Dedicated to Arizona Lawmakers



  • dasvidanadasvidana Grand Junction CO Posts: 1,355
    Anyone who says this isn't about racism isn't paying attention. Our country has done this to many different ethnicities/cultural groups in the past.....African-Americans, Asians, Irish, Native Americans, etc. I guess we can now add Hispanics to the list.
    It's nice to be nice to the nice.
  • stickfig13stickfig13 Posts: 1,532
    prfctlefts wrote:
    So what should they do then. It's easy for all of you to criticize the Arizona govenor for signing this bill,but What if it was your state that was in a state of emergency. What if you lived on the southern boarder that was being controlled by Mexican drug lords ? If the Federal Gov ware doing their damn job(protecting it's citizens ) and not worried about votes we wouldn't be having this problem.

    We’ve had numerous officers that have been killed by illegal immigrants in Arizona,” Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Monday at a Capitol Hill news conference. “And that shouldn’t happen one time.”

    Babeu said the violence in Arizona has reached “epidemic proportions” and must be stopped. “In just one patrol area, we’ve had 64 pursuits — failure to yield for an officer — in one month,” Babeu said. “That’s out of control.”

    Only Illegals commit crimes?

    Crime is crime
    Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
  • Dirtie_FrankDirtie_Frank Posts: 1,348
    scb wrote:
    unsung wrote:
    We are citizens of this country, they are not.

    So? We're talking about breaking the law by failing to file some paperwork. It's the same type of crime for all three scenarios. Why do we have such vastly different ideas about non-Americans vs. Americans who commit the same type of crime? Because it's not really just about breaking the law; it's really about xenophobia.

    We act like just because we happen to be citizens of this country we are better than those who are not and we have a right to treat them like shit, as if they are bad people who are not deserving of our respect, when really the only difference between us and them is location of birth and/or paperwork.

    Really, we are only citizens of this country because our ancestors immigrated here illegally and took this land by force from the ancestors of the people we now say don't belong here. What's that saying? "We didn't cross the border; the border crossed us."

    Regardless, this new law encourages the harassment not of illegal immigrants or non-citizens, but of anyone - including legal American citizens - of Hispanic descent. Again, that's about racism and xenophobia, not about upholding the law.

    Edit to add: I really don't understand how so many of the same people who are supposedly fighting against the government taking away our freedoms/rights can actually support a law that so blatantly allows the government to take away our freedoms/rights - the rights of American CITIZENS! I guess it's okay to take away Americans' rights when the Americans don't look like you think they should.

    So now let me see if I can get this straight: Laws which help (by providing healthcare) American citizens who don't look like me are a violation of American freedoms, but laws which hurt (by encouraging harassment of) American citizens who don't look like me are not a violation of American freedoms and are to be supported. :? Again, it seems to me like some groups in this country don't really support Americans at all, as they claim they do, but really only support Americans who are like them.

    There are quotas of the amount of people that can migrate in. What is wrong with becoming a citizen the legal way? I am sure they are all great people too right? I have no problem with any Mexican, Guatemalan or whatever country someone is from becoming a citizen as long as it is done right. What is wrong with that?
    96 Randall's Island II
    98 CAA
    00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
    05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
    06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
    08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
    09 Phillie III
    10 MSG II
    13 Wrigley Field
    16 Phillie II
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    have you ever been pulled over by the police ? went through a airport security check ?'ve been profiled trust me.
    profiling for different areas people places and things , blond hair and blue eyes dose not a hispanic make..
    but your friend who looks to be hispanic will be profiled and depending on what they're looking for at the time
    you may have been profiled and not even known it, they didn't let you pass and not notice your blond and blue
    hence you have been profiled.
    there is more to profiling than skin color there is a list of thing they watch like body movement , facial expressions ,clothing, what your driving and dose it fit in the area your traveling through so if your in a border area and your hispanic well then you can count on being profiled and or stopped,believe it or not they catch a lot of bad guys this way,
    I've known some bad guys and at first glance you might think they're the nicest person you ever met
    and have no idea who they really are or what they're really like......well I'm finished.


