**Halifax Fanviews Here**



  • JenfarrJenfarr Posts: 680
    just posting that pearljamlive.com has the halifax show up.

    Thank you, thank you for posting this...I've been waiting to listen to this show! Can't wait!
    "McCready played on, lending credence to the theory that he was actually built in Stone’s basement from spare truck parts and vinyl records." - Glide Mag. review of MSG 7/8/03
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    andydick8 wrote:
    Light Years was definately on the set :(


    Missing out on Black was sad enough, now there was a chance they might have played Light Years????

    Excuse me while i go cry for a while. ;)

    But seriously...wow...i'm a wee bit bummed. Just a wee bit, because that night was magical as it was...to have Black and Light Years played would have made it too incredible to bear for me.

    It's the small things in life that make me happy. :)
    i. am. mine.
  • Lost_ClayLost_Clay Posts: 1,085
    maybe that's why eddie's so upset when he messes up 'breath' FFFFFFFfuck!"

    because they skipped it...

    wow i havent posted here for awhile, hope all you maritimers (and friends from "away") had a nice x-mas & a keith's fueled new year's eve
    "ah fuck it get in trouble"

    06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
  • Lost_Clay wrote:
    maybe that's why eddie's so upset when he messes up 'breath' FFFFFFFfuck!"

    because they skipped it...

    wow i havent posted here for awhile, hope all you maritimers (and friends from "away") had a nice x-mas & a keith's fueled new year's eve

    same wishes to you lost clay :)
  • the thread lives one.....PJ must come back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The in-between is mine....
  • i'm keeping a candlelight vigil until they return surferjenn...i agree - they must come back!
  • maybe they will play light years next time
  • maybe they will play light years next time

    ...or black...for your "dark side" of the harbour... :)
  • ...or black...for your "dark side" of the harbour... :)

    or would that be "small town" ?
  • oldermanolderman Posts: 1,765
    It may be premature, but I think we need to start a new thread beckoning PJ to play in Halifax again. These things are decided on months in advance, and if there is going to be an '06 North American tour, and if Halifax has any chance (however slim) of being part of it, people might wanna start making some noise soon. So who's gonna start the thread ? PJ **MUST** play Halifax again, its as simple as that. This time the Keith's will be on ice.

    if Halifax and St. John's are both scheduled on a north american tour, i will be attending. these are the two most hospitable places i have ever visited. honest to god. trooth!

    a TOAST to the MARITIMES!!
    Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
    As she slams the door in his drunken face
    And now he stands outside
    And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
    He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
    What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
    Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
    And his tears fall and burn the garden green
  • Dartmouth is only called the darkside because of the low income housing around the harbour. Also the city of dartmouth inspired the trailer park boys. pretty soon we are going to have 2 gentlemen's bars. I don't see why that makes thisside dark. One guy I met told me that they call it dark side because there are no Christmas lights here.
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    we always called it the dark side because sketchy stuff used to happen to us when we'd go there.

    now that i think about it though, i was with sketchy people who may or may not have been doing sketchy things at the time.

    my dad is determined (because my younger brother lives in Dartmouth) that it has become the crime epi-centre of the world and that my brother is going to end up getting shot some morning when he's on his way out for class.
    i. am. mine.
  • Dartmouth is only called the darkside because of the low income housing around the harbour. Also the city of dartmouth inspired the trailer park boys. pretty soon we are going to have 2 gentlemen's bars. I don't see why that makes thisside dark. One guy I met told me that they call it dark side because there are no Christmas lights here.

    hey lance, just a joke my friends and i give our dartmouth friends a hard time about. you know...dart...dark...(not very original) i have a lot of friends who live in dartmouth and they always seem to get a hard time about it from everyone. all in good fun. much love for dartmouth! matt mays is doing his best to make it famous too, so soon you guys will be more well known than halifax. the good people in the city of lakes...:)

    ...thanks for the news about the new "gentlemen's" bar...ahem...
  • olderman wrote:
    if Halifax and St. John's are both scheduled on a north american tour, i will be attending. these are the two most hospitable places i have ever visited. honest to god. trooth!

    a TOAST to the MARITIMES!!

    happy you were well received here olderman! :) believe me, we are all hoping to see a couple of maritime cities scheduled on a tour too! thanks for the toast.
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    olderman wrote:
    if Halifax and St. John's are both scheduled on a north american tour, i will be attending. these are the two most hospitable places i have ever visited. honest to god. trooth!

    a TOAST to the MARITIMES!!

    as a maritimer, i thank you for your kind words, however,
    i think all the toasting is why we are so hospitable...catch us during a hangover and it's a different story! ;)

    if an unlimited supply of Keith's is promised, i don't think Ed would turn down another gig down in these parts.
    i. am. mine.
  • warehousewarehouse Posts: 124
    Just a bump for the return of Pearl Jam to Halifax!!!
    Lying sideways atop crumpled sheets and no covers he decides to dream. Dream up a new self. For himself.

