Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Unfortunately, an unexpected delay from our supplier may prevent us from delivering some items in your order placed on November 13, 2012 by December 24.The following item(s) from your order is delayed:
Led Zeppelin "Celebration Day (3 LP Vinyl Package)"
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Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
i just think plant has pretty much completely moved on from Zep. Ive caught a few interviews with him in the last few years and he does sort of bristle when Zep is mentioned. He has Band of Joy, and his success with Allison Krause. His new music sounds radically different than Zep. Jones also has found great success outside of Zep, helping out with the Foos and of course as part of Them Crooked. I do think you are right though, Im sure Jones, and Page are sick of the "are you guys reuniting?" questions, but for Plant it seems to really upset him, in large part because of what I mentioned, he's found great success and seems fulfilled musically with Krause and Band of Joy. In a way that makes sense, imagine if you had new music coming out, and every single interview you did, the big question was if you were getting back together with a band that broke up 30 years ago. I could imagine that becoming annoying fast. But Jones and Page seem to have embraced Zep's legacy and status. Plant doesnt seem to have. From Plants perspective I think its "hey I won a Grammy for my work with Allison Krause, and Zep broke up 30 years ago, whats the bigger priority and issue right now"
The grammies are a joke anyways ... and if he gets annoyed with the question, then he should have never stepped foot on stage with the other two ... when you offer people a tease then of course they'll want more and the question will come up.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Yeah me too damn good , i feel for Page he started it and he will finish it on hi's own terms , i'm just glad that at 16 yrs old my old man drove me and three of my best friends over to the Colliseum here on Long Island to get Tickets back in 75 for all of 15$ ea to see the best fucking band ever no other has come close IMHO ....
Would you stop rubbing ours noses in it!?
And I agree with your humble opinion. IMHO Beatles are the greatest songwriters but Zep is the greatest band.
Yeah me too damn good , i feel for Page he started it and he will finish it on hi's own terms , i'm just glad that at 16 yrs old my old man drove me and three of my best friends over to the Colliseum here on Long Island to get Tickets back in 75 for all of 15$ ea to see the best fucking band ever no other has come close IMHO ....
Would you stop rubbing ours noses in it!?
And I agree with your humble opinion. IMHO Beatles are the greatest songwriters but Zep is the greatest band.
Sorry about that and i agree with your order 1&2 ..
Just finished reading the Page interview. Damn good.
Yeah me too damn good , i feel for Page he started it and he will finish it on hi's own terms , i'm just glad that at 16 yrs old my old man drove me and three of my best friends over to the Colliseum here on Long Island to get Tickets back in 75 for all of 15$ ea to see the best fucking band ever no other has come close IMHO ....
That's so awesome you saw them.
I'll gladly disagree with you with the last part.
I hear you but i'm basing it on seeing and since i never saw the Beatles i have to go with the Zepp ..
Yeah me too damn good , i feel for Page he started it and he will finish it on hi's own terms , i'm just glad that at 16 yrs old my old man drove me and three of my best friends over to the Colliseum here on Long Island to get Tickets back in 75 for all of 15$ ea to see the best fucking band ever no other has come close IMHO ....
Would you stop rubbing ours noses in it!?
And I agree with your humble opinion. IMHO Beatles are the greatest songwriters but Zep is the greatest band.
Sorry about that and i agree with your order 1&2 ..
You do know I was kidding? Awesome that you got to see them just extremely envious.
I think the batting average/slugging percentage comes into it. Despite a few rough patches Zep were the greatest live band ever, and the Beatles stopped when it came time to challenge themselves in that arena. And while I think the Beatles musicianship is the one thing with them that gets overlooked, they couldn't hang with Zep on their best days. I think Zeppelin just took what he Beatles did to a whole other level.
I can't blame anybody for picking either of the other 2. I believe it's those 3 then a step down to anybody else.
Unfortunately, an unexpected delay from our supplier may prevent us from delivering some items in your order placed on November 13, 2012 by December 24.The following item(s) from your order is delayed:
Led Zeppelin "Celebration Day (3 LP Vinyl Package)"
We will make every effort to get the delayed item(s) to you as soon as possible. If there are other items in your order, they'll be shipped according to the delivery estimates listed in the order details in Your Account ( at no additional cost.
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I did as well and now it says "There has been no date set for this release" on the product page. Real bummer. I was really jacked to hear how this sounds. Zeppelin's more recent vinyl output has been pretty amazing, in the face of the loudness wars ruining alot of vinyl.
Beatles then Zep for me. And since I have some time before football starts, I'm gonna do a little breakdown.
Gotta go Zeppelin at each instrument. As well as Jones over Paul on keyboards/piano. It just is what it is.
The Beatles by a mile. I think Jones said it best on Letterman: "Vikings having sex with hobbits." Sure this isn't the case with every (or even most) songs. But frankly, 80% of Zep's lyrics mean absolutely nothing.
Live shows
Obviously Zeppelin
Album production
This is a close one but I'm gonna go Page over George Martin. I could go either way...but I'm gonna give the nod to Page because Martin's role of genius producer wasn't really solidified until the Revolver/Peppers/Mystery Tour years. I think everything pre-Revolver would sound just as good no matter who produced it. On the other hand, Jimmy Page is the only person who could have produced those Zeppelin recordings and get the sound he wanted out of those songs.
