
  • dcfaithful wrote:
    i'm officially not satisfied with them not being allowed to smoke in public buildings. after putting up with this huge ashtray of a man who has sat next to me at work for the past year, i am now in favor of them being forced to work in their own blocked off little area of the office. this dude who sits next to me goes outside for a smoke break at least 2-3 times an hour and he REEKS. its so bad i am going to be getting a little fan for my desk to aim in his direction. it's disgusting.

    i've never understood how smokers can't realize how bad they smell. if i smoked i would have axe or some other body spray on call at all times.

    ever since i can remember i have hated the smell of cigarette smoke so perhaps this bugs me more than most people. but does anyone else have this problem at work or something? it actually affects my day to day activities. i'll be on the phone with someone and this guy will walk past me after taking a smoke break and the smell just hits me like a ton of bricks and i lose my train of thought.

    naturally i am kidding about them having to work in their own section. i just needed a few minutes to vent. this is something that really gets under your jeagler's skin though. :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted:


    seriously, i AM a former smoker, and i cannot believe i went around 20 years of my life smelling like that!

    there is this woman at work - who also is a mega-bitch so just adds to her appeal :roll: - and she is at the end of my cube row so i must walk past her cube every time i need to go anywhere in the office, which is often. she is disgusting! she totally REEKS! it's almost like pigpen from charlie brown, it's like an aura of smoke and stink surrounding her. EVERYbody comments on it. nasty. she goes out like once an hour, definitely has more than one ciggie - and comes back and stinks! scary thing too...she has to go all the way outside, then come up 32 floors, and the stink is still on her! i think it sticks to some people more than others for whatever reason, b/c other smokers in the office don't smell nearly as bad. you can actually tell if she has walked where you are, there's a smoke stink trail. she also makes nasty, phelgmy coughs all day long. she is just gross.

    my mom, at almost 82 now! - is still a smoker. when we pick her up to take her places, when she first enters the car can smell the smoke...her condo smells like smoke...but otherwise, she is not nearly as bad.

    it really is nasty to deal with all day long at work. so i feel for ya jeags and empathize.

    32 floors? Multiple cigs? Once an hour? Estimating her breaks are 20 minutes (and that's a quick smoke break given her criteria), she's spending nearly 3 hours of her day taking smoke breaks. When you lay it out, that's pretty damn inefficient.

    yep, just about right.
    obviously, i don't monitor her behavior....but being only 2 cubes over and passing her endlessly, have a very good sense of how much she is at her desk vs. not. my colleague right next to her who has worked with her much longer, says it's always been like that. however, this chick has been working with our senior partner since he was an associate, so basically, she is protected on high....and she knows it. thus, she shops often - as in leaving the office and coming back with bags....smokes a million cigs a day....and supposedly doesn't take lunch, thus she figures in ZERO time for it (whereas we all have to add either a half hour or one hour to our 8 hour day for eating) so she comes in for exactly 8 hours, even tho she goes and buys lunch, daily, eats it at her desk...and smokes 2-3 hours worth of cigs a day.(tho better than she used to be, she used to only come in for 6 hours, plus take just as many was crazy) she IS totally inefficient. we joke she must have compromising pics of the senior partner or sumthin'. so yea...she's a smelly, inefficient bitch. been with the firm over 20 years tho, so somehow they 'reward' her behavior, but others have been let go for a lot less. i guess whatever little work she does accomplish is 'enough'...i honestly have no idea. i just know if me or just about anyone else behaved as she does, we'd be out on our ass in less than 6 months. and so it goes, life ain't fair...proof positive. eh well...
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    Thank god no one monitors my inefficiency due to this board!! ;)
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • Lizard wrote:
    Thank god no one monitors my inefficiency due to this board!! ;)

    well damn, too!
    that's the thing tho, everyone is online, but at least they are AT their desks!
    gotta have some criteria.... :mrgreen:

    and hey, at least you don't smell....;)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • pearljgirl2010pearljgirl2010 Shillington, PA/Tuckerton, NJ Posts: 3,428
    instead of jackets and stuff, why don't companies just have a guy standing in front of the door with a huge fire truck type hose to just spray those smokers down before they re-enter the building? then we can have them stand next to these industrial size space heaters for a few minutes to dry off?

    this should work.

    hee hee...what a great mental picture!

