fox news audience...your network thinks you are stupid.



  • brandon10brandon10 Posts: 1,114
    thefin190 wrote:
    Why is nobody capitalizing the first letter in the sentences they are writing?

    who cares?
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    aerial wrote:
    What situation would that be? Or maybe you could get a J.O.B that offers insurance or buy it your self.....anyone think of that yet?
    Why would you expect someone else to buy it for you?

    situation?? about reading the posts instead of comng up with more hypotheticals?

    maybe he does have a job that does not offer benefits. maye he got downsized and laid off. you do know that has been happening for 2 years now right? you do know that unemployment is over 10% right? there are not jobs to be had, if there were the unemployment rate wouldbe lower and more people would be insured. get it?
    Yes I realize Obama has not done a damn thing to create he dishes out millions to districts that don't even exits...didn't he say he would not let unemployment go over 10%.....I do think there are lazy people that are just waiting to have insurance given to them....and I am okay with helping out the disabled, elderly, single mothers with dead beat dads (or visa versa)....I never said I am for war. (how many times do I have to repeat this?).......I just do not trust congress to pass a bill thet will not have a shit load of pork in it.....I am not rich ...I live pay check to pay check and pay for my own insurance.....If the government did not take out at least $100 dollars a week or more out of my check weekly I would not be living pay check to pay check....I would agree to any healthcare bill that they pass as long as congress applies the same insurance to them selves!!!
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    aerial wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    What situation would that be? Or maybe you could get a J.O.B that offers insurance or buy it your self.....anyone think of that yet?
    Why would you expect someone else to buy it for you?

    situation?? about reading the posts instead of comng up with more hypotheticals?

    maybe he does have a job that does not offer benefits. maye he got downsized and laid off. you do know that has been happening for 2 years now right? you do know that unemployment is over 10% right? there are not jobs to be had, if there were the unemployment rate wouldbe lower and more people would be insured. get it?
    Yes I realize Obama has not done a damn thing to create he dishes out millions to districts that don't even exits...didn't he say he would not let unemployment go over 10%.....I do think there are lazy people that are just waiting to have insurance given to them....and I am okay with helping out the disabled, elderly, single mothers with dead beat dads (or visa versa)....I never said I am for war. (how many times do I have to repeat this?).......I just do not trust congress to pass a bill thet will not have a shit load of pork in it.....I am not rich ...I live pay check to pay check and pay for my own insurance.....If the government did not take out at least $100 dollars a week or more out of my check weekly I would not be living pay check to pay check....I would agree to any healthcare bill that they pass as long as congress applies the same insurance to them selves!!!

    i was going to type a long reply, but what's the point? go back to sleep. you are so out of touch with mainstream america it is laughable. your interpretation of reality is completely different than mine, as well as the majority of this country. your paycheck to paycheck existance is your own fault. get a better job....jeez, i am starting to say things that sound like some of the things you have said about the uninsured, doesn't it?

    better yet, catch all of the latest "news" on everyone's favorite "news" network, Fux Newz... :mrgreen:
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    aerial wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    What situation would that be? Or maybe you could get a J.O.B that offers insurance or buy it your self.....anyone think of that yet?
    Why would you expect someone else to buy it for you?

    situation?? about reading the posts instead of comng up with more hypotheticals?

    maybe he does have a job that does not offer benefits. maye he got downsized and laid off. you do know that has been happening for 2 years now right? you do know that unemployment is over 10% right? there are not jobs to be had, if there were the unemployment rate wouldbe lower and more people would be insured. get it?
    Yes I realize Obama has not done a damn thing to create he dishes out millions to districts that don't even exits...didn't he say he would not let unemployment go over 10%.....I do think there are lazy people that are just waiting to have insurance given to them....and I am okay with helping out the disabled, elderly, single mothers with dead beat dads (or visa versa)....I never said I am for war. (how many times do I have to repeat this?).......I just do not trust congress to pass a bill thet will not have a shit load of pork in it.....I am not rich ...I live pay check to pay check and pay for my own insurance.....If the government did not take out at least $100 dollars a week or more out of my check weekly I would not be living pay check to pay check....I would agree to any healthcare bill that they pass as long as congress applies the same insurance to them selves!!!

