Typical Christian response... halfway between "I know you are but what am I" and answering with a question.
If you can't actually discuss a topic... try to find cute one-line responses that mean nothing.
Again, you run to conclusions without the knowledge to do so correctly. You already have me as a Sunday morning, money wasting Christian (as per your previous post)
Based simply, on your ego and a closed mind. Overly sensitive, perhaps your were really badly hurt on finding out that the easter bunny is not real :(
Albert Einstein also said 'the only knowledge is experience'
Yes my friend! So..experience it, as the formula has been presented. Now you must answer it to know for yourself.[/quote]
I'm sorry ... the formula, say what?[/quote]
Mea Culpa!...
Do You see the algorithm of life? Sequence of operations of the world we live in? Our goal is to get in touch with that, but to do it, we must lose the negative thoughts or feelings ( Keep in mind disambiguation) and the polysemy nature of certain words and phrases we will discuss.
As humans, what is our nature? What separates us from other creatures in this world? And what similarities do we have? Well for one, we were born, and we will die. It's the transitory nature of life. We have things one day, lose them the next. Here today, gone tomorrow.
Now regarding negative thoughts and feelings, how do these arise? from what? and what is the cause of them?
Now remember we are energy (basic physics), negative and positive. energy can not be destroyed, contained in our mass (for examples our bodies).
Now let's look at a common truth, why is it bad to kill someone? Pick up a knife and stab someone to death, this is positive or negative?
What we put out, stays out, the words we speak, the noises we make, they are all recorded in the corner of the universe. We know this to be true. So even a good intention or a bad intention is recored. As it relates to energy.
Now we have our egos and how it can/does help create areas of positive/negative energies. For example, when last were you angry? and Why were you angry? what made you angry? and what got you out of that state of anger?
When I see all those douchebag football players thanking God for the touchdown, it makes me want to puke. As if there were a God and he chose to not help starving children being raped and shot in the head in Somalia because he was too busy helping you win the big game.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Again, you run to conclusions without the knowledge to do so correctly. You already have me as a Sunday morning, money wasting Christian (as per your previous post)
Based simply, on your ego and a closed mind. Overly sensitive, perhaps your were really badly hurt on finding out that the easter bunny is not real :(
Ah yes... then the personal slags and attempts at humiliating someone. Very Typical Christian bullshit.
Lots of "you have a big ego" or "you're very full of yourself" or "Maybe your mommy hurt you?" (for the record, I was the one who said that I believed in the Easter Bunny when I was a young child... bringing it up doesn't humiliate me.)
Trying to insult the person calling them out... anything to avoid actually addressing their point.
And the point here is that god is something made up to control you. Something that isn't real. Jesus doesn't actually care if you made a touchdown or not and anyone who claims they went to heaven just had a hallucination brought on by oxygen deprivation.
Side note: all the worlds major religions share the same core values.
how can you believe in heaven and not hell?
if, when you die, you dont go to heaven , where do you think you go?
Yes. and Truth is where we want to be as a person, truth in this life, truth in everything we do, and lies and falsehood is an ignorant thing.
We strive for truth is our actions right, we care about the truth, we don't want people to lie to us, we don't want to tell lies.
Truth is good, lies are bad. Fair to say right? Now some people do not have the capacity to accept truth or even in a mindset to want to know whatever is, we see it every single day, the truth about the wars we are in, or for example a woman being cheated on (I have heard this) may not want the truth of her husbands infidelity, or vice versa.
Now as we mentioned, many people care about the truth,
knowing the/a truth puts us in a state of knowledge, like a light moving into darkness, one can see what is. So when in religious terms, hell is a state of ignorance, heaven is a state of truth. So to be away from the truth is the state of hell. Sometimes We get caught up in stories about pitchforks and whatever else.
and like all of it, some people will accept it, some turn away from it. The truth in life, again what we see every single day, in our own actions, you want to know the reality, the next time any of you/us lie, we must ask ourselves, 'why did we lie', what caused us to lie. Or to hurt someone. Really ask ourselves this, the next time we hurt someone or someone hurts us, why are we hurt? Why did we hurt them?
When the mind's eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions, its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence. (Plato)
We must lose the ego, it is the veil that covers the love. But we can not make anyone see that, for one must break his own walls to reveal the truth. Then shower in it's beauty.
