No, I didn't say that people on the border know more about it. I said they are the ones that have to deal with the threat of being asked for papers first hand. And the majority of the people do not mind this. plain, simple, common sense. YOU are the one that assumed you knew more about the situation then me because I have never been to Arizona. NICE SPIN!
We both know that's not what you were saying.
The majority of people in AZ are non-Hispanic white people, by the way. So no, in fact, the majority of the people in AZ are NOT the ones that have to deal with the threat of being asked for papers first hand.
No, I didn't say that people on the border know more about it. I said they are the ones that have to deal with the threat of being asked for papers first hand. And the majority of the people do not mind this. plain, simple, common sense. YOU are the one that assumed you knew more about the situation then me because I have never been to Arizona. NICE SPIN!
We both know that's not what you were saying.
The majority of people in AZ are non-Hispanic white people, by the way. So no, in fact, the majority of the people in AZ are NOT the ones that have to deal with the threat of being asked for papers first hand.
Oh, well, now that you explained to me what I was saying I can see where you're coming from now.
Hey GST, You're from Missouri? I bet we have something in common. I'm a big KC Chiefs fan. I hope they come around and kick some ass this year. Or are you a Rams fan? :?
No, I didn't say that people on the border know more about it. I said they are the ones that have to deal with the threat of being asked for papers first hand. And the majority of the people do not mind this. plain, simple, common sense. YOU are the one that assumed you knew more about the situation then me because I have never been to Arizona. NICE SPIN!
We both know that's not what you were saying.
The majority of people in AZ are non-Hispanic white people, by the way. So no, in fact, the majority of the people in AZ are NOT the ones that have to deal with the threat of being asked for papers first hand.
Oh, well, now that you explained to me what I was saying I can see where you're coming from now.
Hey GST, You're from Missouri? I bet we have something in common. I'm a big KC Chiefs fan. I hope they come around and kick some ass this year. Or are you a Rams fan? :?
LOL wrong again
when the cardinals left the chiefs became my default team. then the rams came and i liked them and came to hate the chiefs. i went to college in springfield, MO and the dudes i lived with were such asshole chiefs fans and used to rub it in my face how great the chiefs were and how bad the rams were. then the rams won the super bowl and i got to talk a lot of trash for a few years, then the rams got REALLY bad again... i will never forgive the rams for what they did to dick vermeil and kurt warner. the physical therapy company i used to work for had the physical therapy contract with the rams until 2003 so i got to know the majority of those guys pretty well over the 3 years i worked with them. i will still never forgive that franchise for what they did to those 2 guys though...i don't hate the chiefs anymore and when they are on tv i watch and root for them, because any team is better than the lambs the last few years lol...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Hey GST, You're from Missouri? I bet we have something in common. I'm a big KC Chiefs fan. I hope they come around and kick some ass this year. Or are you a Rams fan? :?
LOL wrong again
when the cardinals left the chiefs became my default team. then the rams came and i liked them and came to hate the chiefs. i went to college in springfield, MO and the dudes i lived with were such asshole chiefs fans and used to rub it in my face how great the chiefs were and how bad the rams were. then the rams won the super bowl and i got to talk a lot of trash for a few years, then the rams got REALLY bad again... i will never forgive the rams for what they did to dick vermeil and kurt warner. the physical therapy company i used to work for had the physical therapy contract with the rams until 2003 so i got to know the majority of those guys pretty well over the 3 years i worked with them. i will still never forgive that franchise for what they did to those 2 guys though...i don't hate the chiefs anymore and when they are on tv i watch and root for them, because any team is better than the lambs the last few years lol...
if a person is a citizen in the US how is that harassment ? and if that person is not a citizen of the US and here illegally then they will be deported as they should be.
the AZ law is not meant to discriminate against anybody it's to help correct a on going problem caused by illegal immigrants..Ilegal imigrants come in ALL colors and from just about all countries not just mexico..ever thought about that ? this law will help our whole country not just the bordering states if is spread from state to state as it shouls be.
