*** Brisbane Fanviews Here 11/25/09 ***



  • Ive seen this band over many years, in 3 continents, too many cities to mention and Brisbane will go down as one of the finest nights of my life.....the atmosphere, the crowd, the setlist, the sound.....Ed battled thru sydney and i loved it but Brisbane was something special....roll on auckland and chch...!!
  • jrnycjrnyc Posts: 537
    MissToni wrote:
    Can't wait to hear If You Want Blood (You've Got It). That has always been in my top 5 AC/DC songs.

    For you..


    Wow, that is AWESOME ! That is my favorite AC/DC song, amazing PJ would play it. AC/DC doesnt even play it live , but PJ does !

    Is that Eddie singing ? It almost sounds like a recording of Bon Scott !
  • jrnyc wrote:
    MissToni wrote:
    Can't wait to hear If You Want Blood (You've Got It). That has always been in my top 5 AC/DC songs.

    For you..


    Wow, that is AWESOME ! That is my favorite AC/DC song, amazing PJ would play it. AC/DC doesnt even play it live , but PJ does !

    Is that Eddie singing ? It almost sounds like a recording of Bon Scott !
    It was a tribute to Brittany. Eddie was lip-syncing
    "In the age of darkness
    want to be enlightened"
  • Gerrycan70 wrote:
    Wow what a great show & for me it was the best out of Adel,Mel,Syd.

    Photo wise I was so determined to be front row so lining up at 5am gives you great results...these are the first 77 pics & they (in my opinio) walk all over my Melbourne & Adelaide pics, if that's possible to imagine :)

    I have over another 200 to go through and put up

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/gerry_70/s ... 754549257/

    As previously metioned you're welcome to download & post on facebook etc so long as you credit me for the pictures i.e "Taken by Gerry". I've already sent 1 email off to someone who didn't credit me. If I find this happening on a regular basis I'll switch off the download function. But I think most of you will appreciate & respect me on a small request.

    It was great to meet so many nice people over the 4 shows & a great idea to have a list of arrivals

    Enjoy & welcome feedback.... start drooling haha!!!


    Awesome Photos Gerry!!!

    How the hell did you get away with taking so many. I had a little point & shoot camera, took 1 video and a grand total of 5 Pics and Security approached me and told me to put my camera away, yet a lady not far from me had a DSLR and was madly taking pics all night!
  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    ladysengir wrote:
    Amazing concert last night. I've had barely no sleep as I had to work the test match today (nice shout out about cricket by BH and hitting the beach ball)

    BH suprisingly good since I'm not a massive fan... Never Tear Us Apart was highlight!

    PJ never fails to impress. EV was amazing... Mike playing the guitar backwards over his head was jaw droppingly fantastic. "If you want blood (you got it)" has got to be the only AC/DC song I love (thanks to Empire Records) and I was stoked that Eddie could give it credit.... As I'm working the AC/DC concert in February it would be interesting to find out if they play it and if the can match EV... I doubt it.

    Saw Pat Rafter near the Sound Stage.... he surprisingly got a worse view than most people... shows it doesn't really pay to be a celebrity :D

    I was hoping fellow 10C'ers could help me out... I was the dead lucky girl that EV personally gave his last Tamborine to! He physically grabbed my hand and wrapped my fingers around the tamborine to make sure no one else took it from me! OMG!!!!! Needless to say it was my highlight of the evening (and then they played YL which topped off my awesome night) So I'm asking if anyone possibly got a photo or knows of anyone who took a photo of EV giving a Tamborine to the lucky 10C'er in the black brisbane stickman shirt who very fortunately chose to stand just before the sound stage to avoid being squashed.

    Cheers all for a fantastic night and shout out to all the people who protected me when I was clutching that tamborine so tightly! :D

    I saw that, I was on the other side down a bit. The look on your face after that was priceless, congrats :) How lucky that he chose you! :) I didnt get any photos unfortunately.