    Maybe if you just went out and got a better job, you wouldn't have to live paycheck to paycheck.

    What? It's not that simple? Geez, imagine that...
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    what? its NOT that easy? that is what i always do....

    wow i just thought everybody else was lazy and did not want to work while i pay for their commy socialist government insurance....

    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    aerial wrote:
    How many government run health care programs do we need is the real question?
    Nope.. WRONG again. And please, don't try that bullshit, Glenn Beck/Tea Party issue avoidance crap and just answer the damn question.
    The question I asked was...
    "MediCare, a Government run Healh Care acces system... Is it a good system or bad system?"
    If you are incapable if thinking for yourself and coming up with a 50/50 choice of either 'Good' or 'Bad', then ask your 'Brave American Patriot' friends in your Tea party who are getting MediCare that question.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    aerial wrote:
    How many time do I have to repeat...I AM FOR Health Care for those that DO NOT HAVE IT!!!!! Can’t you comprehend a sentence at all?
    you say that, then 3 minutes later you say this.
    aerial wrote:
    What situation would that be? Or maybe you could get a J.O.B that offers insurance or buy it your self.....anyone think of that yet?
    Why would you expect someone else to buy it for you?

    and you wonder why people don't understand you. i certainly don't. two posts saying completely opposite things, three minutes apart.

    so which one am i to believe you mean?

    ......tumble weed blows by........
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • Cosmo wrote:
    Nope.. WRONG again. And please, don't try that bullshit, Glenn Beck/Tea Party issue avoidance crap and just answer the damn question.
    The question I asked was...
    "MediCare, a Government run Healh Care acces system... Is it a good system or bad system?"
    If you are incapable if thinking for yourself and coming up with a 50/50 choice of either 'Good' or 'Bad', then ask your 'Brave American Patriot' friends in your Tea party who are getting MediCare that question.

    Yeah it's run by the gov., but you don't have to get it if you can afford regular health ins.
    From what Iv'e learned is that most recipients of Medicare are very happy with it,but it's bankrupt thanks to the gov.and I have also heard that the gov is going to take even more from it if gov run healthcare passes.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    Nope.. WRONG again. And please, don't try that bullshit, Glenn Beck/Tea Party issue avoidance crap and just answer the damn question.
    The question I asked was...
    "MediCare, a Government run Healh Care acces system... Is it a good system or bad system?"
    If you are incapable if thinking for yourself and coming up with a 50/50 choice of either 'Good' or 'Bad', then ask your 'Brave American Patriot' friends in your Tea party who are getting MediCare that question.

    Yeah it's run by the gov., but you don't have to get it if you can afford regular health ins.
    From what Iv'e learned is that most recipients of Medicare are very happy with it,but it's bankrupt thanks to the gov.and I have also heard that the gov is going to take even more from it if gov run healthcare passes.
    So.. is it good because it is optional, like a Public Option that people are not forced into participating in?
    Or is it bad because it is going bankrupt because the Government is giving people too much access and not charging them enough?
    I am not able to reconcile this answer... are you saying it is good or bad? Partly good and bad? More bad than good?
    P.S. Government is not supposed to be in the business of making money for itself... it is supposed to break even... at best (which, i understand... is never the case). If it is losing too much money... then, it is either too much of a good thing... or our taxes are not at the sufficient level to maintain that break even point.
    Which do you suggest we do? Cut benefits or raise taxes on MediCare?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • aerial wrote:
    Yes I realize Obama has not done a damn thing to create he dishes out millions to districts that don't even exits...didn't he say he would not let unemployment go over 10%.....I do think there are lazy people that are just waiting to have insurance given to them....and I am okay with helping out the disabled, elderly, single mothers with dead beat dads (or visa versa)....I never said I am for war. (how many times do I have to repeat this?).......I just do not trust congress to pass a bill thet will not have a shit load of pork in it.....I am not rich ...I live pay check to pay check and pay for my own insurance.....If the government did not take out at least $100 dollars a week or more out of my check weekly I would not be living pay check to pay check....I would agree to any healthcare bill that they pass as long as congress applies the same insurance to them selves!!!
    why did you ignore my post where i asked you to clarify your position, as you had made two statements three minutes apart that completely contradicted each other? just in case you missed it :roll:
    aerial wrote:
    How many time do I have to repeat...I AM FOR Health Care for those that DO NOT HAVE IT!!!!! Can’t you comprehend a sentence at all?
    you say that, then 3 minutes later you say this.
    aerial wrote:
    What situation would that be? Or maybe you could get a J.O.B that offers insurance or buy it your self.....anyone think of that yet?
    Why would you expect someone else to buy it for you?