i believe human rights and decency supracedes and "rights" given to "citizens" of whatever body of land sits within arbitrarily drawn up lines in the soil. to say those not born within a certain boundary lack rights and are to be herded up and sent out of that specific piece of land to another like animals is just amazingly ignorant in my opinion.
it's not that EZ, if you take that story to any other country in the world you would be laughed at then deported or worse, human rights have nothing to do with lines in the dirt, as a human you will and should be treated fairly but that dose not mean anybody can dance their happy ass across the border and expect to recieve soon as they get here illegally everything we as Americans have worked fought and died for..if thats human rights then who is looking out for our human rights ?
if a person is a citizen in the US how is that harassment ? and if that person is not a citizen of the US and here illegally then they will be deported as they should be.
the AZ law is not meant to discriminate against anybody it's to help correct a on going problem caused by illegal immigrants..Ilegal imigrants come in ALL colors and from just about all countries not just mexico..ever thought about that ? this law will help our whole country not just the bordering states if is spread from state to state as it shouls be.
i believe human rights and decency supracedes and "rights" given to "citizens" of whatever body of land sits within arbitrarily drawn up lines in the soil. to say those not born within a certain boundary lack rights and are to be herded up and sent out of that specific piece of land to another like animals is just amazingly ignorant in my opinion.
it's not that EZ, if you take that story to any other country in the world you would be laughed at then deported or worse, human rights have nothing to do with lines in the dirt, as a human you will and should be treated fairly but that dose not mean anybody can dance their happy ass across the border and expect to recieve soon as they get here illegally everything we as Americans have worked fought and died for..if thats human rights then who is looking out for our human rights ?
Now I have visions in my head of immigrants dancing their happy asses across the border. I like it.
if a person is a citizen in the US how is that harassment ? and if that person is not a citizen of the US and here illegally then they will be deported as they should be.
the AZ law is not meant to discriminate against anybody it's to help correct a on going problem caused by illegal immigrants..Ilegal imigrants come in ALL colors and from just about all countries not just mexico..ever thought about that ? this law will help our whole country not just the bordering states if is spread from state to state as it shouls be.
i believe human rights and decency supracedes and "rights" given to "citizens" of whatever body of land sits within arbitrarily drawn up lines in the soil. to say those not born within a certain boundary lack rights and are to be herded up and sent out of that specific piece of land to another like animals is just amazingly ignorant in my opinion.
it's not that EZ, if you take that story to any other country in the world you would be laughed at then deported or worse, human rights have nothing to do with lines in the dirt, as a human you will and should be treated fairly but that dose not mean anybody can dance their happy ass across the border and expect to recieve soon as they get here illegally everything we as Americans have worked fought and died for..if thats human rights then who is looking out for our human rights ?
i am sorry, but if you were born here, you did not work for a damn thing. you were born into your citizenship and your freedom...but you can carry on thinking you actually did anything to deserve your citizenship other than being lucky enough to have been born here.....
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Hey GST, You're from Missouri? I bet we have something in common. I'm a big KC Chiefs fan. I hope they come around and kick some ass this year. Or are you a Rams fan? :?
LOL wrong again
when the cardinals left the chiefs became my default team. then the rams came and i liked them and came to hate the chiefs. i went to college in springfield, MO and the dudes i lived with were such asshole chiefs fans and used to rub it in my face how great the chiefs were and how bad the rams were. then the rams won the super bowl and i got to talk a lot of trash for a few years, then the rams got REALLY bad again... i will never forgive the rams for what they did to dick vermeil and kurt warner. the physical therapy company i used to work for had the physical therapy contract with the rams until 2003 so i got to know the majority of those guys pretty well over the 3 years i worked with them. i will still never forgive that franchise for what they did to those 2 guys though...i don't hate the chiefs anymore and when they are on tv i watch and root for them, because any team is better than the lambs the last few years lol...
The Cardinals left?!?!
yes, the st. louis cardinals football team moved to arizona when i was 10 or 11 years old. i was devestated and never forgave them...they sucked for a LONG time, then they went to the super bowl a couple of years ago...i guess the sun shines on a horse's butt every once in awhile lol...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
yes, the st. louis cardinals football team moved to arizona when i was 10 or 11 years old. i was devestated and never forgave them...they sucked for a LONG time, then they went to the super bowl a couple of years ago...i guess the sun shines on a horse's butt every once in awhile lol...
