*** Brisbane Fanviews Here 11/25/09 ***



  • I only did Brissy, but my neck, feet, legs, and back are all still sore from the experience, I don't know how you people have the stamina to do them all!!!! Obviously I need to get to the gym more!!!! I was on Mike's side right up on the side barrier about 3 deep (well 4 at one stage when a blue bander walked straight inf ront of me, but he kinda dissolved a bit further back when we all started making comments), which was really awesome because I am a short arse so gettign to stand on the little ledge thing gave me a great view! Am still horribly sunburnt from when we were in the sheep pen with no shade, what was up with that?!
    Best. Show. Ever!!! Even though they didn't play Oceans, Corduroy, or Hail, Hail. Still easily the best one I have been to, and I reckon part of that was sharing the experience with fellow Ten Clubbers (was 10c for previous tour too, but we got there late so didn't have the holding pen bondign expeirnece, which wouldnt have been an issue with allocated seating anyway!). Freaking awesome!
    1998 Brisbane night 2
    2003 Brisbane night 1
    2006 Brisbane night 1
    2009 Brisbane Nov 25
    2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
    *DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
  • cultstatus wrote:
    Queensland Sporting Athletics Centre? Something like that anyway

    Thats the one,

    Also called QE2, ANZ Stadium, Jubilee Stadium, and crap.

    Horrible place, but damn it made for a magical night.
  • XClemXXClemX Posts: 61
    MN247676 wrote:
    Not For You was amazing and quite possibly the song of the tour for me. After the end they started rocking out it was just insane. Jumping up and down felt like I was jumping so high. Rats, In Hiding, Insignificance, The End were all good to see some new content even after 5 shows and was also good to get stuff like Save You, In My Tree again.

    The organisation of the ten club line at Brisbane was the worst of the tour and I was really disappointed with how it was handled. As soon as I got in at about 1.30pm I knew there was no hope but still tried to line up in an orderly fashion. But then when everyone stood up shit hit the fan and everyone just walked straight towards the gate completely fucking the line. I think I lost about 50 spots due to that shit. It was terrible. Seriously what were the organisers thinking giving us a stupid box to line up in? Make it a line structure. I did hope ten clubbers wouldn't be that selfish and try to keep the order of the line but I was proven wrong.

    Also the reason everyone hates the GA people is that is the GA people who just walk right over you while everyone is sitting down and just stand wherever the hell they feel like. They aren't gracious enough to realise these people have been lining up, some from very early in the morning or the day before, and respect their positioning. Very rarely did I see ten clubbers do that. Overall I found the Brisbane crowd to be pretty weak (in my area anyway) with nobody near me rocking out. I could see guys right up the front rocking out but it definitely dampens the experience when you are the only one in the moment.

    Still none of that crap can ruin a pearl jam concert and definitely was a great way to round out the tour. Come back soon!

    I think some of the tenC members need to look at themselves, but from a different way, the guys at the front, get there early, pop a seat down, and then promptly leave...if you are doing the hard yards, then you stay like the rest, I rocked up at between 10 and 11 to each show I went too, and most of the guys in the front were not there at thier seats, or spots...

    I know my membership is the same price as everyone elses so how about sharing the love and allowing others to see the front too..all this holding spots for each other and crap is just that, and whats with the unofficial cardboard list??
    It either becomes official or there is nothing...I no in Aust my tenc members number would get me front or there abouts in adelaide and brisbane...

    If they do another arena concert, I will just drop in at 6am, chuck a seat down and leave back to my hotel and enjoy the day watching tv like some of the so called hard core members...
    Oh and for the English lass who threatened to "punch some C%$t's throat out" if they try and take her spot...Get a grip

    Members turning on members isn't good as I have done here, but what was done on the tour was far worse shown by "senior members"!
  • "if you want blood" into "blood" :lol:

    too good! nice lil solo by michael
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"

