*** Brisbane Fanviews Here 11/25/09 ***



  • what a night!!! :D:D PJ were in fine form, and could tell they were having a blast...

    finally got to hear off he goes and in my tree live!! cheering about that, lovin the no code

    crowd was good where i was standing, right near the entrance to the fixer field on the right of the stage. felt sorry for this one girl who couldn't see, kept offering my position so she'd enjoy it...was her first concert afterall.

    got annoyed at these two drunk girls who all they could seem to do was scream :evil:
    i know i was born and i know that i'll die the inbetween is mine ---------------------------------------------------- FEB 11, 13, 14 Sydney 2003 NOV 7, 8, 18, 2006 Sydney NOV 20, 2009 Melbourne NOV 22, 2009 Sydney NOV 25, 2009 Brisbane MAR 18 & 19 2012 Sydney EV Solo JAN 26, 2014 Sydney FEB 12 & 14 2014 Sydney EV Solo
  • My first PJ concert and it was incredible, that setlist was orgasmic. I was worried that eddie's voice would have still been f!ked but I was wrong.. The band killed it on stage. Highlights for me were when eddie came out for under pressure, even flow and RVM. Oh and I guess I should show these two items :twisted:

    "Too weird to live, too rare to die" Hunter S. Thompson
  • Vogstar90 wrote:
    My first PJ concert and it was incredible, that setlist was orgasmic. I was worried that eddie's voice would have still been f!ked but I was wrong.. The band killed it on stage. Highlights for me were when eddie came out for under pressure, even flow and RVM. Oh and I guess I should show these two items :twisted:


    Fark! They cut Sometimes and Pilate? Damn!
    If I knew then, would I know now?

    * Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
    * Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
    * Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
    * EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011

  • i know i was devastated too. When i heard that long piano intro(not sure if they have it at all the shows) i thought it was going to lead onto sometimes but was wrong.
    "Too weird to live, too rare to die" Hunter S. Thompson
  • Piano intro was at all shows! :D
  • i see, the only bootlegs i have heard from this years shows all started with sometimes :lol: so i kinda made an assumption
    "Too weird to live, too rare to die" Hunter S. Thompson
  • GREAT GIG. GREAT SET LIST. Great crowd. 10c around, were awesome. Helping everyone out and stopping drunk idiots smashing their way through. One guy had a backpack, which he was drinking out of. totally smashed, didn't know where he was, didn't sing ONCE to any song. Apart from him, it was awesome and no other trouble at all.

    The boys were on fire and well on top of their game. I think the two days surfing they did ( apart from Ed who was holed up in his hotel room getting his voice ready) helped the band put on a kick ass show. Mike's new tattoo also got a show in. Ed talked about how crap our TV coverage is and lack of TV Chanel's. HAHA. Good talk about schoolies/ obama / war.

    RATS!!! was AMAZING!!! RV KICKED ASS!!! BABA O is always great to hear. From GO - TO - WHOA it was just amazing. Almost got a HIGH FIVE from ED as he walked up the T barrier ( was against the T, second section behind the first barrier with a bunch of 10c) i didnt get a tambourine, but i swear some of his sweat splashed onto my hand as he ran past. ROFL!!

    Ben harper was amazingly good as usual. ( Under pressure - Old bloke next to us says to his two boys ( 12 and 15yrs - Oh, there is eddie coming out to sing with Ben - Kids reply " WHO"? :? :? :? :? ROFL.

    They skipped BETTERMAN Also..

    All i want for Xmas is my membership renewed :)