The Beatles. First pop band to write their own lyrics. First band to use promo videos. First band to make albums ALBUMS....and not just a collection of songs. And remember, the Decca guy who rejected them said "guitar bands were on the way out." Well maybe they were...until the Beatles. The Beatles sort of set the stage for the Creams, Yardbirds, and Zeppelins of the world. Zep on the other hand loses points here for plagiarism. An idea here or there is one thing (Stairway intro) but stealing a song (Dazed, Lemon Song) is just not cool. It doesn't affect how I listen to those tunes...and there's many other aspects of Zep that are very, very original...but gotta give this category to the Beatles.
I love Robert Plant. But I gotta go with the Beatles. Three singers...all with distinctive styles that harmonize so well together. Paul in particular puts the Beatles over the top here with his ability to sing in like 12 different voices.
The Beatles. Zeppelin is credited (rightfully so) with influencing every hard rock band that has come after them. But the Beatles influenced culture and the way people think about music. And the Beatles also appeal to all age-groups and demographics better than Zep. They have something for everyone. I don't think that's the case with Zep.
Legacy..for me
The two bands combine for over 300 songs that I will listen to until I die. Tie.
i definitely think its the beatles, zep, then pink floyd. and of course its nitpicking and semantics really debating about who's better because all 3 changed music.
Obviously what zep accomplished is amazing. Just an incredible band with an incredible legacy. But for me, I think the beatles are the best band ever. I view the beatles, the way I view hendrix. Its those guys and then everyone else. Its like Neil said about Hendrix, there isnt anyone even in the same building as him. That fits the Beatles too.
Theres no doubt Zep is probably composed of the greatest musicians ever at their instruments. And of course their lives shows were mindblowing. But its unfair to compare to the beatles. Who stopped touring. Zeps concerts werent full of screaming girls who would continue screaming the entire concert, to the point where the band couldnt even hear themselves. That was how the beatles concerts were. And its why they stopped touring. So we have no idea how Sgt Peppers or the White Album or Revolver or whatever would have sounded in a live setting.
I think lyrically, the beatles, John and Paul are the greatest lyricists in history. The lyrics and the bands evolution from singing She Loves you yeah yeah yeah, to songs later in their catalogue that were full of depth, complexity and profound meaning, that arc is important.
musically, I think Zep were probably better musicians at their instruments, but I think on albums, the beatles communicated it better. Zep excelled more at the live shows. As much as I love physical Graffiti, it is not The White Album. I also think the beatles were brilliant because of how simple the songs were. 2 minute pop songs that were expertly crafted, catchy as hell, and still utilized amazing lyrics about important things.
Impact on the world, theirs no question the beatles win that one. Led Zep has had a huge impact. But to compare that to the impact and importance of the beatles, I think, is silly. The beatles impacted haircuts, culture, fashion, music, how music was crafted, broke the boundaries of what a pop song could do, politics, art, etc... If anything the beatles influence is actually underrated, as opposed to accurately understood and evaluated.
And i think the bands had very different goals and ideals. The Beatles were never about 28 minute drum solos or face melting guitar solos that stretched for 10 minutes plus. The beatles composed 2 minute pop songs. Thats not what Zep was about. And Zep, while I love Plants lyrics, they dont exactly have the depth that the beatles lyrics do. Zep may have been sympathetic to the hippies and the counterculture, but its not as if Zep was out there protesting social and political evils. The beatles, evolved into a group that cared deeply about the world around them, and their music grew to discuss that. Zep is as much a reaction against the beatles and the hippies, just as much as punk was a reaction to the Zep era of music. thats not to bash Zep, but merely to point out, these were vastly different bands with different goals. The Beatles and Zep played wildly different styles of music, even though both fell under the banner of rock band. In the same way that The Dead is different than Nirvana. Two different approaches to rock music.
musically, I think Zep were probably better musicians at their instruments, but I think on albums, the beatles communicated it better. Zep excelled more at the live shows. As much as I love physical Graffiti, it is not The White Album.
There is no aspect of shear musicianship where the Beatles compete with Zeppelin, studio or live. I think the studio work is really where their musicianship is highlighted.
White Album set the standard for double album warts-and-all freakout, but Phsyical Graffiti took it to a whole new level. Another case of the batting average/slugging percentage thing. There may be a track or two that you could cut from Graffiti, but the White Album, while still awesome in it's own right has some stuff that didn't deserve an album spot. The songs on Graffiti deserved their spots on an album, but S/T has some songs that wouldn't have made an album if not for the whole concept.
The songs on Graffiti deserved their spots on an album, but S/T has some songs that wouldn't have made an album if not for the whole concept.