  • What a show - Front row and then have Eddie play my request "Off He Goes" it just doesn't get any better. Hope PJ are back sooner rather than later. Thankyou for an unbelievable night .
    Off He Goes - The Jammer
  • I thought the concert was awesome. I've been a fan of Pj since ten was released and haven't missed a concert in Australia yet. But I was really disappointed that they didn't have a special area for Tenclub members that were seperated from the general public like they have in years gone by. We had been waiting since 4.30 in our spot in front of the stage and when the blue banders (general admission people) came in they were pushing us out of the way and seemed to cause most of the trouble in the crowds - I noticed that not one tenclub member was pulled out by security. One of our friends couldnt get back up the front after she needed to go to the loo and was forced to watch the whole concert in the backspacer field. I thought that was disgusting - all because they didn't have a special area for their true friends - the people that have been in the tenclub since they started.
    But having said all of that, it didn't change the way I felt about the concert, it was fucking awesome, amazing, the best time I have had since their last concert in 2006! I just hope next time they have a special area for tenclub members.
  • They really really need a special tenclub area next time and some decent organisation happening. I know its not Pj's fault, they wouldn't have a clue what was happening but I reckon they would be pissed if they knew how the tenclubbers were treated.
    The previous concerts at the entertainment centre rocked! they were organised, you knew that your seat/spot would never be taken and the concerts were just as good as what it was at the QSAC stadium!
    As for tenclubbers being selfish and not looking after one another, you can't blame anyone looking after themselves especially when we have to fight for decent spots with the general admission fuckers.
  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    XClemX wrote:
    Members turning on members isn't good as I have done here, but what was done on the tour was far worse shown by "senior members"!

    Just because you're at the front this tour, doesnt mean your a senior member. You could have joined a few months ago and plonked your chair at the front gate for the day if you know the 'right' people. I dare say I've probably been in the 10c longer than 90% of those who formed a front row coalition at every show.

    I don't know whats worse: that, or having the same people front row every night with seats. I guess with the latter at least you are being rewarded for your loyalty to the fan club, rather than forming a little elitist group that feels its their god given right to be front row every night and who are you to get in the way.
    Note: I'm not singling anyone out in particular, but I know from experience that these attitudes do sadly exist.

    What Ed may not realise (though Im sure he does) is that there are tons of people in the crowds who did all or multiple shows this tour, he just doesnt recognise us as we're further back.

    Personally I had better things to do than sit in line for 12+ hours to get to the front (didnt have anyone to 'mind' me a spot either). I'd much prefer to actually enjoy the day than sit on concrete in searing heat. It is actually possible to enjoy a concert when you're not on the front rail and being recognised by Ed, believe it or not. :roll:
  • LOL well said.
  • XClemXXClemX Posts: 61
    Where can I find out when I joined??

    Not sure on my time, but it has been over 2 tours...not huge, but would be good to know...
  • IT says right next to the comment you posted in the box with your user name
  • threefish10threefish10 Posts: 7,392
    cultstatus wrote:
    IT says right next to the comment you posted in the box with your user name

    yeah but that's not always the date you joined 10 club, just the forums. i've been a member since 98 but it don't say that over there>>>
    condescending and sarcastic since 1980
  • jrnycjrnyc Posts: 537
    After reading all of this, reinforces why I hate GA !! If I am lucky enough to get a close up seat in US, nice to know I can stroll right in to my seat and not have to deal with all the GA line and madness !!!
  • XClemXXClemX Posts: 61
    yeah i think that is more join date of the forum, my anniversary date is in april...so i know it isn't Nov...

    and yeah i hope they go to ent centres again coz i no i will get my seat as i like....
  • pjamaholic wrote:
    MN247676 wrote:
    Not For You was amazing and quite possibly the song of the tour for me. After the end they started rocking out it was just insane. Jumping up and down felt like I was jumping so high. Rats, In Hiding, Insignificance, The End were all good to see some new content even after 5 shows and was also good to get stuff like Save You, In My Tree again.

    The organisation of the ten club line at Brisbane was the worst of the tour and I was really disappointed with how it was handled. As soon as I got in at about 1.30pm I knew there was no hope but still tried to line up in an orderly fashion. But then when everyone stood up shit hit the fan and everyone just walked straight towards the gate completely fucking the line. I think I lost about 50 spots due to that shit. It was terrible. Seriously what were the organisers thinking giving us a stupid box to line up in? Make it a line structure. I did hope ten clubbers wouldn't be that selfish and try to keep the order of the line but I was proven wrong.

    Also the reason everyone hates the GA people is that is the GA people who just walk right over you while everyone is sitting down and just stand wherever the hell they feel like. They aren't gracious enough to realise these people have been lining up, some from very early in the morning or the day before, and respect their positioning. Very rarely did I see ten clubbers do that. Overall I found the Brisbane crowd to be pretty weak (in my area anyway) with nobody near me rocking out. I could see guys right up the front rocking out but it definitely dampens the experience when you are the only one in the moment.

