********Gorge Fanviews Nite One 7/22 Here********



  • MattiusMattius Posts: 2
    The Seattle P-I has a 20 shot photo gallery along with their review.

  • SmallTownSmallTown Posts: 152
    Now that I'm back in a temperature controlled environment...I'll go over my highlights

    Wash-totally unexpected, totally kicked ass. First time I got to hear this too...sweet. Corduroy-Overplayed, Schmoverplayed...I can't get enough. Hail Hail-the lucky ones, I refer to those at this show. I was hoping to catch this song over the weekend (among the many), so to get that taken care of three songs into it...wow. Followed by WWS and Severed Hand-Holy shit the show is off to a fast pace. Given To Fly-ahhhhh, such a beautiful song. Small Town-Ed keeps refusing to dedicate this song to me, but it's okay...he tells me so after Daughter. Even Flow-my first time utilizing the piss break, I seriously couldn't hold it any longer. That jog up the hill sucks, but I got back in time to see Matt go nuts for his solo. Down-feel fortunate to catch this song a second time (only been to seven shows). I am Mine-this one was special because my buddy Butch loved it. He was attending his first show and didn't know a whole lot of post-ten/vs. songs. After this song he's completely in awe...I just smile knowing I would get that response at some point...hehe, he's the fourth friend I've taken to their first PJ show and he's no different than the ones preceding him. I love them all, I love PJ...they need to love them too damnit! Okay back to the show. Unemployable-fucking sweet! I hadn't heard it live yet and couldn't wait to punch an imaginary metal locker (corporate fucks...hate em). Daughter-All I could think about was It's Okay...please, please, please...I secretly start to pray to a God I'm uncertain exists...please tag this song with It's Okay. As my hopes become reality, I flip open my phone and speed dial number 3 to my buddy Rocky (he told me tonight that it was so clear and "fucking beautiful"). That was probably my second favorite moment of this show (Dirty Frank). This wasn't a little teaser version, we got it all. Damn that was great. Gone-very fitting for me at this time of my life, so the tears were welling up a touch. Black-the sermon begins, huh edwho? Insignificance-that's right let's get back to rocking this fucking place. Life Wated-hey, you heard me...rock this fucking place! Blood-now that's how to finish a set. Holy shit am I exhausted at this point. I can't believe what we had just witnessed. Lots of energy from the crowd too which was to be expected.

    Nasamam-are you kidding me? I caught this at Chicago II and didn't know it at the time. After the first few notes of Footsteps I knew it was coming again. At this point, the show has already reached epic status with me because I know they're not even close to done. SOLAT-fuckin-a-right, keep it up boys...just keep it up. Now I'm wondering how and the hell I can even stand, let alone dance, jump, head bob, etc. Crown of Thorns-you have to be kidding me right? Another Chicago II repeat for me...how fucking lucky am I to catch this again? Speed dial Lonnie this time...his favorite song (yep, he was the lucky friend I took to Chicago). Leash-drop that sunuvabitch Ed. I expected to get this but what the hell are they going to play tomorrow is all I could think after this blistering tune was cranked out. Porch-the slow first verse is so awesome...leads us into a powerful, kick ass, head banging, fist pumping second verse. OMG this song rocks!

    Last Kiss-where is he this time? Oh, on the freaking roof of the soundboard shelter...I should have suspected. What a great moment for everyone in the lawn. It was great to see him from the 11th row too, but also a good time to check out Stone again...oh wait, he's still not facing our direction at all...damnit Stone...just one look buddy...please. Inside Job-great way to follow up LK. Go-fuck me...I can't take it anymore...okay, yeah I can...bring it on...give me more. Baba O'Riley-this is one of my favorites. Dirty Frank- "shut your mouth" so great to have the crowd fill that part, hope it's on the boot. First time in twelve years it's played. Great intro leading up to the reason they were playing it. I figure this show is officially one of the best ever now...put it in the books. RITFW- never gets old. Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing/SSB-beautiful to hear Little Wing in it's entirety (instrumentally anyway).

