LOST- 6th and Final Season (NO SPOILERS)



  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    cdp1223 wrote:
    rrivers wrote:
    Yeah it was really obvious. I'm curious if in the last few episodes there will be one episode worth watching. Haven't seen one in awhile.
    I'm predicting a lot of disappointment in the series finale for you....

    Probably so. This show has fallen so far, calling it jumping the shark doesn't do it justice. The funny thing is this is the only place I see people say the episodes are good. Everyone I talk to in "real life" thinks its awful now.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    rrivers wrote:
    cdp1223 wrote:
    rrivers wrote:
    Yeah it was really obvious. I'm curious if in the last few episodes there will be one episode worth watching. Haven't seen one in awhile.
    I'm predicting a lot of disappointment in the series finale for you....

    Probably so. This show has fallen so far, calling it jumping the shark doesn't do it justice. The funny thing is this is the only place I see people say the episodes are good. Everyone I talk to in "real life" thinks its awful now.
    Everyone I talk to thinks its great.. I think this season is way better than 5 so far.
  • drsluggodrsluggo Posts: 4,742
    rrivers wrote:
    Probably so. This show has fallen so far, calling it jumping the shark doesn't do it justice. The funny thing is this is the only place I see people say the episodes are good. Everyone I talk to in "real life" thinks its awful now.
    I am very mixed on this season - I think its way worse than last year, but of the people I know who watch it the reviews are very mixed. Some love it, some hate it and some are waiting to see what happens.

    You though are the poster who cried wolf! I think every week you post the exact same thing... :)

    You can't say every episode has been as bad as the one before, yet you do. Get some new material or at least put some more thought into your weekly 'this show sucks' posts - you're a downer on here!
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,786
    Yeah, if someone tells themself something that many times and goes on record saying something sucks, their viewing experience is fairly predetermined.
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    drsluggo wrote:
    rrivers wrote:
    Probably so. This show has fallen so far, calling it jumping the shark doesn't do it justice. The funny thing is this is the only place I see people say the episodes are good. Everyone I talk to in "real life" thinks its awful now.
    I am very mixed on this season - I think its way worse than last year, but of the people I know who watch it the reviews are very mixed. Some love it, some hate it and some are waiting to see what happens.

    You though are the poster who cried wolf! I think every week you post the exact same thing... :)

    You can't say every episode has been as bad as the one before, yet you do. Get some new material or at least put some more thought into your weekly 'this show sucks' posts - you're a downer on here!

    I'm the only one on here who doesn't drink the Lost Kool-Aid. I don't try to talk myself into the show being good every week. You say I post the same thing every week? Maybe so, you want me to break down every reason the show isn't entertaining? I get enough flack from you people if I say anything negative at all. :)

    I guess it's only ok to post the same thing every week if it's "Desmond is hot", "This episode is back to form!", or "Best episode of the season!"
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    MayDay10 wrote:
    Yeah, if someone tells themself something that many times and goes on record saying something sucks, their viewing experience is fairly predetermined.

    After seeing the show decline every week and, at this point, actually dreading watching the show this is somewhat true. That being said, if the show was actually engaging and interesting and not the same thing every week (Look! Sawyer's a good guy! Desmond and Widmore are friends! Jack's a good father! Hurley's lucky! We get it: things are different in the "sideways world".) I would be more than willing to enjoy it.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • drsluggodrsluggo Posts: 4,742
    rrivers wrote:
    MayDay10 wrote:
    Yeah, if someone tells themself something that many times and goes on record saying something sucks, their viewing experience is fairly predetermined.

    After seeing the show decline every week and, at this point, actually dreading watching the show this is somewhat true. That being said, if the show was actually engaging and interesting and not the same thing every week (Look! Sawyer's a good guy! Desmond and Widmore are friends! Jack's a good father! Hurley's lucky! We get it: things are different in the "sideways world".) I would be more than willing to enjoy it.
    Why do you watch it if you know you hate it? Why do you watch it and then go around telling everyone that you hate it every week?

    I've hated a few episodes this year - probably half the season. I think the 'Lighthouse' was such a horrible jump the shark "hey, how have we not seen this before" just as I thought explaining the whispers the way they did last night was cheesy, terrible and too simple.

    But... I actually have things I like too. I just dont know why every week you basically can copy and paste your comments from your other posts. You hate the show - we get it. So don't watch it - do you really have nothing better to do than spend an hour watching a show you know you're going to hate?
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    drsluggo wrote:
    rrivers wrote:
    MayDay10 wrote:
    Yeah, if someone tells themself something that many times and goes on record saying something sucks, their viewing experience is fairly predetermined.

