I already said it, but "he wasn't talking about politics." That's how it wasn't political. He was talking about God & probably the Bible. He's a religious person so I'm sure that God has a lot to do with his every day life. He probably fears for the people of this country, just like most church-going people. That doesn't make it political. I'm sure you know that most churchy-type people worry about other peoples souls or those of their family & friends. Billy Graham probably talks about his country, too, when he has his religious events.
How about churchy-type people get their own lives in order... before going around trying to fix everybody else's? When their lives are in perfect order... they can come save my wretched soul.
I'm just sayin'.
yeah, agreed. They can offer help, it's up to me if I want to take it.
Glenn Beck in Washington: Preaching the gospel of Mammon and militarism
By Bill Van Auken
30 August 2010
The Washington rally organized by right-wing Fox News TV personality Glenn Beck on Saturday offered a twisted mix of religion, potted history and the glorification of the military under the banner of “restoring honor” to the USA.
Crowd estimates for the rally varied wildly. Beck and his supporters claimed over half a million. Most media outlets put the figure at “tens of thousands” or approximately 100,000. CBS News provided a more precise figure, relying on a company that performed analysis of aerial photographs to produce a figure of 87,000.
Whatever the real number, this amorphous event received immense promotion and coverage, not only by Beck’s own employer, Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, but by every section of the media. This treatment stood in stark contrast to the media’s virtual blackout of far larger demonstrations held in recent years against the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Beck, who has described himself as a “rodeo clown” and entertainer, while using his television and radio programs to promote right-wing conspiracy theories, reinvented himself for Saturday’s appearance at the Lincoln Memorial. He came before the crowd as the nation’s preacher-in-chief, promoting a gospel of Mammon, Americanism and militarism that reflects the very direct interests of the powerful financial figures who have turned the former drug addict into a multi-millionaire.
The word “Obama” did not cross Beck’s lips. Instead, he advanced the themes of “Faith, Hope and Charity.”
Perhaps the most outrageous pretense of the event was that it somehow had “reclaimed the civil rights movement,” by presenting the idiotic and reactionary rant of Beck on the same site and 47 years to the day that Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I have a dream” speech.
Beck and his fellow right-winger, former Alaska governor and Republican candidate for vice president in 2008, Sarah Palin, repeatedly invoked King’s legacy, while giant jumbotrons carried King’s image and snippets of the words he spoke in August 1963.
In the months leading up the event, Beck used his radio and television broadcasts to suggest that the American right was somehow the legitimate heir of the civil rights movement of the 1960s, insinuating that it had arisen to counter similar adversities and oppression. One might suspect from such cynical rhetoric that supporters of the “Tea Party” and Beck’s viewers were being lynched, beaten, jailed and assassinated in various parts of the country.
The association of King with a rally glorifying militarism was perhaps the greatest obscenity. “What is it that America still believes in?” Beck asked in his opening remarks. “Our military.”
A year before his assassination, King denounced the Vietnam war, accusing Washington, in terms that are fully applicable to the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, of fighting “on the side of the wealthy and the secure while we create hell for the poor.”
While Beck hailed King and the civil rights movement Saturday as “people of faith” who merely believed that “everybody deserves a shot,” earlier this year he used one of his broadcasts to denounce King as a “radical socialist” and question why a national holiday had been proclaimed in his honor.
The day after the rally, Beck dismissed the demands raised at the 1963 march on Washington for jobs and decent housing as “racial politics” and said that the civil rights movement’s economic agenda was “a part of it that I don't agree with.”
In crafting his speech, Beck and his handlers appeared to be guided by the famous axiom of P.T. Barnum that “nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” It was a rambling invocation of God and country that included a full-length recitation of the Gettysburg Address, selective quotations from the Declaration of Independence, the invocation of every hackneyed cliché of Americana and liberal doses of both the New and Old Testaments.
Palin had even less to say, presenting herself as the mother of a “combat vet” and leading the crowd in the chant of “USA, USA, USA.”
While right-wing populist movements in America have a long history of wrapping themselves in the flag and the bible, they have also tended to advance definite economic and social policies that at least invoked the interests of the common man. Those influenced by the Christian revivalism of the 1870s and 1880s railed against monopolies and Mammon. Father Charles Coughlin in the 1930s denounced capitalism and mixed a poisonous brew of anti-Semitism with calls for inflationary monetary policies, a guaranteed annual wage and limited nationalizations.
The fascist huckster Gerald L. K. Smith would have no doubt appreciated Beck’s performance. “Religion and patriotism, keep going on that,” he confided in the 1930s. “It’s the only way you can get them really ‘het up.’” But he put forward demands that included limits on the income of the rich and universal old-age pensions.
In his speech Saturday, Beck offered precisely nothing in terms of proposals. His most concrete advice was to tell people they should pray on their knees and leave their doors open so that their children can see them doing so.
When he first announced his planned Washington rally, Beck had promised he would use it to present “The Plan,” which he promised would provide “specific policies, principles and, most importantly, action steps” to found “a new national movement to restore our great country.”
During his speech Saturday, he attributed his decision to do no such thing to what he described as a conversation he had had with God. One could be forgiven for believing that rather than the divine word of God, Beck was responding to instructions from his more temporal lords: Murdoch, the right-wing Scaife family foundation and the other billionaires and corporate entities that bankroll FreedomWorks and the so-called Tea Party movement that played the principal role in organizing the rally.
Instead of policies, principles and action steps, Beck offered reactionary bromides, telling the crowd, “The poorest among us are still some of the richest in the world… and yet we don’t recognize it.”
“We all must realize how nice we have it here, in spite of our problems,” added Beck, who resides in a $4.5 million dollar mansion in New Canaan, Connecticut. He counseled the crowd that “charity begins at home first.”
With 26 million American workers on the unemployment lines or unable to find a full-time job, millions more having lost their homes, and working people faced with relentless wage-cutting while Wall Street reels in record profits, such complacent clap trap will find no support from the vast majority of the population. If Beck were to advance an explicit political program based on the interests and aims of the financial aristocracy for whom he speaks, the hostility and opposition would be overwhelming.
Behind Beck’s fuzzy rhetoric about individualism and patriotism there does lie a program which these wealthy, right-wing layers support. It includes the systematic dismantling of all forms of social spending that constitute a drain on profit, including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It envisions the reduction of wages in the US to a level that would be competitive with those in China. And it seeks the even greater strengthening of the police-military powers of the government to suppress all opposition from the working class at home and to escalate militarist interventions abroad.
Beck and his backers wisely chose to keep this “plan” under wraps. They recognize that the self-described clown is hardly the man, and the amorphous and politically confused layers attracted to the Tea Party are not the movement to implement such a fascistic program.