    Thanks to Andrew for the seats. I'm sure you enjoyed the bump up 4 rows and more centered. We were section A, seats 5 & 6. It was great when Ed climbed out on the railing right in front of us...fucking camera bullshit. Couldn't get it to fucus at first then realized my memory card was full...FUCK! There was no better chance at a photo from those seats. Couldn't delete a picture in time either...ohhhh, the disappointment. Although we didn't get any love from Stone it was a great seat to watch Matt go to work. And watching Matt and Stone laughing was priceless too.

    What a show. Probably a shitty review. I'm still tired and it's almost 3 am.

    Edit: bolded the song titles
    10-08-00 Ice Bowl
    06-21-03 Alpine
    09-09-05 Thunder Bay
    05-17-06 Chicago
    06-26-06 St. Paul
    07-22-06 The Gorge
    07-23-06 The Gorge
    05-07-10 Noblesville
    09-03-11 PJ20
    09-04-11 PJ20
    09-21-12 Pensicola
    09-22-12 Atlanta
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    Both shows were just amazing! Wow! So glad my hubby & I got to be part of the magic!! And it was quite a trip meeting people from this board! Most excellent weekend, indeed...What can I say about hearing Wash live? And In Hiding? The best cure for PMS ever -- even better than a pound of the BEST free trade organic dark chocolate...

    Can't understand why people are complaining about the Ten Club in this thread...everyone had SEVEN hours to pick up their tickets...we got ours at about 3pm and there were no other 10C members around...we wondered where everyone was -- and there were boxes and boxes of tickets all waiting to be picked up, so TM was lying when they said Ten club didn't get them printed in time...Yikes! When we got back to the campsite at 3:15pm and people were saying they hadn't got their tickets yet, I thought.."What??" Now, if you're given a SEVEN hour opportunity to pick up your tickets and you don't...well, I guess you've made the choice to stand in line and miss part of the show...

    So, from me -- THANK YOU 10 Club for being so organized with the tickets! Both shows...we were in row 39 Sec C the first night and Row 32 Sec B the second and Wow! Awesome, awesome seats! Thank you so much for the experience of the shows and meeting fellow fans from the Pit - and to be able to do that in such an an incredible setting...no words can really describe it. and you know what? I could watch an entire evening of just EVENFLOW played 30 times and five times each encore and I would be just as thrilled hearing it each and everytime...EVERY song they played was great and my husband and I enjoyed every moment of each show for what it was, what was said, what was played...every single moment was magical!

    Mr & Mrs Lizardking - SO nice to meet you! And the two guys from Kirkland! You were all stars! Cheers! and to the people behind me who had to put up with my dancing & singing....well, I was having such a great time, it couldn't be helped (but I did keep asking if I was bugging you and you all said no)...

    Take care everyone! Thanks for sharing!

    be philanthropic
  • krzzzymarykrzzzymary Posts: 458
    I'm sure this will be unanimous, but it was HOT out there. Very Hot. The things people will do........

    So, I want to thank the couple that sat next to us on Night One (section B, row 24, seats 33 and 34 maybe). Can't remember your names guys, but you were there for your anniversary and now live in Northern California. You guys were awesome, and great to talk to! Too bad you guys had a bad spot at the campground.

