considering that your 1st post was that Jesus was an Arab and you second post states that he didn't exist, doesn't that mean that you are wrong. a person that doesn't exist can be Arab or anything at all.
I meant the Biblical Jesus didn't exist. The historical Jesus is something else altogether. Confused? Complain to the early Church Fathers - it was them that made this shit up, not me.
Actually there is a lot known about Native American religion (though they did not see this as an organised religion as we do but spiritualism). A lot is known of their beliefs, their rituals and their traditions which, I may add, are still in place for some. Though Native Americans did not have an alphabet, as we know it, until the white man came along (at which time it was adapated to their language), they had symbols (pictography/ ideography) and oral tradition. There were records, etc.
Not sure how the American situation compares, but fairly recently in parts of Canada there has been a very positive revival of interest in the "old ways". More of this stuff has been preserved than many people realize. Its almost easy to attend a sweat lodge around here, for instance. In some cases its become a business that caters to people interested in "getting in touch with nature", which is probably more positive than negative if you ask me. At least the ideas are getting some modicum of respect, and people are getting a different spin on interacting with nature.
these sweeping denouncements of huge groups of peope just don't fly.
I just said 99.9% of so-called Christians don't live lives based on the example of Christ at all. I've said some controversial things in this thread but I don't think this is one of them. The society we live in is one based on materialism, money and entertainment. Seriously, how many Americans do you know who's lives follow the example set by the Biblical Jesus?
You have an extremely close mind or very little exposure to Christians,then. I go to a church attended by 10K people every week. The entire message almost every week is about helping people who need it and trying to be more like Jesus. Sure - nobody's ever going to do it perfectly, but there are a lot of us out there trying and your statements are basically ignorant of that fact.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I don't see why a given group of people should need to explain why one of their religious figures looks like them. That's pretty basic human nature ... Wouldn't it be odd if a given tribe of people in Africa had a deity that happened to look like a Viking?
It's pretty basic human stupidity.
But you raise an interesting point. Why is Christianity the major religion in the West? It's a Middle Eastern Religion not an American religion. How come Americans didn't choose to adopt the native religions of the Americas instead?
So you complain that the west is narrow minded but then say they should follow only those religions from the west. does that make sense? I say let any one follow or not follow what ever they want.
i think the point was those that dislike arabs worshiping a guy who was born over there so he most likely looked like them
don't compete; coexist
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
i think the point was those that dislike arabs worshiping a guy who was born over there so he most likely looked like them
then it has to be more clear. just to play devils advocate could you not make the argument that what you just stated shows that people in the west don't dislike Arabs. I think you could.
these sweeping denouncements of huge groups of peope just don't fly.
I just said 99.9% of so-called Christians don't live lives based on the example of Christ at all. I've said some controversial things in this thread but I don't think this is one of them. The society we live in is one based on materialism, money and entertainment. Seriously, how many Americans do you know who's lives follow the example set by the Biblical Jesus?
this is fun. let make up stats. I say that 50% of the world likes the NY Yankees.
so now i know why FOX news anchors seem be having a great fun time.
i think the point was those that dislike arabs worshiping a guy who was born over there so he most likely looked like them
So the OP is stereotyping everyone in the West as being Christian AND hating Arabs.
He's only right on one count in my case. I am Christian, but I do not hate Arabs or anyone from the middle east for that matter.
Again...ignorance and stereotyping. Really shows a lot of intelligence.
wow, did you even read the OP????
...just in case any right-wing, Republican voting, Anti-Arab Christians out there have forgotten.
Talk amongst yourselves...
that seems far from saying everyone in the west
don't compete; coexist
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
i think the point was those that dislike arabs worshiping a guy who was born over there so he most likely looked like them
So the OP is stereotyping everyone in the West as being Christian AND hating Arabs.
He's only right on one count in my case. I am Christian, but I do not hate Arabs or anyone from the middle east for that matter.