    Still none of that crap can ruin a pearl jam concert and definitely was a great way to round out the tour. Come back soon!

    I didnt see what everyone else was doing because I was too busy headbanging. I have never head banged like I did to Not for You. It was absolutely sensational!! If people arent going to move to that they're not going to move at all. How people can sedately sit to PJ is beyond me. What do they want to go to a concert for if they want to sit like geriatrics? My neck is still sore from what I was doing. I couldnt give a fuck about what people around me thought either, though I was surrounded by Ten Clubbers, on the barrier (for once in my life) Mike's side as usual. I cannot go anywhere else and it was noticed by the man himself, believe me!! I was almost out of it to that song, completely dry of drugs or alcohol, that song just sent me onto another planet. I would quite happily blow another 3 grand on more PJ tours like the one I've been on if that's what it takes. And believe me, I'm not wealthy at all.

    Also, being down the front if you're not tall (I'm only 5 foot 7) I couldnt see around me for love or money, too many tall heads in the way when I looked back. I only hope there were plenty of people rocking out, if not it's their loss. PJ deserve to have people getting into their music, showing obvious signs of appreciation. I have never seen a greater band. I have gone to absolute hell and back for that band, but to explain everything here now would take another thread. All I can tell you is that I've suffered quite incredible physical pain for them that shouldnt have happened, but due to (my own fault) it has. I wish they could find out just what I went through for them, but they never will so it's a moot thing. I would certainly consider going to see them in the States now as I cannot possibly wait another 3 years to see them again here.

    And yes, the Ten Club queue became a mess. There needs to be a proper number system organised, with someone handing out numbered raffle tickets. The hand numbering system doesnt work because the numbers rub off by late afternoon. It was stupid getting people to stand up an hour before we were actually ready to enter the gates. Not impressed with the organisation either. We should have stayed sitting in the shade for a while longer. Honestly we are not cattle and by the end of the tour I was getting awfully sick of the way we were treated by so called crowd controllers. The Etihad was the worst experience for me, herding us in through their gates so they could sell their fucking food and drinks. I was absolutely busting for a pee for an hour and a half. I feel like writing to them to tell that exactly what I think of the way they treat the so called general public but I supposed it wouldnt get me anywhere.

    Bit harsh to judge others as not getting into the show if they weren't headbanging or moving. For some of us moving too much when in extremely close range to other people was near impossible without doing someone else some serious damage! I'm pretty darn sure 99.9% of the people surrounding you - (when they are THAT close to the barrier) were VERY much into it. Maybe we all soak up PJ in different ways. :D
    I am mine
  • For those who wanted to see it, here's a bit of Ed's speech in Brisbane:

    If I knew then, would I know now?

    * Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
    * Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
    * Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
    * EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011

  • aus_suzaus_suz Posts: 9,364
    Great show (mostly) great crowd, and fantastic position (first row behind the 10C-ers)- uninterrupted view of the entire band most of the night. Got lots of vids.

    Loved Ed talking about schoolies.

    I wonder if his view will change about schoolies when his daughters are older..... :P
  • aus_suz wrote:
    Great show (mostly) great crowd, and fantastic position (first row behind the 10C-ers)- uninterrupted view of the entire band most of the night. Got lots of vids.

    Loved Ed talking about schoolies.

    I wonder if his view will change about schoolies when his daughters are older..... :P

    I know, right?!
    If I knew then, would I know now?

    * Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
    * Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
    * Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
    * EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011

  • I think we were all a little spoiled because of the seating situation in 2003 and 2006. I went from 5th to 3rd to 2nd to 1st row which was awesome and this time I had to line up and 'walk, not run' like everyone else ;)
    I've been a member since 1996, but I don't think that gives me the right to a better spot than anyone else, everyone should at some point be given the opportunity to be up front, and I guess the way to do that is to line up early. I didn't in Sydney because it was too hot...
    Have to say, I'm actually sick at the moment and I really admire Eddie for doing the show while sick! Anyway, Pearl Jam is for everyone and even though I had a yellow 'tag', I would never judge someone else for having a blue one... We are not better than anyone else because we are in the fan club, that is just silly, let's share the love people!
  • threefish10threefish10 Posts: 7,392
    who's to say all these people with only blue bands were not in the fan club anyway?