They lack a mass base for such politics in the US today. The real danger arises from the political subordination of the working class to the Democratic Party and the ruling elite that it serves. Those so-called liberals and “lefts” who promote illusions in Obama bear responsibility for this subordination, which impedes the emergence of a genuine alternative to the policies pursued by both big business parties and allows demagogues on the right to exploit the crisis for their own purposes
I happened upon a Glenn Beck story on the radio today. They were interviewing a guy who wrote a book about him. Here were the parts I thought were particularly interesting:
"People thought this is a softer, kinder, squishier Glenn Beck, a non-political Glenn Beck. But it was a deeply political event, I think. He’s calling for, you know, basically a return to Biblical principles, turning back to God, which is as political as you can get. This is a secular republic the last time I checked. And Beck’s conception of turning back to God and bringing the Constitution back to its, you know, original Biblical kind of base is—you have to see it in light of Beck’s Mormon reading of American history, in which God literally wrote the Constitution and intended its development to stop at around the Tenth Amendment. So when Beck talks about turning back to God, what he’s really talking about is a drastic diminuation of the government as modern Americans know it."
"But even going back to the '80s and ’90s, he was known for a racist, sexist shtick. He famously, or infamously, called up the wife of a competing DJ in Phoenix in the mid-'80s and mocked her for having a miscarriage live on the air. He made fun of a guy named Malik Jones in New Haven, who was an unarmed black man shot by a white police officer, and it was quite a big police brutality case at the time. He went on air that week making fun of Jones, talking about how he used to smoke crack with his grandmother."
WOW. And some of you like this guy and trust him to help shape your world view?? :?
Glenn Beck in Washington: Preaching the gospel of Mammon and militarism
By Bill Van Auken
30 August 2010
The Washington rally organized by right-wing Fox News TV personality Glenn Beck on Saturday offered a twisted mix of religion, potted history and the glorification of the military under the banner of “restoring honor” to the USA.
Crowd estimates for the rally varied wildly. Beck and his supporters claimed over half a million. Most media outlets put the figure at “tens of thousands” or approximately 100,000. CBS News provided a more precise figure, relying on a company that performed analysis of aerial photographs to produce a figure of 87,000.
Whatever the real number, this amorphous event received immense promotion and coverage, not only by Beck’s own employer, Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, but by every section of the media. This treatment stood in stark contrast to the media’s virtual blackout of far larger demonstrations held in recent years against the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Beck, who has described himself as a “rodeo clown” and entertainer, while using his television and radio programs to promote right-wing conspiracy theories, reinvented himself for Saturday’s appearance at the Lincoln Memorial. He came before the crowd as the nation’s preacher-in-chief, promoting a gospel of Mammon, Americanism and militarism that reflects the very direct interests of the powerful financial figures who have turned the former drug addict into a multi-millionaire.
The word “Obama” did not cross Beck’s lips. Instead, he advanced the themes of “Faith, Hope and Charity.”
Perhaps the most outrageous pretense of the event was that it somehow had “reclaimed the civil rights movement,” by presenting the idiotic and reactionary rant of Beck on the same site and 47 years to the day that Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I have a dream” speech.
Beck and his fellow right-winger, former Alaska governor and Republican candidate for vice president in 2008, Sarah Palin, repeatedly invoked King’s legacy, while giant jumbotrons carried King’s image and snippets of the words he spoke in August 1963.
In the months leading up the event, Beck used his radio and television broadcasts to suggest that the American right was somehow the legitimate heir of the civil rights movement of the 1960s, insinuating that it had arisen to counter similar adversities and oppression. One might suspect from such cynical rhetoric that supporters of the “Tea Party” and Beck’s viewers were being lynched, beaten, jailed and assassinated in various parts of the country.
The association of King with a rally glorifying militarism was perhaps the greatest obscenity. “What is it that America still believes in?” Beck asked in his opening remarks. “Our military.”
A year before his assassination, King denounced the Vietnam war, accusing Washington, in terms that are fully applicable to the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, of fighting “on the side of the wealthy and the secure while we create hell for the poor.”
While Beck hailed King and the civil rights movement Saturday as “people of faith” who merely believed that “everybody deserves a shot,” earlier this year he used one of his broadcasts to denounce King as a “radical socialist” and question why a national holiday had been proclaimed in his honor.
The day after the rally, Beck dismissed the demands raised at the 1963 march on Washington for jobs and decent housing as “racial politics” and said that the civil rights movement’s economic agenda was “a part of it that I don't agree with.”
In crafting his speech, Beck and his handlers appeared to be guided by the famous axiom of P.T. Barnum that “nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” It was a rambling invocation of God and country that included a full-length recitation of the Gettysburg Address, selective quotations from the Declaration of Independence, the invocation of every hackneyed cliché of Americana and liberal doses of both the New and Old Testaments.
Palin had even less to say, presenting herself as the mother of a “combat vet” and leading the crowd in the chant of “USA, USA, USA.”
While right-wing populist movements in America have a long history of wrapping themselves in the flag and the bible, they have also tended to advance definite economic and social policies that at least invoked the interests of the common man. Those influenced by the Christian revivalism of the 1870s and 1880s railed against monopolies and Mammon. Father Charles Coughlin in the 1930s denounced capitalism and mixed a poisonous brew of anti-Semitism with calls for inflationary monetary policies, a guaranteed annual wage and limited nationalizations.
The fascist huckster Gerald L. K. Smith would have no doubt appreciated Beck’s performance. “Religion and patriotism, keep going on that,” he confided in the 1930s. “It’s the only way you can get them really ‘het up.’” But he put forward demands that included limits on the income of the rich and universal old-age pensions.
In his speech Saturday, Beck offered precisely nothing in terms of proposals. His most concrete advice was to tell people they should pray on their knees and leave their doors open so that their children can see them doing so.
When he first announced his planned Washington rally, Beck had promised he would use it to present “The Plan,” which he promised would provide “specific policies, principles and, most importantly, action steps” to found “a new national movement to restore our great country.”
During his speech Saturday, he attributed his decision to do no such thing to what he described as a conversation he had had with God. One could be forgiven for believing that rather than the divine word of God, Beck was responding to instructions from his more temporal lords: Murdoch, the right-wing Scaife family foundation and the other billionaires and corporate entities that bankroll FreedomWorks and the so-called Tea Party movement that played the principal role in organizing the rally.
Instead of policies, principles and action steps, Beck offered reactionary bromides, telling the crowd, “The poorest among us are still some of the richest in the world… and yet we don’t recognize it.”
“We all must realize how nice we have it here, in spite of our problems,” added Beck, who resides in a $4.5 million dollar mansion in New Canaan, Connecticut. He counseled the crowd that “charity begins at home first.”
With 26 million American workers on the unemployment lines or unable to find a full-time job, millions more having lost their homes, and working people faced with relentless wage-cutting while Wall Street reels in record profits, such complacent clap trap will find no support from the vast majority of the population. If Beck were to advance an explicit political program based on the interests and aims of the financial aristocracy for whom he speaks, the hostility and opposition would be overwhelming.
Behind Beck’s fuzzy rhetoric about individualism and patriotism there does lie a program which these wealthy, right-wing layers support. It includes the systematic dismantling of all forms of social spending that constitute a drain on profit, including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It envisions the reduction of wages in the US to a level that would be competitive with those in China. And it seeks the even greater strengthening of the police-military powers of the government to suppress all opposition from the working class at home and to escalate militarist interventions abroad.
Beck and his backers wisely chose to keep this “plan” under wraps. They recognize that the self-described clown is hardly the man, and the amorphous and politically confused layers attracted to the Tea Party are not the movement to implement such a fascistic program.
