Florida Teacher suspended over anti-homosexual remarks:



  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    i think the teacher should have known better than to post things that his work, people he might know on a professional level, or students might find offensive.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    aerial wrote:
    Just to bring this back to a non-hypothetical, real-life instance.

    This is a man who said that gay marriage makes him want to "throw up" and called gay unions a "cesspool." And he chose a very public forum to do it.

    This man is not a role model, he's just a classless bully who likes to use foul language to describe people he doesn't like. F*ck him. Hope he has to take a job saying "you want fries with that?"

    How do you judge as you do the same thing when you say F*ck him? Sounds like foul language and hate to me.

    I do not hate gays yet I do not believe the same sex should marry. Does that make me a hater? NO,
    and It still creeps me out seeing the same sex kissing and making out. Does that mean I hate them? NO,
    Disagreements do not equal hate.....
    if it is not hate, what do you call it when you want to deny a group of people the same legal rights that you have?

    discrimination maybe?

    Well, I would call it the law in most states. ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Well, I would call it the law in most states. ;)
    doesn't make it right though.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    aerial wrote:
    Just to bring this back to a non-hypothetical, real-life instance.

    This is a man who said that gay marriage makes him want to "throw up" and called gay unions a "cesspool." And he chose a very public forum to do it.

    This man is not a role model, he's just a classless bully who likes to use foul language to describe people he doesn't like. F*ck him. Hope he has to take a job saying "you want fries with that?"

    How do you judge as you do the same thing when you say F*ck him? Sounds like foul language and hate to me.

    I do not hate gays yet I do not believe the same sex should marry. Does that make me a hater? NO,
    and It still creeps me out seeing the same sex kissing and making out. Does that mean I hate them? NO,
    Disagreements do not equal hate.....
    if it is not hate, what do you call it when you want to deny a group of people the same legal rights that you have?

    discrimination maybe?

    a difference of opinion...and that is all
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    i think the teacher should have known better than to post things that his work, people he might know on a professional level, or students might find offensive.

    So basically, not post anything, because you will offend someone with anything.

    I don't agree with what he said. I just wonder if perhaps we are getting to far into people's personal lives.

    I understand what know1 is saying about jobs and they have the right to fire you for any reason...but that's not really true due to protected classes, etc.

    I'd have a bigger problem if it was violent or inciting violence in anyway, but I don't think it was.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • aerial wrote:
    How do you judge as you do the same thing when you say F*ck him? Sounds like foul language and hate to me.

    Maybe. And if I was a teacher or held a job where "fuck him" wasn't a stage direction, maybe I'd get fired for saying it. But I chose a job and industry where it's OK to say that. He didn't.
    I do not hate gays yet I do not believe the same sex should marry. Does that make me a hater? NO,
    and It still creeps me out seeing the same sex kissing and making out. Does that mean I hate them? NO,
    Disagreements do not equal hate.....

    Bud obvious discrimination does.

    you say you don't "hate gays" (by the way... I'm not "a gay"... I'm a person who is gay.) But you don't want us to have the same rights and protections or responsibilities that you do. If it was just a "disagreement" then you'd just not support it but not keep it from me. That you actively would campaign to remove those rights from me to make sure I'm not legally equal to you... yeah, sorry... that's hate.
  • aerial wrote:
    a difference of opinion...and that is all

    Well no... it's not a "difference of opinion."

    Opinion is "I think your wife is ugly."

    Discrimination is "I'm going to make laws to make sure that women I think are ugly can't marry and have the same rights that I do."
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    I don't agree with what he said. I just wonder if perhaps we are getting to far into people's personal lives.

    I have been back and forth about this one.. I am leaning towards that he shouldnt have lost his job, BUT...

    Is there a difference of posting this stuff on a social media site, where it is read/heard by his peers and students, walking down the street and saying it out loud, or telling a co-worker at work that you are sickened by gay marriage? He put it out there in the open, and theoretically is there much of a difference if any of his students read that Vs. overhearing him saying these hateful remarks??
    I am beginning to feel it is the same thing.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    (by the way... I'm not "a gay"... I'm a person who is gay.)