    and you wonder why people don't understand you. i certainly don't. two posts saying completely opposite things, three minutes apart.

    so which one am i to believe you mean?
    you come in and rant and rave all the time, and never answer any direct questions. i'm really starting to believe that you are not here to participate in reasoned debate, and i'm tired of trying to debate with you. no one ever gets anywhere, and we cannot reach any sort of common ground or understanding because you refuse to participate rationally in any discussion. it's like you are just stirring shit and then sitting back and laughing your ass off. if you don't think that's a fair statement, then at least clarify your position above. i still have no clue what you are on about.

    you can bet your ass if i made conflicting statements like you do, i would want to maintain some form of credibility, and at least come back and clarify my stance on the topic at hand.
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    1. gimmesometruth27
    i was going to type a long reply, but what's the point? go back to sleep. you are so out of touch with mainstream america it is laughable. your interpretation of reality is completely different than mine, as well as the majority of this country. your paycheck to paycheck existance is your own fault. get a better job....jeez, i am starting to say things that sound like some of the things you have said about the uninsured, doesn't it?

    Why is ok for you to say, get a job, but wrong for me?
    If I chose another job I might have the chance of becoming Rich.......then you guys would really hate me....I really don’t mind my pay I just wish the government would be more responsible spending the money they force me to pay weekly...I am happy that I am able to pay my bills. I really don’t need more...but if I was allowed to keep that money (I worked for) I would have fun doing the extra things I like to do ( like afford a ticket to Pearl Jam).... I am not the greedy type so I choose to work this job so that I can raise my own child and not have to hire a sitter......
    I am for health care for those that help them selves but fall short of being able to afford it....
    I am MAIN STREAM AMERICA! I am not a progressive! And I don’t hate or call names to people that do not agree with me ...and I don’t understand how you people here can act so hateful.....I actually enjoy reading your opinions isn’t that what this site is for?

    2. Cosmo
    Nope.. WRONG again. And please, don't try that bullshit, Glenn Beck/Tea Party issue avoidance crap and just answer the damn question.
    The question I asked was...
    "MediCare, a Government run Healh Care acces system... Is it a good system or bad system?"
    If you are incapable if thinking for yourself and coming up with a 50/50 choice of either 'Good' or 'Bad', then ask your 'Brave American Patriot' friends in your Tea party who are getting MediCare that question.

    Medicare started before I was born..... I have not used it, so I have no opinion on it..

    you come in and rant and rave all the time, and never answer any direct questions. i'm really starting to believe that you are not here to participate in reasoned debate, and i'm tired of trying to debate with you. no one ever gets anywhere, and we cannot reach any sort of common ground or understanding because you refuse to participate rationally in any discussion. it's like you are just stirring shit and then sitting back and laughing your ass off.