    Was Pat Rafter in the crowd or standing in the sound tent area?
  • Gerrycan70 wrote:
    Photo wise I was so determined to be front row so lining up at 5am gives you great results...these are the first 77 pics & they (in my opinio) walk all over my Melbourne & Adelaide pics, if that's possible to imagine :)

    I have over another 200 to go through and put up

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/gerry_70/s ... 754549257/

    Wow, thanks so much for sharing your photos they are amazing! My camera broke last week so i'm kind of relying in everyone elses snaps from the night!
    That fan video from brissie 95 is sooo funny, thanks for posting it.
  • chadz69chadz69 Posts: 21
    edited November 2009
    Oh my god... what an awesome set list. Unfortunately I missed the Brisbane show, had a TC ticket but ended up in god damn hospital just hours before the show with a lung infection I picked up in friggin' Melbourne! But we saw them from the front in Adelaide, Melbourne and sweaty Sydney so I have nothing to complain about... and I am so surprised Ed's voice recovered from his flu...! What a legend to even get through 3 sets in Sydney... heroic.

    Have to shout out a huge THANK YOU to the awesome doctor at the QE2 Hospital in Brisbane who let me (against all the rules) use his government computer to email the Ten Club about my condition so my travelling companion could still pick up her ticket and see the show! Ticketek girl didn't make this easy, Ticketek girls never make anything easy, seeing as QE2 hospital is across the road from QSAC a 25c phone call would have told them all they needed to know.... but I guess they're just doing their job. it would have been such a bummer to follow the boys all the way from Adelaide, just to miss them, so cheers! Thank fuck there are people in this world who still break the rules. The Ten Club girl I was told, was very helpful and patient with my friend and if it wasn't for her, Ticketek girl could have ruined my friend's afternoon.

    I cannot WAIT for the bootlegs to get up so I can drink some wine and pretend I made it to Brisbane!! Awesome tour, just speechless after Melbourne, truly lucky to be part of something special than night.

    Keep on Rockin'!
    Post edited by chadz69 on
    Spin me round.. roll me over... fuckin' circus.....
  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    How sad that you ended up in hospital and missed the show! :(
    I hope you've recovered now.

    I also got sick after coming home from Melbourne, it seems Ed wasn't the only one. WTF is with Melbourne........
  • LongRoad wrote:
    How sad that you ended up in hospital and missed the show! :(
    I hope you've recovered now.

    I also got sick after coming home from Melbourne, it seems Ed wasn't the only one. WTF is with Melbourne........

    yeah I know two others (plus Ed) who picked up something nasty in Melbourne! Hint for next tour... get your shots before you go! ;)
    Spin me round.. roll me over... fuckin' circus.....
  • ladysengir wrote:
    Amazing concert last night. I've had barely no sleep as I had to work the test match today (nice shout out about cricket by BH and hitting the beach ball)

    BH suprisingly good since I'm not a massive fan... Never Tear Us Apart was highlight!

    PJ never fails to impress. EV was amazing... Mike playing the guitar backwards over his head was jaw droppingly fantastic. "If you want blood (you got it)" has got to be the only AC/DC song I love (thanks to Empire Records) and I was stoked that Eddie could give it credit.... As I'm working the AC/DC concert in February it would be interesting to find out if they play it and if the can match EV... I doubt it.

    Saw Pat Rafter near the Sound Stage.... he surprisingly got a worse view than most people... shows it doesn't really pay to be a celebrity :D

    I was hoping fellow 10C'ers could help me out... I was the dead lucky girl that EV personally gave his last Tamborine to! He physically grabbed my hand and wrapped my fingers around the tamborine to make sure no one else took it from me! OMG!!!!! Needless to say it was my highlight of the evening (and then they played YL which topped off my awesome night) So I'm asking if anyone possibly got a photo or knows of anyone who took a photo of EV giving a Tamborine to the lucky 10C'er in the black brisbane stickman shirt who very fortunately chose to stand just before the sound stage to avoid being squashed.