Again...ignorance and stereotyping. Really shows a lot of intelligence.
wow, did you even read the OP????
...just in case any right-wing, Republican voting, Anti-Arab Christians out there have forgotten.
Talk amongst yourselves...
that seems far from saying everyone in the west
I read it originally, but didn't go back to refer to it. Technically, you are correct in that it doesn't say anything about the west, but that doesn't mean it's free of stereotyping and ignorance.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I just said 99.9% of so-called Christians don't live lives based on the example of Christ at all. I've said some controversial things in this thread but I don't think this is one of them. The society we live in is one based on materialism, money and entertainment. Seriously, how many Americans do you know who's lives follow the example set by the Biblical Jesus?
no, i think the generalizations are the most controversial things you've brought to this discussion. i think you are not going to be blowing away too many christians with the idea that jesus wasn't a white dude, or that the historical evidence is mixed, and open for debate. most christians i know have thought about this stuff, and a lot of other aspects of their faith that people like you never give them credit for.
the controversial thing is acting like christians haven't thought about their own faith. i agree with you that some christians may not follow the example of jesus as well as they might. but it's unfair to make up a number about how many that is, and it's totally arrogant to put the number as high as you have.
this is fun. let make up stats. I say that 50% of the world likes the NY Yankees.
More than 50 thank you.
sorry but i am sticking with 50%. i have talked with everyone in the world and it was exactly 50 %. the most surprising fact was that 13% liked the Toronto Blue jays. now that is a shocking stat(almost hard to believe)
B, in point of fact he wasn't an Arab. Before the rise of Islam and the subsequent Islamic conquest of the Middle East (7th century - that's 700 years after Jesus lived) the Arabs were almost entirely confined to the Arabian peninsula. Jesus was born, most likely, in the Galilee, or if you insist on the mythology in Bethlehem, but either way he was born to Jewish parents in Israel. That makes him a Semite, but not an Arab (a sub-category of Semite).
you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane
B, in point of fact he wasn't an Arab. Before the rise of Islam and the subsequent Islamic conquest of the Middle East (7th century - that's 700 years after Jesus lived) the Arabs were almost entirely confined to the Arabian peninsula. Jesus was born, most likely, in the Galilee, or if you insist on the mythology in Bethlehem, but either way he was born to Jewish parents in Israel. That makes him a Semite, but not an Arab (a sub-category of Semite).
And what historical evidence do you base this on, other than the Bible, which isn't an historical record at all?
I don't take the bible as fact at all. That said, as you yourself indicated, the historical evidence points to there having been an historical Jesus, and as far as is known from the sources he was a Jew who was born and lived his life in Israel. That means that he was not an Arab, since the Arabs didn't conquer Israel/Palestine for another 7 centuries after the period of Jesus' life. What on earth would make you think that he WAS an Arab?
you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane
the historical evidence points to there having been an historical Jesus, and as far as is known from the sources he was a Jew who was born and lived his life in Israel.
And what sources are these of which you do speaketh?
Oh Christ (get it?), B, I can't name them all, I'm no expert, but if I remember my university courses on the New Testament correctly Jesus is mentioned by Josephus, as well as other contemporary (or nearly so) Roman and Jewish sources. As YOU YOURSELF SAID there is a difference between the mythological Jesus and the historical Jesus, but THERE WAS AN HISTORICAL JESUS, and all the evidence points to him not being an Arab. Now please, why do you think that he was an Arab, despite all the evidence to the contrary, or are you just trying to be provocative while also being incapable of admitting that you are wrong?
you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane
Oh Christ (get it?), B, I can't name them all, I'm no expert, but if I remember my university courses on the New Testament correctly Jesus is mentioned by Josephus, as well as other contemporary (or nearly so) Roman and Jewish sources. As YOU YOURSELF SAID there is a difference between the mythological Jesus and the historical Jesus, but THERE WAS AN HISTORICAL JESUS, and all the evidence points to him not being an Arab. Now please, why do you think that he was an Arab, despite all the evidence to the contrary, or are you just trying to be provocative while also being incapable of admitting that you are wrong?
