Oh trust me, I know! Motel 6 decided to have our car towed in middle of the night because we didn't have a parking pass (because they forgot to give it to us so I didn't know we needed one although I did leave the half sheet of paper they gave me with my receipt with all my info on it in the car window....but that's a story for another day) and we had the great pleasure of walking (yes walking) the slums of Hartford to get to the tow company, then to an ATM, then back to the tow company first thing Saturday morning. So I am definitely in Hartford/Motel 6 hate mode. I will NEVER go back to Hartford, not even for PJ. The place is a hellhole. I'd go back to Camden before I'd step foot in that city again.
On a positive note the show was absolutely amazing Definitely the sleeper show of the tour!
Oh no! I ran into a couple last night, that had that same experience at that Motel 6. That does stink... my car almost broke down getting out of hartford....so yeah. I didn't drive and im not driving tomorrow night cos of it.
9.15.98, 8.29.00, 8.30.00, 7.02.03, 7.03.03, 7.11.03 Mansfield, MA | 9.28.04, 9.29.04 Boston, MA, 5.12.06 Albany, NY | 5.13.06 Hartford, CT | 5.24, 5.25.06 Boston, MA | 8.05.07 Chicago, IL (lolla) | 6.27.08 Hartford, CT | 6.28, 6.30.08 Mansfield, MA | 10.4.09 Austin, TX (ACL), 10.30 | 10.31.09, Philadelphia, PA 5.17.10 Boston, MA, 10.15 | 10.16.2013 Worcester, MA, 10.25.13 Hartford, CT, 10.16.14 Detroit, MI, 4.18.16 Hampton, VA, 5.1 | 5.2.16 NYC, 8.5 | 8.7.16 Boston, MA, 7.3.18 Kraków, PL | 8.8 - 8.10.18 Seattle, WA | 8.13.18 Missoula, MT | 8.18.18 Chicago, IL | 9.2 - 9.4.18 Boston, MA | 9.18.21 Asbury Park, NJ | 9.1.22 Québec City, CAN | 9.3.22 Ottawa, CAN
That was probably us. I'm a blonde, he's a brunnette (oh and he's Puerto Rican....not that it matters but it is an identifying factor ).
Last night's show made up for the absolutely horrible morning we had, hopefully tomorrow's show is even better If that was you that we met last night we'll probably see you tomorrow too.
2006: Boston I, Camden II
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
Hey Ponc...I didn't carry my Fendi, that must be why we didn't catch each other.
How awesome was that show????
I still can't get over it.
It was like the setlist of my dreams.
I hope you had a great time!
You know I went up to 6 hot women with Fendi bags and hair similar to yours, grabbed each one and gave them a hug saying "Trixie, great to meet you...", the amazing thing is I only got slapped 5 times...unfortnately Trixie wannabe #6 went with the groin kick instead of the slap.
man it's hot. it's like africa hot. tarzan couldn't take this kind of hot.
the band was fucking rocking. harder than usual. multiple 3-4 song stretches where it seemed like they were just trying to kick our collective ass.
the crowd was cool. kinda culty. like everything was an anthem. singalongs and pumping fists in unison all night, didn't matter what song. no standout incidents like boston's betterman but you'll hear it on the boot.
best in hiding ever.
not the best smile ever.
i think modern girl was it's own song. just the chorus, like it would've been as a tag, but i'm pretty sure not for you ended first.
10club tickets took me no more than 10 minutes around 7pm. kenny mayne was on his way out. couldn't tell if he was in the ticketmaster line or the good one. i'm not from ct, so espn sightings are noteworthy to me.
wasn't wild about being directly above a police substation at the motel 6. wtf? do a lot of hotels do this? why not put my parents in the next room while you're at it?
Oh trust me, I know! Motel 6 decided to have our car towed in middle of the night because we didn't have a parking pass (because they forgot to give it to us so I didn't know we needed one although I did leave the half sheet of paper they gave me with my receipt with all my info on it in the car window....but that's a story for another day) and we had the great pleasure of walking (yes walking) the slums of Hartford to get to the tow company, then to an ATM, then back to the tow company first thing Saturday morning. So I am definitely in Hartford/Motel 6 hate mode. I will NEVER go back to Hartford, not even for PJ. The place is a hellhole. I'd go back to Camden before I'd step foot in that city again.