    Cheers all for a fantastic night and shout out to all the people who protected me when I was clutching that tamborine so tightly! :D

    Hey fellow 10clubber. I think I'm the person your after. Ed gave you the tambo and my beautiful Lisa got a fantastic photo of that moment, then after the show I said high and you let me touch it. The tambo that is. I have your photo but have no idea of how to make it viewable. Im happy to share but am stoopid when it comes to technology. Any help with this is appreciated.
    Another amazing show.
  • RaidenRaiden Posts: 137
    LongRoad wrote:
    How sad that you ended up in hospital and missed the show! :(
    I hope you've recovered now.

    I also got sick after coming home from Melbourne, it seems Ed wasn't the only one. WTF is with Melbourne........

    Probably the fact that Melb had 4 seasons in the one day. When I arrived it was hot & humid, then that huge gale came through, then it was cold rain and then hot & humid again. Bloody Melbourne weather!!! Was an amazing show though.
  • pjamaholicpjamaholic Posts: 1,225
    Got in from Brisbane after a plane delay, went to work this morning and I am still coming down off my high after having seen the boys 4 times now. Have never toured around before seeing them and I would turn around and do it all again tomorrow.

    The best concert for me was probably Melbourne, then Adelaide. Sydney I made some lovely acquaintances in the 42 deg heat waiting 4 hours in the sun and then up front where we were standing, but Brisbane would have to be the one that sticks in my mind the most because I finally made the barrier, after trying so hard to get it, I was on cloud 9 I can tell you! 10 concerts and I'm right there now, whoooooo hooooooo!!!

    I think the boys did a great job in every city I saw them, despite poor Ed being sick for Sydney, I really felt sorry for him. What a great job he did under very trying circumstances, it was an absolute treat to hear Stone singing Mankind I must say, never thought I'd get to hear that live, what a surprise. The boys played, imo, great sets every show, still there are some songs I havent hard live, particularly I hang out to hear Of the Girl every show I go to, only never to hear it (hope they dont play it in NZ). What totally and absolutely blew my mind was Not for You in Brisbane, I just went off, headbanging away and in another world without any drugs or alcohol in me, felt like I was on another planet I can tell you. Save Me and Insignificance were 2 others that were great live. Well really everything they do live is great, imo but some songs were simply mind blowing. Rats was one I can cross of my list of 5 songs I wanted to hear played live, and it was wonderful to hear In Hiding too. Now Ive heard most of the songs off Yield I want to hear live, save ATY, should have more love, that song. I also got a pic from Mike, he looked straight at me and aimed for my chest but the guy next to me stole the pic and wouldnt relinquish it, even though I told him that Mike wanted me to have it. Very disappointing to have my pic taken away from me when it wasnt meant for another person.

    I really loved The End and Just Breathe, I know some people dont like the slow numbers but Ed really does them justice live. And the finale, Yellow Ledbeter I enjoy seeing McCready strutt his stuff, he really is a showman that guy and obviously enjoys playing the rock star, excellent entertainment from his side of the stage. Love seeing him take off and run around, who else does this in such a way? :lol::lol::lol:

    I cant get enough of the guys and would consider going overseas to see them before they ever reach our shores again, there's no way I can wait another 3 years before I hear that dynamite band again. I've seen a lot of bands live now and none of them touch me in the way that PJ do. They are on another level to most of the other concerts I've been to, including U2. I havent had nearly as much sleep as I normally do, so maybe now that the concerts are over I can catch up on some zeds at long last!

    Each and every song sounded great live to me from being down the front at every concert. There are very few of their songs I dont like, indeed I adore the general PJ sound. Cant wait to get the boots, now that I'm home and broke after having spent somewhere within the vicinity of $3000 I may have to wait until after Christmas to order them.

