Pretty sure we've done this one before but I'm willing to do it again. Manners and etiquette rules not based in rational principles. Don't chew with your mouth open because it is gross, but why the fuck does anyone care about elbows on the table? Don't open your umbrella in the house because you might spray water or hit someone/something, but why the fuck do you care if my hat is on my head where it belongs just because I'm in a building. Don't double dip the chip, because your saliva is yours to keep, but if you like extra salt and/or pepper on your food, you aren't an asshole and you aren't insulting the food.
agree with all of this.
I do double dip occasionally, but only if I turn the chip around and dip with the non-gnarled side of it. but that is also based on context...close friends, dinner party, family, etc.
Yeah, I don't care about even a true double dip when it's a family dinner. We share all our germs through the kids anyways.
But now the part of the chip that was between your fingers is now in the dip. Might as well finger the dip. Or worse yet...
yeah, I suppose, but I wash my hands a lot (not OCD, but enough), so it doesn't concern me. However, to all those urine-handed folks I may now think twice. LOL
we have one woman in our office that fakes washing her hands, even after a #2 (several accounts from different female coworkers). she is the single reason we now have a "spoon only" policy on treat days for finger foods.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
ugh. same thing here in winnipeg. being frigid a good portion of the year, most drivers don't see the point in bike lanes or even people being in traffic on bikes. 'waste of taxpayer money" they all cry. I see loads of people cycling, even in -40C. but even if they don't, who cares? we can save a ton of traffic congestion, pollution, and travel time to and from work if we had more accessible and safe places for cyclists to commute.
asshole driving cyclist-haters = cyclists being afraid of the road so they cycle on the sidewalk = pedestrians hating cyclists = everyone hates cyclists.
Well said.
We have some "bike lanes" here, which I use the term loosely because it's just painted stripes on the side of the road. I've been involved in a hit and run where a cab drove up in the bike lane from behind me and ran me over. So, yeah, my sympathy for cyclist are much higher than that of drivers.
My general beliefs when it comes to bikes: Bikes shouldn't be on sidewalks if you're over the age of 12; Bikes are by law allowed to take the lane, especially if they feel safest doing so at their discretion; bikes should not have the same laws as cars, love live the Idaho Stop. Oh, and cars are 2 ton killing machines. People should ride more - be it health reasons, zero carbo emission, etc - they'll also realize their commute is more than the world passing them by. If your commute is in a dense city, and less than two miles, you'll find no quicker mode of transportation. End of my rant.
I get to work WAY quicker by bus or by bike. on a 5-10 minute drive in rush hour from downtown to my house, walking has been faster than driving. no joke.
I love that feeling when I'm going home from work, and first I'm zipping by all the traffic stuck on the highway, looking down upon the gridlock from the skytrain, and then when I walk from the train station to my home, where I'm walking by yet more trapped cars. I always wonder if it has occurred to them how silly their whole convenience argument for avoiding public transit seems when that is happening.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Pretty sure we've done this one before but I'm willing to do it again. Manners and etiquette rules not based in rational principles. Don't chew with your mouth open because it is gross, but why the fuck does anyone care about elbows on the table? Don't open your umbrella in the house because you might spray water or hit someone/something, but why the fuck do you care if my hat is on my head where it belongs just because I'm in a building. Don't double dip the chip, because your saliva is yours to keep, but if you like extra salt and/or pepper on your food, you aren't an asshole and you aren't insulting the food.
agree with all of this.
I do double dip occasionally, but only if I turn the chip around and dip with the non-gnarled side of it. but that is also based on context...close friends, dinner party, family, etc.
ugh. same thing here in winnipeg. being frigid a good portion of the year, most drivers don't see the point in bike lanes or even people being in traffic on bikes. 'waste of taxpayer money" they all cry. I see loads of people cycling, even in -40C. but even if they don't, who cares? we can save a ton of traffic congestion, pollution, and travel time to and from work if we had more accessible and safe places for cyclists to commute.
asshole driving cyclist-haters = cyclists being afraid of the road so they cycle on the sidewalk = pedestrians hating cyclists = everyone hates cyclists.
Well said.
We have some "bike lanes" here, which I use the term loosely because it's just painted stripes on the side of the road. I've been involved in a hit and run where a cab drove up in the bike lane from behind me and ran me over. So, yeah, my sympathy for cyclist are much higher than that of drivers.
My general beliefs when it comes to bikes: Bikes shouldn't be on sidewalks if you're over the age of 12; Bikes are by law allowed to take the lane, especially if they feel safest doing so at their discretion; bikes should not have the same laws as cars, love live the Idaho Stop. Oh, and cars are 2 ton killing machines. People should ride more - be it health reasons, zero carbo emission, etc - they'll also realize their commute is more than the world passing them by. If your commute is in a dense city, and less than two miles, you'll find no quicker mode of transportation. End of my rant.
I get to work WAY quicker by bus or by bike. on a 5-10 minute drive in rush hour from downtown to my house, walking has been faster than driving. no joke.
Pet peeve: people driving a car for a 5-10 minute commute.
10 minute drive is like an hour walk. What’s wrong with that? Throw in unpredictable thunderstorms and small children, almost seems unreasonable to not drive.
Yeah, I guess approximates need to be more specific than that. This is more for the 5 minute range, and in a setting I'm familiar with: in a dense urban, to outer ring of the 'burbs a 5 minute ride is no longer than 2 mile ride at best, and it's considering decent public transportation.
We could keep making excuses - throw in old people, mentally and physically handicapped. Yes, there's reasons for cars. Pet peeve is we've built an ever growing infrastructure around the automobile, which is.....lazy, especially the closer you get to a metro city center.