    You know, I absolutely despise the smell of cigarettes...and yes, if someone walks by me and blows smoke in my direction, i will cough and get annoyed. But I also notice that there are some smokers here that are positively freaking out that people don't like it/are sensitive about it/ i the only one who finds it amusing??
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    Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
  • xavier mcdanielxavier mcdaniel Somewhere in NYC Posts: 9,339
    instead of jackets and stuff, why don't companies just have a guy standing in front of the door with a huge fire truck type hose to just spray those smokers down before they re-enter the building? then we can have them stand next to these industrial size space heaters for a few minutes to dry off?

    this should work.

    hee hee...what a great mental picture!

    You know, I absolutely despise the smell of cigarettes...and yes, if someone walks by me and blows smoke in my direction, i will cough and get annoyed. But I also notice that there are some smokers here that are positively freaking out that people don't like it/are sensitive about it/ i the only one who finds it amusing??

    I'm the same way. If someone lights up at the bus stop or on the train platform, I'll move as far away as possible. Frankly, I don't care if someone has a problem with it, I don't want to inhale any of the second hand smoke.
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    "I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
    Things happen in the game. Nothing you
    can do. I don't go and say,
    "I'm gonna beat this guy up."
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    It doesn't bother me much at all. We go out to bars and people smoke- whatever its not going to stop me from enjoying a local band or meeting new friends, having fun.
    People I love smoke. I smoked for a few years as a young girl maybe this makes me more understanding but for me each their own who am I to judge and even to find fault if they smell like cigs- really in the big scheme of things thats pretty minor.
    Now spitting and picking your nose in public thats awful- spreading nasty ass germs. Thats not ok.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    for the past 15 years i have worked in the Childcare Industry and at the 4 different centres i worked at we had a "smoking" policy in our staff handbook. During lunch breaks smokes had to wear a jacket or shirt provided to smoke in so it didn't stay on their clothes, when they came back they had to wash their hands and brush their teeth. This prevented any second hand smoke transferring to the children and increasing the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and i must say even the having to wear a jacket really made the smoke not an issue.. but all for Children's health so thats good.

    For me personally i cant be around close confined spaces with smokers as i have had on numerous occasions Asthma attacks, so i avoid them

    I think this goes to show 2 things:

    1. A little bit of effort at consideration on the part of the smoker can go a long way.

    2. The smoke is not just a foul smell, but it's actually something in the air that is harmful to the health of others.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    scb wrote:

    Nope... it's not anything like that. I feel sorry for lots of people who make bad personal decisions that cause them to have personal problems like addiction. But just because they have a problem it doesn't give them the right to infringe upon my personal health. If they want to ruin their own health, fine - but they can leave me out of it. I'll gladly support programs to help them kick their addictions if they want to.
    I can’t shake the feeling that the level of indignation in the majority of these complaints is disproportionate to the actual discomfort – mostly just venom directed at smokers in general. But I’m glad to see a sliver of empathy, and that you don’t sound as out for blood as many are with smokers.

    I guess I’m gauging the severity of this by my own experience, so….
    Do you have to work right next to these people all day? I’ve never had a job where I stood close enough to anyone long enough for a smell to be anything but a momentary inconvenience (and I was forthright enough to tell them to their face if it made me uncomfortable)…

    If we’re talking about a quick wiff of smoke…boo hoo…I understand that it causes you actual physical discomfort (I assume it would need to be somewhat prolonged); sincerely – that sucks…but bottom line is that in most work places, they’re not breaking any rules, and your sensitivity is not the norm….which, by default…does make it your problem to deal with.

    I would have no problem (if I were a smoker) with a policy similar to the one mentioned above – mandatory smoking jackets…washing hands/brushing teeth/gum etc should be common courtesy, and should be encouraged along with the policy…but I mean….man. Do we need regulations and rules for every little issue? Micromanage every little move in the workplace? nerf the world, right?

    Personally, I don't have this problem with anyone in my office, so I can't answer your question about working next to the people all day.

