Just Had Some Bible Thumpers Visit...



  • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_WzSQCqXoovU/T ... 0429_1.jpg

    typical american wedding= leiderhosen and pasties
  • pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,099
    pdalowsky wrote:
    :lol::lol: very true

    but also - USA wedding seem a little different to the Uk ones from how your describe it :shock:

    Oh that's true for sure.

    Here.... We do things a bit different.

    Although you guys did have a year's lead up to the royal wedding... Daily updates where they showed everything..

    If a prince and princess can do it... So can a bunch of queens. :mrgreen:

    believe it or not, the royal wedding was way more hyped in australia and the states than it was here. I honestly dont think anyone could really care less here, and we lost a days work as a result of it. My parents were in new york the week before and they were stunned at how big it was there bearing in mind it was pretty calm here at that stage.
  • dikdavis wrote:
    PofD is an extremely angry person. I don't claim to understand being gay, as I know nothing about it, but I do understand anger. Anger is the equivalent of holding a grudge against the world-it will rarely hurt anyone but you. A bit of advice from someone who's too old to care and too young to be cared for: you wouldn't care so much about what people think of you if you realized how infrequently they did. Your reality is what you decide it to be; it can be fear or it can be love. You're trending dangerously towards fear. It will not work out well, trust me.

    So Pandora isn't the only one who lives in the Care Bear universe where you can change the world with beams of love and understanding and flowers shot out of your solar plexus.

    In the real world, those people who I frequently think about me only do it when voting or making laws.

    So sorry if that cramps your style.
  • Im personally fond of the Elvis clown on the end. :lol:
  • Im personally fond of the Elvis clown on the end. :lol:

    well... I'd be willing to bet that he's single. :lol:
  • dikdavis wrote:
    PofD is an extremely angry person. I don't claim to understand being gay, as I know nothing about it, but I do understand anger. Anger is the equivalent of holding a grudge against the world-it will rarely hurt anyone but you. A bit of advice from someone who's too old to care and too young to be cared for: you wouldn't care so much about what people think of you if you realized how infrequently they did. Your reality is what you decide it to be; it can be fear or it can be love. You're trending dangerously towards fear. It will not work out well, trust me.

    So Pandora isn't the only one who lives in the Care Bear universe where you can change the world with beams of love and understanding and flowers shot out of your solar plexus.

    In the real world, those people who I frequently think about me only do it when voting or making laws.

    So sorry if that cramps your style.
    You cannot have Bliss unless you understand the hardest obstacles of the Blissful path, whether or not youre shooting lotus flowers from your butt or not.
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    dikdavis wrote:
    PofD is an extremely angry person. I don't claim to understand being gay, as I know nothing about it, but I do understand anger. Anger is the equivalent of holding a grudge against the world-it will rarely hurt anyone but you. A bit of advice from someone who's too old to care and too young to be cared for: you wouldn't care so much about what people think of you if you realized how infrequently they did. Your reality is what you decide it to be; it can be fear or it can be love. You're trending dangerously towards fear. It will not work out well, trust me.

    I think this good advice for everybody :thumbup:
  • dikdavis wrote:
    PofD is an extremely angry person. I don't claim to understand being gay, as I know nothing about it, but I do understand anger. Anger is the equivalent of holding a grudge against the world-it will rarely hurt anyone but you. A bit of advice from someone who's too old to care and too young to be cared for: you wouldn't care so much about what people think of you if you realized how infrequently they did. Your reality is what you decide it to be; it can be fear or it can be love. You're trending dangerously towards fear. It will not work out well, trust me.

    So Pandora isn't the only one who lives in the Care Bear universe where you can change the world with beams of love and understanding and flowers shot out of your solar plexus.

    In the real world, those people who I frequently think about me only do it when voting or making laws.

    So sorry if that cramps your style.
    You cannot have Bliss unless you understand the hardest obstacles of the Blissful path, whether or not youre shooting lotus flowers from your butt or not.

    Who are you, Joni Mitchell?
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    pandora wrote:
    :? ... on Valentines Day ... geez a little love you could have given, shared
    and been kinder, gentler.

