*** Melbourne Fanviews Here 11/20/09 ***



  • What an amazing set.
    The adelaide show was so intimate - a real PJ enthusiasts set for sure so after that i figured there was only one direction for the melbourne show to go in and that was ROCKING the fark out! :mrgreen:

    Big ups to the fixer crowd also, they didn't need any lessons in the art of getting it going.
    There was a bit of a punch-on beside me at one stage unfortunately but everyone was very quick to pull the two blokes right away from each other and diffuse the situation. Top Stuff.

    Could have swarn I saw Ben Cousins in the bathroom before Ben Harper's set. Either that or it was some guy who'd had plastic surgery specifially to make himself look exactly like ben cousins.

    The needle & the damage done - what a moment that was!
  • Wow, what a night....and a day! I got there at around 730 and there were only about 30 people in front of me. Met some people I had been friends with on Facebook, so that was awesome! Then met some people in the line that were really nice to have sitting next to me. The 2 guys that were right next to me were incredibly nice, plus a girl named Carol, and the 2 people from Perth, plus the other 2 girls I think that were from Melbourne, anyway, thanks for holding my spot in line when I went to get food, my tickets, merch, etc. Was really nice being treated so well. Have been a 10C member since 2002, but this was my first experience in the GA spot, and was totally blown away by how good it was. It really is like a family.

    Once we were inside, I got to stand next to another Canadian in a wheelchair. His two companions were really nice as well, and we kept him from getting squished, although I doubt he would have minded! We both were really stoked to hear a couple of Neil Young songs. Plus I think he was happy I was able to arrange an extra wheelchair to get him to the toilet, with the aid of my awesome wife who was one of the Paramedics working there, cheers Sooz! :D

    Anyway, my brother in law and I had the most amazing experience, Dave was blown away by how calm everything was down front, and how everyone (well, most everyone) respected each other and really looked after each other. Mike threw out a bunch of picks, and he gave me the one he got and said thanks for the awesome day! And close to the end of the show I looked on the floor because I was standing on something, and it was another Mike pick that hadn't been found, so we each got one!! So he was pretty happy about that. We've been before, but always with a group of people that wanted seats, which is fine, but he was pretty happy being 3 metres away from Eddie at one stage!

    Anyway, I can't add anything more to what has been said about the setlist, we were totally blown away! So thanks for a good day, even though it was long, my back and feet were killing me, I was dehydrated, but I look forward to doing it again in Christchurch next week! That will be an epic show!

    I will also post some pix soon, I got a few good ones!

    Edmonton 12/93
    Wellington 98
    Melbourne 2003
    Melbourne shows 1 & 3 2006
    Hawaii 2006
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch 2009
    Manchester 1 & 2 2012
    Amsterdam 1 & 2 2012
    Upcoming: Vancouver/Calgary/Seattle Dec 2013
  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    Everything that can be said has been said so I wont bother writing a review. But this was my first show this tour and despite being about 15 people back, 2nd from the side barrier on Mike's side and having to watch most of the show on the screens due to not being about to see over people's heads, this was the best show I've seen in Australia. I have no doubt thats due to the GA atmosphere, its just SO different (better) than seating, even despite the negatives which are far outweighed by the positives.

    I had worried about bladder control originally, but i ended up drinking 3 cups of the handed out water before PJ even hit the stage, and i had another 2 while they were on. I had no toilet urge, I know it just sweated out of me. I would have died without that water so I can't say enough, if you need it, drink it! Better than fainting, I saw at least one person carried out after fainting. It was so incredibly hot and the lack off air circulation was difficult to endure at times, but I made it and surprisingly only have sore feet.

    The Fixer GA holding area was a farce.. there was no line and people who rocked up at 3.30pm got in front of us who had been there since 11am or earlier. Hence my position so far back though I was surrounded by fan clubbers which gives you an idea how many fan club people were at this gig. Good to be around so many true fans though, everyone near me knew the words to every song and we managed to keep the idiots out. Great to see 3 guys kicked out for causing trouble HAHA

    The girl next to me got Ed's tambourine when he ran down the middle. I was wondering what Ed was doing with the guy up front on Stone's side, cool to hear you got his lighter :D

    Im hoping for a better spot tomorrow night. When i walked in to the venue there were still front barrier spots right on the far sides, i had to make a quick decision whether to go there or go further back on the middle barrier which i did. Then Ed several times walked up to the end of the stage to those people on the far front barrier and in hindight I think that would have been a better choice as i would have been able to see. But having Ed run right past us in the middle was awesome too.