    After seeing the show decline every week and, at this point, actually dreading watching the show this is somewhat true. That being said, if the show was actually engaging and interesting and not the same thing every week (Look! Sawyer's a good guy! Desmond and Widmore are friends! Jack's a good father! Hurley's lucky! We get it: things are different in the "sideways world".) I would be more than willing to enjoy it.
    Why do you watch it if you know you hate it? Why do you watch it and then go around telling everyone that you hate it every week?

    I've hated a few episodes this year - probably half the season. I think the 'Lighthouse' was such a horrible jump the shark "hey, how have we not seen this before" just as I thought explaining the whispers the way they did last night was cheesy, terrible and too simple.

    But... I actually have things I like too. I just dont know why every week you basically can copy and paste your comments from your other posts. You hate the show - we get it. So don't watch it - do you really have nothing better to do than spend an hour watching a show you know you're going to hate?

    Um, simple: the show used to be good and I hope it will be good again. Oh yeah, and I've been watching for six years and there are five episodes left.

    This thread would be 2 pages long if you took out all the duplicate comments by people. Just change the name of of from (NO SPOILERS) to (NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS).
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • drsluggodrsluggo Posts: 4,742
    rrivers wrote:
    This thread would be 2 pages long if you took out all the duplicate comments by people. Just change the name of of from (NO SPOILERS) to (NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS).
    I think the difference is that there are people who like all episodes but they'll post 'i liked this episode - i really like where XYZ is going and I hope that (insert person here) is able to do/find/whatever XYZ.

    Your posts are: "this show sucks. why do people watch it. seriously, its awful. they've gonehill fast. i cant believe how bad it is."

    Copy and paste that weekly and you've got it covered this year. It's just pointless... I'm fine with negatives on here as I have a lot myself for this season, but more specifics are nice instead of the 100% unspecific negatives you do every single week.
  • CoopiaCoopia Posts: 31
    Please stop feeding the troll. He is sitting at the computer pleasuring himself to every person that responds to him. If he truly hates the show as much as he says, he wouldn't be watching it anymore. I wouldn't tune in to American Idol every night just to let other people know how bad I thought it was. Crap... I gotta go before I provide more "material".
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    drsluggo wrote:
    rrivers wrote:
    This thread would be 2 pages long if you took out all the duplicate comments by people. Just change the name of of from (NO SPOILERS) to (NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS).
    I think the difference is that there are people who like all episodes but they'll post 'i liked this episode - i really like where XYZ is going and I hope that (insert person here) is able to do/find/whatever XYZ.

    Your posts are: "this show sucks. why do people watch it. seriously, its awful. they've gonehill fast. i cant believe how bad it is."

    Copy and paste that weekly and you've got it covered this year. It's just pointless... I'm fine with negatives on here as I have a lot myself for this season, but more specifics are nice instead of the 100% unspecific negatives you do every single week.

    Oh right you mean all these insightful comments I found just by going back a couple of pages:

    the best show ever!!!!

    Ok, loved the episode and I think I might have a crush on off island Hurley now... (He just looks so cute with his hair pulled back in a dress shirt!)

    Wow, GREAT episode! First time in a while I got chills. Must have something to do w/great acting. For the first time this season, I'm actually looking forward to next week to see what happens...

    I have to admit, I'm totally gay for the Desmond/Penny love story...gets me every fucking time!

    Great episode!!!!Desmond rules!!!...brooootthhha...

    good episode

    i agree. by far the best episode of the year.

    While here's a post by me. Hmmmm, doesn't seem like I'm just saying, "It sucks."

    "You summed it up perfectly!!
    Seems like a lot of people talk about all the narrative threads as being smart and groundbreaking. They are only smart if it ties up. Anyone can come up with random things (look there's a polar bear! Weird drawings on the wall!) without having to explain what they mean.

    Naively, I continued watching hoping it was going to all come together in a cool way but so many things are being left behind and I don't see how they can bring it all together. I hope I'm wrong."

    Basically, you are ok with people just saying "Good episode" but I can't say "I didn't like the episode" without giving a minute by minute disertation explaining why I didn't like it.

    You want to know my problems with the show?

    1. As stated above many narrative threads are started and forgotten about. There is no way they can wrap everything up in the time left.

    2. They have painted themselves in a corner by not giving answers to what's going on so much that it hurts the storytelling. The story and serving it should be the number one priority.