    Is it like when you guys constantly post that I don’t mind my tax dollars going towards war and killing people? Even thought I have posted several times that I am against war

    ...I am not sure what question you are talking about....I don't have any need to try and stir shit...I do have a life...and I don't always have the time to answer right away.....I am here because I don't know many people that like to talk about the issues.....
    Even though we hardly ever agree I do enjoy reading your post....It is really hard to understand how passionately you people hate on others when you profess your concern for others health and those that are killed in war, but you have such disdain for people that do nothing to you but disagree with your opinions....I don’t get it...
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    aerial wrote:
    2. Cosmo said:
    Nope.. WRONG again. And please, don't try that bullshit, Glenn Beck/Tea Party issue avoidance crap and just answer the damn question.
    The question I asked was...
    "MediCare, a Government run Healh Care acces system... Is it a good system or bad system?"
    If you are incapable if thinking for yourself and coming up with a 50/50 choice of either 'Good' or 'Bad', then ask your 'Brave American Patriot' friends in your Tea party who are getting MediCare that question.

    Medicare started before I was born..... I have not used it, so I have no opinion on it.
    Well... you do recieve the 'Stupidest Excuse of All Time Award' for this one.
    If you are going to hide behind that ridiculous response... then, you should not have an opinion on the Presidency (because you have never been the President), the Congress (because you have never been a Senator or Congressman), Illegal Immigration (because you were never born in another country)... see where i'm going with this? You should NOT have an opinion on anything that was around since your date of birth or that you have never used... so, why the hell aren't you shutting the fuck up? I mean, no opinion means no opinion... yet... you have a lot of fucking opinions here. Your opinions should be limited to what... 'Twitter' and texting?
    My opinion... you don't know. You havn't a CLUE on why you oppose this Health Care Reform Bill... except that people tell you to oppose it. I bet you simply follow along. If someone says it's bad... then, to you... it's bad.
    So... since Health Care has been around a lot longer than you have... you should take your own advice and quit having opinions on it and let those of us that do have an opinion discuss it.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    so, why the hell aren't you shutting the fuck up? I mean, no opinion means no opinion... yet... you have a lot of fucking opinions here.
    My opinion... you don't know. You havn't a CLUE on why you oppose this Health Care Reform Bill... but, simply follow along. If someone says it's bad... then, to you... it's bad.
    So... since Health Care has been around a lot longer than you have... you should take your own advice and quit having opinions on it and let those of us that do have an opinion discuss it.
    Your intelligence shows through the language you choose...... :roll:
    If you don’t like my opinions why are you responding to them? You know you like it. :lol:
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    aerial wrote:
    1. gimmesometruth27
    i was going to type a long reply, but what's the point? go back to sleep. you are so out of touch with mainstream america it is laughable. your interpretation of reality is completely different than mine, as well as the majority of this country. your paycheck to paycheck existance is your own fault. get a better job....jeez, i am starting to say things that sound like some of the things you have said about the uninsured, doesn't it?

    Why is ok for you to say, get a job, but wrong for me?

    it's not. that's the point.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    edited November 2009
    aerial wrote:
    Well... you do recieve the 'Stupidest Excuse of All Time Award' for this one.
    If you are going to hide behind that ridiculous response... then, you should not have an opinion on the Presidency (because you have never been the President), the Congress (because you have never been a Senator or Congressman), Illegal Immigration (because you were never born in another country)... see where i'm going with this? You should NOT have an opinion on anything that was around since your date of birth or that you have never used... so, why the hell aren't you shutting the fuck up? I mean, no opinion means no opinion... yet... you have a lot of fucking opinions here. Your opinions should be limited to what... 'Twitter' and texting?
    My opinion... you don't know. You havn't a CLUE on why you oppose this Health Care Reform Bill... except that people tell you to oppose it. I bet you simply follow along. If someone says it's bad... then, to you... it's bad.
    So... since Health Care has been around a lot longer than you have... you should take your own advice and quit having opinions on it and let those of us that do have an opinion discuss it.