They lack a mass base for such politics in the US today. The real danger arises from the political subordination of the working class to the Democratic Party and the ruling elite that it serves. Those so-called liberals and “lefts” who promote illusions in Obama bear responsibility for this subordination, which impedes the emergence of a genuine alternative to the policies pursued by both big business parties and allows demagogues on the right to exploit the crisis for their own purposes
did you add the bold where it shows that Beck lives in a 4.5 million home? or was that in the article itself. just because i don't see why it matters that he lives in a home worth that much.
did you add the bold where it shows that Beck lives in a 4.5 million home? or was that in the article itself. just because i don't see why it matters that he lives in a home worth that much.
I suppose it's to show that it's "easy for him to say" when he talks about drawing oneself up afte ones bootstraps and so forth. Also, I guess, to show how good of a living he makes doing what he does.
I didn't feel it really needed adding in this context. His vague empty slogans on this occasion speak for themselves in my opinion.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
You're the one who tried to say Beck doesn't realize the importance of 9/11.
That was sarcasm. I'm 100% sure he knew exactly what date he was picking when he held his rally in Washington. I don't believe him for a minute when he says it was divine providence because it was the only date everyone could work into their schedule.
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
I happened upon a Glenn Beck story on the radio today. They were interviewing a guy who wrote a book about him. Here were the parts I thought were particularly interesting:
"People thought this is a softer, kinder, squishier Glenn Beck, a non-political Glenn Beck. But it was a deeply political event, I think. He’s calling for, you know, basically a return to Biblical principles, turning back to God, which is as political as you can get. This is a secular republic the last time I checked. And Beck’s conception of turning back to God and bringing the Constitution back to its, you know, original Biblical kind of base is—you have to see it in light of Beck’s Mormon reading of American history, in which God literally wrote the Constitution and intended its development to stop at around the Tenth Amendment. So when Beck talks about turning back to God, what he’s really talking about is a drastic diminuation of the government as modern Americans know it."
"But even going back to the '80s and ’90s, he was known for a racist, sexist shtick. He famously, or infamously, called up the wife of a competing DJ in Phoenix in the mid-'80s and mocked her for having a miscarriage live on the air. He made fun of a guy named Malik Jones in New Haven, who was an unarmed black man shot by a white police officer, and it was quite a big police brutality case at the time. He went on air that week making fun of Jones, talking about how he used to smoke crack with his grandmother."
WOW. And some of you like this guy and trust him to help shape your world view?? :?
Yes, but many see him as a man who has found God and has found a rebirth/change in his life from the man he once was.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I happened upon a Glenn Beck story on the radio today. They were interviewing a guy who wrote a book about him. Here were the parts I thought were particularly interesting:
"People thought this is a softer, kinder, squishier Glenn Beck, a non-political Glenn Beck. But it was a deeply political event, I think. He’s calling for, you know, basically a return to Biblical principles, turning back to God, which is as political as you can get. This is a secular republic the last time I checked. And Beck’s conception of turning back to God and bringing the Constitution back to its, you know, original Biblical kind of base is—you have to see it in light of Beck’s Mormon reading of American history, in which God literally wrote the Constitution and intended its development to stop at around the Tenth Amendment. So when Beck talks about turning back to God, what he’s really talking about is a drastic diminuation of the government as modern Americans know it."
"But even going back to the '80s and ’90s, he was known for a racist, sexist shtick. He famously, or infamously, called up the wife of a competing DJ in Phoenix in the mid-'80s and mocked her for having a miscarriage live on the air. He made fun of a guy named Malik Jones in New Haven, who was an unarmed black man shot by a white police officer, and it was quite a big police brutality case at the time. He went on air that week making fun of Jones, talking about how he used to smoke crack with his grandmother."
WOW. And some of you like this guy and trust him to help shape your world view?? :?
Yes, but many see him as a man who has found God and has found a rebirth/change in his life from the man he once was.
Correct me if I'm wrong because I don't listen to him, but doesn't he still treat people with disrespect, make disparaging remarks about others, and turn to sensationalism for ratings? Doesn't sound reborn to me.
Correct me if I'm wrong because I don't listen to him, but doesn't he still treat people with disrespect, make disparaging remarks about others, and turn to sensationalism for ratings? Doesn't sound reborn to me.
it is a shame that many of the people in the entertainment world who are supposed to be "reborn" exhibit the exact same qualities you listed. they are not humble, not penitent, self righteous, and feel that everyone else is below them...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
How about churchy-type people get their own lives in order... before going around trying to fix everybody else's? When their lives are in perfect order... they can come save my wretched soul.
I'm just sayin'.
yeah, agreed. They can offer help, it's up to me if I want to take it.
I believe the best way to lead is by example... I mean, anyone can say anything, right? But, their words are pretty much empty if their actions do not back them.
Like, people I work with are all gung ho around Christmas time and our company's 'Adopt a Family' program. This is run through a local community service to help families in need. People were happy to collect donations... buy presents for the mother and her kids... wrap them in pretty bows and deliver them to their home. Nice warm and fuzzies, right?
Well, this particular mother was a young latino girl with 3 kids from 2 different fathers (whom are no longer in the picture). She was taking classes to get her high school degree and working part time at a nearby restaurant.
At Christmas time... she is a 'deserving family in need'... but the rest of the year, she is a 'stupid welfare whore who can't keep her legs shut'.
See... the people like that who tell me about charity and all... then, spew such venom... I'm not listening to them. They show me that their words (charity, giving) are pretty empty. So, someone like that is not the best person to try to get me to change my wretched ways.
The person i will have faith in is the person who sees that young mother as who she is... a human that has made some pretty poor decisions in her life, which lead to serious and harsh consequences and now, requires assistance... and treats her as such. And not just at Christmas time... but, all the time.
And i tell you... those people are in the minority
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
How about churchy-type people get their own lives in order... before going around trying to fix everybody else's? When their lives are in perfect order... they can come save my wretched soul.
I'm just sayin'.
yeah, agreed. They can offer help, it's up to me if I want to take it.
I believe the best way to lead is by example... I mean, anyone can say anything, right? But, their words are pretty much empty if their actions do not back them.
Like, people I work with are all gung ho around Christmas time and our company's 'Adopt a Family' program. This is run through a local community service to help families in need. People were happy to collect donations... buy presents for the mother and her kids... wrap them in pretty bows and deliver them to their home. Nice warm and fuzzies, right?
Well, this particular mother was a young latino girl with 3 kids from 2 different fathers (whom are no longer in the picture). She was taking classes to get her high school degree and working part time at a nearby restaurant.
At Christmas time... she is a 'deserving family in need'... but the rest of the year, she is a 'stupid welfare whore who can't keep her legs shut'.
See... the people like that who tell me about charity and all... then, spew such venom... I'm not listening to them. They show me that their words (charity, giving) are pretty empty. So, someone like that is not the best person to try to get me to change my wretched ways.
The person i will have faith in is the person who sees that young mother as who she is... a human that has made some pretty poor decisions in her life, which lead to serious and harsh consequences and now, requires assistance... and treats her as such. And not just at Christmas time... but, all the time.