On a positive note the show was absolutely amazing Definitely the sleeper show of the tour!
I hope you sent the bill for the towing directly to Motel 6. That's the absolute minimum they can do, and should even offer you a credit. Not that you'd ever want to stay at a Motel 6 again after that expreience, I'd guess
I hope you sent the bill for the towing directly to Motel 6. That's the absolute minimum they can do, and should even offer you a credit. Not that you'd ever want to stay at a Motel 6 again after that expreience, I'd guess
Heck, they left the light on for him, what more would you expect?
Just got back to Grand Rapids today from Hartford. This was the only show we could make on the tour and we picked a great one! What a fuckin trip. The pre-party was cool at Sweet Janes. Met some cool people. The Dirty frank bus was really something...When they took us down a back alley and over some railroad tracks, I thought we were either going to be "turned to crust" or driven off a cliff...but, we did arrive safely and appreciated the ride. Our ten club tickets were in the 500's (I have a terrible number after letting mine lapse), but the view was fine. Their were some cool people sitting by us. The setlist was better than I could have imagined. Immortality, Smile and leash were some of my favorites. I actually got choked up during leash while standing next to my best friend and screaming out the lyrics together just like we did in our bedroom almost 15 years ago. The energy of the show was amazing. My head was spinning when it was over...I felt like I had been through something. (something good). I did not want the night to end.
Hartford was OK. A little scary when we went to a liquor store and the beer was in cases with chains and padlocks and we ordered a 12 pack and got a bag and 12 single beers. But, being two girls alone..the city seemed fairly safe. After Hartford we went to Woodstock New York. I am a big fan of Dylan and the Band and wanted to see their old stomping grounds. Other than the capitalizing on a concert that did not even happen there...the vibe was nice. Driving through the Catskills listening to up on cripple creek was priceless for me. After Woodstock we drove to the clusterfuck of Niagara falls and got the smallest hotel in the history of man. (I actually had to spoon with my friend and had one arm on the coffee table the entire night) for a mere 148 dollars. Got a 55 dollar lunch at The Hard Rock cafe and got the hell out of dodge.
Now that I am home the show is really sinking in. It was only our 4th show and I feel like I am really lucky to have seen this one. The Grand Rapids show in 06 was kick ass too...but, being able to take a road trip with my best friend in the world (who loves this band as much as I do) is something that I will never forget.
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
In Hiding - took my breath away, made my eyes water at a couple points
The music and the vocals were nothing short of super-human.
What emotion.
So lucky to have been there.
Lalapalooza 1992, Orphium Boston 1994, Hartford 1998, Mansfield 1998, Mansfield 2000, Mansfield 2003(1&3), West Palm 2003, State College 2003, Boston 2004, Albany 2006, Hartford 2006, Chicago 2006, Boston 2006, Mansfield 2008(1&2), Hartford 2008, Hartford 2010, Boston 2010, Worcester 2013 (1&2), All Four Fenway shows 2016 & 2018.
Just got back to Grand Rapids today from Hartford. This was the only show we could make on the tour and we picked a great one! What a fuckin trip. The pre-party was cool at Sweet Janes. Met some cool people. The Dirty frank bus was really something...When they took us down a back alley and over some railroad tracks, I thought we were either going to be "turned to crust" or driven off a cliff...but, we did arrive safely and appreciated the ride. Our ten club tickets were in the 500's (I have a terrible number after letting mine lapse), but the view was fine. Their were some cool people sitting by us. The setlist was better than I could have imagined. Immortality, Smile and leash were some of my favorites. I actually got choked up during leash while standing next to my best friend and screaming out the lyrics together just like we did in our bedroom almost 15 years ago. The energy of the show was amazing. My head was spinning when it was over...I felt like I had been through something. (something good). I did not want the night to end.