    One more very exciting thing for me, when shopping in Brisbane I came across an indie record store that sold rock paraphanelia - t shirts, stickers, badges, cds, posters etc. Was going through the cds when I came across "Apple", by MLB!!!! I instantly snapped it up excitedly, something I never thought I could get in this country. Have been listening to it this morning in my car and it's great, can see why MLB were on the cusp of making it big. Also bought myself a green PJ t shirt that I'd never seen before, definitely not a Ten Club design, and a Nirvana t for my daughter that she's been asking for for some time now, will make a good Christmas present for her. The shop also displayed vinyls, but the shop assistant told me all the PJ ones had sold out so I wasnt able to lay my hands on any, probably just as well since my cash reserves are getting lower by the day.
  • Which store was it?
  • Not For You was amazing and quite possibly the song of the tour for me. After the end they started rocking out it was just insane. Jumping up and down felt like I was jumping so high. Rats, In Hiding, Insignificance, The End were all good to see some new content even after 5 shows and was also good to get stuff like Save You, In My Tree again.

    The organisation of the ten club line at Brisbane was the worst of the tour and I was really disappointed with how it was handled. As soon as I got in at about 1.30pm I knew there was no hope but still tried to line up in an orderly fashion. But then when everyone stood up shit hit the fan and everyone just walked straight towards the gate completely fucking the line. I think I lost about 50 spots due to that shit. It was terrible. Seriously what were the organisers thinking giving us a stupid box to line up in? Make it a line structure. I did hope ten clubbers wouldn't be that selfish and try to keep the order of the line but I was proven wrong.

    Also the reason everyone hates the GA people is that is the GA people who just walk right over you while everyone is sitting down and just stand wherever the hell they feel like. They aren't gracious enough to realise these people have been lining up, some from very early in the morning or the day before, and respect their positioning. Very rarely did I see ten clubbers do that. Overall I found the Brisbane crowd to be pretty weak (in my area anyway) with nobody near me rocking out. I could see guys right up the front rocking out but it definitely dampens the experience when you are the only one in the moment.

    Still none of that crap can ruin a pearl jam concert and definitely was a great way to round out the tour. Come back soon!
  • Gerrycan70 wrote:
    Wow what a great show & for me it was the best out of Adel,Mel,Syd.

    Photo wise I was so determined to be front row so lining up at 5am gives you great results...these are the first 77 pics & they (in my opinio) walk all over my Melbourne & Adelaide pics, if that's possible to imagine :)

    I have over another 200 to go through and put up

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/gerry_70/s ... 754549257/

    As previously metioned you're welcome to download & post on facebook etc so long as you credit me for the pictures i.e "Taken by Gerry". I've already sent 1 email off to someone who didn't credit me. If I find this happening on a regular basis I'll switch off the download function. But I think most of you will appreciate & respect me on a small request.

    It was great to meet so many nice people over the 4 shows & a great idea to have a list of arrivals

    Enjoy & welcome feedback.... start drooling haha!!!


    Hey Gerry,
    Thanks for posting the pics! Really great of you to share with us all. THey are excellent..brought back some amazing memories. Cheers!
    I am mine
  • EzikielEzikiel Posts: 112
    any videos for Not For You yet? :D
    Nov 13 2006, Melbourne
    Aug 18 2009, London
  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    If anyone has a video of Ed's long speech before Alive it would be greatly appreciated :)
  • I got my 10c tickets and also had to wait around for media tickets also (I do band reviews so technically was working)

    So glad I got my 10c tickets though as a lot of reviewers complained about the sound in the media section.

    Personally, I couldn't have written a better night, brilliant crowd, the band were spot on for every aspect, the set list had snippets of everything to please all fans.

    Only disappointment is that I only attended the Brisbane show, want to see them again soooooo badly now.
  • MN247676 wrote:
    Not For You was amazing and quite possibly the song of the tour for me. After the end they started rocking out it was just insane. Jumping up and down felt like I was jumping so high. Rats, In Hiding, Insignificance, The End were all good to see some new content even after 5 shows and was also good to get stuff like Save You, In My Tree again.