Again, you run to conclusions without the knowledge to do so correctly. You already have me as a Sunday morning, money wasting Christian (as per your previous post)
Based simply, on your ego and a closed mind. Overly sensitive, perhaps your were really badly hurt on finding out that the easter bunny is not real :(
Ah yes... then the personal slags and attempts at humiliating someone. Very Typical Christian bullshit.
Lots of "you have a big ego" or "you're very full of yourself" or "Maybe your mommy hurt you?" (for the record, I was the one who said that I believed in the Easter Bunny when I was a young child... bringing it up doesn't humiliate me.)
Trying to insult the person calling them out... anything to avoid actually addressing their point.
And the point here is that god is something made up to control you. Something that isn't real. Jesus doesn't actually care if you made a touchdown or not and anyone who claims they went to heaven just had a hallucination brought on by oxygen deprivation.
I was not calling you out, just simply pointing out how quickly you jumped to conclusions, the bunny thing was a joke btw and never for a second thought that it would hurt you! Just thinking that it would be funny to throw it in.
Sorry if I have not been as eloquent in my posts to you as one should be, We will start fresh another day if you like.
(oh btw, unless you think (again) concluding that I'm a money throwing sunday going Christian is not jumping to a conclusion as to who I am, regardless of me never saying any of those things)
(I posted/typed this in another thread, but fits well here, It starts off regarding the existence of Jesus being true of not, but within the post are more questions and themes, regarding human nature and what is)
Are you absolutely certain that the Biblical Jesus did not exist? Keeping in mind, human intellectual limitations. Perhaps then leaving the door open for Human enhancement.
Now often when the argument of 'Did the Biblical Jesus exist' is brought up, the most powerful argument against a Biblical Jesus is often, the Osiris-Dionysus reference etc. Too many modern day Christians attempt to hide the many similarities between modern day Christianity and the Ancient faiths/cults or Myths of the old. From The Minoan civilization for example.
Now The Greco-Roman world had religious/cult practices, which started before them. Now It's very important to take note of something that is often overlooked.
Do similarities of the Biblical figure Jesus and the Jesus figure of the Ancient truly negate the possibility that a Biblical Jesus may of existed in the time we currently understand the biblical Jesus to of lived?
Also we should add something about human nature and human actions, specifically when faced with the unknown. When we do not understand something, or know something, too often in our history we add things to fill in the blanks.This is the danger. In the case of Christianity, we can see a solid example of this.
At the same time, the authors of certain books regarding the mysteries of Jesus fail to understand and take into account the same thing, and when we see their work, they are doing a similar thing some Christians have done, filled in the blanks with what they simply believe is true based on whatever information they can find supporting their cause, but simply lacking sound logic and reasoning when doing so.
And specifically lacking the knowledge and understanding of Human Nature and the Human Mind.
Now an example some authors of said books have used in trying to disprove the existence of the Biblical Jesus with citing similarities (as we have noted) of the Ancient Jesus and the Saturnalia and Son of Isis time frame.
What we do know is that this date was brought and stamped as the DOB of the Biblical Jesus years after it is believed the Biblical Jesus died or left the earth (depending), Biblical Scripture in fact cites his Birth at a time that from it's explanation was not a December date, but why is this ignored, by both sides! Perhaps the same reason it is believed that Jesus ate Pork yet it is clearly written in Biblical scripture to not do that. Yet Again we bring in human ignorance when they try to cancel one thing out and fill in the blanks. "It's not what goes in the mouth but what comes out". Which is used when countering that. Not truly understanding what it means.
It was the Church that used that December date which was honoring the Kronos, Why did they do this? Simply to fill in the blanks as we noted earlier, something as we know is dangerous. But why did they choose the same/Similar time frame of the Pagan Feast? I do not know why for sure, but one can with confidence say that based on the nature of people and how one can garner support for a cause, in this case Christianity. So do things that are familiar with the people, so you can gain the support of the people. Pagans were abundant at the time. So, ummm,you know the saying, when in Rome.....yet with an Agenda.
We also know that this worked, around this time Christianity really started to grow. That is something very interesting that we must take into account.