    i know i only had a blue band, and i've been a member for like 10 years. i know a few others there that are in the fan club but didn't get fan club tickets.

    what the fuck is with all this judging of people with or with out yellow bands. i know people who are in the fan club who are complete fuck offs and are only looking out for themselves. and i also saw people with only blue bands being complete fuck offs and only looking out for themselves.

    there is no written test or personality test to get into the ten club, it's not an elite club like Mensa, but the way some 10 clubbers act you would think it is. any one who has the internet and 25 dollars can join. does that fact make anyone better or worse then anyone else? no. sure there are great people and great fans of the band who are in the 10 club, but there are also just as many great people and great fans of this band who are not in the 10 club. it works both ways.
    condescending and sarcastic since 1980
  • aus_suzaus_suz Posts: 9,364
    LongRoad wrote:
    XClemX wrote:
    Members turning on members isn't good as I have done here, but what was done on the tour was far worse shown by "senior members"!

    Just because you're at the front this tour, doesnt mean your a senior member. You could have joined a few months ago and plonked your chair at the front gate for the day if you know the 'right' people. I dare say I've probably been in the 10c longer than 90% of those who formed a front row coalition at every show.

    I don't know whats worse: that, or having the same people front row every night with seats. I guess with the latter at least you are being rewarded for your loyalty to the fan club, rather than forming a little elitist group that feels its their god given right to be front row every night and who are you to get in the way.
    Note: I'm not singling anyone out in particular, but I know from experience that these attitudes do sadly exist.

    What Ed may not realise (though Im sure he does) is that there are tons of people in the crowds who did all or multiple shows this tour, he just doesnt recognise us as we're further back.

    Personally I had better things to do than sit in line for 12+ hours to get to the front (didnt have anyone to 'mind' me a spot either). I'd much prefer to actually enjoy the day than sit on concrete in searing heat. It is actually possible to enjoy a concert when you're not on the front rail and being recognised by Ed, believe it or not. :roll:

    When I picked my tix up around 1:45 and got my ticket scanned and entered the pen the line wasnt too bad...it was organised...
    Probably 30 mins after some guy stood up at the front was talking holding a beer carton flattened saying something... He was saying something about ppl names on the list that would be joining the line. Someone said there would be 40-60 joining the line again that had their names on the list.
    Apparently the beer carton had names and numbers on it. PPl around where I was didnt know there was a list..
    a repeat of Perth...Then more shade was organised the line was kinda not as straight but ppl were in similar postions. As time got closer ppl all stood not sure why but everyone did. And then for some reason everyone had to move to the right dunno why....but this messed the line up...Heaps of ppl seemed to join onto the side of the line that werent there b4...Ppl seemed to be joining right at the front of the line as well...
    Not really sure what was going on but it was messy and very unorganised......

    If the numbering system is going appear again for future Aus shows it needs to be organised in a fair way.
    Not only to benefit certain ppl that are in the know...not pointing at or naming, but there are ppl that are in the lines that dont frequent the boards that didnt know there was a cardboard beer carton list. To be fair it has to be common knowledge that there is a list happening for ALL 10clubbers not just the ones that make the rules up. Really if its not on our final ticket confirmation from 10c imo it shouldnt happen. Thats just my view.
    Numbers shouldve be handed out as we had our tickets scanned because that it where the line for 10c entry started. Names were on the list but I dont think these ppl had entered and had their tickets scanned yet..
    How is that fair!.....I might be wrong......

    One good thing about the lines for entry its been a good way to meet some really nice ppl...
    To sit and wait and have a chat its been a great experience..
    I hope I catch those ppl on the next tour again.... :)

    Inside it was great....
    Weather perfect...,,
    Great company around....
    The Band were so happy again..
    Totally on fire!...
    Highlights for me
    1."Off he Goes"
    2.My daughter Phoebe who turned 12 on the day
    celebrating her B/day at PJ show with her mum and dad..:)
    3. Meeting Trudie :)
  • aus_suzaus_suz Posts: 9,364
    who's to say all these people with only blue bands were not in the fan club anyway?

    i know i only had a blue band, and i've been a member for like 10 years. i know a few others there that are in the fan club but didn't get fan club tickets.

    what the fuck is with all this judging of people with or with out yellow bands. i know people who are in the fan club who are complete fuck offs and are only looking out for themselves. and i also saw people with only blue bands being complete fuck offs and only looking out for themselves.

    there is no written test or personality test to get into the ten club, it's not an elite club like Mensa, but the way some 10 clubbers act you would think it is. any one who has the internet and 25 dollars can join. does that fact make anyone better or worse then anyone else? no. sure there are great people and great fans of the band who are in the 10 club, but there are also just as many great people and great fans of this band who are not in the 10 club. it works both ways.