And i tell you... those people are in the minority
excellent points Cosmo. i was going to get into this with my prior post about people in media not acting very reborn, but you put it much more eloquently than i would have...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Glenn Beck Admits Lying: 'I Thought It Would Be A Little Easier' (VIDEO)
After being called on a white lie he told during his Restoring Honor rally, Glenn Beck admitted Thursday that he stretched the truth because he "thought it would be a little easier."
Beck had claimed that he held George Washington's handwritten first Inaugural Address in his hands at the National Archives, but a spokeswoman at the institution said he did no such thing. Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz and others called him out for the fabrication.
Thursday on his radio show, Beck copped to the lie.
"I thought it would be a little easier in the speech," Beck said, than to go into the following elaborate explanation..
"Yesterday I went to the National Archives, and they opened up the vault, and they put on their gloves and then they put it on a tray. They wheeled it over and it's all in this hard plastic and you're sitting down at a table and you can't, because of Sandy Berger, I had a long conversation with him about this, you can't actually touch any of the documents, these are very very rare. So what they do, they have it in this plastic thing and they hold them right in front of you, you can't touch them but then you can say 'can you turn it over,' and then they turn it over for you and then you look at it. I thought it was a little clumsy to explain it that way."
I thought it was a little clumsy to explain it that way."
"i viewed George Washington's original inaugural address at the national archives"
"i held George Washington's original inaugural address at the national archives"
once again glen, you are correct...your version is much less clumsy
you are correct sir. but the way he said it in the speech has better dramatic effect, which is what he was going for instead of just telling the truth...people always like dramatic stories over mundane ones lol..
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Glenn Beck Admits Lying: 'I Thought It Would Be A Little Easier' (VIDEO)
After being called on a white lie he told during his Restoring Honor rally, Glenn Beck admitted Thursday that he stretched the truth because he "thought it would be a little easier."
Beck had claimed that he held George Washington's handwritten first Inaugural Address in his hands at the National Archives, but a spokeswoman at the institution said he did no such thing. Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz and others called him out for the fabrication.
Thursday on his radio show, Beck copped to the lie.
"I thought it would be a little easier in the speech," Beck said, than to go into the following elaborate explanation..
"Yesterday I went to the National Archives, and they opened up the vault, and they put on their gloves and then they put it on a tray. They wheeled it over and it's all in this hard plastic and you're sitting down at a table and you can't, because of Sandy Berger, I had a long conversation with him about this, you can't actually touch any of the documents, these are very very rare. So what they do, they have it in this plastic thing and they hold them right in front of you, you can't touch them but then you can say 'can you turn it over,' and then they turn it over for you and then you look at it. I thought it was a little clumsy to explain it that way."
Glenn Beck Admits Lying: 'I Thought It Would Be A Little Easier' (VIDEO)
After being called on a white lie he told during his Restoring Honor rally, Glenn Beck admitted Thursday that he stretched the truth because he "thought it would be a little easier."
Beck had claimed that he held George Washington's handwritten first Inaugural Address in his hands at the National Archives, but a spokeswoman at the institution said he did no such thing. Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz and others called him out for the fabrication.
Thursday on his radio show, Beck copped to the lie.
"I thought it would be a little easier in the speech," Beck said, than to go into the following elaborate explanation..
"Yesterday I went to the National Archives, and they opened up the vault, and they put on their gloves and then they put it on a tray. They wheeled it over and it's all in this hard plastic and you're sitting down at a table and you can't, because of Sandy Berger, I had a long conversation with him about this, you can't actually touch any of the documents, these are very very rare. So what they do, they have it in this plastic thing and they hold them right in front of you, you can't touch them but then you can say 'can you turn it over,' and then they turn it over for you and then you look at it. I thought it was a little clumsy to explain it that way."
So Glenn Beck flat out lied in his big speech?? And do some of you people (not you, gimme) around here still defend him?? How?? :?
I still support Beck. Although I am a little upset that he stretched this truth. Would have been just as easy for him to say he viewed it instead of he heald it. I'm guessing he was talking off the top of his head ( you know, because he doesn't use a teleprompter like some people ) and in that split moment in time he made the wrong decision and decided to stretch the truth. I'm sure we have all done it at one time or another. Not anything like Olbermann lying about the University he went to for years. But still, it was an honor rally and he shouldn't have done anything to neglect that title. Kiinda minimizes the value of the event.
Glenn Beck Admits Lying: 'I Thought It Would Be A Little Easier' (VIDEO)
After being called on a white lie he told during his Restoring Honor rally, Glenn Beck admitted Thursday that he stretched the truth because he "thought it would be a little easier."
Beck had claimed that he held George Washington's handwritten first Inaugural Address in his hands at the National Archives, but a spokeswoman at the institution said he did no such thing. Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz and others called him out for the fabrication.
Thursday on his radio show, Beck copped to the lie.
"I thought it would be a little easier in the speech," Beck said, than to go into the following elaborate explanation..
"Yesterday I went to the National Archives, and they opened up the vault, and they put on their gloves and then they put it on a tray. They wheeled it over and it's all in this hard plastic and you're sitting down at a table and you can't, because of Sandy Berger, I had a long conversation with him about this, you can't actually touch any of the documents, these are very very rare. So what they do, they have it in this plastic thing and they hold them right in front of you, you can't touch them but then you can say 'can you turn it over,' and then they turn it over for you and then you look at it. I thought it was a little clumsy to explain it that way."
So Glenn Beck flat out lied in his big speech?? And do some of you people (not you, gimme) around here still defend him?? How?? :?
I still support Beck. Although I am a little upset that he stretched this truth. Would have been just as easy for him to say he viewed it instead of he heald it. I'm guessing he was talking off the top of his head ( you know, because he doesn't use a teleprompter like some people ) and in that split moment in time he made the wrong decision and decided to stretch the truth. I'm sure we have all done it at one time or another. Not anything like Olbermann lying about the University he went to for years. But still, it was an honor rally and he shouldn't have done anything to neglect that title. Kiinda minimizes the value of the event.
did you watch the video clip on that link? it was completely premeditated and he tried to explain why he flat out lied...it is telling that you view it as stretching the truth when holding it and turning it over and looking at it are two different things, holding it implies he got special treatment to handle this historic document, which he didn't, and someone from the national archives busted him in his lie...if this minimizes the value of the event to you, imagine how people like me feel that he minimized the value of what king did that day by holding the rally there on that day in the first place...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Glenn Beck and the Yearning for Fascism
By Matthew Rothschild, September 4, 2010
Glenn Beck’s got me worried again about fascism in America.
His so-called restoring honor rally last weekend assumed that somehow America has been dishonored, and that is a classic trope of fascists.
Nor was I comforted by all talk from Beck about “America today begins to turn back to God.”
Nor was I comforted by the full-throated and repeated chants of “USA, USA.”
Nor by Sarah Palin having the gall to claim “we feel the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King,” this just 10 days after she told Dr. Laura to “reload,” after the talk show host said the N word 11 times in five minutes.
As if the rally wasn’t enough, Beck continued on his crusade during the week. Check this comment out: Beck said, “There are a lot of universities that are as dangerous with the indoctrination of the children as terrorists are in Iran or North Korea.”
The irony is that Ahmadinejad has actually denounced the universities in Iran with similar disdain. One year into his first term, he asked scornfully “why liberal and secular university lecturers are present in the universities." He and Beck see eye to eye on that one.