So to cite similarities and in many cases straight up copying of the The Greco-Roman world and it's religions,cults or myths. Is hardly a bases that one should use to come to the conclusion that (in this case) a man who we know as Jesus may of lived at the Biblical time that we are debating,
Before one Say's that they are 100% certain that the Biblical Jesus did not exist, Absolute Certainty? Think about it.
99% sure, that sounds better, but can anyone be 100% sure that Biblical Jesus did exist at the time? Or is 99% all we need these day's? 99% with 1% Belief? How certain must one be? Metaphysically Certain? absolutelly certain?
It can go both ways. Until we once again look at who we are as people, as humans, what we have done in our known history. Or even going back to our evolution from monkeys? To What we are now.
Also (to jump back a bit) a few more examples that are used for the argument against the Biblical Jesus based on Similarities of the Pagan Figure are the resurrection of Jesus, and equality with God.
Biblical Jesus and the equality with the Highest God, Or Gods is very interesting. Because sourced from enough writings at the time, whether one believes it was from a man named Jesus at the Biblical time or not is not of importance yet. Because the writings in fact make a clear differentiation that he (being real or) is not Equal to 'the father'. But simply a path to him.
But how can Christians make such a mistake? But what's even better is that this same mistake is used partly as proof of a Biblical Jesus not existing.
Look at Buddhism, modern day Buddhist also do something similar, they refer to Siddhartha Gautama as Lord, why do they do this? When from his teachings he clearly never implied this, hardly even spoke about a God/Gods. Let alone worshiping him. Yet the idols still go up, of stone wood, and Gold. Hardly the simple way's Buddha spoke of.
Again, it's this human nature, this thing we do. When we are able to strip away these things, we can see a much clearer picture.
Another thing, we have writings that came from the time of Jesus, are they his words? Again we can debate if he ever existed, but somethings in a few writings that are attributed with him at the time he was to of lived need to be examined, mainly the one referring to "kingdom of heaven"...is where? In you.
Contemplate that, it may take time, may take stages, but work on that, keeping in mind everything we have discussed and no doubt will continue to discuss and debate.
Now when people ask me things (and I get this quite a lot) like 'did the WTC have bombs in them?' My first response is often to ask why they think that in the first place, they see a building fall, but it fell after being hit by a plane.Why believe it was anything other than planes that brought them down? I don't know if bombs were in the towers, what I do know is that countries have used false flag operations and in this case wanting the towers to come down to push an agenda is very possible. But again, like this more rare topic of 'did Jesus exist at all' is like the bombs in the towers.
What we need to do is back up a bit, and ask, why would someone plant bombs in the towers? why would anybody want this to happen? Why would people make a story up about a man, saying he is so and so? We can see many reasons to do it, but does that mean they are true?
what do we know of the basic teachings of Jesus? He speaks about love, patience etc. A common theme with past figures. But where does this theme come from? How did it start? Why was it picked up and followed with such, passion? What is it that is in us?
Let's look at Basarwa and the Tsodilo Hills, we again can trace a pattern. This is very important. Also we must look at evolutionary thinking, and what caused the split.
Now in 2,000 years, the world as we know it may not exist, future man may not know we ever went into space, does this mean that we did not go into space? Touch the moon? (maybe it really was made in a Hollywood Basement)
Let's look at Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, does anyone remember when the Black monolith first appears and the apes go nuts? they can't understand what it is, where it came from. Soon after one of the apes sits and it seems to be wondering, at this point he eventually discovers the use of weapons, in this case a bone which he uses to over power and control another group. This all started with the Black Monolith, something they saw and could not comprehend. What was our Black Monolith?
At what point did we decide that we would not move out of Africa like the Neanderthals did, but stay and evolve. One group stays behind and turns into what eventually is modern man and the other becomes extinct.
Yes this all relates to 'Did Jesus exist', because once one understands these other things, no doubt they will see the clear picture of the answer they are looking for.
The reality is, the argument of whether or not Jesus existed, whether or not he was touched by the divine if he was alive or not, or whether or not some super powerful being many call God exists at all...Does not have to be our debate. When we are dealing with something so old, one obviously can not provide cell phone videos of his birth, nor can we provide a picture of Moses and the burning Bush. Or can we? Well....
The thing is, to follow the common theme that exists, that we know exists through most of these stories, we can call it the Higgs Boson if we like, which we should know more about in a couple of years.