    This was a fantastic show that will be hard to top!
  • LongRoad wrote:
    Everything that can be said has been said so I wont bother writing a review. But this was my first show this tour and despite being about 15 people back, 2nd from the side barrier on Mike's side and having to watch most of the show on the screens due to not being about to see over people's heads, this was the best show I've seen in Australia. I have no doubt thats due to the GA atmosphere, its just SO different (better) than seating, even despite the negatives which are far outweighed by the positives.

    I had worried about bladder control originally, but i ended up drinking 3 cups of the handed out water before PJ even hit the stage, and i had another 2 while they were on. I had no toilet urge, I know it just sweated out of me. I would have died without that water so I can't say enough, if you need it, drink it! Better than fainting, I saw at least one person carried out after fainting. It was so incredibly hot and the lack off air circulation was difficult to endure at times, but I made it and surprisingly only have sore feet.

    The Fixer GA holding area was a farce.. there was no line and people who rocked up at 3.30pm got in front of us who had been there since 11am or earlier. Hence my position so far back though I was surrounded by fan clubbers which gives you an idea how many fan club people were at this gig. Good to be around so many true fans though, everyone near me knew the words to every song.

    The girl next to me got Ed's tambourine when he ran down the middle. I was wondering what Ed was doing with the guy up front on Stone's side, cool to hear you got his lighter :D

    Im hoping for a better spot tomorrow night. When i walked in to the venue there were still front barrier spots right on the far sides, i had to make a quick decision whether to go there or go further back on the middle barrier which i did. Then Ed several times walked up to the end of the stage to those people on the far front barrier and i think that would have been a better choice as i would have been able to see.

    This was a fantastic show that will be hard to top!

    I agree about the lining up and people getting a spot in front of us bit. When the line moved past the glass doors at 3, when I sat down and looked around there were a couple of people behind me that I knew were in front of me, but no one really seemed to mind too much, well I didn't hear any complaints. And there were even a couple of people in front of me that were behind me, so it evened out. What I was ticked about was when they let us in at 445, they let people in single file, and we sort of got left out for quite a while. But whatever, I wasn't on the front rail, but I was damn close basically right behind the guy in the wheelchair on the corner, and I was happy with that. Knowing what I know now, I will do things differently in Christchurch! ;)
    Edmonton 12/93
    Wellington 98
    Melbourne 2003
    Melbourne shows 1 & 3 2006
    Hawaii 2006
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch 2009
    Manchester 1 & 2 2012
    Amsterdam 1 & 2 2012
    Upcoming: Vancouver/Calgary/Seattle Dec 2013
  • Great show last nite, the best concert i have ever been too.
    Thanks to 10 club, it was my first show as a member, and what an amazing experience to be up front seeing my favourite band work their magic. Eddie said that they felt really blessed to be able to come and play for so many people - Pearl Jam, your music is a blessing, thank you so much, you have helped me over the years, and have been a huge source of inspiration in my artistic pursuits and daily life. Last nite hearing the band play those classic songs was like being reacquainted with good old friends. Especially loved BROTHER, PRESENT TENSE, RED MOSQUITO, BLACK and JUST BREATHE was absolutely beautiful. Will never forget what a great time I had, and thanks for the pick JEFF!

    Please come play in Japan next year, I'm there!

    Peace & love
  • cogcog Posts: 15
    alesek wrote:
    Even Flow - Oceans - Lukin trio? looks crazy ....! bring on some Oceans video!

    YES pLEASE if anyone has a video of OCEANS would LOVE TO see that...I went to Adelaide and was praying they would play it but I was stoked with release to open....

    well done melbs...great set list!!! I truly didn't think adelaide could be beaten but there you go!!!
  • LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421

    I agree about the lining up and people getting a spot in front of us bit. When the line moved past the glass doors at 3, when I sat down and looked around there were a couple of people behind me that I knew were in front of me, but no one really seemed to mind too much, well I didn't hear any complaints. And there were even a couple of people in front of me that were behind me, so it evened out. What I was ticked about was when they let us in at 445, they let people in single file, and we sort of got left out for quite a while. But whatever, I wasn't on the front rail, but I was damn close basically right behind the guy in the wheelchair on the corner, and I was happy with that. Knowing what I know now, I will do things differently in Christchurch! ;)

    Im talking about regular fixer GA, not fan club. We had no chance of getting anywhere near the front :?
  • This was my first ever PJ show after being a fan for many, many years so I was so happy the setlist was so amazing! I was worried about it being a GA show because I'm so short, but in general I had a pretty good view of the stage between peoples shoulders, from about 5-6 rows back on Mike's side. By the end of the show I had somehow moved right to the barrier in the middle so was right there when Eddie came down.

