogynist you are(n't).

    Doubt it. This was a rather obtuse and stupid attempt at an analogy.

    Apology accepted. Though I tend to believe, it's being obtuse to fit reality to your beliefs.

    On the latter part, I challenge you. Catch yourself next time you make a joke, say anything about ANYBODY, etc.

    And, I could have worded that better. I should have added OR to that last part. Sorry about that. It would be pretty hard to fit ALL that into one conversation.

    Are you saying that you are never guilty of this? What makes you so smart and so special? How did you earn this right to be so damn patronizing?

    Check the ego, my friend.
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