    3. Without explaining what the "flash sideways" are they made a huge mistake. The flashbacks were great because they gave us insight into characters. The first couple of seasons, I thought it was brilliant because you really got to know the characters so well in an episode because you were seeing them in completely different situations (island/pre-island). The flashforward worked for me too because along with the island story was moving things forward. Plus the Jack/Kate moment ("We have to go back, Kate!") is probably the biggest chill inducing moment of any show ever for me. I feel like they just wanted to surprise people with the sideways story-device without thinking if it actually served the story. Since we don't know exactly what it is, I don't care about it.

    4. The "flash sideways" are predictable and seem imaginary (i.e. what might have happened). Every week, we are going to see a character in an opposite situation from what we know of him/her. Also it is not exciting to see people from the island/freighter/Others, etc. show up in the character's flash-sideways anymore. Seeing Jack walk by Sayid in the hospital doesn't do it for me now. The show needs to be wrapping up and rewarding us for watching it this long.

    5. Finally, and the biggest thing for me, is that the shows just have not been entertaining this season. It's all over the place. A long time ago I decided I would just go along for the ride because it was so fun to watch the show even without answers because the show was exciting and there were some moments, usually at the end, that gave me chills. This season those are few and far between. I enjoyed the moment in the lighthouse (and said so here) when they spun the wheel and saw Jack's house. Finding the names in the cave was another moment I enjoyed which made both of those episodes fun.

    Now I think I've explained my points more than anyone else in this thread. :D

    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Coopia wrote:
    Please stop feeding the troll. He is sitting at the computer pleasuring himself to every person that responds to him. If he truly hates the show as much as he says, he wouldn't be watching it anymore. I wouldn't tune in to American Idol every night just to let other people know how bad I thought it was. Crap... I gotta go before I provide more "material".

    I've participated in every Lost thread that has been on this board. Unlike you, I don't just show up in threads of things I don't like. I used to like the show and there are so few episodes left so that's why I'm sticking with it. Without me this week's Lost discussion would be over less than 24 hours since the episode aired. In the past the discussion would go on for days and it was interesting with people giving theories and providing links. Now it's "Good episode" and "rrivers is a troll because he said he doesn't like the episode". Might be a sign that the show has gone downhill.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    I started watching season 1 while 4 was going on, and since I caught up I've watched the whole thing twice up to now and I fail to see how season 6 is worse than the others. The story telling is still awesome. The only slow point in the series for me was the begining of season 3 and perhaps some of season 5.. I'm still just as hooked as ever.
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,786
    I agree, the beginning of Season 3 was the worst stretch for me.

    Anyways. Still a lot of Q's. I wonder why Desmond "Marshawn Lynched" Locke. And I bet Jack fixes im up.
  • Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    Just about the time I was starting to warm up to Ilana she blows herself up!

    I guess she seemed peripheral to me until the point where she forgave Ben. I was starting to look forward to her back story. Although maybe we'll still get it.
    I didn't know if she'd make it till the end but I thought she'd have a fairly significant part to play. Killing her off so unexpectedly kind of brought me back to that good old Lost feeling of WOAH.
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
  • The flash sideways is all in Desmond's head. The electromagnetic treatment given to him by Whitmore has made him lucid to his dream....and he's wrapping up loose ends...

    Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow
  • i'd post something but i fear i'd lack true insight and simply be pandering to my whims
    and fuck me if I say somethin you dont wanna hear, fuck me!
    and fuck me if you only hear what you wanna hear
    fuck me...if I care...but im not leavin here
  • tvismyfriendtvismyfriend Posts: 2,118
    So do the dead people on the island just follow the others around?
  • OK, I finally got to watch this week's episode and here's my thoughts...

    - Did island-Desmond never realize that Locke wasn't really Locke? I'm guessing he didn't :)

    - When the island version dies, the alternate survives - and alternate-Desmond seemed to know what had happened to island-Desmond.... I wonder how? And if this is unique to Desmond ? Locke and Charlie don't seem to have had visions about their alternate's deaths, but maybe they eventually will...

    Not really related to this episode in particular, but... last season, when they started to talk about the detonation and resetting all of the events so there'd be no crash, my gut reaction to that was negative - I suppose that was because I had attachments to all the characters and their histories together. But now I usually prefer the alternate lives these characters have.
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    - Did island-Desmond never realize that Locke wasn't really Locke? I'm guessing he didn't :)

    I was wondering that same thing. Logically it would seem like he didn't. But then again he apparently has some insight that the rest of us and the other Losties don't have...... so who knows.
    Not really related to this episode in particular, but... last season, when they started to talk about the detonation and resetting all of the events so there'd be no crash, my gut reaction to that was negative - I suppose that was because I had attachments to all the characters and their histories together. But now I usually prefer the alternate lives these characters have.