Beck made a fool of himself also when he said, later in the week, that a flock of geese that appeared in the sky “was God’s flyover,” taking the place of an Air Force flyover he was not able to arrange. All of Beck’s references to “divine providence” and doing the work of God reminded me of a quote from W. S. Merwin, our new poet laureate, who once wrote: “The president of lies quotes the voices of God.”
I’ve been taking seriously the warnings of Noam Chomsky http://www.progressive.org/rothschild0610.html, who says he senses “the dark clouds of fascism” gathering here at home. I also take seriously the writings of Chris Hedges, the former New York Times reporter and author of several great books, including “War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning.” A couple years ago, Hedges wrote another book called “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America.”
And back in March, Hedges elaborated on the theme: “The language of violence always presages violence. When someone like Palin posts a map with cross hairs on the districts of Democrats, when she says “Don’t Retreat, Instead—RELOAD!” there are desperate people cleaning their weapons who listen. When Christian fascists stand in the pulpits of megachurches and denounce Barack Obama as the Antichrist, there are messianic believers who listen. . . .These movements are not yet full-blown fascist movements. They do not openly call for the extermination of ethnic or religious groups. They do not openly advocate violence. But, as I was told by Fritz Stern, a scholar of fascism who has written about the origins of Nazism, ‘In Germany there was a yearning for fascism before fascism was invented.’ It is the yearning that we now see, and it is dangerous. If we do not immediately reincorporate the unemployed and the poor back into the economy, giving them jobs and relief from crippling debt, then the nascent racism and violence that are leaping up around the edges of American society will become a full-blown conflagration. Left unchecked, the hatred for radical Islam will transform itself into a hatred for Muslims. The hatred for undocumented workers will become a hatred for Mexicans and Central Americans. The hatred for those not defined by this largely white movement as American patriots will become a hatred for African-Americans. The hatred for liberals will morph into a hatred for all democratic institutions, from universities to government agencies to the press.”
Hedges was prescient here, anticipating the anti-immigrant wave and the anti-Muslim wave—and even Beck’s swipe at the universities.
Hedges also talked about the urgent need to give people jobs lest more people succumb to the lure of fascism.
Another intellectual I greatly admire, Walden Bello, just echoed Hedges’s warning about the economic crisis feeding into fascism. In his article “Can You Say, Fascism? The Political Consequences of Stagnation,” Bellow writes: “The common failure of both market fundamentalists and technocratic Keynesians so far to address the fears of the unemployed, the about-to-be unemployed, and the vast numbers of economically insecure people will most likely produce social forces that would tackle their fears and problems head-on. A failure of the left to innovatively fill this space will inevitably spawn a reinvigorated right with fewer apprehensions about state intervention, one that could combine technocratic Keynesian initiatives with a populist but reactionary social and cultural program. There is a term for such a regime: fascist. . . . Fascism in the United States? It's not as far-fetched as you might think.”
Glenn Beck and the Yearning for Fascism
By Matthew Rothschild, September 4, 2010
Glenn Beck’s got me worried again about fascism in America.
His so-called restoring honor rally last weekend assumed that somehow America has been dishonored, and that is a classic trope of fascists.
Nor was I comforted by all talk from Beck about “America today begins to turn back to God.”
Nor was I comforted by the full-throated and repeated chants of “USA, USA.”
Nor by Sarah Palin having the gall to claim “we feel the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King,” this just 10 days after she told Dr. Laura to “reload,” after the talk show host said the N word 11 times in five minutes.
As if the rally wasn’t enough, Beck continued on his crusade during the week. Check this comment out: Beck said, “There are a lot of universities that are as dangerous with the indoctrination of the children as terrorists are in Iran or North Korea.”
The irony is that Ahmadinejad has actually denounced the universities in Iran with similar disdain. One year into his first term, he asked scornfully “why liberal and secular university lecturers are present in the universities." He and Beck see eye to eye on that one.
Beck made a fool of himself also when he said, later in the week, that a flock of geese that appeared in the sky “was God’s flyover,” taking the place of an Air Force flyover he was not able to arrange. All of Beck’s references to “divine providence” and doing the work of God reminded me of a quote from W. S. Merwin, our new poet laureate, who once wrote: “The president of lies quotes the voices of God.”
I’ve been taking seriously the warnings of Noam Chomsky http://www.progressive.org/rothschild0610.html, who says he senses “the dark clouds of fascism” gathering here at home. I also take seriously the writings of Chris Hedges, the former New York Times reporter and author of several great books, including “War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning.” A couple years ago, Hedges wrote another book called “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America.”
And back in March, Hedges elaborated on the theme: “The language of violence always presages violence. When someone like Palin posts a map with cross hairs on the districts of Democrats, when she says “Don’t Retreat, Instead—RELOAD!” there are desperate people cleaning their weapons who listen. When Christian fascists stand in the pulpits of megachurches and denounce Barack Obama as the Antichrist, there are messianic believers who listen. . . .These movements are not yet full-blown fascist movements. They do not openly call for the extermination of ethnic or religious groups. They do not openly advocate violence. But, as I was told by Fritz Stern, a scholar of fascism who has written about the origins of Nazism, ‘In Germany there was a yearning for fascism before fascism was invented.’ It is the yearning that we now see, and it is dangerous. If we do not immediately reincorporate the unemployed and the poor back into the economy, giving them jobs and relief from crippling debt, then the nascent racism and violence that are leaping up around the edges of American society will become a full-blown conflagration. Left unchecked, the hatred for radical Islam will transform itself into a hatred for Muslims. The hatred for undocumented workers will become a hatred for Mexicans and Central Americans. The hatred for those not defined by this largely white movement as American patriots will become a hatred for African-Americans. The hatred for liberals will morph into a hatred for all democratic institutions, from universities to government agencies to the press.”
Hedges was prescient here, anticipating the anti-immigrant wave and the anti-Muslim wave—and even Beck’s swipe at the universities.
Hedges also talked about the urgent need to give people jobs lest more people succumb to the lure of fascism.
Another intellectual I greatly admire, Walden Bello, just echoed Hedges’s warning about the economic crisis feeding into fascism. In his article “Can You Say, Fascism? The Political Consequences of Stagnation,” Bellow writes: “The common failure of both market fundamentalists and technocratic Keynesians so far to address the fears of the unemployed, the about-to-be unemployed, and the vast numbers of economically insecure people will most likely produce social forces that would tackle their fears and problems head-on. A failure of the left to innovatively fill this space will inevitably spawn a reinvigorated right with fewer apprehensions about state intervention, one that could combine technocratic Keynesian initiatives with a populist but reactionary social and cultural program. There is a term for such a regime: fascist. . . . Fascism in the United States? It's not as far-fetched as you might think.”
The USA is a young nation, I do believe it could happen :( all that empty rhetoric, all that talking about the "let's return to god" crap, rampant fundamentalism, and a few of ignorant people wanting to believe it, the perfect mix for disaster.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
The USA is a young nation, I do believe it could happen :( all that empty rhetoric, all that talking about the "let's return to god" crap, rampant fundamentalism, and a few of ignorant people wanting to believe it, the perfect mix for disaster.
this will only happen if those of us that oppose it disengage and allow it happen. i am not disengaging anytime soon...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Glenn Beck and the Yearning for Fascism
By Matthew Rothschild, September 4, 2010
Glenn Beck’s got me worried again about fascism in America.