    In my work place, it IS breaking the rules. I work at a Health Sciences Center, which includes a hospital, a medical school, and a school of public health. Smoking is banned everywhere on campus - inside and outside. So I'm glad you side so strongly with the rules. ;)

    Regarding the sensitivity norm, I'm not sure you can accurately say that my sensitivity is not the norm and, even if this were true, I don't think that necessarily makes it my personal problem to deal with.
  • mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    I wish people who smoke can smell it on them, I'm sure they would quit in an instant. They smell like death, just horrible. :(
    ********************************************************************************************* image
  • milarsomilarso Posts: 1,280
    Michigan is going smoke free in all bars and restaurants (except for casinos for some reason...) in May! It was a huge controversy, but I, personally, can't wait!
    "The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,551
    instead of jackets and stuff, why don't companies just have a guy standing in front of the door with a huge fire truck type hose to just spray those smokers down before they re-enter the building? then we can have them stand next to these industrial size space heaters for a few minutes to dry off?

    this should work.

    hee hee...what a great mental picture!

    You know, I absolutely despise the smell of cigarettes...and yes, if someone walks by me and blows smoke in my direction, i will cough and get annoyed. But I also notice that there are some smokers here that are positively freaking out that people don't like it/are sensitive about it/ i the only one who finds it amusing??

    they seem to get pretty defensive...
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    vduboise wrote:
    Some people just don't realize that they stink. and unfortunately, if it is not regulated in some way, then people suffer on both sides. its called common courtesy- and some people don't do it.
    I work in a kitchen, and if you go out and smoke- wash your hands after is a must. the smoke smell doesn't linger as much with the food smells in the air.

    and Danimal, when you go to the bathroom- you do wash your hands, right??
    But how much are you suffering? I mean, lets be real here....are you stuck smelling this all day, or are you crying about smelling smoke for 5 seconds every couple hours?

    And a kitchen is different...but we need RULES telling us to wash our hands? Legislate common courtesy? Are we fucking gerbils or what?

    I mean...we're talking about people's livelihood being manipulated by subjective rules surrounding smells and hygeine...doesnt that sound overboard to most of you? No better way of handling it?

    Hypothetical - There is evidence that deoderant causes all kinds of illnesses. So if I were to stop wearing it, and either developed a errrr natural scent that you found offensive, or if I used an alternate product you didn't like the smell of....whose rights are more important? Do I need to smell like everyone else at the detriment of my health just so that you don't have to smell my subjectively offensive odour? There is no way to keep everyone kids,we need to find ways to play together without grown up supervision.

    As with everything else in life - It's the overly rigid, uncompromising people on BOTH sides that cause the problems.

    on a side note: Apparently we do need RULES telling us to wash our hands- that is why there are signs in the bathroom of restaurants. There is the food safety course that I took and you know what is one of the leading causes of food borne illnesses- other people and not properly washing their hands and keeping clean.
    - and most kitchens (and the DOH) have rules on hygiene too- that is why we have uniforms- and we have to change our shoes and wear a hat. And no perfumes (well, in most of the places I've worked).

    but back to smoking- for me, I don't smoke and don't like the smell. I have no problem if you want to smoke- but it make you stink. When we are doing private functions and I'm stuck in a van for awhile- the smoke stink becomes very cloying and unbearable. Yes I can , and do , open the window.
    Some smokers just don't see the other side of the coin- and can care less- I'm not wanting to take your freedom to smoke away- but why take my freedom to not have to smell the residue.

    Yes, both sides are passionate about the smoking issue- but why can't courtesy go both ways?
  • libragirllibragirl Posts: 4,632
    I'm just happy with the ban in public places. Sure it's not lovely smelling someone reeking of smoke but whatever, I rather deal with that then smell cigarette smoke while I'm eating.
    These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    I was just going to let this go, more.
    The same thing happened in the smoking during pregnancy thread – I ended up defending something I don’t support, out of frustration at the lack of compassion and empathy. I’ve noticed that I end up doing this virtually alone – the smokers are so beaten down that they’re afraid to try to defend themselves. (still, I don’t see anyone here ‘freaking out’ about being called stinky – like this is news to a smoker :roll: )
    I’ll say again – I don’t smoke. I used to, so I see both sides. I have actually become really sensitive to second hand smoke, and yes, the smell grosses me out too. I just get annoyed by how dramatic people are about this topic. Smokers have been long relegated to a frowned upon sub-species, and most go out of their way to try to keep you people happy. Sure, there are bad apples, and sure, SOME of you do have actual health issues with THIRD hand smoke….but like I said…the indignation is totally disproportionate to the harm and hassle. A two second wiff of third hand smoke does not a victim make. :roll: Smokers are an easy target, and criticizing them as a whole is an easy way for people to feel superior.

