Well, if I didn't look a card carrying molester before, I certainly do now
There are some serious "whiskers in the sink" at the Heisenberg ranch tonight.
Well, if I didn't look a card carrying molester before, I certainly do now
There are some serious "whiskers in the sink" at the Heisenberg ranch tonight.
i saw a friend i havent seen in a while tonight.. he just laughed in my face for a minute before he even said hello
Can't wait to see everyone's mustache!! I'd swear some of the guys are even looking with jealous eyes, especially the college interns at my work Had a long conversation with one of the "old-timers" yesterday. Complimented me and then went on to telling me how he used to have a handlebar mustache, etc., etc. (my ADD turned out about 45 seconds later). It seems to me that wearing a mustache is like catching that big wave. Most don't have the balls, but once your riding it you're on top of the world
I just shaved the goat into a killer stache so I'm in. Sorry for joining so late. If I could post a pic I would. Now I'm ready will be at countryview campgrounds tom. If anyone in the movement is staying there we have site#29. Can't wait this is going to be well words can't explain it. See you there. Have fun and be safe!
I'll be looking something like this (hopefully with a less wrinkled shirt though
Well done!
I can't wait to see you guys too!
Now for the most important question...have you packed your sharpie??
Goodbye beard, Helllooo mustache!!
(insert Photoshop'ed picture of mustache jumping from water)
http://mikemccreadypj.tumblr.com/post/9 ... akota-pj20
i have 2,just in case
There are some serious "whiskers in the sink" at the Heisenberg ranch tonight.
i saw a friend i havent seen in a while tonight.. he just laughed in my face for a minute before he even said hello
I am impressed! Well done sir!
My beard goes in just a few short hours. I can't wait, this thing is itchin like crazy!
My beard will be gone tomorrow after work.
The OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day for 8/31 is:
Walter Cronkite
You can learn more about this well covered and anchor of a mustache at:
This is almost what I got going on right now on handlebarred out
See you all in Milwaukee!!!
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
Hells Yes!
That's exactly how I feel right now!