The mentions of Jesus in the histories of Josephus were found to be later interpolations. Basically, they are not genuine.
So far you've provided no 'evidence to the contrary' so the question of whether I'm capable or incapable of admitting I'm wrong is not relevant.
Josephus on Jesus
Josephus is the first non-Christian writer to mention Jesus. He does this in Books 18 and 20 of his Antiquities, from about 93 AD. It is worth giving the reference in Book 18 in full.
'Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ . And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day'
For two centuries no Christian used this passage, although many of them quoted Josephus. For example, Origen quoted Josephus when writing 250,000 words against the pagan writer Celsus, but he never uses this passage even when it would have been most useful. In Chapter 6 of Book 1 of 'Contra Celsum', Origen wrote ' ..."Many shall say to Me in that day, In Thy name we have cast out devils, and done many wonderful works." Whether Celsus omitted this from intentional malignity, or from ignorance, I do not know..." Would not Origen have loved to show Josephus as writing that Jesus performed wonderful works?
In chapter 67 Origen quotes Celsus as follows '...this Jew of Celsus.... continues: "The old mythological fables, which attributed a divine origin to Perseus, and Amphion, and Aeacus, and Minos, were not believed by us. Nevertheless, that they might not appear unworthy of credit, they represented the deeds of these personages as great and wonderful, and truly beyond the power of man; but what hast thou done that is noble or wonderful either in deed or in word?' Wouldn't Origen have loved to answer Celsus's taunt by pointing out that the renowned Jewish historian Josephus said Jesus performed wonderful works.
It is admitted that the passage of Josephus was tampered with by Christians. Strictly speaking, this rules it out altogether as evidence. If a prosecution lawyer in a court case tried to introduce evidence that had been tampered with by prosecution witnesses, that evidence would be rejected. However, let us examine the claim that we can tell in this short paragraph by looking at the style, which phrases are Josephan and which are Christian interpolations. In passing I note that many Christians deny that we can tell by looking at the style that Paul did not write 1 or 2 Timothy, Titus or Ephesians, although there we have whole letters to work with, not just a few phrases.
It is worth pointing out that any Christian scribe who had just copied out 17 books of Josephus would be familiar with his style and easily able to express Christian thoughts in Josephan language.
Josephus only uses the phrase 'a wise man' about Solomon and Daniel. Would a first-century Pharisee bracket a crucified criminal with legendary kings and prophets? It was Christian writers who compared Jesus to Solomon (Matthew 12:42) and praised the wisdom of Jesus (Luke 2:46-52)
Josephus only used the phrase wonderful works about Elisha. As your email pointed out it was Christians who saw parallels between Jesus and Elijah and Elisha.
In Mark 6:2 , Jews praise the wisdom and mighty works of Jesus. Can we be sure that Josephus's 'wise man' and 'wonderful works' must be genuine as no Christian interpolator would have had any motive to portray Josephus the way the Gospels say Jews regarded Jesus? I doubt it.
Josephus's phrase 'the principal men' (ton proton andron) is mirrored in Luke 19:47 - 'the leaders among the people' (hoi protoi)
The passage of Josephus first appears in 'Ecclesiastical History' by Eusebius in about 320 AD. Eusebius also includes clearly fake letters by Jesus himself. Another quote of Josephus by Eusebius is especially interesting , as we can see how Eusebius would doctor quotes to make them support Christian writings .
Josephus wrote in Antiquities Book 19 Section 346 'But as he presently afterwards looked up, he saw an owl sitting on a certain rope over his head, and immediately understood that this bird was the messenger (Greek 'Angelos') of ill tidings...' Eusebius in his History (2.10) omits the words 'boubona - epi schoiniou tinos' (ie an owl on a certain rope) and retains only the 'angelos' or messenger. As it stands in Eusebius, the 'quote' of Josephus appears to support Acts 12:23 which mentions an 'angelos', but naturally does not say this messenger was an owl.