    Your intelligence shows through the language you choose...... :roll:
    If you don’t like my opinions why are you responding to them? You know you like it. :lol:
    You are the perfect example of those Tea Party people that have no idea why they are protesting... you only protest because someone tells you to protest.
    You are the reason WHY those Tea parties are such a fucking joke. There's a reason WHY you don't see them as a joke... which this post makes real obvious.
    Post edited by Cosmo on
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    aerial wrote:
    so, why the hell aren't you shutting the fuck up? I mean, no opinion means no opinion... yet... you have a lot of fucking opinions here.
    My opinion... you don't know. You havn't a CLUE on why you oppose this Health Care Reform Bill... but, simply follow along. If someone says it's bad... then, to you... it's bad.
    So... since Health Care has been around a lot longer than you have... you should take your own advice and quit having opinions on it and let those of us that do have an opinion discuss it.
    Your intelligence shows through the language you choose...... :roll:
    If you don’t like my opinions why are you responding to them? You know you like it. :lol:
    no, it shows through becos he totally dismantled what has to have been the lamest, weakest excuse ever given in a political debate. you ought to have just said "i don't really understand what medicare or the health care reforms are, so i will grasp desperately for the only distinguishing characteristic between them that i know."
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    And Aerial...
    Seriously... if you really do support the Tea Parties... you should show your support for them by not associating yourself with their causes. You really aren't helping them... you are making them look like nimrods.
    Just a little constructive criticism.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    aerial wrote:
    so, why the hell aren't you shutting the fuck up? I mean, no opinion means no opinion... yet... you have a lot of fucking opinions here.
    My opinion... you don't know. You havn't a CLUE on why you oppose this Health Care Reform Bill... but, simply follow along. If someone says it's bad... then, to you... it's bad.
    So... since Health Care has been around a lot longer than you have... you should take your own advice and quit having opinions on it and let those of us that do have an opinion discuss it.
    Your intelligence shows through the language you choose...... :roll:
    If you don’t like my opinions why are you responding to them? You know you like it. :lol:
    no, it shows through becos he totally dismantled what has to have been the lamest, weakest excuse ever given in a political debate. you ought to have just said "i don't really understand what medicare or the health care reforms are, so i will grasp desperately for the only distinguishing characteristic between them that i know."
    so, why the hell aren't you shutting the fuck up?
    And you agree this is an example of a great debate statement?
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    aerial wrote:
    so, why the hell aren't you shutting the fuck up?
    And you agree this is an example of a great debate statement?
    It IS a great debate point when someone says something as idiotic as, "**Topical Issue** (i.e. Health Care) started before I was born..... I have not used it, so I have no opinion on it."
    It means that you have no opinion on anything that was here before you were born... and/or because you have never used (or experienced) it.
    No opinion means, "Then, shut the fuck up if you have no opinions on it, already", using your own guidelines.
    See... i even have to explain... YOUR OWN COMMENTS to you.
    And STILL... you wonder WHY people think FOX News watchers and Tea Partiers are dumb.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    aerial wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    so, why the hell aren't you shutting the fuck up?
    And you agree this is an example of a great debate statement?

    Maybe not great, but everything before that was and more than made up for it. And even at not great, it was far superior to "medicare existed when I was born so I don't know anything about it."
  • aerial wrote:
    I am not sure what question you are talking about....I don't have any need to try and stir shit...I do have a life...and I don't always have the time to answer right away.....I am here because I don't know many people that like to talk about the issues.....
    Even though we hardly ever agree I do enjoy reading your post....It is really hard to understand how passionately you people hate on others when you profess your concern for others health and those that are killed in war, but you have such disdain for people that do nothing to you but disagree with your opinions....I don’t get it...
    the question was in my post that you are replying to here aerial. i even highlighted that it was the second time i was asking you.

    and i am passionate about certain things, but i certainly don't hate you or anyone else here. disagreeing and hating is not the same thing. please understand that.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    aerial wrote:
    1. gimmesometruth27
    i was going to type a long reply, but what's the point? go back to sleep. you are so out of touch with mainstream america it is laughable. your interpretation of reality is completely different than mine, as well as the majority of this country. your paycheck to paycheck existance is your own fault. get a better job....jeez, i am starting to say things that sound like some of the things you have said about the uninsured, doesn't it?