I totally disagree with this. I don't see how you can say that every Graffiti song "deserved their spots" but some White Album songs don't. Five of the Physical Graffiti songs didn't make the previous albums (I'll never know how they chose D'yer Mak'er over the song Houses of the Holy but whatever.) But talk about recycling. I like Down By The Seaside and Black Country Woman...but these are prime examples of "filler". The White Album on the other hand had songs all written for a specific album. So even if you think some are better than others, at least none of it can be called filler. The White Album basically says "we wrote 30 songs in they are." Physical Graffiti basically says "here's 5 of the best songs you've ever heard, 5 other good tunes, and 5 rejected songs from years ago." I love both albums and wouldn't change either (except I wouldn't open Graffiti with Custard Pie because I don't like that song), but I dismiss any notion that the Physical Graffiti is more "proper" or whatever than the White Album. And I also dismiss anything on the White Album (even Revolution 9) being "filler" or not up to par. The world NEEDS Honey Pie....or not....but I like it.
And again, how didn't Houses of the Holy end up on the album of the same name? It seems to fit with Over The Hills and Dancing Days and stuff so well. I've always found that strange.
Here's a little Zeppelin exercise that I think would be interesting. Let's all list our 3 favorite songs from each album. I'm just curious to how my own preferences compare and contrast to everyone else's. Plus I've been in total Zep mode since the release of Celebration Day and just feel like making a list.
So here's mine:
Led Zeppelin I
1. Dazed And Confused
2. How Many More Times
3. Good Times Bad Times
Led Zeppelin II
1. Heartbreaker
2. Whole Lotta Love
3. Thank You
Led Zeppelin III
1. Friends
2. Immigrant Song
3. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
Led Zeppellin IV
1. When The Levee Breaks
2. Black Dog
3. Stairway To Heaven
Houses Of The Holy
1. The Song Remains The Same
2. Dancing Days
3. The Rain Song
Physical Graffiti
1. Kashmir
2. In The Light
3. Ten Years Gone
1. Achilles' Last Stand
2. Hots On For Nowhere
3. Tea For One
In Through The Out Door
1. All My Love
2. Carouselambra
3. Hot Dog
From Live Releases
1. In My Time Of Dying (Led Zeppelin DVD)
2. Dazed And Confused (The Song Remains The Same)
3. Kashmir (Led Zeppelin DVD)
4. Over The Hills And Far Away (How The West Was Won)
5. Thank You (BBC Sessions)
musically, I think Zep were probably better musicians at their instruments, but I think on albums, the beatles communicated it better. Zep excelled more at the live shows. As much as I love physical Graffiti, it is not The White Album.
There is no aspect of shear musicianship where the Beatles compete with Zeppelin, studio or live. I think the studio work is really where their musicianship is highlighted.
White Album set the standard for double album warts-and-all freakout, but Phsyical Graffiti took it to a whole new level. Another case of the batting average/slugging percentage thing. There may be a track or two that you could cut from Graffiti, but the White Album, while still awesome in it's own right has some stuff that didn't deserve an album spot. The songs on Graffiti deserved their spots on an album, but S/T has some songs that wouldn't have made an album if not for the whole concept.
I disagree. Zep excelled live. Theres no question. But I think the beatles were better in studio than Zep. The production, the boundaries pushed, the sheer sound of the albums, there was nothing like Rubber soul, revolver, sgt peppers, white album, abbey road, and let it be. In terms of studio sounds I think those albums across the board are better than the studio albums of Zep. And I think the beatles were the first band who thought to create these cohesive and beautiful studio albums.
Ive gone on record saying I think The White Album is an example of a perfect album, a perfect double album.
Its splitting hairs this discussion. The top 2 bands of all time, reguardless of where we put them on the list. But for me, I think what the beatles did, they did it first, it was so revolutionary and new, and different.
I also think you get different feels from live zep and studio zep. Studio zep is damn amazing, but as was discussed a few days ago, for an example that 26 minute Dazed and Confused from Song Remains, blows the studio version of it out of the water. Theres no comparison.
And i think both bands had different strengths. Led Zep didnt have the songwriting chops of Lennon Mccartney. And The Beatles didnt have a Bonham or a Page.
I disagree. Zep excelled live. Theres no question. But I think the beatles were better in studio than Zep. The production, the boundaries pushed, the sheer sound of the albums, there was nothing like Rubber soul, revolver, sgt peppers, white album, abbey road, and let it be. In terms of studio sounds I think those albums across the board are better than the studio albums of Zep. And I think the beatles were the first band who thought to create these cohesive and beautiful studio albums.
Ive gone on record saying I think The White Album is an example of a perfect album, a perfect double album.
Its splitting hairs this discussion. The top 2 bands of all time, reguardless of where we put them on the list. But for me, I think what the beatles did, they did it first, it was so revolutionary and new, and different.
I also think you get different feels from live zep and studio zep. Studio zep is damn amazing, but as was discussed a few days ago, for an example that 26 minute Dazed and Confused from Song Remains, blows the studio version of it out of the water. Theres no comparison.
And i think both bands had different strengths. Led Zep didnt have the songwriting chops of Lennon Mccartney. And The Beatles didnt have a Bonham or a Page.
I don't think you can give the production nod to the Beatles when people outside the band were doing the production. I think Zeppelin updated the general sound of rock albums after they surfaced. The stuff they did made music sound more modern.
Definitely different feels from studio to live and they're often better in a live sitiation but I don't think the studio tracks from Zeppelin lack any of the musicianship that they're known for. You take away the extended improvisations and it's still just as impressive to me as their 30 minute freakouts.
