Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary - Update AUS/NZ '14



  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    Did anyone see that they released $85 tickets for tonight's show in LA? Also did the same for the Oakland show.

    Think ther was a SHIT-LOAD of UN-SOLD tickets because of the high prices?
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    cutz wrote:
    Did anyone see that they released $85 tickets for tonight's show in LA? Also did the same for the Oakland show.

    Think ther was a SHIT-LOAD of UN-SOLD tickets because of the high prices?

    The prices are certainly high, but I don't think that's why they were unsold (at least not the only reason), and I don't think they would have stayed unsold. Anytime you have the media constantly reporting unsold tickets and making it sound like the building won't get filled, people don't get in a hurry to buy them. In fact they usually just go down there the day of the show and try to get the tickets that are desperately being dumped off. In a way the media sort of fueled their own story. Same thing happened the first time I saw them in '97 and by show day only about 1/5 of the tickets had been sold, by show time it was packed though. Everybody just came up there to get tickets the night of the show.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    cutz wrote:

    I had been hoping it wasn't, but so far it is looking right. I have no problem with the setlist, other than it being the same old shit with the exception of Factory Girl, but the guests. Those fucking guests. I really hope somebody added that as a joke. Gwen Stefani? On Wild Horses no less? Keith Urban?


    I still wouldn't care for it much, but it would make much more sense if they switched those songs. Keith Urban would make more sense on Wild Horses, and while Gwen makes no sense at all, she makes even less sense doing Wild Horses.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • kasedougkasedoug The Golden State Posts: 2,973
    cutz wrote:

    Seems right from what they've been reporting on twitter thus far. I'm not the biggest Stones fan but that's pretty solid (I've never seen them before, so I'd want to see the more common songs). Guests are odd. I had a pair of the $85 seats in my cart 3x yesterday but couldn't find anybody that wanted to go (and pay for their own ticket) so I had to let them go. Seen nightmare stories on twitter from the people that bought $85s that the will call lines are long and unorganized. If you have those seats, get there early to grab your tickets. Did see that one person I know ended up with tix that would have regularly been $600 each in the $85 sale.
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    cutz wrote:

    I had been hoping it wasn't, but so far it is looking right. I have no problem with the setlist, other than it being the same old shit with the exception of Factory Girl, but the guests. Those fucking guests. I really hope somebody added that as a joke. Gwen Stefani? On Wild Horses no less? Keith Urban?


    I still wouldn't care for it much, but it would make much more sense if they switched those songs. Keith Urban would make more sense on Wild Horses, and while Gwen makes no sense at all, she makes even less sense doing Wild Horses.

    Yea, so far that looks like that's the set list(after 5 songs). Same old shit is right. I saw them in Newark, NJ in December and they played almost that same set list.(they didn't play Factory Girl, Emotional Rescue and Get Off Of My Cloud). 20 out of 23 songs!!

    I wish they did away with the dog & pony show(aka:guest> :lol: ), and just played some different songs.

    Mick Taylor is ONLY getting ONE song?? MAYBE he'll get more as the tour goes along?(Can't You Hear Me Knockin'?)
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    cutz wrote:
    Yea, so far that looks like that's the set list(after 5 songs). Same old shit is right. I saw them in Newark, NJ in December and they played almost that same set list.(they didn't play Factory Girl, Emotional Rescue and Get Off Of My Cloud). 20 out of 23 songs!!

    I wish they did away with the dog & pony show(aka:guest> :lol: ), and just played some different songs.

    Mick Taylor is ONLY getting ONE song?? MAYBE he'll get more as the tour goes along?(Can't You Hear Me Knockin'?)

    I forgot Emotional Rescue, but I'm not a fan of the song, but anything different is good. And that's a fucking joke only giving Taylor one song. The guy is the best musician ever to step foot in that band, played on their most iconic albums, and he gets the same amount of songs as Gwen Stefani and Keith Urban? He got two at the club show, and one of them was Love In Vain. But no, do Midnight Rambler, again, like every show last year.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    cutz wrote:
    Yea, so far that looks like that's the set list(after 5 songs). Same old shit is right. I saw them in Newark, NJ in December and they played almost that same set list.(they didn't play Factory Girl, Emotional Rescue and Get Off Of My Cloud). 20 out of 23 songs!!

