it's a regular season loss without starting qb and possible allpro rb. a sicker loss was at atl a few yrs ago with that fucked up pooch kick and they marched to a last second fg. the denver game came at no surprise to me at all. i knew it. why? tebow.
you are a nut job of you don't think that was a painful lost. the game was friggen won twice.
it wasnt painful bc i expected it. i prepared myself for that loss. plus, i was the only one here who predicted a loss vs the broncos.
stop with the nut job/crazy talk. youre the idiot who thought hanie s/b the qb.
vs. a 5th roudn pick or a qb that was out of football...slim pickins...and it's not like he played all that bad this week. he didn't have a hand in the lost.
The upper level at soldier is great. As long as your withing the first 15 rows or so its a great view. In my opinion there is not a bad seat in the house. Around mid field is always nice..I would imagine tix are dirt cheap for this game.
I'll go two bills on them.
vs. a 5th roudn pick or a qb that was out of football...slim pickins...and it's not like he played all that bad this week. he didn't have a hand in the lost.
you got a section number?
high bid is $205 now.
i'm going to pass, but thanks....looks like there are some good deals on stub hub tho.
just checked with the woman...i think we are snag a pair and go.
not the best match up ever, but we've never been to soldier field or to an NFL game for that matter....
hahha north..were is that guy these days?
To anwer your question i would rather sit at the 35 in 400 sec.
Yea so did all the sports radio personalities they get annoying..but he mixed in other issues as well..not too much but just enough.
exactly, threw in some current events, politics was entertaining with him and huebner
should be fun.
have fun man. i hope it wont be as painfull as the last three games
just need to find the PJ tailgate.
i'll get all lathered up and have a good time....regardless of the outcome...and at worse, i have Lynch going in a fantasy playoff game.
Tailgating is my favorite part of going to Bears game. Nothing like cracking a beer and firing up that grill at 8am on a Sunday! Enjoy...
Just look for the trade barber sign
Don't you mean the 'cut Barber' sign??
if you can get something for trade him.
will be interesting to see if he gets a round of boo's when he touchs the ball
barber has scored the only damn TD for this team in the last two games! you cant blame barber for devine intervention
I really hope you're joking.
Barber lost the game twice last week!
I'm convinced....David enjoys watching the Bears lose.
I just read about that. At least it's not one of our "star" receivers!
further shows that this is not da bears year