    Actually, no you aren't according to the dictionary.


    Just look for the "noun" ;)

    And really, does it matter? Other than trying to put other people on edge for how they interact with you?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • (by the way... I'm not "a gay"... I'm a person who is gay.)

    Actually, no you aren't according to the dictionary.


    Just look for the "noun" ;)

    And really, does it matter? Other than trying to put other people on edge for how they interact with you?

    Yes. It does. I'm a person, not a thing.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    (by the way... I'm not "a gay"... I'm a person who is gay.)

    Actually, no you aren't according to the dictionary.


    Just look for the "noun" ;)

    And really, does it matter? Other than trying to put other people on edge for how they interact with you?

    Yes. It does. I'm a person, not a thing.

    A person is a thing. And gay is a noun. But I don't really care I guess so I will try to make sure I use you preference if ever speaking with you.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • pandora wrote:
    1) But I get your need to put someone down kind of like the haters I mentioned before,
    careful that makes you no better.

    2) He didn't say a damn thing about his boss though so your example doesn't work.
    Getting banned in a public forum is not like losing your livelihood either.

    *smacks palm to forehead*

    1) it was an EXAMPLE, Pandora, he wasn't making a personal comment. Holy crap.
    2) maybe he did and didn't know it. maybe his boss is gay. does that make a difference?

    actually, since he does work for the PUBLIC school system, that actually makes him MORE accountable for this type of behaviour than it would had he worked for a private company. his bosses are not only the principle, or the superintendent, but the students he teaches. that's who really loses out when being taught by an ignorant ass like this. darwin only knows the other prejudices he holds which affect his ability to teach appropriately.

    if he had a problem with African Americans, don't you think he might have an issue teaching about the causes of the American Civil War? how is this bigotry any different?

    if he was an accountant for a private firm, I don't think he should be fired. He's a public school teacher, that's a whole other thing. even if his students aren't his friends, if his profile is open, anyone can see what he said.

    part of his job as a teacher is to be a role model. how is this being a role model in the community?
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • *smacks palm to forehead*

    1) it was an EXAMPLE, Pandora, he wasn't making a personal comment. Holy crap.
    2) maybe he did and didn't know it. maybe his boss is gay. does that make a difference?

    It's very clear someone is going WAY out of their way to "not get it."
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    The post about the lack of brain cells example was a rude cut and put down....
    no surprise though....
    I'm not alone in thinking that... thank you friends :D

    It's smacks of what the teacher did way to much to really find any merit in any of it

    not alone there either but some can't see they treat others how they hate to be treated.

    I get it all too well but some fail to get my point from the start

    that I think it is wrong for any employer school or otherwise
    to fire /hire someone based on what is said on the internet.

    If it is direct slander yes... name a person name a company
    if it is general no

    it should be up to a website to police and keep the hate comments under control

    if he had said those things in class even in a nicer way... gave his oipinion and taught it to his class
    he should be fired. Otherwise no and that needs to change to protect our freedom of speech.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    *smacks palm to forehead*

    1) it was an EXAMPLE, Pandora, he wasn't making a personal comment. Holy crap.
    2) maybe he did and didn't know it. maybe his boss is gay. does that make a difference?

    It's very clear someone is going WAY out of their way to "not get it."

    Kinda like arguing against the dictionary. C'mon, anyone who can't see that both sides of this argument have merit is "not getting it". That is why it's an interesting situation.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    merit goes out the window though when you present it with hate

    just like the teacher did
  • Kinda like arguing against the dictionary. C'mon, anyone who can't see that both sides of this argument have merit is "not getting it". That is why it's an interesting situation.

    Nobody has presented "another side" to the argument that can't be shot down in four words.

    He knowingly took a job in which he's expected to be a role model on and off the job. He made some very vile, very public comments, he was suspended for it. This did jot take away his "free speech" and if you thnk it did, you don't understand the concept of "free speech." He was not suspended for "having an opinion," he was suspended for making some juvenile, vile comments in public.