    Vdub – I acknowledged that kitchens and food prep are different; I have no problem regulating clean hands in that environment. But in pretty much any other workplace, it’s total overkill IMO. Yes – courtesy should go both ways.
    Scb – If the rules at your workplace are no smoking; so be it. I think it’s ridiculous to not give smokers a place, outdoors, to do their thing…but that’s not my call.

    Until smoking is an illegal activity, or banned altogether from the workplace, we need to find happy mediums and not just shit on the minority at every turn, just because it seems to be becoming more and more socially acceptable to do so.
  • I don't care if folks smoke or not. We let guests smoke in our house.

    We quit 4 years ago and put the money we would have spent in a special account. We are using that money to go to Europe next summer for shows in Ireland and Berlin and a nice week more just being on vacation. How much did we save by not smoking one pack a day? About $7,000.00 :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:
    Hold On
  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    I don't care if folks smoke or not. We let guests smoke in our house.

    We quit 4 years ago and put the money we would have spent in a special account. We are using that money to go to Europe next summer for shows in Ireland and Berlin and a nice week more just being on vacation. How much did we save by not smoking one pack a day? About $7,000.00 :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Christ, if I was a smoker that would be enough incentive for me to quit. That's outstanding.

    Perhaps if I stop buying so much beer I could do the same thing. :oops: 8-)
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    [/quote]Perhaps if I stop buying so much beer I could do the same thing. :oops: 8-)[/quote]

    You take that back, right now!!!!

    How dare you, dare you!
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • Jeff MurrayJeff Murray Posts: 1,259
    I had a lady that would keep her butts in her desk drawer because she didn't want to walk down the steps to put them in the receptacle when it was cold and windy. Now that stunk!

    It took my Niece to ask her Dad to quit smoking in the house after she was diagnosed with asthma. He didn't believe that the second-hand smoke had any effect on her health, it took her to open his eyes. And for a while he quit smoking due to her questioning his habit, and I gave him credit for that. But unfortunately he has gone back to smoking, but now he smokes outside and leaves his coat in the mud room, so at least there has been some compromise, but I would like to see him quit for his own health.

    The thing that irks me the most is when smokers believe their rights are being infringed when they are not allowed to smoke in restaurants/bars. They always told me I had the option of not going to places that allowed smoking. I didn't see that as an option at all, since no business was willingly going to turn away the smokers willing to spend their money in their establishment. Now due to new laws there are some bars that that allow smoke that don't serve food or don't allow anyone under 21 admittance, and there are also bars that serve food and have no smoking. I think the laws actually give people more choices now, which is a good thing.

    I would never go out of my way to embarrass someone that smokes, but I will not go out of my way to accommodate them either. If I meet someone that has a terrible smoke smell to them I just won't interact as much with them, just like if someone smelled bad for any other reason stated. Reminds me of a story my Grandmother would tell me of how she would have a garlic sausage sandwich when there was a girls basketball game in school, no one would want to guard her during the game. :lol: It cracks me up more since she is a whole 4 foot nothing!! :lol:
    If there were no Angels would there be no sin?
  • Indifference71Indifference71 Chicago Posts: 14,879
    dcfaithful wrote:
    I don't care if folks smoke or not. We let guests smoke in our house.

    We quit 4 years ago and put the money we would have spent in a special account. We are using that money to go to Europe next summer for shows in Ireland and Berlin and a nice week more just being on vacation. How much did we save by not smoking one pack a day? About $7,000.00 :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Christ, if I was a smoker that would be enough incentive for me to quit. That's outstanding.

