Not good for Romney ... fundraiser
His own people have starting bailing...
This should make the peoples decision very easy come November
Funny/sad thing is, he still has a chance to win. Kind of a bummer how many people are willing to vote against their own best interests.
His own people have starting bailing...
This should make the peoples decision very easy come November
Funny/sad thing is, he still has a chance to win. Kind of a bummer how many people are willing to vote against their own best interests.
2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sounds like there is more to come
before this gets too far down, did this video change anyone's mind about Mitt? My guess is this will do nothing to change anyone's mind. The people who find/post stuff on Obama were never going to vote for him, and the people who find/post stuff on Mitt were never going to vote for him.
He clearly has some bad numbers, but what about this is surprising to people? The exact words maybe weren't used before, but the message has always been there.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
You're right, I was never going to vote for him and yes, this was clearly how he has felt all along, but to me it just shows and unbelievable contempt for the poor in our country. He's disgusted with them regardless of their situation solely because they are poor.
And fuck him saying nothing was given to him. Um your fucking education, you asshole. An eduction millions don't have access to because they are poor
I'd hope Obama pumps this in ads in poor rural areas.
It confirmed I will NOT be voting for him...
2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
I think this will close alot of independents and people who weren't fully decided to turn of him completly. this could be a big turning point
Republicans - you make your destiny
Democrats - government makes your destiny
This country was founded on people being able to control their own destiny. Romney is correct that there are a huge amount of voters who just want handouts from government, and there is nothing he can say to change that.
It is very sad that there is so much dependency on goverment. We'll never get a leader elected who can fix problems because there are so many people who blindly vote based on handouts. Social security is going bankrupt. Medicare/Medicaid is going bankrupt. We need leaders who will make tough decisions to fix these programs, but we don't have the people that will vote for those leaders because they think they are entitled to everything for free.
If only 1% for Republican, Independent etc, why are there... oh never mind.
This is hilarious
So how do you explain the 100's of cities, counties, towns, etc... That always vote republican and stay in the shitter?
Thanks for the laugh.
So every week when I get my check and I see money taken out for Medicare and Social Security, when I am older and use those programs I should consider it a handout from the government?
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I will attempt to be bipartisan here:
It may, it may not, but you can be sure this WILL be topic of conversation for more than a few days, if not weeks. That in itself is devastating to a candidate that has been criticized across the aisle about not being specific enough about HIS policies. He's got 50 something days left and is offering golden soundbytes to the left about writing off 47% of the vote?
I can honestly say i am not surprised at his candid comments as it will be a leading indicator of how he will lead approx 50% of the populous if elected.
MGM Grand - Jul 6, 2006
Cox Arena - Jul 7, 2006
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival - May 1, 2010
Alpine Valley Music Theater - Sep 3-4 2011
Made In America, Philly - Sep 2, 2012
EV, Houston - Nov 12-13, 2012
Dallas-November 2013
OKC-November 2013
ACL 2-October 2014
Fenway Night 1, August 2016
Wrigley, Night 1 August 2018
Fort Worth, Night 1 September 2023
Fort Worth, Night 2 September 2023
Austin, Night 1 September 2023
Austin, Night 2 September 2023
But you should be pissed that you will only get out a fraction of what you put in.
That is, if you get anything out at all.
They are already sending out letters telling you that your payments will be reduced (i started getting these letters when i was 25) ... "don't worry, Social Security will still be around, but payments will probably be reduced..."
great system.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If only 1% for Republican, Independent etc, why are there... oh never mind.
I was referencing the people that identify themselves as the 99%, the ones out protesting. I don't think 99% of the population was out protesting or feeling sorry for themselves.
We shouldn't have to pay into these programs to begin with. It is clear these programs are so in debt that the money you put in won't be there when you need it. But try to elect a politician who actually tries to fix it and the public won't support that candidate because their benefits may go down. They would rather the government go bankrupt than take a decrease to benefits. I know that I won't see a dime of my social security or Medicare withholding. I am not going to rely on the government for retirement.