    Montreal 2000
    Toronto 2003
    Montreal 2003
    Halifax 2005
    Hartford 2006
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    is there anything else we can do to promote another visit to the maritimes? put together a top team of marketing experts who can give a multimedia presentation highlighting the pros of such a venture? should we ask Keith's to get in on it and send them some free beer as enticement...come on, this has been great advertising for Keith's!

    what can we do to make this happen?
    i. am. mine.
  • a kidnapping scheme perhaps, lanners?...just throwing it out there...:D
  • lanners wrote:
    is there anything else we can do to promote another visit to the maritimes? put together a top team of marketing experts who can give a multimedia presentation highlighting the pros of such a venture? should we ask Keith's to get in on it and send them some free beer as enticement...come on, this has been great advertising for Keith's!

    what can we do to make this happen?

    Hey Lanners, these things are decided upon months in advance, so whatever anyone does, they should do it soon. But here's a couple of lame(tongue in cheek) ideas -

    1) Get those Chron's and Colitis kids that Mike visited in halifax, and get them to write a letter to Mike saying they're going to die en masse unless Mike shows up again and performs with the band. Yes, its a shameless ploy, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures !!

    2) Petition the people at Keith's and have them start an international campaign to draw the boys back to Halifax. Should Keith's fail to do this, then start throwing around the word "boycott" as a motivating factor. If this fails as well, then let it slip you're with some right-wing wacko group who will see to it that they put Keiths out of business just like they did with companies from France. If this doesn't work, then you're fucked.

    3) Start a real petition here on The Porch or Given to Fly, replete with plenty of ass-kissing and numerous references to those sick kids in Halifax who just won't make it unless they get to see PJ once again. Get people to sign on only if they plan to make a commitment to going to any concert in Halifax. (a sort of on-line version of the Rush petition from years ago).

    4) Organize a Howard Zinn conference at the exact same time as the eastern swing of the '06 tour. PJ will be all over that, like ugly on an ape, and will have no choice but to make a trip to Halifax. Oh look !!!, PJ is in Halifax, care to play a few songs while you're here ??!! (or 30).

    5) ***REVOLUTION*** !!!!! This is it. This is the one true chance to finally turn that wannabe, half-assed, joke of a radio station (Q104) into a respectable outfit. Get them on board by shaming them into action. Threaten them with an on-line campaign to tell the world just how shitty they really are as a rock-and-roll station. Alert them to the fact that this is their one shot at being "with it". Whatever it takes ! War is ugly. PJ must return to Halifax.
  • andydick8andydick8 Posts: 205
    I just noticed today (while listening to the boot with headphones). During RVM, about 8 seconds into the intro, some drunk guy yells "Socialble!!"

    Who was that?
    I wish it were me/
    Add your benaroya vinyl # to the list!!!
  • andydick8 wrote:
    I just noticed today (while listening to the boot with headphones). During RVM, about 8 seconds into the intro, some drunk guy yells "Socialble!!"

    Who was that?
    I wish it were me/

    hilarious! i hadn't noticed that...i'll look for it now though...thanks :)
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    Truthmonger, everything you have suggested has been noted, and i agree with most of the tactics, although i don't know if i could bring myself to take advantage of sick kids (i have friends with Crohn's--it wouldn't be well accepted).

    my only problem is that i don't live in Halifax. i live in Fredericton, which seems to be too far for the home base for any sort of Bring PJ to Halifax operative. I would try to encourage the band to come here, but who am i kidding...who wants to come to the most conservative town in the province outside the bible belt.

    maybe we should start an official PJ HAS TO COME BACK thread to begin with and go from there.

    will anyone support this? i have a habit of creating threads and having them die. i am, by far, the world's greatest thread killer.
    i. am. mine.
  • Lanners, those suggestions were meant for a little levity - nothing more. Although the one about starting a new thread might have some merit. Who knows what the band palns on doing - but I know they'd get another good crowd in Hfx., thats for sure. Maybe even two, if they were so inclined. hehehe

    My uncle lives in Fred'ton, Marysville actually. When we were kids we'd go up the Nashwaak river to his cottage and mess around on his motorbikes. I always remembered the large friggin' lampreys in the river, they freaked me out !! We'd go salmon fishin' too. Big bastards in that river - or there used to be anyways.
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    Lanners, those suggestions were meant for a little levity - nothing more. Although the one about starting a new thread might have some merit. Who knows what the band palns on doing - but I know they'd get another good crowd in Hfx., thats for sure. Maybe even two, if they were so inclined. hehehe

    My uncle lives in Fred'ton, Marysville actually. When we were kids we'd go up the Nashwaak river to his cottage and mess around on his motorbikes. I always remembered the large friggin' lampreys in the river, they freaked me out !! We'd go salmon fishin' too. Big bastards in that river - or there used to be anyways.