    Spread love don't kill love.

    Ugh, did you take a course in creative whining or something?

    When those Jesus losers come to my door I tell them to go f*ck themselves, slam the door and then yell "Release the Hounds" so they can hear me through the door.

    You don't see me banging on people's doors and invading their private spaces, trying to shove my delusions down their throats. You also don't see me spending tens of millions of dollars to take away their rights.

    Being "kind" and "gentle" to Mormons banging on your door makes them feel like they're welcome... like they can come back. And they're not. And they can't. I want Mormons to be afraid to leave their own houses.

    but how about you post your address here and we'll make sure they come visit you every day? OK?


    :lol: Ugh, did you take a course in creative whining or something?....really ? coming from you thats an odd statement...and then to read the rest of your post and other post's you've made...maybe your friends are onto something when they said they don't want you around their chilren.. ease up bro the world aint as bad as you think, your attack on Pandi was unwarrented and just plain mean, if you are angry with yourself or someone else don't take it out on someone who has shown the train love and respect in just about every post she does..com'on man.

  • markin ballmarkin ball Posts: 1,075
    It is extremely rude and arrogant to come to my door, as a couple of 18 year olds, out on their first trip out into the world, in short sleeved shirts with ties, no less, and tell me my world view is wrong. WTF!

    That being said the best way to handle it is just to put a small "no solciting" sign on your door or to say no thank you and close the door when they come a knocking. That's all you have to do.
    "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."

    "With our thoughts we make the world"
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    I didn't see any protesters at the Fargo 03 show!

    These people are no different than anyone else trying to sell you something, the message is irrelevant. if a person representing Save The Whales trying to spread the word about the atrocities in the pacific with pictures of dead whales, would you tell them to fuck off? I doubt it. You'd politely say "no thanks" and be done with it.

    they truly believe they are doing something good and pure by trying to educate you on something they think you might be missing in your life. they wouldn't keep doing it if it didn't work.

    telling them to fuck off for no reason just validates their position.

    I personally hate people coming to my door trying to sell me something, but whatever. Chill out, folks. Don't answer the fucking door. Or answer it naked. :lol:
    I like the reasoning in this post.

    And before continuing, I will make the disclaimer that aside from meeting some of the nicest Hare Krishna's at LAX when I was a kid, I don't recall folks coming to our door for any kind of solicitation - religious or otherwise. It might piss me off, I might be cool with it...I don't know, haven't been there.

    I have, however, have been on the receiving end of prejudice, both outright and sneaky. While my father was German and my appearance reflects that, my mother is from Iran. You wouldn't believe some of the shit I've heard about Persians - with an elbow-to-the-ribs "heh" from those who think I'm with them.

    So Prince, I have to say this, with respect to your experiences as well as anyone/everyone else's here.

    I was born and have lived in West Hollywood my whole life. Exposure to many cultures, beliefs, and sexualities. Never had any kind of fairy-tale wedding dreams and in fact we are hoping to have a low-key ceremony-by-Elvis in Las Vegas later this year (if low-key is even possible in that realm). We might even do a drive-through :D

    You've made several comments about "straights" and big tacky weddings and I think that's a bit unfair and dismissive. There are assholes and "look at me!"'s in every group, every community. Most of us wouldn't make such sweeping comments about those who are gay. I wish you could/would do the same.
  • lukin2006 wrote:
    pandora wrote:
    Spread love don't kill love.

    Actually most of them spread hate...my mother in law is big time bible thumper who's church she belongs to is vehemently opposed to same sex marriage. I asked her who they were "hurting", I told her it was their "business", her response "the bible says its wrong", my response was "think for yourself". Sorry that ain't love that's hate...and most religions believe that starting with one of the largest...the Catholic Church.

    Maybe your mother-in-law is upset you turned her son gay....

    Just "thinking for myself".
  • You cannot have Bliss unless you understand the hardest obstacles of the Blissful path, whether or not youre shooting lotus flowers from your butt or not.

    Who are you, Joni Mitchell?
    Im checking my armpits for hair hold on.