    Well done Brisbane. Well done PEARL JAM. Well done To 10C.
  • cultstatuscultstatus Posts: 23
    edited November 2009
    Hey Guys,
    last night was my first Pearl Jam concert and it was one of the best nights of my life!
    Eddie and the boys were on fire, but I was especially impressed by eddie seeing as he was still overcoming the flu, his performance was killer.
    Love how the how the band engaged with the audience, you can see how much they appreciate their fans which is a rarity.
    Favourite moment of the night was when they played RVM, I even made a cheesy poster requesting they play it, which eddie and mccready saw, so when they did I really felt nothing could top it, even though im sure it had nothing to do with the poster I was happy all the same lol. Sorry if my poster blocked anyones view by the way haha.
    Loved Why go & Not for you. Just Breathe was beautiful!
    Annoying ppl pushing through crowds, FUCKOFF! I seriously had to restrain myself but I told them where to go :) we didnt stand there for 4 hours for NOTHING!
    Felt a little out of place, like me and my friend were the youngest ppl there (Im 22)
    Post edited by cultstatus on
  • cultstatuscultstatus Posts: 23
    edited November 2009
    Ps Why was Betterman on teh setlist but not played? (newbie question)
    And can someone decifer for me what the red boxes and letters next to some songs mean on the setlist?
    Where do ppl get the copies of the setlist anyway??
    Post edited by cultstatus on
  • They might of run out of time. I think they are pretty strict on the whole Noise level restriction thing in the burbs for concerts etc.
  • ridleyridley Posts: 164
    cultstatus wrote:
    And can someone decifer for me what the red boxes and letters next to some songs mean on the setlist?

    This looks like Eddie's copy of the setlist - the ones in red are the songs he "starts". Each band member's copy is usually marked up as such.
    cultstatus wrote:
    Where do ppl get the copies of the setlist anyway??

    By striking a balance between nagging and being really nice to the roadies after the show ;)
    2003-02-19 Melbourne
    2003-02-20 Melbourne
    2006-11-13 Melbourne
    2006-11-14 Melbourne
    2006-11-16 Melbourne
    2009-11-22 Sydney
    2011-03-18 Sydney
    2011-03-19 Sydney
  • yea it was eddies, his pick was on it too (as you can see to the right of the pic)
    "Too weird to live, too rare to die" Hunter S. Thompson
  • Is that why all the TC members were loitering? LOL
    Wow whoever got that is really lucky, jealous much!
  • cultstatus wrote:
    Is that why all the TC members were loitering? LOL
    Wow whoever got that is really lucky, jealous much!
    actually i didnt have a 10c ticket (im new, too) but was lucky enough to get up front just to the right of the stage. Another 10c member wanted to buy it off me, sorry bud.
    "Too weird to live, too rare to die" Hunter S. Thompson
  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    My last show and a great way to go out of this tour which IMO has been the best Aussie tour so far!

    In My Tree is one of my top 5 fave PJ songs so was SO glad to hear it, especially as they now play it like its meant to be played. Thanks Matt! :)

    Disappointed I didnt get Love Reign at any of the 3 shows I went to, had really wanted to hear that one. But can't complain because these 3 shows (melb, syd, bris) have been 3 of the best PJ shows I've ever seen (up to about 34 i think and these 3 kick all 13 US 2000 shows I saw).

    Before the show Jill and Olivia walked down the middle section up to the sound tent where they sat for a few songs before walking back down the middle to the front again. Olivia is gorgeous and looks so much like her dad. I kinda felt sorry for them as everyone was staring and talking about them (though half the ppl there probably didnt know who they were).

    The boys were on fire throughout the whole show and you could immediately tell that Ed's throat was better, although he was still blowing his nose. That man knows how to recover from a cold fast.

    Reached out with all my might to Ed when he ran through the middle during Baba and I got his hand :D:D

    I loved Ed's rant about the Fox network, fear based reporting and religious nutters in the US. It reminded me of 1992 all over again. He was so intense and passionate, something I haven't seen from him in a long time. I hope someone got a video of it. I agreed 100% with everything he said and its a subject I'm interested in and read a bit about. He must have had some notes written down because he kept looking down when he was talking. He was just so adamant about telling us that the crazies in the US that think the world is coming to an end and that Obama is satan don't represent all Americans. I'm sure his speech went over the head of 95% of people there who couldn't care less or who don't have a clue, but I loved it. He's lost none of his passion!!

    I'm now preparing for post pearl jam tour depression which I'm sure will hit me tomorrow after I recover from my 2 hours sleep last night.

    I wonder how long it will be until they come back :)
  • biggfillbiggfill LA Posts: 41
    After reflecting on this show from last night, I have to say it was pretty awesome! This was my 24th show and the 3rd continent I have been lucky enough to see the greatest band on Earth!