    The organisation of the ten club line at Brisbane was the worst of the tour and I was really disappointed with how it was handled. As soon as I got in at about 1.30pm I knew there was no hope but still tried to line up in an orderly fashion. But then when everyone stood up shit hit the fan and everyone just walked straight towards the gate completely fucking the line. I think I lost about 50 spots due to that shit. It was terrible. Seriously what were the organisers thinking giving us a stupid box to line up in? Make it a line structure. I did hope ten clubbers wouldn't be that selfish and try to keep the order of the line but I was proven wrong.

    Also the reason everyone hates the GA people is that is the GA people who just walk right over you while everyone is sitting down and just stand wherever the hell they feel like. They aren't gracious enough to realise these people have been lining up, some from very early in the morning or the day before, and respect their positioning. Very rarely did I see ten clubbers do that. Overall I found the Brisbane crowd to be pretty weak (in my area anyway) with nobody near me rocking out. I could see guys right up the front rocking out but it definitely dampens the experience when you are the only one in the moment.

    Still none of that crap can ruin a pearl jam concert and definitely was a great way to round out the tour. Come back soon!

    QSAC couldn't even organise a raffle if they tried!

    What I find DISHONEST is those 10c people who knowling knew they'd jumped the line gutless wankers with no respect for those who'd gotten there before them. I saw quite a few of them & I was pissed off. Kudo's for us at the front who tried to do it fairly by allocating numbers. QSAC had too many chiefs & not enough indians.

    When are promoters going to stop using QSAC as a venue, if you have tickets in the stand you might as well stay away coz that venue will NEVER improve sound quality due to the wind between the the gaps in the stands. Suncorp Stadium (Lang park) would have been ideal.
    Adelaide 17th November 2009
    Melbourne 20th November 2009
    Sydney 22nd November 2009
    Brisvegas 25th November 2009
  • Princess KJPrincess KJ Posts: 442
    edited November 2009
    LongRoad wrote:
    If anyone has a video of Ed's long speech before Alive it would be greatly appreciated :)

    Is that the Fox News speech? I have partial video. It's crap quality, but once I figure out how to post it somewhere, I'll let you know. Or might be best to PM me.
    Post edited by Princess KJ on
    If I knew then, would I know now?

    * Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
    * Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
    * Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
    * EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011

  • MN247676 wrote:
    Not For You was amazing and quite possibly the song of the tour for me. After the end they started rocking out it was just insane. Jumping up and down felt like I was jumping so high. Rats, In Hiding, Insignificance, The End were all good to see some new content even after 5 shows and was also good to get stuff like Save You, In My Tree again.

    The organisation of the ten club line at Brisbane was the worst of the tour and I was really disappointed with how it was handled. As soon as I got in at about 1.30pm I knew there was no hope but still tried to line up in an orderly fashion. But then when everyone stood up shit hit the fan and everyone just walked straight towards the gate completely fucking the line. I think I lost about 50 spots due to that shit. It was terrible. Seriously what were the organisers thinking giving us a stupid box to line up in? Make it a line structure. I did hope ten clubbers wouldn't be that selfish and try to keep the order of the line but I was proven wrong.

    Also the reason everyone hates the GA people is that is the GA people who just walk right over you while everyone is sitting down and just stand wherever the hell they feel like. They aren't gracious enough to realise these people have been lining up, some from very early in the morning or the day before, and respect their positioning. Very rarely did I see ten clubbers do that. Overall I found the Brisbane crowd to be pretty weak (in my area anyway) with nobody near me rocking out. I could see guys right up the front rocking out but it definitely dampens the experience when you are the only one in the moment.

    Still none of that crap can ruin a pearl jam concert and definitely was a great way to round out the tour. Come back soon!

