Pet Peeves

This morning I was getting breakfast at the bagel store, and as I was leaving, I held the door open for a woman who was behind me. Not a "thank you" or even a nod. Nothing. This is one of my biggest pet peeves!! Really, how much effort does it take to say "thank you"?! Here are a couple of more pet peeves of mine:
-When someone keeps inching up at the light, next to you. Just keep inching and inching even though the light is red. STOP IT!
-When I'm talking to someone on the phone and they are eating/chewing obnoxiously in my ear.
What are your pet peeves?
-When someone keeps inching up at the light, next to you. Just keep inching and inching even though the light is red. STOP IT!
-When I'm talking to someone on the phone and they are eating/chewing obnoxiously in my ear.
What are your pet peeves?

"Now YOU listen. When we are on this ship, you are to refer to me as 'Idiot' not 'You Captain'!"

Post edited by Unknown User on
My pet peeves are usually driving-related:
People who don't know how to merge.
When people who don't use their indicators (I'm not a mind reader, people). :evil:
I know I have others, but those are the ones that immediately come to mind.
In those situations I say loud and nasty: "YOU'RE WELOME!" And half the time they just give me a dirty look. Unreal.
You drive in the right lane and pass in the left.
Stand to the right on a escalator if youre going to ride and let people who are in a hurry pass on the left.
Don't piss on the toilet seat. If you do clean it up.
If you're at a fast food restaurant don't take a two inch stack of napkins. You don't need that many.
Don't tailgate.
Recycle when you can especially if there's a deposit. I've got a good friend that throws away his cans and bottles with deposits and it irks the shit out of me. If you don't have time or don't want to be bothered that's cool...just leave them next to a redemption center. Someone WILL appreciate the free money.
Stop stealing pens or pencils from my desk. There's an entire room three doors away from my office with as many as you need.
Don't leave your shopping cart in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store so I can't go left or right of it.
Stop leaving shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. Consider it "excercise" to return them to the numerous pens they have set up for them.
If you catch a homerun ball from a visiting team and it's not worth a million bucks...throw the fucker back.
I've got more.
Ha, as soon as I read the thread title I thought of the woman at work who never says thank you when I hold the door open, I've taken to saying "you're welcome" in a really loud and sarcastic voice, but she's so pig ignorant that she just looks at me blankly. My next step will be to just let it go in her face.
Just this morning I held the door open for a woman I had just did an hours exercise class with,she swanned through it with not one single word,I said loudly,yes thank you,don't mind me.
When on the bus if there are unoccupied seats please use them,don't clog up the entry and exit of the bus by standing right in the aisle,especially if you have a huge bag,suitcase,rucksack.It's just stupid and ignorant.
To the young couple who stand at the same bus stop as me every morning and grope,suck the face of each other and make googoo eyes,please stay in bed and extra half hour for that shit! It's 6:15 am I don't want to be reintroduced to my breakfast that early.
Shoppers,please don't leave your shopping trolley in the middle of the isle while you walk up and down the lanes.Do you realise no one else can get past?
Bus travelers I don't want to overhear your conversations about celebrities,what you had for your tea last night,who your sleeping with and rating them,airing your dirty laundry of your sordid little lives.
Man I need to get a car,most of my peeves are public transport related :oops:
Not true I have a book of others
People who vote and put absolute no effort into becoming informed voters...
Riding bikes on sidewalks...
Those who do not realize that when your getting on a highway it is your responsibility to merger with the flow of traffic...
Littering...especially cigarette buts...
and many more...
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
DS is so cranky. He needs someone like Serinda Swan in his life
See...he cant even properly post an image
Here's another one of mine: DO NOT park ridiculously close to my driver's side! Someone did it to me once (illegally parked next to me, mind you) and their car was literally 2 inches from my driver's side door. I was soooooo pissed. Absolutely no reason for them to park like that. So I took my key and went from the rear bumper aaaaalll the way up to the front bumper, leaving a nice little wavy design along the side of the car. Then climbed to my driver's seat from the passenger side and took off. I should have hid out just to see their reaction.
This reminded me of one involving couples. DO NOT SIT ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE BOOTH with each other in a restaurant. OMG that drives me insane! Listen, I can appreciate love but really come on. :nono:
People who think it's ok to touch me without an invitation to do so. Keep your paws to yourself :wave:
People who are too chipper in the morning. It's the morning. I'm tired. Now leave me the fuck alone.
People who think they can do my job because they've had "life experience." I've got enough life experience to write a novel on top of the education and training. I've just made some different life decisions. Don't make snap judgments about people, k?