Eusebius is the first person to say that Josephus referred to 'the tribe of Christians' . Eusebius also said Tertullian referred to the tribe of Christians. He did not. Eusebius also said Trajan referred to the tribe of Christians. He did not.
To sum up, Josephus's mention of Jesus was unknown for two centuries, is admitted even by Christians to be tampered with and first appears in the work of somebody who produced forged letters of Jesus, doctored quotes of Josephus, and lied about one of the very phrases found in the Testimonium when saying that other ancient writers used it. Almost every phrase expresses Christian, not Jewish, beliefs about Jesus.
Oh Christ (get it?), B, I can't name them all, I'm no expert, but if I remember my university courses on the New Testament correctly Jesus is mentioned by Josephus, as well as other contemporary (or nearly so) Roman and Jewish sources. As YOU YOURSELF SAID there is a difference between the mythological Jesus and the historical Jesus, but THERE WAS AN HISTORICAL JESUS, and all the evidence points to him not being an Arab. Now please, why do you think that he was an Arab, despite all the evidence to the contrary, or are you just trying to be provocative while also being incapable of admitting that you are wrong?
he's just trying to jerk everybody's chain at the risk of his own soul.
he's just trying to jerk everybody's chain at the risk of his own soul.
Don't tell me...The devil is waiting with a pitchfork to ram up my ass in the fires of hell?
Sorry, but I don't subscribe to your quaint fairy tale, so your incessant comments about my soul and about offending the old man in the sky with a white beard mean jack shit to me.
Oh Christ (get it?), B, I can't name them all, I'm no expert, but if I remember my university courses on the New Testament correctly Jesus is mentioned by Josephus, as well as other contemporary (or nearly so) Roman and Jewish sources. As YOU YOURSELF SAID there is a difference between the mythological Jesus and the historical Jesus, but THERE WAS AN HISTORICAL JESUS, and all the evidence points to him not being an Arab. Now please, why do you think that he was an Arab, despite all the evidence to the contrary, or are you just trying to be provocative while also being incapable of admitting that you are wrong?
he's just trying to jerk everybody's chain at the risk of his own soul.
Anyone who didn't sell their soul to Millhouse for $5 is a sucker.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
he's just trying to jerk everybody's chain at the risk of his own soul.
Don't tell me...The devil is waiting with a pitchfork to ram up my ass in the fires of hell?
Sorry, but I don't subscribe to your quaint fairy tale, so your incessant comments about my soul and about offending the old man in the sky with a white beard mean jack shit to me.
no need to apoligize to me byrnzie,as I have said before..believe as you will.
Oh Christ (get it?), B, I can't name them all, I'm no expert, but if I remember my university courses on the New Testament correctly Jesus is mentioned by Josephus, as well as other contemporary (or nearly so) Roman and Jewish sources. As YOU YOURSELF SAID there is a difference between the mythological Jesus and the historical Jesus, but THERE WAS AN HISTORICAL JESUS, and all the evidence points to him not being an Arab. Now please, why do you think that he was an Arab, despite all the evidence to the contrary, or are you just trying to be provocative while also being incapable of admitting that you are wrong?
he's just trying to jerk everybody's chain at the risk of his own soul.
Anyone who didn't sell their soul to Millhouse for $5 is a sucker.
From this source:
The current dominant opinion among historians and scientists is that he was most likely a Galilean Jew and thus would have features which resemble modern-day persons of Middle Eastern or Semitic descent.
I meant the Biblical Jesus didn't exist. The historical Jesus is something else altogether. Confused? Complain to the early Church Fathers - it was them that made this shit up, not me.