A common theme that ties everything together, anyone into Quantum mechanics? Physics? The act of observation and the changes that can occur by simply doing so.
That everything we say, and do is recorded far off in space time, the understanding of time and it's coming about is all relevant to this debate.
Now if we truly want to get these answers to these big questions, perhaps We can do so by getting to know ourselves, our nature. Perhaps then we will understand what 'The kingdom of God is in You' really means.
The question now becomes, who has enough courage to drop the ego and walk down this path? To become awake in a world that is asleep. To see the code of the Matrix if you will.
Wake up in the morning and not to allow the world around us to influence us negatively, to find the harmony in the universe that does exists, as after the Big Bang, the battle of matter and atoms, the cosmic dance that took place. Are we not start dust after all?
the most rational way to be is agnostic bordering on atheist, as their is no evidence for creation, interference of a cosmic being or an afterlife, but we simply cannot be 100% sure at this moment in time, we may never be able to be sure, if i was a betting man however i would put money on there being no god, and i certainly won't worship any god or religion
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
I consider myself a spiritual person, that has been my evolution.
I was raised without religion,
did some learning and pursuing of it in young adult hood.
Became an athesist.
Nearly took my own life at the age of 37 ...I was so very tired of life and most everyone in it
but mostly I was tired of me.
A revelation brought to me life as seen through my children's eyes.
In that moment I decided I had to stay for my them and asked for a miracle...
to be shown by God that he was there for me...for all of us.
I had a profound experience 3 years later in 1996, it was life changing.
A miracle that proved to me without a doubt there is an afterlife and a God.
The peace that has grown from my miracle has changed what my life is
and was and would have been.
It changed the children I raised and the life partner I am for JB.
If you want to believe don't be to proud to ask...just ask for a miracle.
If you are in need of God just ask for him... he is there.
I consider myself a spiritual person, that has been my evolution.
I was raised without religion,
did some learning and pursuing of it in young adult hood.
Became an athesist.
Nearly took my own life at the age of 37 ...I was so very tired of life and most everyone in it
but mostly I was tired of me.
A revelation brought to me life as seen through my children's eyes.
In that moment I decided I had to stay for my them and asked for a miracle...
to be shown by God that he was there for me...for all of us.
I had a profound experience 3 years later in 1996, it was life changing.
A miracle that proved to me without a doubt there is an afterlife and a God.
The peace that has grown from my miracle has changed what my life is
and was and would have been.
It changed the children I raised and the life partner I am for JB.
If you want to believe don't be to proud to ask...just ask for a miracle.
If you are in need of God just ask for him... he is there.
I am glad that you were able to turn your life around and that you are now happy. However, don't you think that there have been millions of people who have asked for a miracle and have not had the same outcome as you? I find the whole idea of "I asked God for something, and he gave it to me" an illusion. It doesn't happen. Why would "God" help one person-one person out of 6.5 billion--and not help the world as a whole. Seems egotistical and narrow-minded.
When I see all those douchebag football players thanking God for the touchdown, it makes me want to puke. As if there were a God and he chose to not help starving children being raped and shot in the head in Somalia because he was too busy helping you win the big game.
i like this quote as well. jesus is always praised when good things happen, like scoring a touchdown, winning a fight, even winning an oscar or a grammy. what i really want to see is some athlete on the losing end say something like, "i would have caught that pass if jesus didn't get the sun in my eyes", or i would have scored that touchdown but jesus tripped me on the 3 yard line"....
success=jesus intervention, failure= silence... it just doesn't make sense to me, because if jesus helped you win, then he helped the other team lose, am i right?
i am not demeaning anyone's beliefs, more like just pointing out the absurdity that god helps you win but does not contribute to your losing...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i like this, because more than likely they would have gotten bibles in addition to food, water, medical supplies and blankets. that money spent on bibles would be better spent on actual aid like the things i listed above. i like how this twitter person explicitly stated what they needed and specifically what they did not need.
sending bibles to victims of this disaster is very similar to something i saw on a episode of family guy. peter griffin goes up to this homeless guy who is holding out a cup begging for money. peter acts like he puts something in there and the homeless guy says something like "whoa, you didn't out anything in the cup". and peter says "hope. i put hope in there"...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I am glad that you were able to turn your life around and that you are now happy. However, don't you think that there have been millions of people who have asked for a miracle and have not had the same outcome as you? I find the whole idea of "I asked God for something, and he gave it to me" an illusion. It doesn't happen. Why would "God" help one person-one person out of 6.5 billion--and not help the world as a whole. Seems egotistical and narrow-minded.
