No baiting here explanation of exactly how it happened.
While away from the board I thought I had not looked up the definition and should for myself
I even mentioned that to you I believe, then another poster chimed in
and had me questioning what my belief to be.
But upon searching the next day where you quote here I saw I was correct in my thinking.
I see your assumptions about Ted will forever keep that hate going for you.
So I will not approach the subject of you ever forgiving him even after his dues are paid.
While I don't always agree I like his enthusiasm, his convictions, his humor
and his guitar!
What makes you think I have 'hate' for Nugent (or 'going for me')? I have no sentiment for this person - whatever it may be. You assume things that are not - too often. You like to use these words - hate, coldness, closed heart, etc. Judging again? Why would I even contemplate forgiving him (or anyone one else breaking the law) or not? IIt's not my remit. I've got nothing to do with him and he has nothing to do with me. He doesn't need my blessing. You assume things that are not - too often. If you feel such a 'connection' with nugent that you feel you know him and you feel you need to love him and forgive him, fine, do it :? I'm sure Nugent will appreciate.
I can't think of a bigger mockery to God, than hanging one of His beautiful creation's HEAD on my wall.
Think about it. We don't own animals. Who in the world do we think we are?
Hanging a HEAD on a WALL...isn't that the utmost form of disrespect available? to the animal and to God?
You see, the human race,, the most "intelligent" and the most "evolved" species are so smart we are stupid.
Anyone who choses to exercise their "free will" by hanging a head on a wall shows just what kind of person they are, whether it's a legal crime or not, it's a crime against God and against nature and against beauty and against what is GOOD.
And as far as using animals for food...Animals HAVE been part of the food chain since day whatever. The most important thing I feel is a humane life and a humane death for animals that are raised for food. (Temple Grandin has done alot towards the humane treatment of cattle both in life, death, and even on their way to death)
I feel my part in this battle is to begin investigation on what needs to be done or who needs to be contacted so that the word "humane" can be changed to something more fitting. if "humane" is a derivative of the word "human", I believe the way humans have been treating animals would leave the word "humane" to be something most undesirable.
I love God and all His creations......NOW LET'S KILL ALL THE ANIMALS AND DESTROY THE LAND!!!!
The people of your culture cling with fanatical tenacity to the specialness of man. They want desperately to perceive a vast gulf between man and the rest of creation. This mythology of human superiority justifies their doing whatever they please with the world, just the way Hitler’s mythology of Aryan superiority justified his doing whatever he pleased with Europe. But in the end this mythology is not deeply satisfying. The Takers are a profoundly lonely people. The world for them is enemy territory, and they live in it like an army of occupation, alienated and isolated by their extraordinary specialness.
No one species shall make the life of the world its own. That's one expression of the law. Here's another: 'The world was not made for any one species.' ......
I can't think of a bigger mockery to God, than hanging one of His beautiful creation's HEAD on my wall.
Think about it. We don't own animals. Who in the world do we think we are?
Hanging a HEAD on a WALL...isn't that the utmost form of disrespect available? to the animal and to God?
You see, the human race,, the most "intelligent" and the most "evolved" species are so smart we are stupid.
Anyone who choses to exercise their "free will" by hanging a head on a wall shows just what kind of person they are, whether it's a legal crime or not, it's a crime against God and against nature and against beauty and against what is GOOD.
And as far as using animals for food...Animals HAVE been part of the food chain since day whatever. The most important thing I feel is a humane life and a humane death for animals that are raised for food. (Temple Grandin has done alot towards the humane treatment of cattle both in life, death, and even on their way to death)
I feel my part in this battle is to begin investigation on what needs to be done or who needs to be contacted so that the word "humane" can be changed to something more fitting. if "humane" is a derivative of the word "human", I believe the way humans have been treating animals would leave the word "humane" to be something most undesirable.
Trophy hunting has a history of noble people who respect admire honor animals
through many cultures.
It is convenient to be ok with killing to eat because people are to selfish to give up meat.