Not sure how the American situation compares, but fairly recently in parts of Canada there has been a very positive revival of interest in the "old ways". More of this stuff has been preserved than many people realize. Its almost easy to attend a sweat lodge around here, for instance. In some cases its become a business that caters to people interested in "getting in touch with nature", which is probably more positive than negative if you ask me. At least the ideas are getting some modicum of respect, and people are getting a different spin on interacting with nature.
You have an extremely close mind or very little exposure to Christians,then. I go to a church attended by 10K people every week. The entire message almost every week is about helping people who need it and trying to be more like Jesus. Sure - nobody's ever going to do it perfectly, but there are a lot of us out there trying and your statements are basically ignorant of that fact.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
So you complain that the west is narrow minded but then say they should follow only those religions from the west. does that make sense? I say let any one follow or not follow what ever they want.
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
then it has to be more clear. just to play devils advocate could you not make the argument that what you just stated shows that people in the west don't dislike Arabs. I think you could.
this is fun. let make up stats. I say that 50% of the world likes the NY Yankees.
so now i know why FOX news anchors seem be having a great fun time.
So the OP is stereotyping everyone in the West as being Christian AND hating Arabs.
He's only right on one count in my case. I am Christian, but I do not hate Arabs or anyone from the middle east for that matter.
Again...ignorance and stereotyping. Really shows a lot of intelligence.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
wow, did you even read the OP????
that seems far from saying everyone in the west
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
I read it originally, but didn't go back to refer to it. Technically, you are correct in that it doesn't say anything about the west, but that doesn't mean it's free of stereotyping and ignorance.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
today he would be called a communist, a hippy, and a lunatic.
but I think he was a helluva guy. We should all try to live a little bit more like Jeshua!
More than 50 thank you.
no, i think the generalizations are the most controversial things you've brought to this discussion. i think you are not going to be blowing away too many christians with the idea that jesus wasn't a white dude, or that the historical evidence is mixed, and open for debate. most christians i know have thought about this stuff, and a lot of other aspects of their faith that people like you never give them credit for.
the controversial thing is acting like christians haven't thought about their own faith. i agree with you that some christians may not follow the example of jesus as well as they might. but it's unfair to make up a number about how many that is, and it's totally arrogant to put the number as high as you have.
sorry but i am sticking with 50%. i have talked with everyone in the world and it was exactly 50 %. the most surprising fact was that 13% liked the Toronto Blue jays. now that is a shocking stat(almost hard to believe)
And what historical evidence do you base this on, other than the Bible, which isn't an historical record at all?
1. Arabs probably weren't in Israel at the time.
2. Arabs are caucasian.
3. Byrnzie is very misinformed.
i think we've made some progress here.
Though on the subject of religion I think the smart money may be on Yosi beating me by way of a technical knockout.
And what sources are these of which you do speaketh?
The mentions of Jesus in the histories of Josephus were found to be later interpolations. Basically, they are not genuine.
So far you've provided no 'evidence to the contrary' so the question of whether I'm capable or incapable of admitting I'm wrong is not relevant.
Josephus on Jesus
Josephus is the first non-Christian writer to mention Jesus. He does this in Books 18 and 20 of his Antiquities, from about 93 AD. It is worth giving the reference in Book 18 in full.
'Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ . And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day'
For two centuries no Christian used this passage, although many of them quoted Josephus. For example, Origen quoted Josephus when writing 250,000 words against the pagan writer Celsus, but he never uses this passage even when it would have been most useful. In Chapter 6 of Book 1 of 'Contra Celsum', Origen wrote ' ..."Many shall say to Me in that day, In Thy name we have cast out devils, and done many wonderful works." Whether Celsus omitted this from intentional malignity, or from ignorance, I do not know..." Would not Origen have loved to show Josephus as writing that Jesus performed wonderful works?