WE area all glad that pandora was able to turn her life around, we need her around here
I'm completely with you whygohome, a man made god who supposedly is full of love and forgiveness but still only hear the prayer of one forgetting the prayers of million in worst conditions is kind of a douche bad god...
Pandora's is committing a logical fallacy called anecdotal evidence:
Evidence, which may itself be true and verifiable, used to deduce a conclusion which does not follow from it, usually by generalizing from an insufficient amount of evidence.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
When I see all those douchebag football players thanking God for the touchdown, it makes me want to puke. As if there were a God and he chose to not help starving children being raped and shot in the head in Somalia because he was too busy helping you win the big game.
i like this quote as well. jesus is always praised when good things happen, like scoring a touchdown, winning a fight, even winning an oscar or a grammy. what i really want to see is some athlete on the losing end say something like, "i would have caught that pass if jesus didn't get the sun in my eyes", or i would have scored that touchdown but jesus tripped me on the 3 yard line"....
success=jesus intervention, failure= silence... it just doesn't make sense to me, because if jesus helped you win, then he helped the other team lose, am i right?
i am not demeaning anyone's beliefs, more like just pointing out the absurdity that god helps you win but does not contribute to your losing...
All I know is Jesus really fucking hates the Cubs.
I consider myself a spiritual person, that has been my evolution.
I was raised without religion,
did some learning and pursuing of it in young adult hood.
Became an athesist.
Nearly took my own life at the age of 37 ...I was so very tired of life and most everyone in it
but mostly I was tired of me.
A revelation brought to me life as seen through my children's eyes.
In that moment I decided I had to stay for my them and asked for a miracle...
to be shown by God that he was there for me...for all of us.
I had a profound experience 3 years later in 1996, it was life changing.
A miracle that proved to me without a doubt there is an afterlife and a God.
The peace that has grown from my miracle has changed what my life is
and was and would have been.
It changed the children I raised and the life partner I am for JB.
If you want to believe don't be to proud to ask...just ask for a miracle.
If you are in need of God just ask for him... he is there.
I am glad that you were able to turn your life around and that you are now happy. However, don't you think that there have been millions of people who have asked for a miracle and have not had the same outcome as you? I find the whole idea of "I asked God for something, and he gave it to me" an illusion. It doesn't happen. Why would "God" help one person-one person out of 6.5 billion--and not help the world as a whole. Seems egotistical and narrow-minded.
Its hard to explain miracles that is why they are called miracles and who is to say they have not had miracles..I guess you cause you don't believe...
If you open your heart to the fact I truly had one you would not be quick to be so cruel.
You seem incredibly pessimistic and judgmental and could use a miracle in your life. Then we could see how hurt you would feel being called egotistical and narrow-minded when filled with joy and hope for others.
my personal belief is that "miracles" happen to those that need it, look for it, and find it themselves. the only miracle I know is nature. and my girls. but everyone's children are their miracles, so then it's just normal life in the grand sense.
I think one person's miracle is another person's happenstance.
it bothers me, Pandora, that you (and many other theists) seem to think that people who don't believe in miracles need to open their heart to something. My heart is open as big as it can get, probably bigger than many who believe in miracles.
Just because I don't believe what you do, doesn't make me any less of a person. that's what he means by narrow minded and egotistical. believing one is chosen for some greater understanding where others are left behind is not a nice thing to think of oneself, in my opinion.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I am glad that you were able to turn your life around and that you are now happy. However, don't you think that there have been millions of people who have asked for a miracle and have not had the same outcome as you? I find the whole idea of "I asked God for something, and he gave it to me" an illusion. It doesn't happen. Why would "God" help one person-one person out of 6.5 billion--and not help the world as a whole. Seems egotistical and narrow-minded.
WE area all glad that pandora was able to turn her life around, we need her around here
I'm completely with you whygohome, a man made god who supposedly is full of love and forgiveness but still only hear the prayer of one forgetting the prayers of million in worst conditions is kind of a douche bad god...