The people of your culture cling with fanatical tenacity to the specialness of man. They want desperately to perceive a vast gulf between man and the rest of creation. This mythology of human superiority justifies their doing whatever they please with the world, just the way Hitler’s mythology of Aryan superiority justified his doing whatever he pleased with Europe. But in the end this mythology is not deeply satisfying. The Takers are a profoundly lonely people. The world for them is enemy territory, and they live in it like an army of occupation, alienated and isolated by their extraordinary specialness.
No one species shall make the life of the world its own. That's one expression of the law. Here's another: 'The world was not made for any one species.' ......
Very nice. Human exceptionalism, the myth of anthropocentric domination (thanks, Genesis 1:26).
well I will defend untruths...
always thinking the same that you caught me when that is never the case :nono:
just another bias on your part that everyone has seen :oops:
enough about you on me ... talk about Ted...
Trophy hunting has a history of noble people who respect admire honor animals
through many cultures.
It is convenient to be ok with killing to eat because people are to selfish to give up meat.
are you saying that killing an animal and putting it's head on the wall is honoring that animal?
i would think that letting it live and appreciating it with the eyes in the wild would be honoring the animal...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
Trophy hunting has a history of noble people who respect admire honor animals
through many cultures.
It is convenient to be ok with killing to eat because people are to selfish to give up meat.
are you saying that killing an animal and putting it's head on the wall is honoring that animal?
i would think that letting it live and appreciating it with the eyes in the wild would be honoring the animal...
Excellent point, gimme. The few people I've met who have put the heads of animals they killed on the wall have done it purely out of ego as if shooting an animal with a gun and sticking it on the wall make them superior. As far as I'm concerned, it's an extreme act of arrogance.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
well I will defend untruths...
always thinking the same that you caught me when that is never the case :nono:
just another bias on your part that everyone has seen :oops:
enough about you on me ... talk about Ted...
Read the comments on this video's page. It's great!!
Anyway, I am sick and tired of this bulls%$t of "Obama is taking my guns away."
Give me proof that he has tried to do that to you personally or to responsible gunowners--and not just to people like Jared Loughner--and I will concede defeat.
Trophy hunting has a history of noble people who respect admire honor animals
through many cultures.
It is convenient to be ok with killing to eat because people are to selfish to give up meat.
are you saying that killing an animal and putting it's head on the wall is honoring that animal?
i would think that letting it live and appreciating it with the eyes in the wild would be honoring the animal...
you are not a hunter do you eat meat? if so do you just look at the cattle
chickens and pigs or do you honor them by killing them and eating them?
Trophy hunting has a history of noble people who respect admire honor animals
through many cultures.
It is convenient to be ok with killing to eat because people are to selfish to give up meat.
are you saying that killing an animal and putting it's head on the wall is honoring that animal?
i would think that letting it live and appreciating it with the eyes in the wild would be honoring the animal...
Excellent point, gimme. The few people I've met who have put the heads of animals they killed on the wall have done it purely out of ego as if shooting an animal with a gun and sticking it on the wall make them superior. As far as I'm concerned, it's an extreme act of arrogance.
Arrogance, or an extreme case of SPS (Small penis Syndrome).
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
That too, Whygohome!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Fantastically said Rollings, though not a God person, I will read 'humanity' instead of God (no disrespect intended - I hope non taken).
Right, it is the same thing....humanity, animality, spirituality, the beauty and the splendor of the earth, ....and that's not even mentioning all of the universe.....all the stuff we DON'T know about
We are all humans and we all fall.....none of us are perfect in living a life that is perfectly right and respecting what is sacred and good.
It is one thing to make a mistake, but quite another to so actively, purposefully, and especailly--grandiosely--disrespect the above ( "humanity, animality, spirituality, the beauty and the splendor of the earth, ....and that's not even mentioning all of the universe.....all the stuff we DON'T know about")
well I will defend untruths...
always thinking the same that you caught me when that is never the case :nono: just another bias on your part that everyone has seen :oops:
Damn.... I've been caught out.... again it would seem... and for all to see! :fp: Guess that's what happens when one doesn't 'cloak' one's posts in mumbo jumbo.