  • hedonist wrote:
    You've made several comments about "straights" and big tacky weddings and I think that's a bit unfair and dismissive.

    Well of course I have, and it's always with a ton of irony. I figured most people got that. I mean, read my post script on that entry where I posted "[looks closer] oh wait..."

    It was to drive home the "I'm only kidding, but I DO kinda have a point" part.

    I don't ACTUALLY think that all straight weddings are like that just like I don't think that the handful of garden variety freaks at the gay pride parade in weho represent the whole community. That's kinda my pont with that.

    My reference to big tacky weddings was a sort of "I know you are but what am I" response to put the person I was responding to on defense.

    If I have to be compared to the guys who run around in dog collars and fairy wings at pride parades, then he must be lumped in with that big tacky wedding display. Right?

    you don't judge the whole Irish community based on a few drunkards at the st. Patrick's Day parade. Or... Do you?
  • dikdavis wrote:
    PofD is an extremely angry person. I don't claim to understand being gay, as I know nothing about it, but I do understand anger. Anger is the equivalent of holding a grudge against the world-it will rarely hurt anyone but you. A bit of advice from someone who's too old to care and too young to be cared for: you wouldn't care so much about what people think of you if you realized how infrequently they did. Your reality is what you decide it to be; it can be fear or it can be love. You're trending dangerously towards fear. It will not work out well, trust me.

    So Pandora isn't the only one who lives in the Care Bear universe where you can change the world with beams of love and understanding and flowers shot out of your solar plexus.

    In the real world, those people who I frequently think about me only do it when voting or making laws.

    So sorry if that cramps your style.

    Life is too short to be so angry.
  • Agreed.

    I tend to leave people in this state of anger and fear in the dust. Im willing giving them a chance to see the err of their ways in this contant droll type of thinking (which can happen even in the most people even those acting positive to the point of irritation) but when its starts to be a constant burden & see no change.... time to let it drop and run. Anyway.

    Which brings me to this thought, most happy people can change their life script. You just have to recognize if same people are running the same old BS into your life or not. BTW their are a lot of f'ers out there who will interfere with your life.
  • dikdavis wrote:
    PofD is an extremely angry person. I don't claim to understand being gay, as I know nothing about it, but I do understand anger. Anger is the equivalent of holding a grudge against the world-it will rarely hurt anyone but you. A bit of advice from someone who's too old to care and too young to be cared for: you wouldn't care so much about what people think of you if you realized how infrequently they did. Your reality is what you decide it to be; it can be fear or it can be love. You're trending dangerously towards fear. It will not work out well, trust me.

    So Pandora isn't the only one who lives in the Care Bear universe where you can change the world with beams of love and understanding and flowers shot out of your solar plexus.

    In the real world, those people who I frequently think about me only do it when voting or making laws.

    So sorry if that cramps your style.

    Life is too short to be so angry.

    To be fair, I'm usually a very happy person. But when it comes to topics like this, my blood boils.

    If the government was threatening to separate your family, would you just say "oh we'll... Don't worry, be happy?"
  • Agreed.

    I tend to leave people in this state of anger and fear in the dust. Im willing giving them a chance to see the err of their ways in this contant droll type of thinking (which can happen even in the most people even those acting positive to the point of irritation) but when its starts to be a constant burden & see no change.... time to let it drop and run. Anyway.

    Which brings me to this thought, most happy people can change their life script. You just have to recognize if same people are running the same old BS into your life or not. BTW their are a lot of f'ers out there who will interfere with your life.

    So if I just .... Let it go and be happy... My husband can stay in the country?
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    hedonist wrote:
    You've made several comments about "straights" and big tacky weddings and I think that's a bit unfair and dismissive.

    Well of course I have, and it's always with a ton of irony. I figured most people got that. I mean, read my post script on that entry where I posted "[looks closer] oh wait..."

    It was to drive home the "I'm only kidding, but I DO kinda have a point" part.

    I don't ACTUALLY think that all straight weddings are like that just like I don't think that the handful of garden variety freaks at the gay pride parade in weho represent the whole community. That's kinda my pont with that.