Oh, I'm totally confused then, 'cuz I was thinking of a baseball team! :oops:
yes, the st. louis cardinals football team moved to arizona when i was 10 or 11 years old. i was devestated and never forgave them...they sucked for a LONG time, then they went to the super bowl a couple of years ago...i guess the sun shines on a horse's butt every once in awhile lol...
Oh, I'm totally confused then, 'cuz I was thinking of a baseball team! :oops:
there was talk of them moving to illinois a few years ago when they were not sure where they were going to build the new stadium...that would have been bad...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"i am sorry, but if you were born here, you did not work for a damn thing. you were born into your citizenship and your freedom...but you can carry on thinking you actually did anything to deserve your citizenship other than being lucky enough to have been born here....."
your wrong but that's O.K cause one of the great things about this country is that even the people that do not understand what it took to make this country free still have the right to voice their opinion.. but fortunately for the rest of us you can't give it away to anybody that thinks they can come over here illegally and try to change it
or take it away, you have the right to be wrong as you wish.
That's 99.98% opposed and 0.019% in favor. The American people have spoken!
Where are you getting these numbers? Not saying you're wrong or misleading, i just can't find them. I went to both pages and here is what I got:
People to veto Bill SB-1070 247
People in support of SB-1070 481
Never mind SCB, I found what you were looking at. I don't know why it brought me to a different page the first time? But anyways, i'm pretty sure many, MANY people will not touch this page just so they don't have to deal with the many, MANY people that will call themm racists. Still a pretty big margin though. I'm going to keep an eye on it. Thx.
"i am sorry, but if you were born here, you did not work for a damn thing. you were born into your citizenship and your freedom...but you can carry on thinking you actually did anything to deserve your citizenship other than being lucky enough to have been born here....."
your wrong but that's O.K cause one of the great things about this country is that even the people that do not understand what it took to make this country free still have the right to voice their opinion.. but fortunately for the rest of us you can't give it away to anybody that thinks they can come over here illegally and try to change it
or take it away, you have the right to be wrong as you wish.
ummmm, so who is advocating what i put in red? and specifically what have you done to build this country? i was lucky enough to be born here. so were you. you did not fight in the revolutionary war, so you had nothing to do with building this country ok? all of that was done by people who lived and died looooooong before we got here...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
This should probably be a new post but I don't have anything to back it up with. Just heard on FoxNews that between the HC Bill and the Immigration bill that 11 million illegal aliens are due to get health insurance. That came on right after the clip about the mexican flag being raised on the 4th of july instead of the american one and a prayer told in spanish instead of english................uuuuuuggggghh!
Yes this is the land of the free and freedom of speech and yadda yadda yadda.
say the prayer in english FIRST and then repeat in spanish if they feel the need. And for fuck sakes, on the 4th of july raise THE AMERICAN FLAG! Although the lady that read the prayer has apologized....too little too late.
This should probably be a new post but I don't have anything to back it up with. Just heard on FoxNews that between the HC Bill and the Immigration bill that 11 million illegal aliens are due to get health insurance. That came on right after the clip about the mexican flag being raised on the 4th of july instead of the american one and a prayer told in spanish instead of english................uuuuuuggggghh!
Yes this is the land of the free and freedom of speech and yadda yadda yadda.
say the prayer in english FIRST and then repeat in spanish if they feel the need. And for fuck sakes, on the 4th of july raise THE AMERICAN FLAG! Although the lady that read the prayer has apologized....too little too late.
what is so wrong about raising a mexican flag on july 4? many of the american citizens are of mexican descent. besides, we raise the american flag on cinco de mayo all the time.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"i am sorry, but if you were born here, you did not work for a damn thing. you were born into your citizenship and your freedom...but you can carry on thinking you actually did anything to deserve your citizenship other than being lucky enough to have been born here....."