Damn.... I am getting really cross at myself now. **stop biting red!**
Trophy hunting has a history of noble people who respect admire honor animals
through many cultures.
It is convenient to be ok with killing to eat because people are to selfish to give up meat.
are you saying that killing an animal and putting it's head on the wall is honoring that animal?
i would think that letting it live and appreciating it with the eyes in the wild would be honoring the animal...
Excellent point, gimme. The few people I've met who have put the heads of animals they killed on the wall have done it purely out of ego as if shooting an animal with a gun and sticking it on the wall make them superior. As far as I'm concerned, it's an extreme act of arrogance.
Few people ok that is all you need to make a general statement like that.
Look at the history man. The other Teddy might have a good laugh at the narrow
minded arrogance right there.
Trophy hunting has a history of noble people who respect admire honor animals
through many cultures. .
Whilst I have no doubt that 'noble' people throughout history (most probably earlier history) will have trophy hunted, I would still not class the act of trophy hunting as noble.
Hunting doesn't have to be 'nasty' (and most on this thread accept that this is the case). Historically, look at the 'communion' between man and hunted animal in the Native American culture, where respect is paramount to the hunt (respect of mother earth and all that roams in general). There were many rituals involved before and after the hunt as these animals were all powerful beings as well and had to be respected. Disrespect could mean dire consequences for the whole spirituality of the hunter and potentially his family/tribe. So yes, there is no conflict with ethical hunting and respect of the animal, though it doesn't have to be to the point of these rituals.
just can you guy's talk all this animal love and claim to have the animals best interest in heart
then kick off yer leather shoes remove yer learther belt and then enjoy a big fat farm fed turkey and a big fat farm fed ham on thanksgiving ? :fp:
Trophy hunting has a history of noble people who respect admire honor animals
through many cultures.
It is convenient to be ok with killing to eat because people are to selfish to give up meat.
are you saying that killing an animal and putting it's head on the wall is honoring that animal?
i would think that letting it live and appreciating it with the eyes in the wild would be honoring the animal...
you are not a hunter do you eat meat? if so do you just look at the cattle
chickens and pigs or do you honor them by killing them and eating them?
dude, talk about the topic. my comments are in this thread and i am not retyping them.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Trophy hunting has a history of noble people who respect admire honor animals
through many cultures.
It is convenient to be ok with killing to eat because people are to selfish to give up meat.
are you saying that killing an animal and putting it's head on the wall is honoring that animal?
i would think that letting it live and appreciating it with the eyes in the wild would be honoring the animal...
Excellent point, gimme. The few people I've met who have put the heads of animals they killed on the wall have done it purely out of ego as if shooting an animal with a gun and sticking it on the wall make them superior. As far as I'm concerned, it's an extreme act of arrogance.
it is the same reason why kings put decapitated heads on a pike. it is a power and an ego thing.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Right, it is the same thing....humanity, animality, spirituality, the beauty and the splendor of the earth, ....and that's not even mentioning all of the universe.....all the stuff we DON'T know about
We are all humans and we all fall.....none of us are perfect in living a life that is perfectly right and respecting what is sacred and good.
It is one thing to make a mistake, but quite another to so actively, purposefully, and especailly--grandiosely--disrespect the above ( "humanity, animality, spirituality, the beauty and the splendor of the earth, ....and that's not even mentioning all of the universe.....all the stuff we DON'T know about")
In an effort to be 'open' I have listened to the whole thing... wow... good thing it wasn't too long. I wouldn't take this as a benchmark of 'reasoned' common sense. Though I do like me a bit of Piers (though very rudely called limey by the interviewee - but that might just be part of the 'no mess' charm of the man). What made me chuckle is that he is talking disparagingly about plea bargaining
just can you guy's talk all this animal love and claim to have the animals best interest in heart
then kick off yer leather shoes remove yer learther belt and then enjoy a big fat farm fed turkey and a big fat farm fed ham on thanksgiving ? :fp:
no replies yeah
pure hypocrisy to eat meat, wear leather, the ladies carry leather then act all noble like they can't kill a thing
Ted's honest about who he is
just can you guy's talk all this animal love and claim to have the animals best interest in heart
then kick off yer leather shoes remove yer learther belt and then enjoy a big fat farm fed turkey and a big fat farm fed ham on thanksgiving ? :fp:
no replies yeah
pure hypocrisy to eat meat, wear leather, the ladies carry leather then act all noble like they can't kill a thing
Ted's honest about who he is
No replies because it has been discussed already and, as gimme mentioned, I guess one doesn't feel like retyping. Maybe.