    My reference to big tacky weddings was a sort of "I know you are but what am I" response to put the person I was responding to on defense.

    If I have to be compared to the guys who run around in dog collars and fairy wings at pride parades, then he must be lumped in with that big tacky wedding display. Right?

    you don't judge the whole Irish community based on a few drunkards at the st. Patrick's Day parade. Or... Do you?
    I did read your post-script (actually mentioned it in another thread), but that would sort of be like me making frequent angry derrogatory comments about a group - any group - followed by "well, I don't REALLY believe this, just trying to make a point".

    And I think most reasonable people wouldn't judge an entire group - whether yours, mine, ours, theirs - by the actions of a few. (and for the record, I have no problem with dog collars or other accoutrements)

    You strike me as an intelligent, well-spoken and fairly-reasonable man. It just sucks when the path of constructive conversation is stymied by certain comments.

    As to your last question...my guy's a non-drinking Irish-German...so there ya go ;)
  • hedonist wrote:
    I did read your post-script (actually mentioned it in another thread), but that would sort of be like me making frequent angry derrogatory comments about a group - any group - followed by "well, I don't REALLY believe this, just trying to make a point".

    And I think most reasonable people wouldn't judge an entire group - whether yours, mine, ours, theirs - by the actions of a few. (and for the record, I have no problem with dog collars or other accoutrements)

    You strike me as an intelligent, well-spoken and fairly-reasonable man. It just sucks when the path of constructive conversation is stymied by certain comments.

    As to your last question...my guy's a non-drinking Irish-German...so there ya go ;)


    We all have our way of driving our points home.

    Some have this weird "love everyone and your world will be renewed so mote it be" thing (which I think is just plain silly) and some have the "let's try to wax poetic in a very sensible way that only mentions logic and rules but removes the human condition entirely."

    Then you have my sarcastic self who uses jabs and sarcasm to make people question their own opinions and reasoning.

    Yesterday I had a member here send me a PM that was very friendly and kind but he did mention that he didn't "agree with the gay lifestyle."

    Now... I saw he was trying to Reach out and he was being nice so I did my best to answer that tone and (I think) got him to question just what he meant by the terms "gay lifestyle" and "don't agree with."

    We both walked away feeling a lot better.

    But when I am told that I kinda deserve to have my rights voted away because some people dress outrageously at a parade... (and to bring it back to the original topic) that I should treat the people who orchestrated that vote with "respect and kindness" when they come to my front door...

    I'm going to answer such absurd reasoning with a pretty harsh reaction. I think reasoning like that deserves a bit of comedic sarcasm.

    I might be wrong.
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Meh indeed, though fair enough.
  • If the government was threatening to separate your family, would you just say "oh we'll... Don't worry, be happy?"

    No - I would fight the government with every last drop of my blood.

    Most here though, our wonderful little community of PJ fans, would do what we could to help. We are not your enemy.

    I truly hope your troubles are resolved soon and that the most weighing thoughts you have are "how many PJ shows can I fit in this tour?"
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    No he is describing what he sees on TV, not the majority of weddings.

    No, I'm describing what I see out in public.

    Although imagine how annoyed you feel being described by what someone sees on TV.

    That's what happens with gay pride parades, too.

    I'm not offended, my wedding wasn't like that. I just find it ironic that you are so judgmental about it and spouting off about a stupid stereotype.

    EDIT: I think I missed your point in that. You are tough to read.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    edited February 2012
    I was thiking about this... it's not just the religious solicitors, it's anyone who knocks on your door. Everyone who knocks on your door is usually trying to sell you something... whether it's a subscription to a magazine or eternal life. It's all the same. They are all salesmen.
    As for inviting them into your house... yeah, right? Who does that? Lonely old losers or Jeffrey Dahmers, that's who. You get them going and they will never shut up til you sign on the dotted line. You may not care about someone you don't know wasting your weekend time trying to sell you something you don't need... but, I do. I have better things to do... like masturbating.
    The best way to handle it is with truth... tell them you just are not interested in what they are selling and let them go on to bug your neighbor. Or just do what I do to many of them... ignore the doorbell and just wait for them to move on.
    Note: Do Not ignore the police. Especially the ones with the helmets, shields, automatic weapons and a fucking battering ram. I seen them come knocking a couple of times in my complex (one was a bank robber who tried to hold up at his mom's house, the other was a son at his mother's house threatening his sister and mother with a knife). Both cases ended up with the door busted into splinters and flash grenades going off in the living room. I do not recommend you ignore the police.
    Post edited by Cosmo on
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • If the government was threatening to separate your family, would you just say "oh we'll... Don't worry, be happy?"