    But I think you're kind of proving my point.

    When I said I was never profiled, I meant I was never singled out for harassment because of my race. I used the word profiled in that way because you were responding to a post about how people were going to be singled out for harassment because of their race when you called bullshit and said everyone gets profiled.

    Since you're now defining profiling as being assessed for whether or not a law enforcement officer wants to single you out for harassment, then of course I've been profiled. But the result of all that profiling is that I have never been stopped by immigration, I have been stopped by police but never received a ticket that wasn't dismissed (and have rarely even received one in the first place), and the only time I've been pulled out of line at the airport to have my stuff searched was in London at 8 AM when I was still shit-faced from the night before (so I was rightfully profiled for my actions, not the color of my skin).

    Additionally, my ex knew they looked for things like clothing & what you're driving, etc., and was therefore sure to never wear clothing that would draw attention. And he was always driving MY car - the same one they waved through when I was alone! As far as fitting the area you're driving through... isn't it perfectly reasonable to be a half-Hispanic person in the middle of New Mexico??

    And your point about bad guys not looking a certain way is an argument against the merit of profiling as well.

    The part I underlined is TOTALLY what I and others are trying to say happens/will happen. So you agree, then, that Hispanics will be constantly profiled and stopped under this law? Do you just not have a problem with that? :?
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    scb wrote:
    unsung wrote:
    We are citizens of this country, they are not.

    So? We're talking about breaking the law by failing to file some paperwork. It's the same type of crime for all three scenarios. Why do we have such vastly different ideas about non-Americans vs. Americans who commit the same type of crime? Because it's not really just about breaking the law; it's really about xenophobia.

    We act like just because we happen to be citizens of this country we are better than those who are not and we have a right to treat them like shit, as if they are bad people who are not deserving of our respect, when really the only difference between us and them is location of birth and/or paperwork.

    Really, we are only citizens of this country because our ancestors immigrated here illegally and took this land by force from the ancestors of the people we now say don't belong here. What's that saying? "We didn't cross the border; the border crossed us."

    Regardless, this new law encourages the harassment not of illegal immigrants or non-citizens, but of anyone - including legal American citizens - of Hispanic descent. Again, that's about racism and xenophobia, not about upholding the law.

    Edit to add: I really don't understand how so many of the same people who are supposedly fighting against the government taking away our freedoms/rights can actually support a law that so blatantly allows the government to take away our freedoms/rights - the rights of American CITIZENS! I guess it's okay to take away Americans' rights when the Americans don't look like you think they should.

    So now let me see if I can get this straight: Laws which help (by providing healthcare) American citizens who don't look like me are a violation of American freedoms, but laws which hurt (by encouraging harassment of) American citizens who don't look like me are not a violation of American freedoms and are to be supported. :? Again, it seems to me like some groups in this country don't really support Americans at all, as they claim they do, but really only support Americans who are like them.

    scb your joking right ?


    No, I'm not joking. (But thanks for checking.) I believe:

    1. It's not right to harass American citizens (or legal immigrants) just because they appear to be Hispanic.

    2. Undocumented immigrants deserve to be treated with the same respect we would expect had we committed no crime but the failure to complete some paperwork.

    Do you disagree? Or were you referring to something else?
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    dasvidana wrote:
    Anyone who says this isn't about racism isn't paying attention. Our country has done this to many different ethnicities/cultural groups in the past.....African-Americans, Asians, Irish, Native Americans, etc. I guess we can now add Hispanics to the list.

    I would add that this law will probably also result in greater harassment of the many Native Americans who live in Arizona, thereby furthering the atrocities committed against them. :(
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    There are quotas of the amount of people that can migrate in. What is wrong with becoming a citizen the legal way? I am sure they are all great people too right? I have no problem with any Mexican, Guatemalan or whatever country someone is from becoming a citizen as long as it is done right. What is wrong with that?

