
**Halifax Fanviews Here**



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    Lanners, I can see you put some thought into this ! Way to go. Can i offer a couple suggestions ? I would change the thread title so it explicitly mentions Halifax. Also, I might remove some of the language re: the poor neglected people of the east coast - no need to sound too desperate. lol.

    Anyways, fuckin' give 'er. I might add something about Halifax being considered one of the finer shows on '05, and that it will likely attract a large number of "away" people back to Halifax for any '06 show.
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    Lanners, I can see you put some thought into this ! Way to go. Can i offer a couple suggestions ? I would change the thread title so it explicitly mentions Halifax. Also, I might remove some of the language re: the poor neglected people of the east coast - no need to sound too desperate. lol.

    Anyways, fuckin' give 'er. I might add something about Halifax being considered one of the finer shows on '05, and that it will likely attract a large number of "away" people back to Halifax for any '06 show.

    points taken...however, i didn't want to make it solely about halifax. now that i come to think of it, i suppose i should narrow it down a bit. the poor neglected part was important at the time because it's true. great international entertainment is hard to find east of Quebec.

    a lot of this was tongue-in-cheek late night crazy talk.

    does anyone else have any input?
    i. am. mine.
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    warehousewarehouse Posts: 124
    I do remember Ed saying that if their lives and our lives don't get too busy maybe we could all get together and do this again sometime (or something like that). We just gotta hold Mr. Vedder to his word.
    Lying sideways atop crumpled sheets and no covers he decides to dream. Dream up a new self. For himself.

    Montreal 2000
    Toronto 2003
    Montreal 2003
    Halifax 2005
    Hartford 2006
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    A return to these parts should be held in the same priority as a new album. Perhaps even higher.

    by me at least..... :)
    9/20/05 - Quebec City
    9/22/05 - Halifax
    6/19/08 - Camden 
    6/28/08 - Mansfield 
    9/07/11 - Montreal
    5/05/16 - Quebec City
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    Okay, i've done a little more work on it. Changes are in bold typeface.

    Any further changes are welcome. Please feel free to add or delete what you think needs to be changed.
    lanners wrote:
    Okay, i wanted to get some input. I've drafted something to post as the ***PLEASE COME BACK TO HALIFAX*** thread. What do you think? What else should be added? Omitted?

    To the band members of Pearl Jam and the powers that be within the Pearl Jam HQ Infrastructure:

    We the people of the forgotten part of Canada (anywhere East of Québec City) are eternally grateful that you didn't pass us by during the recent Canadian Tour. In fact most of us who were privvy to the incredible performances are still in shock. It is rare that we have the opportunity to take part in large arena concerts by our favourite band(s) because no one seems to know we exist.

    Well, we do, and as you may (or may not) recall, we rocked and we did it HARD!

    It may seem ungrateful on our parts to be making this request, but if y'all could find it in your hearts to grace us with your presence again we would be eternally grateful+infinity, which you have to agree is a lot.

    Reasons why Pearl Jam should come back to Halifax or the Atlantic Provinces:

    1) Keith's-We have it on record that Ed enjoyed his first taste of Keith's (photos are available, and check his dialogue before Down on the Halifax Bootleg). There is a lot of Keith's available in these parts.

    2) Surfing-you can go surfing outside Halifax

    3) Friendliness-we are renown for being some of the friendliest people in North America

    4) Keith's-There is an entire brewery of Keith's at your disposal in Halifax

    5) Tons of other fans who weren't able to get tickets have the right to share in the incredible PJ experience, right?

    6) You didn't play Black, Light Years, Man of the Hour, Harvest Moon, etc...the first time through. We'd like to hear them, please.

    7) We're cute and we can try to work out a deal with Keith's to provide a truckload of beer before/during/after the show.

    8) You seemed to like it here. We were but stones but your light made us stars!

    9) Ed said that if your lives and our lives don't get too busy maybe we could do this again sometime. Well, this year could be sometime, right?

    There are no reasons why you shouldn't come back. Some things are better the second time around and we, the underposted, swear that we will sing louder, cheer louder, and pass the beer to the front faster.

    So please, PLEASE won't you think of the good times had by all in Halifax and come back for some more!
    i. am. mine.
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    halifax 2006 bumped this thread to second page.
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    whoops, sorry!
    i. am. mine.
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    let's keep 'em both going until we know the boys are coming back! :) two thousand and six threads i say!!!
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    yay..we're sticky again
    The in-between is mine....
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    oldermanolderman Posts: 1,765
    surferjenn wrote:
    yay..we're sticky again

    excellent!! i've got vacation saved for another trip to the maritimes!
    Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
    As she slams the door in his drunken face
    And now he stands outside
    And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
    He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
    What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
    Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
    And his tears fall and burn the garden green
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    i'm afraid to get my hopes up, but being brought back to sticky status has to be good, right????? :)
    i. am. mine.
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    Lost_ClayLost_Clay Posts: 1,085
    very good sign!!

    please come back =)

    "ah fuck it get in trouble"

    06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
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    oh yeah! sticky sticky! :D
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    does anyone know why most of the canadian fanviews have been re-stickied?
    i. am. mine.
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    warehousewarehouse Posts: 124
    Cause Canada fuckin rocks!?
    Lying sideways atop crumpled sheets and no covers he decides to dream. Dream up a new self. For himself.