    That be us!
    Thank you back.
    I love the people you get to know at these shows.
    Your pictures came out amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks for sharing
    I never got to see all of them since the security dudes chased out of the venue.
    "You can bomb the world to pieces but you can't bomb into peace"
    Michael Franti
  • krzzzymary wrote:
    That be us!
    Thank you back.
    I love the people you get to know at these shows.
    Your pictures came out amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks for sharing
    I never got to see all of them since the security dudes chased out of the venue.
    and it didn't take as long as I thought it might, to hunt you down....haha. thanks, I was pretty stoked that the pics came out as well as they did. And I hear ya on the security deal. For what we all endured that weekend, we should be able to relax for a while. Oh well, I got no complaints from these shows.....
  • DarthmacDarthmac Posts: 2
    Can't understand why people are complaining about the Ten Club in this thread...everyone had SEVEN hours to pick up their tickets...we got ours at about 3pm and there were no other 10C members around...we wondered where everyone was -- and there were boxes and boxes of tickets all waiting to be picked up, so TM was lying when they said Ten club didn't get them printed in time...Yikes! When we got back to the campsite at 3:15pm and people were saying they hadn't got their tickets yet, I thought.."What??" Now, if you're given a SEVEN hour opportunity to pick up your tickets and you don't...well, I guess you've made the choice to stand in line and miss part of the show...

    I can't speak for everyone in line, but we had obligations in the Seattle area that prevented us from getting over to the gorge early - we hauled ass over the pass. I also have a feeling that lots of folks hid from the heat in air-conditioned shops in Ellensburg before coming over to the show. I have no idea why anyone in the campground would not have gotten their tickets early.

    Seattle, WA 9/16/1996
    Seattle, WA 7/21/1998
    Seattle, WA 7/22/1998
    Seattle, WA 12/8/2002
    Gorge, WA 7/22/2006
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    Yeah...I hear ya about the heat...we drove over to the Grand Coulee Dam and spent hours out there, but managed to get back to pick up the tix by 3pm...then we went back to the campsite. Next day was the same, only we were staying at the Cave B...saw Pete over there...knew the band was there, but why bother them? Couldn't be bothered to bother them -- it was way too HOT over there!

    I dunno -- the whole weekend was just one great experience after another! I even got ID'd at a restaurant in Moses Lake -- and I'll be 40 in about six weeks! How cool is that!?? OK, not as cool as Eddie doing his jesus impression on the sound mixer roof on night two - just 20 feet away maybe - less...that was cool - but it got me all hot & bothered...I said to the person next to me, "How does that not make you want to go have sex with him all night?" -- and it was my husband! He's like "I'm right here, you know!!" Ahh, the memories!!
    be philanthropic
  • Jeff MurrayJeff Murray Posts: 1,259
    After a long trip out to Seattle due to airline delays I saw two great shows. The Gorge is a beautiful place to see any band let alone Pearl Jam. I have to admit I was shocked at the lines for ten club tickets as well as getting into the venue. Too many people trying to do the same thing at the same time will create a traffic jam. We missed the first three songs due to trying to meet people we had extra tickets for.

    We were fortunate enough to get a transfer and ended up with section B row 10 dead center. The show was incredible, I don't think there was a time where I questioned the set list. It was definitely Mike's night to shine, and boy did he ever shine. Solo after solo he ripped it up, he gave those guitars a workout Saturday night. As everyone else has said the guys were having a lot of fun and it was evident in the music. A friend ended up front row and got Ed's harmonica. He quickly got it to the hotel safe after the show. One fan offered to suck it off, I thought that was rather rude since his wife was there and then I realized she meant the harmonica(AAAHHH, I love my humor). I didn't get any cool souveniers but I did get some great pics, just need to download them.

    Not much else to add without repeating everything someone else posted. As for the heat it wasn't that bad for this east coaster who is used to high temps and high humidity.

    Thanks Pearl Jam for a great night.
    If there were no Angels would there be no sin?
  • IMG_0623.jpg

    what a great 2 days.
  • bicyclejoebicyclejoe USA Posts: 1,203
    lastexit78 wrote:
    My experience was exactly what your's was. We got in after "Hail Hail" and by then I was really upset having missed the first 3 songs. It wouldn't have been so bad but they had to open with "Wash", a song I've yet to hear live in 22 shows. As for the rest of the show it was very solid. "Dirty Frank" was a surprise but there's a reason why Ed mentioned it as being maybe their worst song. For me the highlights of the night were "Inside Job" "Footsteps" "Gone" and "Once". Fun show but missing the start kind of spoiled my overall experience. I'll probably have a more unbiased view of this show when I listen to the boot.