    In town, visiting my sister who lives in Brisbane and we watched the show from fixer field.

    The Venue .... was huge, wasn't expecting to be that big, but at least toilets, food, drinks, souvenirs (cool stuff but the poster was ugly to be quite honest) etc were easily accessible. more later.

    The Show .... Honestly, that was the most intense and best I have seen Ed in years. The last time I felt this was the first couple songs of 2007 lollapalooza. Reminded me of the old days, Ed was really going for it and playing with a purpose! Loved it! Also, Ed's voice was in way better form then when I saw Pearl Jam this fall in Europe.

    Highlights: in my tree, rats (hadn't seen that since 1994!), unthought known (my favorite of backspacer and it's 100 times better live!), the whole encore 1 was amazing! rearview mirror was out of this world! Ben was amazing on red mosquito and indifference! encore 2 kicked ass too! (always wondered why jeremy has become a rarity? -- eddie stated that the song almost makes him pass pout everytime and he needs the crowds help to get through it)!

    The crowd: to be honest, I thought it was rather disappointing. fixer field was rockin but maybe it was the venue or maybe the people were just too far way but it was pretty damn lame until the place started really rocking as a whole during the fixer and went to another level until the end. Was cool that the fixer brought the energy up -- shows that the song will have some serious staying power! I will give the benefit of the doubt to the sound (as blamed in the newspaper review), but it sounded fantastic from fixer field. It was impossible for the band to get any singing from the crowd as a whole. Reference the daughter tag call and response from Berlin bootleg this year compared to Eddie trying it during daughter here in Brisbane -- it just fell flat. The last 3 shows i have been to (Mansfield 2 2008, and SBE & Berlin 2009) -- the crowds were way more intense .... but on the other hand, maybe this is what pushed Eddie to give the performance that he did? It was also awesome to see Mike go nuts during the ACDC cover .. the dude was in heaven! Additionally, I would have loved to see pilate which was on the setlist but not played -- Ed gave a clear audible to the guys to go straight to even flow -- without a doubt it was to get inject some immediate energy.

    Ed's speach: @LongRoad -- I completely agree with you well written assesment of Ed's fox rant. loved it and really reminded me of the old days as well. Love the fact that he sat on the speakers and had a nice little chat with 30,000 people on how shit fox is. great stuff! Did, anyone tape this speach? Please post on youtube!

    Overall, Awesome performance (especially Ed) & damn good setlist!

    Happy Thanksgiving & see you in NZ!
    saw u: 4.7.94 (Rochester, NY), 9.22.96 (Toledo, OH), 6.26.98 (East Troy, WI), 6.27.98 (East Troy, WI), 6.29.98 (Chicago, IL), 07.02.98 (St. Louis, MO), 8.23.98 (Auburn Hills, MI), 6.24.03 (Columbus, OH), 7.1.03 (Bristow, VA), 7.12.03 (Hershey, PA) , 7.14.03 (Holmdel, NJ), 4.20.06 (London, UK), 6.23.06 (Pittsburgh, PA), 9.9.06 (Marseille, FR), 9.11.06 (Paris, FR), 6.8.07 (Lisbon, PT), 6.13.07 (Katowice, PL), 6.18.07 (London, UK), 6.28.07 (Nijmegan, NL), 8.5.07 (Chicago, IL), 6.30.08 (Mansfield, MA), 8.11.09 (London, UK), 8.15.09 (Berlin, DE), 11.25.09 (Brisbane, AU), 11.27.09 (Auckland, NZ), 11.29.09 (Christchurch, NZ), 5.17.10 (Boston, MA), 6.22.10 (Dublin, IE), 6.23.10 (Belfast, UK), 9.3.11 (East Troy, WI), 9.4.11 (East Troy, WI), 7.7.12 (Stockholm, SE), 11.23.13 (Los Angeles, CA), 11.24.13 (Los Angeles, CA), 6.28.14 (Stockholm, SE), 6.29.14 (Oslo, NO), 7.11.14 (Milton Keynes, UK), 10.25.14 (Mountain View, CA), 10.26.14 (Mountain View, CA), 7.10.18 (Barcelona, ES), 8.8.18 (Seattle, WA), 8.10.18 (Seattle, WA), 9.26.21 (Dana Point, CA), 10.1.21 (Dana Point, CA), 10.2.21 (Dana Point, CA)

    see u: 2022 (San Diego, CA), 2022 (Los Angeles, CA), 2022 (Los Angeles, CA)
  • What a concert!!! The guys still have it and looked liked they loved doing Rearview Mirror...took me back to some old times with that one. It was fantastic to see Eddie dancing and going up for hugs with his kids throughout the show…what a great singer and dad.