I'd say lyrically that Lennon and McCartney pretty clearly have the edge, but to me musically it's a pretty close contest with all the musicality that Zep would weave into alot of their tunes.
Led Zeppelin
1. Communication Breakdown
2. How Many More Times
3. Good Times Bad Times
Led Zeppelin II
1. Heartbreaker
2. Thank You
3. Moby Dick
Led Zeppelin III
1. That's the Way
2. Tangerine
3. Since I've Been Loving You
1. When the Levee Breaks
2. Misty Mountain Hop
3. Black Dog
Houses of the Holy
1. The Rain Song
2. The Ocean
3. Over the Hills and Far Away
Physical Graffiti
1. Ten Years Gone (favorite Zepp song)
2. Kashmir
3. The Rover/Bron-Yr-Aur
1. Achilles Last Stand
2. For Your Life
3. Royal Orleans
In Through the Out Door
1. Fool In the Rain
2. In the Evening
3. All My Love
From Live Releases
1. Over the Hills and Far Away (The Song Remains the Same reissue)
2. Moby Dick (How the West Was Won)
3. You Shook Me (BBC Sessions)
4. In My Time of Dying (Led Zeppelin DVD)
5. Trampled Underfoot (Led Zeppelin DVD)
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I love both The Beatles and Led Zeppelin and it's hard for me to argue amongst the two bands. I've been listening to The Beatles since the day I was born, which is why they are my all-time favorite band. Zepp is my second favorite band because they were the first band I discovered myself in 7th grade and immediately fell in love with. Both bands' albums are some of the greatest albums made in music history. The production on both bands' albums is miles ahead of most albums (Hendrix and Pink Floyd are close with them).
I love the discussion going on in this thread and can tell we all love both bands.
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
musically, I think Zep were probably better musicians at their instruments, but I think on albums, the beatles communicated it better. Zep excelled more at the live shows. As much as I love physical Graffiti, it is not The White Album.
There is no aspect of shear musicianship where the Beatles compete with Zeppelin, studio or live. I think the studio work is really where their musicianship is highlighted.
White Album set the standard for double album warts-and-all freakout, but Phsyical Graffiti took it to a whole new level. Another case of the batting average/slugging percentage thing. There may be a track or two that you could cut from Graffiti, but the White Album, while still awesome in it's own right has some stuff that didn't deserve an album spot. The songs on Graffiti deserved their spots on an album, but S/T has some songs that wouldn't have made an album if not for the whole concept.
I disagree. Zep excelled live. Theres no question. But I think the beatles were better in studio than Zep. The production, the boundaries pushed, the sheer sound of the albums, there was nothing like Rubber soul, revolver, sgt peppers, white album, abbey road, and let it be. In terms of studio sounds I think those albums across the board are better than the studio albums of Zep. And I think the beatles were the first band who thought to create these cohesive and beautiful studio albums.
Ive gone on record saying I think The White Album is an example of a perfect album, a perfect double album.
Its splitting hairs this discussion. The top 2 bands of all time, reguardless of where we put them on the list. But for me, I think what the beatles did, they did it first, it was so revolutionary and new, and different.
I also think you get different feels from live zep and studio zep. Studio zep is damn amazing, but as was discussed a few days ago, for an example that 26 minute Dazed and Confused from Song Remains, blows the studio version of it out of the water. Theres no comparison.
And i think both bands had different strengths. Led Zep didnt have the songwriting chops of Lennon Mccartney. And The Beatles didnt have a Bonham or a Page.
I love the beatles, but i think the experimentation zep did in the studio and albums they made blew them out of the water.
2006: Hartford
2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
2011: Ed Solo Hartford
2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
Unfortunately, an unexpected delay from our supplier may prevent us from delivering some items in your order placed on November 13, 2012 by December 24.The following item(s) from your order is delayed:
Led Zeppelin "Celebration Day (3 LP Vinyl Package)"
We will make every effort to get the delayed item(s) to you as soon as possible. If there are other items in your order, they'll be shipped according to the delivery estimates listed in the order details in Your Account ( at no additional cost.
If your order hasn't entered the shipping process, you can change or cancel it in Your Account, by clicking the "Cancel Items" button for this order in Your Orders on ( If the order has shipped, it cannot be modified and the "Cancel Items" button will no longer appear.
If your shipment arrives too late, you may either refuse delivery or return it to us for a refund. For returns instructions, please visit our Returns Center at:
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
For me, the beatles are better, because people connected and connect to them beyond just the music. Zep had unrivaled musicians and music, mindblowing albums and concerts, but most people dont feel tied to the band the way they do with the beatles. Zep isnt tied into the hippies, or haircuts, or peace and love and vietnam, it isnt tied into revolutionary recording techniques, or meditation. The beatles really left an atomic bomb sized crater in their wake. If anything they are underrated, I dont know how we as humans can possibly comprehend the impact of the band. It infiltrated into language, and art, and all that stuff. Zep was brilliant, but people didnt have a deep connection with Page or Plant. Conversely, people, still have deep connections with the beatles and what they stood for. I also think the bands reputations personally are viewed differently. Page, Bonham, Jonesy and Plant seem to be nice guys, who now look back on some of their more decadant and outrageous rock star behavior as dumb and stupid, but Zep wasnt out there making political statements and werent about exploring different spiritual paths. Page's interest in the occult was hidden, and he didnt talk about it. The beatles, while they no doubt engaged in probably the same behavior Page and Plant did, the beatles hid it, and projected an image of rebellion yet also dignity, and ethics. Zep on the other hand was about being a rock star and living it up. You still see Plant making dirty jokes often during interviews even during the last couple years.