just can you guy's talk all this animal love and claim to have the animals best interest in heart
then kick off yer leather shoes remove yer learther belt and then enjoy a big fat farm fed turkey and a big fat farm fed ham on thanksgiving ? :fp:
no replies yeah
pure hypocrisy to eat meat, wear leather, the ladies carry leather then act all noble like they can't kill a thing
Ted's honest about who he is
No replies because it has been discussed already and, as gimme mentioned, I guess one doesn't feel like retyping. Maybe.
people type alot here that is a transparent excuse for hypocrisy
just can you guy's talk all this animal love and claim to have the animals best interest in heart
then kick off yer leather shoes remove yer learther belt and then enjoy a big fat farm fed turkey and a big fat farm fed ham on thanksgiving ? :fp:
no replies yeah
pure hypocrisy to eat meat, wear leather, the ladies carry leather then act all noble like they can't kill a thing
Ted's honest about who he is
This thread is about "trophy hunting" and not people's dietary habits. Two different things.
As per the hypocrisy charge, I will speak for myself.
I live with my girlfriend who is a vegetarian and the cook of the house. Therefore, I am a vegetarian at home. This is my choice, and a good one, I feel, for health reasons. We do not keep any meat at home, and for breakfast I have eggs, rye toast, and a Morningstar (vegetarian) sausage patty. I also usually have a banana/strawberry smoothie for breakfast or brunch/lunch if I am home.
When I go out to eat, and if I am in the mood for chicken/burger/steak, I look closely for the keywords of "local" "organic" or any related keywords. In other words, I care about how an animal is treated. I usually opt for chicken or a shrimp dish. I probably have a burger once a month 9actually probably 2), and a steak a few times a year.
Concerning leather, we are vehemently anti-leather and anti-wearing animal products of any kind.
no replies yeah
pure hypocrisy to eat meat, wear leather, the ladies carry leather then act all noble like they can't kill a thing
Ted's honest about who he is
No replies because it has been discussed already and, as gimme mentioned, I guess one doesn't feel like retyping. Maybe.
people type alot here that is a transparent excuse for hypocrisy
Nah... you just got in the thread late... go back a few pages and you will find the answers. Though Godfather knows - he's been here from the start...
Concerning leather, we are vehemently anti-leather and anti-wearing animal products of any kind.
If one eats beef for example, I don't see the problem using the by-product of this. After all, one should use all parts of the animal and avoid a much waste as possible. Pelt (fur) may be another matter as animals are usually killed for their fur only to become a fashion accessory.
So, as eating meat (ethically sourced), I have no problem with leather/hide though I can understand your girlfriend would.
Always an explanation after being 'caught out'
What makes you think I have 'hate' for Nugent (or 'going for me')? I have no sentiment for this person - whatever it may be. You assume things that are not - too often. You like to use these words - hate, coldness, closed heart, etc. Judging again? Why would I even contemplate forgiving him (or anyone one else breaking the law) or not? IIt's not my remit. I've got nothing to do with him and he has nothing to do with me. He doesn't need my blessing. You assume things that are not - too often. If you feel such a 'connection' with nugent that you feel you know him and you feel you need to love him and forgive him, fine, do it :? I'm sure Nugent will appreciate.
I love God and all His creations......NOW LET'S KILL ALL THE ANIMALS AND DESTROY THE LAND!!!!
through many cultures.
It is convenient to be ok with killing to eat because people are to selfish to give up meat.
Very nice. Human exceptionalism, the myth of anthropocentric domination (thanks, Genesis 1:26).
well I will defend untruths...
always thinking the same that you caught me when that is never the case :nono:
just another bias on your part that everyone has seen :oops:
enough about you on me ... talk about Ted...