His so-called restoring honor rally last weekend assumed that somehow America has been dishonored, and that is a classic trope of fascists.
Nor was I comforted by all talk from Beck about “America today begins to turn back to God.”
Nor was I comforted by the full-throated and repeated chants of “USA, USA.”
Nor by Sarah Palin having the gall to claim “we feel the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King,” this just 10 days after she told Dr. Laura to “reload,” after the talk show host said the N word 11 times in five minutes.
As if the rally wasn’t enough, Beck continued on his crusade during the week. Check this comment out: Beck said, “There are a lot of universities that are as dangerous with the indoctrination of the children as terrorists are in Iran or North Korea.”
The irony is that Ahmadinejad has actually denounced the universities in Iran with similar disdain. One year into his first term, he asked scornfully “why liberal and secular university lecturers are present in the universities." He and Beck see eye to eye on that one.
Beck made a fool of himself also when he said, later in the week, that a flock of geese that appeared in the sky “was God’s flyover,” taking the place of an Air Force flyover he was not able to arrange. All of Beck’s references to “divine providence” and doing the work of God reminded me of a quote from W. S. Merwin, our new poet laureate, who once wrote: “The president of lies quotes the voices of God.”
I’ve been taking seriously the warnings of Noam Chomsky http://www.progressive.org/rothschild0610.html, who says he senses “the dark clouds of fascism” gathering here at home. I also take seriously the writings of Chris Hedges, the former New York Times reporter and author of several great books, including “War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning.” A couple years ago, Hedges wrote another book called “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America.”
And back in March, Hedges elaborated on the theme: “The language of violence always presages violence. When someone like Palin posts a map with cross hairs on the districts of Democrats, when she says “Don’t Retreat, Instead—RELOAD!” there are desperate people cleaning their weapons who listen. When Christian fascists stand in the pulpits of megachurches and denounce Barack Obama as the Antichrist, there are messianic believers who listen. . . .These movements are not yet full-blown fascist movements. They do not openly call for the extermination of ethnic or religious groups. They do not openly advocate violence. But, as I was told by Fritz Stern, a scholar of fascism who has written about the origins of Nazism, ‘In Germany there was a yearning for fascism before fascism was invented.’ It is the yearning that we now see, and it is dangerous. If we do not immediately reincorporate the unemployed and the poor back into the economy, giving them jobs and relief from crippling debt, then the nascent racism and violence that are leaping up around the edges of American society will become a full-blown conflagration. Left unchecked, the hatred for radical Islam will transform itself into a hatred for Muslims. The hatred for undocumented workers will become a hatred for Mexicans and Central Americans. The hatred for those not defined by this largely white movement as American patriots will become a hatred for African-Americans. The hatred for liberals will morph into a hatred for all democratic institutions, from universities to government agencies to the press.”
Hedges was prescient here, anticipating the anti-immigrant wave and the anti-Muslim wave—and even Beck’s swipe at the universities.
Hedges also talked about the urgent need to give people jobs lest more people succumb to the lure of fascism.
Another intellectual I greatly admire, Walden Bello, just echoed Hedges’s warning about the economic crisis feeding into fascism. In his article “Can You Say, Fascism? The Political Consequences of Stagnation,” Bellow writes: “The common failure of both market fundamentalists and technocratic Keynesians so far to address the fears of the unemployed, the about-to-be unemployed, and the vast numbers of economically insecure people will most likely produce social forces that would tackle their fears and problems head-on. A failure of the left to innovatively fill this space will inevitably spawn a reinvigorated right with fewer apprehensions about state intervention, one that could combine technocratic Keynesian initiatives with a populist but reactionary social and cultural program. There is a term for such a regime: fascist. . . . Fascism in the United States? It's not as far-fetched as you might think.”
This guy needs to get a life. He walks around at events he doesn't agree with, interviews a bunch of people, cuts out all the people that doesn't actually serve his biased purpose, and then puts a video together that makes the whole rally look stupid. This guy does this over and over and over. Just another biased reporter that doesn't actually report the news but lets his own emotions get in the way. But I guess when it serves the liberal progressive agenda that doesn't bother you guys. Maybe he isn't the only one that should get a life. :roll:
Conservatives could post videos of Obama suporters like this all day long. But we're not that shallow and we recognize the fact that they do not represent everybody.
Conservatives could post videos of Obama suporters like this all day long. But we're not that shallow and we recognize the fact that they do not represent everybody.
Are you really saying that they haven't and that they won't? If I were to stroll onto youtube right now, are you saying I wouldn't find edited videos with stupid Obama supporters if I type the correct words into the search engine?
Point is, edited videos on youtube are astoundingly poor as sources for just about anything. Whether they be about politics or outrageous conspiracy theories. As for politics, all sides join in on the fun of misrepresenting the opposition.. Or rather, some on all sides...
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
yeah, agreed. They can offer help, it's up to me if I want to take it.
By Bill Van Auken
30 August 2010
The Washington rally organized by right-wing Fox News TV personality Glenn Beck on Saturday offered a twisted mix of religion, potted history and the glorification of the military under the banner of “restoring honor” to the USA.
Crowd estimates for the rally varied wildly. Beck and his supporters claimed over half a million. Most media outlets put the figure at “tens of thousands” or approximately 100,000. CBS News provided a more precise figure, relying on a company that performed analysis of aerial photographs to produce a figure of 87,000.
Whatever the real number, this amorphous event received immense promotion and coverage, not only by Beck’s own employer, Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, but by every section of the media. This treatment stood in stark contrast to the media’s virtual blackout of far larger demonstrations held in recent years against the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Beck, who has described himself as a “rodeo clown” and entertainer, while using his television and radio programs to promote right-wing conspiracy theories, reinvented himself for Saturday’s appearance at the Lincoln Memorial. He came before the crowd as the nation’s preacher-in-chief, promoting a gospel of Mammon, Americanism and militarism that reflects the very direct interests of the powerful financial figures who have turned the former drug addict into a multi-millionaire.
The word “Obama” did not cross Beck’s lips. Instead, he advanced the themes of “Faith, Hope and Charity.”
Perhaps the most outrageous pretense of the event was that it somehow had “reclaimed the civil rights movement,” by presenting the idiotic and reactionary rant of Beck on the same site and 47 years to the day that Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I have a dream” speech.
Beck and his fellow right-winger, former Alaska governor and Republican candidate for vice president in 2008, Sarah Palin, repeatedly invoked King’s legacy, while giant jumbotrons carried King’s image and snippets of the words he spoke in August 1963.
In the months leading up the event, Beck used his radio and television broadcasts to suggest that the American right was somehow the legitimate heir of the civil rights movement of the 1960s, insinuating that it had arisen to counter similar adversities and oppression. One might suspect from such cynical rhetoric that supporters of the “Tea Party” and Beck’s viewers were being lynched, beaten, jailed and assassinated in various parts of the country.