In chapter 67 Origen quotes Celsus as follows '...this Jew of Celsus.... continues: "The old mythological fables, which attributed a divine origin to Perseus, and Amphion, and Aeacus, and Minos, were not believed by us. Nevertheless, that they might not appear unworthy of credit, they represented the deeds of these personages as great and wonderful, and truly beyond the power of man; but what hast thou done that is noble or wonderful either in deed or in word?' Wouldn't Origen have loved to answer Celsus's taunt by pointing out that the renowned Jewish historian Josephus said Jesus performed wonderful works.
It is admitted that the passage of Josephus was tampered with by Christians. Strictly speaking, this rules it out altogether as evidence. If a prosecution lawyer in a court case tried to introduce evidence that had been tampered with by prosecution witnesses, that evidence would be rejected. However, let us examine the claim that we can tell in this short paragraph by looking at the style, which phrases are Josephan and which are Christian interpolations. In passing I note that many Christians deny that we can tell by looking at the style that Paul did not write 1 or 2 Timothy, Titus or Ephesians, although there we have whole letters to work with, not just a few phrases.
It is worth pointing out that any Christian scribe who had just copied out 17 books of Josephus would be familiar with his style and easily able to express Christian thoughts in Josephan language.
Josephus only uses the phrase 'a wise man' about Solomon and Daniel. Would a first-century Pharisee bracket a crucified criminal with legendary kings and prophets? It was Christian writers who compared Jesus to Solomon (Matthew 12:42) and praised the wisdom of Jesus (Luke 2:46-52)
Josephus only used the phrase wonderful works about Elisha. As your email pointed out it was Christians who saw parallels between Jesus and Elijah and Elisha.
In Mark 6:2 , Jews praise the wisdom and mighty works of Jesus. Can we be sure that Josephus's 'wise man' and 'wonderful works' must be genuine as no Christian interpolator would have had any motive to portray Josephus the way the Gospels say Jews regarded Jesus? I doubt it.
Josephus's phrase 'the principal men' (ton proton andron) is mirrored in Luke 19:47 - 'the leaders among the people' (hoi protoi)
The passage of Josephus first appears in 'Ecclesiastical History' by Eusebius in about 320 AD. Eusebius also includes clearly fake letters by Jesus himself. Another quote of Josephus by Eusebius is especially interesting , as we can see how Eusebius would doctor quotes to make them support Christian writings .
Josephus wrote in Antiquities Book 19 Section 346 'But as he presently afterwards looked up, he saw an owl sitting on a certain rope over his head, and immediately understood that this bird was the messenger (Greek 'Angelos') of ill tidings...' Eusebius in his History (2.10) omits the words 'boubona - epi schoiniou tinos' (ie an owl on a certain rope) and retains only the 'angelos' or messenger. As it stands in Eusebius, the 'quote' of Josephus appears to support Acts 12:23 which mentions an 'angelos', but naturally does not say this messenger was an owl.
Eusebius is the first person to say that Josephus referred to 'the tribe of Christians' . Eusebius also said Tertullian referred to the tribe of Christians. He did not. Eusebius also said Trajan referred to the tribe of Christians. He did not.
To sum up, Josephus's mention of Jesus was unknown for two centuries, is admitted even by Christians to be tampered with and first appears in the work of somebody who produced forged letters of Jesus, doctored quotes of Josephus, and lied about one of the very phrases found in the Testimonium when saying that other ancient writers used it. Almost every phrase expresses Christian, not Jewish, beliefs about Jesus.
he's just trying to jerk everybody's chain at the risk of his own soul.
Don't tell me...The devil is waiting with a pitchfork to ram up my ass in the fires of hell?
Sorry, but I don't subscribe to your quaint fairy tale, so your incessant comments about my soul and about offending the old man in the sky with a white beard mean jack shit to me.
Anyone who didn't sell their soul to Millhouse for $5 is a sucker.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
uhh... yea right
From this source:
The current dominant opinion among historians and scientists is that he was most likely a Galilean Jew and thus would have features which resemble modern-day persons of Middle Eastern or Semitic descent.