You ask people what they think of Page or Plant and I think people would mention things about respecting and honoring the legends, and maybe that they saw them in 74 and it was an amazing show, or that the band inspired them to get into music. They are respected and loved, rightly of course, but largely because of the viruosity of the music and musicians involved. With all due respect to Zep, people didnt go to the liner notes of their LP's to find the meaning of life.
I think if you ask people what the beatles, or maybe what Lennon or Mccartney mean to them, I think you'd get more indepth and personal answers about inspiring people to become activists, or that the music changed their life and made them who they are, or that the music mirrors the feelings many people had during the 60's. The beatles were more than just a band who played great music. Thats why they are the greatest of all time, and no one even comes close, not Zep, not Pink Floyd, and thats even though they are 2 and 3.
The emotional and personal connection is a large part of what seperates the beatles from any other band. They soundtracked the 60's. When the beatles talked about All You Need is Love, it felt needed and important in 1967, and it sounds just as important in 2012.
Ive felt for years that the day Paul and Ringo die, and we are left with no living beatles, thats going to be the most depressing and sad day on earth. I cant think of a more horrible thing. How empty the world will feel at that moment. How off kilter the world will feel.
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
Good Times Bad Times
Dazed and Confused
Ramble On
What Is and What Should Never Be
Thank You
Since I've Been Loving You
Out On the Tiles
Battle of Evermore
Four Sticks
Houses of the Holy
The Song Remains the Same
Rain Song
Over the Hills and Far Away
Physical Graffiti
In My Time of Dying
Ten Years Gone
The Rover
Achilles Last Stand
For Your Life
Nobody's Fault But Mine
In Through the Out Door
Fool In the Rain
Hot Dog
Ozone Baby
Poor Tom
We're Gonna Groove
No Quarter(TSRTS)
Travelling Riverside Blues (BBC Sessions)
White Summer (Royal Albert Hall)
Immigrant Song>Heartbreaker (BBC Sessions) first piece of music I ever put on with the full intent to listen
The Song Remains the Same>Rain Song (TSRTS)
LZ is my favorite band, Beatles are probably 2nd. I tend to prioritize instrumental stuff a little more than vocal stuff, so gnarly guitar solos over nice harmonies. Beatles would take #1 if I stressed vocals instead. That said, Beatles making a song like Because is just astonishingly beautiful.
My favorite 3's:
LZ: Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Dazed & Confused, How Many More Times
LZ II: What is & What Should Never Be, Thank You, Moby Dick
LZ III: Friends, Since I've Been Loving You, Gallows Pole
4th album: Battle of Evermore, Stairway, Four Sticks
Houses: Rain Song, Over the HIlls & Far Away, No Quarter
PG: Rover, In the Light, Ten Years Gone (Side 3 of this album is my favorite album side of all time)
Presence: Achilles, Nobody's Fault But Mine, Tea for One
In Thru: In the Evening, um, South Bound Suarez, and um, I'm Gonna Crawl I guess
Coda: Wearing & Tearing (nothing else worth listing)
Live: No Quarter from TSRTS, In My Time of Dying from LZ DVD, Ten Years Gone from Destroyer bootleg
Spectrum 10/27/09; New Orleans JazzFest 5/1/10; Made in America 9/2/12; Phila, PA 10/21/13; Phila, PA 10/22/13; Baltimore Arena 10/27/13; Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22; Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
You know I agree :thumbup:
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
The grammies are a joke anyways ... and if he gets annoyed with the question, then he should have never stepped foot on stage with the other two ... when you offer people a tease then of course they'll want more and the question will come up.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
And I agree with your humble opinion. IMHO Beatles are the greatest songwriters but Zep is the greatest band.
Sorry about that and i agree with your order 1&2 ..
I hear you but i'm basing it on seeing and since i never saw the Beatles i have to go with the Zepp ..
I think the batting average/slugging percentage comes into it. Despite a few rough patches Zep were the greatest live band ever, and the Beatles stopped when it came time to challenge themselves in that arena. And while I think the Beatles musicianship is the one thing with them that gets overlooked, they couldn't hang with Zep on their best days. I think Zeppelin just took what he Beatles did to a whole other level.
I can't blame anybody for picking either of the other 2. I believe it's those 3 then a step down to anybody else.
I did as well and now it says "There has been no date set for this release" on the product page. Real bummer. I was really jacked to hear how this sounds. Zeppelin's more recent vinyl output has been pretty amazing, in the face of the loudness wars ruining alot of vinyl.
Gotta go Zeppelin at each instrument. As well as Jones over Paul on keyboards/piano. It just is what it is.
The Beatles by a mile. I think Jones said it best on Letterman: "Vikings having sex with hobbits." Sure this isn't the case with every (or even most) songs. But frankly, 80% of Zep's lyrics mean absolutely nothing.