The association of King with a rally glorifying militarism was perhaps the greatest obscenity. “What is it that America still believes in?” Beck asked in his opening remarks. “Our military.”
A year before his assassination, King denounced the Vietnam war, accusing Washington, in terms that are fully applicable to the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, of fighting “on the side of the wealthy and the secure while we create hell for the poor.”
While Beck hailed King and the civil rights movement Saturday as “people of faith” who merely believed that “everybody deserves a shot,” earlier this year he used one of his broadcasts to denounce King as a “radical socialist” and question why a national holiday had been proclaimed in his honor.
The day after the rally, Beck dismissed the demands raised at the 1963 march on Washington for jobs and decent housing as “racial politics” and said that the civil rights movement’s economic agenda was “a part of it that I don't agree with.”
In crafting his speech, Beck and his handlers appeared to be guided by the famous axiom of P.T. Barnum that “nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” It was a rambling invocation of God and country that included a full-length recitation of the Gettysburg Address, selective quotations from the Declaration of Independence, the invocation of every hackneyed cliché of Americana and liberal doses of both the New and Old Testaments.
Palin had even less to say, presenting herself as the mother of a “combat vet” and leading the crowd in the chant of “USA, USA, USA.”
While right-wing populist movements in America have a long history of wrapping themselves in the flag and the bible, they have also tended to advance definite economic and social policies that at least invoked the interests of the common man. Those influenced by the Christian revivalism of the 1870s and 1880s railed against monopolies and Mammon. Father Charles Coughlin in the 1930s denounced capitalism and mixed a poisonous brew of anti-Semitism with calls for inflationary monetary policies, a guaranteed annual wage and limited nationalizations.
The fascist huckster Gerald L. K. Smith would have no doubt appreciated Beck’s performance. “Religion and patriotism, keep going on that,” he confided in the 1930s. “It’s the only way you can get them really ‘het up.’” But he put forward demands that included limits on the income of the rich and universal old-age pensions.
In his speech Saturday, Beck offered precisely nothing in terms of proposals. His most concrete advice was to tell people they should pray on their knees and leave their doors open so that their children can see them doing so.
When he first announced his planned Washington rally, Beck had promised he would use it to present “The Plan,” which he promised would provide “specific policies, principles and, most importantly, action steps” to found “a new national movement to restore our great country.”
During his speech Saturday, he attributed his decision to do no such thing to what he described as a conversation he had had with God. One could be forgiven for believing that rather than the divine word of God, Beck was responding to instructions from his more temporal lords: Murdoch, the right-wing Scaife family foundation and the other billionaires and corporate entities that bankroll FreedomWorks and the so-called Tea Party movement that played the principal role in organizing the rally.
Instead of policies, principles and action steps, Beck offered reactionary bromides, telling the crowd, “The poorest among us are still some of the richest in the world… and yet we don’t recognize it.”
“We all must realize how nice we have it here, in spite of our problems,” added Beck, who resides in a $4.5 million dollar mansion in New Canaan, Connecticut. He counseled the crowd that “charity begins at home first.”
With 26 million American workers on the unemployment lines or unable to find a full-time job, millions more having lost their homes, and working people faced with relentless wage-cutting while Wall Street reels in record profits, such complacent clap trap will find no support from the vast majority of the population. If Beck were to advance an explicit political program based on the interests and aims of the financial aristocracy for whom he speaks, the hostility and opposition would be overwhelming.
Behind Beck’s fuzzy rhetoric about individualism and patriotism there does lie a program which these wealthy, right-wing layers support. It includes the systematic dismantling of all forms of social spending that constitute a drain on profit, including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It envisions the reduction of wages in the US to a level that would be competitive with those in China. And it seeks the even greater strengthening of the police-military powers of the government to suppress all opposition from the working class at home and to escalate militarist interventions abroad.
Beck and his backers wisely chose to keep this “plan” under wraps. They recognize that the self-described clown is hardly the man, and the amorphous and politically confused layers attracted to the Tea Party are not the movement to implement such a fascistic program.
They lack a mass base for such politics in the US today. The real danger arises from the political subordination of the working class to the Democratic Party and the ruling elite that it serves. Those so-called liberals and “lefts” who promote illusions in Obama bear responsibility for this subordination, which impedes the emergence of a genuine alternative to the policies pursued by both big business parties and allows demagogues on the right to exploit the crisis for their own purposes
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/aug20 ... -a30.shtml
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
kudos to the dude doing the interviews. i have no clue how he managed to keep a straight face while all that was going on.
while it was funny in parts, when you stop and think about it, it's actually quite sad to watch. those people really believe what they are saying.
"People thought this is a softer, kinder, squishier Glenn Beck, a non-political Glenn Beck. But it was a deeply political event, I think. He’s calling for, you know, basically a return to Biblical principles, turning back to God, which is as political as you can get. This is a secular republic the last time I checked. And Beck’s conception of turning back to God and bringing the Constitution back to its, you know, original Biblical kind of base is—you have to see it in light of Beck’s Mormon reading of American history, in which God literally wrote the Constitution and intended its development to stop at around the Tenth Amendment. So when Beck talks about turning back to God, what he’s really talking about is a drastic diminuation of the government as modern Americans know it."
"But even going back to the '80s and ’90s, he was known for a racist, sexist shtick. He famously, or infamously, called up the wife of a competing DJ in Phoenix in the mid-'80s and mocked her for having a miscarriage live on the air. He made fun of a guy named Malik Jones in New Haven, who was an unarmed black man shot by a white police officer, and it was quite a big police brutality case at the time. He went on air that week making fun of Jones, talking about how he used to smoke crack with his grandmother."
WOW. And some of you like this guy and trust him to help shape your world view?? :?
http://www.democracynow.org/2010/9/2/al ... ense_glenn
did you add the bold where it shows that Beck lives in a 4.5 million home? or was that in the article itself. just because i don't see why it matters that he lives in a home worth that much.
I didn't feel it really needed adding in this context. His vague empty slogans on this occasion speak for themselves in my opinion.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
That was sarcasm. I'm 100% sure he knew exactly what date he was picking when he held his rally in Washington. I don't believe him for a minute when he says it was divine providence because it was the only date everyone could work into their schedule.
Yes, but many see him as a man who has found God and has found a rebirth/change in his life from the man he once was.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Correct me if I'm wrong because I don't listen to him, but doesn't he still treat people with disrespect, make disparaging remarks about others, and turn to sensationalism for ratings? Doesn't sound reborn to me.
it is a shame that many of the people in the entertainment world who are supposed to be "reborn" exhibit the exact same qualities you listed. they are not humble, not penitent, self righteous, and feel that everyone else is below them...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
ugh, this just bothers the shit out of me. 4.5 million dollar dollar.
i know, completely off topic. so back at it, everyone.
why does this bother you.
Because it's redundant to put a $ sign AND write the word "dollar".
I believe the best way to lead is by example... I mean, anyone can say anything, right? But, their words are pretty much empty if their actions do not back them.
Like, people I work with are all gung ho around Christmas time and our company's 'Adopt a Family' program. This is run through a local community service to help families in need. People were happy to collect donations... buy presents for the mother and her kids... wrap them in pretty bows and deliver them to their home. Nice warm and fuzzies, right?