    Well said Fishy...... :)
  • who's to say all these people with only blue bands were not in the fan club anyway?

    i know i only had a blue band, and i've been a member for like 10 years. i know a few others there that are in the fan club but didn't get fan club tickets.

    what the fuck is with all this judging of people with or with out yellow bands. i know people who are in the fan club who are complete fuck offs and are only looking out for themselves. and i also saw people with only blue bands being complete fuck offs and only looking out for themselves.

    there is no written test or personality test to get into the ten club, it's not an elite club like Mensa, but the way some 10 clubbers act you would think it is. any one who has the internet and 25 dollars can join. does that fact make anyone better or worse then anyone else? no. sure there are great people and great fans of the band who are in the 10 club, but there are also just as many great people and great fans of this band who are not in the 10 club. it works both ways.

    'Nuff said fishy. Totally agree. Can i tell a quick story to illustrate my thoughts? Saw them in 95' and then in 98 i lined up earnestly from 7:30am and was rewarded by being crushed on the front barrier for 2 hours, kicked in the head by crowd surfer after crowd surfer, and practically snapped my own neck from rocking out at the front so hard. And guess what --- Loved every minute!! I would rather see GA a total free for all, and you hold your spot if you've got the nerve. People used to help each other out in the pit, now we're scared to brush elbows.

    I only became a member this year because i heard of the pre sale and possible priority seating or standing arrangements. BUT I actually bought Ten in 1992, didn't want to spend my pocket $$ on the $5US at the time. (bad decision i know)
    I was shocked at how much the (god i dont even want to say it) some of the "members" carry this arrogant, seniority, elitist ego's into a gig. Yes there was terrible organisation by staff at the final 30 mins, but that whole beer carton thing...seriously if you haven't scanned your ticket, you're NOT in the line. And once we got in, I could see all the people from GA thinking, "wow its not even packed lets just move closer" and people practically having a tanty coz someone casually stepped by them (this is after we all stood).

    Someone made a comment about the crowd being a little subdued.... I have to agree, Ed was sweating out, going off, and sometimes I think he must wonder if the crowd are as pumped as we think we are. i want to show the band by jumping ALL night, not just for 3 seconds and being afraid to touch the guys back in front of me for fear he'll turn around and give me this dirty look like "why are you touching me?" We used to dance TOGETHER and that was called moshing...not slamming..just jumping as one (which occasionally leaves people off balance which means falling over now and then but, hell, it was always amongst friends)

    Maybe we got old?

    **sigh** Now that I've had a rant..

    It was probably the equal best PJ show I've seen

    Highlights RATS, INSIGNIFICANCE, WHY GO, IN HIDING, NOT FOR YOU..... ED giving his all, love his passion for uniting as humans for a better world, Mike loving the surf, Stone totally into it, Matt smashing away (still love Dave) and Booooooooooom getting a look in up the front for a change. they just all seem in the best mood.

    I love them so much, everyone who wants to get a go up the front should get a turn, thats all I'm saying. hogging front spot at 4 shows and then getting peeved when some "blueband" (as some have put it) tries to push through is wrong
    " Take my hand, not my picture"
  • Gerrycan70 wrote:
    Wow what a great show & for me it was the best out of Adel,Mel,Syd.

    Photo wise I was so determined to be front row so lining up at 5am gives you great results...these are the first 77 pics & they (in my opinio) walk all over my Melbourne & Adelaide pics, if that's possible to imagine :)

    I have over another 200 to go through and put up

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/gerry_70/s ... 754549257/

    As previously metioned you're welcome to download & post on facebook etc so long as you credit me for the pictures i.e "Taken by Gerry". I've already sent 1 email off to someone who didn't credit me. If I find this happening on a regular basis I'll switch off the download function. But I think most of you will appreciate & respect me on a small request.