    Why is ok for you to say, get a job, but wrong for me?
    If I chose another job I might have the chance of becoming Rich.......then you guys would really hate me....I really don’t mind my pay I just wish the government would be more responsible spending the money they force me to pay weekly...I am happy that I am able to pay my bills. I really don’t need more...but if I was allowed to keep that money (I worked for) I would have fun doing the extra things I like to do ( like afford a ticket to Pearl Jam).... I am not the greedy type so I choose to work this job so that I can raise my own child and not have to hire a sitter......
    I am for health care for those that help them selves but fall short of being able to afford it....
    I am MAIN STREAM AMERICA! I am not a progressive! And I don’t hate or call names to people that do not agree with me ...and I don’t understand how you people here can act so hateful.....I actually enjoy reading your opinions isn’t that what this site is for?

    i was mocking the right in my reply. they always have such a condecending tone and tell people that they are responsible for their own situations. ite pretty cold to hear is it not?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    aerial wrote:
    1. gimmesometruth27
    i was going to type a long reply, but what's the point? go back to sleep. you are so out of touch with mainstream america it is laughable. your interpretation of reality is completely different than mine, as well as the majority of this country. your paycheck to paycheck existance is your own fault. get a better job....jeez, i am starting to say things that sound like some of the things you have said about the uninsured, doesn't it?

    Why is ok for you to say, get a job, but wrong for me?
    If I chose another job I might have the chance of becoming Rich.......then you guys would really hate me....I really don’t mind my pay I just wish the government would be more responsible spending the money they force me to pay weekly...I am happy that I am able to pay my bills. I really don’t need more...but if I was allowed to keep that money (I worked for) I would have fun doing the extra things I like to do ( like afford a ticket to Pearl Jam).... I am not the greedy type so I choose to work this job so that I can raise my own child and not have to hire a sitter......
    I am for health care for those that help them selves but fall short of being able to afford it....
    I am MAIN STREAM AMERICA! I am not a progressive! And I don’t hate or call names to people that do not agree with me ...and I don’t understand how you people here can act so hateful.....I actually enjoy reading your opinions isn’t that what this site is for?

    2. Cosmo
    Nope.. WRONG again. And please, don't try that bullshit, Glenn Beck/Tea Party issue avoidance crap and just answer the damn question.
    The question I asked was...
    "MediCare, a Government run Healh Care acces system... Is it a good system or bad system?"
    If you are incapable if thinking for yourself and coming up with a 50/50 choice of either 'Good' or 'Bad', then ask your 'Brave American Patriot' friends in your Tea party who are getting MediCare that question.

    Medicare started before I was born..... I have not used it, so I have no opinion on it..

    you come in and rant and rave all the time, and never answer any direct questions. i'm really starting to believe that you are not here to participate in reasoned debate, and i'm tired of trying to debate with you. no one ever gets anywhere, and we cannot reach any sort of common ground or understanding because you refuse to participate rationally in any discussion. it's like you are just stirring shit and then sitting back and laughing your ass off.

    Is it like when you guys constantly post that I don’t mind my tax dollars going towards war and killing people? Even thought I have posted several times that I am against war

    ...I am not sure what question you are talking about....I don't have any need to try and stir shit...I do have a life...and I don't always have the time to answer right away.....I am here because I don't know many people that like to talk about the issues.....
    Even though we hardly ever agree I do enjoy reading your post....It is really hard to understand how passionately you people hate on others when you profess your concern for others health and those that are killed in war, but you have such disdain for people that do nothing to you but disagree with your opinions....I don’t get it...