Well, this particular mother was a young latino girl with 3 kids from 2 different fathers (whom are no longer in the picture). She was taking classes to get her high school degree and working part time at a nearby restaurant.
At Christmas time... she is a 'deserving family in need'... but the rest of the year, she is a 'stupid welfare whore who can't keep her legs shut'.
See... the people like that who tell me about charity and all... then, spew such venom... I'm not listening to them. They show me that their words (charity, giving) are pretty empty. So, someone like that is not the best person to try to get me to change my wretched ways.
The person i will have faith in is the person who sees that young mother as who she is... a human that has made some pretty poor decisions in her life, which lead to serious and harsh consequences and now, requires assistance... and treats her as such. And not just at Christmas time... but, all the time.
And i tell you... those people are in the minority
Hail, Hail!!!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
After being called on a white lie he told during his Restoring Honor rally, Glenn Beck admitted Thursday that he stretched the truth because he "thought it would be a little easier."
Beck had claimed that he held George Washington's handwritten first Inaugural Address in his hands at the National Archives, but a spokeswoman at the institution said he did no such thing. Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz and others called him out for the fabrication.
Thursday on his radio show, Beck copped to the lie.
"I thought it would be a little easier in the speech," Beck said, than to go into the following elaborate explanation..
"Yesterday I went to the National Archives, and they opened up the vault, and they put on their gloves and then they put it on a tray. They wheeled it over and it's all in this hard plastic and you're sitting down at a table and you can't, because of Sandy Berger, I had a long conversation with him about this, you can't actually touch any of the documents, these are very very rare. So what they do, they have it in this plastic thing and they hold them right in front of you, you can't touch them but then you can say 'can you turn it over,' and then they turn it over for you and then you look at it. I thought it was a little clumsy to explain it that way."
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/0 ... 04958.html
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"i viewed George Washington's original inaugural address at the national archives"
"i held George Washington's original inaugural address at the national archives"
once again glen, you are correct...your version is much less clumsy
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
So Glenn Beck flat out lied in his big speech?? And do some of you people (not you, gimme) around here still defend him?? How?? :?
I still support Beck. Although I am a little upset that he stretched this truth. Would have been just as easy for him to say he viewed it instead of he heald it. I'm guessing he was talking off the top of his head ( you know, because he doesn't use a teleprompter like some people ) and in that split moment in time he made the wrong decision and decided to stretch the truth. I'm sure we have all done it at one time or another. Not anything like Olbermann lying about the University he went to for years. But still, it was an honor rally and he shouldn't have done anything to neglect that title. Kiinda minimizes the value of the event.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
By Matthew Rothschild, September 4, 2010
Glenn Beck’s got me worried again about fascism in America.
His so-called restoring honor rally last weekend assumed that somehow America has been dishonored, and that is a classic trope of fascists.
Nor was I comforted by all talk from Beck about “America today begins to turn back to God.”
Nor was I comforted by the full-throated and repeated chants of “USA, USA.”
Nor by Sarah Palin having the gall to claim “we feel the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King,” this just 10 days after she told Dr. Laura to “reload,” after the talk show host said the N word 11 times in five minutes.
As if the rally wasn’t enough, Beck continued on his crusade during the week. Check this comment out: Beck said, “There are a lot of universities that are as dangerous with the indoctrination of the children as terrorists are in Iran or North Korea.”
The irony is that Ahmadinejad has actually denounced the universities in Iran with similar disdain. One year into his first term, he asked scornfully “why liberal and secular university lecturers are present in the universities." He and Beck see eye to eye on that one.
Beck made a fool of himself also when he said, later in the week, that a flock of geese that appeared in the sky “was God’s flyover,” taking the place of an Air Force flyover he was not able to arrange. All of Beck’s references to “divine providence” and doing the work of God reminded me of a quote from W. S. Merwin, our new poet laureate, who once wrote: “The president of lies quotes the voices of God.”
I’ve been taking seriously the warnings of Noam Chomsky http://www.progressive.org/rothschild0610.html, who says he senses “the dark clouds of fascism” gathering here at home. I also take seriously the writings of Chris Hedges, the former New York Times reporter and author of several great books, including “War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning.” A couple years ago, Hedges wrote another book called “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America.”
And back in March, Hedges elaborated on the theme: “The language of violence always presages violence. When someone like Palin posts a map with cross hairs on the districts of Democrats, when she says “Don’t Retreat, Instead—RELOAD!” there are desperate people cleaning their weapons who listen. When Christian fascists stand in the pulpits of megachurches and denounce Barack Obama as the Antichrist, there are messianic believers who listen. . . .These movements are not yet full-blown fascist movements. They do not openly call for the extermination of ethnic or religious groups. They do not openly advocate violence. But, as I was told by Fritz Stern, a scholar of fascism who has written about the origins of Nazism, ‘In Germany there was a yearning for fascism before fascism was invented.’ It is the yearning that we now see, and it is dangerous. If we do not immediately reincorporate the unemployed and the poor back into the economy, giving them jobs and relief from crippling debt, then the nascent racism and violence that are leaping up around the edges of American society will become a full-blown conflagration. Left unchecked, the hatred for radical Islam will transform itself into a hatred for Muslims. The hatred for undocumented workers will become a hatred for Mexicans and Central Americans. The hatred for those not defined by this largely white movement as American patriots will become a hatred for African-Americans. The hatred for liberals will morph into a hatred for all democratic institutions, from universities to government agencies to the press.”
Hedges was prescient here, anticipating the anti-immigrant wave and the anti-Muslim wave—and even Beck’s swipe at the universities.
Hedges also talked about the urgent need to give people jobs lest more people succumb to the lure of fascism.
Another intellectual I greatly admire, Walden Bello, just echoed Hedges’s warning about the economic crisis feeding into fascism. In his article “Can You Say, Fascism? The Political Consequences of Stagnation,” Bellow writes: “The common failure of both market fundamentalists and technocratic Keynesians so far to address the fears of the unemployed, the about-to-be unemployed, and the vast numbers of economically insecure people will most likely produce social forces that would tackle their fears and problems head-on. A failure of the left to innovatively fill this space will inevitably spawn a reinvigorated right with fewer apprehensions about state intervention, one that could combine technocratic Keynesian initiatives with a populist but reactionary social and cultural program. There is a term for such a regime: fascist. . . . Fascism in the United States? It's not as far-fetched as you might think.”
Consider yourself forewarned.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I do too - Know your enemies ......
This guy needs to get a life. He walks around at events he doesn't agree with, interviews a bunch of people, cuts out all the people that doesn't actually serve his biased purpose, and then puts a video together that makes the whole rally look stupid. This guy does this over and over and over. Just another biased reporter that doesn't actually report the news but lets his own emotions get in the way. But I guess when it serves the liberal progressive agenda that doesn't bother you guys. Maybe he isn't the only one that should get a life. :roll:
Conservatives could post videos of Obama suporters like this all day long. But we're not that shallow and we recognize the fact that they do not represent everybody.
Point is, edited videos on youtube are astoundingly poor as sources for just about anything. Whether they be about politics or outrageous conspiracy theories. As for politics, all sides join in on the fun of misrepresenting the opposition.. Or rather, some on all sides...
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965