    The only downer was the small number of non 10C people who thought it was their god-given right to be up the front so tried the human battering ram method. Because they were total jerks they all tried to get through the girls because we must be the easiest ones to bowl over.

    Thanks to all the lovely 10C guys who tried their best to keep them back, the camaraderie amongst the fan club is amazing! Everyone is so respectful of each other which I thought was amazing considering the huge number of 10C people who turned up!

    Thanks also to the lovely people I met in the line, the queuing was intense but time goes quickly with good conversation!
  • LongRoad wrote:
    I have no doubt thats due to the GA atmosphere, its just SO different (better) than seating, even despite the negatives which are far outweighed by the positives.

    I'm not exactly sure what the positives were last night (apart from the excellent setlist), if you were not one of the lucky few hundred who were able to take advantage of the 10C early entry or you were a non 10C member, then you saw the majority of the concert on video screens, thats 35k plus who could not see the stage and saw snippets of what was going on as chosen by the cameraman. Not being able to see the stage takes away a huge part of the experience for most concertgoers and I would be be surprised if many didn't walk away disappointed.

    I'm happy to hear all these positive stories about the show from people who were in the first fifteen rows but remember, you were a very small minority of the audience last night.

    This was my 13th Melbourne show last night, but really it didn't come close to any of the previous 12 and was only saved by the amazing choice of songs.

    A couple more negatives were that the Fixer field was expanded dramatically from the original floor map, I assume so more of the higher priced tickets could be sold, but really, if you're watching the show on a screen, whats the difference between a $150 ticket and a $99 ticket, you are getting the same experience for your money. I also noticed, and I'm happy to be corrected on this, that there was a much higher dickhead quota at this show than any previous Melbourne show, from previous experience, these kinds of large outdoor shows in Australia seem to attract assholes like a moth to a flame.

    Here's hoping this is the last GA Melbourne show we see, it maybe okay for the Rolling Stones or U2 to put on shows of this size but I think PJ are shortchanging a lot of fans who have supported them for the last 16 years.
  • alivein95 wrote:
    Wow, wow wow. I am still getting tears in my eyes when I think of last night... what an unbelievable set list, and all of the guys were rocking. This was my 7th PJ gig, and would easily the best if it were not for the nostalgia of '95.

    Porch, Oceans and Given to Fly were highlights and I started crying during Just Breathe... it was so amazing to hear the song played live, will have to wait for the boot, as the studio version will no longer sufffice. Mike and Jeff were jumping and pumping as usual, this was my first time on Mike side and I was truly entertained by his antics!

    I was worried how my body was going to handle lining up from midday, but it went so fast and was actually almost an enjoyable experience - thanks to all of you 10C people for being awesome. My sore back was forgotten the moment PJ took the stage, and I did not give it a second thought. It was worth the awesome spot, had a spot along the aisle fence and ALMOST got to touch Eddie as he ran past. Kudos to the girl opposite me who got Ed's tambourine, I wish I had taken a pic of your face, you looked absolutely incredulous and I thought for a moment you had forgotten how to breathe! Good on you :)

    Only lowlight was the looser with the bike helmet that pushed his way through.. seriously dude, a bike helmet??? And please, wear some deodorant next time for the comfort of others!

    Thanks to security for hydrating, laughing and joking with us and keeping things under control - you guys did a really good job.

    I love your review it's got the passion of a true fan, i'm stoked you and everyone else had an amazing night.
  • EastiesEasties Posts: 479
    I also noticed, and I'm happy to be corrected on this, that there was a much higher dickhead quota at this show than any previous Melbourne show, from previous experience, these kinds of large outdoor shows in Australia seem to attract assholes like a moth to a flame.

    I would have to agree. Look, in general I guess it was pretty good, especially 10C, we are a great bunch!, but we still had a bunch on Mikes side push their way down front and carry on like right royal fuckwits. Including the guy who screamed out to Liam to play 'Weather with you' amd Ben to play 'Some of your old shit'. Lucky by the time PJ came on his beer buzz had run out. Wanker!!! I'm a little worried about tomorrow. 39 degrees and dickheads. It's going to be a tough one tomorrow.

    Apart from that I had a great fucking night! :D:D:D
  • last night was THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much Pearl Jam, I was nearly in tears after the first song I was so happy and over the moon that I was there, witnessing such a fantastic concert
    well fuckers, he still stands
  • I wanted to say that Hold on was not on the setlist I saw. And that was one taken from the stage, dont know where that rumour came from that oceans replaced it, as far as i could tell it was just added.
    10/11/06, 11/11/06, 13/11/06, 14/11/06, 16/11/06, 19/11/06, 21/11/06, 22/11/06.