    the government being irresponsible with our money has been going on for quite a bit longer than January 2009. i think that's why so many question the tea party people, the last administration took us from a record surplus to a record deficit and yet Fox didn't push these rallies for 8 years....why's that? i also think that is why people bring up support for the war and paying for it, WHERE WERE YOU GUYS FOR THE PAST 8 YEARS????? we piss away far more money on these 2 wars than we would to give Commy health care (and by the way, no one would be GIVING it to him, he'd be PAYING for it through his taxes) and yet you guys weren't holding rallies complaining about wasting money on needless wars/occupations, no bid contracts to friends....there is billions in Iraq that they have no idea where it went and there were no tea party rallies yet people talk about being compassionate towards their fellow man and instead spending money on their health and you guys go crazy?? so, hopefully you can see why so many question the motives and sincerity

    so you're saying if a universal health plan had been in effect before you were born it wouldn't be a problem for you anymore?
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    norm wrote:

    haha. good find norm. its looking like its pretty much par for the course.

    edit: by the way, i like what you have done with your avatar, smails with a santa hat lol...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Hey guys, haven't been on here for a few weeks and figured i'd come see how things are going. What caught my eye the most is the Bush blame game. It's been a year now, let's get over it. When Bush left office we were something like 350 B in debt. In one year Obama has put us somewhere over a Trillion in debt. So basically, Obama has spent more money in one year than Bush has in eight, and he had the Iraqi war to deal with. With that said, where are all these jobs that were supposed to be created? There are none, it's bullshit. He hasn't done anything he has said he was going to do, the stimulus was nothing but a slush fund. And speaking of the TARP, isn't there like 200 B left over and now he wants to spend that with more false promises. Now I know everybody is going to come back and call me an idiot because thats what people (democrats) on here do, whatever. But a point I wanted to make was I think the reason that there is so much tension between Reps and Dems is because none of these dems anywhere stand up and say " Pres, what the fuck? As a republican we believe in our president but when he does something we don't like we say something about it. It seems like everybody has Obama tucked under there little wing trying to keep him safe. Why the fuck isn't anybody bitching about Afgan? Where are all those war protesters that had so much to say during the Bush era? The fact is, Obama doesn't give a fuck what any republican thinks or wants, this is the most non bipartisan, non transparent government ever and no democrat will stand up and say ANYTHING about it. Because there in office, this is there guy, and they want him to be perfect so they can say "there, see, we came in and we fixed everything" PEACE.
  • mb262200 wrote:
    Why the fuck isn't anybody bitching about Afgan? Where are all those war protesters that had so much to say during the Bush era?
    there are threads where people have discussed this.

    here's one.


    and if people had their listening ears on in the lead up to the election, they would be aware that obama said all along in his campaign, that he would be turning the focus to Afghanistan.
  • mb262200 wrote:
    What caught my eye the most is the Bush blame game. It's been a year now, let's get over it. When Bush left office we were something like 350 B in debt. In one year Obama has put us somewhere over a Trillion in debt. So basically, Obama has spent more money in one year than Bush has in eight, and he had the Iraqi war to deal with.
    funnily enough, that's what will happen when you inherit a shitty economy and two wars. do you think that as soon as obama entered office, the slate was wiped clean and he started afresh? what do you think happened to the trillions of dollars of debt that we incurred from the previous 8 years? abracadabra! magically disappear!

    has it ever crossed your mind how much better off we would be, to have all that insane amount of money back, that has been wasted away on an unnecessary war, occupying a country to fight an enemy that didn't actually exist?