I think this was posted in the other thread but perhaps some might like to hear
this common sense no mess Ted on bearing arms ... re=related
i would think that letting it live and appreciating it with the eyes in the wild would be honoring the animal...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Excellent point, gimme. The few people I've met who have put the heads of animals they killed on the wall have done it purely out of ego as if shooting an animal with a gun and sticking it on the wall make them superior. As far as I'm concerned, it's an extreme act of arrogance.
Read the comments on this video's page. It's great!!
Anyway, I am sick and tired of this bulls%$t of "Obama is taking my guns away."
Give me proof that he has tried to do that to you personally or to responsible gunowners--and not just to people like Jared Loughner--and I will concede defeat.
chickens and pigs or do you honor them by killing them and eating them?
Arrogance, or an extreme case of SPS (Small penis Syndrome).
Right, it is the same thing....humanity, animality, spirituality, the beauty and the splendor of the earth, ....and that's not even mentioning all of the universe.....all the stuff we DON'T know about
We are all humans and we all fall.....none of us are perfect in living a life that is perfectly right and respecting what is sacred and good.
It is one thing to make a mistake, but quite another to so actively, purposefully, and especailly--grandiosely--disrespect the above ( "humanity, animality, spirituality, the beauty and the splendor of the earth, ....and that's not even mentioning all of the universe.....all the stuff we DON'T know about")
Damn.... I've been caught out.... again it would seem... and for all to see!
Damn.... I am getting really cross at myself now. **stop biting red!**
Look at the history man. The other Teddy might have a good laugh at the narrow
minded arrogance right there.
Whilst I have no doubt that 'noble' people throughout history (most probably earlier history) will have trophy hunted, I would still not class the act of trophy hunting as noble.
Hunting doesn't have to be 'nasty' (and most on this thread accept that this is the case). Historically, look at the 'communion' between man and hunted animal in the Native American culture, where respect is paramount to the hunt (respect of mother earth and all that roams in general). There were many rituals involved before and after the hunt as these animals were all powerful beings as well and had to be respected. Disrespect could mean dire consequences for the whole spirituality of the hunter and potentially his family/tribe. So yes, there is no conflict with ethical hunting and respect of the animal, though it doesn't have to be to the point of these rituals.
then kick off yer leather shoes remove yer learther belt and then enjoy a big fat farm fed turkey and a big fat farm fed ham on thanksgiving ? :fp:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Would the victims feel "honored?"
I think this discussion might descend into semantics.
pure hypocrisy to eat meat, wear leather, the ladies carry leather then act all noble like they can't kill a thing
Ted's honest about who he is
No replies because it has been discussed already and, as gimme mentioned, I guess one doesn't feel like retyping.
do you eat meat cause how did the animal feel about being your lunch
This thread is about "trophy hunting" and not people's dietary habits. Two different things.
As per the hypocrisy charge, I will speak for myself.
I live with my girlfriend who is a vegetarian and the cook of the house. Therefore, I am a vegetarian at home. This is my choice, and a good one, I feel, for health reasons. We do not keep any meat at home, and for breakfast I have eggs, rye toast, and a Morningstar (vegetarian) sausage patty. I also usually have a banana/strawberry smoothie for breakfast or brunch/lunch if I am home.
When I go out to eat, and if I am in the mood for chicken/burger/steak, I look closely for the keywords of "local" "organic" or any related keywords. In other words, I care about how an animal is treated. I usually opt for chicken or a shrimp dish. I probably have a burger once a month 9actually probably 2), and a steak a few times a year.
Concerning leather, we are vehemently anti-leather and anti-wearing animal products of any kind.
Nah... you just got in the thread late... go back a few pages and you will find the answers. Though Godfather knows - he's been here from the start...
If one eats beef for example, I don't see the problem using the by-product of this. After all, one should use all parts of the animal and avoid a much waste as possible. Pelt (fur) may be another matter as animals are usually killed for their fur only to become a fashion accessory.
So, as eating meat (ethically sourced), I have no problem with leather/hide though I can understand your girlfriend would.