Live shows
Obviously Zeppelin
Album production
This is a close one but I'm gonna go Page over George Martin. I could go either way...but I'm gonna give the nod to Page because Martin's role of genius producer wasn't really solidified until the Revolver/Peppers/Mystery Tour years. I think everything pre-Revolver would sound just as good no matter who produced it. On the other hand, Jimmy Page is the only person who could have produced those Zeppelin recordings and get the sound he wanted out of those songs.
The Beatles. First pop band to write their own lyrics. First band to use promo videos. First band to make albums ALBUMS....and not just a collection of songs. And remember, the Decca guy who rejected them said "guitar bands were on the way out." Well maybe they were...until the Beatles. The Beatles sort of set the stage for the Creams, Yardbirds, and Zeppelins of the world. Zep on the other hand loses points here for plagiarism. An idea here or there is one thing (Stairway intro) but stealing a song (Dazed, Lemon Song) is just not cool. It doesn't affect how I listen to those tunes...and there's many other aspects of Zep that are very, very original...but gotta give this category to the Beatles.
I love Robert Plant. But I gotta go with the Beatles. Three singers...all with distinctive styles that harmonize so well together. Paul in particular puts the Beatles over the top here with his ability to sing in like 12 different voices.
The Beatles. Zeppelin is credited (rightfully so) with influencing every hard rock band that has come after them. But the Beatles influenced culture and the way people think about music. And the Beatles also appeal to all age-groups and demographics better than Zep. They have something for everyone. I don't think that's the case with Zep.
Legacy..for me
The two bands combine for over 300 songs that I will listen to until I die. Tie.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Obviously what zep accomplished is amazing. Just an incredible band with an incredible legacy. But for me, I think the beatles are the best band ever. I view the beatles, the way I view hendrix. Its those guys and then everyone else. Its like Neil said about Hendrix, there isnt anyone even in the same building as him. That fits the Beatles too.
Theres no doubt Zep is probably composed of the greatest musicians ever at their instruments. And of course their lives shows were mindblowing. But its unfair to compare to the beatles. Who stopped touring. Zeps concerts werent full of screaming girls who would continue screaming the entire concert, to the point where the band couldnt even hear themselves. That was how the beatles concerts were. And its why they stopped touring. So we have no idea how Sgt Peppers or the White Album or Revolver or whatever would have sounded in a live setting.
I think lyrically, the beatles, John and Paul are the greatest lyricists in history. The lyrics and the bands evolution from singing She Loves you yeah yeah yeah, to songs later in their catalogue that were full of depth, complexity and profound meaning, that arc is important.
musically, I think Zep were probably better musicians at their instruments, but I think on albums, the beatles communicated it better. Zep excelled more at the live shows. As much as I love physical Graffiti, it is not The White Album. I also think the beatles were brilliant because of how simple the songs were. 2 minute pop songs that were expertly crafted, catchy as hell, and still utilized amazing lyrics about important things.
Impact on the world, theirs no question the beatles win that one. Led Zep has had a huge impact. But to compare that to the impact and importance of the beatles, I think, is silly. The beatles impacted haircuts, culture, fashion, music, how music was crafted, broke the boundaries of what a pop song could do, politics, art, etc... If anything the beatles influence is actually underrated, as opposed to accurately understood and evaluated.
And i think the bands had very different goals and ideals. The Beatles were never about 28 minute drum solos or face melting guitar solos that stretched for 10 minutes plus. The beatles composed 2 minute pop songs. Thats not what Zep was about. And Zep, while I love Plants lyrics, they dont exactly have the depth that the beatles lyrics do. Zep may have been sympathetic to the hippies and the counterculture, but its not as if Zep was out there protesting social and political evils. The beatles, evolved into a group that cared deeply about the world around them, and their music grew to discuss that. Zep is as much a reaction against the beatles and the hippies, just as much as punk was a reaction to the Zep era of music. thats not to bash Zep, but merely to point out, these were vastly different bands with different goals. The Beatles and Zep played wildly different styles of music, even though both fell under the banner of rock band. In the same way that The Dead is different than Nirvana. Two different approaches to rock music.
There is no aspect of shear musicianship where the Beatles compete with Zeppelin, studio or live. I think the studio work is really where their musicianship is highlighted.
White Album set the standard for double album warts-and-all freakout, but Phsyical Graffiti took it to a whole new level. Another case of the batting average/slugging percentage thing. There may be a track or two that you could cut from Graffiti, but the White Album, while still awesome in it's own right has some stuff that didn't deserve an album spot. The songs on Graffiti deserved their spots on an album, but S/T has some songs that wouldn't have made an album if not for the whole concept.
I totally disagree with this. I don't see how you can say that every Graffiti song "deserved their spots" but some White Album songs don't. Five of the Physical Graffiti songs didn't make the previous albums (I'll never know how they chose D'yer Mak'er over the song Houses of the Holy but whatever.) But talk about recycling. I like Down By The Seaside and Black Country Woman...but these are prime examples of "filler". The White Album on the other hand had songs all written for a specific album. So even if you think some are better than others, at least none of it can be called filler. The White Album basically says "we wrote 30 songs in they are." Physical Graffiti basically says "here's 5 of the best songs you've ever heard, 5 other good tunes, and 5 rejected songs from years ago." I love both albums and wouldn't change either (except I wouldn't open Graffiti with Custard Pie because I don't like that song), but I dismiss any notion that the Physical Graffiti is more "proper" or whatever than the White Album. And I also dismiss anything on the White Album (even Revolution 9) being "filler" or not up to par. The world NEEDS Honey Pie....or not....but I like it.