your wrong but that's O.K cause one of the great things about this country is that even the people that do not understand what it took to make this country free still have the right to voice their opinion.. but fortunately for the rest of us you can't give it away to anybody that thinks they can come over here illegally and try to change it
or take it away, you have the right to be wrong as you wish.
ummmm, so who is advocating what i put in red? and specifically what have you done to build this country? i was lucky enough to be born here. so were you. you did not fight in the revolutionary war, so you had nothing to do with building this country ok? all of that was done by people who lived and died looooooong before we got here...
our country continues to be built today and believe it or not you and I have as much to do with it as anybody else, all that you believe and support and act on or vote on is one small tool that keeps rebuilding the American Machine,we may support / vote and work to build different parts of the machine to function in a way we see fit and different from each other but in the end our jobs as Americans will build one common machine..maybe not perfect in each others eyes but one thing we do have in common is that we both will enjoy the freedom we did our small part to help make happen.
This should probably be a new post but I don't have anything to back it up with. Just heard on FoxNews that between the HC Bill and the Immigration bill that 11 million illegal aliens are due to get health insurance. That came on right after the clip about the Mexican flag being raised on the 4th of July instead of the American one and a prayer told in spanish instead of english................uuuuuuggggghh!
Yes this is the land of the free and freedom of speech and yadda yadda yadda.
say the prayer in English FIRST and then repeat in spanish if they feel the need. And for fuck sakes, on the 4th of July raise THE AMERICAN FLAG! Although the lady that read the prayer has apologized....too little too late.
what is so wrong about raising a mexican flag on July 4? many of the American citizens are of mexican descent. besides, we raise the American flag on cinco de mayo all the time.
this is not mexico this is America they can raise their own flag in their own fucking country.
what is so wrong about raising a mexican flag on july 4? many of the american citizens are of mexican descent. besides, we raise the american flag on cinco de mayo all the time.
Well this is America. I'm guessing in Mexico they don't raise the US flag too often.
what is so wrong about raising a mexican flag on July 4? many of the American citizens are of mexican descent. besides, we raise the American flag on cinco de mayo all the time.
Well this is America. I'm guessing in Mexico they don't raise the US flag too often.
hell no they don't, and if they are Americans why are they raising the mexican flag ? on OUR Independence day ? lack of respect of our country.
what is so wrong about raising a mexican flag on July 4? many of the American citizens are of mexican descent. besides, we raise the American flag on cinco de mayo all the time.
Well this is America. I'm guessing in Mexico they don't raise the US flag too often.
hell no they don't, and if they are Americans why are they raising the mexican flag ? on OUR Independence day ? lack of respect of our country.
Out of respect I think on the 4th of July only American flags should be waved around in the streets, but if someone else is flying a flag from another country that's there business- As long as they aren't rubbing it in my face or doing something on purpose to piss people off, like drive through the streets waving a Mexican flag (someone like that would be looking for trouble)....other then that I don't really care....
Our country/our people, at times, has disrespected the American idea far worst then someone flying a flag from another country..... Let's not kid ourselves....
This should probably be a new post but I don't have anything to back it up with. Just heard on FoxNews that between the HC Bill and the Immigration bill that 11 million illegal aliens are due to get health insurance. That came on right after the clip about the Mexican flag being raised on the 4th of July instead of the American one and a prayer told in spanish instead of english................uuuuuuggggghh!
Yes this is the land of the free and freedom of speech and yadda yadda yadda.
say the prayer in English FIRST and then repeat in spanish if they feel the need. And for fuck sakes, on the 4th of July raise THE AMERICAN FLAG! Although the lady that read the prayer has apologized....too little too late.
what is so wrong about raising a mexican flag on July 4? many of the American citizens are of mexican descent. besides, we raise the American flag on cinco de mayo all the time.
this is not mexico this is America they can raise their own flag in their own fucking country.
so people of mexican descent can not raise a mexican flag in the us now? so much for this "freedom" and these "rights" that you speak of...i will have to remember that next time my mexican neighbor hangs his flag on his porch...guess i better call the cops then, right??
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
We both know that's not what you were saying.