Hartford was OK. A little scary when we went to a liquor store and the beer was in cases with chains and padlocks and we ordered a 12 pack and got a bag and 12 single beers. But, being two girls alone..the city seemed fairly safe. After Hartford we went to Woodstock New York. I am a big fan of Dylan and the Band and wanted to see their old stomping grounds. Other than the capitalizing on a concert that did not even happen there...the vibe was nice. Driving through the Catskills listening to up on cripple creek was priceless for me. After Woodstock we drove the the clusterfuck of Niagara falls and got the smallest hotel room known to man. (I actually had to spoon with my friend and had one arm on the coffee table the entire night) for a mere 148 dollars. Got a 55 dollar lunch at The Hardrock cafe and got the hell out of dodge.
Now that I am home the show is really sinking in. It was only our 4th show and I feel like I am really lucky to have seen this one. The Grand Rapids show in 06 was kick ass too...but, being able to take a road trip with my best friend in the world (who loves this band as much as I do) is something that I will never forget.
thats a hell of a trip, i assume MI, for one show.
I think you got an awesome show for it!
Im a million miles away from home and I cant find a telephone...
Set List: Can't Keep, Breakerfall, Last Exit, God's Dice, All Night, Small Town, Sad, Brain Of J, Big Wave, In Hiding, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Daughter/Another Brick In The Wall part 2 (Waters), Why Go, Jeremy, Gone, Immortality, Porch
Encore 1: Garden, Better Man, Even Flow, Comatose, Leash, Blood/Atomic Dog(Clinton, Shider, Spradley)
Encore 2: Smile, Do The Evolution, Alive, Fuckin' Up (Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Hendrix)
Please share your Fanviews of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.
Wow i thought Columbia had the Best Set List, this one blows it away by a mile !!! im so jealous of all you lucky people who attended
"I Will Scream my Lungs out 'til it fills this Room "
" I Will Feel Alive as Long as I am Free"
"Are We Getting SomeThing Out Of this All Encompassing Trip? Makes Much More Sense To Live In The Present Tense"
Hola to the boys who occupied my seat- J-125! I was chillin' up at row G becuase there was an empty chair, but some snotty unfriendly Connecticunts were begining to break my PJ spirit (i have loved them since '91 and this was the closest seat and best set that i have ever experinced!). So, i went 5 rows back to my seat, opting for cooler people over 4 rows closer,
Anyway, Eddie strollled up next to us at the side of the stage (I SWEAR he came there because i waved him over!! lol, just kidding but not reallly).... It was so surreal (and i feel like if i reaaalllly realized what was happening at that moment- if i had actualized who was standing literally 2 feet away from me and what that person's art had done for me over the years-i would have had an emotional breakdown) and fast and overwhelming. I felt like a teeny bopper having Eddie right there! Ha, I hope some of you can share my excitement.... He touched the hands of some boys next to me, that is how close i was when he came around during evenflow...i snapped a pic when he wasn't looking!
Thanks to the boys for the show of lifetime- i came up from jersey and payed a lot of money to treat myself in tough times- and you made it worth it.
Did anyone catch the article where Vedder aplologizes for not being able to rock as hard? :( They so did, though! Thanks to the boys for the show of my lifetime.
"Ok, I think that's enough." -EV to band at the end of Dirty Frank jam-out.
You know I went up to 6 hot women with Fendi bags and hair similar to yours, grabbed each one and gave them a hug saying "Trixie, great to meet you...", the amazing thing is I only got slapped 5 times...unfortnately Trixie wannabe #6 went with the groin kick instead of the slap.
That was one hell of a show.
That show was amazing.
I am so grateful that I saw both that one and the one that Mike called his FAVORITE show ever!
good times.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Heck, they left the light on for him, what more would you expect?
Actually I'm a her
They did eventually cave and reimbursed us for the tow, but I will be contacting their corporate office. The treatment we received from the manager was ridiculous and the fact that they covered the cab bill for others who had the same thing happen but didn't even offer one to us was ridiculous. They should not have expected their customers to walk through the ghetto to get their car back when they were the ones that f*cked up.
2006: Boston I, Camden II
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
Very late on this but spent the weekend at the beach after the Hartford show.
This was my 30th Pearl Jam show (started in Springfield, '94) and this will go down as a top 5 for me. LOVED the setlist, heard some songs I've been dying to hear, "Can't Keep" and "Big Wave" especially. Best setlist of the tour and I really liked it better than both MSG shows. Short trip up the street to the Beacon tomorrow but Hartford totally kicked ass. Well done boys.
PS- A friend of mine works merch. for the arena and got me a setlist. The opener was supposed to be Sometimes but got replaced by Can't Keep. Garden took the place of No More on the setlist. Also, no Yellow Ledbetter on the set.
"This is about as perfect a crowd as you can get. I hate to placate, I ain't placating...." - EV, 9/29/96
They did eventually cave and reimbursed us for the tow, but I will be contacting their corporate office. The treatment we received from the manager was ridiculous and the fact that they covered the cab bill for others who had the same thing happen but didn't even offer one to us was ridiculous. They should not have expected their customers to walk through the ghetto to get their car back when they were the ones that f*cked up.
Why didn't you call a cab?
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
We were told it was "just over the hill" by both the tow company and the woman at the front desk. Stupidly we thought it was actually just over the hill. Also, I had zero cash on me at that point and I'm pretty sure there was no ATM at the Motel 6 although having woken up about 10 minutes earlier I honestly didn't look around to find one. I just figured we'd walk over the hill, get the car, get our money back and get the hell out of there. That wasn't the case :(
2006: Boston I, Camden II
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
Too bad I have to work, but I wanted to mention a couple of things.
1. Awesome energy and show. You know the deal.
2. Great meeting a few of you before the show at Sweet Janes and Vaughans. Thanks for the beer! Forgot your name like I knew I would. Hartford dude with the tats. You know who you are. You come out to LA, and I will return the favor. That was fun.
3. I had my own little post-Hartford-walking-the-streets situation. I actually saw you guys at the Motel 6. I left my car at Morgan St. and was a moron and walked the opposite direction after the show, following the crowd. Serves me right. I probably walked a mile in the wrong direction. So then I said fuck it and tried to hail and then call a cab. No dice. All booked, and they weren't interested in picking me up because it was only a couple miles in the direction of the huge traffic of the Dodge Center. So... ended up walking another couple miles back to the downtown area, in areas I would call "dodgy." Finally found my car, at about 12:45, only to have to drive 1 1/2 hours to Rhode Island and not be able to find my hotel there. Suffice it to say I was tired after my red-eye from LA the day before. What a weekend.
The show made it worth it....
San Diego 10/25/00, Mountain View 6/1/03, Santa Barbara 10/28/03, Northwest School 3/18/05, San Diego 7/7/06, Los Angeles 7/9/06, 7/10/06, Honolulu (U2) 12/9/06, Santa Barbara (EV) 4/10/08, Los Angeles (EV) 4/12/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield 6/28/08, VH1 Rock Honors The Who 7/12/08, Seattle 9/21/09, Universal City 9/30/09, 10/1/09, 10/6/09, 10/7/09, San Diego 10/9/09, Los Angeles (EV) 7/8/11, Santa Barbara (EV) 7/9/11, Chicago 7/19/13, San Diego 11/21/13, Los Angeles 11/23/13, 11/24/13, Oakland 11/26/13, Chicago 8/22/16, Missoula 8/13/18, Boston 9/2/18, Los Angeles 2/25/22 (EV), San Diego 5/3/22, Los Angeles 5/6/22, 5/7/22, Imola 6/25/22, Los Angeles 5/21/24, [London 6/29/24], [Boston 9/15/24]
McCready said Hartford or MSG2 was his favorite show?
He said MSG2 was probably his favorite show....ever.
I am the one that can be complaining...I was almost stranded there and still haven't received an explanation.
But thankfully, 2 very kind souls reached out and took me home.
And a big huge thank you to my friend Steve for being there.
I still cannot believe they opened with Can't Keep....truly.
It was an unbelievable night for me.
And thank you foxy and ECMonkey for all of the work you do. It was awesome to get hugs in the ticket line.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I here you. I left Boston at 4:00 pm, was in the parking lot near the Expo at 6:00 pm, had a few beers and some food in the lot, got my 10c tickets and we were in our seats by 7:30 pm. I was in the 10c line for maybe 10 minutes. The line for tickets has nothing to do with the band. Are they supposed to delay the start of the show because people wait until the last minute to get in because they're so concerned with getting F-ed up in the parking lot? Next time get in there earlier.
Last night's show made up for the absolutely horrible morning we had, hopefully tomorrow's show is even better
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
My favorite show, ever.
I am not shitting. This fucking show will go down in history as something very special.
Fucking energy and sound blew me away! It was like they were all 28 again.
That was one hell of a show.
the band was fucking rocking. harder than usual. multiple 3-4 song stretches where it seemed like they were just trying to kick our collective ass.
the crowd was cool. kinda culty. like everything was an anthem. singalongs and pumping fists in unison all night, didn't matter what song. no standout incidents like boston's betterman but you'll hear it on the boot.
best in hiding ever.
not the best smile ever.
i think modern girl was it's own song. just the chorus, like it would've been as a tag, but i'm pretty sure not for you ended first.
10club tickets took me no more than 10 minutes around 7pm. kenny mayne was on his way out. couldn't tell if he was in the ticketmaster line or the good one. i'm not from ct, so espn sightings are noteworthy to me.
wasn't wild about being directly above a police substation at the motel 6. wtf? do a lot of hotels do this? why not put my parents in the next room while you're at it?
Great. Thanks. I'm just starting to get over the ticket disaster, and here you come to kick me in the nuts.
I hope you sent the bill for the towing directly to Motel 6. That's the absolute minimum they can do, and should even offer you a credit. Not that you'd ever want to stay at a Motel 6 again after that expreience, I'd guess
Hartford was OK. A little scary when we went to a liquor store and the beer was in cases with chains and padlocks and we ordered a 12 pack and got a bag and 12 single beers. But, being two girls alone..the city seemed fairly safe. After Hartford we went to Woodstock New York. I am a big fan of Dylan and the Band and wanted to see their old stomping grounds. Other than the capitalizing on a concert that did not even happen there...the vibe was nice. Driving through the Catskills listening to up on cripple creek was priceless for me. After Woodstock we drove to the clusterfuck of Niagara falls and got the smallest hotel in the history of man. (I actually had to spoon with my friend and had one arm on the coffee table the entire night) for a mere 148 dollars. Got a 55 dollar lunch at The Hard Rock cafe and got the hell out of dodge.
Now that I am home the show is really sinking in. It was only our 4th show and I feel like I am really lucky to have seen this one. The Grand Rapids show in 06 was kick ass too...but, being able to take a road trip with my best friend in the world (who loves this band as much as I do) is something that I will never forget.
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
The music and the vocals were nothing short of super-human.
What emotion.
So lucky to have been there.
thats a hell of a trip, i assume MI, for one show.
I think you got an awesome show for it!
Wow i thought Columbia had the Best Set List, this one blows it away by a mile !!! im so jealous of all you lucky people who attended
" I Will Feel Alive as Long as I am Free"
"Are We Getting SomeThing Out Of this All Encompassing Trip? Makes Much More Sense To Live In The Present Tense"
Hola to the boys who occupied my seat- J-125! I was chillin' up at row G becuase there was an empty chair, but some snotty unfriendly Connecticunts were begining to break my PJ spirit (i have loved them since '91 and this was the closest seat and best set that i have ever experinced!). So, i went 5 rows back to my seat, opting for cooler people over 4 rows closer,
Anyway, Eddie strollled up next to us at the side of the stage (I SWEAR he came there because i waved him over!! lol, just kidding but not reallly).... It was so surreal (and i feel like if i reaaalllly realized what was happening at that moment- if i had actualized who was standing literally 2 feet away from me and what that person's art had done for me over the years-i would have had an emotional breakdown) and fast and overwhelming. I felt like a teeny bopper having Eddie right there! Ha, I hope some of you can share my excitement.... He touched the hands of some boys next to me, that is how close i was when he came around during evenflow...i snapped a pic when he wasn't looking!
Thanks to the boys for the show of lifetime- i came up from jersey and payed a lot of money to treat myself in tough times- and you made it worth it.
Did anyone catch the article where Vedder aplologizes for not being able to rock as hard? :( They so did, though! Thanks to the boys for the show of my lifetime.
That show was amazing.
I am so grateful that I saw both that one and the one that Mike called his FAVORITE show ever!
good times.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Actually I'm a her
They did eventually cave and reimbursed us for the tow, but I will be contacting their corporate office. The treatment we received from the manager was ridiculous and the fact that they covered the cab bill for others who had the same thing happen but didn't even offer one to us was ridiculous. They should not have expected their customers to walk through the ghetto to get their car back when they were the ones that f*cked up.
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
This was my 30th Pearl Jam show (started in Springfield, '94) and this will go down as a top 5 for me. LOVED the setlist, heard some songs I've been dying to hear, "Can't Keep" and "Big Wave" especially. Best setlist of the tour and I really liked it better than both MSG shows. Short trip up the street to the Beacon tomorrow but Hartford totally kicked ass. Well done boys.
PS- A friend of mine works merch. for the arena and got me a setlist. The opener was supposed to be Sometimes but got replaced by Can't Keep. Garden took the place of No More on the setlist. Also, no Yellow Ledbetter on the set.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
We were told it was "just over the hill" by both the tow company and the woman at the front desk. Stupidly we thought it was actually just over the hill. Also, I had zero cash on me at that point and I'm pretty sure there was no ATM at the Motel 6 although having woken up about 10 minutes earlier I honestly didn't look around to find one. I just figured we'd walk over the hill, get the car, get our money back and get the hell out of there. That wasn't the case :(
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
1. Awesome energy and show. You know the deal.
2. Great meeting a few of you before the show at Sweet Janes and Vaughans. Thanks for the beer! Forgot your name like I knew I would. Hartford dude with the tats. You know who you are. You come out to LA, and I will return the favor. That was fun.
3. I had my own little post-Hartford-walking-the-streets situation. I actually saw you guys at the Motel 6. I left my car at Morgan St. and was a moron and walked the opposite direction after the show, following the crowd. Serves me right. I probably walked a mile in the wrong direction. So then I said fuck it and tried to hail and then call a cab. No dice. All booked, and they weren't interested in picking me up because it was only a couple miles in the direction of the huge traffic of the Dodge Center. So... ended up walking another couple miles back to the downtown area, in areas I would call "dodgy." Finally found my car, at about 12:45, only to have to drive 1 1/2 hours to Rhode Island and not be able to find my hotel there. Suffice it to say I was tired after my red-eye from LA the day before. What a weekend.
The show made it worth it....
The second choice ^^^ Ed likes to tag Another Brick in the Wall sometimes.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I am the one that can be complaining...I was almost stranded there and still haven't received an explanation.
But thankfully, 2 very kind souls reached out and took me home.
And a big huge thank you to my friend Steve for being there.
I still cannot believe they opened with Can't Keep....truly.
It was an unbelievable night for me.
And thank you foxy and ECMonkey for all of the work you do. It was awesome to get hugs in the ticket line.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I here you. I left Boston at 4:00 pm, was in the parking lot near the Expo at 6:00 pm, had a few beers and some food in the lot, got my 10c tickets and we were in our seats by 7:30 pm. I was in the 10c line for maybe 10 minutes. The line for tickets has nothing to do with the band. Are they supposed to delay the start of the show because people wait until the last minute to get in because they're so concerned with getting F-ed up in the parking lot? Next time get in there earlier.