And again, how didn't Houses of the Holy end up on the album of the same name? It seems to fit with Over The Hills and Dancing Days and stuff so well. I've always found that strange.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
So here's mine:
Led Zeppelin I
1. Dazed And Confused
2. How Many More Times
3. Good Times Bad Times
Led Zeppelin II
1. Heartbreaker
2. Whole Lotta Love
3. Thank You
Led Zeppelin III
1. Friends
2. Immigrant Song
3. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
Led Zeppellin IV
1. When The Levee Breaks
2. Black Dog
3. Stairway To Heaven
Houses Of The Holy
1. The Song Remains The Same
2. Dancing Days
3. The Rain Song
Physical Graffiti
1. Kashmir
2. In The Light
3. Ten Years Gone
1. Achilles' Last Stand
2. Hots On For Nowhere
3. Tea For One
In Through The Out Door
1. All My Love
2. Carouselambra
3. Hot Dog
From Live Releases
1. In My Time Of Dying (Led Zeppelin DVD)
2. Dazed And Confused (The Song Remains The Same)
3. Kashmir (Led Zeppelin DVD)
4. Over The Hills And Far Away (How The West Was Won)
5. Thank You (BBC Sessions)
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I disagree. Zep excelled live. Theres no question. But I think the beatles were better in studio than Zep. The production, the boundaries pushed, the sheer sound of the albums, there was nothing like Rubber soul, revolver, sgt peppers, white album, abbey road, and let it be. In terms of studio sounds I think those albums across the board are better than the studio albums of Zep. And I think the beatles were the first band who thought to create these cohesive and beautiful studio albums.
Ive gone on record saying I think The White Album is an example of a perfect album, a perfect double album.
Its splitting hairs this discussion. The top 2 bands of all time, reguardless of where we put them on the list. But for me, I think what the beatles did, they did it first, it was so revolutionary and new, and different.
I also think you get different feels from live zep and studio zep. Studio zep is damn amazing, but as was discussed a few days ago, for an example that 26 minute Dazed and Confused from Song Remains, blows the studio version of it out of the water. Theres no comparison.
And i think both bands had different strengths. Led Zep didnt have the songwriting chops of Lennon Mccartney. And The Beatles didnt have a Bonham or a Page.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
I don't think you can give the production nod to the Beatles when people outside the band were doing the production. I think Zeppelin updated the general sound of rock albums after they surfaced. The stuff they did made music sound more modern.
Definitely different feels from studio to live and they're often better in a live sitiation but I don't think the studio tracks from Zeppelin lack any of the musicianship that they're known for. You take away the extended improvisations and it's still just as impressive to me as their 30 minute freakouts.
I'd say lyrically that Lennon and McCartney pretty clearly have the edge, but to me musically it's a pretty close contest with all the musicality that Zep would weave into alot of their tunes.
Led Zeppelin
1. Communication Breakdown
2. How Many More Times
3. Good Times Bad Times
Led Zeppelin II
1. Heartbreaker
2. Thank You
3. Moby Dick
Led Zeppelin III
1. That's the Way
2. Tangerine
3. Since I've Been Loving You
1. When the Levee Breaks
2. Misty Mountain Hop
3. Black Dog
Houses of the Holy
1. The Rain Song
2. The Ocean
3. Over the Hills and Far Away
Physical Graffiti
1. Ten Years Gone (favorite Zepp song)
2. Kashmir
3. The Rover/Bron-Yr-Aur
1. Achilles Last Stand
2. For Your Life
3. Royal Orleans
In Through the Out Door
1. Fool In the Rain
2. In the Evening
3. All My Love
From Live Releases
1. Over the Hills and Far Away (The Song Remains the Same reissue)
2. Moby Dick (How the West Was Won)
3. You Shook Me (BBC Sessions)
4. In My Time of Dying (Led Zeppelin DVD)
5. Trampled Underfoot (Led Zeppelin DVD)
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I love the discussion going on in this thread and can tell we all love both bands.
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
1. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
2. Your Time Is Gonna Come
3. How Many More Times
1. What Is ANd What Should NEver Be
2. Thank You
3. The Lemon Song
1. Since I've Been Loving You
2. Gallows Pole
3. That's The Way
1. Black Dog
2. The Battle Of Evermore
3. Going To California
1. Over The Hills And Far Away
2. No Quarter
3. The SOng Reamins The Same
PG(this one is impossible to choose JUST 3>
1. Ten Years Gone
2. The Rover
3. In The Light
1. Achillies Last Stand
2. Nobody's Fault But Mine
3. Hots On For No Where
1. Carouselambra
2. In The Evening
3. I'm Gonna Crawl
1. Poor Tom
2. Bonzo's Montreux
3. We're Gonna Groove
I love the beatles, but i think the experimentation zep did in the studio and albums they made blew them out of the water.