    I wish they did away with the dog & pony show(aka:guest> :lol: ), and just played some different songs.

    Mick Taylor is ONLY getting ONE song?? MAYBE he'll get more as the tour goes along?(Can't You Hear Me Knockin'?)

    I forgot Emotional Rescue, but I'm not a fan of the song, but anything different is good. And that's a fucking joke only giving Taylor one song. The guy is the best musician ever to step foot in that band, played on their most iconic albums, and he gets the same amount of songs as Gwen Stefani and Keith Urban? He got two at the club show, and one of them was Love In Vain. But no, do Midnight Rambler, again, like every show last year.

    ^^^^Man, i agree with you on every word!!!^^^^^^

    I've been checking out some the comments on IORR about the set list, and some are making me laugh.............................. Only because ther true> :lol:
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    cutz wrote:
    I've been checking out some the comments on IORR about the set list, and some are making me laugh.............................. Only because ther true> :lol:

    Stones fans and PJ fans aren't all that different are they? :lol: People bitching, more people bitching about people bitching than actual people bitching, etc. The only difference is that they don't care all that much about merch.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    cutz wrote:
    I've been checking out some the comments on IORR about the set list, and some are making me laugh.............................. Only because ther true> :lol:

    Stones fans and PJ fans aren't all that different are they? :lol: People bitching, more people bitching about people bitching than actual people bitching, etc. The only difference is that they don't care all that much about merch.

  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    I was holding out hope that maybe Gwen might surprise me and do a good job, but she sounded like shit, had no chemistry at all with the band, forgot words, etc.

    I'm still trying to figure out what the hell she was doing there. Was Windows Phone sponsoring the show or something?
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    I was holding out hope that maybe Gwen might surprise me and do a good job, but she sounded like shit, had no chemistry at all with the band, forgot words, etc.

    I'm still trying to figure out what the hell she was doing there. Was Windows Phone sponsoring the show or something?

    Yea, she butchered it.

    I checked out the set list from when i saw them in December and they played 21 songs last night, that they played then.
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    I think there needs to be a new rule, no guests perform on songs from the Taylor era, unless Taylor is on stage also. You have Gwen Stefani up there on Wild Horses, OK fine, meanwhile a band member who actually played on the song is sitting on his ass backstage watching Conan, chomping at the bit to play.

    I don't know if Jagger (who I assume is behind all this, as Keith and Ronnie went on record several times about expanding his role) is trying to torture this guy or what. Dragging him around like a piece of equipment to play one song a night, seeming to intentionally snub him every chance they get. Something somebody said over on IORR cracked my ass up, but then I realized, it could very likely happen. Since Time Waits For No One is one of Taylor's few writing credits, and many consider it a definitive Taylor song for some nice guitar work (I'm not that big of a fan but it's OK), people have been constantly begging for them to play it. Somebody said "It would be a larf if they played it with Ronnie", I just thought it was funny, a hilarious (in theory) dick move. But then it dawned on me, they probably will do just that.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399

    I wonder what they're going to be doing with Tom?


    "We welcome the @RollingStones to @OracleArena tonight! Check out their custom @warriors jerseys!"
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    Fuck yeah, they're playing "All Down The Line"! Tom on "Little Red Rooster"! And I love some "Dead Flowers". This is shaping up to be a good one.

    Set List so far

    1. Get Off Of My Cloud
    2. It's Only Rock N Roll
    3. Live With Me
    4. Paint It, Black
    5. Gimme Shelter
    6. Little Red Rooster - with Tom Waits
    7. Dead Flowers
    8. Emotional Rescue
    9. All Down The Line
    10. Doom And Gloom
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    Fuck yeah, they're playing "All Down The Line"! Tom on "Little Red Rooster"! And I love some "Dead Flowers". This is shaping up to be a good one.