The majority of people in AZ are non-Hispanic white people, by the way. So no, in fact, the majority of the people in AZ are NOT the ones that have to deal with the threat of being asked for papers first hand.
Oh, well, now that you explained to me what I was saying I can see where you're coming from now.
Cool. I'm glad we got that settled.
when the cardinals left the chiefs became my default team. then the rams came and i liked them and came to hate the chiefs. i went to college in springfield, MO and the dudes i lived with were such asshole chiefs fans and used to rub it in my face how great the chiefs were and how bad the rams were. then the rams won the super bowl and i got to talk a lot of trash for a few years, then the rams got REALLY bad again... i will never forgive the rams for what they did to dick vermeil and kurt warner. the physical therapy company i used to work for had the physical therapy contract with the rams until 2003 so i got to know the majority of those guys pretty well over the 3 years i worked with them. i will still never forgive that franchise for what they did to those 2 guys though...i don't hate the chiefs anymore and when they are on tv i watch and root for them, because any team is better than the lambs the last few years lol...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
The Cardinals left?!?!
it's not that EZ, if you take that story to any other country in the world you would be laughed at then deported or worse, human rights have nothing to do with lines in the dirt, as a human you will and should be treated fairly but that dose not mean anybody can dance their happy ass across the border and expect to recieve soon as they get here illegally everything we as Americans have worked fought and died for..if thats human rights then who is looking out for our human rights ?
Now I have visions in my head of immigrants dancing their happy asses across the border. I like it.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
1,615,930 people "liked" the One Million AGAINST SB 1070 page, but only
311 people "liked" the One Million FOR SB 1070 page.
That's 99.98% opposed and 0.019% in favor. The American people have spoken!
Oh, I'm totally confused then, 'cuz I was thinking of a baseball team!
I need to get a facebook account..... can you add me to the 1.6 million people....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
your wrong but that's O.K cause one of the great things about this country is that even the people that do not understand what it took to make this country free still have the right to voice their opinion.. but fortunately for the rest of us you can't give it away to anybody that thinks they can come over here illegally and try to change it
or take it away, you have the right to be wrong as you wish.
Where are you getting these numbers? Not saying you're wrong or misleading, i just can't find them. I went to both pages and here is what I got:
People to veto Bill SB-1070 247
People in support of SB-1070 481
Never mind SCB, I found what you were looking at. I don't know why it brought me to a different page the first time? But anyways, i'm pretty sure many, MANY people will not touch this page just so they don't have to deal with the many, MANY people that will call themm racists. Still a pretty big margin though. I'm going to keep an eye on it. Thx.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Yes this is the land of the free and freedom of speech and yadda yadda yadda.
say the prayer in english FIRST and then repeat in spanish if they feel the need. And for fuck sakes, on the 4th of july raise THE AMERICAN FLAG! Although the lady that read the prayer has apologized....too little too late.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
our country continues to be built today and believe it or not you and I have as much to do with it as anybody else, all that you believe and support and act on or vote on is one small tool that keeps rebuilding the American Machine,we may support / vote and work to build different parts of the machine to function in a way we see fit and different from each other but in the end our jobs as Americans will build one common machine..maybe not perfect in each others eyes but one thing we do have in common is that we both will enjoy the freedom we did our small part to help make happen.
this is not mexico this is America they can raise their own flag in their own fucking country.
Well this is America. I'm guessing in Mexico they don't raise the US flag too often.
hell no they don't, and if they are Americans why are they raising the mexican flag ? on OUR Independence day ? lack of respect of our country.
Out of respect I think on the 4th of July only American flags should be waved around in the streets, but if someone else is flying a flag from another country that's there business- As long as they aren't rubbing it in my face or doing something on purpose to piss people off, like drive through the streets waving a Mexican flag (someone like that would be looking for trouble)....other then that I don't really care....
Our country/our people, at times, has disrespected the American idea far worst then someone flying a flag from another country..... Let's not kid ourselves....
so people of mexican descent can not raise a mexican flag in the us now? so much for this "freedom" and these "rights" that you speak of...i will have to remember that next time my mexican neighbor hangs his flag on his porch...guess i better call the cops then, right??
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."