i'm officially not satisfied with them not being allowed to smoke in public buildings. after putting up with this huge ashtray of a man who has sat next to me at work for the past year, i am now in favor of them being forced to work in their own blocked off little area of the office. this dude who sits next to me goes outside for a smoke break at least 2-3 times an hour and he REEKS. its so bad i am going to be getting a little fan for my desk to aim in his direction. it's disgusting.
i've never understood how smokers can't realize how bad they smell. if i smoked i would have axe or some other body spray on call at all times.
ever since i can remember i have hated the smell of cigarette smoke so perhaps this bugs me more than most people. but does anyone else have this problem at work or something? it actually affects my day to day activities. i'll be on the phone with someone and this guy will walk past me after taking a smoke break and the smell just hits me like a ton of bricks and i lose my train of thought.
naturally i am kidding about them having to work in their own section. i just needed a few minutes to vent. this is something that really gets under your jeagler's skin though. :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted:
i've never understood how smokers can't realize how bad they smell. if i smoked i would have axe or some other body spray on call at all times.
ever since i can remember i have hated the smell of cigarette smoke so perhaps this bugs me more than most people. but does anyone else have this problem at work or something? it actually affects my day to day activities. i'll be on the phone with someone and this guy will walk past me after taking a smoke break and the smell just hits me like a ton of bricks and i lose my train of thought.
naturally i am kidding about them having to work in their own section. i just needed a few minutes to vent. this is something that really gets under your jeagler's skin though. :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted:
Post edited by Unknown User on
I don’t mind the smell of the smoke if someone is smoking, but the after smell on people is disgusting.
And unfortunately body spray seems to make it worse – they just mix together to create a new awful smell.
how bout a new law requiring them to shower before returing to their work place then?
Anyways, I gave that up pretty easily and since I moved on from college I don't know anyone who smokes least not personally.
Amazing how things change!
It's weird, every year I go back to my college town for a weekend/football game/tailgate with some friends and I go into bars that used to allow smoking (not anymore). It's strange being able to breath and not stinking like cigarettes once you leave.
I can't remember the last bar I was in that allowed it. Been years!
Seriously - no amount of perfume or teeth brushing or anything makes it better. I'm fortunate to not work with anyone like this. The smell literally makes me want to vomit. And I would be sure to vomit right on the stinky person too! :evil:
My supervisor come's back from her smoke break just reeking and I have to smell the stale smoke emitting from her at least three times a day - and I get all headachy and sick feeling...
There's a poster right beside my desk that says the corp. policy is that you can't wear perfume or scented anything or have air fresheners or anything like that on your desk because people are sensitive and it might make them ill or set off their allergies! WTF? What about my allergy to cigarette smoke?! Can't smell good, but it's ok to smell bad? I just don't get it...
Put putting smokers on the other side of the room would be a good start..
So yeah - totally agreement with this thread!!
All the hand waving gestures, fake coughing and holding their noses? Get real! Completely unnecessary and rather pathetic. When people eat garlic, they stink the place out the next day. Should we ban the eating of garlic too?
If you avoid talking to someone, anyone because they smoke then it's you that has the problem. I'll give you a rather unlikely scenario, but one that proves my point:
You're out walking and you see Eddie Vedder coming towards you. There's no-one with him, it's just you and him and....oh no he's smoking!!! And because of the 'awful smell' you avoid him completely, circling round him whilst holding your breath to avoid being nauseated by this foul-smelling man. Or do you?
Yes, smoking is terrible on people's health, but so is drinking. When was the last time you read about cigarette-induced violence?
You hate the smell of smoke? Well, I hate people bragging about how wasted they were, how much they can drink, laughing on message boards about not being able to remember last night or seeing people barely able to speak or walk because just a couple of drinks is never enough.
I'll take someone who smokes twenty a day over someone who drinks excessively. Every time.
Just my viewpoint.
I feel 'dumber' having read this.
Also on my walk into work if someone in front of me is smoking I have to speed up and overtake them.
I'm not a fan of cigarette smoke at the best of times but in the mornings it makes me feel really ill.
Got a hard hard head. I wouldn't do any of the gestures etc you talked about or even mention it to them and think everyone has a right to do what they like but likewise I can't help that the smell makes me queasy.
It doesn't sound like you fully understand the seriousness of the situation. The smell of cigarette smoke literally gives me migraines and makes me feel like puking. And you think if I don't want to be reguarly subjected to that against my will then I'm just way too sensitive???
I understand that the smell may make people feel nauseous, but does that alone give them the right to demand someone's freedom of choice is taken away?
Didn't we have that thread one time lol... yeah, I hate people who throw butts everywhere. I guess they think that the butts are too gross/dirty to have in their car, but it's ok to throw them out the window.
My inlaws smoke, and it's amazing how that smell sticks to you. We'll go there and stay the night, and when we come home we have to wash everything, whether we wore it or not.
Everyone has their own little hangups, but boy, as soon as I see a hot chick lighting up a cigg, my attraction to her suddenly disappears.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln ... te_broker/
What if everyone who ate fast food in their car threw out the wrappers?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
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In short.... yes.
that shit is the most disgusting smelling stuff
a neighbor used to smoke it and it would come through my window every so often
oh man i cringe when i think about it
What about the morbidly obese? Some of those mofos stink to high heaven as I guess you can't really give yourself a thorough wash with a rag on a stick. They also choose to become that way, like smokers choose their poison. In short, can I be mean to stinky fatties too?
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Obese or not, if you are in a work environment and a coworker has poor hygiene, then you absolutely have the right to request them to freshen up. Either directly, or through management.
In my line of work I had to pull one of my people aside and put it straight to him about his offensive smell.
Judgemental people make me sick too. I don't judge smokers any more than you do, but that is a different argument, and besides the point anyway.
My 9th grade math teacher used to use the quote. "Your rights end, where another's rights begin".
I totally agree that smokers have the right to smoke, until that right infringes on my right to not to be subjected against my will to chemicals, and odors that make me sick.
People have the right to urinate, but they don't have the right to urinate on other people.
Where I work, we've sent doctors home and reprimanded them for being stinky. I don't think smokers should receive special exemptions.