    "Footsteps," with the last of the sun's orange fireball outlining the horizon, was unforgettable and awe-inspiring. That plaintiff harmonica. That sunset, seemingly unwilling to let go of the day. That night. Will always remember.
    My Pearl Jam Road: 10/22/90 Seattle | 12/22/90 Seattle, Moore Theater | 9/29/92 Seattle, Magnusson Park, Drop in the Park | 9/5/93 The Gorge, with Neil Young and Blind Melon | 7/20/06 Portland, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall with Sleater-Kinney | 7/22/06 The Gorge, 10/21/06 Mountain View, Shoreline Ampitheatre, Bridge School Benefit | 9/21/09 Seattle | 9/22/09 Seattle | 9/26/09 Portland, OR | 7/14/2011 Eddie Vedder, Portland, OR | 11/29/13 Portland, OR
  • ZosoZoso Posts: 6,425
    Mattius wrote:
    The Seattle P-I has a 20 shot photo gallery along with their review.


    I may aswell of written that review its a really nice positive review... and y not it was a special weekend. Bumped in 2 people who were at the gorge this week at pike place, green tortoise hotel and EMP. All they needed to say was wow what shows and my fucking christ how was the weather!
    I'm just flying around the other side of the world to say I love you

    Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl

    I love you forever and forever :)

    Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
  • ciurysekciurysek Posts: 2
    First, I think I can die happy after seeing PJ at the gorge last saturday...way to pull out RITFW, Baba O'Riley, and of course, the one and only Dirty Frank!

    Second, I stand by my oath that I would have Eddie's babies...even though Mike claims he already has.

    Third, team Canada's bottom left corner...to Manitoba Mike & Jackie, sorry we missed you at campsite 17, we have pics for you from the night...email me [ciurysek@hotmail.com] if you wants 'em.
  • mcreadyfanmcreadyfan Posts: 70
    Yeah...I hear ya about the heat...we drove over to the Grand Coulee Dam and spent hours out there, but managed to get back to pick up the tix by 3pm...then we went back to the campsite. Next day was the same, only we were staying at the Cave B...saw Pete over there...knew the band was there, but why bother them? Couldn't be bothered to bother them -- it was way too HOT over there!

    I dunno -- the whole weekend was just one great experience after another! I even got ID'd at a restaurant in Moses Lake -- and I'll be 40 in about six weeks! How cool is that!?? OK, not as cool as Eddie doing his jesus impression on the sound mixer roof on night two - just 20 feet away maybe - less...that was cool - but it got me all hot & bothered...I said to the person next to me, "How does that not make you want to go have sex with him all night?" -- and it was my husband! He's like "I'm right here, you know!!" Ahh, the memories!!

    LOL! That's great. You got a good husband.

    Mind your manners!!!!!
    San Diego and LA 2
  • mcreadyfanmcreadyfan Posts: 70

    what a great 2 days.

    Man, those are such great pictures. And you know, they helped me get over my being a baby about the long 10c line and missing some songs. Man, i am spoiled rotten by Pearl Jam, i have been in the first couple of rows many times, and I was so close to Ed and Mike that night (1) that they might have dripped sweat on me. It's just that I love PJ so much! and i'm greedy. and i want more. and it killed me to miss a minute of it. and i miss them!!! thank you for your beautiful pictures.

    Mind your manners!!!!!
    San Diego and LA 2
  • here's what I got.....


    thanks Pearl Jam, 10c, and Pearl Jam fans....

    Sweet photo set...nice work!! The sunset was simply stunning.

    "Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come...."
  • Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

    "do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"

  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    bicyclejoe wrote:
    "Footsteps," with the last of the sun's orange fireball outlining the horizon, was unforgettable and awe-inspiring. That plaintiff harmonica. That sunset, seemingly unwilling to let go of the day. That night. Will always remember.

    i'm right with you. Great post.
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    In da ho-tel (aka Hampton Inn, Lenexa, KS).....got a high-speed hookup. Yeah!