    I was at the front of the GA queue, and I do have to say it was quite appalling the way you guys were organised. Watching you all stand up, then sit down, then repeat- so frustrating. At least (some of you) kind of had some shade in there!
    If I knew then, would I know now?

    * Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
    * Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
    * Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
    * EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011

  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    LongRoad wrote:
    If anyone has a video of Ed's long speech before Alive it would be greatly appreciated :)

    Is that the Fox News speech? I have partial video. It's crap quality, but once I figure out how to post it somewhere, I'll let you know. Or might be best to PM me.

    Yep thats the one. Looks like there are no other videos out there of it, so crap quality will have to do :)
  • LongRoad wrote:
    LongRoad wrote:
    If anyone has a video of Ed's long speech before Alive it would be greatly appreciated :)

    Is that the Fox News speech? I have partial video. It's crap quality, but once I figure out how to post it somewhere, I'll let you know. Or might be best to PM me.

    Yep thats the one. Looks like there are no other videos out there of it, so crap quality will have to do :)

    Ok- it's 40 meg and 30 seconds long. Help! How do I downsize it? Apparently too big for You Tube.

    PS Am not turning this forum into a Help Desk :)
    If I knew then, would I know now?

    * Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
    * Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
    * Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
    * EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011

  • LongRoad wrote:
    ladysengir wrote:
    Amazing concert last night. I've had barely no sleep as I had to work the test match today (nice shout out about cricket by BH and hitting the beach ball)

    BH suprisingly good since I'm not a massive fan... Never Tear Us Apart was highlight!

    PJ never fails to impress. EV was amazing... Mike playing the guitar backwards over his head was jaw droppingly fantastic. "If you want blood (you got it)" has got to be the only AC/DC song I love (thanks to Empire Records) and I was stoked that Eddie could give it credit.... As I'm working the AC/DC concert in February it would be interesting to find out if they play it and if the can match EV... I doubt it.

    Saw Pat Rafter near the Sound Stage.... he surprisingly got a worse view than most people... shows it doesn't really pay to be a celebrity :D

    I was hoping fellow 10C'ers could help me out... I was the dead lucky girl that EV personally gave his last Tamborine to! He physically grabbed my hand and wrapped my fingers around the tamborine to make sure no one else took it from me! OMG!!!!! Needless to say it was my highlight of the evening (and then they played YL which topped off my awesome night) So I'm asking if anyone possibly got a photo or knows of anyone who took a photo of EV giving a Tamborine to the lucky 10C'er in the black brisbane stickman shirt who very fortunately chose to stand just before the sound stage to avoid being squashed.

    Cheers all for a fantastic night and shout out to all the people who protected me when I was clutching that tamborine so tightly! :D

    I saw that, I was on the other side down a bit. The look on your face after that was priceless, congrats :) How lucky that he chose you! :) I didnt get any photos unfortunately.

    Was Pat Rafter in the crowd or standing in the sound tent area?

    He was in the Sound tent area but not in the sound tent... he was standing to the side (Mike's side) so he's view would've been fairly crappy... apparently Glen McGrath and a couple of other cricket players were there too but I didn't see them... I heard that they said "PJ rocked it!!" :D
    Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Mar 14, 1998
    Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Feb 08, 2003
    Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Nov 10, 2006
    QSAC Stadium - Nov 25, 2009
    Eddie Vedder - Mar 10&12&13, 2011
    MEN Arena, Manchester, UK - Jun 20&21, 2012
  • pjamaholicpjamaholic Posts: 1,225
    MN247676 wrote:
    Not For You was amazing and quite possibly the song of the tour for me. After the end they started rocking out it was just insane. Jumping up and down felt like I was jumping so high. Rats, In Hiding, Insignificance, The End were all good to see some new content even after 5 shows and was also good to get stuff like Save You, In My Tree again.