    I'm not saying people shouldn't get papers when they come to the U.S. I'm sure many/most of them would if they could. But oftentimes they can't, and everyone's circumstance is different. I just think most undocumented immigrants are good people who have committed no crime except for failure to complete costly, complicated paperwork and they, as a group, don't deserve the contempt and disrespect they receive from many Americans.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    scb wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    have you ever been pulled over by the police ? went through a airport security check ?'ve been profiled trust me.
    profiling for different areas people places and things , blond hair and blue eyes dose not a hispanic make..
    but your friend who looks to be hispanic will be profiled and depending on what they're looking for at the time
    you may have been profiled and not even known it, they didn't let you pass and not notice your blond and blue
    hence you have been profiled.
    there is more to profiling than skin color there is a list of thing they watch like body movement , facial expressions ,clothing, what your driving and dose it fit in the area your traveling through so if your in a border area and your hispanic well then you can count on being profiled and or stopped,believe it or not they catch a lot of bad guys this way,
    I've known some bad guys and at first glance you might think they're the nicest person you ever met
    and have no idea who they really are or what they're really like......well I'm finished.


    But I think you're kind of proving my point.

    When I said I was never profiled, I meant I was never singled out for harassment because of my race. I used the word profiled in that way because you were responding to a post about how people were going to be singled out for harassment because of their race when you called bullshit and said everyone gets profiled.

    Since you're now defining profiling as being assessed for whether or not a law enforcement officer wants to single you out for harassment, then of course I've been profiled. But the result of all that profiling is that I have never been stopped by immigration, I have been stopped by police but never received a ticket that wasn't dismissed (and have rarely even received one in the first place), and the only time I've been pulled out of line at the airport to have my stuff searched was in London at 8 AM when I was still shit-faced from the night before (so I was rightfully profiled for my actions, not the color of my skin).

    Additionally, my ex knew they looked for things like clothing & what you're driving, etc., and was therefore sure to never wear clothing that would draw attention. And he was always driving MY car - the same one they waved through when I was alone! As far as fitting the area you're driving through... isn't it perfectly reasonable to be a half-Hispanic person in the middle of New Mexico??

    And your point about bad guys not looking a certain way is an argument against the merit of profiling as well.

    The part I underlined is TOTALLY what I and others are trying to say happens/will happen. So you agree, then, that Hispanics will be constantly profiled and stopped under this law? Do you just not have a problem with that? :?

    no I don't believe hispanics will be singled out but I do agree with you that some that are American citizens
    will get checked because they are hispanic, bottom line to me is that if this is what it's going to take to remove the illegals that are here from any country than so be it.
    wish we could ask that farmers family and friends what they think of the new law, the people that killed him
    do this kind of thing and not think twice about it then head back into mexico so where is the justus there and how do you find people like that with out checking everybody that fits the profile, this town in Az. may have been feed up and pushed into this situation to pass a new law and it's a shame that good people will be asked for proof of citizenship but the people can't just let this keep happening.

  • prfctlefts wrote:
    So what should they do then. It's easy for all of you to criticize the Arizona govenor for signing this bill,but What if it was your state that was in a state of emergency. What if you lived on the southern boarder that was being controlled by Mexican drug lords ? If the Federal Gov ware doing their damn job(protecting it's citizens ) and not worried about votes we wouldn't be having this problem.

    But how does randomly stopping mexican looking people solve anything... just imagine you are of mexican decent and run to pick up your kid at school (without your wallet). You happen to run into a bad cop who decides to question your citizenship... you don't have your wallet so you can't prove anything and he decides to detain you on his "suspicion"... how would you feel about that? Your kid is stranded in front of school while you are at the police station trying to justify that you are every bit of a citizen as the cop who brought you there.

    Look, if someone is arrested for a crime and they are found to be here illegally, do what ever you can... deport them, add additional charges, whatever works the best, but allowing cops to harass random hispanic people is nothing more than two wrongs trying to make a right.