    It was great to meet so many nice people over the 4 shows & a great idea to have a list of arrivals

    Enjoy & welcome feedback.... start drooling haha!!!


    Absolute Champion Gerry. Some of the best photos Ive ever seen of the band... You should pat yourself on the back...
    Oh and it was me and my girlfriend right behind you, thanks for being such a champ. It was her first show and i put her in front of me, and you were leaning on the barrier to steady your shot which gave her full uninterupted view all night...ha now she's in love with Mr McCready!!
    " Take my hand, not my picture"
  • I have to say what surprised me most about the pit was exactly what's been said above- everyone just kind of stood there. I had been really concerned about the pit, but it was unwarranted. I was about the only one jumping around and constantly jammin in the section I was in.

    And while all this not moving about was great for my view, I hope the band didn't think we weren't psyched. It would be such a let down if they thought they gave it their all, and that the crowd didn't care. Although I have a vague recollection of Ed saying the crowd was good- or maybe he was just being polite?!
    If I knew then, would I know now?

    * Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
    * Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
    * Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
    * EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011

  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    For those who wanted to see it, here's a bit of Ed's speech in Brisbane:


    Thanks for that

    Hopefully someone else has the whole thing, there's at least another 5 minutes of talking after this :)
  • LongRoad wrote:
    For those who wanted to see it, here's a bit of Ed's speech in Brisbane:


    Thanks for that

    Hopefully someone else has the whole thing, there's at least another 5 minutes of talking after this :)

    I am aware of that- I only took short clips as I didn't want my experience of the night to be focused on a camera.
    If I knew then, would I know now?

    * Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
    * Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
    * Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
    * EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011

  • Gerry, you are my hero for the day, excellent photos! Thanks for sharing! :D
  • who's to say all these people with only blue bands were not in the fan club anyway?

    i know i only had a blue band, and i've been a member for like 10 years. i know a few others there that are in the fan club but didn't get fan club tickets.

    what the fuck is with all this judging of people with or with out yellow bands. i know people who are in the fan club who are complete fuck offs and are only looking out for themselves. and i also saw people with only blue bands being complete fuck offs and only looking out for themselves.

    there is no written test or personality test to get into the ten club, it's not an elite club like Mensa, but the way some 10 clubbers act you would think it is. any one who has the internet and 25 dollars can join. does that fact make anyone better or worse then anyone else? no. sure there are great people and great fans of the band who are in the 10 club, but there are also just as many great people and great fans of this band who are not in the 10 club. it works both ways.

    Nobody is saying that. I went to all the Australian shows, and I am saying that I saw maybe ~5 ten club members / wrist band holders over the entire 5 shows push in and disrupt the otherwise pleasant lead up to the show when everyone was sitting down waiting. On the other hand, I saw at least ~10 people at each and every show with GA bands just walk their way up to wherever the hell they felt like and stand there. So it is not that I am saying everyone from GA are fuckwits, or everyone in 10c a legend, it's just that every time the idiots were pretty much purely GA ticket holders. If the 10c members had been doing it, I would be just as annoyed at them. It's not a 10c vs. GA thing, it's just a fact of the matter.

    OK, if it's a big mosh pit with everyone going nuts there is no way to control who is where, but when people have been lining up for many many hours, they should be allowed to get a decent spot in the crowd. And when the entire front half of the mosh pit is just sitting down and chilling in the mosh pit waiting for Liam Finn to come on, it isn't the time to go "Hey look there is 10cm of space in front of that guy, I reckon I could stand there". It would have been nice if security were a bit more vigilante about it at the start.
  • E.KE.K Posts: 7,709
    I have to say what surprised me most about the pit was exactly what's been said above- everyone just kind of stood there. I had been really concerned about the pit, but it was unwarranted. I was about the only one jumping around and constantly jammin in the section I was in.

    And while all this not moving about was great for my view, I hope the band didn't think we weren't psyched. It would be such a let down if they thought they gave it their all, and that the crowd didn't care. Although I have a vague recollection of Ed saying the crowd was good- or maybe he was just being polite?!

    We ended up on Stone's side just past the screen and were just behind the people on the rail and most people in my area were just standing and watching, apart from me going off and an American girl directly behind me. Ed came over and waved a few times during Evenflow and at the end of the night the little boy in front of me who was there with his grandparents (I think) got given a setlist.
    Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006;  Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014

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