    +--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour: Member No. 35-+--+
  • LongRoad wrote:
    I have no doubt thats due to the GA atmosphere, its just SO different (better) than seating, even despite the negatives which are far outweighed by the positives.

    I'm not exactly sure what the positives were last night (apart from the excellent setlist), if you were not one of the lucky few hundred who were able to take advantage of the 10C early entry or you were a non 10C member, then you saw the majority of the concert on video screens, thats 35k plus who could not see the stage and saw snippets of what was going on as chosen by the cameraman. Not being able to see the stage takes away a huge part of the experience for most concertgoers and I would be be surprised if many didn't walk away disappointed.

    I'm happy to hear all these positive stories about the show from people who were in the first fifteen rows but remember, you were a very small minority of the audience last night.

    This was my 13th Melbourne show last night, but really it didn't come close to any of the previous 12 and was only saved by the amazing choice of songs.

    A couple more negatives were that the Fixer field was expanded dramatically from the original floor map, I assume so more of the higher priced tickets could be sold, but really, if you're watching the show on a screen, whats the difference between a $150 ticket and a $99 ticket, you are getting the same experience for your money. I also noticed, and I'm happy to be corrected on this, that there was a much higher dickhead quota at this show than any previous Melbourne show, from previous experience, these kinds of large outdoor shows in Australia seem to attract assholes like a moth to a flame.

    Here's hoping this is the last GA Melbourne show we see, it maybe okay for the Rolling Stones or U2 to put on shows of this size but I think PJ are shortchanging a lot of fans who have supported them for the last 16 years.

    I was at the front of the Backspacer field and still had the time of my life - definitely got my $99 worth for such an amazing night. could still see the stage by sitting up on the fence (after making friends with the security!) and although couldn't see anything close up, was just amazing to be surrounded by people who love PJ as much as I do! will definitely be as close as possible next time though, it was frustrating seeing all that empty space at the back of the Fixer field within arms reach but we just couldn't get through the security despite many attempts haha. What an amazing show though.
    well fuckers, he still stands
  • swans05swans05 Posts: 108
    i kinda got stitched up by the 10C when they emailed me that my m'ship expired on the day of tickets going on sale..en email a month before would have been nice..

    anyway i got fixer tix on mike's side and was probably 10 - 15 people deep during Liam and Ben which was fine...the standing was shit and the lack of water worse...my sister went to get some in the break btw liam and ben but couldn't get back in the pit from the crowd, she had my 2 waters too!!!

    the surge was coming from behind me even way back there and i must have ended up 5 - 10m in front of where i started from the hustle and bustle so i don't know how the peopel against the railings got through it

    also got crowd surfed for the first time in the first encore break...i was there by myself and some dick just turned 'are you up?"...i said "what?"...and he said "yep, your up" and 4 blokes lifted me up and off i went

    treid as hard as i could to keep my feet up so i didn't get anyone in the head so if you passes me safely (blue t shirt and jean shorts i had on), thank you for that

    voice pulled up great guns which the softer set in the middle helped there and baba o reilly is something i never get sick of

    by the way, why is there no pj cover band in melbourne? i grew up in warrnambool i one came down there a few times in the mid 90's...someone should start one
  • Only disappointment if there was one, was not hearing Unthought Known, although u cant hear them all! Shit they played 32 others!!!!!!!!!

    I really, really, really wantd to hear this played live too! But agree, really can't complain when we were given such other delicious treats :)
  • JoJo Posts: 2,098
    swans05 wrote:
    by the way, why is there no pj cover band in melbourne? i grew up in warrnambool i one came down there a few times in the mid 90's...someone should start one

    www.giventojam.com :D
  • My god what a great night, so sore today. Was nicely positoned 2nd row just to the side of Stone! Met some fantastic people, the set list was great and i got a smile and nod from Stone, what more could a girl want :D
    Thankyou Pearl Jam
    Dream the dreams of others then,... You will be no ones rival,...
  • aus_suzaus_suz Posts: 9,379
    tremors wrote:
    Thanks for that Dr Chrono (and everyone else!)

    That sounds like a brilliant show. Looks like they were pulling out some overlooked gems from right across the entire catalogue (with a very healthy dose of the formative years!)

    I would love to hear Oceans live, that song will always be special to me – the moment I realised Ed wasn't my fucking enemy, but maybe deep amongst this shit too. One hell of a relief I can tell you. Everybody should have a Vedder in their corner I think (can't they make that an Amendment or something?).