    No - I would fight the government with every last drop of my blood.

    Most here though, our wonderful little community of PJ fans, would do what we could to help. We are not your enemy.

    I truly hope your troubles are resolved soon and that the most weighing thoughts you have are "how many PJ shows can I fit in this tour?"

    I usually do four shows.

    Anyway,.. You are very right that most of us here are all on side. I know most here are not the enemy, but this thread was about religious people coming to your door and how do we deal with them.

    Being someone whose family was targeted by the Mormons, I said that I tell them to go f*ck themselves. And honestly, I think I'm totally within my rights to do that. Just as I think an African-Ameican would be totally within his rights to tell a Klansmen where to go. Respect and kindness are both granted and given until you prove yourselves unworthy.

    I would submit that Mormons have proven themselves unworthy of my respect and kindness.
  • If the government was threatening to separate your family, would you just say "oh we'll... Don't worry, be happy?"

    No - I would fight the government with every last drop of my blood.

    Most here though, our wonderful little community of PJ fans, would do what we could to help. We are not your enemy.

    I truly hope your troubles are resolved soon and that the most weighing thoughts you have are "how many PJ shows can I fit in this tour?"

    I usually do four shows.

    Anyway,.. You are very right that most of us here are all on side. I know most here are not the enemy, but this thread was about religious people coming to your door and how do we deal with them.

    Being someone whose family was targeted by the Mormons, I said that I tell them to go f*ck themselves. And honestly, I think I'm totally within my rights to do that. Just as I think an African-Ameican would be totally within his rights to tell a Klansmen where to go. Respect and kindness are both granted and given until you prove yourselves unworthy.

    I would submit that Mormons have proven themselves unworthy of my respect and kindness.

    You are correct...this thread is about religious people coming to your door.

    I have to say my worst experience was with sales people. I was 7 months pregnant and taking a shower while my 3 year old son was watching TV. Well I out of the shower and start calling for my son since he wasn't on my bed watching TV, I go downstairs to find these strangers in my foyer asking my son for water!! When I asked them why they were in my house univited they pointed to my son and said 'he let us in' WTF!!! Needless to say we installed a deadbolt and I had a long talk with my son about answering the door.
  • so many people telling Prince to "stop being so angry". Would you have said that to a black person in the 50's? or even now? Jesus Christ people, look at what his community goes through on a daily basis. I find it appalling what goes on and is tolerated, and I'm fucking straight! Just the same as I find racism appalling! Why don't you people see the relation here?

    while I don't agree with people telling others to fuck off just because they came to their door uninvited, I think Prince (and anyone in a similar position) has every right to. Almost obligated to.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • Godfather. wrote:
    don't take it out on someone who has shown the train love and respect in just about every post she does..com'on man.


    replace "love and respect" with "judgment and condescension", and I'll agree with you.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • anybody can say the words - anybody can preach the words

    but its all in the actions

    and the actions of love come from understanding

    with actions of understanding comes compassion and empathy and so moves the exponential ripples on the ocean.

    Your actions will speak louder than a stupid few words on a forum page.

    Your actions will prove your negative or positive flow upon humanity, your actions are a testament to your character whether or not u believe in any faith

    your integrity, kindness, truth and purity of actions from the heart show and produce positive permanent lasting flow/ripples

    selfish actions(even done or seen as a giving action) will still produce negative flow/ripples

    such things do not lie or steal

    negative actions have bad consequences

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