2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
2011: Ed Solo Hartford
2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
UK has it on Jan 28 ... d_i=468294
How Many More Times
Your Time Is Gonna Come
Babe Im Goinna To Leave You
What Is and What Should Never Be
Bring It On Home
Thank You
That's the Way
Since I've Been Loving You
Four Sticks
When the Levee Breaks
Stairway To Heaven
Houses of the Holy
The Rain Song
The Ocean
Over the Hills and Far Away
Physical Graffiti
Ten Years Gone
In My Time of Dying
The Rover
Achilles Last Stand
For Your Life
Royal Orleans
In Through the Outdoor
I'm Gonna Crawl
In the Evening
Fool in the Rain
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
How Many More Times
Your Time Is Gonna Come
Dazed And Confused
What Is And What Should Never Be
Bring It On Home
Ramble On
That's The Way
Since I've Been Loving You
When The Levee Breaks
Battle Of Evermore
Stairway To Heaven
Houses Of The Holy-
No Quarter
The Rain Song
The Song Remains The Same
Physical Graffiti-
Ten Years Gone
In The Light
Night Flight
Achilles Last Stand
Tea For One
Nobody's Fault But Mine
In Through The Out Door-
I'm Gonna Crawl
In The Evening
All My Love
Traveling Riverside Blues
Hey Hey What Can I Do?
Wearing And Tearing
2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
2011: Ed Solo Hartford
2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
1 Babe I'm Going to Leave You
2 Your Time is Gonna Come
3 Good Times Bad Times
1 Thank You
2 Ramble On
3 What Is and What Shall Never Be
1 That's the Way
2 Tangerine
3 Immigrant Song
LZ Untitled
1 Stairway to Heaven
2 When the Levee Breaks
3 Going to California
Houses of the Holy
1 The Rain Song
2 Over the Hills and Far Away
3 No Quarter
Physical Graffiti
1 In The Light
2 Ten Years Gone
3 Kashmir
1 Achilles Last Stand
2 Tea for One
3 For Your Life
In Through The Out Door
1 All My Love
2 In The Evening
3 Fool In The Rain
You ask people what they think of Page or Plant and I think people would mention things about respecting and honoring the legends, and maybe that they saw them in 74 and it was an amazing show, or that the band inspired them to get into music. They are respected and loved, rightly of course, but largely because of the viruosity of the music and musicians involved. With all due respect to Zep, people didnt go to the liner notes of their LP's to find the meaning of life.
I think if you ask people what the beatles, or maybe what Lennon or Mccartney mean to them, I think you'd get more indepth and personal answers about inspiring people to become activists, or that the music changed their life and made them who they are, or that the music mirrors the feelings many people had during the 60's. The beatles were more than just a band who played great music. Thats why they are the greatest of all time, and no one even comes close, not Zep, not Pink Floyd, and thats even though they are 2 and 3.
The emotional and personal connection is a large part of what seperates the beatles from any other band. They soundtracked the 60's. When the beatles talked about All You Need is Love, it felt needed and important in 1967, and it sounds just as important in 2012.
Ive felt for years that the day Paul and Ringo die, and we are left with no living beatles, thats going to be the most depressing and sad day on earth. I cant think of a more horrible thing. How empty the world will feel at that moment. How off kilter the world will feel.
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
Good Times Bad Times
Dazed and Confused
Ramble On
What Is and What Should Never Be
Thank You
Since I've Been Loving You
Out On the Tiles
Battle of Evermore
Four Sticks
Houses of the Holy
The Song Remains the Same
Rain Song
Over the Hills and Far Away
Physical Graffiti
In My Time of Dying
Ten Years Gone
The Rover
Achilles Last Stand
For Your Life
Nobody's Fault But Mine
In Through the Out Door
Fool In the Rain
Hot Dog
Ozone Baby
Poor Tom
We're Gonna Groove
No Quarter(TSRTS)
Travelling Riverside Blues (BBC Sessions)
White Summer (Royal Albert Hall)
Immigrant Song>Heartbreaker (BBC Sessions) first piece of music I ever put on with the full intent to listen
The Song Remains the Same>Rain Song (TSRTS)
LZ is my favorite band, Beatles are probably 2nd. I tend to prioritize instrumental stuff a little more than vocal stuff, so gnarly guitar solos over nice harmonies. Beatles would take #1 if I stressed vocals instead. That said, Beatles making a song like Because is just astonishingly beautiful.
My favorite 3's:
LZ: Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Dazed & Confused, How Many More Times
LZ II: What is & What Should Never Be, Thank You, Moby Dick
LZ III: Friends, Since I've Been Loving You, Gallows Pole
4th album: Battle of Evermore, Stairway, Four Sticks
Houses: Rain Song, Over the HIlls & Far Away, No Quarter
PG: Rover, In the Light, Ten Years Gone (Side 3 of this album is my favorite album side of all time)
Presence: Achilles, Nobody's Fault But Mine, Tea for One
In Thru: In the Evening, um, South Bound Suarez, and um, I'm Gonna Crawl I guess
Coda: Wearing & Tearing (nothing else worth listing)
Live: No Quarter from TSRTS, In My Time of Dying from LZ DVD, Ten Years Gone from Destroyer bootleg
Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22;
Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16