    How are the cops going to know if they don't ask?
    That's like saying we shouldn't have check points on holidays like NYE, Labor day ect.... to help keep drunks off the road is it not. Or we might as well not even have people checked at the boarder when entering here, and as far as not having your wallet goes.. Leave all your documents in the glove compartment and you wont have any problems.I know this may and is probably going to ba a hassle for some but so what... Life's not fair.. And who said anything about cops harrasing random hispanics ?? Again I ask you.. Do you think cops are harrasing people when they have checkpoints looking for people driving under the influence ?
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    1) agreed

    2) they shouldn't be here until they have the proper paper work and besides most of them don't bother with paper work when they cross the border illegally.

    sbc sorry about the "are you joking" reply I'm not discounting your opinion on the matter,this is what you and some other people strongly believe and you are not wrong in your believes, and I believe what I have stated,
    opinions differ but it is cool learning from other people thanks.

  • scb wrote:
    There are quotas of the amount of people that can migrate in. What is wrong with becoming a citizen the legal way? I am sure they are all great people too right? I have no problem with any Mexican, Guatemalan or whatever country someone is from becoming a citizen as long as it is done right. What is wrong with that?

    I'm not saying people shouldn't get papers when they come to the U.S. I'm sure many/most of them would if they could. But oftentimes they can't, and everyone's circumstance is different. I just think most undocumented immigrants are good people who have committed no crime except for failure to complete costly, complicated paperwork and they, as a group, don't deserve the contempt and disrespect they receive from many Americans.

    I agree with you 100% as far as most undocumented workers being good people. My 1st cousin Married a Brazilian about 5 years ago and he just got his citizenship about a year ago. and I got to say he is one of the most kind hearted persons I have ever met and so is his family. I don't blame people for wanting to come here, Im all for legal immigration..
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240
    stickfig13 wrote:

    ***If you compete with "illegal aliens" for jobs....You're a loser

    Now I'm done

    Yeah, my father is a real loser for being a contractor and putting food on the table for me and my brother as kids. I mean working 15 hour days sheet rocking and being a single parent to provide for his family is something to be ashamed of when an illegal alien could have done it for less.
  • KDH12KDH12 Posts: 2,096
    scb wrote:
    There are quotas of the amount of people that can migrate in. What is wrong with becoming a citizen the legal way? I am sure they are all great people too right? I have no problem with any Mexican, Guatemalan or whatever country someone is from becoming a citizen as long as it is done right. What is wrong with that?

    I'm not saying people shouldn't get papers when they come to the U.S. I'm sure many/most of them would if they could. But oftentimes they can't, and everyone's circumstance is different. I just think most undocumented immigrants are good people who have committed no crime except for failure to complete costly, complicated paperwork and they, as a group, don't deserve the contempt and disrespect they receive from many Americans.

    here in Chicago many crimes that are committed by Hispanics (I am not saying they commit most crimes but the ones committed by them) are done by LEGAL residents. The Latin Kings are growing exponentially here and they are all legal. This law would solve nothing here.
    **CUBS GO ALL THE WAY IN......never **
  • KDH12KDH12 Posts: 2,096
    Godfather. wrote:
    scb wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    bullshit on the profiling non-sense we all get profiled... everybody!

    I beg to differ. I live on the southern border and have blonde hair and blue eyes and I NEVER get profiled in this way. Never. I go back and forth through the border patrol station all the time and they don't even make me come to a complete stop.

    When I was with my ex-boyfriend who was a natural born American citizen who was half Hispanic, however, we were stopped and questioned every time. He would even pull over just before the border patrol station (which was about 60 miles into the U.S., so we hadn't even been out of the country) to change his shirt if he were wearing anything like an image of the Virgin Mary or some such thing, just to limit his harassment. We were on a trolley coming back across the Mexican border once and he was singled out to be pulled off and interrogated - and they kept questioning him despite him having a U.S. driver's license and speaking perfect English.

    Again, this sort of thing never happens to me or my family.
    have you ever been pulled over by the police ? went through a airport security check ?'ve been profiled trust me.
    profiling for different areas people places and things , blond hair and blue eyes dose not a hispanic make..
    but your friend who looks to be hispanic will be profiled and depending on what they're looking for at the time
    you may have been profiled and not even known it, they didn't let you pass and not notice your blond and blue
    hence you have been profiled.
    there is more to profiling than skin color there is a list of thing they watch like body movement , facial expressions ,clothing, what your driving and dose it fit in the area your traveling through so if your in a border area and your hispanic well then you can count on being profiled and or stopped,believe it or not they catch a lot of bad guys this way,
    I've known some bad guys and at first glance you might think they're the nicest person you ever met
    and have no idea who they really are or what they're really like......well I'm finished.


    it is pretty ignorant for white people to complain about being profiled (I am not sure your race but.....)