Pandora's is committing a logical fallacy called anecdotal evidence:
Evidence, which may itself be true and verifiable, used to deduce a conclusion which does not follow from it, usually by generalizing from an insufficient amount of evidence.
Thank you I guess
No it was a miracle...can not be explained any other way.
I didn't conclude anything that anyone else would not have concluded.
It actually was the logical conclusion.
People think that God is responsible for everything that happens, thats not my belief, we are.
I asked for proof...not to change my life.... I asked him nothing for myself.
Just shown me you are there.
A couple times I have prayed for myself but when I did my answer was that it is up to me to make my prayers come true.
It is up to us to help the millions living in terrible conditions, not God.
That is the gift God gave us.... the opportunity to help others. It is why we are here.
To learn compassion and unconditional love.
And believing in God is irrelevant for that we just must believe in each other.
Again, you run to conclusions without the knowledge to do so correctly. You already have me as a Sunday morning, money wasting Christian (as per your previous post)
Based simply, on your ego and a closed mind. Overly sensitive, perhaps your were really badly hurt on finding out that the easter bunny is not real :(
Yes my friend! So..experience it, as the formula has been presented. Now you must answer it to know for yourself.[/quote]
I'm sorry ... the formula, say what?[/quote]
Mea Culpa!...
Do You see the algorithm of life? Sequence of operations of the world we live in? Our goal is to get in touch with that, but to do it, we must lose the negative thoughts or feelings ( Keep in mind disambiguation) and the polysemy nature of certain words and phrases we will discuss.
As humans, what is our nature? What separates us from other creatures in this world? And what similarities do we have? Well for one, we were born, and we will die. It's the transitory nature of life. We have things one day, lose them the next. Here today, gone tomorrow.
Now regarding negative thoughts and feelings, how do these arise? from what? and what is the cause of them?
Now remember we are energy (basic physics), negative and positive. energy can not be destroyed, contained in our mass (for examples our bodies).
Now let's look at a common truth, why is it bad to kill someone? Pick up a knife and stab someone to death, this is positive or negative?
What we put out, stays out, the words we speak, the noises we make, they are all recorded in the corner of the universe. We know this to be true. So even a good intention or a bad intention is recored. As it relates to energy.
Now we have our egos and how it can/does help create areas of positive/negative energies. For example, when last were you angry? and Why were you angry? what made you angry? and what got you out of that state of anger?
Well said my fellow man of common sense
It all comes down to changing your head~~John Lennon
MSG 6-24-08/MSG 5-21-10/Philly MIA 9-2-12/Chicago Wrigley Field 7-19-13/Brooklyn NY 1&2 10-2013/Philly 1&2 10-2013
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Ah yes... then the personal slags and attempts at humiliating someone. Very Typical Christian bullshit.
Lots of "you have a big ego" or "you're very full of yourself" or "Maybe your mommy hurt you?" (for the record, I was the one who said that I believed in the Easter Bunny when I was a young child... bringing it up doesn't humiliate me.)
Trying to insult the person calling them out... anything to avoid actually addressing their point.
And the point here is that god is something made up to control you. Something that isn't real. Jesus doesn't actually care if you made a touchdown or not and anyone who claims they went to heaven just had a hallucination brought on by oxygen deprivation.
Yes. and Truth is where we want to be as a person, truth in this life, truth in everything we do, and lies and falsehood is an ignorant thing.
We strive for truth is our actions right, we care about the truth, we don't want people to lie to us, we don't want to tell lies.
Truth is good, lies are bad. Fair to say right? Now some people do not have the capacity to accept truth or even in a mindset to want to know whatever is, we see it every single day, the truth about the wars we are in, or for example a woman being cheated on (I have heard this) may not want the truth of her husbands infidelity, or vice versa.
Now as we mentioned, many people care about the truth,
knowing the/a truth puts us in a state of knowledge, like a light moving into darkness, one can see what is. So when in religious terms, hell is a state of ignorance, heaven is a state of truth. So to be away from the truth is the state of hell. Sometimes We get caught up in stories about pitchforks and whatever else.
and like all of it, some people will accept it, some turn away from it. The truth in life, again what we see every single day, in our own actions, you want to know the reality, the next time any of you/us lie, we must ask ourselves, 'why did we lie', what caused us to lie. Or to hurt someone. Really ask ourselves this, the next time we hurt someone or someone hurts us, why are we hurt? Why did we hurt them?