    No, i saw the levity in them. it was late and i was tired and not thinking clearly.

    As for the Nashwaak...we swim in it at the Penniac Bridge (near Marysville) and i have yet to see an eel. I've swam with small salmon, but haven't come across any of the big'uns yet. Don't know if i'd want to come face to face with a big one! ;)
    i. am. mine.
  • Pearl Jam In Fredericton...I think I would die laughing.
    9/20/05 - Quebec City
    9/22/05 - Halifax
    6/19/08 - Camden 
    6/28/08 - Mansfield 
    9/07/11 - Montreal
    5/05/16 - Quebec City
  • Rumor has it they're going to Cambelton
    September 22, 2005 - Halifax.. ahhh
  • is that before or after they play miramichi?
    9/20/05 - Quebec City
    9/22/05 - Halifax
    6/19/08 - Camden 
    6/28/08 - Mansfield 
    9/07/11 - Montreal
    5/05/16 - Quebec City
  • Gallant88 wrote:
    Rumor has it they're going to Cambelton

    Ya, and I hear Ashton Kutcher almost quoted Pearl Jam. LOL.

    Hey Lanners, we used to go to Durham Bridge, just up the road. I'm tellin' ya, those lampreys were somethin' ! And ugly ! Don't let those MF'ers get a hold of ya - the ones I saw were about 3 feet long.
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    Gallant88 wrote:
    Rumor has it they're going to Cambelton
    is that before or after they play miramichi?


    I heard from the son of the barber who cuts my dad's brother's grandson's girlfriend's father's hair that they were going to hit Midgic and Sackville while they were at it. Rumour has it they are flying into the Midgic Airport.

    I just hope they have enough security to hold back the 23 residents of Midgic who will meet them at the airport when they arrive.

    By the sounds of it they might hit Zealand as well.

    I heard that they were going to call this leg of the tour the Where the Fuck Are We? Country Bumpkin Tour.
    Ya, and I hear Ashton Kutcher almost quoted Pearl Jam. LOL.

    Hey Lanners, we used to go to Durham Bridge, just up the road. I'm tellin' ya, those lampreys were somethin' ! And ugly ! Don't let those MF'ers get a hold of ya - the ones I saw were about 3 feet long.

    Man, i might never go swimming again!!! Can't swim at Mactaquac because of swimmer's itch, can't swim at the Delta because they think we're too ghetto, now i'm scared of Penniac. You really know how to bust a bubble don'tcha! ;)
    i. am. mine.
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    Okay, i wanted to get some input. I've drafted something to post as the ***PLEASE COME BACK TO ATLANTIC CANADA*** thread. What do you think? What else should be added? Omitted?

    To the band members of Pearl Jam and the powers that be within the Pearl Jam HQ Infrastructure:

    We the people of the forgotten part of Canada (anywhere East of Québec City) are eternally grateful that you didn't pass us by during the recent Canadian Tour. In fact most of us who were privvy to the incredible performances are still in shock. It is rare that we have the opportunity to take part in large arena concerts by our favourite band(s) because no one seems to know we exist.

    Well, we do, and as you may (or may not) recall, we rocked and we did it HARD!

    It may seem ungrateful on our parts to be making this request, but if y'all could find it in your hearts to grace us with your presence again we would be eternally grateful+infinity, which you have to agree is a lot.

    The benefits of returning to the Atlantic Provinces:

    1) Keith's-We have it on record that Ed enjoyed his first taste of Keith's (photos are available, and check his dialogue before Down on the Halifax Bootleg). There is a lot of Keith's available in these parts.

    2) Surfing-you can go surfing outside Halifax

    3) Friendliness-we are renown for being some of the friendliest people in North America

    4) Keith's-There is an entire brewery of Keith's at your disposal in Halifax

    5) Tons of other fans who weren't able to get tickets have the right to share in the incredible PJ experience, right?

    6) You didn't play Black, Light Years, Man of the Hour, Harvest Moon, etc...the first time through. We'd like to hear them, please.

    7) We're cute and we can try to work out a deal with Keith's to provide a truckload of beer before/during/after the show.

    8) You seemed to like it here. We were but stones but your light made us stars!

    There are no reasons why you shouldn't come back. Some things are better the second time around and we, the underposted, swear that we will sing louder, cheer louder, and pass the beer to the front faster.

    So please, PLEASE won't you think of the poor neglected folk east of Québec City. There's New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI and Newfoundland, all ready and waiting for you to come back.
    i. am. mine.
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