    Montreal 2000
    Toronto 2003
    Montreal 2003
    Halifax 2005
    Hartford 2006
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    warehouse wrote:
    Cause Canada fuckin rocks!?

    i thought that was a given! ;)
    i. am. mine.
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    oldermanolderman Posts: 1,765
    warehouse wrote:
    Cause Canada fuckin rocks!?

    from one who was born on the rock of NFLND...

    canada rocks on january 23, that's for sure!! :D
    Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
    As she slams the door in his drunken face
    And now he stands outside
    And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
    He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
    What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
    Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
    And his tears fall and burn the garden green
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    olderman wrote:
    from one who was born on the rock of NFLND...

    canada rocks on january 23, that's for sure!! :D

    something certainly rocked yesterday and i'm not so sure it was a good thing. i don't know if i really feel like i'm rockin in the free world anymore, but i'll leave the politics to Moving Train.

    so...anyone praying wildly (or chanting or ohming) for a return to Halifax? come on people! we need to rally the troops and get this shit on the go!
    i. am. mine.
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    Lanners, you're right, we need to get this shit goin' somehow. I've been reading threads about places like Ottawa and how they don't think they'll be getting a concert (thus towns like Hfx. are supposed to be out of the question), but I'll keep hoping until I hear otherwise. I have a proposal - PJ should only play towns that really showed up in numbers, or in spirit. Especially in spirit. Halifax, then, should make the cut. I remember eddie talkin' somewhere about the crowds and how important it is to connect with the people in front of him. I dunno, I went to the Toronto show and it was lacking something, perhaps the very thing that eddie was talking about.

    "Here's to Halifax" - EV
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    If an emotional connection with the crowd doesn't work then there's always Keith's. that should be a big draw.
    i. am. mine.
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    warehousewarehouse Posts: 124
    I've only been to four concerts but that show in Halifax seemed to honestly have a sort of connection that the others lacked. I had a grin on my face for weeks after.
    Lying sideways atop crumpled sheets and no covers he decides to dream. Dream up a new self. For himself.

    Montreal 2000
    Toronto 2003
    Montreal 2003
    Halifax 2005
    Hartford 2006
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    oldermanolderman Posts: 1,765
    this is one of the first of the fanviews to get "re-stickied" and anyone who was there knows why. :)
    Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
    As she slams the door in his drunken face
    And now he stands outside
    And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
    He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
    What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
    Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
    And his tears fall and burn the garden green
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    i saw the "harvest moon" thread, and i'm willing to bet it would have sounded the best in halifax :D...next time around maybe?...:)...as an opener!
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    ooooooooooooh that would be nice!

    the anticipation of an annoucement (of any kind) is killing me!!!
    i. am. mine.
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    how many days has it been since pearl jam was here!?!?!...i'm tapping a vein over here...jonesin' for a fix...we didn't hear black, so please, please, please come back! :D
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    andydick8 wrote:
    I just noticed today (while listening to the boot with headphones). During RVM, about 8 seconds into the intro, some drunk guy yells "Socialble!!"

    Who was that?
    I wish it were me/

    I noticed another one today. It's after Alive when Eddie says "The weight that America seems to... (carry...)" And the guy in the crowd thought he said "The Way that America seems to..." Then he yells "FUCK EVERYTHING UP???"

    Funny shit! I have to listen to that whole boot with headphones, I'm sure there are a few more.
    Add your benaroya vinyl # to the list!!!
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    good ear andy dick! so far i have only heard 30 songs (!!!!!) and an appreciative, screaming our lungs out and filling the metro centre kind of crowd...i'll have to listen closer for the backgrounds...:)
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    oldermanolderman Posts: 1,765
    good ear andy dick! so far i have only heard 30 songs (!!!!!) and an appreciative, screaming our lungs out and filling the metro centre kind of crowd...i'll have to listen closer for the backgrounds...:)

    i'm gonna queue it up now.. anyone else up for a "Halifax Boot Listening Party" ?

    *pours a couple of oz of Wild Turkey over ice*

    don't care if i get a response.. i'm on the front row, again!!! :)
    Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
    As she slams the door in his drunken face
    And now he stands outside
    And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
    He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
    What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
    Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
    And his tears fall and burn the garden green
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    oldermanolderman Posts: 1,765
    "since this is halifax to the max"

    pj was groovin at this show.. no doob bout tit.
    Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
    As she slams the door in his drunken face
    And now he stands outside
    And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
    He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
    What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
    Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
    And his tears fall and burn the garden green
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    I listened to the Halifax show the other day...and I have to say...I don't think it's as good as either of the St. John's shows.
    Jamie Nashville
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