    I am leaning toward the island lives for most of them, I think.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • I think Hurley & Libby together pushed me over the edge last night.

    I also liked Jack having a son, and Claire having a chance with Aaron, Sayid having a chance with Nadia.

    Of course, this is assuming the writers don't come in and destroy all of that, which would be just like them :lol:
  • Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    - Did island-Desmond never realize that Locke wasn't really Locke? I'm guessing he didn't :)
    My guess is that he knows but he's just going along with UnLocke until he can do whatever it is that "knows what has to do." He was so passive, going willingly with ZombieSayid, allowing himself to be tied up, going for a walk with UnLocke, letting himself get tossed in the well. BTW where's Lassie when you need her? :mrgreen:
    - When the island version dies, the alternate survives - and alternate-Desmond seemed to know what had happened to island-Desmond.... I wonder how? And if this is unique to Desmond ? Locke and Charlie don't seem to have had visions about their alternate's deaths, but maybe they eventually will...
    I don't think Desmond is dead. He seems to be much too important to be bumped off so easily. Besides, Widmore said he'd have to make a sacrifice. Seems like he's made enough of those already but I don't think he's "formally" made one since he got back to the island.
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    Desmond's not dead, he's just stuck in the well waiting for Lassie to get the sherriff.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    Poncier wrote:
    Desmond's not dead, he's just stuck in the well waiting for Lassie to get the sherriff.
    He's definitely alive. The preview for the next episode showed him alive at the bottom of the well.
  • He's definitely alive. The preview for the next episode showed him alive at the bottom of the well.

    Oh, OK. They don't show previews for the next episode on Hulu. I thought the reason they had him drop the torch into the well was to show it'd be unsurvivable.
  • drsluggodrsluggo Posts: 4,742
    He's definitely alive. The preview for the next episode showed him alive at the bottom of the well.

    Oh, OK. They don't show previews for the next episode on Hulu. I thought the reason they had him drop the torch into the well was to show it'd be unsurvivable.
    Me too... At first I thought maybe it led to the donkey wheel or something, but then I heard the splash. I guess maybe because it was dark you couldnt see it, because in the preview Sayid is looking down at Desmond and he doesnt seem THAT far down.
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    drsluggo wrote:
    He's definitely alive. The preview for the next episode showed him alive at the bottom of the well.

    Oh, OK. They don't show previews for the next episode on Hulu. I thought the reason they had him drop the torch into the well was to show it'd be unsurvivable.
    Me too... At first I thought maybe it led to the donkey wheel or something, but then I heard the splash. I guess maybe because it was dark you couldnt see it, because in the preview Sayid is looking down at Desmond and he doesnt seem THAT far down.

    It also looked to me that Sayid shot Desmond while down in the well on the preview.
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • drsluggodrsluggo Posts: 4,742
    the wolf wrote:
    drsluggo wrote:
    Me too... At first I thought maybe it led to the donkey wheel or something, but then I heard the splash. I guess maybe because it was dark you couldnt see it, because in the preview Sayid is looking down at Desmond and he doesnt seem THAT far down.

    It also looked to me that Sayid shot Desmond while down in the well on the preview.
    Yeah, but they wouldn't show it if he really shot him, right? :o

    I'm hoping Sayid is sent to finish Desmond off but can't do it which would also mean he's not 100% gone yet...
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    drsluggo wrote:
    the wolf wrote:
    drsluggo wrote:
    Me too... At first I thought maybe it led to the donkey wheel or something, but then I heard the splash. I guess maybe because it was dark you couldnt see it, because in the preview Sayid is looking down at Desmond and he doesnt seem THAT far down.

    It also looked to me that Sayid shot Desmond while down in the well on the preview.
    Yeah, but they wouldn't show it if he really shot him, right? :o

    I'm hoping Sayid is sent to finish Desmond off but can't do it which would also mean he's not 100% gone yet...

    Yeah, Sayid has been one of my favorites since the start, I don't like him all Zombie like. :?
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    the wolf wrote:
    Yeah, Sayid has been one of my favorites since the start, I don't like him all Zombie like. :?
    Same here. I liked him from the beginning. Remember him chatting with Hurley about the Gulf War? ("I was in the Republican Guard." :shock: ) Never quite got the thing with Shannon, although I guess a guy's options are limited on a desert island. :P

    But he's so creepy and awful now. I don't know how to feel about him. :problem: :think:
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
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