People who drive slow in the left lane. MOVE OVER!!! It's called the passing lane for a reason.
People who endlessly contradict themselves. Remember what you say, practice what you preach and follow through on your promises...or stop talking
I'm so looking forward to going back to work tomorrow
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
People who take advantage of others...
People who only care about themselves......
People who are just plain full of shit.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
this post is way too long to read. sheesh
People who will pull out their phone when it beeps while I'm in the middle of talking to them face to face. Then you can just see the point where they've stopped listening to what I'm saying. Because apparently my fucking conversation isn't as good as the text message you just got. I'm a big phone nerd but it's called common damn curtesy.
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
people who cuss up a storm in front of little kids
not letting someone in the merge lane when traffic is backed up to kingdom come, come on, i'd let you in
mean people who are miserable and dislike everything, never have a positive word to say and find a zillion reasons to hate everything
people who beep the horn over and over again at 5 a.m. at the curb
people who leave dishes in the sink, clothes on the floor, towels and undies in the bathroom, food on the table, don't clean up after their pets, pile the ashtray (on the porch) to over the top and just leave it, put food in the fridge uncovered, and then gripe and complain that they've worked so hard all day they can't possibly be expected to lift another finger (you know who you are..or maybe you don't?)
snoopy people who get into your stuff
that drunk guy who yells "i love you eddie" throughout the ENTIRE show
the person who backs out of plans at the last minute
people who can't bother to learn proper english (or choose not to use it)
people who think they know everything and will never stop one-upping everyone else
obvious liars and truth stretchers
girls who think they look great with short shirts, mini shorts, super low rise jeans with muffin top and clothing 3 times too small for their plus sized bodies (i can say that cuz i am too)
people who yell at and or smack their kids in public
people who drive right up on your butt and then honk the horn at you when you have to put on your brakes
mean people
wow i didn't know that i disliked so many things ...hmmmm
maybe i'm one of those negative people who dislikes least right now
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
People who try to have an intelligent conversation first thing in the morning. Please I am begging you, just say "hi" I promise I will talk to you as much as you want after it gets past 10 am.
When people use air quotations around a word
People who text in the middle of a converstion
People who will talk about themselves for hours and never once ask how your day was.
People who brag about how they don't own a tv or they had their cable turned off. (Just because you don't watch TV doesn't make you that much smarter than me)
When people put on chap stick for a good minute straight
he he I love this thread...great for venting!
another one: people who ask other people something about YOU, instead of going to the source and asking YOU.
people, mostly women, who insist on taking and extra minute to put their change away at the counter as the rest of the line waits behind them
people who constantly have to one-up a story you just told by telling their own (and usually their story is embellished bullshit)
people who park/idle in handicapped spaces and/or fire lanes becuase their are too lazy to walk 30 extra feet
i think i do that :oops: (but i don't mean to be showing anyone up) and i only tell true ones
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I constantly hear kids saying stuff such as,
"The Jets are versing the Flames tonight,"
"I versed him in badminton in gym class today."
overuse of the word 'like,'
particularly in place of the word 'said.'
the word 'random' as a state of mind, as in:
'I feel so random today.'
It's as though I can feel the world losing intelligence!
Guys who think it's acceptable to wear a shirt without sleeves.
Guys that say "bro".
With the internet, Navigation systems, smart phones, maps, gas stations, etc so readliy available why hold up a line of people wasting their time and gas because of your inablity to be prepared.
Never have I ever seen anyone take THAT long
with lipsmack.
+ teenagers have the market cornered on
all things balm related.
15 bucks (ahem, CDN)
for a 6-pack of Lip Smackers?!
I think Red Bull is cheaper, for crying out loud!
AND...people who can't spell. For example, just got a text saying bath TOBE, supposed to be meaning TUB. wth.
That is exactly what happens!!! I know a couple people that do that. One is a guy even. He will talk to while he is putting on chap stick. It's like a routine thing. Go over top lip back and forth, then bottom, the around, then pat it down, then top, then bottom, then around, then mush lips together, then top, then bottom, then around, then pat. He is the most extreen one, but many other people do this I have seen. Your lips dont need to be that perfect!!!
This. Drives me fucking crazy. These idiots completely mess up the flow of traffic.