    I'm guessing Mike had something to do with the AC/DC medley. Still ,who's gonna argue with him when he's closing a show like he does?

    Good times!

    Mike was wearing a cool Bon Scott tee shirt......
    I think he changed tees about 3 times...
  • i like the spirit of Aussies..
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • WOW!!! :shock: :shock:

    What a gig!!!! Never been so close to the front for PJ before, and that was just awesome!

    Wicked gig, set list was one of the best I've heard live so far...my ears are still ringing.

    Hope the Sydney show tomorrow continues the trend!!!
    i know i was born and i know that i'll die the inbetween is mine ---------------------------------------------------- FEB 11, 13, 14 Sydney 2003 NOV 7, 8, 18, 2006 Sydney NOV 20, 2009 Melbourne NOV 22, 2009 Sydney NOV 25, 2009 Brisbane MAR 18 & 19 2012 Sydney EV Solo JAN 26, 2014 Sydney FEB 12 & 14 2014 Sydney EV Solo
  • What a show, ended with the footy's being kicked into the crowd. I captured the end of Yellow Leadbetter on my phone and the ACDC riff Mike played was Whole Lotta Rosie which then went into something else which is not clear with the poor sound quality on the phone before finishing off.
    Happy Days!
  • What a gig!

    Although don't understand why some chick was wearing the shortest skirt and the longest heels at a rock concert, mind you I'm not complaining.
  • E.KE.K New South Wales, Australia Posts: 7,726
    What a show, ended with the footy's being kicked into the crowd. I captured the end of Yellow Leadbetter on my phone and the ACDC riff Mike played was Whole Lotta Rosie which then went into something else which is not clear with the poor sound quality on the phone before finishing off.
    Happy Days!

    I'm not definite but I think they did the kicking footballs into the crowd and the Whole Lotta Rosie riffs thing in Melbourne in 2006 as well. :)
    Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006;  Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024

  • E.K wrote:
    What a show, ended with the footy's being kicked into the crowd. I captured the end of Yellow Leadbetter on my phone and the ACDC riff Mike played was Whole Lotta Rosie which then went into something else which is not clear with the poor sound quality on the phone before finishing off.
    Happy Days!

    I'm not definite but I think they did the kicking footballs into the crowd and the Whole Lotta Rosie riffs thing in Melbourne in 2006 as well. :)

    No, they did the 50 cent coin in between the butt cheek thing in '06....
  • This was the best set in the 9 times i've seen them live. AWSOME energy,Ed and the boys still going strong. Cool Bon Scott tee worn by Mike in the second half of the set too. 8-)
  • I have not heard the ACDC thing before and yep the 50c in the glass which he missed, classic 3rd show in 06. In 4 Melb show's 95,98,06 & 09 there has been no footy's so I'm guessing this was a follow on from a tribute Eddie gave to Mathew Richardson (retired AFL footballer) & maybe because they were playing at Docklands.
    Either way it's always a unique show and never the same.
  • Hey guys, I just wanted to post and say what an amazing night that was. It was my first ever PJ concert and with all my anticipation over the last few weeks I could have easily been disappointed, but it exceeded my expectations so much that I am still in awe and disbelief. The atmosphere was just phenomenal. I didn't even get very close to the stage (about 20 meters back) and it was still one of the highlights of my life. I get tingles when i think about it!
    I was so glad I took my camera and got some great footage and pics, but a lot of the stuff that has already been posted on youtube is even better due to my distance from the stage, and that was amazing to watch again this afternoon. I can't wait to see them next time...but I'll be taking the day off work next time and getting there early...with lots of water. I am aching all over today and can barely move...but it was worth every second of pain.
    My only regret was that I wish I'd asked the lovely guy next to me that I was chatting to for his phone number, but I can't blame PJ for that hehe.
    I'm still on a high 24 hours later!
  • Sounds like a brilliant show, wish I was there!! I must say, how honoured must Matthew Richardson be feeling right now with Eddie Vedder paying tribute to him! Wow, he must be on cloud 9, hell I know I would be if I were him!!! :D
    Don't see some men as half empty
    See them half full of shit
  • GD272GD272 Posts: 2
    how amped was Stone? 8th show over 14 years and that was up with the best. Stone was playing on his knees at Mikes feet at one stage, almost paying the 'we're not worthy' homage! Awesome Show, enjoy all you next show crew.
    your finally here and i'm a mess..

    16/03/95, 03/03/98, 18/02/03, 19/02/03, 20/02/03, 14/11/06, 16/11/06, 20/11/09
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