    Set List so far

    1. Get Off Of My Cloud
    2. It's Only Rock N Roll
    3. Live With Me
    4. Paint It, Black
    5. Gimme Shelter
    6. Little Red Rooster - with Tom Waits
    7. Dead Flowers
    8. Emotional Rescue
    9. All Down The Line
    10. Doom And Gloom

    Yea, so far, but will they keep it up? MIGHT be the same old-same old from here on out? Could be if One More Shot is next.
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    cutz wrote:
    Fuck yeah, they're playing "All Down The Line"! Tom on "Little Red Rooster"! And I love some "Dead Flowers". This is shaping up to be a good one.

    Set List so far

    1. Get Off Of My Cloud
    2. It's Only Rock N Roll
    3. Live With Me
    4. Paint It, Black
    5. Gimme Shelter
    6. Little Red Rooster - with Tom Waits
    7. Dead Flowers
    8. Emotional Rescue
    9. All Down The Line
    10. Doom And Gloom

    Yea, so far, but will they keep it up? MIGHT be the same old-same old from here on out? Could be if One More Shot is next.

    I'm sure it probably will be, or at least not too many more surprises. But the surprises already for this show I really like. Tom Waits on Little Red Rooster is great, and All Down The Line (would have preferred Taylor on it, but Woody is pretty good at it), Emotional Rescue for the second time ever. Not bad. And I love Live With Me and Dead Flowers. Holding out hope for a flip of the script on Taylor and him doing a different song, or more than one, but I'm not holding out too much hope.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    Updated setlist.

    1. Get Off Of My Cloud
    2. It's Only Rock N Roll
    3. Live With Me
    4. Paint It, Black
    5. Gimme Shelter
    6. Little Red Rooster - with Tom Waits
    7. Dead Flowers
    8. Emotional Rescue
    9. All Down The Line
    10. Doom And Gloom
    11. One More Shot
    12. Honky Tonk Women
    13. Before They Make Me Run (Keith)
    14. Happy (Keith)

    Looking like back on formula now. I don't think Keith has changed his set at all since the first night of these shows in 2012.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    Well, just one song, Midnight Rambler again, for Taylor. What a joke. Dude didn't even play on the original. Hopefully they'll get that straightened out sooner of later.

    Anyway, here's Tom on Little Red Rooster.!
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    cutz wrote:
    Fuck yeah, they're playing "All Down The Line"! Tom on "Little Red Rooster"! And I love some "Dead Flowers". This is shaping up to be a good one.

    Set List so far

    1. Get Off Of My Cloud
    2. It's Only Rock N Roll
    3. Live With Me
    4. Paint It, Black
    5. Gimme Shelter
    6. Little Red Rooster - with Tom Waits
    7. Dead Flowers
    8. Emotional Rescue
    9. All Down The Line
    10. Doom And Gloom

    Yea, so far, but will they keep it up? MIGHT be the same old-same old from here on out? Could be if One More Shot is next.

    I'm sure it probably will be, or at least not too many more surprises. But the surprises already for this show I really like. Tom Waits on Little Red Rooster is great, and All Down The Line (would have preferred Taylor on it, but Woody is pretty good at it), Emotional Rescue for the second time ever. Not bad. And I love Live With Me and Dead Flowers. Holding out hope for a flip of the script on Taylor and him doing a different song, or more than one, but I'm not holding out too much hope.

    Well, they changed 4 songs, and that's 2 more then i thought they would> :lol:
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    Well, just one song, Midnight Rambler again, for Taylor. What a joke. Dude didn't even play on the original. Hopefully they'll get that straightened out sooner of later.

    Anyway, here's Tom on Little Red Rooster.!

    That is a JOKE what ther doing with MT.

    Tom Waits does nothing for me, though i do like Little Red Rooster.
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    cutz wrote:
    That is a JOKE what ther doing with MT.

    At least he got a Warriors jersey out of the deal. They're going to have to use him more or it will be a fiasco. The fans are getting really fed up, except the Woody lovers (apparently some people think you have to choose a side, you can't like both), and many people bought tickets expecting to see Taylor. And see him in a larger role, as they teased us he would be.