    I am a social worker and often drive in low income neighborhoods and have been stopped by the police becuase they assume that the white people are only in the neighborhood to buy drugs which is mostly true, I answer a few questions and they let me go.... at time it makes me nervous I know they look at me and say what is this white guy doing over here, or what is this young white guy doing with this old black guy in his car?

    but because I am white I get off pretty easy

    If I was black driving in a rich white part of town in a beat up car, not only would they stop me, they would make me get out of the car, search me, search my car, embarrass me on the side of the road.... it happens everyday

    here is a great example about how differently whites kids are treated by the law versus minority kids

    check it out
    http://insideandout.chicagopublicradio. ... le-justice
    **CUBS GO ALL THE WAY IN......never **
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    scb wrote:
    2. Undocumented immigrants

    Tonight on my way to my job as a custodial engineer (janitor) I'm going to stop by the corner unlicensed pharmacist (drug dealer) and then after work I will solicit the services of a sexual tension specialist (prostitute).

    See how stupid that sounds?
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    KDH12 wrote:
    scb wrote:
    There are quotas of the amount of people that can migrate in. What is wrong with becoming a citizen the legal way? I am sure they are all great people too right? I have no problem with any Mexican, Guatemalan or whatever country someone is from becoming a citizen as long as it is done right. What is wrong with that?

    I'm not saying people shouldn't get papers when they come to the U.S. I'm sure many/most of them would if they could. But oftentimes they can't, and everyone's circumstance is different. I just think most undocumented immigrants are good people who have committed no crime except for failure to complete costly, complicated paperwork and they, as a group, don't deserve the contempt and disrespect they receive from many Americans.

    here in Chicago many crimes that are committed by Hispanics (I am not saying they commit most crimes but the ones committed by them) are done by LEGAL residents. The Latin Kings are growing exponentially here and they are all legal. This law would solve nothing here.

    Chicago has a huge illegal alien population. Illinois is fifth in the nation IIRC for illegal population.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    has anybody looked up the cost to American tax payers just to take care of illegals in this country...
    I'm not sure but I bet it would put a pretty good dent in the country's daffiest. :?

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    Daffiest? ;)
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    Honestly, my real thought about this is that racial profiling is evil. It doesn't feel good to the people it will be targeting.

    I sense that the only people who think this is okay are non-Hispanic people who have no idea what it would feel like to be pulled over all the time for nothing.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    justam wrote:
    Daffiest? ;)

    ha ha ha thanks Justam lots more to come my spelling is horrible :lol:

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    justam wrote:
    Honestly, my real thought about this is that racial profiling is evil. It doesn't feel good to the people it will be targeting.

    I sense that the only people who think this is okay are non-Hispanic people who have no idea what it would feel like to be pulled over all the time for nothing.

    try being an American Biker, I've been on the ground more than once,had my picture taken for a file,forced to
    take parts off my bike during a search, jail , followed for miles by unmarked cars and even been pulled over just so the officer could ask me what would be the best Harley for him being a new rider.
    jail was years ago and my bad but for the most part my life has always been straight,always worked own a home and married with child and I don't do drugs or drink anymore for at least the last 20+ years so that
    racial profiling stuff don't mean crap to me people will have to suck it up and move on,if your clean you don't have to worry.