    1) The flight out was rather uneventful; had an hour delay in Chicago (which is where I met up with Ms. Jeninthebx). Cloudy, no big views.

    2) Got to hang out with my aunt/uncle/cousins/other relatives on Wed, Thu, & for a short time on Mon night. That was great. Got drunk with my aunt on Thu which ruled. I thought about asking her to listen to YIELD with me, but wasn't quite that comfy. She is the Original Fanch's sister, after all.

    3) The Seattle tour on Friday was cool. Loved the needle, the "Taste of Seattle" festival, the beer garden, the SHOWBOX, the markets, watching the game at Boston's err I mean Seattle's home field, and generally seeing Seattle. I got a pic riding a pig, wearing a Chad Johnson jersey, smacking its azz.

    4) Friday night RULED. We went to Rose's house (aka WildChildRose from here) and hung out at her waterfront home and drink beer. No natty, but they did have Bud Lite & Coors Light. Sitting on the concrete overlook with your feet over the salt water, looking at the city skyline with the Space Needle in teh background with the sound of "wave came crashing" was awesome & beautiful. THanks for having us Rose.

    5) More beer at teh Seatac Ramada after Rose's. Aw yeah.

    6) Saturday we headed to Ellensburg and got to the EBerg Inn around 2pm or so. Got checked in, headed to the show. The clerk got to know me as "the crackhead." I think she wanted my chocolate.

    7) GORGE I was awesome. I think it will replace Wachovia '05 as my favorite show that I've seen. 31 rows out, right of center, great view. At first I didn't think so, but the more I think about it....I mean, the sunset just kept blazing behind teh band as the set went on...something else. Look at that setlist! Ed was fucked up. Can't wait to hear it.

    8) Partied after GORGE I a bit, until 230 or so. Just drank, watched the HISTORY OF METAL PART III on VH1.

    9) While others rafted, we recharged, ate breakfast at the Eberg Buffet. THey had some good fried meat.

    10) We headed off to GORGE II expecting everything unexpected. It was a great set, we were 20 rows on the extreme left (still a great view). It wasn't as Frehley-esque as GORGE I, but great just the same. Met all kinds of folk.

    11) The after-party was fucking the shit. Went to Tav's (a bar) and listened to awesome hairmetal on the jukebox, played pool. Got great pics there. We ate fucking JACK IN THE BOX. They, like the buffet, have great fried meat. Anyway, that was cool and then we went back to Eberg Inn and partied until 630am. We did a toast to the GORGE with Boonesfarm. We called our eastcoast friends as they were on their way to work just to tell them how much we ruled. I smacked thatgirl's ass while BA was ruling her.

    12) Monday included a trip to downtown Seattle again and I got to see the SINGLE VIDEO THEORY studio. I came like 5 times, got lots of pics.

    13) All in all it was one of the greatest times ever and like others said, it lived up to the hype in every way & more. I dunno if we'll ever do anything like that again, but we ruled that fuckin place for a lil more than a weekend. Thanks to everyone for actually following through & doing this, it was crazy but we did it. With Jen & Sean having personal tragedies at home, they handled it extraordinarily well and truly made teh best of it better than I could.

    With that, I will tell you I will upload pics this weekend when I get home from Kansas City. Rock & Roll, and cheers & beers to all.