    The fun started in the "cow pen" with one chick that thought she was the crowd controller and made enemies with "the bitch in the black shirt" (she was really wearing a pink shirt you dumb ass), from there we made it to the stage and all the 10C's stuck together and held strong against the blue band brigade. In response to an earlier post...I was the guy pinched and scratched by the 40 something crazy chick and am glad she was taken by security before PJ started. Had a few pushers but that stopped quickly and we rocked out the whole night and the guys were really at their best. Poor venue but I think the guys did the best they could...great to hear some oldies in the set list.

    Big shout out, thanks and hello to all the 10C’s that were in my section…you made the night that little bit more memorable.
  • The venue didn't do the boys justice, especially after witnessing the Melbourne show!!!!!!!!
    I was stoked, about 3 rows back from the front, left centre of stage. Nothing wrong with the sound there!!!! It was great to see young Zac, ( about 10 years old) who was there with his dad. All the true fans looked after this wee man and passed water from dad to son. AWESOME!!!! The only complaint I had was with the QSAC Staff just prior to 10c being allowed entry, there was no organisation!!!!! How cool was Ed going up to his daughter and giving her hugs! You could see her side of stage dancing with her earmuffs on! Thanks everyone for a fantastic night, off to Christchurch for sundays show.
    I've also also grown weary about reading about clouds in a book. Doesn't this piss you off? You're reading a nice story, and suddenly the writer has to stop and describe the clouds. Who cares? I'll bet you anything I can write a decent novel, with a good, entertaining story, and never once mention the clouds. Really! Every book you read, if there's an outdoor scene, an open window, or even a door slightly ajar, the writer has to say," As Bo and Velma walked along the shore, the clouds hung ponderously on the horizon like steel-grey, loosely formed gorilla turds." I'm not interested. Skip the clouds and get to the fucking!
  • from there we made it to the stage and all the 10C's stuck together and held strong against the blue band brigade.
    I was one of the 'bluebanders' last night! It's kind of annoying that ppl with yellow wristbands on acting like they are more entitled to be there or something..... You should try and be more welcoming to all fans not just judging by what wristband they've got on. I just noticed the 'us' vs 'them' vibe...
  • Ed seemed mostly over his flu and the earlier poster is correct - he was REALLY pumped (as were the rest of the boys) and Ed just seems to be loving what he's doing more than ever. Crowd seemed awesome to me (but we were against front barrier so I guess you pretty much get that sense from there anyway).

    I was just thinking that after being at the sydney show, i wasn't at bris, just how happy all the band seemed to be. It was something that really impressed upon me watching them. I can't remember them being as open and visibly contented and loving their work as much as this, even with Ed not being well. It really came across, good to hear it was the same in Brisbane.
    Troubled souls unite, we got ourselves tonight
    I've also also grown weary about reading about clouds in a book. Doesn't this piss you off? You're reading a nice story, and suddenly the writer has to stop and describe the clouds. Who cares? I'll bet you anything I can write a decent novel, with a good, entertaining story, and never once mention the clouds. Really! Every book you read, if there's an outdoor scene, an open window, or even a door slightly ajar, the writer has to say," As Bo and Velma walked along the shore, the clouds hung ponderously on the horizon like steel-grey, loosely formed gorilla turds." I'm not interested. Skip the clouds and get to the fucking!
  • No CoderNo Coder Posts: 1,126
    Where to start- Lined up early and got on great spot in front on Eddie on Stone's side. Liam Finn and EJ started things off and I have been a fan for a while so was great to finally see the crazy man come out live- I really think Liam suits a smaller theatre style venue, but he was a great opener.