People are completely addicted to cars. Like you say, yes, of course there are good reasons for them. Of course some people literally need them. But yes, a huge number of people in urban areas simply refuse to ever walk, bike, or take public transit because they are lazy and simply addicted to what I consider the extreme luxury of polluting cars that contribute to congestion on the roads. It is definitely a pet peeve of mine. Especially when these same people buy up homes that surround public transit train stations. Why in the fuck do they need to hog that very limited living space, when it's the people who actually use the public transit system who really need to live there? I think that condos/apartments within 0.5 kilometers of a public transit station/hub should severely restrict parking availability, prioritizing parking rights by proven need only. That way, people who insist on having cars couldn't live there if they wanted to. Not unless they gave up their cars.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I have about 4 co-workers whom I will not eat pot luck dishes they bring in.
We had one of those, but she thankfully retired. Literally nobody would eat her disgusting dishes. We didn't trust there to not be snot/nail clippings/spit/hair/blood/B.O. atoms in it. If someone ended up with it on their plate because they didn't know whose it was, we'd give the signal and they would know not to eat it, lol. I don't know why she kept bringing in dishes though.... total waste of food.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I have about 4 co-workers whom I will not eat pot luck dishes they bring in.
We had one of those, but she thankfully retired. Literally nobody would eat her disgusting dishes. We didn't trust there to not be snot/nail clippings/spit/hair/blood/B.O. atoms in it. If someone ended up with it on their plate because they didn't know whose it was, we'd give the signal and they would know not to eat it, lol. I don't know why she kept bringing in dishes though.... total waste of food.
I have a coworker who cut and cleaned fruit in the work bathroom. It's old house, so it is a single seater with long counter and more of a kitchen type single sink. Ewww. I went through (gallery with multiple buildings) telling people, "The fruit was cleaned and cut in the bathroom. Pass it on." I'd like to think I saved a lot of people that day.
People know I will not eat out of a communal bag of open chips. They generally open it in front of me and let me get first pick. I have seen too many dirty hands and lickety fingers and dive back in kind of stuff go on. In fact, there is a group of us who will talk together. "I brought X in, so you know it's safe."
Community food is not necessarily food you want to eat. Most of the time, I would just rather go without.
Chips should be shaken out of a bag, damnit. Bunch of savages.
Like I said though, if it's family, I'm not such a wuss that I care about a double dip or a hand in a chip bag. I'm not afraid to finish food for you if you got too much, either. Not squeemish. ^Is that a word? Doesn't look right.
Chips should be shaken out of a bag, damnit. Bunch of savages.
Like I said though, if it's family, I'm not such a wuss that I care about a double dip or a hand in a chip bag. I'm not afraid to finish food for you if you got too much, either. Not squeemish. ^Is that a word? Doesn't look right.
Yeah, if they're people close to me I really don't care at all. I kiss and hug those people, offer or take bites or sips from them, share bongs or joints with them, etc. I'm not about to worry about some double dipping with them... but I do assume anyone is going to turn the chip or veggie stick around before double dipping among loved ones, so the bitten part doesn't go in there. Not doing that is just rude.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Even though there was a spoon in the bowl, I saw several people reach into a bowl of juice covered pineapple and take pieces with their hands. Even items with spoons aren't safe!
people who leave some time on the microwave and don't reset it. dammit if I don't fall for it every damn time, pressing numbers at least 3 times, getting more forceful with each press, not understanding why it won't work, and then I see it....the rogue second sitting on the display.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I don’t get to hung up on pot luck food. We all get exposed to germs at some point. Sometimes I wonder if workers washed their hands at fast food restaurants because I will see them cleaning with a mop or something when I get there, but then I just tell myself in all the times I have been to restaurants disgusting stuff happens in the kitchen and I just happened to notice it this time.
Bike lanes annoy me. I hope ours get used more but rush hour traffic is terrible because we have to sit there like idiots not being able to turn left when our direction has the green when there isn’t a bike in sight.
I hate when people say “atm machine” or “PIN number.” It’s just atm or pin! No one ever says “what’s your ETA arrival?” So why does everyone say “PIN number”?
I hate when people say “atm machine” or “PIN number.” It’s just atm or pin! No one ever says “what’s your ETA arrival?” So why does everyone say “PIN number”?
FWIW, my mom has always called them a pop-a-dollar, so I find that on the rare time that I refer to an ATM, that's generally what I call it.
I hate drivers that think by speeding close to the back of my car would make me go over the speed limit to accommodate their penis extension of a car. I just slow right down and love it.
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
-EV 8/14/93
we have one woman in our office that fakes washing her hands, even after a #2 (several accounts from different female coworkers). she is the single reason we now have a "spoon only" policy on treat days for finger foods.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
People know I will not eat out of a communal bag of open chips. They generally open it in front of me and let me get first pick. I have seen too many dirty hands and lickety fingers and dive back in kind of stuff go on. In fact, there is a group of us who will talk together. "I brought X in, so you know it's safe."
Community food is not necessarily food you want to eat. Most of the time, I would just rather go without.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Bunch of savages.
Like I said though, if it's family, I'm not such a wuss that I care about a double dip or a hand in a chip bag. I'm not afraid to finish food for you if you got too much, either.
Not squeemish.
^Is that a word? Doesn't look right.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
How long does it take to learn to keep your dog secure? Build a fence or something, you idiot.
I wanna slap her.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
And the eating thing - I keep away from communal shit. People can be nasty little piggies sometimes.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -