I remember it well... my first PJ show... my first concert really... the house lights were still up and it was early... half the crowd hadn't taken their seats but I was glued to mine... a cheer starts to erupt!... "is that Eddie?! is that Eddie on stage right in front of me!"
"Drifting, drifting, drifting away.
I got myself a mansion, then I gave it away.
It's not the world that's heavy, just the things that you save.
And I'm drifting, drifting away."
I was never more happy
i was on my brother's ass to get to the show early and although he farted around for what felt like FOREVER and we got there ridiculously early, i'm sure he was thanking me for getting him there early enough to catch ed's preset!
that was awesome. i just stood there and couldn't believe all the waiting was over.
i might have shed a tear.
it was truly a fantastic and under-mentioned moment. thanks for bringing it up!
i was on my brother's ass to get to the show early and although he farted around for what felt like FOREVER and we got there ridiculously early, i'm sure he was thanking me for getting him there early enough to catch ed's preset!
that was awesome. i just stood there and couldn't believe all the waiting was over.
i might have shed a tear.
it was truly a fantastic and under-mentioned moment. thanks for bringing it up!
i miss canada.. especially HALIFAX and ST JOHNS better known
as the MARITIMES..
so cool these places . gotta get back.. fckn A!!
Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
And his tears fall and burn the garden green
Get what done ? Olderman, what exactly are you doin' down there ? And how old are you ? Sorry for all the questions.
i live here. i like my steak rarely done. my daughter is a senior at kansas university.
Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
And his tears fall and burn the garden green
i live here. i like my steak rarely done. my daughter is a senior at kansas university.
Sorry about the inquisition. LOL. I was having a loopy moment there, and was somehow under the impresssion that you were a Maritimer who happened to be living there for some reason. You know us Maritimers, eh, we always have to look out for each other. Not sure what made me think that. Well, lets hope there's another Halifax concert. If there is, I'll be there this time. Halifax in August sounds pretty good to me.
Oh man, I am such a fucking tool ! Its hard to believe I haven't smoked or ingested any "foreign substance" in 15 years ! This will explain my last post: when you said "get 'er done", you obviously meant for Olderman to haul his ass back to Halifax for another concert. For him to simply get back. But I somehow interpreted "get 'er done" to mean he should finish off whatever he was doing down there (school/work or whatever) and come back.
And when you said "Canada misses you", I thought you meant that it would be good to see him return home, i.e.: where he was from.
Yes folks, you too can have a brain like mine. Keep having those parties up on Citadel Hill and you'll find out how. The joke is on me I guess. Hey Olderman, if you read this, just fuckin' "get 'er done", and we''ll buy ya few Keith's when ya make it "home". LOL.
Oh man, I am such a fucking tool ! Its hard to believe I haven't smoked or ingested any "foreign substance" in 15 years ! This will explain my last post: when you said "get 'er done", you obviously meant for Olderman to haul his ass back to Halifax for another concert. For him to simply get back. But I somehow interpreted "get 'er done" to mean he should finish off whatever he was doing down there (school/work or whatever) and come back.
And when you said "Canada misses you", I thought you meant that it would be good to see him return home, i.e.: where he was from.
Yes folks, you too can have a brain like mine. Keep having those parties up on Citadel Hill and you'll find out how. The joke is on me I guess. Hey Olderman, if you read this, just fuckin' "get 'er done", and we''ll buy ya few Keith's when ya make it "home". LOL.
ah, but it was my lack of clarity due to years of citadel hill quality abuse (and then some) that caused your confusion. i apologize to all parties involved.
For the concert-goers in that area, it is obvious the city of Halifax knew what it was doing when it built the Metro Centre next to Citadel Hill. HA !! Tell me that wasn't one of the finest examples of municipal planning in all of North America. No wonder why Halifax is such a party town - its done on an institutional level. It's like putting a McDonald's next to a high school, for fuck sakes. Its there, calling your name, taunting you, saying: "how can you *not* stop by for a few minutes before the show. You'll be glad you did."
As for clarity, I accept full responsibility. Its very nice of you to shoulder some of the blame. Unfortunately, the blame goes here, and, well, the Hill.
So, here's to PJ and a clear head, should they ever grace that fine town again. Its one I want to remember.
Oh man, I am such a fucking tool ! Its hard to believe I haven't smoked or ingested any "foreign substance" in 15 years ! This will explain my last post: when you said "get 'er done", you obviously meant for Olderman to haul his ass back to Halifax for another concert. For him to simply get back. But I somehow interpreted "get 'er done" to mean he should finish off whatever he was doing down there (school/work or whatever) and come back.
And when you said "Canada misses you", I thought you meant that it would be good to see him return home, i.e.: where he was from.
Yes folks, you too can have a brain like mine. Keep having those parties up on Citadel Hill and you'll find out how. The joke is on me I guess. Hey Olderman, if you read this, just fuckin' "get 'er done", and we''ll buy ya few Keith's when ya make it "home". LOL.
LOL I spent some time up on the Hill on the day of the concert. Took pics, etc Great view of down town Halifax, the Metro Centre and the harbor. Good place for a party, eh?
Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
And his tears fall and burn the garden green
LOL I spent some time up on the Hill on the day of the concert. Took pics, etc Great view of down town Halifax, the Metro Centre and the harbor. Good place for a party, eh?
...until you fall and roll down the hill.
i've done that several times.
too bad PJ wouldn't play the Hill. i've always wanted to go to a show on the Hill.
I drove up from boston to go to the halifax show what a fun trip driving i might add 100 mph + the whole way made it in about 9 hours of drivin time...
I've now been to 10 pearl jam shows 3rd row right infront of Mike. Got my friend i brought hooked on seeinf pearl jam i'll probably bring her to more shows. As for my 2 other friends who went they bought 2 balcony seats for 400 bucks total damn does that suck
Hartford, CT 09/13/98
mountain view, ca 10/31/99
Mansfield, MA 00 both shows
mansfield, MA 03 - 3 shows
Fleet Center 04 both shows
Halifax NS 05
I've been to many a concert at the metro center, but none come close to my first live pearl jam experience last september. The whole experience kicked serious ass. The anticipation for a good 2 weeks before the show, it was better than christmas i swear. So finally when the day came it was surreal. The day itself flew by, and before i knew it i was half (full)snapped walking down skin-garden road with a slight hop in my step. I planned on taking a couple "left handers" into the show with me, but just before we got to the metro center we came upon a large gathering of gange roasters in progress and figured...why not? When we did make it to the show, the line was huge, but we made it in with a good 10 mins to spare, and made it past security without a hitch. First things first, went and bought a shirt, and put it on right away, who cares if it was way too big. Then to my seats, lower bowl about 3 rows up from the visitors bench, pretty f'in sweet. now as im sitting there waiting for my friends and the show to start I look around, (the lights are still on) and I see a guy 2 rows below me blazing this huge joint, im talkin like 2 or 3 papers, right out in the open! I was pleasantly surprised. Then my friends showed up. and just as we were trying to get the wave started the lights went out and the place went nuts! I wasnt sure right away what it was, but soon recoginized the opener, fitting, then rocked hard to animal! The whole night was electric. So many deadly tunes, one after another. I have to admit when eddie said "we;re gonna play one we dont normally play" i was hoping they would break leash out, but breath was fine consolation. After the first encore we made like everyone else and roasted that lone bifter i had left, then got blown away by the unreal acoustic set/singalong....into glorified G. I must admit I had to take a break during the RVM jam cause i was seriously out of breath but made it back to my feet when they brought it back. All the talk of keiths was not helping my serious cotton mouth but i thought it was great banter between ed and the audience, and on closer inspection of the bootleg I found a few others, like up in my tree (im trading stories with the keiths instead). If i had anything to do with it i would have brough a 24 up on stage and made them play all night! the closer was sick, I was hoping to hear something by uncle neil, and they delivered, everyone on their feet with the lights on, what a feeling. I think it says alot about a band when you can leave a show saying "well they didnt play black, yellowleadbetter, evolution etc, but I still wouldnt change that show for any other" And someone said it early on in this thread and it totally echoes my feelings. Originally I thought after seeing pearl jam live id be able to say I can now die happy, but its the opposite, pearl jam is my new favorite drug, and I need another hit!
Bring it back in 2006!
"it sais ..uh, it says 8 Pack? What the fuck is that? we must be in Canada!
Although I always knew it was a longshot, I am seriously bummed. Wow, it coulda been a great concert. And a great time. I can't believe there's just 1 Canadian city (so far). Lets hope for the future...
Just wondering why halifax is at the top of the stickies?
I hope halifax gets a show on the second leg. Maybe in august when I have time for a concert. It would be sweet if pearl jam announced a european leg also, with halifax being the last show of the second leg. Just a thought.
If anyone wants an image please pm me with your email and I'll send it to you. Some of the images are quite dark, so in the next week or so I'll be trimming down the number of images in the album.
Kudos, to the band for going across Canada and stopping here Halifax. We hope, pray and believe that you well return to the Martimes in the next tour. Thanks so much for the music you make so well.
Wow! Those are some great pictures. I'm surprised that I didn't notice these when you first posted them in September. Brings back a lot of memories. It's got me seriously considering trying to catch the Boston show on this leg.
i was on my brother's ass to get to the show early and although he farted around for what felt like FOREVER and we got there ridiculously early, i'm sure he was thanking me for getting him there early enough to catch ed's preset!
that was awesome. i just stood there and couldn't believe all the waiting was over.
i might have shed a tear.
it was truly a fantastic and under-mentioned moment. thanks for bringing it up!
to those who missed it...wow...you missed out!
Just made it in to see it!
was drinking keith's lite and smoking joints down on gottigen st. at the time...
i'll catch the preset at the '06 show, though!
as the MARITIMES..
so cool these places . gotta get back.. fckn A!!
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
And his tears fall and burn the garden green
you missed a good joint party on citadel hill facing the metro center. Must have ben 50-75 people up there smoking up at one point.
9/22/05 - Halifax
6/19/08 - Camden
6/28/08 - Mansfield
9/07/11 - Montreal
5/05/16 - Quebec City
and canada misses you!
get 'er done and come back.
excellent! i mean, not excellent that i missed it, but excellent that it was going on...we had a smaller cloud going down on gottigen
i was just being friendly...the more the merrier...
everyone should come and bring PJ with them.
i live here. i like my steak rarely done. my daughter is a senior at kansas university.
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
And his tears fall and burn the garden green
Sorry about the inquisition. LOL. I was having a loopy moment there, and was somehow under the impresssion that you were a Maritimer who happened to be living there for some reason. You know us Maritimers, eh, we always have to look out for each other. Not sure what made me think that. Well, lets hope there's another Halifax concert. If there is, I'll be there this time. Halifax in August sounds pretty good to me.
Oh man, I am such a fucking tool ! Its hard to believe I haven't smoked or ingested any "foreign substance" in 15 years ! This will explain my last post: when you said "get 'er done", you obviously meant for Olderman to haul his ass back to Halifax for another concert. For him to simply get back. But I somehow interpreted "get 'er done" to mean he should finish off whatever he was doing down there (school/work or whatever) and come back.
And when you said "Canada misses you", I thought you meant that it would be good to see him return home, i.e.: where he was from.
Yes folks, you too can have a brain like mine. Keep having those parties up on Citadel Hill and you'll find out how. The joke is on me I guess. Hey Olderman, if you read this, just fuckin' "get 'er done", and we''ll buy ya few Keith's when ya make it "home". LOL.
ah, but it was my lack of clarity due to years of citadel hill quality abuse (and then some) that caused your confusion. i apologize to all parties involved.
As for clarity, I accept full responsibility. Its very nice of you to shoulder some of the blame. Unfortunately, the blame goes here, and, well, the Hill.
So, here's to PJ and a clear head, should they ever grace that fine town again. Its one I want to remember.
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
And his tears fall and burn the garden green
...until you fall and roll down the hill.
i've done that several times.
too bad PJ wouldn't play the Hill. i've always wanted to go to a show on the Hill.
I've now been to 10 pearl jam shows 3rd row right infront of Mike. Got my friend i brought hooked on seeinf pearl jam i'll probably bring her to more shows. As for my 2 other friends who went they bought 2 balcony seats for 400 bucks total damn does that suck
Hartford, CT 09/13/98
mountain view, ca 10/31/99
Mansfield, MA 00 both shows
mansfield, MA 03 - 3 shows
Fleet Center 04 both shows
Halifax NS 05
Bring it back in 2006!
"it sais ..uh, it says 8 Pack? What the fuck is that? we must be in Canada!
Bring me the other seven!" - Ed Vedder
It's really too bad
My Whaler's jersey could have been put to good use..
I'd like to go, but I dont have any wheels
9/22/05 - Halifax
6/19/08 - Camden
6/28/08 - Mansfield
9/07/11 - Montreal
5/05/16 - Quebec City
still, the list so far is pretty small for the first leg...we'll keep hope alive for a maritime show at some point!
I hope halifax gets a show on the second leg. Maybe in august when I have time for a concert. It would be sweet if pearl jam announced a european leg also, with halifax being the last show of the second leg. Just a thought.
I might hit the Boston show as it's a few hours closer to Moncton than Toronto is.
there's always leg 2.
heres 1 of my clips from the show
Halifax 09/22/05
Dude! what period is it? I don't fucking know, get me another beer!
A few hours? fuck, Boston is a few hours closer than Montreal. It's abou thalf a day closer than Toronto.
I'd love to go to hartford though. I have yet to see them in an amphitheatre.
...maybe we can all just get together on the hill and rent a big stereo system and pump some PJ in downtown halifax?
Wow! Those are some great pictures. I'm surprised that I didn't notice these when you first posted them in September. Brings back a lot of memories. It's got me seriously considering trying to catch the Boston show on this leg.
was just listening to the boot...:)