    The organisation of the ten club line at Brisbane was the worst of the tour and I was really disappointed with how it was handled. As soon as I got in at about 1.30pm I knew there was no hope but still tried to line up in an orderly fashion. But then when everyone stood up shit hit the fan and everyone just walked straight towards the gate completely fucking the line. I think I lost about 50 spots due to that shit. It was terrible. Seriously what were the organisers thinking giving us a stupid box to line up in? Make it a line structure. I did hope ten clubbers wouldn't be that selfish and try to keep the order of the line but I was proven wrong.

    Also the reason everyone hates the GA people is that is the GA people who just walk right over you while everyone is sitting down and just stand wherever the hell they feel like. They aren't gracious enough to realise these people have been lining up, some from very early in the morning or the day before, and respect their positioning. Very rarely did I see ten clubbers do that. Overall I found the Brisbane crowd to be pretty weak (in my area anyway) with nobody near me rocking out. I could see guys right up the front rocking out but it definitely dampens the experience when you are the only one in the moment.

    Still none of that crap can ruin a pearl jam concert and definitely was a great way to round out the tour. Come back soon!

    I didnt see what everyone else was doing because I was too busy headbanging. I have never head banged like I did to Not for You. It was absolutely sensational!! If people arent going to move to that they're not going to move at all. How people can sedately sit to PJ is beyond me. What do they want to go to a concert for if they want to sit like geriatrics? My neck is still sore from what I was doing. I couldnt give a fuck about what people around me thought either, though I was surrounded by Ten Clubbers, on the barrier (for once in my life) Mike's side as usual. I cannot go anywhere else and it was noticed by the man himself, believe me!! I was almost out of it to that song, completely dry of drugs or alcohol, that song just sent me onto another planet. I would quite happily blow another 3 grand on more PJ tours like the one I've been on if that's what it takes. And believe me, I'm not wealthy at all.

    Also, being down the front if you're not tall (I'm only 5 foot 7) I couldnt see around me for love or money, too many tall heads in the way when I looked back. I only hope there were plenty of people rocking out, if not it's their loss. PJ deserve to have people getting into their music, showing obvious signs of appreciation. I have never seen a greater band. I have gone to absolute hell and back for that band, but to explain everything here now would take another thread. All I can tell you is that I've suffered quite incredible physical pain for them that shouldnt have happened, but due to (my own fault) it has. I wish they could find out just what I went through for them, but they never will so it's a moot thing. I would certainly consider going to see them in the States now as I cannot possibly wait another 3 years to see them again here.

    And yes, the Ten Club queue became a mess. There needs to be a proper number system organised, with someone handing out numbered raffle tickets. The hand numbering system doesnt work because the numbers rub off by late afternoon. It was stupid getting people to stand up an hour before we were actually ready to enter the gates. Not impressed with the organisation either. We should have stayed sitting in the shade for a while longer. Honestly we are not cattle and by the end of the tour I was getting awfully sick of the way we were treated by so called crowd controllers. The Etihad was the worst experience for me, herding us in through their gates so they could sell their fucking food and drinks. I was absolutely busting for a pee for an hour and a half. I feel like writing to them to tell that exactly what I think of the way they treat the so called general public but I supposed it wouldnt get me anywhere.
  • MN247676 wrote:
    Also the reason everyone hates the GA people is that is the GA people who just walk right over you while everyone is sitting down and just stand wherever the hell they feel like. They aren't gracious enough to realise these people have been lining up, some from very early in the morning or the day before, and respect their positioning.

    Happened to me in Melbourne.
    We were sitting down and some 2 emo looking dweebs came and walked right in front of us.
    Everyone had a go at them telling them they are rude and they didn't care.
    I didn't want to get violent and get thrown out, not worth it, I still could see because they were short arses.
    I just kept giving them a hard time before the show complaining I couldn't see even though I towered over them.
    They just gave me :roll: looks.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • What does QSAC stand for?
    Queensland something something something???
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • Queensland Sporting Athletics Centre? Something like that anyway
  • Thanks ;)
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
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