    Many people have been fired for "words on a computer screen," ask the soldiers who were discharged for posting "I'm gay" anonymously to the internet. You can also ask the girl who posted "OMG I hate my boss" to Facebook and was fired on her own Facebook wall by the boss in question whom shed friended.

    There is no "other side" to this. He broke a rule, made himself and the school look bad and is being reprimanded for it. If you think there's "another side" to this, it's probably because you agree with him that my marriage is a "cesspool."
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    the other side is ....
    fight this stupid rule
    it is a loss of freedom of speech... the rule makes it so... the fear of losing ones job
    makes it so.

    People should be allowed an opinion in public that is not a direct slanderous remark
    towards an individual or company or a danger to others... like threats.

    It should be up to the individual websites to police and keep hate mongers quiet
    if that is what they want for the website.
    But a person should not fear losing his job for giving an opinion
    while not at his place of work.

    My hope he gets a lawyer to challenge this and someday what someone says on the internet
    can not be used against them because new rules will not allow it.

    It will be true freedom of speech at that point.

    And then the consequences for what someone says will be that they may look like
    a small minded, small hearted person who is unkind to others to get their point across.
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,685
    pandora wrote:
    the other side is ....
    fight this stupid rule
    it is a loss of freedom of speech... the rule makes it so... the fear of losing ones job
    makes it so.

    People should be allowed an opinion in public that is not a direct slanderous remark
    towards an individual or company or a danger to others... like threats.

    It should be up to the individual websites to police and keep hate mongers quiet
    if that is what they want for the website.
    But a person should not fear losing his job for giving an opinion
    while not at his place of work.

    My hope he gets a lawyer to challenge this and someday what someone says on the internet
    can not be used against them because new rules will not allow it.

    It will be true freedom of speech at that point.

    And then the consequences for what someone says will be that they may look like
    a small minded, small hearted person who is unkind to others to get their point across.

    would you feel the same if his 'opinion' was that it should to ok sleep with children and/or rape women? or that Hitler was right? or any other such things much worse than speaking out against gay marriage with hateful speech?

    again he has the right to say what he says as no one is putting him in jail for it but doesn't mean he should be allowed to keep his job.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    pjhawks wrote:
    pandora wrote:
    the other side is ....
    fight this stupid rule
    it is a loss of freedom of speech... the rule makes it so... the fear of losing ones job
    makes it so.

    People should be allowed an opinion in public that is not a direct slanderous remark
    towards an individual or company or a danger to others... like threats.

    It should be up to the individual websites to police and keep hate mongers quiet
    if that is what they want for the website.
    But a person should not fear losing his job for giving an opinion
    while not at his place of work.

    My hope he gets a lawyer to challenge this and someday what someone says on the internet
    can not be used against them because new rules will not allow it.

    It will be true freedom of speech at that point.

    And then the consequences for what someone says will be that they may look like
    a small minded, small hearted person who is unkind to others to get their point across.

    would you feel the same if his 'opinion' was that it should to ok sleep with children and/or rape women? or that Hitler was right? or any other such things much worse than speaking out against gay marriage with hateful speech?

    again he has the right to say what he says as no one is putting him in jail for it but doesn't mean he should be allowed to keep his job.
    He was not threatening harm condoning rape or child molestation which are both crimes against
    another human being.

    He has a right to his opinion whether any of us agree... just like Nazis do but not at their place of work.

    Really opinions don't belong in the classroom or in the office or workplace.

    Just do your job and save opinions for your free time.... just like he did.

    Hateful speech as I said before comes in many forms and degrees all of which hurt
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    If I had a child who was gay (or straight, actually), I wouldn't be comfortable with a person of this 'opinion' teaching my child. If this is his personal opinion (which he quite harshly stated, btw), nobody could tell me that his bias/bigotry doesn't bleed through in his classroom. In his position, he really should have known better than to put something like that in writing. (the other post was very interesting about facebook/twitter re: background checks).
  • pandora wrote:
    the other side is ....
    fight this stupid rule
    it is a loss of freedom of speech... the rule makes it so... the fear of losing ones job
    makes it so.