When the mind's eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions, its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence. (Plato)
We must lose the ego, it is the veil that covers the love. But we can not make anyone see that, for one must break his own walls to reveal the truth. Then shower in it's beauty.
I was not calling you out, just simply pointing out how quickly you jumped to conclusions, the bunny thing was a joke btw and never for a second thought that it would hurt you! Just thinking that it would be funny to throw it in.
Sorry if I have not been as eloquent in my posts to you as one should be, We will start fresh another day if you like.
(oh btw, unless you think (again) concluding that I'm a money throwing sunday going Christian is not jumping to a conclusion as to who I am, regardless of me never saying any of those things)
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
The food?
nothing wrong with a good kishka now and then.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
For the food!?! What in the world could better than bacon?
No bacon=No happiness.
I'll include bacon in your holy grail!
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
I was raised without religion,
did some learning and pursuing of it in young adult hood.
Became an athesist.
Nearly took my own life at the age of 37 ...I was so very tired of life and most everyone in it
but mostly I was tired of me.
A revelation brought to me life as seen through my children's eyes.
In that moment I decided I had to stay for my them and asked for a miracle...
to be shown by God that he was there for me...for all of us.
I had a profound experience 3 years later in 1996, it was life changing.
A miracle that proved to me without a doubt there is an afterlife and a God.
The peace that has grown from my miracle has changed what my life is
and was and would have been.
It changed the children I raised and the life partner I am for JB.
If you want to believe don't be to proud to ask...just ask for a miracle.
If you are in need of God just ask for him... he is there.
I am glad that you were able to turn your life around and that you are now happy. However, don't you think that there have been millions of people who have asked for a miracle and have not had the same outcome as you? I find the whole idea of "I asked God for something, and he gave it to me" an illusion. It doesn't happen. Why would "God" help one person-one person out of 6.5 billion--and not help the world as a whole. Seems egotistical and narrow-minded.
success=jesus intervention, failure= silence... it just doesn't make sense to me, because if jesus helped you win, then he helped the other team lose, am i right?
i am not demeaning anyone's beliefs, more like just pointing out the absurdity that god helps you win but does not contribute to your losing...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
sending bibles to victims of this disaster is very similar to something i saw on a episode of family guy. peter griffin goes up to this homeless guy who is holding out a cup begging for money. peter acts like he puts something in there and the homeless guy says something like "whoa, you didn't out anything in the cup". and peter says "hope. i put hope in there"...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
WE area all glad that pandora was able to turn her life around, we need her around here
I'm completely with you whygohome, a man made god who supposedly is full of love and forgiveness but still only hear the prayer of one forgetting the prayers of million in worst conditions is kind of a douche bad god...
Pandora's is committing a logical fallacy called anecdotal evidence:
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
All I know is Jesus really fucking hates the Cubs.
If you open your heart to the fact I truly had one you would not be quick to be so cruel.
You seem incredibly pessimistic and judgmental and could use a miracle in your life. Then we could see how hurt you would feel being called egotistical and narrow-minded when filled with joy and hope for others.
I think one person's miracle is another person's happenstance.
it bothers me, Pandora, that you (and many other theists) seem to think that people who don't believe in miracles need to open their heart to something. My heart is open as big as it can get, probably bigger than many who believe in miracles.
Just because I don't believe what you do, doesn't make me any less of a person. that's what he means by narrow minded and egotistical. believing one is chosen for some greater understanding where others are left behind is not a nice thing to think of oneself, in my opinion.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
this is what I call judgmental.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
No it was a miracle...can not be explained any other way.
I didn't conclude anything that anyone else would not have concluded.
It actually was the logical conclusion.
People think that God is responsible for everything that happens, thats not my belief, we are.
I asked for proof...not to change my life.... I asked him nothing for myself.
Just shown me you are there.
A couple times I have prayed for myself but when I did my answer was that it is up to me to make my prayers come true.
It is up to us to help the millions living in terrible conditions, not God.
That is the gift God gave us.... the opportunity to help others. It is why we are here.
To learn compassion and unconditional love.
And believing in God is irrelevant for that we just must believe in each other.
religion is like a penis, its fine to have one but don't wave it in my kids faces