    Ben Harper and the R7 came out and I was blown away by how good they are live. Love his new album , with a rockier feel and the his whole set was first class.His new songs were brilliant (esp Boots like these) and of course Under Pressure with EV was awesome, but the highlight for me was Never Tear us apart, right from the beginning when he was talking about the Max sessions, I was waiting for them to play it and it was heaven sent.

    Eddie and the boys cam on and rocked my world next..had a good group around me, including 2 great guys from the States (1 was his 50th show and Ed game him a Tambourine and other guy had a roadie bring him soem picks from Mike- well done guys, deserved for your committment to the band). Shame about the woman from behind (and hubby) who wanted to get in front because she couldn't see- I politely suggested she lined up earlier next time.And the asshats with the black paint under their eyes.
    I do agree with Cultstatus about the us and them thing with the armbands, but if you have lined up early and you have a spot, I don't care what armband you have, show some respect and don't just try and ram yourself closer. The only down on the whole day was the lack of guidance from groundstaff outside with the procedure(or lack of) for lining up.
    I loved the set list, of course there were some songs I would have loved to have heard and didn't, but it went off right from the opener- why go. They were all hightlights, but Rats was great to here, In My tree also and If you want Blood, into Blood was awesome- It was great to see Mike got his way and they played an ACDC song(Angels would've rocked as well). The whole band seem to be really at ease with them selves and all seem to really love this tour. Mike was on fire ( Even Flow solo was ridiculous) and Eddie was at his absolute best, with some really pertinent talks.
    This show is the best I have been too- not all my fave songs, but the band was just on fire
    well done guys and can't wait to see you again
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me

    *BEC, Brisbane, March 1995
    *BEC, Brisbane, March 1998
    *BEC, Brisbane, November 2006
    *QSAC, Brisbane November 2009
    *EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane March 10 and 12 2011
    *Big Day Out, Gold Coast, 19 Jan 2014
    *EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane, 22,23 & 25 Feb 2014
  • cultstatus wrote:
    from there we made it to the stage and all the 10C's stuck together and held strong against the blue band brigade.
    I was one of the 'bluebanders' last night! It's kind of annoying that ppl with yellow wristbands on acting like they are more entitled to be there or something..... You should try and be more welcoming to all fans not just judging by what wristband they've got on. I just noticed the 'us' vs 'them' vibe...
    Sorry it’s just 10C members paid extra for their tickets so we could be up the front and we had several others (they were wearing blue bands) using some force to try and push us out the way when we were up there first. I fully agree that the love for PJ is equal no matter what colour band you were wearing and I am sure it wasn’t the case throughout the whole crowd. Apologies for any offence you took by it.
  • pjf7pjf7 Posts: 18
    cultstatus wrote:
    from there we made it to the stage and all the 10C's stuck together and held strong against the blue band brigade.
    I was one of the 'bluebanders' last night! It's kind of annoying that ppl with yellow wristbands on acting like they are more entitled to be there or something..... You should try and be more welcoming to all fans not just judging by what wristband they've got on. I just noticed the 'us' vs 'them' vibe...
    Sorry it’s just 10C members paid extra for their tickets so we could be up the front and we had several others (they were wearing blue bands) using some force to try and push us out the way when we were up there first. I fully agree that the love for PJ is equal no matter what colour band you were wearing and I am sure it wasn’t the case throughout the whole crowd. Apologies for any offence you took by it.

    Sorry why was there two diff coloured wrist bands. yellow=10c what was blue for??
  • No CoderNo Coder Posts: 1,126
    Sorry it’s just 10C members paid extra for their tickets so we could be up the front and we had several others (they were wearing blue bands) using some force to try and push us out the way when we were up there first. I fully agree that the love for PJ is equal no matter what colour band you were wearing and I am sure it wasn’t the case throughout the whole crowd. Apologies for any offence you took by it.[/quote]

    Sorry why was there two diff coloured wrist bands. yellow=10c what was blue for??[/quote]