    ps - bytchez still ain't shit.
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • ZosoZoso Posts: 6,425
    Yes, it was HOT, but I came prepared with baggies of ice and the beer venders were kind enough to refill them for me whenever I purchased another Coor's Light. I would have liked to bring in the rest of the Molson Canadian, but you just can't sneak those in the venue.
    *Wash.....my first time! Just fantastic!
    *Courduroy....."Can't buy what I want because it's PEACE"
    *Down, I am Mine, It's OK, Black....why don't I just list the entire setlist?!
    ***I swear Mike recognizes me! He did his pointing thing,then threw out a pic, it landed on the ground in the row behind me, and I thought it was lost, but this super cool girl handed it to me! She said, "He threw it to you sweetie, it's yours" Thank you awesome girl from Tennessee!
    ***During Footsteps,these 2 brothers from Florida asked me, "Is this real? Is that really Eddie singing fucking Footsteps?" My feelings exactly.
    ***I never felt much of a breeze until Crown of Thorns started. Only my second time seeing the band do that song, and I seriously had the chills.
    ***Dirty Frank was so unexpected and just a really cool song, regardless of what Ed said about it :) I loved how everyone around me knew the words and the guys looked like they had a great time playing it.
    **Thank you to everyone who has shared their awesome pictures! I thought mine were pretty damn good, but WOW! You guys know how to take some photos!
    ***The anticipation, and the expectation of the Gorge experience totally paid off. I did not plan on going until 2 months before the shows, and I knew I would have serious regret if I didn't go. I always say, Life is way too short not to do the things that make you happy.......I am one happy, happy chick!!
    **I have to post in Gorge II so I can talk about Satan's Bed! :)

    It was that hot I can remember waking up in my own pool of sweat!!!!
    I'm just flying around the other side of the world to say I love you

    Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl

    I love you forever and forever :)

    Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    What a show! Of course Dirty Frank topped it off (as I predicted :D). But it was just an overall amazing show in an amazing place. This weekend couldnt have been any better!

  • alciancialcianci Posts: 2
    Pics from Saturday and Sunday night at the Gorge.
  • onawaveonawave Posts: 19
    Amazing night! Thanks PJ. The 10c line and missing the first 4 songs was a massive bummer after a long day of travelling to the show (and the oppressive heat ofcourse) but any negative emotions I was experiencing were wiped away the second I got to my seat. Fantastic show!
  • riotman7riotman7 Posts: 12
    if anyone has an extra poster from this show let me know. thanks!
    Ladies and Gentlemen introducing the Greatest band in the world...........Pearl Jam!!!!
  • AvocadoLadyAvocadoLady Posts: 680
    Man, I thought just being at this show was pretty awesome...but the boot is freaking sick! I've been listening to it all day...still getting chills.

    Love the part just before YL where Eddie says something like, "Mike McCready's going to tuck you into your sleeping bags with this one..." Hee. And then following that up with Little Wing...sweet.

    We were up in the lawn, and totally didn't realize Ed was on the roof of the sound booth for Last Kiss! Duh.
    "What happens when so many people agree on something? Can we take this beyond the parking lot when we leave tonight?" -EV, Iconoclasts
  • In that what i now realize is Jersey slang for AWESOME... or freaking Fantastic.

    As per usual, i was blown away by Mike's Solo... almost to be expected rockoutness.

    But then 2/3 the way through, MATT has a Solo that is just plain rediculous! He's been getting crazier as the tour has gone on.

    "Now when people ask me, where's my favorite place to play, I'll reply, Newark NJ!" -EV (solo '08)
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    They could do an entire show of JUST Even Flow (yes, played 30 times) and I'd be the happiest person alive! Man, I go crazy for that song!!
    be philanthropic
  • CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,256
    In that what i now realize is Jersey slang for AWESOME... or freaking Fantastic.

    As per usual, i was blown away by Mike's Solo... almost to be expected rockoutness.

    But then 2/3 the way through, MATT has a Solo that is just plain rediculous! He's been getting crazier as the tour has gone on.


    Matt has been nuts with his solos. The Gorge 1 solo, UNREAL! I love that guy. Sucks Soundgarden broke up, but happy when he went to Pearl Jam.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    fanch75 wrote:
    In da ho-tel (aka Hampton Inn, Lenexa, KS).....got a high-speed hookup. Yeah!


    1) The flight out was rather uneventful; had an hour delay in Chicago (which is where I met up with Ms. Jeninthebx). Cloudy, no big views.