    I just hope there's a reasonable explanation, and not just Jagger being a douche, like maybe Taylor doesn't feel good (he does have health problems) or nervous getting back on the big stage.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • vant0037vant0037 Posts: 6,150
    Given the type of guests so far, any guesses as to who might show up in Chicago? Some legendary bluesman?
    1998-06-30 Minneapolis
    2003-06-16 St. Paul
    2006-06-26 St. Paul
    2007-08-05 Chicago
    2009-08-23 Chicago
    2009-08-28 San Francisco
    2010-05-01 NOLA (Jazz Fest)
    2011-07-02 EV Minneapolis
    2011-09-03 PJ20
    2011-09-04 PJ20
    2011-09-17 Winnipeg
    2012-06-26 Amsterdam
    2012-06-27 Amsterdam
    2013-07-19 Wrigley
    2013-11-21 San Diego
    2013-11-23 Los Angeles
    2013-11-24 Los Angeles
    2014-07-08 Leeds, UK
    2014-07-11 Milton Keynes, UK
    2014-10-09 Lincoln
    2014-10-19 St. Paul
    2014-10-20 Milwaukee
    2016-08-20 Wrigley 1
    2016-08-22 Wrigley 2
    2018-06-18 London 1
    2018-08-18 Wrigley 1
    2018-08-20 Wrigley 2
    2022-09-16 Nashville
    2023-08-31 St. Paul
    2023-09-02 St. Paul
    2023-09-05 Chicago 1
    2024-08-31 Wrigley 2
    2024-09-15 Fenway 1
    2024-09-27 Ohana 1
    2024-09-29 Ohana 2
    vant0037 wrote:
    Given the type of guests so far, any guesses as to who might show up in Chicago? Some legendary bluesman?

    maybe someone from the legendary Chicago band STYX!
  • vant0037vant0037 Posts: 6,150
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    vant0037 wrote:
    Given the type of guests so far, any guesses as to who might show up in Chicago? Some legendary bluesman?

    maybe someone from the legendary Chicago band STYX!

    Not where I was headed Joe...haha...
    1998-06-30 Minneapolis
    2003-06-16 St. Paul
    2006-06-26 St. Paul
    2007-08-05 Chicago
    2009-08-23 Chicago
    2009-08-28 San Francisco
    2010-05-01 NOLA (Jazz Fest)
    2011-07-02 EV Minneapolis
    2011-09-03 PJ20
    2011-09-04 PJ20
    2011-09-17 Winnipeg
    2012-06-26 Amsterdam
    2012-06-27 Amsterdam
    2013-07-19 Wrigley
    2013-11-21 San Diego
    2013-11-23 Los Angeles
    2013-11-24 Los Angeles
    2014-07-08 Leeds, UK
    2014-07-11 Milton Keynes, UK
    2014-10-09 Lincoln
    2014-10-19 St. Paul
    2014-10-20 Milwaukee
    2016-08-20 Wrigley 1
    2016-08-22 Wrigley 2
    2018-06-18 London 1
    2018-08-18 Wrigley 1
    2018-08-20 Wrigley 2
    2022-09-16 Nashville
    2023-08-31 St. Paul
    2023-09-02 St. Paul
    2023-09-05 Chicago 1
    2024-08-31 Wrigley 2
    2024-09-15 Fenway 1
    2024-09-27 Ohana 1
    2024-09-29 Ohana 2
    vant0037 wrote:
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    vant0037 wrote:
    Given the type of guests so far, any guesses as to who might show up in Chicago? Some legendary bluesman?

    maybe someone from the legendary Chicago band STYX!

    Not where I was headed Joe...haha...

    oh, sorry man!
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    vant0037 wrote:
    Given the type of guests so far, any guesses as to who might show up in Chicago? Some legendary bluesman?

    Buddy "Motherfucker" Guy maybe?
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • voodoopugvoodoopug Posts: 1,011
    likely buddy guy in Chicago doing "Champaign and Reefer"
    There's Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson......and then everybody else.
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    voodoopug wrote:
    likely buddy guy in Chicago doing "Champaign and Reefer"

    You'd think so, but these guests have been all over the place. At this point they could bring out "Munch's Make Believe Band" and I wouldn't bat an eye.

    Helen Henny can duet on Gimme Shelter.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • voodoopugvoodoopug Posts: 1,011
    hopefully, the Gwen Stefani disaster will deter them from this and just put those two "guest songs" after Rambler and keep MT out there for Sway/Knocking/Street Fighting Man/Love In Vain/etc.
    There's Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson......and then everybody else.
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