    Blue was Fixer Field GA
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me

    *BEC, Brisbane, March 1995
    *BEC, Brisbane, March 1998
    *BEC, Brisbane, November 2006
    *QSAC, Brisbane November 2009
    *EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane March 10 and 12 2011
    *Big Day Out, Gold Coast, 19 Jan 2014
    *EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane, 22,23 & 25 Feb 2014
  • I don't think it is an 'us' and 'them' mentality when it comes to the yellow and blue wristbands...I think it comes from respect that the people who had positions up the front originally before PJ started had 'EARNED' those places by waiting etc ( some for many many hours - this takes dedication and they deserve to be rewarded with the spots they got)...I say this as a yellow bander who could not get there till 3pm due to commitments and therefore did not get 'the best' position...but so respected the people who did and did not try to push my way onto their turf. They earned those places.

    So it doesn't matter what colour wristband you are why should anyone be pushed out of the position they got themselves into before the show.

    I think PJ want to thank/support the fans that support them - therefore they release early tickets for members...provide early entry to shows to give some love back...if you want good positions next time...pay a ten club membership and play the waiting game.

    I took offence to be pushed out the way as I am short and smaller than some of the 'blue' bands that surged from behind at the first song and didn't have the physical ability to hold my ground (After 5 hours of standing in the one spot - why should I lose my place just because someone is being a thug)..

    thank goodness for the support and kindness of fellow 10c members who helped me not get lost in the crowd...and sorry but if the 10c members band together at the front it is because we want to preserve our experience of watching the show and hearing the music and not have some people amongst us who may just be there for some drunken fun and to do their best to muscle their way to the front to brag to their mates.

    I have been to one show where my membership had lapsed and I paid the price...I was not in the best position..but I was humble about it - the other guys should have been in the best positions. So we aren't creating an us and them mentality - just saying don't push in and if you found yourself surrounded by 'yellows' you may have been feeling the heat a little - because chances are (if your honest with yourself) you pushed through a little...otherwise you wouldn't have been in this spot...as yellows were allowed entry first.

    Maybe that is where the problem lies...were people with blue bands aware that the yellow band people were allowed entry first?
    I am mine
  • Hawk JamHawk Jam Posts: 121
    Great concert, they all are. Weather was super and the Irish pub afterwards topped it off.

    In Hiding was a massive treat.
  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    cultstatus wrote:
    from there we made it to the stage and all the 10C's stuck together and held strong against the blue band brigade.
    I was one of the 'bluebanders' last night! It's kind of annoying that ppl with yellow wristbands on acting like they are more entitled to be there or something..... You should try and be more welcoming to all fans not just judging by what wristband they've got on. I just noticed the 'us' vs 'them' vibe...

    I agree with that. I also was a "blue bander" last night and same at Melbourne, despite the fact Ive been in the fan club for 13 years. Met alot of other hardcore fans without 10c wristbands too. Funny how a person's fandom is judged by their wristband colour now :lol:
  • I agree with all your comments, I was up the front even though I was just blue band and I telling all the people who tried to cut in to fk off anyway lol.
    I respect the fact the you guys paid more to be there/let in early etc just saying the atmosphere was divided.
  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    edited November 2009
    sonyaf wrote:

    I have been to one show where my membership had lapsed and I paid the price...I was not in the best position..but I was humble about it - the other guys should have been in the best positions. So we aren't creating an us and them mentality - just saying don't push in and if you found yourself surrounded by 'yellows' you may have been feeling the heat a little - because chances are (if your honest with yourself) you pushed through a little...otherwise you wouldn't have been in this spot...as yellows were allowed entry first.

    Maybe that is where the problem lies...were people with blue bands aware that the yellow band people were allowed entry first?

    Its only a very small percentage of non-10c that push to the front. I decided at the last minute to do melb and bris, hence didnt have fan club tix. I still got great positions on the middle rail. I noticed a lot of yellow wristbands right up the middle rail last night, almost to the sound tent. This is because it can be a better position than being in the middle of the crowd at the front. So that left a lot of room in the front Fixer section for blue bands. And because alot of people go to GA gigs where pushing, shoving and working your way to the front is the norm, they think they can do the same at pearl jam. There isn't much that can be done about that besides sectioning off the whole front area for 10c.
    Post edited by LongRoad on
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