    Perhaps if I stop buying so much beer I could do the same thing. :oops: 8-)

    Ha. I always think about how much money I could save if I didn't drink. I dont even wanna know how much I waste on alcohol.
  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    dcfaithful wrote:
    I don't care if folks smoke or not. We let guests smoke in our house.

    We quit 4 years ago and put the money we would have spent in a special account. We are using that money to go to Europe next summer for shows in Ireland and Berlin and a nice week more just being on vacation. How much did we save by not smoking one pack a day? About $7,000.00 :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Christ, if I was a smoker that would be enough incentive for me to quit. That's outstanding.

    Perhaps if I stop buying so much beer I could do the same thing. :oops: 8-)

    Ha. I always think about how much money I could save if I didn't drink. I dont even wanna know how much I waste on alcohol.

    I know! I'm freshly 21, that guilt shouldn't catch up with me for a couple of years, if even then. Drinking is too much fun, I don't want to see the annual bill.
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    Danimal wrote:
    You take that back, right now!!!!

    How dare you, dare you!

    Hey now, let's talk about this......

    over a couple of pitchers! 8-) :thumbup:
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,551
    the dude next to just absolutely reaks today.

    and this lingers all day long since he is outside like every 30 minutes or so. once the smell starts to wear off, he's outside again and it starts all over again.

    i wish cigarretes were never invented! :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
  • Jeff MurrayJeff Murray Posts: 1,259
    the dude next to just absolutely reaks today.

    and this lingers all day long since he is outside like every 30 minutes or so. once the smell starts to wear off, he's outside again and it starts all over again.

    i wish cigarretes were never invented! :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    Go to Taco Bell for lunch and give him a cropdusting to come back to every time he heads out for a smoke. :D
    If there were no Angels would there be no sin?
  • JD SalJD Sal Posts: 790
    the dude next to just absolutely reaks today.

    and this lingers all day long since he is outside like every 30 minutes or so. once the smell starts to wear off, he's outside again and it starts all over again.

    i wish cigarretes were never invented! :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    I'm a little late to the party, but have you tried putting an air freshener on your desk?
    "If no one sees you, you're not here at all"
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    JD Sal wrote:
    the dude next to just absolutely reaks today.

    and this lingers all day long since he is outside like every 30 minutes or so. once the smell starts to wear off, he's outside again and it starts all over again.

    i wish cigarretes were never invented! :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    I'm a little late to the party, but have you tried putting an air freshener on your desk?

    Or maybe a fan to blow the air back in his direction? :)
  • Best product on the market for smokers and their smell. You can spray your coworker's clothing and your office, works amazingly well. ... B001PMCA8M
  • eyedclaareyedclaar Posts: 6,980
    Best product on the market for smokers and their smell. You can spray your coworker's clothing and your office, works amazingly well. ... B001PMCA8M

    I love the idea of just spraying a co-worker. Don't say a word, just hose 'em down as they walk past.
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  • tinkerbelltinkerbell New Zealand Posts: 2,161
    I am an ex-smoker, I used to smoke at least a pack a day! I quit when I found out I was pregnant the first time. My partner still smokes (outside only!!) but... the smell doesn't bother me, like Pandora said when he comes back inside he smells relaxed. I really don't give a rats ass if people want to poison themselves and smell like an ash tray. I find B/O to be way more offensive than the smell of smoke.

    Shall we make a list of things that we don't want our co-workers to do as it offends us.

    I'll start: don't look at me, your fugly face offends my sensitive nature :cry:;)
    all you need is love, love is all you need
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,551
    eyedclaar wrote:
    Best product on the market for smokers and their smell. You can spray your coworker's clothing and your office, works amazingly well. ... B001PMCA8M

    I love the idea of just spraying a co-worker. Don't say a word, just hose 'em down as they walk past.

    i would rather use a hose than an air freshner though
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    The butts tossed out windows bugs me to no end. We've had quite a few forest fires start from careless thoughtless oblivious morons tossing butts out the car window...keep it to yourself, morons... Sometimes i'll write down the license plate of those offenders in case a fire does start, because they are held responsible for the damage...
    be philanthropic
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