    He was not arrested. He did not lose his freedom of speech. If you don't want to lose your job for comparing gay marriage to a sewer full of shit, don't take a job at a public school. Fox news is taking resumes right now.
    People should be allowed an opinion in public that is not a direct slanderous remark
    towards an individual or company or a danger to others... like threats.

    If you don't think what he says encourages hate and violence against gay couples and gay people including the gay students he taught, there is little hope. Why are individuals and companies protected in your opinion and not entire communities?

    It should be up to the individual websites to police and keep hate mongers quiet
    if that is what they want for the website.

    It is. But what he said isn't against the Facebook terms of service. It IS, however, against the rules of his job. And he knew that.
    But a person should not fear losing his job for giving an opinion
    while not at his place of work.

    OK, so then... the president should be able to go to a church with a preacher who says "God damn america" and I should be allowed to teach kindergarten while being a member of the Aryan Uprising? Neat.

    He did not "give an opinion." He gave a very vile attack on the entire gay community. I think there's a pretty obvious distinction. If he just said "I do not agree with gay marriage," this would not have happened. As soon as he started to say "I almost threw up" and "cesspool" and "god's law," that line was crossed.
    My hope he gets a lawyer to challenge this and someday what someone says on the internet
    can not be used against them because new rules will not allow it.

    That is one of the most daft things I've ever heard in my life. So... the guy from Norway who shot up the summer camp... all those posts he made about how he was going to shoot up a summer camp... we can't use those because it was on the internet? Clever.
    It will be true freedom of speech at that point.

    And then the consequences for what someone says will be that they may look like
    a small minded, small hearted person who is unkind to others to get their point across.

    Yeah. THAT'll show 'em. :roll:
  • Pandora...

    Let's just say... for instance... AND THIS IS AN EXAMPLE, I guess I need to point out..

    Let's just say IF he'd said "Why is it that we allow females to work? They should be home making babies like God intended. What a waste of time it is to let them do anything that takes them away from that? If you want some Vagina-Monster running for office or managing a bank or some filthy-tampon whore teaching your kids... well, God will get even with YOU."

    Do you think if a teacher said something THAT vile and hateful that the school board would just say "Oh well, that's his opinion" and let him teach?

    I realize that this is a hypothetical, but to be honest... it's not much different from what he said.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    There has been no signs nor proof his teaching skills suffered from his opinion.
    That he ever treated any child with injustice.
    He was honored and loved in 22 years of teaching.

    It should be up to the students, the parents, the faculty it give the honored teacher a second chance...
    show the golden rule and maybe he will learn the same

    see how he does...

    hate perpetuates more hate
    showing kindness and forgiveness makes the chain
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855

    Let's just say... for instance... AND THIS IS AN EXAMPLE, I guess I need to point out..

    Let's just say IF he'd said "Why is it that we allow females to work? They should be home making babies like God intended. What a waste of time it is to let them do anything that takes them away from that? If you want some Vagina-Monster running for office or managing a bank or some filthy-tampon whore teaching your kids... well, God will get even with YOU."

    Do you think if a teacher said something THAT vile and hateful that the school board would just say "Oh well, that's his opinion" and let him teach?

    I realize that this is a hypothetical, but to be honest... it's not much different from what he said.
    Please stop with being condescending ok?
    You and I both know the brain cell thing was directed at me....
    talk about honesty? Can you be now?

    If he didn't say it in the classroom I'm ok with it. We must know there are all kinds...
    even rude small minded kinds
    if he had a great career and no signs of any trouble at all within the classroom
    IF the students all liked him, the faculty, the school, IF his record was good,
    then he should stay

    and voice his opinion but not in the classroom...
    would it change my opinion of him yes but that doesn't mean cause I didn't like it or agree
    he should lose his job.... then I would be no better than him

    As far as the school board I have stated I do not think it is fair to lose your job over personal opinion that does not include workplace time.

    You assume bad things about me also ...
    that if it were a personal target to me or my kind ...I would not have it.
    You sure don't know me too well.
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    Aside from anything else, it was a violation of the school's social media policy.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    pandora wrote:
    the other side is ....
    fight this stupid rule
    it is a loss of freedom of speech... the rule makes it so... the fear of losing ones job
    makes it so.

