Just saying hello. Nice to see this place.. Where it is neutral ground, and everyone seems, as far as I have read in here, to be kindly and getting non well with one another.. Doesn't feel quite as dangerous over here on the train as once it did.. Kind of nice!
Good morning Loungers.I hope your weekend is kicking off right.Hedos surew lines like it is . Doesent Dr Ganja go by his real name Bud Green?Just checking,I've heard of him.lol
Good morning Loungers.I hope your weekend is kicking off right.Hedos surew lines like it is . Doesent Dr Ganja go by his real name Bud Green?Just checking,I've heard of him.lol
You must have had quite a night, rr. Even your post is a little slurred.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,807
Good morning Loungers.I hope your weekend is kicking off right.Hedos surew lines like it is . Doesent Dr Ganja go by his real name Bud Green?Just checking,I've heard of him.lol
I fool so feelish too, arrrarrr... and I only had tee martoonies!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Good morning Loungers.I hope your weekend is kicking off right.Hedos surew lines like it is . Doesent Dr Ganja go by his real name Bud Green?Just checking,I've heard of him.lol
I fool so feelish too, arrrarrr... and I only had tee martoonies!
Reminds me of "what seems to be the problem, ociffer?"
Top o'the morning, all!
Not even 9:30 in NOVEMBER and the AC has already kicked in here. Bring on autumn weather already!
Autumn weather? It's winter already up north! Bring on the snow! I heard Cat Stevens on the radio (peace train of course) and I thought of you HedonismBot Do you have "Water on the Road"? Eddie gives an awesome version of " Trouble", such a great DVD.
Autumn weather? It's winter already up north! Bring on the snow! I heard Cat Stevens on the radio (peace train of course) and I thought of you HedonismBot Do you have "Water on the Road"? Eddie gives an awesome version of " Trouble", such a great DVD.
I don't have the DVD but have watched it many times via youtube. I love that version of Trouble...wish Ed would cover the Wind sometime. Now that would be something.
And rr, you made three of us smile, so no sorries allowed!
For the beer connoisseurs in the lounge may I recommend Cigar City breweries "Invasion".It is a pale ale with hints of grapefruit and citrus.Very clean and crisp.Goes great with everything.
For the beer connoisseurs in the lounge may I recommend Cigar City breweries "Invasion".It is a pale ale with hints of grapefruit and citrus.Very clean and crisp.Goes great with everything.
Sounds good! I found my favorite scotch in a podunk grocery/liquor store, so for Christmas I will sippin' some Aberlour and strumming on a uke... I am very much looking forward to that!
Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,807
Broke my wine fast and had a glass of local Cabernet Franc. Feeling a bit yuppified but mmmman was it good!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
For the beer connoisseurs in the lounge may I recommend Cigar City breweries "Invasion".It is a pale ale with hints of grapefruit and citrus.Very clean and crisp.Goes great with everything.
Sounds good! I found my favorite scotch in a podunk grocery/liquor store, so for Christmas I will sippin' some Aberlour and strumming on a uke... I am very much looking forward to that!
Tried Invasion on tap at our local Yard House bar/eatery,but Trader Joes was selling it also.
For the beer connoisseurs in the lounge may I recommend Cigar City breweries "Invasion".It is a pale ale with hints of grapefruit and citrus.Very clean and crisp.Goes great with everything.
Sounds good! I found my favorite scotch in a podunk grocery/liquor store, so for Christmas I will sippin' some Aberlour and strumming on a uke... I am very much looking forward to that!
Pondunk - what a great word rgambs! So evocative, you know what it means without even knowing what it means.
Are you in Oregon, Brian, with your cab franc?
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,807
For the beer connoisseurs in the lounge may I recommend Cigar City breweries "Invasion".It is a pale ale with hints of grapefruit and citrus.Very clean and crisp.Goes great with everything.
Sounds good! I found my favorite scotch in a podunk grocery/liquor store, so for Christmas I will sippin' some Aberlour and strumming on a uke... I am very much looking forward to that!
Pondunk - what a great word rgambs! So evocative, you know what it means without even knowing what it means.
Are you in Oregon, Brian, with your cab franc?
Podunk- hahaha! I get it, oftenreading. No, not in Oregon (I wish!) I live near semi-podunk Placerville, in El Dorado county, California. The town is not my favorite place in the world but I haven't figured out how to get out of here yet (loooooong story) but I make do alright here. And one of the good things about it here are the vineyards- not as famous as Napa and Sonoma counties, but El Dorado and neighboring Amador counties produce some excellent wines!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I wonder why I thought you were in Oregon? Oh well, both Oregon and California have some pretty good wines (as does BC, actually, although overpriced in my opinion). Have a nice Sunday evening.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_KvemMojiTk I am not sure if Hedo is aware of the Hedonism bot or not, but here's a taste regardless... Have a good weekend, and may your orgy pits be scraped and buttered!
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_KvemMojiTk I am not sure if Hedo is aware of the Hedonism bot or not, but here's a taste regardless... Have a good weekend, and may your orgy pits be scraped and buttered!
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_KvemMojiTk I am not sure if Hedo is aware of the Hedonism bot or not, but here's a taste regardless... Have a good weekend, and may your orgy pits be scraped and buttered!
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_KvemMojiTk I am not sure if Hedo is aware of the Hedonism bot or not, but here's a taste regardless... Have a good weekend, and may your orgy pits be scraped and buttered!
Love it!
(I'll take the buttering over scraping any day )
Hahaha perhaps the old butter needs scraped away first! "Let us cavort like the Greeks of old, you know the ones I mean."
So I came upon this film on Sundance a few minutes into it - the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Takes place in India, and the visuals and acting and soundtrack are just...wow. Love when this kind of happenstance occurs!
Even lit a stick of Nag Champa in honor of the beautiful country - doesn't hurt that it masks the sweet smell o'weed either
Who's working the bar tonight? I need a double fireball shot,a cold draft,and something green and pungent.Im buying if anyone else is in need of liquid or herbal therapy.Step on up.
I have had an awful, terrible, no-good day. And I didn't even get quoted in the newspaper! I think I need a glass of wine
Sounds like you and rr had a tough one - first rounds are on me (while I watch an old Dexter - never caught the last season in full so this is new for me. I'm in heaven).
Plus my dispensary had a buy three get one free deal, so I'm a happy camper this evening
Got a date in a bit with my dispensary and also with my MM guy to renew my license. He's affectionately known as "Dr. Ganja". Love it!
Great way to kick off the weekend.
Top o'the morning, all!
Not even 9:30 in NOVEMBER and the AC has already kicked in here. Bring on autumn weather already!
I heard Cat Stevens on the radio (peace train of course) and I thought of you HedonismBot Do you have "Water on the Road"? Eddie gives an awesome version of " Trouble", such a great DVD.
And rr, you made three of us smile, so no sorries allowed!
Are you in Oregon, Brian, with your cab franc?
I am not sure if Hedo is aware of the Hedonism bot or not, but here's a taste regardless...
Have a good weekend, and may your orgy pits be scraped and buttered!
(I'll take the buttering over scraping any day
"Let us cavort like the Greeks of old, you know the ones I mean."
Even lit a stick of Nag Champa in honor of the beautiful country - doesn't hurt that it masks the sweet smell o'weed either
Despite Sundance's inability to properly edit when going to commercial, this is a really nice and unexpected ride.
One line that struck me and somehow comforts - "in the end, everything will be alright...and if it's not alright, then it's not the end".
Anyone catch this ?PJ SOUL is quoted.cool.
Plus my dispensary had a buy three get one free deal, so I'm a happy camper this evening
Hope both of your nights make up for the day!