  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • Dirtie_FrankDirtie_Frank Posts: 1,348
    Ok let's just open the boarders and let everyone in and they can live off the people who pay taxes. That is what it is coming to. I am all for helping people out but come on there needs to be some sort of way to restrict the amount of people in and enforce our laws and send the people out who did not do it right. Is this the way, I am not sure.
    96 Randall's Island II
    98 CAA
    00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
    05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
    06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
    08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
    09 Phillie III
    10 MSG II
    13 Wrigley Field
    16 Phillie II
  • stickfig13stickfig13 Posts: 1,532
    I don't think anyone is saying open the borders and let everyone come in. I think we can all agree that this is not the way to go about fixing the problem.
    Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,309
    whatever happend to this little paragraph that is on the statue of liberty....

    "Give me your tired, your poor,

    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    It's still there.

    People need to respect the laws of the host country.

    If I moved to Mexico how would I be treated? I'm not speaking of moving to a resort either.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    no I don't believe hispanics will be singled out but I do agree with you that some that are American citizens
    will get checked because they are hispanic
    , bottom line to me is that if this is what it's going to take to remove the illegals that are here from any country than so be it.
    wish we could ask that farmers family and friends what they think of the new law, the people that killed him
    do this kind of thing and not think twice about it then head back into mexico so where is the justus there and how do you find people like that with out checking everybody that fits the profile, this town in Az. may have been feed up and pushed into this situation to pass a new law and it's a shame that good people will be asked for proof of citizenship but the people can't just let this keep happening.


    I don't understand the sentence I underlined. It seems to contradict itself.

    Am I right to assume that you are not a Hispanic person living in AZ? If you're not, what I essentially here you saying is, "I'm willing to sacrifice the rights and OTHER PEOPLE to achieve my desired effect." (It's not going to achieve it anyway, but that's a different story.)

    As far as the murder of the rancher goes, he was murdered by a murderer, who was also an illegal immigrant. (I assume this has been proven?) Not all murderers are undocumented immigrants and not all undocumented immigrants are murderers. You said "how do you find people like that without checking everybody that fits the profile." But what if I was a white man who did it? Would you then say there should be a law that all white men should be stopped in case they are criminals? I'd bet you're more likely to be murdered by a non-Hispanic US citizen in AZ than by a Hispanic undocumented immigrant, so why single out just this one group to profile? (Plus, if you really want to check out people who fit the profile of this guy's killer, it sounds like he wasn't even really an immigrant - he just came across the border, murdered the guy, and went back, right? So why harass people who have actually built lives here? They don't even fit that guy's profile.)

    I think, since most serial killers are white men, all white men should be stopped and searched regularly because they fit the serial killer profile. If you care at all about the people you love, who may some day fall victim to a serial killer, I think you should join me in advocating for this law. I'm sure it would be supported by the families of victims of serial killers.
  • SmellymanSmellyman Asia Posts: 4,527
    Rebpublicans are very scared of brown people. Mexican, Muslim, presidents....
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    2) they shouldn't be here until they have the proper paper work and besides most of them don't bother with paper work when they cross the border illegally.

    Okay, I agree that, ideally, they shouldn't be here until they have completed the proper paperwork and that it's a crime to not do so. But do you think people who commit no other crime than this one should be treated like shit, as if they are violent criminals, or do you think they should be punished in a way that is more fitting of their actual crime and treated with compassion and respect, as our fellow human beings? Do you think they deserve our contempt?
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    KDH12 wrote:
    here is a great example about how differently whites kids are treated by the law versus minority kids

    check it out
    http://insideandout.chicagopublicradio. ... le-justice

    Wow. Excellent article. The parts I found particularly interesting were: 1) There are 29 black kids for every 1 kid in juvenile detention. 2) The concept of protecting OUR kids. I really think it's all about fear/disrespect of the "other". I can see how this can be a somewhat natural human tendency, but I think we have to consciously put an end to it. 3) How the white kids are given breaks on their charges. This, of course, leads to further breaks down the line because their records appear to be cleaner than they should be. I know this happens because it happens to me. I don't really break the law and I drive pretty well but, as I've said, when I do get pulled over for speeding I either don't get a ticket or the cop gives me a ticket but then has it dismissed. So now if I get pulled over, the cop notes that I have a perfectly clean record and that makes him less likely to give me a ticket. It's self-perpetuating privilege. (God I feel like I should shut up about all this privilege lest my "luck" come to an end!)
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