I think romney's point is that he could campaign on fixing problems but there is a subset of the population that doesn't want to hear it. They are going to vote for Obama because they want the government to pay their expenses instead of voting for solid policy.
What Mitt said is unforgivable... and any republican should be PISSED that he said that, not trying to back it up.
So do you think it is a good thing that more people are relying on the government? A government that is inept and bankrupt? The democrats are going to continue giving handouts and that helps in the short term but not in the long run. A bankrupt government will pretty much take down everyone in the end.
So my point is that the democrats keep giving out handouts year after year and people keep voting for democrats but their situation is not improving. The Clinton administration forced the banks to make bad loans to poor people and we saw how that turned out. VP Biden says that republicans are holding people down but maybe the dems policies are holding people down. I would think if I voted democratic 8 elections in a row and my situation didn't get better that maybe these democrats I am voting in are the problem.
I am not saying that republicans are great. they aren't either. But more government reliance is not going to help empower people. It is obvious that Obama doesn't have ideas to fix problems, and maybe Romney doesn't either, but romney's point is that even if he had ideas that could fix problems there would still be a large percentage of people who wouldn't vote for him because Obama would continue giving them money for nothing.
Leaches suck.
"My campaign is about helping people take more responsibility and becoming employed again, particularly those who don't have work," Romney said. "His whole campaign is based on getting people jobs again, putting people back to work. This is ultimately a question about direction for the country. Do you believe in a government-centered society that provides more and more benefits or do you believe instead in a free enterprise society where people are able to pursue their dreams?"
Believe in America.
Mitt certainly could have phrased things better. But I think romney believes his economic ideas could help everyone but he knows that people have been trained to vote for democrats and no matter what he says won't change it. It is true of some republicans too. Every election is about independents according to the talking heads, which is what Romney was basically saying when he was talking about who he needed to convince to vote for him.
So is the poor person who gets handouts that are bankrupting the country and local governments ever going to vote for the person who wants to improve the economy that can ultimately help these people or vote for the person who will keep the free money flowing only that they remain in poverty. They are clearly voting for the free money because Obama sure isn't going to lift them out of poverty but make them rely on govt more.
IRONY = The interesting thing about those who pay no income tax is the fact the Republicans arranged it that way, right? W.Bush believed it was the best way to keep working class Americans voting Republican.Now Mitt Romney just threw them under the bus.
In fact, Romney might have just reinvigorated people who could care less about this election... Pretty sure they aren't the voting block Mitt wants to know about.
2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
I'm sorry. I was pulling your leg a bit there. Which is a cool phrase in Spanish: ¡No me tomes el pelo! Literally- "Stop pulling my hair"! I said that to a Cuban woman I met yesterday and she laughed and laughed.
But any way, the 99% simply refers to the percentage of people who don't have as much as the 1%. But we know that going in. I just don't see that the 99'ers vote 99% Democrat. No way, Jose.
You really need to give that meme a rest. It's just not true.
It IS true that 38 percent of "tax units" (who can be single people, couples, or families ) are projected to have zero or negative income tax liability. Roughly 60% of these households make $20K per year or less.
However, being exempt from income tax does not mean you "don't pay federal taxes."
Everyone who works is liable for payroll taxes, Medicare and SS contributions that are deducted from every paycheck.
There are also taxes on goods and services, most notably the 18.4 cents per gallon tax on Gas.
Earners in the lowest 20%, where most of those with "no income tax" are found, paid 4.3 percent of the payroll tax burden in 2005 and 11.1 percent of the excise taxes.
Their 'effective tax rate' (calculated by dividing "taxes paid" by "total income") is in fact significantly higher than the rate of the top 20%, although that top 1/5th of the population had a much higher effective tax rate for individual and corporate income taxes.
Saying that it's just the rich that pay taxes is bullshit. You're not fooling anyone.