    He was not arrested. He did not lose his freedom of speech. If you don't want to lose your job for comparing gay marriage to a sewer full of shit, don't take a job at a public school. Fox news is taking resumes right now.
    People should be allowed an opinion in public that is not a direct slanderous remark
    towards an individual or company or a danger to others... like threats.

    If you don't think what he says encourages hate and violence against gay couples and gay people including the gay students he taught, there is little hope. Why are individuals and companies protected in your opinion and not entire communities?

    It should be up to the individual websites to police and keep hate mongers quiet
    if that is what they want for the website.

    It is. But what he said isn't against the Facebook terms of service. It IS, however, against the rules of his job. And he knew that.
    But a person should not fear losing his job for giving an opinion
    while not at his place of work.

    OK, so then... the president should be able to go to a church with a preacher who says "God damn america" and I should be allowed to teach kindergarten while being a member of the Aryan Uprising? Neat.

    He did not "give an opinion." He gave a very vile attack on the entire gay community. I think there's a pretty obvious distinction. If he just said "I do not agree with gay marriage," this would not have happened. As soon as he started to say "I almost threw up" and "cesspool" and "god's law," that line was crossed.
    My hope he gets a lawyer to challenge this and someday what someone says on the internet
    can not be used against them because new rules will not allow it.

    That is one of the most daft things I've ever heard in my life. So... the guy from Norway who shot up the summer camp... all those posts he made about how he was going to shoot up a summer camp... we can't use those because it was on the internet? Clever.
    It will be true freedom of speech at that point.

    And then the consequences for what someone says will be that they may look like
    a small minded, small hearted person who is unkind to others to get their point across.

    Yeah. THAT'll show 'em. :roll:

    As I mentioned doesn't matter his words or how civil or not they were they still hurt...
    hate is hate

    Threats I mentioned along with slander already.... read my posts please

    the rules need to be changed which is my point through this thread ...

    one should not lose their right too free speech because they will lose their job unless

    it is slanderous or a threat to another

    Your examples really leave something to be desired....

    Yes the President can do that but he has too much money riding on it to ever do that ;)
    I'm thinking a lot of people might be saying to themselves the same thing, which is sad.

    As far as a kindergarten teacher I would hope proper background checks before they were hired would show they were a safe choice but I would also hope that there would be no rules governing their opinion
    when not in the classroom unless they threaten force against another human being.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    EmBleve wrote:
    Aside from anything else, it was a violation of the school's social media policy.
    hopefully not something that a great honored teacher of 22 years...
    loved and admired
    would lose his job over though

    I vote for less rules governing our private time and our privacy
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    pandora wrote:
    EmBleve wrote:
    Aside from anything else, it was a violation of the school's social media policy.
    hopefully not something that a great honored teacher of 22 years...
    loved and admired
    would lose his job over though

    I vote for less rules governing our private time and our privacy
    It wasn't private; his inflammatory comments reached hundreds of people on a SOCIAL website. And one would think that if he is such a fantastic teacher and so upstanding and well-regarded, he would be aware of his ethical obligations and his school policy. If you were gay, or had same-sex parents (whose union makes him 'want to throw up), or anything similarly related, would you want to be in his classroom??
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    pandora wrote:
    There has been no signs nor proof his teaching skills suffered from his opinion.
    That he ever treated any child with injustice.
    He was honored and loved in 22 years of teaching.

    But we talk of: where is the cut-off.. how much free speech should he have?
    There are definitely signs and proof that his teaching abilities are affected by what he said. It is news across the country now. He said those terrible things to the whole world. Now, I am sure his co-worker and students have heard the exact quote of what he said. that's the point of social media like facebook -- it is forever in evidence. He has ruined his ability to teach in my opinion.

    He never in the past (that we know of) treated a child with injustice. But the minute he made those remarks on facebook and (if) one of his students heard it (i'm assuming they have now), he treated them with injustice.

    He WAS honored and loved for 22 years. Thats over now because of his stupidity and poor judgement.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
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