    2) Got to hang out with my aunt/uncle/cousins/other relatives on Wed, Thu, & for a short time on Mon night. That was great. Got drunk with my aunt on Thu which ruled. I thought about asking her to listen to YIELD with me, but wasn't quite that comfy. She is the Original Fanch's sister, after all.

    3) The Seattle tour on Friday was cool. Loved the needle, the "Taste of Seattle" festival, the beer garden, the SHOWBOX, the markets, watching the game at Boston's err I mean Seattle's home field, and generally seeing Seattle. I got a pic riding a pig, wearing a Chad Johnson jersey, smacking its azz.

    4) Friday night RULED. We went to Rose's house (aka WildChildRose from here) and hung out at her waterfront home and drink beer. No natty, but they did have Bud Lite & Coors Light. Sitting on the concrete overlook with your feet over the salt water, looking at the city skyline with the Space Needle in teh background with the sound of "wave came crashing" was awesome & beautiful. THanks for having us Rose.

    5) More beer at teh Seatac Ramada after Rose's. Aw yeah.

    6) Saturday we headed to Ellensburg and got to the EBerg Inn around 2pm or so. Got checked in, headed to the show. The clerk got to know me as "the crackhead." I think she wanted my chocolate.

    7) GORGE I was awesome. I think it will replace Wachovia '05 as my favorite show that I've seen. 31 rows out, right of center, great view. At first I didn't think so, but the more I think about it....I mean, the sunset just kept blazing behind teh band as the set went on...something else. Look at that setlist! Ed was fucked up. Can't wait to hear it.

    8) Partied after GORGE I a bit, until 230 or so. Just drank, watched the HISTORY OF METAL PART III on VH1.

    9) While others rafted, we recharged, ate breakfast at the Eberg Buffet. THey had some good fried meat.

    10) We headed off to GORGE II expecting everything unexpected. It was a great set, we were 20 rows on the extreme left (still a great view). It wasn't as Frehley-esque as GORGE I, but great just the same. Met all kinds of folk.

    11) The after-party was fucking the shit. Went to Tav's (a bar) and listened to awesome hairmetal on the jukebox, played pool. Got great pics there. We ate fucking JACK IN THE BOX. They, like the buffet, have great fried meat. Anyway, that was cool and then we went back to Eberg Inn and partied until 630am. We did a toast to the GORGE with Boonesfarm. We called our eastcoast friends as they were on their way to work just to tell them how much we ruled. I smacked thatgirl's ass while BA was ruling her.

    12) Monday included a trip to downtown Seattle again and I got to see the SINGLE VIDEO THEORY studio. I came like 5 times, got lots of pics.

    13) All in all it was one of the greatest times ever and like others said, it lived up to the hype in every way & more. I dunno if we'll ever do anything like that again, but we ruled that fuckin place for a lil more than a weekend. Thanks to everyone for actually following through & doing this, it was crazy but we did it. With Jen & Sean having personal tragedies at home, they handled it extraordinarily well and truly made teh best of it better than I could.

    With that, I will tell you I will upload pics this weekend when I get home from Kansas City. Rock & Roll, and cheers & beers to all.


    ps - bytchez still ain't shit.
    Cheers to your number 3!!


    And one of my pics from the show (night 2)


  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    ii44 wrote:
    Wow what a day! There was a snafu w/ the 10c tickets. Appearently, according to Gorge security, Ticketmaster's server took a shit, and the distribution of the 10c tix was set back an hour or two.

    I don't believe this. I showed up at 4pm and walked right up and got the 10c tickets. No problem there, but the 10c traffic was light at 4pm and there was only one line. If it was still only one line later, that woulda been ugly.
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    Same here...no probs with tickets...they were all printed at 3:30pm and sitting there in boxes, waiting to be picked up...Not sure why so many people waited to pick them up...certainly this was no Ten Club screw up...
    be philanthropic
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