    do thoughts like that ever cross your mind, or is it just easier to blame obama?
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    mb262200 wrote:
    Hey guys, haven't been on here for a few weeks and figured i'd come see how things are going. What caught my eye the most is the Bush blame game. It's been a year now, let's get over it. When Bush left office we were something like 350 B in debt. In one year Obama has put us somewhere over a Trillion in debt. So basically, Obama has spent more money in one year than Bush has in eight, and he had the Iraqi war to deal with. With that said, where are all these jobs that were supposed to be created? There are none, it's bullshit. He hasn't done anything he has said he was going to do, the stimulus was nothing but a slush fund. And speaking of the TARP, isn't there like 200 B left over and now he wants to spend that with more false promises. Now I know everybody is going to come back and call me an idiot because thats what people (democrats) on here do, whatever. But a point I wanted to make was I think the reason that there is so much tension between Reps and Dems is because none of these dems anywhere stand up and say " Pres, what the fuck? As a republican we believe in our president but when he does something we don't like we say something about it. It seems like everybody has Obama tucked under there little wing trying to keep him safe. Why the fuck isn't anybody bitching about Afgan? Where are all those war protesters that had so much to say during the Bush era? The fact is, Obama doesn't give a fuck what any republican thinks or wants, this is the most non bipartisan, non transparent government ever and no democrat will stand up and say ANYTHING about it. Because there in office, this is there guy, and they want him to be perfect so they can say "there, see, we came in and we fixed everything" PEACE.
    So... If I were to sell you a house and destroyed it from basement to roof before you moved in... it's your problem, right? Not mine. You would just need to 'get over it' and fix it... in less than a full year's time. Oh, and it wouldn't put you more in debt to fix the place?
    Great logic there.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    mb262200 wrote:
    Hey guys, haven't been on here for a few weeks and figured i'd come see how things are going. What caught my eye the most is the Bush blame game. It's been a year now, let's get over it. When Bush left office we were something like 350 B in debt. In one year Obama has put us somewhere over a Trillion in debt. So basically, Obama has spent more money in one year than Bush has in eight, and he had the Iraqi war to deal with. With that said, where are all these jobs that were supposed to be created? There are none, it's bullshit. He hasn't done anything he has said he was going to do, the stimulus was nothing but a slush fund. And speaking of the TARP, isn't there like 200 B left over and now he wants to spend that with more false promises. Now I know everybody is going to come back and call me an idiot because thats what people (democrats) on here do, whatever. But a point I wanted to make was I think the reason that there is so much tension between Reps and Dems is because none of these dems anywhere stand up and say " Pres, what the fuck? As a republican we believe in our president but when he does something we don't like we say something about it. It seems like everybody has Obama tucked under there little wing trying to keep him safe. Why the fuck isn't anybody bitching about Afgan? Where are all those war protesters that had so much to say during the Bush era? The fact is, Obama doesn't give a fuck what any republican thinks or wants, this is the most non bipartisan, non transparent government ever and no democrat will stand up and say ANYTHING about it. Because there in office, this is there guy, and they want him to be perfect so they can say "there, see, we came in and we fixed everything" PEACE.

    YAWN......all of this has been discussed at length already. look at the 3 pages of threads that have happened since you were last here instead of coming back and griping about things and looking for a fight....
    you did manage to type perhaps the biggest loads of crap i have EVER read on this board with the following statements:

    "As a republican we believe in our president but when he does something we don't like we say something about it." i would counter that by asking you exactly how many republicans have voted for ANYTHING this administration has proposed? the answer is ONE. Olympia Snow voted to get the health bill out of committee but has gone on record saying she is going to vote against it in the real vote, without having a final version of that bill yet...... and how many times have republicans attempted to fillibuster all of obama's initiatives? pretty much every fucking time. you nor do your party respect the president. then you people bitch when the dems try to do things on their own. YOUR SIDE IS NOT ALLOWED TO SANDBAG AND KEEP THE GOV"T FROM PROGRESSING THEN COMPLAIN ABOUT NOT HAVING ANY INPUT!! they have every opportunity to participate but when they have the chance to contribute they all hold their breath and scream "NO NO NO!!!!" and walk away stomping their feet like 4 year olds...

    "Obama doesn't give a fuck what any republican thinks or wants, this is the most non bipartisan, non transparent government ever " riiiiiiiiight....compared to who, bush jr? give me a break....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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